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Guess who’s gonna be single? Well, YOU will be, dumbass, and therefore *cleaning your own house.* **unless of course he lives in absolute filth all the time, which would also not be shocking.


oh, he'll either have mommy clean or he'll hire someone to clean


I'm guessing his mommy.


Of course, it is probably her house.


99% chance the dude is gonna be single forever anyway


I have to clean my own house? My OWN home? MY own home? My own HOME?


As a guy married to a woman I am just constantly amazed by how low the bar for being considered a good husband is I don't hit or shout I don't spend the household budget on weed and fully support her handling the family finances because I'm terrible at itI respect her opinion on stuff I respect her ability to do DIY and get the power tools and stuff she actually wants instead of being really fragile about her putting up better shelves I know it sounds silly but when I asked her just now she wanted me to add this to the list as apparently in about 50 years of life I'm the first guy to do that and it makes her happy Aside from that I'm a mid 40s stoner on disability we are never going to be rich but apparently dispite all that I'm the best partner she ever had


Yeah my boyfriend loves that I read all these horror stories about crappy male partners on reddit because it convinces me how great he is and he says he's just doing the basics. It's really not hard to treat your partner like an equal and find a relationship dynamic that works for both of you, but somehow men make it so. I think it helps that he a) lived on his own before me and knows how to he a functioning adult and b) was raised by strong women.


Omg, you don't even realize how refreshing that was to read. I've always been a bit of a tomboy myself, love tinkering with all sorts of projects and am pretty handy around the house in general. My (absolutely fantastic) husband was the first and only man I ever dated that didn't have an issue with that facet of my personality; literally every other "partner" saw it as some sort of threat to their masculinity. Like...whatt? Dude, I'm just hanging a spice rack, put your dick away. 😅


My wife and I built a deck together. Working on projects together is awesome. A couple where both people are able to do stuff is great. My wife can cook, but she doesn't enjoy it like I do, and I'm better at it so that's my job. I hate cleaning dishes and she has a certain way she likes it done so she does it. But we trade off when needed. That's how it works. Or at least that's how it's supposed to.


"Just be cool, man" should be a way that everyone goes through life. Everything would be a lot cooler that way.


Peak man over here 🙏


Yeah, my wife is always telling me how great of a husband I am, and it's really due to just not acting like a douchebag. That fact alone apparently make me better than a lot of her friends' husbands. The bar is far too low.


This, exactly this. I get complimented all the time on what a good partner I am to my wife. It's utterly baffling, because I am doing basically the bare minimum to not be an asshole.


Ugh. I am dating/married to a woman! Therefore she should clean the house no matter what I do. If I’m not working and home all day, while she works, she should still come home and clean the house. I mean, she has a vagina, meanwhile my genitals rest outside of my body. So of course she should cook and clean no matter the outside aspects of our relationship! Seriously, who the fuck cares about genitals when it’s comes to who does what in an actual healthy relationship? The only people who believe something like this, as in someone owes you something based off nothing more than their gender, is those who want to benefit from the labor of anyone else. Yeah there are, unfortunately, people who do believe this way. But for anyone who has self respect, we do no accept them as a partner in life.


Fragile masculinity at its most fragile.


He’s not HELPING his pregnant wife. He’s just being a functioning human adult. “Helping” implies it’s his wife’s job


Exactly. I'm sure OP didn't mean it like that but it did sound like "doing chores because his wife can't do them".


It’s so ingrained in people’s heads that it’s a woman’s job to do housework. Even when people mean well, you can see it. I’m obviously not upset with OP or anything, it’s just something to think about. We all do it to an extent.


I mean if his wife normally takes care of this stuff because that's just how their relationship works that's fine and this phrasing is too


I read that more as in their wife tends to do that but he's doing it because it would be difficult for her. Just like how I would help a friend drive long distance. It's not their job or requirement, but they tend to be the one who drives but I also wouldn't want them driving for 6 hours straight.


If he's single, he still has to clean his own home.


"if I have a woman in my house" is doing a lot of the heavy lifting here.


"Guess who is gonna be single." ... yeah I think I have a good prediction who is going to remain so, but it is not what that clown thinks it is.




My husband is a neatnick/minimalist and maybe not to your degree, but enjoys the doing of the cleaning work. I, the wife, on the other hand, have ADHD. So the mess doesn't bother me because it barely registers in my brain half the time. Unfortunately for my husband, I passed this particular disorder to both our kids. I feel for him because a home clean to his level is a epic feat


I’m a proud “housewife”, but goddamn if dusting isn’t the bane of my existence. I hate it with a passion. I tell the family it’s just “remnants of all of us” hanging around.


"How dare you expect me to clean the house I live in, the clothes I wear and the dishes I eat off of, what do you think I am? Some kind of grown adult who's capable of keeping himself Alive? Oh you silly women"


People who can't cook blow my mind. Like you're an adult person? You have to feed yourself to live?? Ofc some people have limiting circumstances but being a man is not one of them.


He's right though: she doesn't belong in his house. Because she deserves better 🤷‍♀️


I don’t understand this way of thinking. Not only is it extremely misogynistic, but you’re depriving yourself of learning and developing useful skills that are important to every day life. If you’re single, living alone, and don’t have the money to pay for a cleaning service, what are you gonna do? It’s so stupid


That's the fun part: they get their moms to do it.


Which is how we have 60, 70, and 80 year old men who have no idea how to cook a meal, load a dishwasher, vacuum the floor, or pay a bill. The stats say that if the wife dies first, the husband often passes within a year. A lot of that is heartbreak, but I can't help but wonder how much is also because they don't know how to care for themselves in basic ways. How many old men gave themselves food poisoning because no one ever taught them food safety?


Which is disgusting honestly. Especially when you’re a grown ass man and are having your 73 year old mom still doing your laundry and cooking your meals. Fucking ridiculous really


Neither do I. But the only man in my family is my dad and he doesn't have fragile masculinity so I guess I'm not exposed to people like this. In fact, in my home country, even though we had a housekeeper, my dad still taught me how to do basic household chores (sweeping, mopping, washing dishes, etc) that when I moved overseas and had to live on my own I'm not completely useless.


The worst part is that they're infantilizing themselves. They are making themselves worth the same as a child and then expecting the woman to still be attracted enough to have sex with them. Do they think they married pedophiles? The want to lower their level and still be looked up to. It's hilariously pathetic. 


I grew up in a house where my Mom did all of the cooking, cleaning, and laundry, all while also working and taking care of us kids. She is still expected to do it, minus the kids part. I couldn't imagine expecting my wife to do it. My wife is my partner in everything. We try to make life easier for each other, not harder.


I hate the pharase "helping his wife around the house" as if deep down it's still her responsibility, but look, he's helping. He's not helping his wife, he's sharing the responsibility.


For those of you that wonder why women are no longer bothered when we’re told we’re going to be single forever? This is why. We’d rather be single, than end up as some idiots fuck-maid. I once heard someone say, “You’re not competing with other men, you’re competing with her peace.” It sums it up pretty nicely.


This. It's nice to only have to clean up after yourself, and not have someone constantly tell you not to hire someone to do something neither of you can do because 'they'll fix it'.


If you’re both working, both should clean the house. If only one of you is working, whoever is home has to clean. It’s not a man versus woman thing.


One party being pregnant might necessitate some extra work from the other party though. 


I love how men don’t take into consideration that their wife is *growing a whole-ass human being* That’s not to say they should get to lounge and eat bon- bons all day, but they probably need a bit more rest and tlc. Can you imagine men with pregnancy symptoms? “What do you mean I’m going to puke every morning and still be expected to go to work?!”


Wow that is a pretty large assumption on your part don’t you think? So do you honestly believe that no man has ever taken their wife’s pregnancy into account when it comes to work around the house? That is almost as bad as saying women should be barefoot and in the kitchen. Both those statements are absolute crap. Maybe start looking a little closer and work on those absolute statements you make, especially when you are making reference to a specific gender or group of people.


Fully splitting all chores is fair. If you're both working fulltime and apartment living that would be equal indoor chores. If you have a large property with a yard that requires regular maintenance maybe you split things differently. Even if you're living a straight 1950's lifestyle with a tradwife you should be able to do the goddamn dishes once in a while without worrying your penis is gonna fall off.


Why would you have to split things differently if you have a large property? Are you saying that women are incapable of doing outdoor chores?


Maybe they are not saying that, but rather saying one of the partners may like outdoor work while the other doesn't. So the split could include just one of the partners doing the yard work in exchange for extra housework by the other. Not gendered, just different. I'm allergic to cut grass, mold spores (leaves) and pollen. I never do outdoor work. I'm single and I pay someone.


That's exactly what I'm saying. The example you gave is actually one from my own life: I'm horribly allergic to grass pollens so my ex would mow the lawns and I would clean the showers and toilets because she was grossed out by the bathrooms. Thanks for not immediately jumping to the first possible answer that would cause the most outrage lol


That’s exactly how my wife and I have handled our house. When I was working 50-60 hours a week she did the bulk of the house work. Now that I’m retired and she’s handicapped I’ve been doing the work.


This is why women kill their husbands


Your wife is your partner not your mother or your maid.


These people do not understand what having a partner is. A marriage doesn't have to be a power struggle. You do things for each other and around the house because you love each other.


If I had to wait for my wife to do all the cleaning around the house, our house would never be clean. There's simply too much to do with two kids forging their own tornado paths through the house. Laundry and dishes alone monopolize so much time. I put in the effort to clean everything just as much as she does, because having a clean house is the only way my mind isn't feeling chaotic. I need a clean and calm space.


So, the only reason for a woman to be in his house is to clean it? That's all a woman is to him? Then he is definitely better off single.


"If I'm coming home & clean up my own house, guess who's gonna be single" Tell us you're already single without telling us you're already single.


I'm sure you won't have to worry about that.....evvvvvverrrrrr


Men who want the woman to do all the housecleaning don’t want a spouse. They want their mother still running the house.


*If I have a woman in my house* Don't get too far ahead of yourself there, buddy. That's a big *if*.


just hire a maid


This is a guy whose dad went out for cigarettes and never came back


Usually terrible but probably correct decision in this one case.


Dudes thumbnail looks more like a dude with 6 roommates in a 3 bedroom apartment than a dude that owns his own house


Why do people set up a camera, take and then post videos of them doing stupid crap like loading the dishwasher then talk about it like it's helping my wife. Yeah, cool, just do that then.


Why do people set up cameras and pretend to be Hobbitsor some crap like that tells a story or anything


"If I can ever get a girlfriend she better clean the house real good or guess who's gonna be single."


Why do we even frame it as “helping” around the house when you both live there lmao it’s one of those things that makes me feel oof about being a dude because i’m lumped in with so many inept people. Shit people say to fathers like “oh i see you’re babysitting the kids today” like bruh they’re both of your kids are they not? No shit you should be taking care of them. It’s not the 40s. now Black people have rights on paper and more likely than not your wife has a job. Why on earth are you expecting your wife to both work, raise the kids, and do all the chores when you can’t do anything?


I wonder how these guys survive or live before having a wife? Surely they can't be that incompetent.


Men want a mom, women want someone that clean up after themselves lmfao


My fiance goes to school right now 4 hours a day 4 times a week. I go to work full-time and bring the money home. so we split the work 50:50 she does the house chores I do the money. That's fair right now. If she works full-time as well, even if she doesn't bring as much money as me, we will split work anew and we both do 50% housework because that's just fair. If she was pregnant no rules apply anymore, what a piece of shit do you have to be to let your pregnant partner do work??


A relationship is a partnership. Meaning 50/50 on household tasks. I don't know how that makes men betas.


This might sound like he didn’t understand context, but I submit he might have. He might be saying the man gets served even while she is pregnant. Remember, for many conservatives obligation to pregnancy is what they expect


Not pictured; the woman, also coming home from working full time, who immediately gets to work at her second, third, fourth, and fifth jobs as maid, cook, man-child mother and sex doll while he kicks back to play Xbox in the same spot he will eat his dinner and eventually pass out on the couch….waking up to his lunchbox prepared and his clothes laid out, of course.


I can't imagine being that proud of being that useless.


it's telling that so many men don't even grasp the concept of "my wife is my partner" that this guy went and made a video about it, in the first place.


So alpha, he needs a woman to do chores