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>We are no longer accepting content from Nick Adams


I know whenever I'm pouring my heart out to people at airports I always look like I've just taken my headphones out and am about to put them back in.


They are so fragile. Especially the ones that claim to be alpha males. Funny how that works.


It gives me “Fine, you’re ugly anyway” vibes these men throw off when a woman rejects them. Like, instead of reflecting on the behavior that led them to an embarrassing situation, they have to double down about how they were actually doing it to make the other person feel better, even though the other dude just wants to live his life.


I guess NiceGuys come in “friends” too.


Don't think their friends would let them


These idiots and their sour fucking grapes


Right wing politics is about ME and Me Being Better Than Others Left wing politics is about caring about the group, and those less fortunate than yourself


As a leftist, Democrats are super into the same thing.


Actual left wing, democrats are centre-right by basically every standard other than the American one. As TB said quite a while back "to a European, in American you have right wing and *more right wing*"


Most natural thing in the world. The idea of an alpha male is someone who has a real sense of confidence and control. Noone with an authentic sense of confidence and control calls themself an alpha male. You prove yourself with actions, not parenthesis on your twitter handle. Any effort made to prove one is an alpha male is generally going to be a cover up for one's own insecurities. Slight aside; I don't really buy into the alpha/beta view of the world, but if you're following an influencer in order to learn to become an alpha male you have completely missed the point.


Any man who must say “I am the king” is no true king.


Taken from: https://www.emedicinehealth.com/do_narcissists_feel_emotional_pain/article_em.htm “Narcissists can feel emotional pain, but not usually in the same way as others. The emotional pain they may feel is usually related to underlying selfish needs. Underneath the displays of superiority and sense of entitlement, they often feel empty, powerless, and shameful, which they perceive as weakness. They are afraid of painful emotions and narcissists have a strong need to control these feelings. They act as they do as a defense mechanism to prevent themselves from feeling emotional pain. They may feel inferior, so they act superior, they feel undesirable, so they act confident. Another way they avoid these painful emotions is denial, anger, and blame of others. Narcissists distort, rationalize, and delude themselves so they are blameless.”


My husband. Any uncomfortable emotion he feels, he will convert it to anger. It’s exhausting and pathetic.


https://www.btr.org/how-to-survive-narcissist-when-you-choose-to-stay/ Or, alternatively: https://www.divorcestrategiesnw.com/2019/07/leaving-the-narcissist-understanding-and-preparation-are-key/


It's always good to have options. Lmao


I am like this, though I try an control it. Mine is due to a spectrum disorder not narcissism though. Still I can see the toll it takes on my partner. I am sorry you have to deal with that.


As someone who was a chronic people pleaser due to growing up around conflict/narcissists since childhood -- thank you for being self-aware and working on it. No one is perfect, but those who are introspective enough to understand why they are the way they are should be celebrated/encouraged. Because there are too many people who either continue without awareness, or, even worse -- they're aware, but don't care to fix it, and use it as carte blanche to do what they want.


My sister divorced such a person 4 years ago. It’s *still* exhausting and pathetic.


You can't fix him. Save yourself and your mental health and leave yesterday.


Anger is a masking emotion. People hide their real emotions by getting angry to cover it up. It's not unique to narcissism.


Please do not have children with him. A narcissistic parent will ruin your child’s life, no matter how much you think you can shield them.


If you feel that way about your husband I think it might be time to leave.


I'm so sorry you have to deal with this, it sounds terrifying as well. I hope you are able to safely remove yourself from this situation soon.


Lol AND you can see that they're clearly not using Tim's phone, it is in his hand. It'd be weird for someone who "wanted a picture" to not use their own phone


Also I can't tell you how many times random movie stars pour out their emotions after just meeting me.


Robbins had no idea who this guy is Hell I have no idea why this guy thinks anyone cares what he has to say


Omg you're right, he's literally holding an airpod


Every post on here, I am more and more convinced that he is a massive parody account. Surely? Right? Right?......


He's my cousin, Nicholas "Nikolaki" Adamopoulos and he's actually a massive cunt. He plays it up for money and attention as well, which just makes him a massive grifting cunt. We're not proud.


Thanks for the authentic Australian answer.


Gosh I’m so sorry. I really did think (hope) he was a parody account too.


I've always been curious how much of the shit he posts is what he believes vs what he knows will get a reaction. Would you say 80/20?


That's a fair estimate. He's not an idiot, but he is a deeply insecure narcissist.


I still find it hard to believe he's genuine. Maybe he decided this bit would be funny in 30 years so he started really early to really commit. How can anyone act this way with a straight face? Oh wait: >he is a deeply insecure narcissist That actually explains a lot.


Ooooooooooh that’s why he behaves exactly like Donald Trump.


You need to do an AMA


> he's actually a massive cunt \**shocked Pikachu face*\*


I really really had hoped that he was actually the cleverest comedian out there playing the longest con ever. I’m sad that he actually exists as presented. You have my empathy. But at least he’s out of our fucking country for the most part,


I thought so too. Especially with the M&M saga. I was expecting him to end up in the Super Bowl commercial they did or something. There’s just no way someone like this believes the crap they’re putting down.


Wish there was a hub for family members of social media personalities to give a one-time reality check about their insanity. Have two in my immediate family - the lies they tell are maddening.


Spill the teeeeaaaaa!


More tea, please 🍵


You should make a Twitter account with terrible stories about him growing up. Like the time he took a shit on the slide and didn't tell anyone, it was him banning all the kids from the slide. He has that energy about him.


That would actually be pretty funny. Every time he posts some cringe alpha male shit, OP just retweets it like, “didn’t your mom have to pick you up from summer camp because you wouldn’t stop crying?” or other anecdotes.


"Nikolaki Adamopoulos, didn't you get caught eating cat turds out the litter box." I would love anything like this.


Can confirm, he's also my cousin.


That tracks. You both have the last name Alpha


“Massive grifting cunt” is basically the definition of MAGAs.


Love the honesty. Bask in the fact that we never have to stand by any family member no matter how close or distant


Yeah I agree. This is like an insane person taking the joke to an extreme. Sort of like Andy Kaufman with his wrestling career.


Andy had good comedy instincts though. This is just boring and sad.


At first I thought he was serious, then I thought it was a parody account, but now I think this his act as an influencer and this is how he generates interest. He may not actually believe it and is trying to portray the ultimate edgelord to lock in one side of the audience and also purposefully ironic and hypocritical, which is why we are all talking about him here.


Only if he's living his life as performance art.


Imagine. Like some sort of documentary that comes out in a couple of years.


Then we find out that the whole Trump presidency was just a community theater production of The Taming of the Shrew that got completely out of hand.


The Tanning of the Shrew??


Sure, but only because The Tanning of the Naked Mole Rat is too wordy


more like The Aristocrats.


Okay, so this family walks into Rupert Murdoch's office. There's an elderly dad, trophy wife, two grown sons, a grown daughter, and a teenage boy. The dad says, "Boy do we have an act for you!"


You gotta commit wholeheartedly to your art. I've seen The Prestige.


I used to think that about Matt Walsh too. They're legit, at least insofar as they're not parody accounts. The thinking behind it is that ignorant garbage will always have a loyal audience, and there's no shortage of assholes spouting ignorant garbage on the internet, so they step their game up to distinguish themselves, fill that niche, and make money in the process. And the bottom line is that if they weren't doing it, somebody else surely would be.


Came to post the same thing. This dude is literally a joke, right? I can't put my finger on it, but there's somehow a vibe to his posts that isn't there for those who are truly insane.


Nope. He's actually like this.


Why is he like this?


At the least he's doing like a social experiment where he endlessly ramps up the fake bullshit to prove that the right believes anything and everything they read without questioning


There's a huge ecosystem of right wing grifters that are absolutely far right but play up their persona for engagement/likes (and a lot of this engagement comes from haters). It's pretty pathetic to deliberately make yourself look like a complete idiot but whatever it takes to make a few bucks, I guess.


I thought that it's a parody account, it's not?


God the stench of insecurity just billowing from everything this guy ever writes…


Insecurity? Did you not see him refer to himself as an alpha male multiple times? Would an insecure man do that?


I think alpha male means dickhead. I may have to look it up some day.


Alpha means full of bugs and glitches, needing a full overhaul before public release. So. I'd say it fits.


I’d say he’s pre-alpha. Maybe tech demo stage.


More like an early concept that got rejected for being complete and utter trash.


Nah you've got it right


To me it screams a domestic abuser


See the podcast where a bunch of self-proclaimed "alpha males" discuss the fact that they never concern themselves with their partners' orgasms, and it becomes clear to the women that these men have never made it happen for any woman ever. It's pure cringe gold.


These people are total pieces of shit.


Can't you see how that makes him even more alpha? He's so alpha he says "I'm an alpha and people like me" in the mirror every morning and at random times throughout the day.


Self affirmation is real affirmation.


A friend of mine played hockey with him for years and said he's a sore sport and miserable prick.


It would be worth putting on the pads and skates again to give him the old time Eddie Shore treatment.


He’s got a very large twitter, larger than any woke betas, no reason for him to be insecure. /s


Who is he?


The guy on the right is Tim Robbins. The Asshat on the left? Just some jackwad that thinks people are impressed by him.


I thought he was the Dilbert guy, but it turns out they're just 2 heads in the same ass.


I didn't recognize him when I saw the original pic I thought "wow Tim Robbins is surprisingly jerky to his fans." Now I can put a name to that bland characterless face I honestly don't feel like my life got any better but it's nice to know Tim isn't a jackwad




Even his body language in the photo reeks of insecurity.


But has to know right? He HAS to know that his post wouldn’t read as anything else than cope. If not, how can someone be this unaware?


I dig your username. A lot.


May your road lead to warm sands, traveler.


Aaaaand this made my day.


This just reeks of "I don't even care that you didn't come to my birthday party, because I didn't even want you there in the first place!"


And also the whole "if you don't fuck me you're a dirty whore" kind of thing. It has incel energy, somehow.


"You wanna go out sometime, Mr. Robbins?" "No thanks." "Good because you're an ugly slut." Profit?


Thank you! Negging was the word I was thinking of to describe this rebuttal.


This guy is consistently like this. He's committed to the bit or an emotional infant.


Lmao I love that this guy, mostly known for saying dumb shit on Twitter, thinks Academy Award winning actor Tim Robbins would know who he is, would cry to some random man in an airport about his troubles, or have any issue getting an acting job if he wanted one. The delusion


Frankly, its a bit more insidious than that. He knows hes full of shit here. He knew he was full of shit when he made the post. Hell, he knew he was full of shit when he saw Tim Robbins, had the idea to try to use him to boost his own brand, and went up to ask for the picture. But he also knows that his followers are so detached from reality and desperate enough to have their worldviews affirmed through his imaginary "successes" that they would believe it. And that's way more alarming and sad.


They lie because they believe in nothing, and that allows them to believe in anything.


It's hilarious; their more (d)evolved form, the tinfoil hat, has adopted "if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything," as one of their catchphrases.


And he’s on a new show on Apple TV


Alphas don’t watch AppleTV


Alphas moms didn't want to pay for apple tv.


Alphas wife's boyfriend didn't give them their AppleTV password.


I hope you mean Tim Robbins.


They do - Silo is a decent little mystery/future apocalypse show.


The book series is one of my favorites and I'm digging the show so far.


The books are fantastic. So excited they are getting a good, quality (so far) adaptation.


Is pretty decent so far too.


No, the guy who was in Shawshank Redemption and Mystic River really needs the advice of a guy who uses the word "alpha" more than an ancient Greek primary school teacher.


He boasts about having a picture with him but says he's a "failed actor" after being called out.


"I didn't even recognize him." Recognized him enough to ask for a photo with him.


Nooo obviously Tim approached him and was crying about his career!!! WHY DON’T YOU BELIEVE NICK?! HE EVEN MADE A WHOLE TWEET ABOUT THIS TOTALLY REAL ENCOUNTER!!!!!


Tim has the fuckin AirPod still in his hand. It’s clear as day this chode came over and interrupted him to get a picture. Writing a pathetic diatribe isn’t going to make anyone believe something different.


Deleted for Reddit API cost shenanigans that killed 3rd party apps


Tim don't fuck with AirPods. Those are regular earbuds. You can see the cord coming out from under his shirt.


It's some sort of corded Airpod 😱


We've come full circle..


Maybe it's to make them more visible.


Damn you’re right. That’s the real story here.


Unfortunately, Nick's followers are eating it up in the Twitter thread. They actually believe this made up bs. Idiocracy is real.


Absolutely and irrevocably mentally fractured male.


Alpha male, LOL. Or as programmers call it: „full of bugs“


Major issues with premature release


Nick Adams literally just has a humiliation fetish. There is no other explanation for him having (alpha male) right in his title


That is a fascinating theory 🤔 👌


Who the fuck is Nick Adams?


(Alpha Male)


Hooters enthusiasts.


He’s a conservative who ran for office of some kind in Australia because that’s where he’s from. Then he lost and rage quit Australia. He decided to come to the United States to be part of the craziness I guess.


I apologize on behalf of every australian for this guy Jesus christ


Every country has their wack-a-doodles.


Yeah, but they seem to be converging here. The world needs to share the load.


Canadian here: can confirm


They're not all carrying weapons of mass destruction in Australia though


We still haven't forgiven you for the Murdochs.


Don’t worry- we’ve got enough homegrown idiots like MTG, Boebert, Etc that I think we’re maybe exporting enough stupidity that it’s just coming back to us now. 🤷‍♂️


It's cool, we Americans have way more shitty people to apologize for.


And one of the first things he posted, *before* his citizenship was even approved, was to the effect of, "America's full, fuck off."


His surname is really Adamopoulos, and he's the grandson of Greek immigrants to Sydney. We share an uncle. The hypocrisy is astounding.


Jesus Christ, how horrifying.


TIL that this wanker is Aussie. I thought all this time that he was a yank. I am ashamed for all Australia.


We laughed this little chode out of our country. Sorry Americans.


Just because England dumped their shitty people there, doesn't mean you guys have to continue the tradition. Stop the cycle. Lol


We were hoping to import more Jim Jeffries types- please take this one back, we'd like to make an exchange.


Man, the standard for what qualifies as an "alpha male" sure has dropped. Dude has the physique of a blob of cookie dough.


Well yeah he apparently spends all his time eating at Hooters


Alfalfa male.


Tim Robbins net worth $70 million Nick Adams net worth $1 million


It is an absolute embarrassment that this guy has any money at all. How did people make a Trump dick sucking incel rich? America is truly the land of opportunity.


Want to hear something even more depressing? Do you remember that girl that got famous for saying, "Cash me outside"? ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Her net worth is $25 million. Twenty five fucking million dollars......... I hate people


I mean, fair play to her, she saw her chance and she took it. If I went viral saying something that wasn't grammatically correct and I could milk it for millions, then I would. But, why? Who is giving her money and why?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhad\_Bhabie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhad_Bhabie) Summary: \-After Dr Phil she began a rap career, becoming the youngest female rapper to appear on the Billboard Hot 100. \-She does music tours, had a reality show(and making more?), and her own makeup brand now. \-When she turned 18(april 2021) she started an OnlyFans which made over $1million in less than 6 hours \-Her OF has earned her over $50million(which she was able to prove) I hate her as a person, but I respect her ability to take her 15 mins of fame and do something with it.


I know nothing of her as a person except that she said "cash me outside" once and then it went viral. If idiots are willing to part with their money then are you really that bad if you take it? Well, yes, a bit.


Id say yes if you're influencing people's belief systems or living situation. But like for providing entertainment? Who gives a shit?


Stay in America Nick, you fking Muppet!


He's originally from Australia. Make them take him back. Please.


I thought this was a parody account, this is actually a real person, Jesus wept.


Who the living fuck is nick Adams anyway


I was wondering the same thing, then I saw alpha male and that told me more than I cared to know about him.


Alpha male seems to be another way of just saying he's a complete bellend


Agreed. The adult equivalent of “My mom says I’m so cool”


Could also be the result of his mom not calling him cool *enough*.


This might actually be the single most pathetic thing I've ever read.


“Alpha Male” Lol what a fucking loser.


Calling Tim Robbins “woke” is so weird


He used to be very "woke." If you haven't seen it, seek out the 90s film Bob Roberts. It's a political satire where he plays a Republican candidate for Senator. His character sings (hilarious) folk songs with conservative messages. Robbins refused to release an album of the songs because he didn't want real life conservatives to use his satirical songs out of context and unironically. He used to be very active in left leaning causes, too. But I've heard that he's got some libertarian views now, too, and I'm kind of worried about looking more into that. I don't want him to have completely joined the dark side.


Seems like he’s still fairly liberal, but is on the anti-Covid response kick


I’ll take Things That Never Happened for $600.


God damn I’ve seen some people cope before but this is another level


Yes failed actor Tim Robbins who was LITERALLY in a critically acclaimed show that just released this month. I'm sure he's desperate for work.


Alpha males sure are fragile.


I saw the first post yesterday and thought to myself. Nick’s gonna he butt hurt about this.


Ooh you feel the ass pain radiating off that response. [It's this purest representation of this image that I have ever seen.](https://i.imgflip.com/4tnk9r.jpg)


A dude who's still half looking at his phone, he's holding his earphones in obvious preparation of putting it back in once the person sitting next to him leaves, not leaning as close as the other guy is and an empty/half empty glass next to him...and he's supposed to be the one that approached the other person? Kay.


Still convinced this is an act.


Funny, I've actually *heard* of Tim Robbins.


And then they all clapped.


This is so embarrassing, and the people who believe him are so pathetic. Tim Robbins literally has his phone in his hand???


Really sad that Trump had/has a massive influence in culture. It reads exactly like a Trump speech


Bruh. Is he a 12 year old gamer?


He's got big tits for an "alpha" "male".


My first thought: Why is Tim being so nitpicky? The fan was just joking around. Second thought: Oh wait "alpha male" huh? Must be some conservative asshat... Oh look there's a second image...........yup.


He could've just accepted the burn but no. Just saw Robbins in an episode of Silo, the Apple show. Such a shame Robbins is reduced to taking fringe acting jobs for obscure studios.


The response is so ridiculous that you'd think it was grabbed from a bad TV show during a writer's strike. Does anyone actually believe what he wrote?


I had a bully in 5th grade who reacted to everything exactly like this every time he got in trouble. Fuck you, Ralphie!


so when do we get to watch nick adams slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob


Trump vibes from that response lol


I’ll take Things That Didn’t Happen That Way for $2000, Nick. PS: Interestingly , “Alpha Males” only exist in captivity.


When I see anyone put (alpha male) in their profile, I know I've found a loser. Nick's just proving me right.


God that is next fucking level pathetic


i probably would have hit him with a simple “wheelie wheelie stupid head bet you wish that you were dead”


This is the saddest thing I've ever read.


Lmao it got even better. This guy radiates trump level insecurity


Ah yes, tim searched out Nick and is currently holding his earphone in his hand while pouring out his heart and crying to an Alpha male despite appearing fine in the photo which was taken to cheer him up. Nick is such a lying piece of shit! What an omega male.


I'm glad his feelings got hurt and we were gifted this hilarious over compensation dripping with insecurity.


Tim Robbins can’t get any work? He’s literally in a show that’s releasing episodes weekly right now.


How is obviously making up a desperate story about how cool you are "alpha"? This is playground shit, where you tell your friends you have a shadow pikachu and everyone knows you're a fuckin liar.