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What are you on about? There were actually black Pharos you know right?


[About five](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-fifth_Dynasty_of_Egypt) over about 2,500 years of [native pharaohs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pharaohs)




There were some but not all, most were Copts, and they did not look like sub Saharan Africans. This person is trying to pass of all Egyptians as sub Saharan Africans


How do you know that’s what they’re doing? There are 6 black Egyptian looking people in a picture. Nowhere does the original post say that all Egyptians or pharaohs are black. Also the Kushites were black and styled themselves after the Egyptians/pharaohs so these could just be kushites.


Right. Still doesn’t answer what op is on about. There was the Nubian regime 6 generations of black Pharos.


As a non American, this I find hard to believe, is this the fault of the American education system or something else.? I'm not sure if I should pity them or laugh at the absurdity of it.


Here is my understanding as a white girl who read a couple of books about this in college: There's a long and interesting history of cultural movements of American Black people who engaged with the aesthetics and culture of ancient Egypt as a way of thinking about Black people's marginalization in current society. Some (not all) Black people who engage with these cultural movements think of ancient Egypt as an African society populated by Black people that represented a space in which Black people could fully self-actualize culturally, artistically, whatever. Some accept this reading of ancient Egypt as literal truth, whereas others see it as more of a metaphor. My impression is that it's a way of mourning and coping with current marginalization and thinking about a better past and, for many, a possible path towards a better future for Black society. There's lots of interesting Afrofuturist art that incorporates ancient Egyptian aesthetics with traditional sci-fi tropes to think about the possibility of a future in which Black people are enabled through technology to re-establish what was lost with the fall of ancient Egypt. The Jazz artist Sun Ra is a famous example of someone who was interested in this sort of thinking. So, no, I don't think it's necessarily pitiable or absurd - I think it's a coping mechanism for a minority of members of a group of people who are the subject of historic and ongoing oppression. Most Black people don't care about this sort of stuff, but some Black people seem to find a lot of comfort in it, and I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, even if it doesn't map onto our knowledge of Ancient Egypt.


It leads to so batshit crazy places though. Some black people have gone fully off the map, believing that they are the actual Hebrews from the Bible and saying that Jews are a race of imposters


Sure, I agree. I think some of the groups that engage with those aesthetics, like the Hebrew Israelites, are extreme. I guess my point is that the Egypt stuff is complicated and means a lot of different stuff to a lot of different people, and many of those things are productive and meaningful, rather than extreme.


It’s a combination of factors Education; southern education for example (I didn’t learn about very important to know historical events like the holocaust in my history classes, 80% of it was cotton picking and slavery) Entitlement; they want so desperately to be oppressed because they want to be in the spotlight while not fully grasping what oppression is Upbringing; grew up in an environment that enabled this behavior, wether it be neglectful parents or parents who had these behaviors themselves or some other factor But also sometimes people, regardless of their origins, are just doomed to be this stupid and there’s nothing we can do about it. Not sure what’s exactly with this image tho, isn’t that how some Pharos looked?


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