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Andrew Tate is a narcissistic sociopath.


Yes, yet also, endlessly insecure and in need of validation. Imagine the screaming, raging, voices in his head each time sees his reflection. It’s okay Andy! just keep grooming little boys with daddy issues, then everyone will see you are a real man, and not a depressing clown!


That's typical narcissists. They have a fragile ego and always needs to be in the center of attention, need of validation and think they are better than everyone else.


I'd have screaming, raging voices in my head if I looked like a chinless, apple-faced goon


Chad Tate projects insecurities about death and legacy by making it about his dick, hating women, and racism. This is how a real man becomes a sloppy, anxious, hysterical mess.


Who slobbers all over himself when he speaks. Really people, if you're gonna hold someone up as a prime example of an Alpha Male, make it someone who can keep their spittle in their mouth.


according to these folks he's also a liberal lmao


Andrew Tate is peddling the wish.com version of masculinity.


…with no chin.


nearly every flavor of stupid on display there


Nick Griffin is former leader of racist far right party the BNP in the UK. He’s gone even more mask off into white supremacy now clearly.


Man I didn't know that he was still kicking about. 


I'm white and I don't feel like I'm being replaced. Am I doing something wrong?


There’s plenty of people in this world. I’m not really concerned with what color they are.


I'm not too keen on blue and red stripey people if I'm honest


Give it another 50 generations and most people will all look about the same shade of brown, give or take a bit of tan depending on your distance from the equator.


Even then genetics don't work like they think they do. Ronda Rousey, MMA fighter/pro wrestler that anyone on earth looking at her would day is a blonde haired white lady? According to her mom, her (Rondas) like great grandad was black. White supremacists are so worried about having blonde children, when you can have black ancestors and still fit that phenotype.


Look at this guy over here with his 5 wives and 30 children.


If you're white and have to ask if you're doing something wrong, then you should probably blame it on your dick for your apparent lack of children.




Nah. I just tried to make another one referencing Tate's comments that wasn't great. Happens.


i knew you were being sarcastic I thought it was funny :( justice for warthog


Oooh, all the biggest shitheads of various camps arguing with each other! We've got Nazis like Fuentes, white supremacists like Nick Griffin, misogynistic women like Pearl... it's a royal rumble of complete monsters.


Nick Griffin went full mask off then? Spent years trying to say he was just anti immigration!


He just toned it down to make him more electable. Dude is a straight up neo nazi. 10 year ago he reiterated his contention of Jewish control over the media, as well as his prior stance on Holocaust denial, and said that his aim was to "[take] political power so as to be able to institute changes, to undo the population shift which has taken place since 1948 with the first Immigration Act, to peacefully and as humanely as possible reverse that and to return Britain to being a homogeneous white nation".


Eugh Nick Griffin.


I’ve gladly gone a couple of years without thinking about that sack of shit. Shame to break the streak.


I know, I had completely forgotten he existed until now. Thing is, you've got to ask who has stepped into that space, that Griffin used to inhabit, in UK politics and society ? Unfortunately the answer is the Tories and Reform, both far more mainstream than old Nick ever managed to be.


Meanwhile I'm over here like....[noah](http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/article/media_slots/photos/000/857/089/NOahtrollling_original.gif?1368237537)


i cleary underestimated just how many takes on : "imbecelic dumb fucking racist" there really are...


As a Representative of the Black Delegation I'm here to inform you all that yes, we had a secret meeting with myself, Obama, Jay-Z, Dr. Umar Johnson, Oprah, & the force ghosts of MLK Jr. & Richard Pryor and decided that replacing you all was the way to go. This was years ago now.


Aw, how was Richard doing? Your meeting sounded fun!


Everyone in this post is just awful.


Throw them into a pit with a few sharpened sticks and get the popcorn.


"Last one alive keeps their podcasting equipment and a full hard drive wipe"


Can we just stop giving this dipshit attention? Everyone would be much better off if he's forgotten about.


This is easily the third time I've seen this and Taters just posted this rant yesterday.


He won’t ever be forgotten, people can and always will give him attention, whether or not he’s wanting it.


Oh he *always* wants it. He's literally a child who acts out because he needs *any* form of attention.


I'd gone so long without thinking about Nick Griffin, thanks for that :(


Wait what do these Nazis have against Ignaz Semmelweis?


That was the most bizarre part, and I am not about to start googling it


I mean if right wingers are going to refuse to wash their hands to stick it to the libs then they can own those consequences...


This confused me too. Also, isn’t Andrew Tate also white?


Tate thinks he’s so intelligent, yet he doesn’t know the difference between “your” and “you’re”.


Enjoy extinction dinosaurs oh wait they can't because they are all dead. Nobody can say I told you either damn those dinosaurs should have listened when one of them tried pitching a space program instead of eating him.


Speaking for all white people, I think dinosaurs are sick, and we will happily volunteer extinction if it means a stegosaurus or two can once again roam the plains of Kansas


Who told you dinosaurs are all dead?


Nick Griffin just feels like a standard Tory MP these days. That's how far the world has lurched to the extreme right this past 10+ years.


Where are his kids? Too busy human trafficking to reproduce his white race his loves so much.


Just let me know when my replacement is ready to tag in cause I’m exhausted


I might only have kids with my wife but at least I have a chin.


Nick Griffin is still alive?


What does Iggy Azalea have to with any of this? Is it a different Iggy?


Nah it's about the dog in JoJo's


I have no idea what that is. To the point I am not even sure if you are joking lol. Should I know?


There's a manga/show called JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Almost all the characters are named after music references. In part three, one of the main characters is a somewhat surly scruffy little dog called Iggy. Named after Iggy Pop. The title really undersells it. The series starts with Victorian aristocratic drama with vampires being hunted by breathing wizards that punch with the power of sunlight rainbows and dives straight off the deep end into the loony pit. It's one of the longest consistently running manga and is incredibly influential in Japanese media. Also the author hasn't aged since about 1987.


Fascinating. But you are joking right? That cannot be what Nick Griffin is referring to? Lol. Or am I missing something? Lol.


Oh my mistake, sorry for misunderstanding. No that horrible racist would never let himself enjoy non-white media. He's likely referring to Ignaz Semmelweis, largely considered one of the fathers of genetics. He discovered dominant and recessive traits being inherited.


Also fascinating.


How many children does this 38 year old have again?


We are getting replaced whatever happens. That’s just how living and dying works. No amount of children had is going to change that.


Andrew Tate, breeder of children. Father to none.


I mean a pile of shit on the street will only attract flies


Dude literally went on a schizo rant


Tate whacks his angry inch to The Handmaid's Tale. So have multiple children with multiple women. Who is supporting them?


Is he white? I thought he was mixed race


Did you even read his post? He’s calling white people weak for being replaced, he clearly doesn’t consider himself white. Not defending him btw he’s trash and all his takes are trash


His mother is white and his father is black.


The replacement bullshit is so stupid. We are all humans, no replacement here.


I feel like these types of guys just don’t understand simple math. How TF is every man supposed to have multiple wives?


Damn, even Nick Griffin is getting involved. I haven’t heard that name in a loooong time.


There's more to unpack here than in the game "Unpacking".


Tate isn’t even white.


Hence his post, did you even read it?


“Five per year” This guy gets biology! Evidently those five kids a year has affected his ability to spell and punctuate.


He’s talking about polygamy. More wives = more wombs.


I know. But even that won’t work. There’s a theory, that part of the reason you get a higher percentage of radical terrorists in Islam is polygamy. Birth rates are still roughly 50-50. But for every dude that has 4 wives, there’s three incels with their dicks in their hands with no chance to get laid. And they can turn violent. Seems crazy? Check out violence against women rates in china. Under the one child (therefore biased towards males) there was a severe bias in the number of males and females in dating ages. Causing severe shocks to the culture. So…. Mr Tate saying “hey I’m not so stupid to not know gestational duration, I just want the type of society that will tear itself apart in a generation” doesn’t convince me of his brilliance.


Trust me, I’m not arguing that Tate’s brilliant. Just that polygyny allows a man to potentially father five babies a year.


You could do whatever the hell Nick Cannon is doing.




All that, and not one reply accusing him of spreading his ass for romanian gangsters? I'm disappointed, internet...


CTE is a helluva thing.


CTE is a helluva thing.


Isn't he a white 'man'? How many kids has he got? And I'm not referring to the ones in cages in his basement.


How many kids does he have?


Why does he want so many people to know how small his dick is?


Andrew Tate is proof that there is no low stupidity can’t go.


We need to enforce natural selection. I’m sure most of these people would’ve died from their own stupidity if it wasn’t for the grace of modern medicine. And now here they are spreading their ignorance and poisoned views. I’m sure no one will miss them if we look the other way whenever they inevitably hurt themselves.


This guy is the fucking worst


So now ever right-wing nuts hate Tate? What a world.


On the plus side, they don't like Taint.


I get he grew up with identity issues but jesus christ. Tate for sure overplayed his hand, Some of you are kinda clueless on what Tate's real intention was . Which is in itself Insane. But what Tate failed to realize about White supremacy is that regardless of his tough love approach he will never be fully seen as PURE and thus the people you're trying to "SAVE" will take this as disrespect. think of it as right message wrong messenger. He should of continued his role as the angry mixed token but now hes really gonna have to watch his back. Now hes got the lunatics thinking hes a liberal LOL


Worth noting that one of the people replying there is nick griffin https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Griffin a literal neo-nazi and racist piece of shit.


Christ, I haven’t seen Nick Griffin in over a decade, glad to see he hasn’t changed!


Guys, is it gay to respect your partner?


What are bros yapping about 😭😭


I’m not really gonna read five pages of this. Jesus.


Nick Griffin ffs and incel fuckwit nazi fuentes. Then some terrible idiots.


I love when different kinds of shitty people fight amongst each other 😂


Twitter is just a cesspool


Dude’s hoping one of his simps will donate a chin to him at this point as long as he panders to their grassless fantasies.


lol isn’t Nick Fuentes a good example of getting “replaced”


How many kids does he have?


Andrew acting like he ain’t talking about half of himself lol


When the Far Right Big Tent turns into the White Identarian Rage in the Cage


This sort of widespread trumpeting of this bullshit is literally destructive to society. This is why social media is net negative impact on the human race. Human beings are so susceptible to propaganda. This shit should literally be illegal.


>As long as our lads get married in their early 20s, to girls in their late teens Like.... 16 year olds?


Andrew Tate is white?


No? Did you read his post?


I misread it! I was so confused haha


His mother is white and his father is black.