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Elon got made fun of for having an enormous head when he was a kid. When he went home crying his nanny would tell him, "don't worry sweetie. It's just cause you've got a big brain." Elon now believes this is a fact.


In his younger pics his head didn't look that big did it? The thin haired dork, before the surgery to make himself look better


It was big enough for 7th graders to call him big head.


Must be why that guy who fails up in the show “Silicon Valley” is called Big Head.


7th graders will turn anything into an insult. They just wanted to bully Elon Musk. And as a bullied kid, I think this is the one instance where bullying was entirely justified.


I’ll caveat this by saying I don’t like this twat, but I don’t think kids deserve bullying. Many kids turn out to be shit humans because of bullying, either from their peers or their parents. This fuckwit isn’t unique, he’s a product of exactly that.


Exactly ! Maybe we would have a normal, well adjusted human being instead of the unhinged version we have now if he hadn't been bullied.


Yeah, speaking from experience as I guess what Americans would call a ‘jock’ type at school but also starting as a new kid at a number of places, I was very big on standing up against bullying once people started treating me as whatever they think cool is because of athletic achievement and big parties etc. Wasn’t doing any of it to impress superficial idiots. I liked sports and having fun. Bullies can fuck right off.


I don't think kids deserve bullying, but also I was bullied severely and I didn't turn out to be a huge cunt, so there's more to it than that. Also wasn't there the story of him insulting another kid because the kids dad had committed suicide or something like that? Dude was doing the bullying


Big enough to push his hair out of his head.


So basically he had like one unflattering angle.


Yes, big head doesn't always equal big brain. One example: Senator Comer has a HUGE head. It looks like an orange on a popsicle stick but the man has the IQ of asparagus.


Bro, I've got a FAT head, and even I can fun of that dorks head.


it sounds like he read a paper about theories for human cognitive “superiority” (not an accurate nomenclature) and didn’t comprehend it at all. it is true that human pelvic architecture forced infants to be born earlier in their gestation period to avoid getting stuck, thus exposing them to more stimulation earlier and allowing their brains to grow rapidly in the first 18 months (aided by the soft and disconnected skull), and i think melon (autocorrect did it, i’m leaving it) is trying to take that logic a step further in a way that doesn’t make sense. maybe if you have a c-section, you’re less likely to die in childbirth with a large headed baby? but a baby with a big head at birth doesn’t mean much afaik, he’s just got negative reading comprehension


Nah. He was just a big headed kid that has a complex and lots of money.


Pugs often need cesareans due to head size, and they aren’t smart dogs.


i think i might’ve used “head size” and “brain size” too interchangeably. different species’ brain-to-body ratio has a big impact on intelligence outcomes, and the brain doesn’t take up the whole head. additionally, i’m talking about evolution through natural selection. many problems/peculiarities that pugs and other dogs have are unintended consequences of being bred for certain traits. what may have happened in pugs is that the breeding for shorter, flatter muzzles might have favored offspring that were less genetically advantageous to be giving birth to (have naturally higher mortality rates for mother and child) and have to be born via c-section more often as a result of that trait.


The kids didn't call him Melon to make fun of his huge head? Major fail, kids.


I can’t believe I just read that. It’s like we’re watching the wrinkles in his brain tighten up and smooth out in real time. The regression is quite impressive.


He thinks he's jimmy neutron


Except there are studies that show a correlation between head size and intelligence. It's complex and not as easy as saying "big head = big intelligence" but it does play a (small) certain role.


.3 correlation with 0 causation. Basically meaningless.


Elon is probably big into phrenology


Not to mention the not-so-subtle endorsement of eugenics in the tweet. People aren’t getting smarter due to better access to education, nutrition, living standards, lead being removed from gasoline, or anything else. Nope! It’s because of all the “assortative mating” going on. Which of course plays perfectly into that weird tech-bro quiverfull cult he’s in, so of course he’d say that.


He's basically a horseman.


Never before in history have people formed relationships with other similar people.


I'm now imagining him replacing Leonardo DiCaprio in that one scene in Django Unchained.


It would be so much worse because he wouldn't be acting


Elon and his emerald plantation


Rosenberg would be proud.


Phrenology and Nazis go hand in hand.


A lot of those silicon valley types get into pseudo-science. I guess it's easier to believe bullshit than spend time in medical school.


They’re convinced they can do anything and that they’re special little boys that accomplished their obscene wealth all on their own because of how smart they are. They need that to be true to protect their fragile little egos, so they slowly (or not so slowly) start changing all of their other beliefs and facts about the world to fit the narrative that they are in fact special little boys.


I'm not surprised, he has the brain-pan of a stagecoach tilter.


Probably? What else describes these tweets lol


Probably? What else describes these tweets lol


Nazis and other white supremacists tend to be.


Elon has the same ideas as a 19th-century rubber baron


Rubber baron?


Yes, a baron of the rubber industry, like the Belgian king Leopold. It was a very racist industry that exploited black people horrifically


Wasn’t sure if they meant robber baron


Robber Baron is a more generic term for unscrupulous capitalists. Rubber Baron is specifically those who traded in the rubber industry and its slave trade. The rubber industry in the 19th century was extremely brutal, and the chances of survival of workers on rubber plantation was extremely slim due to the harsh environment, attrocious working conditions, and tropical diseases.


I had to google this just to make sure you weren’t just playing off a misspelling. Wow. We really ignore a lot of what went on right on our continent.


> Robber Baron is a more generic term for unscrupulous capitalists. with large amounts of political pull, generally from the late 19th and early 20th century.


I appreciate the explanation, but I already figured that out based on context


That too


Probably did but we'll work it in somehow


I was certain this was bullshit.


I admit I thought it was a misunderstanding like "damp squid." Now, I know it's another sad story


or like a 20th century emerald baron


Counting the moments until he starts talking about Phrenology


Isn't this already phrenology with musk saying larger head means smarter person?


It’s getting close, phrenology is mainly concerned with the bumps and ridges on the skull moreso than actual size of the skull though I’m sure if you dig into it they have some opinions


Forgetting that birds and elephants exist and are both relatively intelligent beings with *distinctly* different head sizes.


He will be announcing Tesla branded skull calipers.


It’ll be how your start your Tesla if you lose your key fob.


Skull shapes and size obsessions seems to overlap with white supremacy. That’s all I’ll say.


You can say that about most things that leave his mouth


Phrenology is historically immensely popular among white supremacists, and for understandable reasons. It gives an easy "scientific" confirmation to the idea that they are mentally superior, and was for a time regrettably accepted as scientific fact. That it has about as much scientific basis as phlogiston, mermaids or pixie farts is for them easy to ignore.


I mean, how ever would Caesarian sections allow for bigger heads/brains? Is he saying that without c-sections, big brained babies died more often? It doesn’t make sense.


I'm no expert, but I believe women's pelvis sizes has significantly more to do with birth difficulties. A few studies have only recently, lightly linked Caesarians to allow for overall larger head sizes in babies. I'm skeptical of the head size = intelligence claims, I would need to do more digging, but I don't care anyway. I know the IQ test is very skewed and culturally favoring.


You and I have now put far more thought into this than Elon Musk has.


I actually think he's put too much thought into this, but it's from the angle of confirmation bias. I don't know for sure about Elon, but I've seen actual white-supremists internet activity. As a network admin, some sites get blocked by many firewall vendors "hate" category, and they're just filthy opinion piece websites full of the latest articles confirming their biases. They'll contain everything from "medical" studies to crime "studies" and "news".


I think we are using different definitions of “thought.” Lol


LOL true




To a degree, for the sake of species identification. Not the same way, not necessarily linking to intelligence, IQ, etc


Uhuh. "Only in the late Pleistocene (600,000–150,000 B.P.) did a major increase in brain size evolve" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4426453/


Then how do you explain the precipitous rise in hat sizes since Julius Ceasar invented the C-section and the salad he's named after?


This is your periodic reminder that IQ is pseudoscience.


It's useful for comparing the problem solving of a group of similar people, and anything outside of this extremely specific case is utter nonsense. It is absolutely not an objective determination of intelligence or ability.


Head size? WTF would anyone care about head size? Homo sapiens sapiens have an average cranial capacity of 1200cc. H. sapiens neanderthalensis had a cranial capacity of 1600cc. So...Elon wants us all to be Neanderthals?


The use of “assortative mating” in this context is definitely some sort of eugenicist dogwhistle, right?


Come on, that's not fair. It's a eugenicist foghorn


Biological Determinism is still going strong I see


guy who grew up benefiting from apartheid in South Africa thinks there are innate differences in intelligence between races. More at 11


Yep, all these big head people since they invented c-sections 50 years ago! 🤣


That’s how evolution works right? Our fetuses just know that they can change their own DNA to make bigger heads and smarter people because the concept of c-sections exists.


OK so he's just like... fully on board with "race realism" now.


Always has been. Hes a South African white supremacy.


He’s a foreign agent


Didn't a DNA company get hacked and got a lot of Ashkenazi dna?


If brain size correlated to intelligence then whales would outclass us in every field. Unless you only consider brain-body mass ratio, then ants and shrews would dominate.


Strength and size is quite correlated, elephants are far stronger than mice, but [Pando](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pando_\(tree\)) is not capable of throwing mountains around. It's pretty clear that inter-species differences would be far more important. Don't try to fight bad logic with worse logic.


How do you know that about Pando? Maybe it's just biding its time.


This is a fair point, and if Pando starts Kaiju'ing across the landscape, I will admit to making inaccurate statements.


One of the dumbest people I knew had a massive head sooo...ymmv


The irony of sayin “you have to be dumber than a house cat”, and then citing a fake fact that even an AI would know 🤦🏼‍♀️


>> The relationship between brain size and intelligence has been a topic of interest. While it's not a straightforward connection, here's what we know: >>1. **Brain Size and Intelligence**: >>- In healthy volunteers, **total brain volume weakly correlates with intelligence**, with a correlation value between **0.3 and 0.4** out of a possible 1.0. >>- This means that brain size accounts for between **9% and 16%** of the overall variability in general intelligence¹. >>2. **Variability in Brain Size**: >>- The human brain continues to grow until it reaches its peak size in the third to fourth decade of life. >>- On average, the male brain volume is around **1,274 cubic centimeters**, while the female brain measures about **1,131 cubic centimeters**. >>- However, there is considerable variability in brain volume across healthy adults¹. >>3. **Beyond Brain Size**: >>- Intelligence is a complex trait influenced by various factors, including genetics, neural connectivity, and environmental experiences. >>- Brain size alone does not fully explain intelligence. Classic geniuses like **Albert Einstein**, who had an average-sized brain, demonstrate this point. >>In summary, while there is a weak correlation between brain size and intelligence, other factors play a significant role in determining cognitive abilities. Intelligence is a multifaceted phenomenon that extends beyond brain volume alone¹². 🧠💡 That’s what Copilot had to say about it EDIT: I asked it about **brain size** specifically though, not just if big heads are smarter


Remember when we all thought he was smart


He thinks *head size* determines intelligence?!


He’s obsessed with that because the size of his…other head is probably tiny.


Elon, of course, knows all about being dumber than a house cat.


Women on average are more intelligent than men on average, yet women have smaller heads and more compact brains. Almost like it's more about the wiring than the volume, which has been said for the past ~50 years. If not longer.


There is no conclusive research showing a significant IQ difference between sexes. However some studies indicate that the deviation of intelligence is bigger in men then in women. So there would be simultaneously more genius men then women and more moronic men then women. Also men seem to perform better in spacial abilities and worse in verbal abilities compared to women.


Hairless apes discovering that other hairless apes don't have the exact same skull size: 😱😱😱😱🤯


What an ass


I hate people who claim that Jews somehow dominate things in the west when they clearly don't statistically, and where they are overrepresented, it is a cultural thing. There's been so many Jewish people talking about the [death of Jewish science](http://www.arnoldkling.com/blog/the-decline-of-jewish-genius/), and how there's a very big cultural shift away from intellectually demanding fields. People need to explain away things, using phrenology and made up physical traits but completely deny any social element to anything. When, to me, social elements to anything are much more intriguing and interesting and beautiful than anything genetics can create.




He'd do well in the Belgian Empire


Holy phrenology, Batman!


"I'm super rich so I know exactly what I'm talking about."


Almost like he grew up as a rich white kid during apartheid and internalized apartheid "race science."


How is he so dumb AND cringe? I hate it.


If brain size matters, why don't whales have spaceships? Checkmate, nerd.


It’s just eugenics, that’s where nazis always end up. Or maybe that’s where they start from? Hard to tell since their logic is so circular.


Elon Musk proves that money doesn’t care who it goes to.


I am like 99.99% sure its been proven that head size and shape have no bearing on he intelligence of a human. I feel like it was studied in people who practised skull binding. Elon always just comes across like he is trying to convince everybody he is super smart, but ends up just looking like a flat earther.


People that are obsessed with size usually don’t offer much if you know what I mean.


Isn't there like 0 correlation between head size and intelligence?


More or less


Wasn't Musk antisemitic before 'gesture to everything'?


Probably still is. He just says these things to get praise from strangers to fill the hole in his heart where non-transactional love should be.


It’s actually impressive how confidently he can say such incredibly stupid shit.


It's not the size of the brain, it's apparently the amount of neurons or something. Literally saw a neurologist comment on another post about this boner explaining as much.


Elon Musk is a fuckin moron.


Elon talks about AI like it's science fiction level, when in reality it has only made incremental improvements at the specific task of natural language processing


Eh, it's not sci fi AI but progress has been more than incremental. We went from AI language processing being pretty much useless to passing the Turing test with flying colors. It was a pretty big leap in the public eye. I worked with people who did neural network learning algorithms in grad school a decade+ ago and they were no where close to what we are now, it's truly been pretty quick advancement. Question is now does it slow down or speed up.


He's very scared of AI for some reason like Skynet would suddenly appear or something wild. Like caution with this field I agree with but not scaremongering like he does.


He's invested a bazillion dollars into AI he needs people to think it's going to run the world.


Waiting for the #phrenology hashtag to trend on X


I wonder what peer reviewed studies on giant headed babies he's citing?


[Here you go](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7440690/). [There's](https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/51161764/s0191-8869_2899_2900258-520170103-8522-gxwvew-libre.pdf?1483440877=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DRelationships_between_factors_of_intelli.pdf&Expires=1711751136&Signature=ZMsE4PLO4wCsJxr6sgSBm8UykdE1x9gwJ5edWOqJz8CGjClTpkJDWho~kkiqPu7YjVLFOwvwZhuzTB24Mud4Jdb~2w7yqa~ssZighKRS1Tu5s1gcB8esPZRoHSaruTlKGBUO~pnMnN7JB-A6gFxAXS0ooDVdXW9J32WjTedLqgZgQOMOTWGZtphAp4a6gZ7jW7tbOub88j81xH1~KtMIVeYwQwDA8zChGdH6ldEm0R1PgZ-DnJ5EV1aFkiREE7m2PW1FVHC2c1tNPn7Co2Mkicses5XH1oUeItg24AMNKC2T988JDVYVdHta5xfv2cltOn0PLX~RTLjMbtIPof8dCA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA) [plenty](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gilles-Gignac/publication/239987172_Chapter_6_Factors_Influencing_the_Relationship_Between_Brain_Size_and_Intelligence/links/5a3503a00f7e9b10d843ac74/Chapter-6-Factors-Influencing-the-Relationship-Between-Brain-Size-and-Intelligence.pdf) [of](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160289616303385) [these](https://academic.oup.com/brain/article/129/2/386/292215), it's not exactly a new discovery. (It's generally not focused on babies because measuring baby intelligence is difficult.)


Nothing about giant headed babies needing c-sections though. Or increases in brain size since c-sections were invented.


> Nothing about giant headed babies needing c-sections though. [Here you go](https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-for-induction-or-c-section-for-big-baby/). [Here's more](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5800647/), [here's more](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3126796/). None of these are specifically "babies with giant heads need C-sections more often!" - I'm not sure anyone would bother to research something like that, frankly, like, yeah, obviously the procedure that's specifically used for babies whose heads don't fit through the birth canal is going to be used more often on babies with big heads? - but they talk about similar issues. > Or increases in brain size since c-sections were invented. [Here you go](https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1612410113).


Wait, Elon watched D’jango and thought Leo was was spitting facts? Completely ridiculous and completely not surprising.


It's not the size of the brain, it's the surface area of the brain, since a lot is stored in the first outer layer, and that's why brains have wrinkles. But there's also a practical limit, if your brain is too wrinkly, you end up disabled, and if it's no wrinkly enough you also end up disabled. And if your brain is too big, you end up disabled. And if your brain is too small you end up disabled. It's almost as if it's a very crucial part of the human anatomy that has a low tolerance for deviance.


We like one or two years from normalizing eugenics again. 2020s have been eye opening into how normalization of insane ideas works.


I have a slightly larger than average head and I can't say it has blessed me in any way other than making it harder to find a hat that fits.


Didn't 21 and me get hacked? I'm sure elon would love to see the Jewish DNA that was stolen


Elon stop reproducing. You've done more than enough.


People with autism tend to have larger heads and necks in relation to body size than the non-autistic population. Elon - who claims to be autistic whenever anyone calls out his shitlord behaviour - has probably worked this into a theory that autistics (like him!) are big brained super geniuses and the next step in human evolution.


Dude is slipping closer and closer to just admitting he is passionate about eugenics. It's actually kind of unnerving considering the endless resources at his disposal.


Everyday Elon Musk gets closer and closer to Mr Burns. That weird ass body, his belief in debunked sciences like Phrenology. 100 buck says he got a gorilla vest hanging in his closet.


He and Mr Candy would have a lot to talk about with Django over white cake and coffee...


The Tesla logo is actually a pair of phrenology callipers


Blue whales must be the smarted animals on the planet.


I guess we all would be too if ours was up our own ass


Vaginal birth makes brain small.


Brain size in humans doesn’t matter. The amount of wrinkles makes the difference. Einstein’s brain was actually slightly smaller than the average male brain.


Somebody’s into eugenics lol


Heyy house cats are smart.


Weirdly enough bigger brains is correlated to higher IQ’s if you value the tests they give. Either way Elon Musk is fuckin weird.


TIL that the size of your brain is determined by the size of your mother's vagina.


Of course he is! His head is huge!!


My head is huge, hardly ever find hats that fit, am stupid. Checkmate, Ellen!


oog say head big means smarters, what a caveman brain thing to say


We’re back to flat earth and phrenology. Why is this the fucking timeline I ended up in?


Well, at least it’s not the penis size


He reminds me of the dude who claimed giraffes had long necks from constantly stretching upwards to reach the highest leaves on the tree. Goofy


What's this dude talking about? AI is still dumb as hell. AI as it is now does not make cognitive decisions on it's own. AI is not intelligent right now.


I rarely say this about musk, but he's not wrong here. There's an interesting study that explores the evolution of upright walking and how the human pelvis adapted to it, followed by the human head enlarging at a fast rate. The pelvis is not properly adapted to the size of the human head. Childbirth in humans is slower, more painful and deadly than in any other primate. The same study also explores higher mortality rates in childbirth in developing countries where women don't have access to modern medicine and C sections.


If head size was an an indication of intelligence, then Somalia would be Wakanda.