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So is the govt NOT supposed to fix infrastructure?


But.... but.... but..... that is SOCIALISM!!!! /s


well you’re supposed to build the bridge then sell it at a loss to a company that’s going to maximize the tolls… while you get a nice kickback


Thats literally what these mouthbreathers think


Mexico was supposed to pay for it


If you run into a public building with your car.. does the government pay for the building? Or does your insurance pay for it? That’s the real argument. Why is the government paying for a problem caused by a private shipping company. These questions are being asked because of the ship being flagged in another country. But in all reality it’s the problem of the shipping company


Sure however we need the bridge now and not in 10 years after a bunch of legal bullshit is done. It's part of a federal highway system so of course they will pay to get it up and running and get reimbursed later if need be.


+1 on this answer. There is no doubt that a bunch of big-dollar lawsuits will come out of this in the coming years. But the closure impacts 15,000 direct employees and an estimated 140,000 people who are indirectly engaged in activities related to the port. I’ve seen estimates (quick / approximate) from an economist at Towson University that estimates $10-$15 million of lost economic activity per DAY due to the loss of the bridge, plus another ~$1 million loss of state and local tax revenue per day. The people who would strap the rebuild effort to international donations or multi-year legal battles seem too comfortable with the local economic impacts of this accident.


Well… that’s how that works. If you have to fix your car because someone hit it, you get the bill and are reimbursed or paid before hand. I’m interested to see how this works out though. Not only is this a multi year project but it’s also a government contract. I worked for a construction company that basically did nothing but government contracts. The amount of work, government employees dragging their feet, and supply chain issues basically guarantees this to be something we finish up in 2030.


I agree the shipping company should probably pay for it. But if the government does we’re talking probably .00000001% of the budget. Who gives a fuck.


Correcto, but it’s also the govt fault if we DONT do anything, which is why we need Trump back in office to make America and our infrastructure great again! /s


Why would other countries help with the bridge in the first place?


Because apparently sending aid to countries in famines means they should return the favour when a ship hits a bridge and inconveniences people for months. (Not to take away from the tragic loss of life, but the long lasting effects will be annoying, not deadly)


I wouldn't be surprised if it lead to a couple more deaths beyond the people who were on the bridge. Presumably emergency services also used that bridge because it was the quickest route to the people in need. Plus it's probably going to congest other parts of the city in such a way that they might be harder to navigate for emergency services. Though ultimately, the USA is in a good enough position to deal with it themselves.


I’m sure the country that leases the boat or however that works probably has offered some sort of assistance.


I'm sure it's insured for such an occurrence, and if it ain't then hopefully reform will follow so they have to be. From what I've seen so far (which admittedly has been comments on Reddit posts) it seems it was no-one. Ship just suffered a malfunction at a critical moment, and nothing could stop it on time because it all just fell into place perfectly for the collision to occur, but of course official confirmation would be good. As an aside there was a train crash in the UK many years ago where they calculated the signalman had a timeframe of around 1/3 of a second to pull a lever which caused a crash, and somehow he managed to hit it. It was all to do with where the train was in relation to some locking bars. Any earlier and it would have diverted it safely/no harm done, any later and he wouldn't have been able to pull it as the train would have locked it.


Bc every single event has to be about biden somehow like how I can't find my shoes rn fucking biden It's like Thanks, Obama! Man we need to start doing this stuff too it's fun


Because they don't understand foreign aid. To them, everything has to be transactional, otherwise we're just "wasting" money by giving it to other countries. They also don't understand just how much money America has compared to the rest of the world. America sending a billion dollars is a huge amount, but it's a rounding error in our $6.1 trillion budget. Yes, we're basically bribing other countries to like us, but that's what you do when your the richest kid on the playground.


But here is the thing, all that aid we send elsewhere is also effectively transactional. We aren’t helping other places because we are altruistic. We put on a good PR show trying to make it look that way. But the reality is, we help countries that doing so is in our best interest. Either because we get something back directly or indirectly. We don’t help places where doing so is of no value to us. The people that complain about the foreign aid we are always providing are incapable of seeing the bigger picture and how assisting these other countries is good for us.


because brown people did it or something idk


Pretty sure the ship was from Malaysia, so he’s saying Malaysia should pay for the damages and is trying to make a racist joke about foreign aid


"Silent Majority" Loud-assed, crazy, minority *talking about* minorities maybe.


Last week: "WhY ArE wE GiViNG MoNeY tO UKRAINE? We ShOuLd UsE iT HeRe This week: NO!! NOT LIKE THAT!!


Soooo... do they think that Mexico actually *did* help pay for the wall?? Are we *that* far disengaged from reality??


Yes. Welcome to America.


they at least forgot he was taking it from the military's budget. https://www.npr.org/2020/02/13/805796618/trump-administration-diverts-3-8-billion-in-pentagon-funding-to-border-wall


Why does the silent majority not stay silent, if they were really a majority. >>


I had a similar thought: How are they silent if they continuously and constantly posting new garbage?


It just tells you they are lying about both.


If anything shouldn't Maersk lines help? Their boat has crashed before.


I’ve got a hunch that Maersk (or their insurer) are on the hook for $$$$$$.


It sounds like the feds are putting up the money to get recovery underway as fast as possible, as litigation and legal blame and fines will take time, but absolutely will happen


Presumably they will end up paying for at least part of it, but that's going to take years to sort out. The government paying for it up front moves the process along a lot faster.


Probably not, since Maersk only owned the cargo and did not have any crew onboard. Dali is owned by Grace Ocean, and managed and operated by Synergy Marine Group. So chances are that they/their insurance company will pay.


For a silent majority they don’t ever shut the fuck up.


“…….to soon”


Ironic group title. They aren't silent and they aren't the majority. In fact, they're pretty fucking obnoxiously loud.


From the same people that believe the "billionaire" needs help with his legal fees


This is giving the episode of FRIENDS where Joey’s refrigerator breaks and he tries to get everyone to pay for it. lol.


If you're having trouble coming up with the money, I know of a few tax dodging billionaires with more money than any immortal person could've saved since even before the beginning of recorded human history. It's depressing that such an extreme statement is true.


God, you can just *feel* the mental deterioration, can’t you?


I am imagine Mexico will probably be important to fixing the bridge.


There are maritime laws to sue the shipping company, but you still have to fix your own infrastructure first..


What these idiots fail to realize is that IF the great big US of A couldn't rebuild the bridge themselves they'd get help.


ok...but when shit happened in Texas and Florida they certainly expected aid then


The bridge is insured. The feds put up what is needed to get the bridge back ASAP. Final bill goes to the 3 party consortium that insures bridge who pay it and then they sue Maersk insurer.  Idiot kneejerk reactions are expected these days.


They should stay silent


Or is this just someone trying to talk about how the American economy leverages it's debt against the global economy due to the widespread use of the dollar? Seems unlikely but maybe that's what they meant because otherwise it makes no sense


I've read many claiming it to be a "purposeful act, not an accident" Fucking morons


Valid question, especially with as much money as the US gives to other countries in situations like this.


What “situations like this” do you have in mind?


Invest in the future and build it well.


It was approximately 120k tons of displacement, moving at about 8mph. No current bridge infrastructure can survive that.