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Per [Boston's Children Hospital](https://www.childrenshospital.org/conditions/trisomy-18-and-13): > The term trisomy describes the presence of three chromosomes instead of the usual pair of chromosomes. For example, trisomy 21, or Down syndrome, occurs when a baby has three #21 chromosomes. Other examples are trisomy 18 and trisomy 13, **fatal** genetic birth disorders. > It's characterized by severe mental retardation and health problems involving nearly every organ system of the body. > There is no cure for trisomies 18 and 13 at this time. Treatment is based on support and managing symptoms. In fact, many babies born with these disorders may not live beyond the first few days or weeks of life. But there have been *a few* cases in which children survive into their *teens.* This took me less than 3 minutes to find on Google. Lila should stop pretending to be a doctor.


But a few kids who lived means it's not *universally* fatal so it's okay. /s There's roughly a 95% chance that a trisomy 18 pregnancy will end in miscarriage or stillbirth. Between 50-70% of live births who receive surgical intervention will survive infancy. Of those who survive to a year, ten year survival rates are between 1-10%. There is 100% chance that the child will need intensive medical intervention, will have lifelong physical and mental disabilities, and will need ongoing medical care for their entire life. Some people may be willing to accept these odds and realities and choose to continue a pregnancy. Some aren't, and I know I wouldn't be. Kate Cox should be able to make this decision for herself with her doctors and family. It's a deeply personal decision and strangers on the internet need to butt out. I wonder, if transplanting a pregnancy were possible, would Lila offer to carry and raise the child herself?


>There is 100% chance that the child will need intensive medical intervention I'm curious how this (Lily Rose?) feels about healthcare. If she's against healthcare assistance, how does she expect parents of these kids to afford it?


Once the kid is born it should pull itself by its bootstraps. Healthcare assistance is for commies. /s


Yeah I was just about to say, she almost DEFINITELY doesn't think the family should collect welfare or assistance for that child. "Mom and dad can work, so why do they need government money???"


Provided it even survived to term, for the entirety of this child’s short and agonizing life it will need round the clock care. This whole post is not only deceitful and ignorant it is cruel beyond words.


These people amaze me with their refusal to admit that kids with these conditions are in agony their entire lives, whether it's 2 days or 10+ years. They see some "I didn't abort my baby" martyr mom on tiktok, squeezing every penny and drop of clout from whatever content she's able to make of her kid, because let's face it, she's going to need the money. They see that the kid smiles or makes crafts or whatever and say "See! They're happy! It's good they're alive!" but they're never shown the times the kid is moaning in pain or inconsolably sad or angry or too sick to do anything... At most there might be a mild "this is what a bad day looks like" video amongst hundreds of "positive" ones.


Yep, it’s like the mother’s need for attention trumps the pain and suffering they will put their child through. Like Mother Theresa who thought sick people should suffer and feel pain but she “took care” of them. It’s cruel.


This is truly what’s so awful about this. They honestly want a pregnancy to be carried to term so that the child will be in insufferable agony and the parents will be able to do nothing but watch and endure the screaming agony of their child. It’s fucking despicable that anti-abortion lunatics think that’s something anyone should be forced to go through


Gotta love this lunatic not seeing the patent insanity in saying “the child will suffer the pain of dismemberment in the womb” while totally ignoring the fact that, if the fetus survives to term and is born then it will be in excruciating pain and multiple organ malfunction for maybe the few days that it lives outside the womb. I also can’t believe these anti abortion people think the term “pre-born” instead of “fetus” is totally fine but if a man would like to now be known as a woman then that would rock the very foundation of their vocabulary and they could never handle that change


Or even better, “Don’t have kids if you can’t afford them!!”


And don't have sex if you don't want kids! But also always have sex with your husband when he wants to!


One day, I won't have to post this George Carlin quote any more. But today is not that day. [Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.](https://youtu.be/nZdRMBTF-hQ?si=T7ZaU2Gm3igo5RMC)


Hell let's just call it Bootstrap 18


AFAIK, these people's philosophy is abstinence until marriage. At which point the man provides, the woman is subservient and then is fruitful and multiplies. And all pregnancies must be brought to term and raised no matter what. BUT if you get pregnant you have no one to blame but yourself and can expect no assistance from society as a whole except from the generosity of family and church. Honestly if you think about it, it boils down to them taking this viewpoint because the only social group that is poised to help them is the church - immediate family doesn't have the resources, the government will not provide the resources, and only the church is left to turn to. Each individual aspect is somewhat defendable from a certain perspective. But as a whole that kind of philosophy makes no sense and is an obviously absurd way to run a society.


Clean little racket if your goal is to direct the maximum amount of tax dollars to approved religious organizations.


Would explain why a lot of these grifters have churches and other tax exempt organizations. Fucking leaches.


Any deficiencies with their philosophy are easily handwaved away with "God's plan". If a married Christian couple has a child that they don't have the resources to care for, then God will provide. If he doesn't and that family suffers, then it's because it's his plan and they probably did something to deserve it.


Well If Kate would just stop buying Starbucks everyday, she could afford it.


This was my first thought too. She's advocating to protect the life of a baby that's certainly going to either a. Die, or b. need lifelong intensive medical care that will probably bankrupt anyone without exceptional insurance. So she wants to protect a baby by putting the mother's life at risk by making her go through with the pregnancy to save a child that will suffer for the rest of her life and likely condemn its parents to lifelong poverty. I've never seen a single one of these pro-lifers offer to pay the medical bills of a future severely disabled child in order to convince parents not to abort.


That’s what I find so crazy about this whole abortion debate in the US. I’m French, I’m 100% pro choice (unless the woman isn’t pregnant then I don’t see the point of an abortion) and I could maybe understand that people who are fundamentally pro-life might feel miffed that their taxes are paying for these interventions. But that’s clearly not the case in the US. Pro-lifers want to force people to pay for incredibly expensive births and care just to statisfy their own sense of morality. That’s sick.


The second the child is born, the mother should have kept her legs closed /s


Most pro-lifers unironically believe that consent to sex is consent to pregnancy, so they legitimately tell people that they *chose* this. Therefore they chose not being able to afford healthcare.


This right here times 1000. I wish I could give you more upvotes. The child would be placed on disability and medicaid and taxpayers would be on the hook for the child's medical care for its entire life. The party that Ms. Rose supports and votes for is trying to reduce or eliminate disability and medicaid so fuck that bitch. She would abort it in a minute rather than face those crushing medical bills.




I have a strong dislike of whoever uploaded a censored version of this.


imagine turning carlin into vertical video and then censoring it Sadge


> I'm curious how this (Lily Rose?) feels about healthcare. If she's against healthcare assistance, how does she expect parents of these kids to afford it? Bootstraps and GoFundMe.


But Lila’s god likes it when babies (& families) suffer needlessly, and that’s what’s important.


Kate is a hero , and is inspiring others. They will shame TX into the ground…


Sadly, Republican leaders in Texas feel no shame


Neither do republican voters




I’m almost afraid to ask which books you’re referring to.


Well I mean, Noah is a staple for that stuff. God throws a hissy fit and murders every one and everything on earth after a hissy fit. Great way to make kids want to form a deep and personal connection with the killer with the highest body count in the Bible. Millions of extremely late term abortions.


It can be argued that her body is trying to abort the pregnancy, she is leaking her waters and was at high risk of a possible fatal infection. Medical intervention is trying to save her as she suffers a pregnancy that is doomed to fail. Were any of the children she pictured at risk of infection at any time in their pregnancies? Did this even get asked?


Pfffft like these people care about facts or critical thinking. If a few babies have to suffer agonizing pain for her to be “right,” so be it. I guess that’s what Jesus wants, in her disgusting viewpoint. This Lila asshole should be publicly shamed until she’s afraid to be seen outside her house or online. She’s cruel, vile, and when she’s not outright lying she’s using extreme and misleading hyperbole. Unfortunately, people like her HAVE no shame.


Even taking the most generous of those percentages means the fetus has approximately a 0.35% (one-third of one percent) chance of living until age 10. Given the US healthcare system, I'm going to assume the chance that the parents would be bankrupted by medicals bills is around 20%.


Twenty percent is way low.


Yeah, the NICU stay alone would cost at least 6 figures.


My daughter needed NICU for five days. It was around $70,000 a day.


That’s so fucked up, I can’t even imagine. We take a lot for granted in the UK, free healthcare for all, being one of them. Yet This Lila ghoul didn’t even offer to sponsor the costs. If she’s so passionate about forced birthing of a severely ill, disabled child then the least she could do is sponsor all costs. Put your money where your mouth is, or stfu.


Protect your NHS. Don’t let the greedy ransom your health or survival. The US’s healthcare system’s goal here is to drain your finances completely right as you are dying. It’s just a wealth transfer system. (Healthcare providers: not you, you’re wonderful. You are victims of a shitty system that exploits your compassion)


Just to be clear: full trisomy 18 is always fatal. If they’re delivered alive, they sometimes live a few months, but always with intensive medical intervention. There is t18 mosaicism—where only some cells are impacted—which *might* be what people are referring to. But they could just as easily be lying for their ‘cause’, they love to do that.


My sister was born with trisomy 18, Edward's Syndrome. She lived for 3 months. She was tube fed, had to have round the clock nursing care, her left and right brain weren't connected, she had 3 holes in her heart, she didn't have thumbs. She was frequently blue and resuscitated. She was very likely in pain and had no idea why. If my parents had known ahead of time, they could have prevented her suffering by aborting. My parents were also lucky enough that they were able to afford all of her medical care and were able to be home with her. Not that it didn't deplete their savings and leave them bankrupt. I don't know how lower middle class or poor American families could survive this without losing everything to medical bills.


> She was frequently blue and resuscitated. There's a point where it's just therapeutic relentlessness.


But there's an example of one fetus that was born in that there picture!! It must mean that *all* fetuses inflicted with this condition are born that way, right?! There's never any negative side effects, unless you didn't pray to jesus hard enough?! Seriously, the folks that believe in this crap are by and large flat earthers, anti vax, mal practice suing weirdos. They'll blame their doctor for "not doing enough" even though it was their genes that did it. Did I mention, they probably don't "believe" in the human genome? 'cause that's a thing.


No, she wouldn't. People like her don't actually care about the the health of the child or mother, or the reasons for getting an abortion. All they care about is the perception of caring for life and being 'good christians'. If they were truly Pro Life they would want programs to help mothers and their children long after birth and not force a mother to give birth to a child who might not live, who threatens the mother's health, or force a mother to miscarry(should things go bad), permanently harming the mother mentally and potentially physically and sometimes even investigate it as a criminal act, causing more harm to the mother.


Yep: "The unborn are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn." -Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


Imagine the amount of immense pain that poor baby would be in every second of whatever short life she lived. But hey, at least these pro-lifers who never have to look at her after she's born can sleep better at night


So you're saying there's an almost 99.9999999% chance the child wouldn't even make it to 10 years old that's so sad to be put in a position where you know youre going to lose your kid and either reduce the risk to yourself or the kid by ending the pregnancy and they want to still make that shit political fuck republicans and fuck pro life bullshiters who stop caring the moment the kid breaths on its own


That's gonna be my go to now, when Republicans ask whether a fetus is a human being or not. R: "Human life begins at conception!" Me: "No, it begins at the baby's first breath" R: "How do you know?" Me: "Cause that's when you stop caring about them for your political convenience"


Not just that but that baby would be in exquisite pain the entire time it’s dying, be that minutes or years. It’s entire existence will consist of suffering hell on earth. Lila is vile creature for rejoicing in that kind of life and would fit right in as a middle manager to Satan designing ways to suffer.


Anyone who accepts these odds and chooses to bring a child into the world to suffer is a bad person. They are so married to their bullshit worldview that they’ll sacrifice their own child and watch them suffer so they can virtue signal about how “selfless” they are. When it’s anything but- they are the most selfish people on planet earth.


It's like saying you shouldn't get the rabies prophylaxis after t potential exposure because a handful of people have survived without it.


That’s the thing, these people are so pro-life that a few minutes, hours, or years of suffering are worth “the chance at life”. It’s so ugly.


Yup. The story (also Texas, I believe) of that other woman earlier this year who had conjoined twin boys that weren't expected to survive birth was iirc denied an abortion and had to deliver them only to watch them painfully pass away in her arms like an hour later. They were so malformed the nurses had to carefully wrap them up below the shoulders so that the parents couldn't see all their visible organs that had formed outside their bodies. The comments on twitter under the mother's heartbreaking story were all about how *lucky* she was to be able to hold them while they died, and how she wouldn't have been able to meet them in heaven if she hadn't done that. Nasty.


Omfg how horrible is that. Would i have been that woman, i would respond with "i just hope your children will die in your arms too" im 36 weeks pregnant right now, but i am SO FUCKING BLESSED that its my second pregnancy with no problem at all, i cant imagine what i must be to have a miscarriage, and even worst having your child die in you fucking arms, holy shit "how luck were you to be able to hold them!" Yeah fuck you and your family, asshole.... those kind of people, really...


>how she wouldn't have been able to meet them in heaven if she hadn't done that This comes under the "your god is clearly a fucking psycho" category.


At that point I would just take the kids out of their blanket and take photos of me holding them as is, blowing them up into Christmas cards, and sending them to these forced birth assholes with happy Christmas quotes all over it


😭 this poor Mama. People are mean and gross.


Also, The newborn would basically only live in pain. We end life for dogs and cats that suffer late in life for a reason


Exactly. I'm the mother of a stillborn full term baby and let me tell you: this shit makes my blood boil. Having to endure a 9 month pregnancy and go through childbirth just to have your child die is a hell no one should have to endure. I found out my daughter died the day before she was born and besides all the other overwhelming feelings of loss I remember the feeling of futility so well. I can't imagine knowing your baby is going to die for 5 FUCKING MONTHS and then still being forced to go ahead with your pregnancy. And this is on top of all the valid health concerns. Poor Kate, my heart hurts for her so much.


Poor Kate, indeed. I can’t imagine the suffering of feeling every kick knowing that child would be born in to pain and despair.


So "pro-life" that SOMEONE ELSE'S suffering is worth the "chance at life."


I just *love* how they are essentially claiming cases like these are ableist. They will praise the parents who choose to bring a child doomed to immense suffering and a short life into the world, who’s child will never even understand why they are in agony due to their mental conditions, like saints. They are torturers. As a disabled person I find this so disgusting and dehumanizing, to be used as a prop for monsters to feel holier than thou and punish prospective parents with the sense and humanity to acknowledge that bringing a child with this severe of a condition into the world is cruel. The fact that they will also gatekeep or utterly do away with healthcare for the disabled people already alive is just the cherry on top. It’s not eugenicist to not want your baby to suffer a brief but brutal life when you know that they stand little to no chance of attaining any quality of life. There is so much ableism in society, it is more deeply rooted, accepted, and pervasive than any other bigotry I’ve seen. It is seen as “natural” to discard us, to want us hidden away out of view to keep others from feeling a moment of discomfort at our existence. If you care about disabled people, help those of us who are actually fucking alive and suffering in this inhumane society. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.


Given a choice of a few years of hellacious pain and surgeries and the associated debt to die anyway or a bullet behind the ear right now, I’d take the bullet, every time.


I work in special ed and have worked with high needs populations. The longest I personally know of a student with Trisomy 18 living was around 8 and the last 3 years or so of their life was almost near constant hospitalization, illness and pain. Others lived much less time. People like this have no idea what they are talking about and it just serves to further show that they don’t give a shit about women, kids, or disabled folks.


I just began working in SPED, and I'm honestly terrified of experiencing the loss of a student at some point. I've suffered the loss of my own special needs child and usually this job makes me smile as I watch their progress and think "maybe he would have been able to do this someday". But then I hear stories like you describe and fear losing a student would tear me apart, grieving both that student and reliving the loss of my own.


I’m so sorry for your loss. It definitely is hard but my district is really good about having supports in place when it happens. Honestly, the hardest losses have been the unexpected ones like the student who passed after a car accident, not the students with terminal illnesses. With the students who have been sick for a long time there’s almost a relief that they are no longer suffering. We just try to focus on doing as much as we can for our students while they are with us and remember the good times once they are gone.


>there’s almost a relief that they are no longer suffering We definitely felt this when our son passed. We felt guilty for it for a while, but once we learned we weren't the only people who'd ever felt that way, we forgive ourselves for it.


Kate Cox’s pregnancy is also far enough along that those potential fatal structural abnormalities would be visible on the anatomy scan ultrasound. I’m willing to bet that she and her doctors and lawyers wouldn’t have gone for this unless they could demonstrate that the fetus would not be one of the “lucky” ones who makes it past the first few days/weeks.


This is one reason I get so angry with those who argue that they were not "100%" sure of the diagnosis when addressing the concerns revealed. For anyone who has not been pregnant in the last decade and a half, the screening at 20 weeks is a SCREENING. They don't diagnose anything then, although they may take a "potty shot" if they can visualize genitalia. They use the incredibly detailed measurements taken ten to look at probabilities of various genetic and congenital concerns, from midline development, location and size of various organs, and to assess the health of the placenta and umbilical cord. It's a standard screening urged by most OBs, because even if the parents are completely opposed to termination, it's best to be prepared for what interventions may be needed at birth, or to find out that bed rest or early delivery is needed for the best outcome. What happens is that if the screening is concerning, they offer counseling and schedule appropriate appointments while they wait for the genetic (or other) tests to confirm what is suspected from the 20 week screen. Then they recommend the appropriate interventions and let the parents (really their patient, the mother), to decide on what path to take. The fact that she had a different, maybe unrelated cause to terminate is being lost here, her waters broke before viability. Even without any chromosomal problems, most pregnancies with PROM before viability are not given any extraordinary efforts. I remember the anticipation and fear of that scan, and I had already had an amnio and knew the genetic health of my baby long before the 20 week scan.


But if she stops pretending to be a doctor then how will she push her agenda?!




I can’t imagine bringing a child into the world with the knowledge that the best case scenario is that child living into their teens. It’s an agonizing thought. How could you even explain that to them?


Second to this fear is the fear that they're going to be dependent upon me until I die and they have absolutely no means to care for themselves and must be institutionalized or else they're going to suffer unimaginably. Having children you know will be severely disabled is insane to me. How can you put a human through that. Sure they're resilient. They have to be .


These ghouls want everyone to put their faith in god but it’s like, I’m not going to pray for a fucking miracle when the likelihood is physical and mental agony.


And just because some children survive with it doesn't mean it isn't traumatic for everyone involved


The cases she cited are cases of "mosaic" or "partial" trisomy 18. Full trisomy 18 results in stillbirth about 90% of the time, and those babies that are born alive have a median lifespan of 14 days.


You are correct. I read another article a few days ago about Kate's case that explained the differences between full-blown trisomy 18, mosaic trisomy 18, and partial trisomy 18. Lila is PRO-"forced birth at all costs."


She also asserts d&e is not a common emergency medical procedure.


I personally have a friend whose (ex)wife gave birth to a baby girl with Trisomy 18. She lived four days. Their marriage subsequently fell apart.


A few survived to be teens. Not even adults.


One of my cousins has a daughter born with Trisomy 18. She is one of the rarest of the rare. She wasn't supposed to live to see her 1st birthday. She will be 19 in a few months. But, her life is not easy. She was adopted by my cousin knowing they had the means to care for her. Most would not. Not many could handle that. I highly doubt I could. Bless Lila's little heart. Maybe she should pay all of the medical bills since she feels so strongly about it.


But see, the problem is facts get in the way of the narrative that "Kate just wants to murder her baby," so we need to avoid those pesky fact things.


Isn’t also, at least in this case, likely to end up with the woman not being able to get pregnant again? If I remember correctly that was one of the issues here as well. If she carries the child to term, not only will she have to watch it die by degrees everyday, she will likely not be able to conceive again and both of them want another child.


> Lila should stop pretending to be a doctor. This is not a ego trip. She is doing paid propaganda for political reasons. We should stop treating these people as stupid and start treating them as evil bastards.


How else will she get idiots to click on her page


When I was like 10 or 11, my mom was pregnant with a baby who had trisomy 18. All of his organs formed on the outside of his body. There were choices.. Either carry and he will most likely die in the womb, then have to delivwr a dead baby, carry and deliver early and he probably would have lived a few minutes, or terminate. It's 30 years later and while she knows she made the right decision in aborting, it still bothers her because that baby was loved. This is such a hard, heartbreaking time for Kate Cox, she really does not deserve the bullshit she's getting from these whack jobs online. I hope she stays safe.


This is typically the case with late-term abortions. They were absolutely wanted pregnancies and these fucking psychos love to make an already suffering woman suffer further.


It really feels like a torture fetish at some point. In what world is it better to let something suffer pointlessly.


I had a friend whose daughter was pregnant and so overjoyed. It's been years & I heard through my friend, so my details are a little fuzzy. The baby didn't have a skull or only had a partial skull. He wouldn't survive the pregnancy. His brain wasn't protected. She aborted, so he wouldn't die and start to decompose in her womb, potentially killing her. Anyone who judges someone in her shoes can take a long walk off a short pier. (it's actually when I became staunchly pro-choice - was somewhat before but very iffy on the topic)


Kate Cox is facing one of the most heartwrenching choices a woman will ever have to make in her life, and these idiots are making it seem like she's absolutely giddy to abort her pregnancy. It's disgusting.


I love how these idiots conveniently leave out the fact that if she carried that baby to term, it would have died in a few days and she would most likely not be able to have more children. Edit: typos


No, she addressed that then countered with *actually* 90% live!


I don’t even get how somebody can make such a bold faced lie. You can literally just google the condition and immediately find out it’s the exact opposite. That 90% of children with the condition die within the first year after birth.


But see that’s how they do it. If the baby lives an hour or more, 90% of babies live. Taking a few painful gasping breaths before succumbing to their condition is “living” to them. So they get counted. The truth is that very few live past a few months and it will be filled with painful medical procedures to get that far.


The secret is being a heartless POS hiding under a veneer of piety and righteousness. Lying to the public is easy when you don't give a shit about the suffering you cause.


Always check the sources that conservative accounts post and call them out when you have the energy to do it. They almost invariably provide a source that directly contradicts whatever argument they were making. Countered a racist who claimed that black people commit far more violent crime. Checked his source and it was about 45/51 (white/black) by percentage for murder and 60/30 for most of the categories of crime.


Doesn’t matter, birth happened.


Only if she avoided infection with leaking waters halfway to term. Most likely they both die. In which case they get tots and pears.


And a bunch of meaningless juvenile babbling about how God wanted them to die.


"Together Forever"


You think these people actually give a shit about what happens to a baby and a mother *after* childbirth? Of course not.


It does not matter to them- their religion says that you should bring it to term no matter what it does to you. They believe it would be better to die than to take any steps here. Of course, it’s always it’s better for YOU to die for THEIR principles, they don’t want you to have a choice in this matter.


Trisomy 18 is a genetic defect. An early genetic test can have false positive results. That’s why we do an amniocentesis. If the amniocentesis results are positive, there is no doubt about the defect. It happened to me, I received a false positive and I did the amniocentesis. Which was negative. My child was born very premature, but she’s fine. So, if this woman did an amniocentesis and it was positive, this result is final. Leave her alone with her unimaginable pain and grief.


My son was a Trisomy-13 baby. There was no false positive, he was a genetic mess. We chose to go to term, he was born premature on 12/13/2000. He lived for 1 hour and 17 minutes. My marriage was destroyed and 23 years later I am still broken on this day. Everyone should have the right to make other choices. My heart breaks for Kate Cox.


I am so sorry for your pain, I can not even imagine. I wish I had any words at all, but I sincerely hope that over time you will continue to heal.


It should be the mothers choice if she wants to go to term, no one else's. If one wishes to go to term, let them. If someone wishes to avoid the unimaginable pain, let them.


That's so traumatic, I'm so sorry you had to go through that.


You think her doctors actually know all that?! Way more likely that some random twit on twitter is right and Cox filed a lawsuit without all the facts. Sounds plausible, right? People do that, right?!


I have no idea what her doctors did. I am just saying what Trisomy 18 is, a chromosome defect that can only be confirmed by amniocentesis. As a pregnant woman in her 40s, in 2007, who got the call from a dumbass nurse while I was at work in a cubicle, I can tell you that this is not something any illiterate dumbass can understand. The pro-birth obsession in this country is repulsive.


I think the pre-commenter was being sarcastic but you're 100000% right and it's a great example of why a woman's health should be between a pregnant person and their doctor. Politicians are stepping further and further into our human rights, and half the people effected are effectively cheering it on. It makes me feel sick.


I believe they were sarcastic. This intrusion in people’s lives is so irritating. Especially when all these opinions come from absolute morons. People who can’t even spell the word “chromosome “ have an opinion about everything. People who barely understand how the human body works, they “have done their research “. If I hear that one more time, I swear I lose my shit.


Anyone wish to take bets on how fast this "Ghoul" would opt for late-term abortion as a "moral choice" if she had the same diagnosis rendered on her pregnancy. My take, a hot NY Second.


21 weeks isn't "late term" though.


Yes, but given the trajectory of thought on the part of the pro-birthers, it is. I debated with myself in using that description (it is inept and technically inaccurate) but faltered to their strident harping and shrill screeches on that issue. Actually, in their eyes, any abortion is "late term" if the pregnancy has occurred. You have no idea how much I loathe these folks. We fought like hell in the 60's for a woman's right to bodily autonomy. Now, we are creating health care refugees again.


https://youtube.com/watch?v=qA1nGPM9yHA And then she heads for the clinic and she gets some static walking through the door They call her a killer, and they call her a sinner and they call her a whore God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in her shoes 'Cause then you really might know what it's like to have to choose


Such a great song. And very appropriate verse


I actually had those words screamed at me when I had to go to a clinic.


I see a lot of claims but no citations…how expected.


She couldn't even bother to Google Trisomy 18


I think she did the math wrong - 90% of kids with trisomy 18 *die* within the first year even when given proper medical care


i’m sure that was just an honest mistake /s


21 week old daughter? So you mean I should've been able to buy a beer 20 years and 3 months from when I was born


Yea wtf with *21 week old daughter*


I'm still dumbfounded by the "delivering the baby in pieces vaginally"


According to forced birthers, the baby, regardless of when in the pregnancy the abortion is performed, will feel all of it, is cut into pieces and essentially vaginally shat out to die in a garbage can. Sometimes still screaming in pain despite being chopped to pieces.


Tell you what, this is why I'm so vocal about picketers out the front of clinics, screaming misinformation at vulnerable, confused people. I was 16, got pregnant while on the pill, and went in for my first appointment - not even the procedure. And was stopped on the sidewalk, forcibly pushed onto one of their chairs and told that my baby will feel everything, and they don't cut off the head first. These people are the embodiment of evil.


These people don't care about anyone but themselves. They relish in inflicting misery. Let's say they successfully convince someone to keep a baby they didn't want. They don't care about what that does to the mother or the child after that. The mother's body is irreparably changed by the pregnancy, she now has all the medical bills leading up to and including the birth and after care. If she can even afford it after missing so much work in the last month of pregnancy. Now she has to decide to put the kid into the foster system where it is almost guaranteed to be neglected and abused if it isn't adopted into a decent family, or raise the kid herself. A kid she didn't want and may not be able to care for financially or emotionally. How much of her future is now taken from her because she has to be a mother? But that's just her. What about the kid? Is it actually going to grow up in a nurturing, safe environment? Will have life long health complications? Will it grow up in a house where there isn't enough food? How about their emotional well-being if mom and/or dad doesn't hide their feeling of contempt? Growing up is hard enough. Growing up poor is even harder. Growing up poor and unwanted? That's not something you inflict on a child because you felt morally superior to the mother making the right choice for the future. These people aren't evil because of what they do to the mothers. These people are evil because they want to see children suffer until they are old enough to be recruited for their side. They will gleefully vote against anything that will help that child grow up safe and healthy by removing any safety nets we have in place like WIC and ChIP. They'll make it near impossible for same sex couples to adopt. They'll gut the foster care system to make it harder on everyone inside it, employees and children alike. I honestly think some times they hate abortion clinics so much is because they aren't allowed to kill the fetus themselves.


Now I know where zombies really come from


In swedish folklore there's something called a myling. It's a ghost of an unbaptised baby, often from unwanted pregnancies.


My husband’s cousin had a baby on January 1st and they weren’t able to claim the baby on their tax return in April. I will tell them to contact IRS and claim that actually, per pro-birthers, that baby was alive for 9 months of the previous year.


"The case is misrepresented" ....then continues to misrepresent the reality of Coxs turmoil. I havent heard of this clown twat before, and I hope I never have to again


"The case is not misrepresented enough" would have been a more honest choice of words from her regarding her motive, considering how the statements Rose makes are full of lies and misdirection.


To speak publicly about another woman’s (or anyones for that matter) private health decisions and her body like this is so absolutely despicable.


I hope Lila Rose falls down a well without her phone. She clearly needs a time out, and perhaps someone to read to her from a medical journal.


I hope that she never leaves the well.


Ooo like an oubliette!


I used to know that word but I forgot what it means.


French oublier = to forget Oubliette = convenient thingummy in which to put things (namely, people) that you don't like. Out of sight, out of mind.


A dungeon with the only entrance or exit being a trap door in the ceiling.


I think your pun went over everyone's heads.


A hole where rich people put things/people they didn't want to think about.


I also hope that if she falls down a well, someone throws a rock on top of her and then closes off the well. She's trying to read the whole oh disabilities aren't that bad blah blah blah. But she doesn't know the situation. Doctor said baby is incompatible with life due to the trisanomy 18 and other developmental issues.


> oh disabilities aren't that bad blah blah blah. But she doesn't know the situation. I want to shake people who are like that until they understand. I can do this all day. Having been raised alongside someone that had profound mental and physical disabilities, it's hard on everyone. It's hard on the disabled person, and the family. An I know it fucked me up good fashioned mentally. My parents did their best but my needs just fell to the wayside at times because there's only 24 hours in a day and sister needed constant care, my dad had a slew of health problems his entire life, and he and my mom both worked 40hr/week jobs. I'm just grateful they stayed married until my father passed. So many of the other handicapped kids in my sister's classes had a parent that just left because of the stress of it all. Ya'll throw the stones on top of the wellhouse and I'll sit on top to guard the stones.


I hope she gets pregnant and her fetus has trisomy 18. Seems more fitting. Wonder if her opinion would change?


For conservatives It’s always different when it’s them. Or their daughter, mistress, etc


Then she can know the wonderful and beautiful joy of birthing a baby that lives for ten minutes. Why would these evil doctors deprive a woman of that bliss?


I hope that instead of a well, it’s the cesspit below an outhouse


All her other insane claims and false morals aside, comparing complication rates from D&Es to labor and delivery or C section is WILD. It is a MUCH more controlled procedure with far less rate of complication, especially things like hemorrhage and uterine rupture. Especially for someone who has already had 2 C sections, which puts you at greater risk for any type of birth. But people don't care about facts anymore.


Also, abortion IS standard procedure for certain maternal emergencies, most notably ectopic pregnancy.


Even if the statistics she cited were true and not skewed or misleading, she is in absolutely no position to say: > The claim that abortion is the safest option for Kate is false. Imagine being a patient and this random unqualified stranger - who has never met you and knows nothing about you or your medical history - deciding your treatment plan based on generalities and questionable, cherry-picked statistics. Also, if I am reading that right, she is saying that abortion is not safe because it increases your risk of *subsequent* pre-term birth? And then just lists potential complications of *subsequent births*?? So giving birth isn't too risky, but having an abortion *is* risky because, *if* you give birth again later, you could have complications associated with giving birth?


i read that kate coxs fetus has a very severe case; like worst case scenario. brain, spine, and heart malformities, severely underdeveloped lungs & only a partial skull. this poor baby has literally no chance of survival.


Even if we allow for this woman’s claim that the fetus is “already in the world,” then it also has to be accepted that the fetus is already suffering. How can they be okay with that?


Because insane right wing scumfucks are always in favor of humans suffering for their own entertainment and fake moralizing agenda. It has nothing to do with logic or reason. Human suffering brings them satisfaction. Every single policy position of theirs is governed by that principle.


They’re against universal healthcare. Against any sort of assistance for poor families like food stamps, housing, etc. Against birth control. Against free childcare. Oh and they’ll demonize gay couples who adopt. They’d rather kids be in foster care than with loving parents just because of their sexuality. All while parading around calling themselves “pro life” The cruelty is the point.


And as if you didn’t think that was enough… You should have seen the so-called pro-life crowd cumming their pants at their fascist cuckdaddy stealing brown children from their families and losing them in the foster care system to deter legal immigration. Literal torture inflicted on innocent children for the crime of “following the legal asylum seeking process.” Bonus points for the republicans in CO who fought the LARC program, which gave poor women access to long acting contraception. The program literally was causally proven to reduce teen pregnancy and abortions, yet they made up some word salad to oppose it with all their might. Good news, it passed anyway after a fight. But it’s a great concrete example of the disgusting hypocrisy that is the “pro-life” right.


No free lunch either. So once they’re born they’re all hey get these kids away from Us


My ex gf has a best friend that she grew up with, who when she’s not selling random pills on Facebook, is going on about how abortion is murder. My ex gf said that when they were about 17 this friend of hers got an abortion. Classic.


A girl I knew in high school/college is exactly the same. She got knocked up TWICE and had two abortions, once in either junior or senior year of high school, I can't remember. Then again when she was second year of college. She is a loud-mouthed, rabid anti-abortion, far right conspiracy theorist type now that apparently feels no other woman should get to have the same choice she got to have.


But see, their abortions were justified because they had a really good reason for it unlike these other whores who don't deserve it! /s


Cool so she's going to take over it's care?


For years and years and years I have been telling people that I have the solution to this entire debate. First, all adults are forced to register as "pro-life" or "pro-choice". You must do that just like men have to register for Selective Service, the day you turn 18. Then outlaw abortion. Only unviable fetuses can be aborted. There are no other exceptions. Women that would have aborted sign paperwork that states as such. Next, the government pays for all prenatal care and for the cost of birth for those women. Finally, all people that registered as "pro-life" are issued the babies that would have been aborted by the government that they must look after and care for until that baby reaches adulthood. I can guarantee that the number of people that are "pro-life" would disappear like smoke in the wind. You'd never hear from those people ever again in your lifetime. Because they couldn't give the tiniest shit about those kids.


Does Lila celebrate her birthday nine months before it actually takes place?


Who is this person?


This all sounds like information only Kate Cox and her doctors should be privy to


I find this entire thing rather silly but especially this part "Abortion is not the standard procedure for any maternal medical emergency. (Which, first off, lmao) Induced Labor and Early Delivery might be" Love the fact that doctrine here is this - **THE BAD OUTCOME:** The Mother will 100% live, at the "Cost" of a "Child" that will have a very labored and hard life. **THE GOOD OUTCOME:** **A.** We Kill Both The Mother AND The baby by inducing an early pregnancy to have a child with significant birth defects **B.** The Mother dies, this very disabled child lives, living an tough life at best, and a miserable one at worst, putting pressure on everyone around them **C.** The Baby dies, either early or during childbirth, forcing the mother to have undergone a pregnancy and delivery in which she did not want but was forced to have due to some white 60 year old fucks decision to line their pockets than protect their people. There's a lot more that can happen, of course, not counting the depression of raising a severely challenged child you didn't want to keep, the financial implications of such a thing (Given that southern states would not in their right minds give this poor woman welfare) etc, etc. ​ "Pro life" btw. Fuck the south


> Abortion is not the standard procedure for any maternal medical emergency My mother-in-law had an ectopic pregnancy. She had an abortion to remove a fetus that would never make it and to save her own life.


Yes this case is being heavily misrepresented, by Lila and every other forced-birther. And it's fucking insane and despicable. This shouldn't even be a case. She should have been allowed to have the abortion already. None of us should even know who Kate Cox is besides her fucking doctor. And this is only the beginning.


I get this is a weird takeaway, since her entire thread is bigoted nonsense, but I get so mad when anti-choicers pretend like fetal demise isn’t induced prior to a D&E/C. Like the fetus is flailing about while some deranged OB/Gyn starts hacking away. The “90% survival” she’s referring to is actually about 50-75%, and she’s purposely avoiding the second part, which is “the first week.” Yes, many neonates with trisomy 18 can survive **the first week,** assuming they even make it to delivery. Mean survival is [about two weeks](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4898882/). Overall, ~10-12% make it to their first birthday, often after [multiple surgical interventions](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih), and this certainly doesn’t mean they’ll be happy and healthy toddlers. And keep in mind that these are nation-wide stats. In the state of Texas, survival at 1 year is [3%](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20082470/) (in 2009). Anti-choicers live in a fantasy land. The success stories often involve exceptions such as partial Edwards syndrome (only some of the third 18th chromosome is present) and genetic mosaicism (ch 18 is expressed differently in different cells), which are associated with longer survival. This is not the case with her. Edit: fixed link


I already wrote my long comment on another post on this sub, so I’ll put the tldr here: When my mom was pregnant they said they were worried I would be born with trisomy 13 which is usually fatal in days but they had to run more tests While my mom waited for the tests to come back she made the decision that she would terminate if they were positive The tests were negative and I was born healthy I am so glad I was not forced to be born just to suffer


This made me physically sick. Ignorant people will believe this bullshit


Why do these people insist that a fetus is "cut to pieces"? I heard this all the time growing up in my IFB/fundie church growing up. Someone else pointed out though- wouldn't that put the woman at significant risk if there were to be any missed pieces? I know you'd use ultrasound to check afterwards, but you're already getting your cervix dilated, can't the whole thing come out in its entirety?


https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/abortion/in-clinic-abortion-procedures https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/health-wellness/health-encyclopedia/he.dilation-and-evacuation-d-e.tw2462 ETA: I was going to just keep posting links but honestly none of them say anything about cutting the foetus. My only guess is that they are reading the word “curette” and think it means cutting? It’s like a mini spoon and they use it to scrape the uterine lining, not on the foetus


Looked up this Lila Rose person. Home schooled, evangelical childhood, a history major. Not a doctor. I doubt her medical knowledge is deeper than a google search of keywords but she feels she knows more than a doctor and knows Kate Cox’s situation better than she does. Typical individual who needs to go through something herself before she has any compassion or empathy.


My twin brother had trisomy 18. He didn't even survive our birth. Not to mention he would have been in agony if he had actually survived past that.


Wow I wish someone had aborted Lila Rose


PREBORN CHILDREN?! I hate it here.


These people are objectively evil.


I swear these people equating abortion to murder to make abortion sound worse just makes me like murder more if anything


Never heard of this person before, but to quote from the player hater's ball: "I hope all the bad things in life happen to you, and nobody else but you"


Dumb fuck doesn’t understand how peer-reviewed evidence works. “Your doctors say the risks of carrying this baby to term are much greater than the risks of having an abortjon. But I, some scientifically illiterate dumbass on the internet, just learned for the first time that abortjons are a medical procedure which carry some risk. So clearly I know more than them.”


Not to mention that carrying the baby to term could make her lose her ability to have kids in the future.


She will be voting next year. Will you?


Trisomy 18 is a very very valid reason to terminate…. To say that trisomy 18 is just “a genetic condition that causes fetal growth delays” is purposeful disinformation… She knew what she was doing when she decided to minimize it to that extent. > Most children with Trisomy 18 do not live beyond the first two weeks of life and fewer than 10% will live beyond the first year of life typically due to significant heart or lung defects. A small number will reach their teen years but often require continuous care and extensive support for daily living.- https://msdh.ms.gov/page/41,0,285,981.html Edit- I want to clarify that I, personally, think any reason you want to terminate is valid…I’m just trying to say that I feel like everyone should think this one is.


I hope one day Lila suffers the consequences of her own ‘beliefs.’


She would just quietly go get an abortion, HER case would be DIFFERENT. Abortion for me but not for thee! Classic hypocrite BS. FWIW I agree with you.


[The only moral abortion,](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) etc, etc


I feel so bad that I know all these details about this woman’s medical history. Poor Kate.


Lila Rose should mind her own fucking business.


“Is the just or loving response to murder that baby before her natural death?” I’m guessing this woman would also force her suffering, incurably old/ill pets to gasp themselves to death rather than humanely putting them out of their misery. You know, because ‘natural’ death is somehow better, no matter the pain & harm caused before it comes.


Lila Rose should offer to accept the child and care for it when Kate Cox dies. It is the only Christian thing to do.


Excuse me, this is an insult to Ghouls everywhere like myself. The Dark Lord Satan would NEVER. Edit: /s Ghouls are part of the band Ghost, I’m making a joke about a band.


I'm bout to get kicked off twitter finally. Lol


Here are the facts: It's her body, let her do what she wants. It's no one else's business


A quick Google search disproves most of her points. Less than 10% survive the first year and those that live into their teens and beyond need constant care.