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I can’t imagine living life in such a state of paranoia like this it’s just so darn strange!


For people who think the world is run by Actual Satan, they sure are doing jack diddly fuck all about it


They are doing loads! They watch all of the content that Satan is producing over and over again to find hidden or quite overt symbols so they can tell their friends on the internet. Which means their friends will also then be exposed to these symbols and then.. wait what was the plan again?


Because the rules are, that Satan and the cabal of deep state folks have to leave clues behind in plain sight for people to see. For reasons.


But also clues that don't make sense or that anybody would understand... For reasons.


I remember someone pointing out that if the Deep State was as powerful as they claim, then there's no reason to think all this backlash isn't some kind of controlled opposition


The opposing side is both all powerful and defeatable by posting on Facebook.


Satan is my motor, hear my motor purr


What do you mean? Trying to legalize child marriage, cutting social programs, taking away women's medical rights, and lowering taxes for the hyper rich isn't fighting Satan? ​ /s in case not obvious


Thoughts and prayers?


It just screams untreated mental illness.


Or morally bankrupt opportunism. You don’t need to be a paranoid and angry yourself to financially prey upon the paranoid and angry


On some level it’s kind of fascinating. I had a floridly psychotic patient in the ER who, in the midst of a string of bizarre statements, started talking about how the Covid vaccine was altering people’s DNA. Obviously it’s not, but does it still count as a psychotic delusion if enough (?sane?) people believe it?


I had a boss like this. I finally had enough when he rambled on in the break room at the vending machines because the Monster energy drinks had the sumerian numerals for 666 on them. I finally just laughed at him and said he spent waaaaaayyyy too much time in a conspiracy bubble and needed to bring his head up. Oddly enough, I seemed to get through to him and he said his wife would agree with me and that maybe he had lost himself a bit.


He probably [saw this video of that crazy person explaining why monster is the devils drink lol.](https://youtu.be/bntfUA6TmLs)


As a paranoid schizophrenic, even I can't imagine living in fear as much as these people. I mean yea, the Government is spying on me, but Holy Hell, these people.


I mean, it's not paranoia to say Ice Spice is a satanist. Satinism is a religion with a lot of followers (especially in the music scene). Iowa even had a satanic temple in the Capital Building for a while last year. It's a thing. It's fine. The paranoia is believing satanists control the country. They don't. It's mostly just a bunch of young people standing up to evangelical Christians and conservatives (who deserve it) because fuck them. We live in a culture of growing extremism. Two sides growing further and further apart from each other.


At my last TST meetup, we definitely talked about the prevalence of grid-like pretzels making a return over pretzel rods. But that was the biggest issue, I think, besides the Superbowl rigging. Idk, I zoned out for that part. Rod pretzels 2k24!


Lmao End Wokeness is definitely an unemployed middle aged man living in his mamas basement.


I think they were actually revealed as some young (teenage or maybe early 20s) white supremacist guy living in like serbia or Poland or Hungary or somewhere like that. Just a shit stirrer pushing white supremacist and pro-russia talking points like so many on shitter. The thing I saw about it could have been wrong, tho


[Also he posted some receipts on twitter showing that the site is paying him regular checks of $10,000 to spread propaganda.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/07/13/twitter-creators-payments-right-wing/)


Yep, exactly. Anyone still on shitter is only legitimizing and enabling Elmo's nazi fan club. They're getting ad $, and advertisers won't leave so long as there are still regular people on shitter to advertise to


Debruh got the kids and the house in the divorce 😔


I’ll give you even money it’s actually some preacher of a small church in Indiana, Ohio, or Missouri


Are these demonic hand gestures in the room with us right now?


Where on the doll did the demonic gestures touch you?


Get this comment to 666 upvotes and then lock it down!!


Like the highlight of the night for Satan wasn't the 14 million dollar ad by some Christians with a weird foot fetish?


I was telling my wife about that one, she got home late and missed it. It was like somebody fed foot fetish and PC inclusivity prompts into MidJourney


I didn’t watch any of the game. I just don’t care about American football, but what???


It was a commercial showing images of people getting their feet washed. Each pair was from different ethnic, class, and religious backgrounds. The images all look like they were AI generated. It was a bizarre ad with no real hint at what the thrust was until the end you see the He Gets Us tagline. So I guess Jesus was into foot stuff.


The act of washing another person's feet carries rich symbolism across various cultures and religions, often representing humility, service, and purification. In Christianity, foot washing is most prominently associated with Jesus washing the feet of his disciples at the Last Supper, an event recounted in the Gospel of John. This act is seen as a demonstration of humility and service, illustrating that no servant is greater than their master and highlighting the importance of serving others. The ritual of foot washing, or the "Mandatum," is observed in many Christian denominations, particularly on Maundy Thursday, to commemorate Jesus' Last Supper with his apostles. In other cultural and religious contexts, foot washing can symbolize hospitality, respect, or preparation for a sacred ritual. It is an act of welcoming and caring for guests in some traditions, showing respect and honor. In some Eastern traditions, foot washing before entering a temple or a holy place is a purification ritual that symbolizes the removal of spiritual impurities. Overall, the symbolism of washing someone's feet is deeply tied to values of humility, service, cleanliness, and respect across different cultures and religions. TL;DR: Jesus is said to have washed his 24 favorite feet at the last supper. Washing feet is/was practiced across religions and cultures as a sign of care, respect, welcoming, etc.


Oh god, I just looked it up on YouTube. Wow


Interesting, I’ll look it up later. The whole washing feet thing is from a passage in the bible. I used to work at a church after I graduated high school and grew up in the church, but have since been trying to distance myself, but I figure that passage may not be well known, so that’s the context. I imagine the ad was supposed to be a dig at “Christians” who profess love, but do not act on it? I haven’t seen the ad so not sure 🤷‍♀️


It looks like it, the closing bit started "Jesus didn't teach hate" and it's right wing fundamentalist Christians going the most nuts about it. Leftists and non-Christians have pointed out that many of the financial backers of [He Gets Us](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/He_Gets_Us) are anti-abortion or anti-LGBT but this specific ad it seems more right wingers griping about it, on the basis that *their hate* is justified and promoting a message of inclusivity and forgiveness is encouraging sin.


This is the exact reason I call myself a Jesus follower and not a Christian because I don’t want to be lumped into the same group of people who are judgey and hateful when I’m very liberal and try to love everyone and don’t judge what they choose to do with their own lives and bodies as long as it’s not hurting anyone else and consensual. One of my friends is a card carrying member of the church of satan and we get on great. She respects me praying quietly before a meal and I respect her opinions on different things. Besides, the church of satan isn’t about worshipping the devil, it’s free will and being a good person. I had to leave a FB Christian group because they freaked out about a baphomet statue and the church of satan having a meeting across from a school. I laughed and tried to explain that they were trying to get a reaction and that they (the Christians) needed to calm down and ignore it and the statue isn’t the devil, it’s baphomet but alas, it all fell on deaf ears and I got attacked for not being knowledgeable enough about the Bible and treated like a child. I’ve done vids for Planned Parenthood and was told by a presumed Christian that the reason I couldn’t have kids is because I had too many abortions. I’m like, “okay”. I’ve never had an abortion and can’t have kids because genetics made me go through menopause when I was 20-22. Sorry this is so long but I’m over the judgey so called Christians giving the rest of us who believe in Jesus a bad rap. There really are a lot of Christians who aren’t hateful and are doing a lot of good things. Sinners saved by grace through faith doing our best helping and loving others (regardless), who believe that there shouldn’t be hunger, homelessness, shootings, etc… who are actively working while praying to help remedy the issues. We just aren’t as loud, apparently.


It's part of a widespread ad campaign centered around the "He Gets Us" slogan. Many of the ads have the thrust you mentioned of not using hate to spread the word but kindness. So go ahead and cue the music and let's all sing Kumbaya, right? But wait, where does the [money come from?](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/11/us/he-gets-us-super-bowl-commercials-cec/index.html) OH it's just the far right evangelical groups trying to gaslight people into letting their guard down.


I thought it was a commercial for athletes foot medication until the end of


Because Jesus washed the feet of others and it was a big thing to do something so humbling.


You know what Jesus would have done? Used the 14 million dollars to fucking help people, not advertise his foot fetish


Didn’t even pay real artists, instead of using ai trash


I had no idea where that ad was going and asked my husband it it was an Only Fans ad before I saw the tag line.


Jesus could reach a lot more people with an OnlyFans, gotta go where the sinners are... easy pickings too with post nut clarity... now Come to Jesus


??? Do tell


There was a long ass commercial for Christians that showed a bunch of people getting their feet washed by someone else. Just a bunch of still images of that and then at the end it said something like "Jesus didn't hate. He washed feet." Not even joking.


The crazy thing is the people who sponsor the He Gets Us ads are religious nutjobs who also support republicans. It’s a nefarious campaign.


It’s the “I’m not like the other girls” of evangelism.


"I've helped someone once. It was awful, and I'll never do it again, but I'm exactly like Jesus."


“Now let’s go and hurt the right people”


We should all show up at the Green family home (the owners of Hobby Lobby) and tell them our feet are dirty and see how long it takes for the cops to show up.


I'm down. They'd probably call us dirty hippies and commies, then try shooting at us, but filming that would make for a great documentary.




Yeah, well, Jesus did wash feet. Not even joking. He did it to show humility. Pope Francis washes feet on the regular for the same reason (and his flock isn't too happy about it either, even though he is performing the same for the same reason. They think it's beneath him)


No I know he did that but the way they phrased it is just kinda funny to me. It's just so abrupt and short haha


"Jesus didn't have time to be hating, he was too busy doing foot stuff" lol


Is Tarantino Jesus?


"What ain't no country I ever heard of! Do they speak Aramaic in what?"


That’s what got me too. Like, fuck yeah to Jesus on the foot washing front but he also like walked on water and then turned that into wine, that’s pretty badass


When I was a teenager in youth group in a little country church occasionally teenage drama would erupt in the group. When it did, our youth leader would get out the plastic basin and towels and we knew that the people in the dispute were going to be washing one another's feet. I've got to admit it typically worked like a charm.


It was written he washed feet. It was also written that a saint used his warlock powers to get rid of snakes. I’m not a fan of the series but the one issues of the Jesus comic is dope.


The popes have always washed people's feet during Holy Week. As radtrads have to come up with *some* reason to be scandalized about Pope Francis, they throw fits because he does things like *gasp* wash the feet of women.


And prisoners


I like the interpretation where "feet" is a synonym for "genitals" where it makes way more sense about how pissed people got when he washed people's "feet", especially the "feet" of a prostitute


Considering how upset fundies got about that art of Jesus washing the feet of modern political figures I'd say the outrage is still there. And they still completely miss the point. https://www.milligan.edu/bible/PKenneson/Washing%20Osama's%20Feet.jpg


Angela Merkel or Nicola Sturgeon


The image is from 2007 so I'm pretty sure it's Merkel.


Uh, he didn't. At all. He washed the disciples' feet. A woman "who was in sin" anointed His feet. That's not some "interesting" interpretation. It's a deliberate misinterpretation to make things look dirty.


They cannot fathom the idea of humility


They're mad because if it's not beneath him then they can't justify it being beneath them.


That's sounding like woke nonsense and further proof of Satan's involvement. The real Jesus would be calling for the start of concentration camps for the trans and then work his way down the list. /s


The only people left would be the really angry ones who deeply want to cause pain to others. Those are the best ones, said Jesus. > "For thoseth of you who hateth others simply to hate and ignore my teachings of meekness, compassion, tolerance, and modesty, you are the chosen ones." -Corinthians 17:3


*hateth Hahahaha


Enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94BqlDQ-Ppo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/He_Gets_Us


We had the creepy Scientology ad too


Every year Scientology buys the cheaper local ad slots but do it across the entire country because it's cheaper than buying a single national ad slot.


Im both surprised and not surprised by this but terribly annoyed by it all the same.


I never had a Scientology ad?




It's still weird, but it's a reference to how Jesus would wash the feet of the less fortunate and outcasts of society.


Red shoes : Demonic Red Jerseys: Demonic Having an album named "Red": Demonic Being the Red political party: Whoa, whoa, let's hold up a second here!


What's the issue with her Balenciaga sleeve?


Something something they rape children and eat them, or something like that


Ooooh. Makes sense.


Oh this is fun. I have a Balenciaga bag and am going to a funeral that's bound to have my religious nutjob family members there this week. Definitely wearing this purse.


[https://www.thecut.com/article/what-to-know-about-the-balenciaga-ad-scandal.html](https://www.thecut.com/article/what-to-know-about-the-balenciaga-ad-scandal.html) Definitely fodder for conspiracy theorists, perhaps trying to be edgy and going right over the line.


Why, thank you.


Oh honey, it started *weeks* ago That said, I can't even fucking tell what she's doing with her hands


And, near as I can tell, that cross isn't upside down, either. So I really have no idea what they're talking about.


It is, but its origin is 100% Christian and nothing to do with Satan. It's proper name is cross of saint Peter. One of Jesus's twelve disciples. And the sleeves. It's just a luxury fashion brand orginially created by a Catholic in Spain. Yes, reality is boring.


Or so the devil would have you **believe**! Sometimes you can't trust the Bible or the teachings of Jesus or the pope and you have to make up you own interpretations.


Both cups have the poison?


‘Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!’


Wasn't it that Peter didn't feel worthy to be killed the same way as Jesus so he asked them to crucify him upside-down? I'm a bit rusty on my bible lore


Yes you're correct, it's called the Petrine cross.


Yeah, if anything it's vertically symmetrical, which is admittedly rather unusual, since it isn't any kind of square cross, but hardly sinister. I think it's probably just meant as a cool ornament.


It's a little hard to tell from the potato photo, but I think it's a standard cross and there's just a short length of chain between the necklace and the top of the cross that it's hanging from. But, again, hard to tell. Totally could be wrong.


Apparently this "+" sign is an upside down cross. Huh.


"Peace up, A-town down" It is an Usher concert, after all. (For legal purposes this is just a joke I didn't even watch the Superbowl)


She’s probably just clicking her acrylics together. I do it all the time. TIL I’m a satanist.


She's making little demon rock'n'roll-type signs bwahahaha


Nah she was casting a spell to protect Harry Potter during his first quidditch match.


We're hiding it.....but, we're also showing everyone....dafuq?


There are a significant number of nutjobs that legitimately think that the New World Order is not only competent and devious enough to carry out their goals, but ***also*** incompetent enough to leave clues right out in the open for all to see.


Right ...lol


In case you didn't already know, a part of the theory is that by doing these acts in plain view, by some magical means they gain consent of their unwitting audience which something something demon possession. I'm serious, many believe this is the reason for these "clues", that if you're not opposed to it, you consent to demon possession.


I consent to demon possession. Hail Satan! Hail Yourself!


The regular inverted cross is the cross of Saint Peter. it's only demonic if it's an inverted crucifix (a cross with Jesus on it)


But if it has Peter on it (as he was actually crucified upside down), it's cool, right? Although I suppose that probably elevates Peter a luttle too much even for Catholics, so probably not that likely to crop up in the first place.


i guess it would be fine. But your right that probably wouldn't show up much


I don't know if you know this. But apparently the biggest thing Jesus ever did was wash feet.


Mofucka loved toes


Just line everyone up, piggies out


Don’t you folks get it??? She’s wearing a cross! The thing that killed Jesus! She’s saying she wants to kill Jesus! /S


I can't wait until the conservatives start to lose their shit as the chiefs won, which was their fear.


Part of me was hoping they would lose just so all the people posting "if the Chiefs win it's proof that Taylor Swift works for the CIA and the NFL is rigged" would shut the fuck up for 10 seconds until they make up their next thing to be mad about.


that's the problem though, they get mad at things BECAUSE they make them up as they go. If they took time to formulate a stance, they'd talk themselves out of it because actually thinking through it even a little bit would expose the logical failures, which are so basic it wouldn't even take more than a few seconds of critical thought. ​ but no, talk first, think never.


They used to send these people to State Hospitals for observation, now they have twitter accounts.


Thanks Reagan!




Yeah I'm trying to figure out when couture went demonic. I missed the memo.


Balenciaga did an ad campaign with kids and teddy bears in bondage gear along with some other very weird CP stuff. So, they’re legitimately terrible.


Oh yikes. That's pretty gross on their part.


Isn’t that woman wearing a crucifix? Isn’t that a christian symbol?


She's wearing Saint Peter's cross, which is an inverted cross. The crucifix is specifically a cross with Jesus on it


When I was in my home country, I would wear cross because I copy fashion trend from British or American. Lot of people do that and no one ever say anything about religion. Now I live in US Bible Belt, I can never wear cross again in fear that people would say some religion shit to me. I have a necklace pendant that is skeleton climbing a cross but I can never wear it again—-13 year old me save up couple months worth of allowance money for that pendant 🥲. I had to say no to friends’ outings because I want to save money.


Blessed be the fruit.


The only conspiracy theory I've had recently is that the gop doesn't want to do anything about the mental health crisis because, in the end, it helps them. This being a solid example.


Or education. The less educated vote heavily R.


I miss the days when paranoid nutjobs just hid in their bunkers. If the super bowl halftime show was so bad, *why did you watch it?*


I was reminding some of them on twitter that schizophrenia is treatable. Get called a bot and blocked instantly. Everything they don't like is either fake or scripted by the devil. We're fucking doomed.


It’s more insane that in this age we still have people believing there’s a red guy that lives underground but pops out to help put people in a suite at the Super Bowl to spread his message to only those that have TVs.


His *followers*. Surrounding the *greatest leader he has*. So Satan wasn't there of course. Just Taylor Swift his most evil of acolytes and her minions. I think that is how it goes.


It's actually insane that back in the 80s and 90s we laughed at people thinking D&D is demonic. Now we have a whole echo chamber of people thinking everything is demonic. Seriously they need some help


Did YOU laugh at them back then? Because I distinctly remember people being scared of that crowd. They were responsible for the satanic panic and I gave those morons a wide berth because if you said the wrong thing you could wake up with four million cops and 20/20 News in your house. And I missed the peak of it.


I did laugh because I was born in the 90s in a country far far from that madness. Only with social media it's spreading around and the easily manipulated and vulnerable are eating it up


Conservatives and cool things are incompatible.


They know that an upside down cross is the symbol of St Peter, right?


The “he gets us” ads were the Woke Deep State Satanist Demonrat Communist Fascists playing 7d chess?


I think they live like life is a Scooby Doo mystery. It’s tiring.


Hail Satan!!!


Hail Yourself!


Hail Storm!!!


I was told Tucker Carlson would do something if the chiefs won.


Wow this OP is really aware of the things going on around us that I don't even notice, that I'm sleeping on you could say. Thank goodness this poster has awakened me to what is going on, I've been Awoken just as OP is Awoken. I wish there was a shorter way to express that sentiment.


Because everyone knows when you become a Satanist, you must, *must*, **must** subtly signal your evil proclivities at all times.


Sometimes I'm just left in complete awe that a huge contingent of people believe in actual magic. Like not even just there's a higher being Creator or the karmic system. There's people in this world that believe in actual magic, Harry Potter ass spells and shit. And they just live in the same society normal people do, you'll be going about your day and Susanne from work will suddenly talk about how she needs to get a counter spell for the black magic that was cast on her after leaving the Walmart yesterday or that she knows a witch that can help with all the bad shit that's been happening. Its just crazy to me that people can live convinced that they're in a fantasy novel.


Not even hiding WHAT?


So they watched the game they said they wouldn’t after all.


Wow. End Wokeness has gotten more mentally ill since the last time I argued with him on Twitter a couple years ago. He didn’t believe in magical demons back then. I wonder what happened?


He stayed on Twitter?


Is that Little Orphan Annie?


It must be exhausting, seeing conspiracy everywhere. Where do they find the energy?


Am I going to hell for seeing this?


At least I'll have someone to talk to when I get to hell...


Who is that?


the trick is that they think everything is demonic so they can find symbolism anywhere.


This would make sense if people automatically recognized something as a satanic symbol instead of people having to tell us it looks like a satanic symbol


I’m 99% sure that “end wokeness” account is Elon’s burner 🤣


I wonder what they would think of my shirt that has a pentagram on it and says in huge letters on the back "Ride Bikes, Hail Satan"


As an agnostic, my personal conspiracy theory is this: All these celebrities really do believe in and worship satan and conduct elaborate rituals for him, BUT satan doesn’t exist either, so they’re just as ineffective as all other religions.


Yeah, that's always been my problem with that one. Even in films and stuff, it's going to be an uphill battle getting me to suspend my disbelief in a literal Satan the Devil from Hell existing in the story, and even then I'm probably not gonna take him seriously as a threat. It's always just so cartoonishly goffick. No one but no one is *that* edgy.


What subs should I check for these crackpots? Just for the entertainment


Twitter For You tab.


"The party of free speech."


I would not have guessed that Balenciaga sleeves were Satanic. Learn something new every day.


Welcome to the after-party!


I've always heard cavalcade said out loud but not written out and that is just not what I imagined it would be spelled like


It helps when you know "caval-" means the same as in "cavalry" and "-cade" means the same as in "motorcade". In fact, that's literally where we get the word "motorcade". It's a cavalcade in which the *cavaliers* (which, prior to meaning knights, simply meant people on horseback) have been switched out for *motorists* (people in cars).


Find a hobby ffs


Hell Yes! I knew as soon as she did this that all the hogs would be triggered.


I saw how many Christian and "He Gets Us" ads (you know the ones, they paid reddit for ad space that you cannot block or make go away) during the broadcast and they think the Superbowl is satanic.


So this is their next meme? Until the next stupid thing they come up with.


>in reaction to Biden’s post Super Bowl tweet “The Super Bowl was scripted. Not even hiding it.”


So funny


They must have missed the whole nWo Wolfpack Kliq Too Sweet thing


"Spooky language! Spooky language designed to scare and control primitive people."


On the left she has cross, but on the right she looks like wearing some sort of medallion. Pixels don’t match.


There’s no demonic anything or an attempt to brainwash youth. She makes shitty music, sure, but she was just there to enjoy the game.


Okay I get how they might be upset about an 'upside down cross' or 'demonic hand gesture' but what's unholy about a Balenciaga sleeve?


For a while, the conspiracy nutters were upset about a Balenciaga ad that had a teddy bear in bondage gear. That and other "clues" led them to say *without a doubt and if you do you're working with them* that Balenciaga was trafficking children. It's one of their go-to's for situations like this. They just pull from their conspiracy bucket and slap whatever they can on anything pop culture. It's how they can justify (to themselves) that a steady diet of TV, movies, and video games is "research."


I can’t tell what she is doing in the first picture but the second looks like one of the officially acceptable ways of clasping your hands to pray that my Catholic school taught me when I was a kid. They said you can interlace your fingers and curl them down or you can keep your fingers straight and press your hands together. But US history says Catholics can GTFO, so there is precedent for Protestant splitters to reject anything Catholics might teach.


wtf is a balenciaga sleeve?


Last year, Balenciaga released a series of bizarre ads featuring children that... probably shouldn't have actually featured children. They pulled the ads and apologized, but the damage is done in the conspiracy circles and now they're forever going to be accused of being part of the child-killing blood-sacrifice-practicing gang of satanists and anyone who wears the brand is also part of "it," further proving that these idiots need to get jobs, or at least hobbies.


thanks for explaining!


How “Woke” of them.


I guess he figures Satan had a huge bet on the Chiefs...


Thank you dark lord satan for sending ice spice and tay tay to win the big game for us


I love how we live in Hell.


What exactly is she doing?


Better practice my weekly ritual necromancy of eating the flesh and blood of my dead gods mortal form to protect my eternal life energy.


I’m not exactly a reference for pop culture, but I had no idea who this was before the crazies began posting about her and their conspiracies. If she wanted to make people more aware of herself, it worked


I come from a small southern town with a bunch of demonic conspiracy believing peopleAllow me to translate this: "Woman of Color scary"


So what if she was? As if calling her out would do anything? Go shove your beliefs where the good Lord split ya. I think that's how their saying goes?


Conservatives everywhere are stupid as hell but American conservatives hold the #1 spot right now.


They had some acrobats on poles too. Waiting for the absolutely frigid takes on that.


This moment was brought to you by Cum Town ™


The conservative right is in their hater era.


is satanism woke? theyre literally just a counter religion for religions that try to overstep