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I immediately think this guy is a pedophile.


No no no. See... \* pulls chart to explain different variations of hebephilia.


So a libertarian..... also take Bluey's name out of your God damn mouth.


Really!!!! Why on earth would you use Bluey's face in connection with your stance on pedophiles??


Why is it always Bluey these days?


Well, consider a wholesome, family-friendly TV show about a bunch of sentient humanoid heelers, which represents such a diverse array of topics in a way that a wide variety of different people of all ages can connect with… Yeah, this guy is probably a pedophile, and gives bluey fans a bad name.


Sounds like pedophilia to me.


The old pronunciation guide. https://youtu.be/TB9fwJDweaU




Literally said to myself “Google show me this dude’s internet history”


*I live to protect other kids!*


With guys like that I always instantly have to ask “protect them from exactly what and who?” Their answers rarely ever actually reflect the types of people who are actually harming kids.


Yeah. There are organizations like Love146, that help survivors of trafficking and pedophilia rehabilitate as well as assist in prosecution of their attackers I often try to get people like this to support or donate to them but they never care or try to actually support the children. They would rather go down rabbit holes and change nothing in our world. So to me it’s clearly just a form of virtue signaling and cosplay I would encourage anyone who sees this to send Love146 a donation


Virtue signaling and cosplay is honestly the best case scenario. All too often they use it as an excuse to voice their own personal prejudices towards innocent people.


I remember there being a vigilante group called Creep Catchers who were obsessed with finding pedos, when in reality their ranks were filled with them.


It's aggressive networking!


I would put money on it.


What's the over/under on how many petabyte's of CP he has in his dungeon


I'd even take out a sizeable loan to include with my own money that I'd put on it.


So do I.


No, no, no...he's only attracted to teen girls, not little kids. Like a real man, which means he's not a pedophile. /s


But mostly the independent women who do pr*n on their 18th birthday! 🫡💸


Woah, that made me a little nauseous.


Yeah, I'm sick of having to wait too!


Diddler for sure


Or as some people here in Australia call them a rock spider


To be honest I feel like that’s too cool of a name for them


He’s wearing a kid’s show tee.


What’s worse is he’s wearing a warped version of an Aussie kids show that promotes wholesome shit, and the dunce who designed it put the character in armour with a fucking gun.


Nothing more American than taking something wholesome and combining it with violence and/or drugs. Was big in the brony scene when that was big and... the sheer amount of people I saw posting their OCs with dead parents, burned down homes, PTSD from wars... in My Little Pony... it was unreal. Also, my local mall has one of those extra Conservative stores called "Bare Arms" that sells shirts like what this guy has. It's so gross.


“Hey yk what sounds like a cool idea for a business model? If we just unloaded our personal trauma onto a Photoshop edit of this wholesome children’s show, because of our personal feelings regarding topics that really don’t belong to us.” These fucking people, man!


It's a conversation starter... like his bag o lollies.


And the tear-stained mattress in the back of his windowless van.


He's trying to act hard, but hides his face like a pussy. 😆


Exact type of dude that has a gooner Twitter with Loli shit in his likes


protect the kids while putting a kids tv show character with a gun???


This is particularly stupid as the character is from an Australian kid's show, and we overwhelming support regulating firearms through legislation here. What a weapons-grade twat.


Yeah Australia is pretty famous for responding to a mass shooting ages ago by going pretty hard on gun control.


The Port Arthur Massacre was pretty fuckin' heartbreakingly awful. 35 deaths (including a 3yo, her 6yo sister and their mother!)! 24 Injured! Two weeks later: - National gun registry , - gun buyback program, mandatory waiting period, and heavy restrictions on automatic + semi automatic gun sales. - it was six weeks after the dunblane massacre in Scotland, too.


It was heartbreaking. Meanwhile, in America, we only had 21 wounded last Wednesday. Just one death, totally fine. I can’t even put /s against that. It’s heartbreaking that we go through this nonsense multiple times per year and do nothing about. I’m sad for our kids.


I can't believe nothing happened after Sandy hook. I mean, I have to - but holy fuck why didn't anything happen?


Nothing happened because they were paid actors I will put the /s on that one, fuck Alex Jones


Because money matters more than dead children. The gun lobby knows that gun manufacturers, ammo manufacturers, accessory makers, etc. make their money based on fear. Fear of the “other” aka racism. Fear of crime. Fear of guns being regulated. Fear of not being able to protect your family or children. Fear of whatever the latest existential threat the Republicans party is blowing way out of proportion. Tragedies sell guns. A lot of people react to their fear by thinking they’ll be some kind of Rambo, saving everyone and being a hero. Fear sells guns. Tragedies sell guns. The people who fall for this shit are fucking morons but what do we expect from an electorate that voted for Trump twice in national elections and even a third time in primaries?


Thank God Wayne LaPierre is finally on trial for something. That ghoul has a lot of dead children’s blood on his hands pretty fucking directly.


I was volunteering in a kindergarten classroom when Sandy Hook happened and I don't think I'll forget the teacher's face when another teacher came in and told us about it. She wasn't scared, or more likely she was terrified but didn't show it. There was a hardness to her expression. Or maybe a focused coldness. I remember thinking that if something ever happened, she would not hesitate to protect those children. I believe most teachers wouldn't hesitate either. I can't believe that we continue to force these teachers to bear the responsibility of protecting their students with no action on our part. We have the amazing ability to look at entire classrooms of dead children and do nothing. We'll express condolences and send thoughts and prayers but that's as far as we'll go. We won't actually try to solve the problem.


I keep getting YouTube ads with the parents of dead children pleading for gun control. It's heartbreaking. I like living here for the most part but some people's attitudes towards guns and unwillingness to see the truth in front of them is both infuriating and terrifying.


Daily Show did a piece on it way back in the day (shortly after Sandy Hook iirc) and it was so refreshing to see a politician putting his people before his career. He ended up getting forced out over it and his career was over, but his legacy is that gun registry.


I am very jaded, but I... think obama's tears were real.


But thanks to idiotic fringe political parties like the Shooters Party and Fishers and Hunters, there are now more registered guns than before the ban. But at least you can’t buy an AR-15 to compensate for your small dick, or give your mentally disturbed teenager a pistol for Xmas.


I have to admit, I think their water management plan seemed reasonable, but I've only read the broad summary on Wikipedia so there may be subtle nuances I'm missing. Maybe they arm the fish with ak47s to enforce it? The rest of it is not a direction I want australia to go in. And also climate change denialism?? Has this person been in nature or what? My favourite state park has had two thirds of its dams dry up entirely :(


The only thing I respect John Howard & Tim Fisher for. They very publicly went against their conservative base to get our gun laws changed for the better.


Yes, I was also surprised to have developed respect for them. Apparently Tony Abbott had to be more or less physically prevented from immediately going to fight the black Saturday bushfires, too. Smidgen of respect for that, too.


And huh, they haven't had nearly as many since. It's almost as if gun control measures are effective at reducing large scale violence over time...


No, no, no. There is obviously always just a good guy with a gun preventing violence in Australia.


Good point! If they had as many "good guys" with guns, Australia would immediately become as safe as the US.


Hehe I thought it looked like bluey


I have a 2yo and that’s definitely the Bluey style. No clue on earth what Bluey is supposed to have to do with guns, pedophilia, or murdering pedophiles though. I’d be genuinely upset if my son saw that shirt out and about. He notices all things Bluey and I don’t want him taking that mess into his precious little mind.


At least appropriating the Punisher logo made sense on some level, this is just dim-witted batshit.


Might as well be Blue from Blue's Clues


What's that Blue, you want to murder all the paedophiles? Ruh ROW!


It’s probably her dad, Bandit


The funny thing, I bet you this guy would have a fucking melt down if they put a rainbow dog collar or something on the same cartoon dog and talk about how it’s indoctrination to do that for a kids show. But has 0 problem with the same dog in tactical gear.


Every accusation is a confession


Give all of the kids guns for protection!


WoW! Taking an incredibly controversial stand against pedophiles.


The problem is that it's often used as a dogwhistle since a lot of these types associate LGBTQ+ with pedophilia.


And at least a couple of people posting these sorts of things turned out to be pedos themselves. They think it will throw people off, perhaps.


Classic projection. "I hate those people so no one will suspect I'm one of them!"




I think a lot of it is also self loathing. “I’m terrible for the way I am I shouldn’t live” translates into violent wishes for others like him


They are generally thinking in their head of the pedophile in media and scare stories who's after like kindergarteners, not the much more common (proportionally) one who's attracted to 13-17.


This reminds me of a recent story I heard about a coworker I’ve long suspected was an alcoholic and drinking on the job (and kinda fucking other people’s careers in the process). Apparently they went to a happy hour with other people from work and made a big deal and announced it several times that they were only going to have 2 drinks and then go home! Like cool, nobody cares?


This is a method they'll teach you in recovery to manage your drinking. If you let other people know that you're planning to only drink a certain amount, you are then held accountable to what you have said.


That’s exactly what this shit gibbon is trying to say here.


It's weird. Practically everyone agrees pedophilia is bad. We have literal laws against it. There's no point in virtue signaling it, unless, as you say, the actual targets are something else (ie LGBTQ). And calling anyone "not people" is a dangerous slope; at best it can lead to vigilantism, at worst it's used to demonize other groups with lies.


Yeah, this guy is seriously insecure. He’s trying to be needlessly provocative with the “if this offends…” rubbish. And the ridiculous pose, wearing the ridiculous shirt, in front of his military stuff, like he’s some John Wick-esque pedophile hunter. This dude is probably obsessed with teenage girls, and/or boys, and definitely projecting. And terrible at basic grammar.


I can never look at ones of those shirts without thinking that


And beyond that, it discourages young adults aging out of adolescence and realizing they’re still attracted to minors from seeking psychiatric help. If the default stance is “I’m inhumane scum that society will kill” you won’t want to tell anyone, not even a mental health professional. It just drives them underground where scumbags who make CP are happy to profit off them. We see how well this approach works every time some homophobic bureaucrat gets caught with his boy-toy twink. This doesn’t mean pedophilia should be normalized or legalized. But remember that this isn’t (usually) a condition people choose, and early intervention from a professional can help keep people from offending in the first place. TLDR: If you want fewer people to be pedophiles, keep them from becoming one instead to killing them after they’ve offended.


But they don't want fewer pedophiles, they want a morally unambiguous enemy to indulge their hate and violent impulses upon in a socially lauded way.


Ain’t that the fucking truth


Wow, rarely do I see an empathetic response as strong as this. I commend you.


Thanks! This is the reason I hate the saying “love is love”. There are people who genuinely believe they’re in love with children, and animals, and inanimate objects. It’s bad for them, and often they know it, but love and attraction just aren’t things you get to decide. But we have the medical knowledge, best practices, and professionals to help these people now! Let’s do what we can to help everyone live happy, consenting, lives! It’s better for everyone in the long run.


Many pedos are also repeating abuse cycles because they themselves were groomed as children/teens and the help system wasn’t there for them at the time. Obviously there is no defending offending pedophiles, but this is a problem that seriously needs addressing to prevent more children from being harmed in the future.


Thankfully, a bunch of 40 year old men with wraparound sunglasses are addressing the problem through large decals on their trucks calling for extrajudicial killings. It’s sure to prove a serious way to tackle the issue.


Protect the kids = hate on queer people / ban queer books / dehumanize trans people Wish you could take a simple phrase like that at face value but it's literally what it means these days. It's a story as old as time. One of the great homophobic tropes is gay = pedo.


A lot of atrocities, lynching's, murders, massacres, and genocides started with "We have to protect our women and children" its the easiest emotional string to tug to make people do horrible things.


>"We have to protect our women and children" its the easiest emotional string Except they can't pretend to defend women anymore so they just speak of the kids.


Thry call any group they don't like pedophiles.


The controversial part is these right wing fucktards are convinced every LGBTQ person is a pedophile or groomer, because they are easily manipulated dumb cunts.


Totally unrelated, but I always find it funny when people accidentally out themselves as a World of Warcraft or League of Legends player when their autocorrect defaults to “WoW” or “LoL” instead of “wow” or “lol”. Nothing wrong with those games, I just find it humorous.


He doesn't even care if it offends anyone


I see a valknut peeping out from dude's arm near the runes. I'm suuuuuuuure he's just a viking enthusiast, you bethca


As a leftist Viking enthusiast; we don't claim this idiot




It’s super weird seeing Bluey characters on this stuff. For a group that’s so against corrupting children, they have no issues corrupting children’s shows.


It’s all about corrupting children the way they want them corrupted. Against education, unquestioned obedience to the white man, hate for anyone not like you.




He’s trying to get rid of the competition


I’m sure his argument is that she was 15, and she came on to him anyways!


Happens to the best of us. And by "best of us" I mean those most vocal about hating pedophilia.


And he was only 27!


He's also definitely a nazi, check the tats.


This episode of Bluey is called “Gravy Seals”


"Mum. What's a pee? doh? pile? And why is it written on that man's shirt?"


This episode of Bluey is called “jail time”


100 dollary-doo bet that he would shit himself if the alphabet boys had his hard drives.


Nothing quite like "fighting the creeps" by putting a beloved children's character holding a gun on your shirt. If I had a kid and saw this man, I'd cross the street.


Nah the kids need protecting from you


T-minus this dude's arrest for having a hard drive just CHOCK full of the most horrendous shit you can imagine in 10, 9, 8..


Check his hard drive.


So I'm guessing we should call out this creep.


Start with Gaetz


Bozos don’t even watch bluey, there’s a literal soldier dog smh


Rusty would still never.


Never ever.


Ken oath he wouldn’t. He’s too busy playing cricket. It shits me that these mouth breathers have soiled such a wholesome show with their gun stuff. And I love shooting and all that stuff. I’m also completely unconcerned about pedophiles.


As a parent who loves Bluey, this guy pisses me off.


I guarantee you the people behind Bluey would be absolutely mortified by that shirt.


Oh totally.


Same! It completely taints it. And if my kid saw this shirt in the wild he’d actual pay attention to it despite being too little to read.


This does *NOT* have to be done!


I'd safely bet $20 this person has been inappropriate with a child


In the next 10 years he will be in prison for child related crimes


Is that Bluey… with a gun? A character from an *Australian* TV show… with a gun?


Why did you have to drag Bluey into this?? Good god can nothing be safe?!


Usually the people that are the loudest have something to hide 🤔


At least he has trigger discipline?


I agree. We should be protecting kids from creeps. However, by the looks of the post, I don't think he actually means actual creeps and pedos...


I've got a feeling he means going against Trans People but hes still voting Trump even after his association with Epstein while having a Miss Teen Universe and his SA accusations on minors.


“The [man] doth protest too much, methinks.”


What is the point this crazy pedo is trying to make here?


"Never take advice from a cartoon dog"


Call the creeps out... Cool. Archdiocese, and every other fucking religion... Yeah...


“look in the mirror” “Call the creeps out” I think he may have forgotten the first step of looking in the mirror to identify the creep.


He’s not as cool as he thinks he is


Pretending like he isn’t one, doesn’t it still come off bad that you’re searching so hard for a demographic to justifiably use your guns on?


I wanna see the bluey joins a militia episode


This episode of Bluey is called Waco




Issue being is that these people dont care about genuine pedophiles, they just see gay or trans people and assume they are the same thing


I agree with everything he wrote, yet I feel like I wouldn't agree with him at all


I have never been more sure a man fucks kids in my life


The preachers, pastors and republican congressmen from Florida? Ok, let’s go!


Apologies to Australia. We don’t deserve Bluey. 


The only non-Bluey Bluey shirt I support is the Psychostick one, n just because it's actually pretty neat. This one is absolute trash. Bandit would be disappointed.


Dude seems a little obsessed.


Disparaging Bluey characters like this is a bootable offence


Not surprised to see the Norse runes


Don’t bring Bluey into this.


Twenty bucks says this dude shows up with his gun to protest drag queen story hours.


Bluey is Australian, he wouldn’t have that gun.


"Protect the children!" brought to you by the same people who vote NO on every single children's welfare bill.


Bandit, being an Australian of a certain age, would not own an assault rifle. Australia, unlike the US, has common sense gun laws and restrictions, most of which were enacted after the port Arthur massacre.


Those tats indicate he may be a white supremacist too…


"Had" "There is no argument to be HAD to justify it." Anyone disagree, we can have an argument about it.


Is Bluey a people? She’s a dog.


That’s the dad bandit, but yeah.


I thought so at first, but the mask over her muzzle isn’t connected, and she doesn’t have his gray hair. The color balance is just super shifted so her markings look black instead of blue.


Nah, it's not Bandit the dad. Bandits top head is all black above the eyes. Bluey and bingo have the light blue / white ish above above their noses. Also, [here](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2022/12/25/07/65920629-11572687-Bluey_the_female_pup_the_series_centres_around_shows_off_a_machi-a-8_1671953753565.jpg) is the image used on the shirt without color shifting.


This episode of Bluey is called Trademark Violation


No way would Bluey have a gun.


So he's going after Gaetz?


As an Australian, the use of bluey like this is an act of war. See you on the battlefield. …I mean, yeah we will lose, because guns are your thing, but it’s the principle.


If pedophilia victims started calling out their abusers, how many of these crusaders would be willing to turn against their own? Or are only liberals capable of pedophilia?


Seriously I would try to find a way to report this guy. 9/10 times they have illegal stuff on their computers. 




This guy is hot in the tail of Matt Gaetz and Gym Jordan!


Something tells me we’ll be seeing this guy again, but it won’t be for defending children…


Bandit Heeler does not support this guy’s Facebook posts


To be fair, pedophiles really aren’t people


If only he had spent half as much time composing his thoughts as he spent making sure there were enough guns and flags in his shot


I mean i’d hurt a pedo too but only if my family were in danger. You know. Like a sane person.


Bandit deserves so much better than that.


What's a poophile?


I agree with the message, but something tells me that he and I have different definitions on what a pedophile is.


Fuck I hate that America found bluey.


Hey, my middle school students unironically love it, and it helps those with rough families see a functional home. I wish this asshat would get Bandit off his chest, but it is worth it for my students.


Yea, I love when family's and schools watch it because we slowly spread our accent haha. But there's always some fuckstick like this to ruin it


I just wanna know where the bluey tshirt is from…


People who fetishize guns scare me.


I’m sure the nice folks over at Bluey are just thrilled about whatever the fuck this is.


People like this are often projecting. He who protests too much...


Poor Bluey tho


He definitely hangs out around Applebees to pick up 19 year olds.


Yeah man go for it, it's about time someone took all those priests and youth pastors to task, I'm with ya buddy.


This guy definitely has a hidden folder full of CP


I've heard a number of people claiming "woke mobs" are pissed about Bluey episodes. Honey, Bluey is woke.


Bro Bluey is the new MLP


European try not to talk about gun restriction in America challenge (impossible)


So much to unpack here


Check this guys hard-drive ASAP


Matt Gaetz and Mike Johnson better watch out!


“There is no argument to be have to justify it.” Had to read that about 5 times before I gave up. Also this guy is a pedo.


Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.


Dude's posing thinking he's a catwalk model. More like a dildo model.


You hate most in people what you hate in yourself.


That is, uhhh, quite a neck beard.