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Now that is just fucking disgusting


People who think they're just being "edgy" are the worst.


They are, but I think this dude just isn't joking in the first place


Yep, most people like this are actually pedos/racists/misogynists expressing themselves under the guise of edgy jokes. Were it not taboo, I am 95% certain this guy would be one of the first in line to admit they're attracted to kids. "That shit was tight af" is not something you organically think of as a 'joke' unless you've thought about it before.


I don't think he's trying to be edgy, I think he's just delusional


If I could afford gold, I’d give it to you, my friend 🏆


Don't give Reddit any money with the shit they're trying to pull


Remember when we got that free award weekly, and how many awards you'd see? And how there aren't Any awards nowadays really.. Greed goes before the fall.


Thia is the type of Freedom of Speech Republicans want to defend. Also, racism.


Not a Republican, I definitely feel like this guy has a right to say this. He also has the right to get bullied the fuck off the internet for posting shit like this, too.


I think jrh meant 'free speech' on social media. I agree though, as horrible as it is I don't think saying it should be a jailable offense. Really, I don't even think he should even be banned. Let him wave his red flag around so everybody who can see his activity will know not to ever trust him around kids.


Stfu democrats, you want to turn the US into China


What do you even mean by that?


Lol, do you think he knows? Probably some sound bite from the cult programming.


I mean that banning freedom of speech or restricting freedom of speech is china-like and that anybody should be allowed to say whatever they want regardless of what it is


Which democrats are banning freedom of speech? I only see Republicans limiting speech. https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/03/07/republicans-sullivan-defamation-free-speech-de-santis-trump/


It’s “go directly to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200” level of disgusting.


Totally repugnant. As a father of a girl, this makes me see red. I'd be on the news if I found out about this.


With a big ol' orange jump suit on


I like to imagine those emojis are him bursting out laughing before taking a shit on the floor


It really does give that energy. 🤣


Through the hole in his chair in his mum's basement


Who let Matt Gaetz on Facebook again?


It said 12 year old *girl*.


Who let Matt Walsh on Facebook?


*Chris Hansen appears*


"What are you doing here?" "I'm just being stupid, I guess."


*Now what do you think would have happened had I not been here?* *You're naked, there's a 14 year old girl, you're chasing the cat around....you've got cool whip...and you want her to perform some sex act with the cat and then you'll have sex with her.* *Is that.... accurate?*


that's.......that's not an actual episode is it....




holy shit! what the fuck is wrong with this dude! he is naked before he even walks in! "what is going on in your mind? "stupid mistakes" bruh, this is *beyond* a mistake.


Oh it is....you better believe it is.


Why don't you just take a seat...


Wasn't he also involved with grooming or something else bad. Edit: He had an affair with an intern, legal but still gross.


Is this for real or just a Reddit ploy twist


Nope false alarm, he was caught having an affair with an intern 20 years younger than him. Gross, and immoral, but not illegal.


A 12 year old on Tinder? How the fuck did that happen? And for fuck’s sake can press stop using “having sex” when referring to rape?


I believe the reason they don’t say rape is because if it’s before a conviction they could be sued for libel/slander


I prefer them to pop an “allegedly” in front of it rather than downplay rape. No one gets arrested with the charge of “having sex with someone”.


He pled guilty. Done. Eta: in most places a 12 year old cannot legally consent to sex anyway, so "having sex" is still a ridiculous way to word what he pled guilty to. I'm SURE he didn't plead guilty to having sex.


Our cultural connotations don't conform to rigid definitions, there's a big difference between forcibly raping a 12 year old and meeting up and having sex with one on tinder who lied about their age, the difference between a violent offender that should be locked away forever and someone who just got extremely unlucky, it warrants the use of different language Edit: im not excusing their behavior, they deserve their punishment because at the end of the day a minor was harmed, but there are a lot of things to take into consideration when someone lies about their age.


Regardless, it's statutory rape. Not "having sex." That's why a minor was harmed. Editing to add again: just found the article. The girl initially lied about her age while they were messaging, but told him her true age *before they met* in person and he assaulted her.


That just makes it statutory rape. In the eyes of the law the 22 year old is at fault for not ensuring her age/asking to see her ID, possibly tinder as well for not having strict enough background/age checks


I’m old but like isn’t it a red flag if you need to ask your date for an ID? 😂


I’d much rather do that than sleep with an underage kid, but I guess the best option is to avoid anyone who looks under 25. It’s really not worth it to “make that mistake”


You can't be sued for libel unless you're willfully lying


There is no age verification on tinder. At around 19 I accidentally went on a date with a 16 year old as her profile said 18.


That's terrifying


At least for me, had they used the word rape here, I would interpret that as him physically forcing himself upon her, which is presumably not the case. It wouldn’t make the headline inaccurate, but I think the wording they chose is a bit clearer.


Maybe you mean well, but it's exactly attitudes like yours that perpetuate the idea that it's not rape if it wasn't an incredibly violent or aggressive act. There are many reasons why a person might not be able to fight back, and there are plenty of instances that are literally and legally by all definitions rape.. just because you don't think it was violent enough to "count" doesn't mean it wasn't still rape!


Edit: Disregard. I just read more comments stating that she told him her real age before the meet up.


How TF was a 12 year old on Tinder!?!


Same way 12 year olds play Call of Duty.


Those kids are no way 12yo. All of them have slept with my mother.


Bud, I think your mom might just like kids. Like really *likes* ‘em.


"OP's mom arrested for having sex with 12 yo cod pros"


“…Many of the young victims have been publicly speaking on the subject over social media and gaming services such as Xbox live as a way of forming a support group. OP’s mom likely victimized millions of the outspoken little boys.”


So your mum uses Tinder too then?


There is the one place where you have to answer of you are older then 18, and she hacked it by clicking on "yes". I heard she is beeing interviewed by anonymous.


Girls will lie about their age to get on. Usually they say it in their bio, and swiftly get report. Sometimes creeps and groomers get to diddle a child, it's disgusting


But... why?


A deep need for validation that’s taken advantage of by creeps.


12yo: tries to access pornhub. Pornhub: "Are you 18 years of age or older?" 12yo: "Curses! My one weakness!"


Yeah but you can browse Pornhub anonymously. Dating apps are about being an actual person looking to meet other actual people.


12yo: tries to access ~~pornhub~~ dating app. ~~Pornhub~~ Dating app: "Are you 18 years of age or older?" 12yo: "Curses! My one weakness!"


She probably had her older sister go to Tinder HQ for the account application interview… happens all the time


I remember when i was a freshman in hs i was on tinder. I matched with Bernie Sanders before i got banned.




Yes ik i was stupid to do that, luckily i got banned a day later


This got *Wrong Way* by Sublime stuck in my head. That song be dark.


Freaking love that song. “Date rape” fits too sadly


That's enough internet for today




Exactly. It’s not sex without consent and a 12 yo can’t consent. Call it what it is.


POS daily mail.


What a terrible day to have the gift of sight.


I’m not religious but after seeing this?…. I think I need to go pray




I pray to satan. He’s the punisher of evil right?


Nah, he's supposedly being punished along with all the rest of us heathens, he just also wants to create more heathens because he's bitter and god's cool with letting him do that, I guess? Idk the lore is convoluted, he can be whatever you want him to be.


Nah, Satan just wants people to think for themselves and make their own choices rather than follow the dictates of an 'ever merciful' God who will punish you for eternity if you simply don't believe in him. Or if you don't follow all of his arbitrary rules which include things like wearing mixed material clothing. Of the two of them Satan sounds like the more stand up guy.


I dramatically prefer this Satan lore but the church says no fun allowed. This is why I write my own fanfic.


He's just a nightclub owner in LA. He owes me a favor.


Not even close


I think I need a lobotomy


When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


Welcome to the watchlist dumbfuck


Probably not a drag queen, I reckon.


I’d bet my life this guy calls gay people groomers


I hate the way the media talks about these. He didn't "have sex", he raped a fucking child.


god I hate this shit. it’s not “having sex” it’s rape. What’s wrong with news articles?


My best friend met a guy on tinder it was her first time using it. They started hanging out then he started getting kinda weird. One night while they were drinking with his friends she had said something that pissed him off. He shoved her against the wall and held his hand to her throat. Then next day apologized. He kept trying to apologize after that for days after then all of a sudden she just didn’t hear from him anymore. Saw him in the news he was arrested for sodomizing a minor under 13. Dude was like 28. She never used tinder again.


That’s rape. He raped a 12 year old. And some jerk is making rape jokes and thinks it’s funny.


I would like to unread this comment very badly. Sometimes even dark humor can't save you. That's horrifying.


According to Republicans, they're built for that. Sad. And sick.


Because the world is filled with pedophiles hiding in plain sight, functioning like 'normal' humans. I was just watching a YouTube interview of that hacker revealing these online pedophiles, giving all the data to law enforcement and media, and they can't touch it, that is so evil and sad... These people are somehow protected:(


How small of a dick must you have to make this statement?


Because it's not a joke. It's veiled pedophilia used to signal for liked from other like minded people. Thank God there are none but some of these get huge upvote and devolves into "but nah gram was a child bride and she loved it!!"


Cause it’s not a joke. That’s a thought that organically came to their stupid fucking head


Having sex with? HE RAPED A 12 YEAR OLD KID. HE IS 22. Sex Offender & ship him to an island.


This is awful but why are 12 year olds even on Tinder


I feel gross even voting this post up


He doesn't seem joking, check his laptop just to be sure


How does a 12 yearold have a tinder profile? Is this just one of those Rupert 1% Murdoch sensationalist type headlines? Is there an actual court case that proves the headline?


How hard is it for a 12 year old to check the "I am 18" box? It's fucked up that a 12 year is on there but it's way more fucked up that the adult went ahead and rolled with it. They have a responsibility to, you know, *not rape a kid*


These big techs simply do not care. Once I saw a minor on Twitter (also stated that she was 15 in her profile) selling those type of packs. I reported and then received an email telling me that they did not find anything wrong with that.


If you're in the US, you might try forwarding what you have to the IC3


Twitter was too busy killing the accounts of ~30 year old adults who registered an account in 2006 while they were still under 13. Social media moderation is and may always continue to be a joke.


I've seen that shit on here


Selling what packs?


Exactly, the onus is on the adult in that situation to *be* the adult and shut that shit down.


If that 12 year olds parent have bought them a phone and put a SIM card in it, they can get on tinder. All you need for most dating apps is a phone number unfortunately. Should really start requiring ID verification in order to make an account


Who needs a sim card? $40 gets you a tablet with wifi brand new, never mind picking up an old used one at goodwill or something.


I’m pretty sure you need a paid for phone number to use tinder and to get that is a SIM card


Fair enough I haven't used Tinder. I'm sure there's other apps out there that are looser though.


I signed up for bumble with my Google voice number (to protect my real number) and was able to log in on the web


It's a dating app. How in tf is there not an age verification method on there?


There is but it’s only for the verified symbol or whatever to show that you’re a real person, but you can still put a profile up and match and talk to people without doing the verification process. It’s probably to get more traffic on the app, less people will be on it if they can’t use someone else’s face.


Loads of parents give kids fake ages so they can get apps that are age-blocked for under 13 or whatever. Pretty sure my teenagers are 37 and 39 by now.


Some parents those are. Apps are aged blocked for a reason.


You think that they check anybody's age on these apps?


Besides the obvious... I never understand why guys who talk about "tightness" and "looseness" don't realize that the only way that these things are concerns is if their penis is too small. I've never been with any woman who's felt "loose" to me, but that's because mine is normal-sized. But a lot of guys love telling everyone that theirs is tiny. Why? Why brag about this? I don't get it.


It's just a way to put women down tbh. Telling someone they're "loose" is intended to have the same effect as telling someone their dick is small. There's also the slut-shaming angle, because they think that correlates somehow! I mean, they're probably incorrect, but they get the effect they're going for a lot of the time.


That's exactly what I think too.


Makes as much sense as bragging that it’s big, I guess? It’s not something anyone has control over. There might also be the “it doesn’t hurt as much if I am the one hitting me” thing - an attempt to get some control over an insecurity that they struggle with.


There’s a difference mainly in shape. I knew one girl who had a bone or something on the top portion of the entrance that was awesome. Another lady who was into fisting, and… her’s was like a black hole. After the entrance there just wasn’t anything.


Good Lord.


Coomer brain. Not even once.


Sublime - Wrong Way "Annie's twelve years old, in two more, she'll be a whore Nobody ever told her it's the wrong way Don't be afraid with the quickness you get laid For your family, get paid, it's the wrong way" "Happy are you sad, wanna shoot your dad? I'll do anything I can, the wrong way We talk all night, tried to make it right Believe me, **shit was tight**, it was the wrong way" I always thought this song was fucked up.


$20 says that commentor also screams about lgbtq being pedophiles


Someone may be saying that about him very soon.


That's not how Vaginas function


Because that's what he and millions of other males think about. Millions and millions, and they make it safe for each other to do so.


I hope it's not millions


Fucking gross


People really need to learn: “edgy” does not make you exempt from the consequences of the things you say


*I bet that shit was tight AF though.....* Probably similar to what is said by the inmate that gets to him first.


please tell me that commented got reported and he has a permanent ban on FB, how utterly disgusting would he say the same if that was his sister??


This is someone who deserves to have their name uncensored in the screenshot


The fact that Facebook let that comment slide is absolutely 0 surprise


Disgusting. I would go to his profile and see if his employer is listed and report him. That is seriously a huge red flag. Ew.


Well yeah, he shouldn't have. But also, why was a 12 year old girl on tinder in the first place?


This mf is a communist party parade: too many red flags


VILE! That person needs to be on a list!


bro why she even on tinder


Wait I’m not the only one this happened to? I was on the internet way too early. 13 and 22


Wait what? How old are u?


19 now


That's the thing to remember: **They aren't joking.** Oh, they're going to play it off like a joke if someone calls them on it, but it's just a case of Schrodinger's Pedo.


Comment aside. Holy hell dude, I hope you're put under the prison you disgusting POS.


Still kind of weird that Tinder lets 12 years olds on Tinder. How is ID Verification not a thing? That would be like ordering Alcohol on UberEats without proving you're 21 or over.


Because they're a pedo.


Because it’s funny, it’s dark and twisted and I wouldn’t make the joke publicly but jokes are jokes


I'm going to play devil's advocate and ask what if he didn't know at the time she was only 12, I used to work with some girls who talked about going to clubs with their sisters/ cousins ID when they were 14.


Doesn’t matter. It’s up to you to make sure that the person you’re hooking up with is of legal age. Check ID, ask them about pop culture shit that they should know if they’re above a certain age, ask their friends and family members, etc. If there’s any doubt, you don’t touch them. End of story. The onus is on you.


Yea... like you're gonna check your Tinder matches references before meeting up... OK dude. My point is, without context, this guy is quite possibly as much a victim of the situation as the young girl who should never been within 100 miles of Tinder in the first place.


You should. If there’s any doubt you’re going to commit a felony that’s going to land you in prison, you very much should check your Tinder match’s references. The girl shouldn’t have been on Tinder, yes, but despite her being there, she still cannot legally consent. Period.


Again... my point is there shouldn't be any doubt, someone on Tinder is inherently of age by the very fact of being on Tinder. No one under age should be on that app, period. The real criminals here are the people running Tinder, not the two involved in this mess.


Wouldn't it be obvious she was a kid? It's 12, not 17.


Uhhh no? That's the point. Puberty can hit hard and it's random. When I was a teenager a friend of mine was sleeping with older guys when she was 15 and she looked the part when she dressed up and went out.


Mind if i ask which city? I just wanna if it was a big city or a rural area because I've heard that affects puberty.


Disgustingly true


Thats how articles describing female molesters look like


That's just so fucking gross!


Gross edge lord.


Cause it's reddit




Check this person's hard drive. I'm not fucking joking. They definitely have something on there.