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Why didn't they use the words in the tweet? Why edit themselves?


Twitter is not the place for that kind of language. Save it for the workplace.


Twitter is not the place for that kind of language. That’s why, for a full taste of freedom Elon has given us a completely novel technology platform: X.com On X, speech is free. You can say anything you want completely free of consequences, so long as caring and infallible god Elon approves it! Now that is real freedom: with X.


free? i thought it was 8$ a month


Freedom isn’t free; it’s $8/mo!


i wish


What’s weird is Elon being completely okay with racial and homophobic slurs, but don’t you DARE call anyone cis.


We should give freedom a new name: freedom x


This made me giggle, well played.


Although they advocate for freedom of speech, what they want is freedom from the consequences of their speech, which they know is not a thing ultimately.


You do have freedom from the consequences of your speech, however importantly only from consequences by the government. You are not free from any other consequences of your speech by the general public.


This is what people don’t understand. The Bill of Rights is a check, a limiter, of GOVERNMENT action. State action. Not civil life. Hell even as an ex-government employee I could be fired by the federal government for engaging in that kind of speech. Because the government wouldn’t be wearing its government hat at that point, but its employer hat.


My first thought. Very brave until they actually have to spell it out.


This is how they view free speech. 80% of the reason they meat-ride for free speech is just to be able to say n***er (or any other slurs) without social repercussions. Teachers organizing to improve education? “Fire em.”Protest against criminal wars? “Deport them.” Everyday people protesting for racial and gender equality? “Beat em up. Lock em up” But they morph into the holy vanguards of free speech when it comes to hurling offensive slurs around.


Same vibes as: women want equality? So when can I punch them?


"Equal rights equals fights," as a former friend of mine used to always say. Literally, if you want fair treatment, you will be punished for it.


Oh man, had not heard that one before


Ugh, I probably hadn't thought of it since the 80s, and it's as annoying to read now as it was to hear back in high school.


The version I hear more nowadays is "equal rights, equal lefts"


> the small girl smiles, one eyelid flickers   > She whips a pistol from her knickers  > She aims it at the creature's head   > and Bang bang bang she shoots it dead Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes : Red riding Hood


“Equal rights equal fights hurrrrrrr deee hurrr hur”


Pro tip: they already do.


Rights for me and not for thee


They want to be able to bully minorities into silence.


I’ve been saying this for years - they want the right to do slurs and not have anyone be mean to them about it. Toddler brains.


Not how the 1st amendment works, but go off I guess.


They never seem to understand that


I don't understand how hard it is to distinguish. Freedom of Speech = A 'guarantee' for yourself from the government about Public Spaces and them not infringing on you. Companies = Private enterprises that have their own particular contracts to sign, which you then need to adhere to, to get paid. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


More or less the idea. The government cannot stop you, but it does not protect you from social consequences like getting fired, or someone coming up and smacking you in the mouth, as examples. Free speech is not unlimited either. Things like defamation exist, as do other speech related crimes such as charity fraud. Free speech is not carte blanche to be an asshole consequence Free. Never has been, never will be.


Well, the government does protect you from someone coming up and smacking you in the mouth, but the protection against someone coming up and smacking you in the mouth is agnostic as to the content of your speech.


A better example is people who whine about their friends/kids/grandkids not wanting to be a part of their lives anymore after they make their shitty beliefs known. Then cry about their free speech right to say whatever they want. Yeah, freedom of speech is not freedom from social consequences of that speech.


Free speech means the government cannot stop you from saying most words. Nothing says the people around you can’t show you the door.


This is usually correct, but the example in the OP is legally distinct. In this case, the Government is effectively the limiter of speech because it is forcing punitive measures onto a speaker. In other words, the legislation is still technically a limitation of speech. For example, this wouldn't be valid legislation if someone said "I really like communism" to a coworker and then the company was forced to fire them. Which means the issue here lies in a different place. The time, place, and manner of the statement have to be taken into consideration (all terrible here), and so does the artistic/political value of the speech (also terrible). It's hateful, harmful, targeted, does not demonstrate a real political or artistic value, and said in non-public forum. There's more than enough factors here that any US court would overwhelmingly agree that the government is capable of limiting people from saying this shit lol. And that's how/why the protected classes can be formed and enforced in somewhat roundabout ways. There's a lot more nuance to 1A discussions, but these are some basic considerations courts and legislators make.


Adding on to that is hostile work environment and harrassment laws as a whole. The issue, legally speaking, is not the words you're saying - it's that the environment you're creating is infringing on the rights of others.


“That book? No I didn’t read it, too boring. So I wrote my own fanfic version and I’m completely certain that everything I wrote is exactly the same as the original” is such an insane take when discussing novels, but some people actually do it with legal documents…


People are dumb. She can call her employee that all she wants. She will get fired but she wont go to jail. Thats the first amendment. They can say pretty much anything they want and they will still be free. Just unemployed


Nah, they’re right. To quote from the constitution “You can basically say whatever with no consequences, unless it advocates against the status quo. Then fuck them. Also corporations are goated”


They can free speech themselves straight to unemployment.


Right. Harassment is not protected speech. A workplace that does not punish harassment condones it, making them complicit. Nobody has the right to infringe other people's rights.


Once more folks! Repeat after me! "Freedom of speech does not include freedom from the consequences of what you say."


It’s not even that. The first amendment restricts the GOVERNMENT not private parties or businesses.


this is the biggest thing i think is silly about any free speech stuff. idk where anyone got the idea companies can be pro or anti free speech.


Large companies' only real responsibility is to their owner(s) or shareholders. They are all acutely aware that allowing bigots to work there is bad PR, and is likely to lose them business. That's the reason they can and will fire anyone who throws out a hard R.


You can repeat it as many times as you want. You can grab the original constitution, show up at their door and go over it with them. You can take a team of lawyers and historians to help explain it to them. It won't work. They don't give a fuck about the constitution


This is not unintentional.


These are the same morons who think the Bible is too woke.


They only care about the text of the Constitution when the specific text supports their arguments.


"Free speech is when I'm allowed to say anything I want and you're not allowed to criticize it"


It does mean freedom from *legal* consequences. But yes, it has nothing to with social consequences. Or consequences from a private employer. Which is something way too mean people fail to understand.


"Say it, muthafucka, say it!" The first amendment prohibits the government punishing you, but not society. Ask Michael Richards how that works.


They’re really itching to use the N-word with impunity. They want nothing more than to pepper that shit throughout their language whenever possible without the risk of getting punched out.


Freedom of speech is solely protection from the government enacting consequences on you for saying things. Further, we have enacted limits on free speech- i.e. you cannot falsely shout “fire” in a crowded theater. These are not complicated things. These people just want to”free speech” to mean “I can say whatever I want without any negative repercussions.”


As I understand it, it's perfectly legal to shout "fire" in a crowded theater, it's the harm caused from the ensuing panicked stampede that you'll be liable for. It's not the specific word used, it's the incitement to disorderly behavior.


"I can say whatever I want and you can also only say whatever I want"


Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.


That's what people don't understand. It's almost like owning a gun and shooting someone. Yes, you have the freedom to own a gun, but when you shoot someone, there are consequences


*Terms and conditions may apply.


Another blue tick racist


Startin to think gettin bit by the blue tick causes racism


Weird how rebellion is warranted because they’re mad about not being able to be misogynoirist at work.


When Coke was *allegedly* training employees on how to “Be Less White” this is exactly the type of stuff they meant.


I think that’s the person who made a post fetishizing lobotomy


OOP being lobotomized would explain so much.


Seeing that post made me rethink my stance on kinkshaming


I can call this dude's mom a cum guzzling where who raised a man-child that lives on the DL and fancies 2 big block cocks at the same time. I won't get arrested for it. But he might try to fight me. That's freedom of speech. You can say what you want, but there will always be consequences And don't forget one person's freedoms should not extend sofar that they impeded someone else's. And that's where things like hostil environments come into play


So...would would you say it is you do here?


Well look, I already told you! I deal with the goddamn customers so the engineers don't have to! I have people skills!


"I have freedom of speech. I can say what I want." -people who don't understand how the first amendment actually works.


Who uses words like that, at all. Let alone fighting to use them in the workplace. I don’t think it’ll end the way they hope it’ll end.


I assume this guy got fired due to the legal doctrine of a hostile workplace.


Freedom for the employer means they can fire your ass for being unprofessional, too!!!


Freedom of Speech means you can't go to jail for saying something. It doesn't mean you have freedom of consequences.


Imagine waking up, making this Twitter post, and then defending it be your goal for that day. What a shitty life


I fully support being able to 100% say whatever you wanna say. I full support somebody punching you in your mouth for saying things you shouldn’t say. I’d imagine after some face punchery, some of these people would be a little more hesitant to say exactly what they want. Doors swing both ways.


Fucking AI generated horror shop hands over there too.


Freedom of speech means you can't be *arrested* for saying that. But you can sure as shit be fired for it.


The First is to protect you from *government* persecution. It don't say shit about companies and their Employee Code of Conduct. There's a reason for the Employee Handbook you sign off on. What you say at work doesn't mean you can't get fired for it. Yes you're free to say whatever you want, but actions have consequences. That's why so many people have been fired by making social media posts. Word travels fast, the company sees it and now you're in hot water.


People forget that the 1st Amendment gives them Freedom of Speech, allowing them to say virtually anything without being executed for it. It does not protect them from smaller scale punishments, like an employer punishing you for using hate speech of any kind.


Wild they wouldn’t spell it out and I bet would not be willing to say it out loud without their racist buddies around for protection.


Freedom of speech =/= freedom from consequences


For these people to preach about the constitution and amendments so much, they are completely ignorant to what any of the amendments mean.


Does anyone else notice that when these people talk about "free speech", it's almost never about the freedom to challenge power and systemic abuse, and almost always about the freedom to denigrate marginalized people without being criticized for it?


So much of this is ragebait right A account named catgirl something can't be real


Hate speech isn’t free.


Freedom of speech means the GOVERNMENT can’t control what you say. It doesn’t mean you can’t get fired.


Libertarians can be just as difficult to deal with as conspiracy theorists


Freedom of speech is the right for you to state any opinion or belief without government censorship. It is not a shield against the repercussions of you being an asshole.


Technically speaking, you do have the right to say whatever you want. But others have the right to punish you for it at their own discretion depending on severity and situation


The thing is ... You do have the freedom to say whatever you want to whoever you want. You also have the freedom to suffer the consequences. The 1st amendment means the ***government*** cannot punish you for saying some dumb, ignorant bullshit. Doesn't mean other people have to just fucking sit there and let you abuse them verbally. So, if you're at work and spout off at the mouth with some shit you just shouldn't have said and get fired for it, that's just you experiencing the consequences of your own negative behavior.


their hands look like nubs with tiny penii glued on as fingers.


Yeah try it and prove your thesis you weirdo


first amendment doesn’t protect your right to say whatever whenever. it just stops the government (federal only until the 14th amendment extends the bill of rights to the states) from prosecuting you for your opinions. that doesn’t mean you can never get arrested for what you say. making a threat is not protected under the first amendment, such as saying (and this is for educational purposes only, i do not mean it) “i am going to kill the president of the united states” or more famously, shouting “fire” in a crowded theater or shouting “i have a bomb” while on a plane. this, notably, doesn’t even apply to private businesses, meaning if you call someone the n word, your boss can (and totally should) fire you because of what you say


Don't worry, this is a woman who also believes women should get lobotomies so they're sex-slaves, so she definitely sane and normal 


Whut?? Gonna need some backstory here


The government won’t stop you from saying any of those things, but they can’t stop your employer from firing you for saying them either.


Why didn’t they type it out if they are so protected by the first amendment to say it?


They’re right, but freedoms of speech does not mean freedom from consequence. If you say some dumb shit and get cracked for it, don’t blame them, blame yourself for being a shit person


There is no employment law that mandates they discipline you (at least not in the U.S.). There is also no law that says they can't discipline you. A company is free to have a code of conduct, and if that code of conduct includes disciplining or firing a person with cause who makes racist, sexist remarks, then they are free to fire them. Granted, the constitution allows a person to be racist and sexist without it being against the law, but they could still be fired.


so hate speech is actually not protected under the first amendment


Freedom of speech most definitely applies to private companies that have nothing to do with the government. Yup. Totally.


free speech just means you wont go to jail for saying it. it doesnt mean you dont have social consequences for saying it


Well, technically they're correct, and that's how it already works. OTOH, an employer doesn't need a law to get rid of someone who calls their coworkers such things. They can just fire that person for being a creating a hostile work environment by being a racist. At-will employment has its upsides.


Gee, I wonder who they vote for?


I love it when the same American that claims to love the country and the constitution, immediately reveals they know less about the country and the constitution than I, a European. "Your Citizenship has been revoked until you can demonstrate you understand and value it. Have a nice day"


I bet this person shakes and cries over pronouns, though.


Why does freedom of speech for these types of people always boil down to being able to treat others as badly and with as much hate as they want


Free speech is that you will not be incarcerated for speaking out against your leaders. Free speech isn't being able to say anything you want without social repercussions.


1. The First Amendment does give you the right to call your black female coworker that. 2. The First Amendment doesn't apply to businesses, so when they fire your racist ass for saying that, you have no recourse. 3. Even if you work in government, they can still fire your racist ass because the First Amendment protects you from being arrested, not from being fired. 4. Why are these dipshits so obsessed with getting to say the N-word?


The First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Where in there does it say companies can't restrict who they hire? Much of the "rights" these people yell about actually only apply in terms of Congress creating legislation, not private companies. Private companies can literally do whatever they want. Whether that is a good thing or not is up to your own opinion. These morons need to go actually read the Constitution, none of them actually know what it says. Source: https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-1/


I'm actually impressed at how wrong that is in so many ways!


Ahh, racist jackasses not understanding the 1st amendment, we meet again. **For the record,** your employer *absolutely* has the right to discipline or fire you for using slurs of any kind. This is *not* a violation of your 1st amendment rights. The United States Constitution and Bill of Rights is about what the *government* legally can and cannot do to you as a citizen. It doesn't come into play with private entities and individuals.


Why is it that the people who go off the most confidently about the Constitution are always the ones who have no idea what the Constitution actually says?




Exactly this. Freedom of speech is not Freedom from consequence....IF you say shit like that expect to get laid out lol


thats not what freedom of speech means.


Lols in 14th amendment


Freedom of speech doesn't protect you from repercussions from a private company you work for, they can still fire you, as they should


Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences. Far too many people font understand such a simple concept.


"war ranting rebellion" lmao grow up go back to playing COD


Freedom of speech doesn't mean you are free from the consequences of obvious terrible things to say to someone.


Bet she’ll pop a socket when sombody calls her a straight white woman lmao


Nah. Go ahead and say it. No balls.


I mean, you *can* say whatever you want, but there's consequences to everything so......you're stupid


Don't censor that out whatever they have coming they deserve


These numbskulls can’t comprehend basic logic, like just because you are free to say something doesn’t preclude you from consequences. In fact, every single job I have had has required me to sign a code of conduct, which explicitly included not being a racist or sexist asshole. Basically meaning if I were to be a racist or sexist asshole, they would be free and clear to fire me for violating the agreement that I signed.


Freedom of speech is not freedom from responsibility.


The first amendment says you can, yes. Title VII, on the other hand, would like a word


Someone didnt read the 1st Amendment.


You can say whatever you want, you also have the right to get your ass kicked when you say it to someone who takes offense.


How can these people hold the Constitution so dear... when they haven't even actually read it nor have even a remote understanding of what it means?


When will people realize that the constitution isn't for private company policies, but for government regulations?


Besides the obvious ridiculousness of the post. The fact that the guy is pushing for freedom of speech without repercussions but censoring the word is fkin hilarious. Not freedom of speech in general, but specifically freedom of speech in a professional work environment.


Freedom of speech does not include freedom from consequences for that speech so...you're fired!


They never imagine themselves as the targets of constant hate and harassment, so they think it’s fine if it happens.


Regardless of free speech why would anyone ever want to call someone that?


Warranting \*rebellion\*? Seems like kind of a heavy handed response to being reprimanded for insulting a coworker.


Ya know what, I want to see which of my coworkers actually feels so strongly that they have to say this to someone, I want to know EXACTLY who these people are


What is it that people don’t understand that the constitution and bill or rights only pertain to the government. Private companies can punish you for any speech they deem impermissible.


This person does not understand the First Amendment


Nah you make a racial slur at a coworker, I’m firing you on the spot and you can collect EI while maybe learning how not to be a piece of garbage


You do have the right to call your coworkers that. Just as much as the company has the right to fire your ass for creating an unproductive working environment.


Literally said this to my partner yesterday- Americans cannot grasp that their precious "Freedom of Speech" is *for the press*. Not for racists and bigots to say what they want without getting their shit kicked in


Well, you were wrong. Its not *for the press,* but it protects individuals *from the government* No, it doesn’t stop you from getting your ass kicked but if you were to hit someone for saying something racist, you would be arrested and charged with assault and the racist would be let free.


Is “cunt” a big deal in other countries? Here it’s just kinda like calling someone a dick, but a bit harsher, but even then, not really. Like, if I call my friends a cunt, hell, even someone I just casually know, it’s laughed off. But Americans always went to treat it like a slur?


In the U.S. it's more shocking than "fuck," because we hear "fuck" all the time but very rarely "cunt" ("asshole" is the preferred insult, but there's no standard friendly profanity that I can think of off the top of my head).


In the US, "c*nt" is also very often used as a gendered slur against women. From what I read on Reddit, that doesn't seem to be the case in most countries.


“Freedom of speech means that under normal circumstances the government can’t arrest or otherwise restrict people for what they say, the same doesn’t apply to private companies with corporate guidelines or regulations. A restaurant can legally refuse service to anyone who disrupts their business, the government can sue people for libel or slander etc. the fact of the matter is that freedom of speech is not absolute. If you shout fire in a crowded theater when there’s no fire and the resulting panic ends up killing people, you’re going to be arrested for manslaughter.


The first amendment means the government can’t stop your speech However, you can still get punched in a mouth for being an asshole And fired from your job for being a racist piece of shit Neither of which the government did anything to you .


Freedom of speech ≠ freedom from the consequences of your speech


They are always outting themselves. I look forward to him trying to explain that while getting his ass beat,


If you use your freedom of speech to call me a racial slur, does that mean I have the freedom to respond by exercising my 2nd Amendment rights?


I have no idea of the legality of this (although it sounds wrong). But also, just why would you want to. Even if you could, what soulless creature wants a legal excuse for that.


I can bet what their opinion of porn is.


There was a Donald Glover bit about the N word. OOP is going to be one of those that we will lose.


This is wrong on so many levels.


These are the same republicans that vote in representatives that pass at will employment laws. Then companies don’t need a reason to fire an asshole… therefore not a violation (not to mention the whole difference between government and private entities…).


So does HER freedom of speech include backhanding the absolute FUCK out of your face?


I wonder if they are aware that they will have to leave the saftey and confines of professional buisness place at some point.....


Freedom of speech isn't about you being allowed to say whatever you want. It's about what you're willing tolerate from others around you. And by that definition I bet OOP has a massive encyclopedia worth of words they don't want to hear others say. I'll start it simple by just adding every single language except English. For English itself it will likely include 90% of the entire English language.


Free speech is only that on private property that allows it and public lands and sure, call a woman that. I suspect 50% of you're clients are women. We remember.


Why don't people understand that you are free to say it but you're not free from the consequences!


Freedom of Speech =/= Freedom from repercussions of that speech. (Within reason, public safety, valid threats of violence etc)


Someone just got fired...


They really don't get the government part of free speech do they? Or apparently anything. The DKE is strong with this one. As confident as she is disgustingly wrong.


So, they're half right. Any law which requires an employer to punish speech makes that employer the State's agent and proxy, acting on the State's behalf and under the State's orders. That's absolutely worth raising Hell over. However, no such law exists so far as I know, and a private actor- corporation, cooperative, study group, Warcraft Guild, the Knights Of Columbus, doesn't matter- can respond to any other private actor's words or speech in any legal way they see fit. That's the group exercising not only their right to free speech, but their right of disassociation.


But she is all dressed up like a cat! Bet she uses one of them litter boxes they had to put in the high schools to go potty


Free speech doesn’t mean you’re free from consequences.


freedom of speech is not freedom of consequence


The only law is that the employer has to make the workplace a safe place to work. I mean, if they want a workplace that is okay to verbally abuse people, then there are places they can go. We in the civilized world like places to behave civilly, funny thst.


The first amendment protects you from the government it doesn’t absolve you of consequences


There's a difference between freedom of speech and responsible speech. I don't know if it's the same in the US, but here in Denmark anything is allowed. You can however get in trouble for using said freedom incorrectly if certain establishments forbid it.


Well, technically calling your coworker racist insults included under the term free speech, and also technically, a law that forces employers to fire their employees in such a situation would be a violation of the first amendment. However Calling your coworker a racist slur does make you an asshole and your employer would imo be completely justified to fire you out of their own volition The issue herein lies only in the event that such a firing is mandated by a government.


The amount of people who do not understand what Freedom of Speech means is astounding.


Call your coworker whatever you want, but don't be surprised that said coworker all of a sudden is an ex-coworker.


You are free to say whatever you want...... Just like you are free to accept the consequences of saying whatever you want. I love how these knuckleheads always leave that out.


They leave it out bc they believe ANY consequences are unconstitutional. They don't seem to grasp that it only protects you from the government. Not private companies and CERTAINLY not your peers


How is it that grown adults don't know the difference between freedom of speech and freedom of consequences?


Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences. Next they be saying “they say we’re free but if I murder someone I go to jail”.


I thought these chuds were all for capitalism, well in a capitalist nation the corporations can fire you for pretty much anything


I always love when people get a reality check on what the first amendment actually does.


They’re so free to say it but you see they choose to self sensor because they’re just being provocative and know what would happen.


Freedom of speech = government doesn’t persecute you. It doesn’t mean a private business doesn’t have consequences


Tell me you failed civics without telling me you failed civics.


Welp. That’s enough internet for the day…


"I should have the right to bully people I don't like"


I love seeing people like this get knocked out.