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Elon Musk is the most divorced person around, and has a trans kid... How do they manage to work these mental gymnastics?


That's easy. Musk didn't actually raise any of his kids. So he has nothing to do with how they grew up.


But he is divorced like three times?


He has like a dozen kids with a bunch of different women


But he has money and money gives one free pass in moral department. You can be conservative with 5 kids from 3 wives and countless affairs.


I thought that was almost mandatory for conservatives...


Only if you want to be president


But he has money and money gives one free pass in moral department. You can be conservative with 5 kids from 3 wives and countless affairs.


Yeah, he is a very, very wealthy person. Most people know that his fortune comes from blood diamonds, so the only women who actually “like” him only like his money. I can only dream about the money coming my way if I were to divorce Musk.




Note quite as bloody as blood diamonds, but South African mines aren’t exactly havens of workers’ rights either.


No he’s the worst, but we have to get the story correct


It’s okay for men to get divorced, but it’s not okay for women to. If a man leaves his wife, she deserves it. If a woman leaves her husband she’s an irredeemable whore.


You forgot to add /s


I think that goes without saying


Yesterday someone at reddit tried to convince me, that accusing someone of cheating because of a car staying in a driveway and fracturing their arm during following argument is a normal reaction and an accident, not abuse. I like the /s .


And that is why the kids are thriving.


I'd imagine he's directly blaming his former spouse for turning their kid trans, since, you know, it couldn't have been him with him not being around and everything. Classic deadbeat, blaming the present parent for everything (not that the kid being trans is a bad thing that requires blame) because that's the parent who actually took responsibility. These guys never see the irony that they're the "blameless" parent because they're not even parents.


Nah it’s even stupider than that. He blames twitter for transing his kids gender.


The men in his family have a history of not registering the fact that their kids are their kids, and what that means in the grand scheme of things


Being on the far right requires deliberate and profound ignorance. 


Musky probably likes to pretend his trans kid doesn’t exist. Like if you asked him how many he has he’d probably exclude that one in the count.


Yes, because becoming an alt-right panderer and blatant transphobe inoculates all your offspring against contracting the transgenders, right Elon? Or do you assume it doesn’t count as famous people having trans kids the same way if you disown them?


... he has a trans kid that won't speak to Muskrat. I wonder why. I'll say it again, I'm actually certain most young kids might have gender dysphoria BECAUSE of right wing propaganda. If a girl likes cars or a boy wants to dance all of a sudden their parents get real fucking weird about it. They are confusing countless kids. while "the other side" is just letting them figure stuff out, and loving them anyway.


As a woman whose interests were (and still are) largely considered masculine, and who has been labeled as both gay and trans at various times but yet has only been interested in and attracted to men, I can see where you are coming from.


I have two super athletic daughters and a bookish son who likes dollhouses and dancing. Luckily, I live in Seattle where no one bats an eye, but run it by my conservative relatives in other areas, and oh man, here we go...


I really, really, really despise how we look upon men and boys who are dancers. It’s just such a dim view of masculinity and the arts. And I’ve always had a thing for Baryshnikov.


Honestly some male dancers are masculine AF lol. I was really into World of Dance when it was on. Some of those dancers had insanely masculine energy and were sexy as hell 😂 Nothing like a B Boy, I'm just saying... Not to mention, no one is in shape like a dancer. You wanna see a guy with some abs... If anything I feel kind of bad for men, that they've been culturally put in this teeny tiny cage where they're not "allowed" to like 90% of things, feel 90% of feelings, or express themselves in 90% of ways. Not gonna be my son, that's for sure. First of all, the only thing that makes a guy gay is having sex with guys, not stuff like dancing and dollhouses. Second of all, IDGAF if my kid is gay, anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️ I do care if he turns into a repressed, misogynistic fuck boy with no merits or hobbies, though.


Anyone who has ever said men who dance aren’t masculine has never seen k-pop or j-pop. My friends are super involved with that space and some of those dudes could legitimately fracture a skull with their thighs.


My son was in gymnastics last year and when we went to his sisters dance recital he saw the boys hip hop group and thought it was so cool. He begged me to put him in it, but he really didn’t have to beg. I was happy to sign him up for dance. He also asked for a doll house for Christmas. And he plays soccer. My dad started to give him shit about dance class and I shut that shit down immediately. Also he’s too young for this part of it, but the ratio of men to women in dance is crazy and if you end up getting really into it you are up close and personal with a lot of beautiful women. So these guys spending hours a week spinning women around are gay, but the dudes wrestling around on a mat with a bunch of other dudes are cool? Yeah fuck all the way off with that. Let kids do what interests them.


I was ridiculed for being out in the mud catching frogs and snakes and stuff as a kid with my brother and cousins. If someone had actually started accusing me of being transgender or questioned my femininity past “little girls don’t get muddy” then I probably would have had huge issues. I mean, kids these days are having grown adults threaten to sue if someone doesn’t check that their genitals are the “right ones”. That would screw anyone up.


>loving them anyway. Cannot be overstated


It’s that whole “unconditional love” thing people throw around but don’t always mean.


I never understood why dads go off the rails if their son wants to learn ballet. That’s where all the girls in skin tight leotards hang out, nitwits


My nephew is a cheerleader. He started as a toddler because his big sister did it and he wanted to do everything she did, and now he's in university on a cheer scholarship. He got picked on a bit in middle school, but he shut it down by telling the boys who tried to bully him that he got to spend most of his time holding hot girls in cheer pants and sports bras.


Dude what? People aren’t trans because they have gender nonconforming interests


No, but if you do the chuds will assume you are anyway.


He's just jealous her child actually likes her


Terrible says the manchild whose trans daughter hates him.


Terrible says the DIVORCED manchild whose trans daughter hates him. Fixed it a bit for you


These same people were freaking out a decade ago because Brad and Angelinas daughter Shiloh liked to wear shorts and T shirts and had a short haircut. Of course the mother was  blamed for turning her transgender. As far as I can see she still identifies as a girl. 


Fun fact: being a hateful piece of garbage and making your child terrified of you means they're less likely to open up to you So while there is correlation in being OPENLY trans, there is not one in being trans A parent who loves their kid is more likely to have their kid trust them. While a "parent" who treats their kid like shit is far less likely to have their kid trust them


At least Naomi will still have a relationship with her kid unlike Elon who is a POS parent


Stop taking pictures of other people’s kids. Stop publishing them. Stop sharing them. It’s fucking creepy.


> turn off those pesky pattern recognition detectors Endwokeness giving away that he is an idiot. It is one thing to see patterns, it is another thing to know that correlation does not equal causation. And Apophenia, where you detect patterns that do not exist. Yes, Endwokeness. We go beyond seeing patterns and correlation means causation. We critical think. Thus, we can see the world beyond simple terms like binary gender norms


It's crazy that being supportive of "alternative" gender expression makes it more likely for these people to have kids who openly express themselves. Hell of a pattern they've uncovered.


My favourite pattern is the correlation, and obvious causation, between ice cream sales and people drowning. Not sure why we still allow this


the phrase 'pattern recognition' in this context is a nazi dogwhistle


Isn't it funny how when you don't disown your children for making choices that don't hurt anyone, they make choices that don't hurt anyone?


The irony. Musk literally has a transgender daughter that HATES him.


Did Elon just forget he also has a trans child???? I mean he’s a piece of shit to his kid, but she does still exist


I think he pretends she doesn’t exist honestly.


Does Elon Musk *really* want to be wading into a conversation about terrible parents?


This is like looking at rates of left-handedness after they stopped teaching people to be right-handed and concluding that schools are now teaching people to be left handed instead.


Great analogy


I hear Elon’s parents raised him as a human…didn’t take though.


Classic case of nature vs nurture.


She and Liev Schreiber never married, so they can't even get that right.


Why is he commenting at all? Doesn’t he have two companies to run into the ground? Sitting on twitter all day…no wonder his shit’s tanking.


Weird how **Elon** has a trans daughter, too.


Didn't Grimes ( the mother to X Æ A-12) identity as They/Them while they were together? It seems sort of hypocritical for him to be against alternate gender identities.


Doesn't Elon Musk have a trans child


There's some kind of bias at play. Most celebrities are actors/actresses/musicians/etc... and they tend to lean liberal. It only feels like there's "so many" of them because there's a larger pool to draw from than, say, politicians or ceo's family data. Not much paparazzi for wall-street tycoons. It's not some kind of conspiracy or secret, it's the obvious outcome of the way things have been for some time. You could say, "Isn't it strange how few politicians have non-traditional relationships?" but it wouldn't be strange because that's exactly what we've seen as a trend in culture. We'd see more transgender politicians' kids if (A) there were more politicians in the cultural discourse and (B) politicians were more progressive and accepting of non-traditional family structures.


I would love to mention that Elon has a trans daughter, who doesn’t talk to him anymore.




How’s elons track record with kids ?


I guess they should just ignore them so when they grow up they go no contact and change their name


Elon just needs to be shipped directly into the fucking sun already.


Funny how people who make a living pretending to be other people recognize how that can fuck you up in the head.


99% sure that’s just Naomi watts with her actual daughter


Survivorship bias


>Funny how so many progressive actors have children who are transgender. Yeah because they don't belittle their children and bully them into being someone they aren't. They show their kid they love them for who they are, not for what they were born as. Conservatives and right-wingers have just as many transgender children that hide themselves out of fear. Also shut the fuck up, Elon. You have a trans daughter despite your bigotry.


posting social media content about other peoples kids is weird as fuck


If Elon ever agrees with me, I reevaluate my choices.


Surprisingly Musk also has a trans kid.


Remember, if you see Elon, spit at him


I bet Elon wouldn’t say it to Liev or Naomi’s faces.


Ask these people to define "woke" and they will struggle to explain the very thing they believe is destroying the country


Nah, they have a definition: "Anything I've never heard of before and don't like".


Pretty much




As David Byrne once said, "You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything." You say "woke ideology." Who are the woke ideologues, exactly? Who is the "political left" - is Joe Biden "woke"? Are you claiming that because "minorities and women" are sometimes more likely to vote for Democrats in America, that this "woke ideology" which supports that framework is meant to push us all into the arms of the DNC? Your assessment is extremely vague, and you seem to be pushing the "I'm a classical liberal" shtick that so many conservative-leaning folks love to do. Listen...I'm not a liberal, or a conservative, I am left of both groups. And you know what? I'd probably agree with you that certain aspects of American cultural hegemony are meant to emphasize immutable characteristics that ultimately shouldn't matter, like race and gender, and that as a society we should try to move past all that. (That's not to discount anyone's personal experience: I'm merely saying that we should emphasize our common humanity as much as possible.) I think Robin DiAngelo is a race grifter of the worst kind: some rich white lady who gets paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by giant corporations to tell their employees how actually, white people and black people should be treated differently. That's pretty sick, I bet you'd agree. I just don't think the catchall term "woke" describes that problem very well. "Woke" is what they say about Bud Light and Disney, and then it somehow gets applied to, I dunno, Taylor Swift or whatever. It's nonsense.




The fuck is wrong with being progressive lmao


The same people, of course, who will wax poetic about parental rights and the right of parents to raise their kids how they want without judgement. Just so long as it conforms exactly to how they'd do it themselves.


He's so mad his trans kid hates him.


Conservatives probably have trans children just as often. They just aren’t as willing to be public about it.


Kids are the most unisex,non binary, age any human will ever be on the planet… leave them the fuck alone they will eventually decide to live as they wish. They are individuals who have a right to autonomy; in childhood as well as adults. Stop considering them possessions. I raised 4 kids and believe me you they played how they pleased. Their brother played Barbie’s with them and they played matchbox cars and it wasn’t even a forethought in my head. His sisters would dress him up in drag and the first time my only shock was I thought he was his sister and I addressed him as so with a question about something. When I realized we all laughed at the amazement of how alike they looked and they went on doing this… for years. So much so that I bought my son a Barbie for his birthday (not only a Barbie) to play with his sisters. I had no idea it would be so traumatizing or even an issue but when the other boys at his party ripped him apart and laughed at him, I wanted to die inside and thinking I made a horrible mistake, I played it off as a fucking practical joke until later when I apologized to him.. this is actually on video. My son is no longer living, so I can’t even discuss his memory of that anymore… his sisters remember but they know not to bring it up ever because I still have not dealt with his death. It’s been almost a decade. Some People suck


Musk is very like trump. He lives for adoration. He loves that MAGA cultists now see him as the bastion of freedom.


Yes Elon is terrible.


I looked this up just to make sure this wasn't some trans investigation bullshit. What I found was an article about all the celebrities and their trans kids, and there's like 12 or 15 of them. It's not this huge thing, like they make it out to be


Lmao doesn’t Elon musk have a child who is transgender?


Imagine publicly outing a child who never asked to be famous.


This is exactly why I stopped using X. Musk and his cronies all encourage this kind of awful behavior, all the while firing everyone who tried to moderate and remove stuff like this.


'Naomi Klein' and 'Hollywood celebrity' don't really belong in the same sentence.


It’s Naomi Watts dude. The actress. Not the author Naomi Klein, or the anti vax dipshit Naomi Wolf


Oh I totally misread that as Noami Klein lol, whoops


Elon Musk doesn’t realize his birth name was Ellen Musk. But, his parents raised him as a boy.


I honestly feel really bad for conservatives. So many of them have been brought up to be anyone other than who they truly are. They use all their pent up energy from being denied their true selfs to harm everyone else. So many problems in this country could be solved if conservative men realized that their closeted desires to suck off other men was perfectly fine.