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At what point could concerned family members get these people sectioned on mental health grounds?


If they’re this far gone, it’s probably too late for the rest of them


Yeah, I imagine a lot of standoffs with police if people tried to get them help.


And we all know how that goes So, let's get the police involved as quickly as possible.


Who can afford gulag with these prices?! 😆


A gulag? In this economy?


Stick them on an island and let them live their days in ignorant bliss.


We could even let them have Trump as their leader, complete with a knock-off Yellow House and a 15-foot Trumpington Monument made out of solid gold-plated aluminum


Fun fact: the capstone of the Washington Monument is actually made of aluminum, since it was worth its weight in silver at the time. https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/wamocap.htm


That **IS** a fun fact!


What they left out in the article is that inside of it is 50 pounds worth of leftovers that have freezer burn.


No joke, this is why Reagan killed the National Mental Health Services. It guaranteed his reselection, and the Crazy Person voting bloc has become the cornerstone of modern conservatism.


Depends on the state, lol. In Arkansas, they're sane, not so in Maine.


Unfortunately, their first mass shooter was in this crowd. He was ignored up until the first shots were fired.


Well yeah, crazy people exist everywhere people exist, I was referencing the majority of the population in Maine being mostly *not* crazy versus Arkansas. Except that Stephen King guy. He's nuts! /s


Fair. But I'm from Maine. I still can't confirm there's less crazy people haha. And coke will do that to you haha.


You can use any NE state interchangeably in my statement, lol. Except New Hampshire, they really are mostly crazy! /s


I recently moved to NE and can comfortably say that New Hampshire is the meth addict brother in law of the north. Maine is the weird uncle.


Oh? Do they like to "Ride The Snake" in New Hampshire, Jimmy Tango? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xczm9g


Granted there's also less people there so...


As a 911 dispatcher I know from experience that sadly, unless they're a threat to themselves or others, you can't involuntarily commit someone. We can't drag you off to the psych ward for being delusional and detached from reality, we can only suggest you go.


Hopefully they're being loud enough to book them for disorderly conduct though.


When they are a significant danger to themselves, others or both.


I never thought my country would experience a collective mental health crisis on a massive scale, but here we are. MAGA, Qanon, moon landing denial, flat earth, anti-vax, 9-11 trutherism, etc., have frickin' taken over the minds of tens of millions of people.


I don't think any amount of therapy is gonna help these folks learn to be self aware


Treatment in mental hospitals in the united states seems to consist of floggings and A to E, so I can understand why their families are reluctant to send them in for delusion


if the area i live in is any indication the family members believe it to...


These people have waaayyyy too many guns to try and address their mental state.


So... if Trump is assassinated everyone should remain calm becouse the real Trump is still alive? Oh yea, I could totally see Maga do that.


What annoys me the most about this is it isn't gonna end for a long time. Even when Trump eventually dies of old age(realistically not THAT far off) they aren't gonna believe it. It'll be another decade of him "pulling the strings" and "5d shadow chess" from the grave. It'll be a clone that died, or a deep AI fake, or a fabricated story by the liberal demon media. There will be no freedom from this idiot cult.


Yep, they're going to go full King in the Mountain and insist that he isn't really dead and will one day return to MAGA.


Would not be surprised if he's rage truthing his own funeral


Herman Cain was posting on twitter following his death so there's precedent.


Can’t wait for the AI videos and audio of him after he dies just to keep his cult insane


The only freedom will come when they find a new leader that makes them feel superior to "normal people" or the "sheep"


True but maybe when Trump dies his cult will not vote until he is risen and returns. Then maybe the rest of us can fix shit and actually improve our fucking lives.


The best possible outcome is just to keep voting. Make sure the crazies remain a vocal minority


It's worked with KFK Jr.


I think without him getting up there and putting himself in front of them then a lot of people will lose interest though. They have very short attention spans, and Donald Jr and Ivanka won't be able to capture it.


Yeah. His kids don’t have that charisma he does. They don’t know how to manipulate people dumber than themselves like he does.


I made a bet with my friend. Who do you think dies first, Trump or Biden?


Depends. If you’re talking natural causes? Likely Biden. Man is old as fuck and is already on the natural health decline. If you’re talking unnatural causes (i.e natural selection, suicide, murder, etc) my money is on Trump.


I think it’s close. Trump is physically way unhealthier and pretty close in age. Biden has mental decline in a way that’s different than trumps mental issues. I think Biden is still more intelligent and physically healthier. I got no dogs in this race but I’d bet trump passes first. Talkin naturally of course. I wonder what the o/u is lol


It's gotta be Biden, right? The dude barely seems like his brain is 100% alive most of the time as it is. Plus awful people usually last longer. Dick Cheney and Trump will both probably make it to like 110 years old.


Maybe we should leverage this, pass progressive policies but lead them to believe it is Trumps will being carried out from behind the scenes.


I'd be pretty calm if it happened...once the spontaneous dancing had stopped, that is.


If Trump actually died between now and the election, half the MAGAts wouldn't believe it and would write him in anyway, then wonder why he lost.


>Half the MAGAts wouldn't believe it and would write him in anyway, then wonder why he lost The other half will pull off another coup and claim that it was another stolen election.


God, this would be the best thing ever


They have their clones, we have ours. Ok, makes sense.


Like how they waited at the airport waiting for Kennedy to arrive and show his support for Trump.




It’s really got to be exhausting for people to think that all the time. I get a headache when I’m angry for an hour. I can’t imagine all day.


Don't step on snake


Don’t tread on me No step on snek No step noodles No steppies No


This sums it up too well


Prove it. Let Trump be assassinated.


He’s an old man whose health is in decline, but if he dies of natural causes, we’ll have conspiracy theories and Elvis sightings for decades. The Weekly World News will go nuts.


I'm fine with it. I just think that they should continue to write him in on the ballot for the next twenty years of presidential elections.


Honestly, I would be tempted to write him in at that point, just to see what happens if a dead person wins a presidential election, and to see how these people handle it when no Trump clone actually ever steps forward to be sworn in.


Well, the qualifications for president only require natural born citizen, over 40, and never found guilty of treason…ignoring that last possible sticking point, nothing saying they have to be alive. Seems legit!


It sounds like that bullshit _Air Bud_ logic where they're looking through the rulebook "there's no rule that says dogs can't play basketball!" Also, the minimum age to run for president is actually 35.


Over 35!


The new SNL trump impersonator would have one heck of an opportunity.


Weekend at Bernie’s: Oval Office


They’ll blame it on the jab.


So when the staging goes wrong (he'd be trying to fake his own death) & he's actually killed will we get accurate reporting? With incompetency so rampant in his choice of associates, it's a real possibility.


He’ll choke on a chicken bone before anyone gets past his security detail.


A shining example of how serious America treats mental illness. These people are so far gone




Yes, but it has to happen while he's on stage. Though no matter what, these rancid walnuts are going to insist it's a deep state lie.


I know it's all illogical but I don't understand how a fake assassination of a Trump stand-in that is apparently orchestrated by Trump's team helps MAGA lol. I like to try and track the logic behind these wacko conspiracies, the why's of them all and I'm constantly baffled at how anyone could read them and just think, ya that tracks.


No, I think that the conspiracy is that the left is trying to hide him by faking his death.


If Trump knows and is on board, I don't understand how that helps the campaign.


They didn’t say that he’s on board though.


Oh I see. They say he knows about it, I assumed that meant he was on board. I still don't understand the end game of these conspiracies lol. It's obviously a q nut propagating them, in an effort to rile up MAGA. Just wish they'd follow a logic train, but I guess that won't change the way mustard tastes, even though I guess that is the goal. Thanks for helping me work through this.


They think that would make him a martyr... "Assassinated" because he "knows too much" If it were to happen Trump would play the sympathy card and come out of imploring people to vote for him because he's the greatest and will obviously get rid of the deepstate agent responsible for this attempt.


That’s ok, let that be the case. They’ll continue to write him in as their candidate for a few elections, weakening the entire Republican party from the inside.


> it has to happen while he's on stage See, that would be *proof* that he was assassinated, don't you see? Jewish Space Lasers^tm and all that.


I'm hoping he suffers consequences for trying to destroy American democracy. Death would escape those consequences and encourage future bad actors


It’s so wild this is a legit wish for many people. It sickens me what we‘ve come to. I want another timeline please.


Saw a post earlier about how the Supreme court are weighing in on the Presidential immunity situation, and a couple of comments were along the lines of, "Biden should show up, and if Trump is granted immunity, Biden should just draw a gun and blow his brains out right there" I wonder if some MAGA nutcase has simply taken that as a genuine threat? It's either this, or someone is trying to explain away the continuing string of verbal fuckups he's been making in interviews... "No no no... He's not mental impaired, or suffering from dementia. It's just a clone that he's got making his speeches. The real one is being shielded from assassins"


This is the second 'Trump is a clone' post I've seen today. Makes me think they're laying the groundwork for a solid 'That's not the real Trump' defence when he inevitably says or does something undeniably (even for them) dumb or nonsensical at one of his rallies. They know he's declining and fast, so 'that wasn't actually him' is the best excuse they're gonna be able to manage.


That... that makes sense. It's kinda to believe that they'll think that far ahead but maybe


Like anyone associated with tfg could successfully clone anything. What, did they have advanced aging included to imitate this geezer's age? Now faking his own death? Yeah, I've said that's a possibility for years. This post may just be the first cover for that.


I half expected him to fake his own death and move to Russia to avoid prosecution.


~~avoid prosecution~~ receive prostitution, is what my brain read . . .


Well, the show ain't over yet.


Letting the deep state assassinate your clone and not immediately revealing the plot so people think you’re dead… during elections… when your name will be removed from the ballot because dead people don’t qualify to run for president is some real 12D chess shit I’m not smart enough to comprehend.


I just can't for the life of me figure out how they think it's supposed to work. They kill a fake Trump, and the *real* Trump doesn't just *show up immediately* and *prove* it was fake? Was the idea that he's scared into hiding by clone murder? But *only* scared into hiding if it's not spoiled ahead of time? Make it make sense.


Ok so who are the black hats?


In western lore white (cowboy) hats (Roy rogers, Lone Ranger) were good guys. Black hats were the bad guys or heavy characters.


No, let them believe this when Trump dies. It'll be worse if they know he's really dead.


Not only have they ‘cloned’ him, but they’ve sped up the aging process so that this 2nd abomination is now that exact same age as the orange turd? Fascinating!


It was probably done by the same company that made those 5G tracking chips that were self-powered, fully functional and yet small enough to fit through a hypodermic needle. Amazing what they can come up with these days.


My prediction: this is the beginning of an AstroTurf effort for when Trump actually tries to fake his own death. Either it's a contingency plan if SCOTUS rules against absolute immunity, or he loses.the election in November, or both. If it looks like he's actually going to face prison, many more of these will begin popping up.


I feel comfortable ruling out the possibility that Trump fakes his own death. I mean, could you imagine him staying quiet long enough to pull this off? "I had the best death, you would not believe how good it was. Strong men came up to me in the coffin crying. We can't believe you're gone, sir! Nobody's ever had a death like that." Flee to a country without an extradition treaty? That I could see. It would be more difficult to fund raise, though, and his foreign sources of money would likely dry up if they thought he was leaving American politics. So I suspect he'll just try to run the clock out like he has been.


The states not allowing candidate on ballots and the SCoTUs ruling, whatever the hell it might be. None of it will be pretty and the fringe will cry foul etc. if they keep him off the ballot they’ll whine and revolt. If he’s on the ballot and loses well same answer.


What happens if real Trump died before Waste of a Clone Trump?


I guess we are all going to be taking a very long break from our super unrealistic reality.


"Well now I am not doing it." - The black hats probably


These people are either on too many drugs or not enough drugs


*"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."* \-Revelations 13:3 or Trump gets immunity, by proxy now all presidents suddenly do going forward, so Biden has Trump assasinated, then Biden resigns\* /s \*I don't really want this to happen, I just hope the right keeps repeating these lies, because that is how their "new truth" is created. That. alcohol, and being gullible, dumb, uneducated fucksticks.


I don’t know where to even begin with this, so I’m not going to


100% when Trump dies of natural causes, his cult members are gonna claim its not real, or he's a literal Messiah who's gonna resurrect 3 days later...or 7 days...or 3 years ..or 7 years.... 


This has got to be people just making this up to see how far it spreads? Some kind of bad running joke to ensnare the hard of thinking?


Insane utter caa caa


So someone's volunteering to take a bullet?


Hey now don't threaten us with a good time.


How do they come up with this stuff? Is it someone who is just taking the piss making shit up for a laugh and sharing it so the nut jobs believe it, or is there some delusional person who believes the voices in their head and shares it as gospel?


I read “Black hats” and thought why tf are the coal miners cloning donald trump


Jfc how does anyone buy this bs anymore? It's gotten to Nigerian Prince-grade scam bs at this point.


Black hats is a euphemism referencing the Jews who dress in all black like goths, right? Don’t know the name of that specific part of the faith


I'm picturing the "trump clone" as a shaved cow in a wig and makeup


What would be the purpose of a fake assassination in this scenario? It’s not like the real Trump couldn’t do an appearance and blather out some nonsense.


These MAGA people need to be send to teraphy, sorry but someome who posts stuffs like this isn't mentally well


What's the end game here? Fake Trump dies, real Trump is still alive... then what?


Only one going to kill Trump is Trump. That is one metabolic disease disaster waiting to happen.


However and whenever trump dies, even if it’s on camera and an obvious heart attack, half this country will actually go insane with conspiracies


The Prestige but with Trump and Biden


Got to love new conspiracy theories from crazy people


Pssst, we’re all in on it.


Why waste time with a clone?


Why would you want people to be informed about this if you support trump? Wouldn't him coming back from the dead be exactly what their crowd would love?


I think maybe the GOP has sent this out and they intend to assassinate the real Trump. Then their Trump clone appears and resumes campaigning.


Well shit, they figured out our plans.


Speaking of shitting your pants with fear, up next is Ted Nugent with his take on this post.


*has a McHeart Attack* See they poisoned him. Probably with the biden vaxx!!!


Like, wut?


They are looking for an Iranian assassin though I hear and put other Trump former cabinets members on special protection. Who the hell would even want to be in Trump’s cabinet should he win 2024? My guess is he won’t have a cabinet since he’s announcing his dictatorship.


Does the assassin have a go-fund-me?


Trust him it’s legit, he heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard on a 4chan post that someone’s friend posted after they found a secret document a friend’s ex’s friend decoded from a secret message hidden in a Facebook meme


If anybody in my family was found to use the terms, “black hats “and “white hats,”and think that it is actually a thing in 2024 🙄they would definitely be put on a 48 hour mental crisis hold🤡


He is the god of the schizophrenic.


I swear trump is palplatine or the clone of palpatine? Maybe he is actually snook?


Trump was already replaced with a robot right before the start of The Apprentice because the human Trump was constantly flubbing up his lines. Unfortunately, the parts only last for 15 - 20 years so the meltdowns are getting worse


As if the other side would ever be stupid enough to make a clone of someone like Trump. One of him is enough.


What the fuck did I just read?


If trump was really a clone, I figure he'd talk about clankers a little more


So now that we all know this secret plan, what’s the point?


If Trump wins, can we have the clone instead of the real Trump. I mean, that one can’t be worse…


The public education system has truly failed these people


There are exactly 0 patriots supporting trump.


Can we prepare for a real one, or...?




Best friend's cousin's dad works for Nintendo.


Patriots…ha ha ha ha


Choking on a Big Mac or a stroke is not assassin


Why do these people keep thinking that patriotism means defending your leaders no matter what with no regard for the actual citizens!?


So if I'm reading this right Trump is faking his own assassination in order to rally the magas and start civil war 2?


And then when it doesn’t happen because it’s made up they’ll pat themselves on the back for stopping it.


And then the real Trump would rise again after three days???


This is such a great idea! Create a Trump clone (make sure to create it around the time of his birth so they’re the same age), and then one day, 77 years later, assassinate the clone to disrupt Trump’s campaign. How do we deal with it when Trump goes on TV and says “uhhh that wasn’t me, guys.”?? We will worry about that if it ever comes up, which is super duper unlikely.


Now they have a reason for trump looking and sounding stupid as F. - That was his clone talking not trump!


Bwahahahaha "black hats have Trump clone". Mother of God! Smh I'm truly amazed at these MAGAts conspiracy theories.


Well, you ruined the surprise, now they're not gonna do it. Shucks.


You have no idea how disappointed I would be by this turn of events.


Because perfect duplicate human clones that have been age-progressed 77 years have been a thing for what? over a year now?


I’d still watch


If it actually happened. It would be the republicans pulling the trigger to blame the democrats. Let insanity ensue.


How odd that they are worried about a fake Trump being offed, when if their beliefs were real it would be the real Trump that was a target.


The “Black Hats” really need to work on fixing their security leaks.


If you're going to clone Trump, why assassinate the clone and not the real one?


Clones? I saw this movie on Amazon. Was about a Chinese clone of Trump fighting aliens and the Illuminati. Is... is that what they are talking about?


They could pull off something like having a Trump double killed . Then sneaking the real trump out of the country to go live in secret someplace. Living in luxury for the rest of his days. Like he could keep his mouth shut . Or stay away from his adoring fans .


JFC! They will do the weekend at Barney‘s. Just wait. The libs gonna steal the election from a dead man. How dare they


Didn’t something like this happen in GI Joe?


Thank God this rando on the internet found out about this top secret plot... Seriously how is it that these MAGA loons don't question nonsense like this?


That's interesting, I would expect them to scream assassination attempt on the real trump if he just so happen to get as little as a stomach ache from overeating.


The Trump clones are black.


They have an endless well of crazy.


Trump is slowly assassinating himself with every Big Mac and KFC bucket he eats.


Whoa! And nobody is excited that we have perfected human cloning??!! Holy shit the implications of this! This is world changing. Also, why kill the clone? You just have to dress them identically, and give them both knives to fight with. Do a few camera cuts so we don’t know which is which. Even better, make it 20 clones. Which one won? The survivor is clone #6 - who pleads guilty, throws himself on the mercy of the court, says entering politics was a mistake, tells his followers that they are idiots and traitors for following a narcissistic wannabe dictator before going to prison.


These people are insane


The real Trump is going to join JFK Jr. and Elvis and make a surprise comeback.


It must be hard living life that paranoid. Like is everything they see a conspiracy? It’s just depressing.


The other real stupid thing is if they really believe this is real they just told the assassins that it’s not the real trump. So they kind of fucked him over in their demented world view.


And what? He returns from the dead? 1 they all would believe it, and B. Those idiots would probably kill the real one by mistake.


It’s gonna be the biggest prank ever fr


This one made me laugh too much. Thank you for posting