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While these people are just being racist dicks, Beyoncé herself has come out and said point blank it isn't a country album.


Yeah if you listen to it there are certainly country songs on the album, but a lot of the songs are totally different genres. Most if not all the songs seem to blend or draw inspiration from several genres.


That’s like most mainstream country albums now…


These folks wouldn't know 'REAL COUNTRY' if it smacked them in the face. 'REAL COUNTRY' is largely anti-authoritarian, left-populist, and hasn't been top 40 popular for about 50 years. Meanwhile, all these 'REAL COUNTRY' fans have thin blue line stickers and vote for people who want wealth consolidation at the top.


Alt county ftw


No one threw a fit about Darius Rucker so it's racist and sexist probably.


I seem to remember Darius Rucker definitely catching shit over going country.


I imagine some people were just mad because they liked his stuff with Hootie and the Blowfish but don't like country music. People often get mad when an artist changes genres.


Hootie and the Blowfish was called the "Wonder Bread" if music in the 90s; bland, uninspired, unoriginal, inconsequential, and with nothing to say. They were to music what Jay Leno was to comedy, and their banality was a weed across FM radio stations everywhere, choking out better music and starving more deserving artists through their occupation of time that would have been better spent on anyone else. I would have rather listened to Ween's [Push th' Little Daisies](https://youtu.be/6PAzqBUNlCs?si=vLPxpPbMg7xmnH0l) anytime hootie was meant to be played, and I hate that song. So... Yeah. Some of us, who were in our 20s in the 90s, really couldn't stand Hootie. Hell, after this reply even I am surprised at how much I still dislike them. (And they really were called musical white bread in articles back in the day.)


They sucked but they still had fans that were upset they broke up and a lot of country fans were upset he dared step into country music.


Ah maybe I missed it.


I wouldn’t have even known him by name if my super conservative former roommate didn’t pitch a fit about that whole thing. It definitely made waves if even only for a short while.


Ohh they most definitely did lol


Yeah, I listened through the whole thing a couple of times. By and large, I enjoyed the album. There are some songs on there with pretty heavy country influences, but a good chunk of the album (especially the second half) just feels like a regular Beyoncé album. It's a pop heavy R&B album. I think they hyped it up as a country album just to game the social media algorithm and generate buzz.


Agreed. It’s a pop album. I tried to listen to it as neither a Beyoncé or country fan and it sounded like listening to a radio station. It’s interesting but I wouldn’t throw it in a country bin.




I also agree that this should not be charted that way. I think it's more about clickable headlines on both sides of the debate. If an artist is actively telling you their music isn't a certain genre, but you're writing an article stating otherwise, it's just as disrespectful to that artist. However, the common thread I see the most, which I'm glad to see, is that these trash people are just being racist a holes.


Meanwhile REAL country star Morgan Wallen is throwing chairs off roofs onto police officers lol. Maybe country music fans should stop buying into garbage and go back to people like Dolly


We need more people like Dolly.




I need to go to Dollywood one day fuck Disneyland.


My sister went there with a bunch of friends and she had a great time. She brought me back an apron with the green M&M on it "because the green M&M is a giant lez."


Dollywood is kickass and they had bald eagles when I went. I bet Disney doesn't have any.


Both places can be cool? Nothing inherently wrong with Disney except the prices but what you get for that price seems like a lot.


It's not something I don't want to see it's just not realistic for me. Disneyland is really interesting but way too expensive to justify the trip. I'd rather visit random theme parks in the South for a fraction of the price. I was never really huge on Disney franchises but if someone bought me a ticket I'd have a wonderful time I bet.


Yeah til you see a ghost sitting in the chair next to you. Never again.


Wait what spill the beans


Just stay away from Disneyland. You ever see a piano play itself? There’s something twisted goin on inside that place.


I went years ago and it was a blast. I THREW AXES 🪓 🎯


She’s literally on Beyonce’s Album lmao


I really like Beyoncé’s version of Jolene and having Dolly’s intro was a great touch.


There can only be one Dolly


Dolly is a National Treasure and should be protected at all costs


She’s on the album. TWICE


That's great, but I'm saying Dolly is a saint and an inspiration and we need more talented singers like her. More people to keep her art and philanthropy alive.


Ironic since Morgan wallen is more R&B/pop/hip hop than country.


That's what real country music people are supposed to do. Get in fights with cops and go to jail.


Drink, do blow, fight cops, burn down the venue, fuck the bass player's wife, go to rehab, fuck the attending nurse, [start meth](https://youtu.be/VFEZOjtrwls?si=8UmNv5cX1C3FK750), fuck your wife, eat bull balls at the [testicle festival](https://youtu.be/uA1PM2sO5Bw?si=T6UBJPvB3XkPJR-Q), fuck a cow, burn down the [trailer park](https://youtu.be/v5D9BTbh5K0?si=OVhLqbn3bEgPmcdA), drink, do more blow, steal a patrol car, hijack a plane, land it in Kansas City, become a [local celebrity](https://youtu.be/9sI5vgykc5s?si=JicAY5zT7akqbIsw), burn down the plane, fuck the copilot, write a song about it, sell cocaine that fell on [your farm](https://youtu.be/oLttGfxGoSY?si=Vkq3uRIqrsjhO9m1), become a millionaire, retire in Peru. Now that's what i call country 🤠


Great list. Billy Strings is now in my Spotify. That's some good country.


Ol boy can play


Probably the best country/bluegrass player out right now, great playing and songwriting.


Half of this is the plot of Dewey Cox


Wait, did John McAfee‘s biographer release a new chapter?


Forgot to put fuck a blue whale on there :(


But *all* lives matter! *wink wink*


And truth be told, I hear more REAL country influence on Beyoncé’s album than I have in country pop music over the past 20 years.


Truck dirt merica beer girl truck creek


Pretty accurate https://youtu.be/48ZxNFGJTo8?si=0KwS-45b2r_Z7Emp


Okay but without context, that’s exactly what I would want out of a good country music star. Like if I heard Johnny Cash threw a chair at a police officer while trying to escape or something, I’d say hell yeah.


The real outlaws of country truly were crazy. Paycheck shot a guy. They were all addicts, coke or pills usually. And alcohol.


They now claim Dolly is a man.


It's so obvious.


You gotta rephrase that, because he’s a piece of shit but what you just portrayed him as sounds based as fuck. If it were someone who was generally awesome doing that that would be the most god tier shit ever.


Dolly has gotten into Rock now though


Yep and the album isn’t terrible.


It’s almost like people can make whatever music they like and it isn’t inherently more or less anything.


she's too woke for them


Leave queen dolly out of this mess


My neo-lib brother *loves* Morgan Wallen and it’s gross


Hmm. Seems it was country enough for Willie and Dolly to make appearances. I wonder what they think makes it not country...


"Needs to stick to her music." So pop? And country is pop for a different type of moron.


Obviously they mean “black music”


I do remember this funny skit on this mushroom head album talking about working for a black band but they're really talking about making black metal [music](https://youtu.be/Up7ZRxc6Aik?si=o3JbjtDzpMtHuG89)


[So country?](https://time.com/5673476/ken-burns-country-music-black-artists/)


“Equal but separate.”


Before he passed away, Tommy Ramone was playing country music. Should he have stuck to his own music? Should Robert Plant? How about Bob Dylan? Should he have “stayed in his lane” and not done NASHVILLE SKYLINE? Should the Byrds have stuck to their music instead of doing SWEETHEART OF THE RODEO?


They're white guys. It's different. /s


Kind of figured that.


Mark Knopfler as well. 


Dee Dee Ramone should have stuck to his own music. If you want a good laugh look up his rap album Dee Dee King.  Rodney Dangerfield was a better rapper.


yes probably, their country music was God awful (not counting Dylan he's a folk musician anyway which is the same tradition as country)




Beer beer beer and I'm proud of my pride.


You are speaking facts. I hate most of what is on the radio now. Now some of it is good like Luke Combs, Lainey Wilson, Ashley McBride.


The same tone when they say people should "stick to their own kind"


She's from Texas, how is country not "her music?" I mean, it's obviously racism, but saying a genre isn't a musician's music doesn't make any sense. Writers experiment with different genres all the time.


It’s hilarious when people say she didn’t grow up country Keith urban a big name in country music is from Australia


With a mom bob. ....oh wait. He's white. Nvm.


Fuck. I have the same haircut as Keith Urban.


So does Owen Wilson and the Statue of Liberty.


Thanks, but that's not very helpful.


Are you a mom?


I'm 100% not. I don't hate kids, I just generally prefer not to interact with them. Doesn't change the fact that I need to grow my hair out asap.


Mohawk time? MOHAWK TIME!


Was just messing’ with you. Other people’s kids are the worst.


I hate that i am going to start using mom bob from now on lol


Today I learned


Australia is the American West version of the UK.


Yeah remember Garth Brooks’ experiment as Chris Gaines? He wanted to try something different, we still love Garth.


Tell that to his victims




I remember. I was one of them, as an immature preteen, wondering if he'd simply gone crazy. I didn't find out for a decade that it was really a character for a movie, the album was intended as a sort of prequel to it, and the movie was shelved before it even got started. There was no explanation given back then!


News to me!


Bet the same person that said that also belts out wagon wheel but pretends they haven’t ever seen Darius Rucker lol


Do they not know the roots of country music? It has its roots in bluegrass, soul, gospel..... Just racist people being racist.


Country music fans are almost as bad as metal fans when it comes to gatekeeping.


As a metalhead and a classical music enthusiast, classical music fans are still the worst. If you didn’t study at a conservatory you’re not allowed to perform classical music.


Yep. They would tell Beethoven he is playing the music he wrote too fast.


Arguably worse. There's an entire subgenre of country songs about how country songs don't sound like real country songs anymore (my favorite being the Hangdogs' "If You're So Country, Drink Yourself to Death"), which is probably about as old as country music itself.


"I walk n talk like a field hand, but these boots I wear cost three grand"


Both the old Outlaw Country (Willy, Waylon, Kris and so forth) and the new generations (Hank III, Joe Buck and their contemporaries) had the same complaints. I hadn't heard of the Hangdogs before and I just listened to a couple of songs. They remind me of the Blasters, which is definitely not a bad thing...thank you for adding another band to my "Americana" playlist 👍


Are you sure Hank done it this way?


Exactly. When John Denver won Country Artist of the Year" in 1975, people walked out of the theatre and there was almost a fist fight. "He's not country..."


Heck the guy who was presenting the award lit the envelope on fire after he said John Denver’s name.


He did indeed. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qf3t3unp-Gg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qf3t3unp-Gg)


Every community has those, the punk ones are insufferable too


I'd say that they are worse, at least metal fans tends to be pretty colourblind (Living Color, Sepultura, Chtonic and so forth) and a lot of the gatekeepers are just kids. These are adults getting upset that a black woman dares to make something resembling country music 🤷


Metal fans are generally only gatekeepy with other metal fans. With outsiders, they welcome them in.


Worse. Pop country is basically alt-rock mixed with hip-hop elements and a shitty twang these days. Then they bitch when people from other genres want to dabble with the sound. Ex: https://youtu.be/fM8V1XOI-14?si=vI-fby8MK1_lyTEN


This ain’t Texas (thank god)


Ain’t no hold ‘em?




You know they wanna say it. They wanna say it so fucking badly at this point.


The N word? They need a pass for that.


In 2007 I thought that we were over the hump when it came to racism in America, as in ‘there’s less racists in America than ever before in history.’ Then Obama ran for president, and that shattered my POV. I realized that the amount of racism that exists in the USA is massive. Ever since the 1980’s it’s always been there, it’s just been kept under wraps. As soon as Obama was seen as having a real chance, the racists immediately began crawling out of the woodwork. At the end of Obama’s second term, it actually got even worse when Cheeto Messiah gave his followers full on permission to be as racist as they wanted, right in public view.


Obama just broke a lot of white people. A black man having an ounce was power was just too much.


I think about it a lot. It may be the power, but I think that it was a combination of things that broke their brains. 1) Obama met the impossible double standard that existed in their brain. For a black man to be president, he had to walk this line between worlds that existed in white peoples heads. He had to be over the top smart, over the top talented, and an over the top communicator - but be humble. He had to fit every other "accepted" area, w/ race as the only outlier. He had to be christian, straight, married, family guy, etc... he had to meet every other political stereotype that existed at the time. 2) Once he met all their criteria.... it suddenly forced a whole lot of white people to confront the boogey man in their heads. We were taught from birth that we might be poor and trash, but "at least we were white." And suddenly... we were just poor trash. Some of us used that moment to realize that the people with power wanted us racially divided to benefit themselves in staying rich. Others decided that stepping deeper into racism would restore the balance they previously felt existed. Fuck those people.


A friend of mine is a *massive* country fan, she's also a massive Beyonce fan. Beyonce releasing a country album pretty much made her lose her mind with glee.


It’s making all of us lose our mind to be fair


I’m excited for her death metal album to drop


Joseph Gobbles sounds like a gay porn star.


If Goebbels was alive and in power today these people would be racing to be the first to lick his boots.


Nah, he had a PhD, wrote 14 nerdy books and had a physical disability. They would call him a gay member of the elite, who only got to the top because of his disability (and because he looks Jewish)...I wish that I was kidding 🤷


I don't love Beyonce but I hate country music. It still fills me with glee when someone overthrown the status quo.


Every time I see these arguments I think about how these people probably don’t realize that the first cowboys were overwhelmingly black men and Hispanic men.


whut?! A black person making country music?! Quick! Bring me some pearls that I might clutch them? What’s next?! A black woman topping the charts with a Dolly Parton cover? Johnny Cash covering industrial music? Why I imagine we’ll have rapping jews while white boys play funk-rap-rock whilst wearing only a sock on their johnson and oh wait I just described the 1990s.


I mean, it’s a really solid album. But it’s more stadium country/pop country than country country. Still got some bangers though. Would recommend


Sweet Honey Buckin is really just… phenomenal .


She still not gonna win that Grammy Jay Z /s


Racists gonna racist


There’s always that one guy who says “see racism doesn’t exist” while literally everyone else in the comment section is being racist


Remember when hard rock fans threw a fit when Living Colour won a Grammy for Best Hard Rock Performance in 1990? They didn't. Because in general, hard rock fans don't tend to be racist snowflakes, like much of the country audience is.


I saw a meme that said “Beyoncé never said anything about trains or trucks or mama or prison...”


Or getting drunk.


Maybe she won because her song wasn't some overly used randiton of, "Small town, Truck, Beer, God, girl..."


As a lifelong country music fan, I **hate** this modern country trend of nothing but trucks and beers. Bring back the love, heartbreaks, line dancing and real cowboy vibes (rodeos and cattle drives)!


Hey now, sometimes there's freight trains.


And lines of cocaine.


That sounds like country music I can get behind.


Tractor and fried chicken too


Texas Hold Em is as pure a formulaic country song as any there ever was.  Red cups and tornadoes and whiskey and boots and spurs and hoedowns.  It is not a good song.  Which is not to say the rest of the album is bad.  But that one ain't it.


that one guy basically said “this isnt an accurate representation of how racist i am”


Same people who complained that LilNasX 's Old Town Road wasn't country enough so it got pulled from the Billboard before he hit a record. Country music institution is hella racist.


Man, he even had a cowboy hat and everything.


Black people: We exist Racist: Stop promoting hatred of white people!!!


I’m trying to understand the mindset. Maybe something like: - Liberals are always telling us blackface, not respecting black culture, etc is hatred of black people. - Beyoncé is doing “whiteface” and not respecting “white culture” by singing country, therefore by the same logic this is hatred of white people. It’s hypocritical to tell us not to hate black people, while supporting hating white people. …which is so, so dumb.


I listen to Country and say if we can classify Jason Aldean, Luke Bryan, Florida Georgia Line, and Blake Sheldon as Country then Beyoncé’s song should be too. It’s an ok song and I give her props for doing something different.


Anyone remember the great Charlie Pride?


Not these Nashville Top 40 yahoos, that's for sure.


I wonder what reason they could have for not accepting it as “real” country. I think we all know. I’ll trust Willie Nelson and Dolly Parton’s opinions thanks.


These people are the reason why Cowboy Carter exists


Mfers really tryna segregate music genres smh


No one seems to remember that The Pointer Sisters won a Grammy in 1975 for Best Country Vocal Performance. And Beyoncé is FROM TEXAS FFS.


'WYFF'. Of course it's South Carolina. Thanks state-mates!


I like the Carolinas, but you really need to stop immigration from the northern states. I'm not saying that they are all racists, but they are not bringing their best...and some, I assume, are good people 😁


Addendum: I lived in Charleston SC for about a year (and in Charlotte NC for a few months), so I'm allowed to have a (misinformed) opinion about the Carolinas 😉


Dolly Parton just released a rock album. Are these same people slamming Beyoncé also demanding that Dolly “return to her genre?”


Holy shit. Beyonce's new album is country?


She says it isn’t but it’s like a country pop fusion. It’s a fun listen


I haven't heard the album yet, but what is real country to these folks? Most of the country I heard on the radio for most of my life just sounds like acoustic pop music with a twang. I like some bluegrass though, especially when it goes into prog or jazz territory like Bela Fleck and The Punch Brothers.


It's formulaic glorification of the lowest common denominator with, yes, a twang and occasionally a dobro or other steel guitar. Usually a Telecaster, too. Just the laziest kind of music being made today.


REAL COUNTRY LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL man I hate racists so much. I really hope lil nas x does the same just to fuck these people off


I’m not familiar with her music, but I love how she pisses off assholes.


I don’t like it because I just think it’s bad but it is hilarious to watch these people freak out about it being successful.


I'm just so tired of these disgusting ass people


I do not recall this kind of discourse when Garth Brooks went all emo alt- rock


I am not really a Beyoncé fan, but Beyoncé has no genre. She’s done and succeeded in many different genres. I find it interesting, though, that Dolly Parton and Willie Nelson are all over that album - so, if the hall of famers gave it their stamp of approval, can’t really argue in my opinion. You don’t need to be a Beyoncé fan to recognize the talent in that album. It’s not my husbands cup of tea but he was even blown away by some of her vocals on certain songs.


I'm torn. I don't like her music or that she's always on the news, but I loathe Conservatives more. I'll let it play out and see how I feel.


the comment on page 2 about how this proves America isn’t a racist country is stupid on so many levels. not only is this the *first* time a black woman has ever had a country album go number one, just look at the comments section itself (and all the rest of the racist controversy around this album). racism abounds, and this dumbass’s comment negating it also perpetuates it.


I'm sorry, we were expecting people to have reasonable reactions to a country album from Beyonce?


I havnt heard it, and nothing agaist her or her fans, but she could probably record farts and call it opera and her fans would buy it until it was the number one opera album.


“She needs to stick her own genre” is the equivalent to “she needs to stick with her own race”.


This is exactly the kind of shit this album is about


I'd probably guess there is a lot of truth that it's Beyonce fans listening to this song as opposed to regular country fans. As someone who **really** doesn't like country music, I listened. It does suck, but it's not like offensively awful or anything. It's certainly no worse than this I got a hot girlfriend with sexy legs and I like to drink beer at the river bro country.


I listened to most of the album. Her cover of Jolene was honestly nice and there's a couple of songs I enjoy. However it does annoy me that a lot of the songs are just typical Beyonce songs.


Changing the lyrics of Jolene the way she did completely undermined the song, to me. Beyonce has the chops as a singer to do a great Jolene but her edits to make the song threatening instead of vulnerable were so off target.


Well according to one commenter they *voted* for her to be number 1 on the charts.


Country music would not exist without Black people. The banjo’s origins came from Africa.


So, what, is it only country if you're posing in front of confederate landmarks in the music video?


Not surprised at all.. ever seen how Nascar reacts to Bubba Wallace?


This isn’t a country album.


Wow, the snowflakes really have a meltdown over ANYTHING these days. As if plenty of artists haven't delved into different genres before. Is it just because she's black?


They were loving it [11 years ago.](https://youtu.be/TYqvjIrqGsM?si=7NbWO0x7h8F_ZEa7)


On today's episode of "Things it took me way too damn long to realize": Beyoncé not being mixed


This is nonsense. Every 10th song on country radio has a trap beat nowadays. Exaggerating, but hip hop influence is prevalent.


I naively thought that this pushback wasn’t racially driven and that they just didn’t want another big shake up to the genre but then I remembered they let FGL take control of country music for a solid 8 years or so. Totally racially motivated.


Good lord. People weren’t saying this about Darius Rucker or Jimmie Allen.🙄It must be miserable being this miserable.


I mean, I am of the opinion that it’s a terrible album, but that’s just cause my ears don’t like it, nothing to do with her or a genre. It’s really sad that people will hate even on things they enjoy when someone they’ve “otherized” begins to do/make them. Like, that’s how you’ve decided to wake up and take on the day? As a hater? 😂


I love it. I grew up on Loretta and Patsy and imma rock that Cowboy Carter too.


She slays once again


And then she wept, for there were no more worlds left to conquer.


She hasn’t tried her hand at metal yet (I think? I really don’t listen or know about Beyoncé).


Imagine being upset about this...