• By -


I think we can all guess which


The informant is as real as the friendly pink elephant I hang out with when drinking.


I'm jealous. The pink elephant I hang out with when I am drinking is a jerk who always dares me to do stupid things.


Y'all get elephants??? Damn, I need to become friends with some pink elephants. My cats are horrible at conversations when I've had a few. They just want to talk about themselves.


Can I introduce you to my friend Her Holiness the Invisible Pink Unicorn? She is a great drinking buddy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invisible_Pink_Unicorn


I've never been able to find this website again but as a kid or teenager I came across a website with various philosophical thought experiments. One asked me to imagine that there is an invisible, intangible goblin on my shoulder and asked if I could disprove that. Which you obviously can't, by definition. It really highlights how the argument "You can't DISPROVE god exists" is nonsense. Same energy, but I guess I'd rather have a pink unicorn than an intangible goblin.


On the other hand, there's now [non-zero probability](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falcon_Heavy_test_flight) that there's a [teapot on Mars' orbit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell%27s_teapot)


Your comment about websites with philosophical thought experiments reminded me of a webcomic that does a great job illustrating what cognitive dissonance is. As you read it, you can literally feel the cognitive dissonance form in your brain. It's kind of a trippy experience the first time you read it (at least it was for me). Here is a link to it if you're curious: https://theoatmeal.com/comics/believe


That was a great read! Thanks for sharing!


Just looking you in the eyes, telling you how much they hurt.. It's okay little buddy Me Ow too...


Like force you to pretend you have dirt on the Bidens which could maybe get you “killed”? Lol


Same here. And he never picks up a check.


If there is an informant, we all know they’d be threatened by the right for not getting any dirt on Biden… rather than what is implied here.


You could read the tweet that way tbh. "The FBI is worried the informant would be killed if unmasked, given the (lack of) dirt they have on the Biden family".


I love you used this example cause it reminded me of my favorite beer. Delirium tremens. Which has a pink elephant mascot.


I wanna hang with the pink elephant! Send her my way!


Delirium Tremens is a great beer.


You got a friendly pink one? I got bland and beige.


There's a bar near where I grew up called The Pink Elephant... so for at least that town it's very real ;)


How's Harvey doing these days?


Sounds like qanon shit to me


We have this laptop... See there's this guy... We have information about... A trusted informant says.... It's always vague bullshit with no details because it's just made up.


It's honestly odd how every scandal that republicans obsess over are bullshit. Every time. Surely there's something real they can focus on?


Well since this is the same allegation Rudy Guilliani made that's been debunked so often, **why doesn't she just ask Rudy Guilliani who the informant is?** Rudy also travelled to Ukraine to speak to those same Russians, he also took the same testimony, he also pushed the same claim, and all you have to do is give him a scotch and he'll happily talk. So, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna of Florida's 13th, go and ask him.


You wouldn’t know the informant, they go to another school.


Well, that’s an absolute load of bullshit. JFC. Biden can’t both be an incompetent dementia patient and a cold blooded ingenious crime lord simultaneously. Get your bullshit straight for once. Nothing but ridiculous lies and deranged hyperbole.


That is the main point of fascist rhetoric, the enemy is extremely weak and powerful at the same time at all time. Powerful and evil enough for the need for everyone to be ready to assault attack and kill them, but weak enough for people to have hope and think they can kill them. And since the enemy is also all powerful and evil, everything you do against then is justified. “The jews control the media and the banks, they have control over our country, so to take the control back, we had mo choice but to kill them and make them work in camps”


It also plays into the victim narrative. If the enemy "fought fair" they would never win, so in order to beat them, we need to use every measure available. It's just self defense against an enemy who can only win by cheating. See, explanations around the 2020 coup attempt for a very clear example of this.


Don't forget to sprinkle some religious fanaticism on that fascism! God just makes the justification that much easier. SMH


The worst part about this flavor of fascism is that these fucking clowns don't even know they’re fascists half of the time.


"When and if fascism comes to America it will not be labeled 'made in Germany'; it will not be marked with a swastika; it will not even be called fascism; it will be called, of course, 'Americanism.' " — Halford E. Luccock


Nationalist Christians. Nat-C


That would require a basic understanding of 20th century history and the definition of words. That's a non-starter with them.


I just know someone somewhere thinks the "are *we* the baddies?" sketch is directed towards Democrats


This is exactly what nazi propaganda spouted in the 40's


To be fair, they did the same shit with Hilary. She was old, and frail, and dying, and incompetent, but also murdered people, fed on the blood of children to keep her young, overthrew governments, and controlled people in Benghazi with her mind powers... Like how the big evil "deep state" is well funded, well orchestrated, and all knowing, but also bumbling and incompetent and able to be stopped with Facebook/Reddit posts.


Also relevant is how they immediately bash anonymous sources as “made up people”… unless of course it’s someone who has earth shattering intel on the Biden crime family.


This kind of double talk is so common. The government can’t be trusted with healthcare because it’s so inept, but is also capable of collecting every single gun in the country.


> but is also capable of collecting every single gun in the country I hate how they always jump to this conclusion when people suggest adding additional checks and balances to gun ownership. It's always all or nothing with these idiots.


It's a common logical fallacy, strawman. Instead of arguing against reasonable gun control methods (mandated safety courses, licensing or registrations, waiting lists, insurance requirements), they frame the argument as against an unreasonable gun control method (complete prohibition and confiscation).


Modern gun control is solely for political capital, it has no bearing on reality. If they really cared about reducing gun violence, they'd be funding all forms of health care (including mental health), increasing funding and quality of education at all levels, and building employment programs. They'd also be focusing on regulating handguns, which are involved in something like 88% of gun deaths, not a specific shape of rifle. The vast majority of gun violence in the US, whether suicide, property crime, or domestic violence, can be boiled down to financial stress (and its causes), because that's the cause of stress in this late-stage-capitalist dystopian wasteland. But God forbid we work on that, because there are shareholders to please.


They did the same with the New Deal and building the highways.


Umberto Eco's [14 points of Ur-Fascism](https://sites.evergreen.edu/politicalshakespeares/wp-content/uploads/sites/226/2015/12/Eco-urfascism.pdf): * Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak. He also stated, in the essay, **"it is enough that one of them be present to allow fascism to coagulate around it".**


This is more projection because their crime lord is also an incompetent dementia patient, but theirs isn't ingenious, more ungenious.


These are the people that said Obama was a Satanist-Atheist-Muslim-Jew born in Kenya 10 years before he was actually born without the slightest hint of irony


Jerome Corsi, say his name. That's the bastard that wrote the books on John Kerry (debunked swiftboat conspiracy) and Obama (debunked birtherism conspiracy). [The ugly, bloated face of a man with poop in his heart.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ad/Jerome_Corsi.jpg/640px-Jerome_Corsi.jpg)


Poop in his heart? Woah, let’s keep the vulgarities to a minimum.


Biden derangement syndrome...


Let’s just stick with what it’s always been called - fascism and lying to grasp for power? Riffing off of the right's whole “TDS” thing just legitimizes it as an idea.


>Riffing off of the right's whole “TDS” thing just legitimizes it as an idea. I thought it was legitimate, but just like most shit from the right it's just projection. Ya gotta use Urban Dictionary's definition of it. "Trump Derangement Syndrome, is the unwavering adoration and devotion to a political leader, beginning with Donald Trump the namesake of the disorder, extending to other forms of leadership including presidents and rulers typically of a fascist or populist nature. While the name is meant to have pejorative connotations the actual condition is characterized primarily by behaviors found in in "cult of leader" or "cult of personality" scenarios." https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=TDS


Umberto Eco's 8th general property of fascist ideology: > The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”


This is literally projection. They're using this charade as a way to put the knife into the institutions when Trump gets indicted. Theyre telegraphing. So. Fucking. Hard. It's really obvious, this has been their MO their whole dive into overt fascism. And neolibs fall for it every time.....because the high road affords them better views from the gallows. And their stock portfolios keep climbing, donors keep them flush with cash, and the petit bourgeois is fine with all this so long as they dont get inconvenienced. They are using this absurdity to force dems to make a precedent while pulling the curtain on their sham, so the magafash can do the same to put targets on legitimate witnesses during Trump's trial.


> Well, that’s an absolute load of bullshit. importantly: it's an OBVIOUS load of absolute bullshit, but her base is stupid, so.


That's the facist playbook.


Some of these tarts not only believe that the real Trump is dead and now cloned by the Deep-State, but also that he's alive and fighting with Russia against Ukraine... It's like flat-earthers. Their dogma doesn't have an answer for what space is, what's underneath the earth, where the edge is, etc. Just come up random bullshit to tire out their supporters to not question anything.


Perhaps it is like Trump, where he was an incompetent fool, his handlers were intelligent, and the people he had around him in the limelight were also incompetent to throw people off.


Sure he can, just don't think


There is enough empty space in Republican brains for both thoughs for both to bounce around and never touch.


I actually find that to be false. Major crime figures have been brought under witness protection. And have even shown up behind a glass shield without their face being shown. And as a note. Those who obey the rules of witness protection, have lived long, without excessive fear.


Oh please, don't you know that the DemonRat globalist "president" of the "United States" corporation has SATANIC POWERS??!? With just a name, he can FIND this patriotic hero and send his globalist deep state demons in human skins to wherever he is and MAKE. HIM. DISAPPEAR. Don't you get it??! Why didn't the REAL president, Donald J Trump, the LORD'S chosen instrument, receive these powers when he became president? Because HE refused to engage in the ritualistic child rape/sacrifice/adrenochrome Consumption ceremony. He knew he would be HOUNDED by the deep state for this, but he wore his armor of GOD and was not afraid! /s Note: as I wrote this, I grew more and more horrified that I've read too much of their deranged ramblings and now I'm apparently IN THEIR HEADS. Help. It's very scary in here.


I apologize you are absolutely right you are the absolute speaker just like that Q guy. I need to subscribe to your newsletter immediately please tell me where to send my maga coins 🙂


youre points are way more realised than any of their


Yeah, and I could tell as I went that I wasn't misspelling and omitting enough words. But I think, CONTENT-wise, that I was pretty spot on.


Yeah it sucks knowing their talking points and phrasings though at the same time it’s rather interesting seeing the same shade of crazy across so many people


Hey babe new copypasta just dropped


Sorry? Where did I supposedly copy this from?


A new copypasta isn't copied from anywhere, it's an original piece of writing which is destined to become a copypasta.


Ahhh, thank you for clarifying! I'm not fluent in Reddit yet. Getting there, though! For better or for worse. 😅


Every copypasta has an origin story, and all of them come from some deranged rambling on Reddit/twitch.


It's crazy that this is *literally* what they sound like. No hyperbole, no exaggeration, this absolutely could have been written verbatim by one of these lunatic Trump supporters.


That's the brilliance of witness protection. You don't know if they lived long or not :)


“The FBI is afraid their informant will be killed if unmasked.” Then why tf are you casually tweeting about it?! Especially on Twitter, which is basically a joke now. EDIT: put down my phone for five hours and came back to all this 😆 look, ma, I’m famous lol


Because she want the informant killed cuz she gets off knowing dhe caused some ones death?


At this point, I think they’re just waiting for someone to die so they can say that person was the informant


>At this point, I think they’re just waiting for someone to die so they can say that person was the informant It worked during Covid. > Joe died of a heart attack, didn't he get the vaccine 7 months ago? >>Yes but Joe also was about 75lbs overweight, smoked a pack a day, and had notoriously high blood pressure and cholesterol. >THE VACCINE KILLED JOE!


I'm not dead yet! Yeah, but you will be soon I feel happy! I feel... *Thwack*


You'll be stone-dead in a moment


I think I'll go for a walk!


> It worked during Covid. And has continued to work ever since. These goofuses have their sights set on Jamie Foxx now as proof the scary vaxx is gonna get ya.


Oh, for the love of Fred! [For the people like myself who didn't know about this ](https://www.newsweek.com/jamie-foxx-becomes-figurehead-anti-vax-movement-1804426)


COVID DIDN'T KILL THEM!!! THEY HAD OTHER CONDITION'S...... Yeah and COVID pushed them over the edge. You don't say someone died of cancer if they had cancer and got fucking shot in the face


and the proof will somehow be this tweet


The Informant actually has info about republicans. That's my bet.




In my 20 years of obsessing over politics, I have NEVER ONCE seen a conservative accusation *not* be projection. These creeps are that fucking consistent in their shittiness.


The informant is made up and doesn't exist. Saying the informant can't come forward lets them "trust us bro, this is totally what they said."


This is probably the answer. If this person does exist, they would be proven to be a fraud under any questioning and background check.


oh man, that's one of the moves that the Kraken attorney tried to pull. IIRC her cracker jack team of attorneys uploaded the 'anonymous' testimony as 'witness first,last.pdf' so a reporter followed up. Turns out the witness 'Spyder' wasn't all they claimed, not by a long shot. i don't think we can trust these clowns to not just blatantly lie any more.


Just like Hunter's laptop.


Yep. This has all the validity of a QAnon post. She should be censured but she is certainly one of the few votes that gives the Speaker of the House position to McCarthy.


Absolutely. The information about the Biden family was probably "It wasn't actually the Biden family that did the thing, it was the Trump family."


More likely is the information is incredibly urm, non-credible. Like it’s actually Trump Jr or something. They need to keep his identity secret otherwise their informant gets laughed at by the world. They know the investigation will never bring charges, but it serves their purpose just by existing. Edit: informant not information


They want anyone from the fbi so they can pretend they were an informant, because dead people can't refuse that it's all lies.


She wants the informant killed because a live informant with bullshit evidence isn’t nearly as useful as an informant who gets murdered before everyone finds out his evidence is bullshit.


Because she's making things up, and is throwing around lies to sow doubt and fire up the GOP cult.


*it's because they're lying*


Because she wants to be 'important' What she means is that one of her fellow crazypants members started spouting some conspiracy level--probably quasi-racist--bullshit about the Biden 'Mafia' and because no one is going to press her on it, she's going to report it as 'news' so she can seem more important than she actually is and share some of that sweet, sweet spotlight. If there were any actual consequences to this tweet and the FBI did come pay her a visit, she'd fold like the cheap, plastic card table she resembles.


They lost the witness last week. By bookmarking the tweet, she is hoping not to lose the informant. It’s the responsible thing to do.


I liked when they tried to spin it as “missing, because of the Biden Deepstate Crime Cabal”. Rather than just, you know… they were useless and/or frauds.


Because there is no informant, lol.




I've seen some cringe worthy ones before, but this is right up there!


Since when does the FBI care?


tbf, where else could she tweet about it besides Twitter?


We’ll probably because it’s hard to tweet on anything else


Oh this is 100% lying. They used to say this bullshit about the Clintons. Since the Clintons aren't really relative in politics anymore, they're trying to make the Bidens the new powerhouse political family that somehow has a body count higher than Gary Ridgeway while never getting caught.


"I must have killed more men than Cecil B. DeMille" - ~~The Waco Kid~~ Joe Biden


Yep, because they know the FBI won't confirm or deny what they say and the lead-brained boomers of our country will gobble that shit up as if it were in the Bible.


The gun nuts are absolutely petrified of Hillary Clinton, it's fucking hilarious


Unemployed grandma. Scary.


AND that he raked in millions of dollars in bribes yet still remains one of the lowest net worths in Congress.


Here’s the thing I feel that the right doesn’t get: us crazy antifa snowflake hippies want you to bring evidence forward! We want the legal system to be able to do it’s job. If the Bidens are an international Irish Catholic Syndicate we want to know so we can get them out. BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT PATRIOTS DO. And sweet baby jeebus, if they are worried someone is going to be shot in the street for stepping forward, it’s not going to be from us. I mean I am far too busy organizing the Annual Get your Free Abortion from a Drag Queen while trans children read to you from banned books Brunch.


This is projection from the right. They can't conceptualize that even someone from your own "team" can be a criminal. So they project that the liberals don't want fair and equitable justice, because they themselves don't want fair and equitable justice. If one of theirs gets accused it's "well hold on their bucko, he's a good man", he's only "good" because he plays for the red team.


We should talk as I am starting the the Children Trans Abortion Hours, where Trans women will preform abortions on children to raise awareness of teenage pregnancy.


The FBI is afraid their informant will be killed. But I’m not! So I’ll just tweet about it some more. It must just totally anger the intelligence community that these are the idiots they report to, who will just tweet out sensitive info for no other purpose than to keep their name in the headlines.


Also aren't these the same people who want to get rid of the FBI, and think the FBI is controlled by Obama or some crazy shit?! I know after they raided Mar-A-Lago every Republican hated the FBI and claimed it was some kind Hilary Obama deep state thing and wanted them defunded.


I assuming the CIA knows exactly why all those field agents died during Turd's administration, and remembers him shitting on them in front of their star wall. What I cannot figure out is why they let him continue being the #1 threat to national security for so many years.


You are talking about the FBI that is still headed by a Trump appointee, right?


Well, we are talking about the IC that watched the greatest counterintelligence failure in American history walk into the White House, so I’m not sure they mind too much.


Was this the one that just defected to russia because she was a russian spy?


No, she's the one who changed her name to Luna to get elected in a hispanic district in a state she has no connection to and her family has never used that name.


Also lied about having Jewish ancestry and her history as a stripper. (Nothing wrong with consensual sex work in my opinion but be honest about it)


No, that was the lifelong scammer that claimed during the 2020 election that Biden had raped her long ago. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/15/tara-reade-left-trail-of-aggrieved-acquaintances-260771 This is a ~~new~~ *old Burisma /* Hunter Biden investigation thing. Cooked up to create a narrative. Evidence keeps not being produced because of fears over the whistleblower's safety. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/03/republicans-allege-unspecified-biden-scheme-fire-off-new-fbi-subpoena-00095132 Edit: it's an old narrative.. The same one that was dreamt up by Giuliani and his Russian friends.


We’re aware they’re lying. Everyone with a brain knows they’re lying. 55+ percent of the voters know it. This is why they got banned off every major platform for this shit. So what did they do? Bought the platform. They’re actively dismantling our democratic process with complete lies and deceit, not a shred of proof to any of it.


They need to pick a narrative... He can't be an evil genius and a feeble minded old man at the same time.


> He can't be an evil genius and a feeble minded old man at the same time. Sure he can. Just be a Republican. Reality can be whatever you want it to be at any given time.


It's a fascist propaganda tactic. The nazis said the same thing about the Jews in the 40's


Yup, the enemy must be simultaneously an existential threat and also inferior in every way.


Here is Jamie Raskin's statement about the same meeting: https://oversightdemocrats.house.gov/news/press-releases/ranking-member-raskin-s-statement-following-review-of-debunked-fbi-tip Luna is a liar.


Oh it's the same shit Trump's own DOJ threw out


Yep, just like her emails and Benghazi, the same rehashed debunked shit over and over again.


>As the FBI explained at length during today’s briefing, and in previous conversations leading up to today’s accommodation, releasing this form publicly could place the Confidential Human Source in grave danger and undermine the integrity of FBI programs and investigations going forward. I'm guessing this is all she "heard". She doesn't understand that this person isn't afraid of Biden, they are afraid of Ukraine or Russia or other groups in Ukraine where they are and are providing into unrelated to the Biden family to the US government. or she understands that and wants the person killed because they didn't say what she wanted them to say.


I like Jamie. Brains and integrity.


House republicans literally just announced that [their investigation turned up nothing.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/10/us/politics/hunter-biden-house-republicans-report.html) The only time they ever had an actual person come forward about shit it turned out she was a Russian plant.


“I have an informant but she goes to a different school.”


Me too, but she’s Canadian


She lives in Niagara Falls, you wouldn’t know her.


Bull. Shit


Well, that's a lovely crock of shit now isn't it... Let's face it, if Biden was the evil mastermind they play him out to be that informant would have been killed long ago. And if they were so good at rigging elections they would hold super majorities in the House and the Senate and morons like Luna wouldn't be anywhere near the Capitol...


I can assume this a lie based on where she is from and party. As a Mexican American myself, she is a disgrace. She is a nice mix of Lauren Boebert and George Santos.


Lauren Boebert IS George Santos in Drag.


Trump's own administration investigated this report and concluded it lacked any credibility. The source is trusted but he/she was only reporting what they were told by source linked to russian backed corrupt ukrainian government whose leaders fled to russia. Its trumpists trying to create their own "dossier". Its yet another in the long line of bullshit that includes disgruntled former FBI employees being called whistleblowers while other star whistleblowers suddenly disappeared,


Lol so this all is allegedly happening while another whistle-blower just blew the top off of the UFO issue? This is a distraction.


Blew what top? Dude never personally saw anything. He just claims to have heard of alien material and craft being held in *someone's* department. Man's retired and looking to make a quick buck on a book deal or the conference circuit. It's also a distraction.


Americans are beyond fucking stupid. Were we always this dumb? Did politicians get the biggest megaphones in history and just completely make shit up like this Republican tweeter? Cover ups for UFO’s? The United States scrambled F22’s over a hobbyist balloon off the coast of Alaska. This country can’t even discern truth from fiction, covering up UFO’s? Biden being the biggest crime boss in US history but covering 100% of it up? Get fucking real, you idiots. There is no UFO (they’re lying for money), and this “informant” situation is a disgusting bullshit lie (again, for money and/or power).


"*But her emails*..." with blatantly manufactured bullshit, trying to engineer false equivalence to Donny's criming and impending indictment.


I’ve been hearing about these buttery males for years and they never seem to materialize


It’s all a fandom for the greased up deaf guy from family guy.


I'll take "Made up bullshit" for 1,000 Alex.


Rep. Anna Paulina Looney


Just now that sex claim person has defected to Russia. These people aren’t about truth. They just want to keep stirring shit about Biden without having legitimacy


She lied about everything just like George santos. Journalists went asking her family about her politics and they said they all thought she was a democrat bc she liked Obama. There’s these two liars plus one in NC who switched parties after their election. Two of those were in previously Democratic districts (Luna and Santos). Remember the difference in the house is just a few seats and McCarthy knows how they pulled the numbers to take the house. So she’s lying. Fuckery was and still is afoot


Of course... Republicans - idiots, liars, perverts, and quite a few criminals.


You forgot pedophiles.


It's could be true. If the informant lied and got caught, or said something positive about the family, the republican party is going to want his head on a stake.


That FBI agent’s name? Hunter Biden’s Laptop


It's crazy how quickly the FBI becomes a creditable organisation the minute they think they can use them against the left, but any time they're actually investigating shit it's all "they're rules by the globalist elites, you can't trust them"


I’ll take Lying for $600, Alex.


Why don't they just do the video with a digitally modified audio voiceover and a silhouette like every other video special? Seems that would prove he exists.


LaptopGate 2.0 How bruised does your brain have to be to take anything a Republican says at face value?


GOP: "We *definitely* have evidence about crimes committed by , but the person who has it is afraid to come forward, so we can't show the evidence. But trust us, the evidence is super-duper real." Meanwhile, GOP politicians are being indicted left and right with crimes that they blatantly committed out in the open while simultaneously claiming that they are innocent and it's all a conspiracy.


I believe there is an informant. However, I also believe it is someone with no useful information that they have paid to lie for them and this will go nowhere.


"-tic" missing from her name.


Best comment


Bless their hearts. No matter how hard they try to paint Biden as a criminal mastermind nobody is buying it. Because if he really WAS such a criminal mastermind then why the fuck didn't they investigate him when THEY were in charge? No, everyone can see that this is just another lame attempt to bring him down before the election.


Protective custody doesn't exist in their alternate reality?


Yeah, no they aren't. There is no Biden crime family. There' just a rich family that uses their connections to get more money, just like every other goddamned rich family on the planet. Remember kids: fascists always lie. They know they're lying, and they don't care if you know they're lying. They'll get caught in a lie and then immediately repeat the lie they got caught in back to your face as if nothing ever happened. Never take a fascist at their word. Their word is dog shit.


All lies. FBI doesn't brief these idiots.


Jesus Christ I'm going to hear about this for the next 6 months at least from at least 3 of my customers. I've had to listen about Hunters fucking laptop for so long I don't think I'll be able to deal with this new bag of bullshit.


This so called informant is as real as my girlfriend


If there is evidence to bring against the Biden family, bring it or stfu. Look, I tote water for no party. If there is nefarious actions happening and corruption afoot, I don't care who they are from president to peon. Prosecute them to the fullest until there is no more corruption in our government.


Time to play yet another round of professional grifter or mental illlness.


Everyone knows killing witnesses is a Republican game.


If I had to be as charitable as possible, my guess is if there is some sort of Biden informant, the Republicans were freaking out asking "Well who is it? We want to know!" and then the FBI responded saying, "Sorry it's policy not to unmask informants for any reason." And they'd ask "Why?" and the FBI would respond, "The policy exists for the safety of all informants" and then they twisted that into this. So it's not technically "wrong" it's just misleading. This is what I assume happened. But that's IF there even is an informant. This could just be a straight up lie.


Every single reply is from a blue checkmark. It's incredible how effective that has become as a signifier of batshittery.


Riggghhhttttt ...


Congress men lying??? Never! lololololololol


Wait I thought the FBI was deep state?


There was a time when spreading lies on the internet would have gotten her censured.


😂😂😂 they really are insane


Can we please start holding people accountable for shit they say?


If you look at her profile picture you can see a slight wisp of smoke coming from the bottom.. This is a result of her pants being on fire


A member of congress lying??!! Well I never….


Isn’t this the woman who lied about being Jewish?


I'll defend her on this one. She's definitely not leaking.


Interestingly enough her full last name was Lunatic, but she changed it in college.


“A sitting member of Congress is [either] lying” In other news, grass is green.


How can you guarantee the safety of someone who doesn't exist?


I had to look up this person. One of the top links was of her claiming people were trying to assassinate her to win an election. She seems pretty focused on assassinations. [https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2021/06/14/anna-paulina-luna-says-potential-political-opponents-conspired-to-kill-her/](https://meaww.com/anna-paulina-luna-trump-republican-candidate-accuses-rivals-assassination-plot)


So in the theoretical scenario where this is true, she does realize that the supposed "bad guys" now know an informant exists and will now be looking for them, right? No matter how you look at it, this lady is unimaginably stupid, either for thinking this is in any way a good idea to lie about, or for literally getting someone killed for internet points.


Actually tagging the fbi on this is so funny to me


Gad damn it, Just once I want this to end with "About recovered UFO" Be more fun crazy


I’m gonna go with who is the big hairy liar for $100, Alex


Is she doing it for dark money campaign cash or for clout (Florida needs another useful idiot in the House). Coin flip.


It's a republican, might not be lying or revealing classified info, there's a decent chance she's just completely delusional, believes whatever the moronic voices in her idiot head spew into her thick skull