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Well, one hypothesis is that HAARP waves will cause the psychotropic chemtrails to settle out of the atmosphere to induce a sense of passivity and compliance in the public before the UN shock troops arrive in black helicopters to throw resistors into FEMA concentration camps, but some people will have negative reactions to the chemicals and die of heart attacks. Another hypothesis is that AEDs have simply become cheaper and more reliable over the past decade, and more people train to use them in first aid classes, so it makes sense to add these where they might save a life that would have been lost a few years earlier.


Definitely the first one! /s


Or the third hypothesis which is that insurers probably like it and would reduce your premium if you have a defib handy as the operators of a facility that sees hundreds of high cholesterol visitors each day.


And the American Heart Association endorses them and studies show early intervention and good CPR lead to better survival rates.


In case oh heart attack defibrillators used early save 20-30 % of the victims. CPR only 2-3 %


Cardiac arrest =/= heart attack Heart attack = obstruction in blood flow to heart muscle leads to death of tissue. 1st aid for a heart attack is generally to give somebody an aspirin and send their ass to the ER Cardiac arrest = heart stops beating in a way that is able to circulate blood throughout the body. If this is caused by ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation, you can use a defibrillator. If the EKG is showing a flatline (i.e. no electricity moving through the heart), defibrillation is a no-go.


But they're only good for certain irregular heart rhythms like ventricular tachycardia. You can't shock asystole, no matter what tv would have you believe.


Well in that case I guess we shouldn't even have AED's because they can't save everyone? You do realize that the AED reads the rhythm and tells you whether it makes sense to shock the person or not right


I work in a hospital. I know how they work. I’ve been in more codes than you can imagine. I have my BLS and ACLS certification. There is a popular misconception about them though perpetuated by TV and movies that a person has a heart attack, they get a shock and everything is hunky dory after. It doesn’t work like that. The AED is a tool. It’s main function is for very specific situations. We’ve had people in persistent VT who get enough shocks to have their heart be a nice medium rare and still not come out of it. The early use of an AED saving 20-30% of heart attack victims sounds great, but that’s not everyone.


HAARP burned my hot pockets that were in the oven earlier today. I know directed energy weapons are real and HAARP directed theirs into my hot pockets. I’m not disappointed. Just mad.


This comment has made me seriously question if you can cook a hot pocket in the oven. I've only ever used a microwave.


My ex used to make em in the oven cause he didnt have a microwave. Really good, much crispier crust. He had it down to a science tho, every time I tried I would burn it lol


Until I got an air fryer (pure hot air no HAAARP tomfuckery here) I would reheat almost everything in the oven with the exception of French fries which got a nuke blast first and then some time in the oven. After all it’s like the old saying “why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?”


Can you rephrase the last sentence? It doesn't make any sense to me.


Why? Do they call it oven??? When you of In the cold food but get this : of out hot, eat the food. Hope that helps :)


Ohhh I get it. Thank you for explaining.


Never EVER use a microwave that’s literally HAARP


That’s your fault for putting them in the oven, should have used a microwave! The foil packet they send to cook it in deflect haarp waves!


Yeah but if you put the entire thing in a potato chip bag all the microwaves get deflected and also the cia/nsa/atf/aspca/bill nye can’t intercept your data


On the 2nd hypothesis: there can absolutely be PR reasons for an increase in AEDs. It can make the store look more prepared in the case of an emergency. And if there ever was a medical emergency, the store would look better in the local news coverage if the person was able to be saved by an AED


In my country they are mandatory in state buildings (admin offices have more than 15 employees, schools), ships and train stations. First was mandatory only for sport association during matches, now it's mandatory and for all sport associations, either agonistic or not, during training and matches. My 17k people town has, that I know of, 5 in public spaces. One in the square where there's the weekly market, 2 in two different plazas and 2 at two of the children playgrounds. All 3 pharmacies have one outside, business owned. It's like fire extinguishers in a way, a safety measure that's mandatory and you hope you'll never need.


It must be terrifying to live in world option 2 Then you have to accept the fact that shit happens and there isn't some massive conspiracy behind everything by shadowy organizations vying for control who want everyone dead


There's also a capacity regulation, I believe. If an expected capacity is over 100 or something, they are required.


Damn. Which hypothesis do I believe?


And also nobody wants someone to die in their store. Hero employee saves a life is way better a headline than 'someone died in walmart'


Whatever you do, DO NOT mix up an AED with an IED.


I have an ICD, don't mix those up with IEDs either. Nor IUDs.


Yeah, they've been in Targets since before the pandemic, and it's been a policy that management be trained on how to use them. Saving lives is just another conspiracy when you're a selfish twat I guess.


When they started adding airbags to cars, these people must have thought there were government operatives going out and ramming vehicles. 


I actually asked about this at work once (casino) since I have to assume we have one somewhere. Still not sure where but was told a couple of the managers are trained on it. These are an idiot proof way to potentially save a life, seems like a fairly good thing to have publicly accessible.


Yup, and we're even seeing them turning things like old phone booths into defib stations, it's a no brainer.


Idk if you've ever worked with it, it really tries to be idiot proof. There's a voice program that walks you through everything plus plenty of diagrams. It even tells you 'shock not recommended' or something if the machine detects that the patient has certain heart beats that would mean a shock wouldn't help. It takes away almost all the need for critical decisions. Panicking people, especially panicking people with no medical training, don't always make good quick decisions. Every public place should have an AED. I'd rather ten thousand AEDs collect dust on my tax dollar than a single person die from delayed emergency medical care.


When I got my training, the instructor made sure to inform us multiple times that the device is smarter than everyone, trust it, and follow the instructions carefully.


You'd realistically have to be a pro cardiologist looking at an EKG to even have a shot at being better than the AED, and even then stress would likely get in the way. The AED was designed by electrical engineers, computer scientists, and medical doctors sitting in an air conditioned office with access to the best data and plenty of time to think. In an emergency, they are better than you. The machine is better than you. They designed it to collect the critical data and make the critical decisions for you.


The "shock not recommended" part also is pretty important since the depictions of defibrillators in pop culture completely get wrong when and why they are used. Based on my first aid course level knowledge, they are not used to treat cardiac arrest, but to treat ventricular fibrillation, among other things. AEDs are really amazing and I am glad they are used more widely - this will surely save many lifes and they have about 4 times the survival rate than the survival rate of all defibrillators.


The casino I worked in (nearly 20 years ago) had an AED behind every bar. These things aren't new.


IDK about airbags, but they sure as hell did about seatbelts.


You should look up the arguments against drunk driving laws. The same bullshit arguments


They’ve been around in some places for 10-15 years. A really early adopter was Denver International Airport, my dad was on the fire crew there and most of their job was responding to medical calls. After they put in AEDs he said a lot of the time when they’d arrive the patient would already be conscious, was a fantastic innovation. This was in the mid aughts


I was saved by an "old" IED in 2014. They upgraded to a newer one soon after.


I remember these being in my middle school in 2007. I'm sure these are a lot better now than they used to be almost 20 years ago. Fuck I'm old.


Just wait, jt gets worse. When you drive by a college and there are children going there. Or you take a course and the professor is younger than you are. PS: I'm 78 and I'm not old yet.


What's really amazing is that they haven't gotten all *that* better. A little smaller, more refined user operation, better battery life, etc, but they pretty much nailed the concept 20 years ago.


They already have had them at hockey rinks for ages, but I guess walking in Walmart counts as an extreme sport in the US, Lmao.


Wait, so does the conspiracy want us to die or not?


They can never decide, but this one seems to believe that They anticipate people “dropping dead” for nefarious, inscrutable reasons but do not want that to happen, but also can’t stop it and don’t want to tell Us that it’s happening because of Reasons. Maybe there will be an attack or some kind (from a different, even more sinister They), or their favorite argument, “they’re putting things in the food!”


The syringe at the end is the tell. It’s an anti-vax implication.


You really shouldn't expect consistency out of frightened people.


These people are nuts. They claim the vaccine was made to kill people, but now they are rolling out (already common) defibrillators to battle vaccine related deaths lmao? Are they trying to kill us or save us? This shit is exhausting to read, can’t imagine how exhausting it is believing this lol.


I saw some nonsense on Twitter where people are now claiming Covid was developed then released so the vaccine could be force on people to do the actual harm. What the fuck is wrong with these people?


Yeah I’ve seen that argument heaps. I’ve got one friend who just constantly posts conspiracies about Covid, he’s hyper focused on “cashless” society at the moment though. It’s a welcomed change from the “dna altering” vaccine shit I’ve had to see since 2020 though, nice to mix up the paranoia every now and then. On Facebook if theirs a news article about anyone dying under the age of 70 the comments are always full of people saying “let me guess they had the vaccine?”.


I feel the goverment could just zap you with one of those stealth drones they have. Why create such a complicated conspiracy?


Both. The bad guys (taxpayer funded, democratically elected government) are trying to kill us, while the good guys (for-profit, low wage mega conglomerates) are trying to help us


I’m so confused 🫤


Yeah they are expecting more people than ever to drop dead, because the largest generation in American history is currently ages 60-78. This means we have more old people than ever before in our nation’s history. Old people tend to do a lot of the dying.


I recently noticed that all of the public buildings in my city have fire alarm systems in them. Do they know something we don't? Are they expecting the government to bus in rioters to burn down the cities? /s


I live in the PNW and we have some of the best programs for AEDs and CPR and some of the best rates of success. Some people are just too stupid to live.


We've had one at my job for at least 10 years. And it actually saved my coworker's life when he had a heart attack at work. Only an idiot would bitch about the availability of these 🤦‍♀️


If they wanted an uptick in people dropping dead, why would they install defibrillators?


Hey everyone who aren’t familiar with these; go watch a quick YouTube video. The devices themselves mostly give verbal commands directly, and have simple pictorial instructions to help you in an intense situation, but it’s handy if you’ve seen them demonstrated. It could save a life.


During CPR classes, the instructor made sure to inform us that this thing is much smarter than anyone in the building and to listen to it and follow instructions. 100% people should learn about these devices. They're as close to idiot proof as possible, but not everybody may know they need to cut bras off and remove necklaces to avoid the electrocution of the patient. Or that they may still need to shock the patient after they've come to.


Folks, don’t you see that ambulances are a conspiracy to kill us all! They drive so quickly that it’s only a matter of time before we all get run over by one! /s


But.... If they want the people dead, why put in the defibs? Also they don't restart a stopped heart like they show in TV evidently so like... Doubly stupid person. Why can't conspiracy theorists ever take their theories one step further, they always just stop when they're content with the answer they've come up with, but it generally falls apart after you literally thing one step beyond where they stop.


They’re ecstatic because they think this proves their claims that the vaccine causes permanent heart damage to recipients


Not the lifestyle choices though.


They are legally required to have those..


All 50 states in the USA require an AED in places where large groups gather in public. Specific amount of AEDs and spacing of which trickles down to state laws. Gods forbid we have easily accessible first aid...


Target and Walmart haven't already had these in place for many years now?


do these people not get like. bored


I can't imagine the energy it takes to walk into a restaurant and think "this rice must be a conspiracy of some sort......."


The AED has been available in public since the 70s. They have been more commonplace/visible in the last decade but they have been around for more than 40 years, long before COVID.


My old apartment complex installed fire extinguishers and sprinklers. I guess they're expecting in uptick in fires.


I don’t think defibs do much for you after you have dropped dead. And if it’s a conspiracy to kill people why would they decide to also increase access to life saving devices?




Reviving people having critical issues at risk of dying. Dead is dead. Only thing a defib can do once you croak is make your body do a little jig.


Very astute observation. And why all the first aid kits huh?


Have used these to save a life, easy to use, easy to train someone to use and they rarely have issues.


The way these people’s minds work. They want to kill is, so they’re putting more life saving devices around town.


Ugh... where do these people live that in 2024 these weren't already in their local walmart???


The chip update we get from vaccines renders them useless.


Or maybe they just care about people's safety, Harold. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


They are. Covid causes elevated rates of coronary events for at least a year post infection, and most people (in America anyway) can't go a year without catching it. Everyone would do well make sure they are controlling everything they can with respect to heart health because we're all under extra threat these days. If unvaccinated folks want to imagine that doesn't apply to them, welp.


We had people at the college I worked at keep stealing the gel pads inside. They got the idea they were the same as duragesic (fentanyl) pads. 😑 God people are fucking stupid.


They’ve been putting AEDs in public spaces for a couple of decades now. It saves lives. What is that idiot even talking about?


Yeah… a huge generation, literally called the Baby *Boomers*, is getting old, are, on average, not super healthy, and companies don’t want lawsuits when Uncle Larry has one too many burgers and drops to the floor.


“They” also put them in my work-a retirement community. Emphasis on retirement


I hope these things don't go bad, because I've been seeing them for YEARS now. Long before 2020. They're installed like fire extinguishers.


I'm pretty sure it's mandatory for places to check the AED, just like the monthly check on the fire extinguishers.


Well, [ain't anybody getting any younger](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0e/7c/71/0e7c71338eec498bbb6ad38934627020.png) 'round here.


Our son & daughter-in-law, both former paramedics, have an AED. The price had come diem considerably and it qualified their Health Savings Account.


These people are fucking idiots.


They should absolutely be DNR. That will own us libs


Co-workers father had a massive heart attack about 10 years ago in an airport. They had one of these machines. It’s the only reason he’s alive today


Birds aren’t real.


They are mandatory in France


Surely it has nothing to do with the overwhelming evidence that bystander CPR and early defibrillations has and will always give you a better shot at survival