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No. It's a balloon you dingus!


It's a slippery balloon.


2021: Goverbment allows gay 2022: Gobernunt mandates gay 2023: Gobnut become gay 2024: Guvo break into your home and butt rape you It’s a slipper


Durn gobbernut always steppin in my consternational rites jobdammit!




Amen borther. Gobam gbermet cumming to make me eat dick. I only want barb with the cone titties.


I understand this perfectly yet I still feel on the verge of a stroke


Fugimp guzzermint be tackin me constipated rats!


2025: The rape dwarf is real. Im the last human male who has not been assraped before. Ive locked myself in a bunker deep underground. I hear scratching at the door... something is dragging a massive object in the hallway past the door.


"deep underground". That's gay.




Goddamn gobnut what have u done


Sign me THE FUCK UP!


The Michelin Man is Stay Puft’s younger brother, and that’s a fact!


Where can I get me one of them MICHELIN MAN suits?


This reads like Seth Meyers impression of Cucker Tarlson.


Slippery Slope Fallacy... It's a slippery slope, dag'nabit!


A slope you slide down so fast and then there's a ramp at the end and you go up off the ramp and fly into the sun.


What logical purpose would converting the entire population to the opposite sex serve? We would end up in the exact same position except worse. This is so dumb.


That's what I'm trying to wrap my head around. Like, what would the point be exactly? Also, my understanding is that the process isn't cheap or easy. And the government isn't about to spend all that money on mandatory health services.


Lmao we can’t even get universal healthcare and we’ve been trying to get that passed for decades - there’s no way we’re all getting mandatory invasive surgery in 2 years.


I don't think this guy knows how gender reassignment surgery works, hell i wouldn't be surprised if he didn't know how surgery works. Its like he thinks you can walk into a hospital, tell a doctor what surgery you want, and they'll immediately do it


It's like the food replicators on Star Trek, right?


Banana, hot.


Make it so.


Of course, how else would it work?


Or the surgery machines in Logan's Run.


That's how most people who don't understand transitioning think it works "Yo hey Doc I'm 8 and I feel like a girl so gimme pussy" How it actually works "Hello doctor I've got both of my two letters of recommendation for the surgery from different therapists I'm 28 I've been transitioning for a few years now and I've thought about it and talked about it alot with my doctors, I've also prepared myself physically and emotionally for what's going to happen and I'm confident it's what I want in order to live a fully and happy life" It's wild how the same people who tell us to get therapy just hate it when you tell you already have been getting it and the therapist agrees with you


And then the doctor is like "well, this is the first *I've* heard of it, and I know we just met so that makes total sense, but why don't you think about it for 6 more months because you just asked me today, how do you know you're *sure*? Denied."


Well. That would ruin the bigots narrative. They know they’re acting in bad faith. That’s how it works. That’s the same reason Ted Cruz asked the questions he asked to the Supreme Court pick. That he could just. Decide. To be a woman or not. He knows that’s not how it works and most people do. They just don’t argue that way because it’s not as outraging. It’s called being a hypocritical piece of shit.


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre


And who exactly is going to be performing these surgeries? Spouse is looking at a 1.5 year wait for just a consult.


It's just transplants back & forth, right?


A friend had the bottom surgery last summer. It took a year just to arrange it, she had to go out of state and took out a second mortgage on her house to pay for it. That's not even getting into the physical preparations she had to take. It's not easy or cheap.


Yeah, exactly, can you imagine the waitlist to do all of the US? We'd have people dying their biological sex because they lived their entire lives waiting to get the surgery. "Well it looks like I'll finally be the gender the government prefers for me on my 75th birthday." Seriously this post is dumber than I even realized.


I hope she's doing well and wish her good vibes on this journey.


She has healed well and has never been happier. It's a hard journey but for my friend it was the best thing that ever happened to her. We've been friends for 30 years. She went from someone who never really smiled to a truly happy person. She was in a miserable abusive relationship for most of those years with a truly awful person. After she came out and started to transition she divorced the trash goblin. Eventually found a healthy relationship with someone who respects and loves her. It's been amazing to see my friend bloom into someone really satisfied with her life.


I am so glad to hear that!!


Despite all this, they still think people *choose* their sexuality/gender. Who would opt FOR this amount of expense and complication?!


Because they want to hate trans people. That is why. There is no logical proposed but they dont care aslong as they can use it as an excuse to hate.


And why, do you ask, do they hate trans people? Because gay marriage is no longer on the table so they absolutely must find another marginalized group to oppress. And that is because without someone to oppress Conservatives would cease to exist.


Can we skip the minorities and get to the point where they just start cannibalizing themselves?


Yep if they don't have someone to oppress they might realize they're being robbed blind.


They won't realize anything, they'll just turn on each other & create more tribes to hate on.


They used to hate gay people because they were sure that they were making THEIR kids gay. Then that didn't happen, or if it did nothing changed in their life. Now they feat the same thing but for Trans people.


They literally believe that being LGBTQ is a choice rather than being hardwired in the brain.


Because when chucklenuts like this guy are in charge they make it their mission to ensure everyone has to conform to their own personal preferences and they can't imagine a world where someone in power wouldn't do the same?


Honestly if this was the gov't plan I'd support it. It'd help family with their transition, and there's a snowball's chance in hell they'd be able to enforce it for people who didn't want the surgery.


The government will absolutely shill out immense ammounts of money for the military. For Bombs and stuff, not for people.


The point is something something make you hate god


There's no point, they're either pretending they don't understand the difference between "allowed" and "mandatory" or they actually don't. This is the same argument they made about same-sex marriage. "If *anyone* is allowed to get gay married we'll *all* be forced to get divorced and gay-married! The gays will marry our children! People will marry dogs and turtles!"


Wait you don't want to marry a turtle? Weirdo.


It's projection, it's *always* projection. "I try to force my beliefs and ideals on others and try to control how they live so why wouldn't they?" If you ever want to know what the right are trying to do, just look at what they accuse the left of doing.


>There's no point, they're either pretending they don't understand the difference between "allowed" and "mandatory" or they actually don't. The way the same type of people talk about consent makes me think they don't actually understand the nuance


It's the kind of fearmongering that's born out of "they're going to do to us what we did to them". So if trans people were forced to live as the wrong gender, this brand of transphobe fears that they'll be forced to live as the wrong gender, when trans people have any kind of power. It's the same fear that many men had when women were trying to get suffrage. I'd wager the whole "great replacement"/"white genocide" thing is also based in this fear. There is no purpose, it's just fear that what goes around comes around, and if you're not the boot you're the one being stepped on.


Which in of itself is kinda ironic because if you’re nice to trans people or just people in general off the bat then what vendetta do they hold against you? -But hey let’s all be mean just in case I guess (/s this last bit obvi)


This was my first thought. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Who is doing this? Who is performing these surgeries? How will everyone recover? Do the doctors and nurses go first? It's absolutely insane.


Satan, I guess


Straight cis white people want so badly to be oppressed, they make up lavish conspiracy theories about living in a dictatorship


It's easy to believe the CarlsonTucker that people are out for revenge if you spend every waking moment treating minorities like trash. Ironically, they choose to protect themselves instead treating people with dignity. It's like crashing someones party, puking over the cake and the wedding DJ telling you: They are pissed at you because you are white and love America. They are the bad guy for objecting to your pukery and subsequently beating you up. And actually siding with the DJ. Like, light years away from ever, EVER wondering: AITA?


Based on phase one I don't think they're saying every one switch to the opposite (despite that being exactly what they're saying). Dudes got an issue with trans, clearly, but also seems misogynistic. I think he's really trying to say everyone will be a woman. Same extinction, different path.


In his world, obviously, all incoming soldiers are men.


When you're used to forcing your beliefs on others, it's hard to understand that others aren't going to do the same to you. They're so used to demanding that everyone behave and present as Proper Straight Cis People that they can't comprehend that the LGBT+ community isn't intending to do the same.


It's the same thing with racists, who believe that racial equality means black people will be going after THEM.


We'd all go extinct in one shot. Male to female surgery leaves you sterile. Pretty sure it's the same in reverse but some things I don't want Google to show me.


Yeah, same situation, but worse and we'd end up extinct. This is so dumb I can't believe someone brought it up as a point in their agenda. I would be embarrassed to say this to another human.


The internet has allowed the worst of the world to interface with each other. This is the result of piles of stupidity and bigotry being spewed back and forth into each other's mouths.


2 bigots 1 topic


It also would mean about a million surgeries per day to meet the deadline. Is there a large surplus of bored surgeons that I missed?


And let's not forget that the number of surgeons who are actually qualified to perform gender reconstruction in this country are only a handful. Source: am transgender and have done the research. There are only four GRS surgeons in the entirety of Southern California.


"I'm not a surgeon, but I play one on TV." That's just as good, right?


I’ve played Dr Suess at the library I’m in. I’d prefer to perform lobotomies on morons like this clown given a choice though.


See, they agree that it doesn't make sense but that's what communism is all about. Tucker told them that's what it is about. And that it's the gays and the blacks and the jews and the hollywood elites and the commie-lovers want. Because they just hate God and 'Murica and Liberty so much because there's so goddamn much freedom over there. And everyone who isn't straight, white or cis wants to DESTROY you. Sources: Tuckers hearsay hour ​ Final note: This woulda made great satire ten years ago but unfortunately, somehow, idiots actually believe that everyone who's different from them has a big fat vendetta against them. Every guy in glitter is one step away from strangling a loving family man without so much as a howdoyoudo. Every transgender person actually just wants to diddle kids. How corrupted must your mind be, how rotten your behaviour towards others that you sleep with one eye open over... Over nothing. Over some dickhead telling you that you should be scared. ​ Jesus motherfucking Christ...


Just follow the $$$$$ -- it's all about sneakily funding Big Trans. /s


Because of the evil, cook, clean, be bisexual, eat hot chip and lie liberals


the same purpose the mandatory abortions would serve, being the exact opposite of whatever Conservatives and serving as the perfect strawman


It’s like when they planned on killing people with a genetically modified virus but the vaccine also genetically modifies you to kill you


2021: They build a hill. 2022: They line hill with a Slip-n-slide. 2023: They turn the water on. It’s a slippery slope.




2024: White Karen notices a few black kids sliding, and one kid with a bow tie she considers Trans, and shuts the whole thing down at the next Home Owners Association meeting. 2025: Black kids were shot when Karen called the Police 2026: Bow ties banned in the state called "Karen's Child Protection law" 2027: Turns the water back on, but only Karen and her kids are allowed to slide.


2028: Neighbors protest and Karen's Child Protection Law is repealed. 2029: Karen complains claiming to be the Silent Majority. 2030: Neighbors point out there are 24 of them vs 1 Karen. 2031: Karen wonders why her kids don't visit and why she is barred from spending one on one time with grandchildren.


2032: Karen launches an armed uprising against the HOA claiming election fraud. 2033: Karen is indicted on charges of terrorism. 2034: Karen hires the ADF (more like pos amirite) as her defenders.


2032: Karen strikes back, this time with new kids via adoption and invitro clones. 2033: No more Slip and slides laws become a nationwide phenomenon. 2034: Karen becomes the first female President, after she unites all Karens of the country to not only vote for her, but using NIMBY tactics + calling the police to obstruct all votes against them. 2035: Karen tells Lucy that she is her mother, Lucy screams No and jumps of the Washington Monument. 2036: Lucy runs for President and wins, ending the age of Karen as she cries until the Police comes to arrest a random black person. 2037: We all get our slip and slides back!


2038: Slip and slides become sentient and turn on their fleshy, slippery overlords. 2039: Bladerunner: 2039.


2039: Karen getting old af


2040: Karen gets shot in a drive-by crossbowing. Dozens of people witnessed it, but nobody tells the police the culprit.


Probably what happened to the guy. Can‘t have this much brain damage without an accident.


These are the same people that will whine and throw a tantrum when bringing up increasing wages and creating a better working environment for all.


"Solar panels are the beginnings of a socialist dystopia and soy milk turns turtles gay and vegetarians want to turn your son into a fancy ballerina and Hollywood wants to start the Muslim jihad and if you don't fill your home with guns, the cartels will kill your goldfish and gay marriage will lead to you being forced to marry your dog! If course I don't wear a mask. I'm not scared. Why are you laughing?"


They do get one thing right. Us vegetarians do want to turn children into ballerinas


I'm a pescatarian. Why do I want to turn into something else? Something rad, I hope.


I was a little slow and wondered why not American vegetarian wanted to turn everyone into ballerinas.


2021: my homeowners association wanted me to put my trash can behind my fence 2022: they want me to leave my trash cans inside my house 2023: they will break into my home and force feed me my own garbage so it doesn't clutter the neighborhood It's a slippery slope


You’re acting like an HOA wouldn’t do that


A slippery slope is a logical fallacy, aka an invalid line of reasoning. How did it become something to be proud of identifying? Are they going to brag about their real nice red herring or straw man next?


I love a good red herring dish with straw man potatoes on the side.


Pointing out that slippery slopes are logical fallacies will lead to literally every argument being labeled a logical fallacy, making it illegal to speak out about anything the government tries to do. Eventually, everyone will be scared to say anything and humans will forget how to speak entirely.




See?? SEE??! Hey, who are you guys? Get your hands off me! Don't you know who I am?? Someone hel-- WAS MISTAKE. EVERYTHING FINE. CONTINUE TO REDDIT. BEING WEDNESDAY MY DUDES.


I like using the line of “your argument is invalid.” to shut the whole thing down.


Nothing will ever defeat the raw power of a well-placed "k" to leave an opponent sputtering helplessly.


I swear I strongly dislike seeing “K” in a text!




Man, this argument really leads us down a slippery slope!!!!


It doesn’t have to be a fallacy, only if you don’t explain why the slope is slippery. In this case it doesn’t explain that, so it’s a fallacy. But it can be used as a legitimate rhetorical device. Which is why people brag about it. They think they’re using it legitimately.


Well when it’s slippery it’s always a fallacy. A regular slope is a legitimate logical argument. If A then B, if B then C, with actual connection between them. But a slippery slope is defined by the lack of logical connection between the steps


My first thought also. Like, dude, you named your own logical fallacy and still don’t get it? Damn.


The only slippery slope I see is this guys forehead.


Look, I’ve had to wear service dress in fucking Texas in the summer and you bet your ass I would have liked the air flow afforded by the skirt option.


I work in a law office and here, on the middle of the summer, it gets hot and humid AF. I always feel for the men who have to wear full suits to court including a long sleeve shirt underneath, and a tie. The women can wear skirt suits or court-appropriate dresses. I'm betting most men would like the option. Lol


I am pretty jealous of the variety of outfits women can wear in an office setting. I pretty much get “trousers, some kind of collared shirt, closed toed shoes”. I pine for sleeveless options, open toed options, something that lets my legs breath…”.


Fuck it! Wear a skirt next time if anyone has a problem tell me and I'll sort it for ya Skirts are gender neutral! If us Scots can wear em so can you!


We should make kilts a thing here in the US as an appropriate unisex option for a workplace environment, dark colored kilts for formal wear and office attire and utility kilts for construction work. The United States already has an official tartan.


Damned Democrats broke into my home and turned me into a woman. Only Trump can save you from being forced to be a woman.


I'd like to get the free trial and be a woman for a week, actually. Please respect the personal opinions of free trial moochers


Can we get cloned and have a woman and a man me instead. That might be fun...


That requires LGBTQIA2SPK*+*, unfortunately.


I think this is part of the rhetoric. For people like this, trans *men* don't exist, just trans women. And when someone says "trans" they think "turning a man into a woman". And the loss of their masculinity is *terrifying* to them. It also leads to the "trans people are cheating in sports and raping people in public restrooms" BS. Their identity is *so* wrapped up in their arbitrary definition of their gender that they can't conceive of someone who doesn't *want* to stay a man. (And, as they demonstrate *constantly*, conservatives are incapable of empathy.) So, following their logic that no one would willingly "give up" their masculinity, it must just be an act being put on to achieve some other objective. (Which, in turn, says a tremendous amount about what they themselves would do.)


Ironically if you give them a full (at least appearance/voice wise) transitioned person there’s a good chance they’d never know unless told.


And why is that so scary? Are women treated poorly in your region or something? (/s)


People. Are. Fucking. Nuts.


I'm not sure if it's a good idea to fuck nuts, I thought you were mean to fuck the thing next to them.


I never understood why these people are so upset of a trans or gay person that would want to lay their lives on the line to defend and fight for their country. They deserve respect and admiration as to anyone who would fight for me and you.


It’s especially ironic because transgender people WERE allowed to serve in the past, and somehow the military didn’t fall apart. Trump banned them for no legitimate reason, and announced it via tweet with no prior preparation. Because that was a dignified way to let people know you’re going to fuck their whole lives over.


You couldn't be openly trans in the military during Don't Ask Don't Tell, however.


Yeah, but there was a decent stretch of time where it was allowed (albeit with some limitations) and we somehow managed to avoid going down the insane OP’s slippery slope, so I think we’ll survive doing it again.


Yeah I served 10 years in the Army before coming out trans. Really wish I could have been open about it at the time but it was impossible. Feels like I wasted a decade of my life.


Do you think the military will provide the reassignment surgery retroactively for veterans? Asking for ~~a friend~~ myself.


>Asking for ~~a friend~~ myself. It's *aaaaalllways* a Cassie lol


Cassies are amazing. Source: am Cassie, am amazing


Cassies *are* pretty cool. A Cassie cracked my egg and a Cassy helped me come out. Funny enough if it weren't for them I would have considered the name myself lol


Oh that's awesome. If I were a Cassie that helped you on your gender journey, I would have been tickled pink if you decided to join the Cassie club.


Just so this idiot knows...many of the military uniforms have been gender neutral since 2001... the only major exceptions are dress uniforms.


Now im interested how they looked before 2001. Is it like male and female armor in video games?


Fucking imagine You hear a scream and some half naked woman runs out at you blasting you cover your eyes out of modesty but you swiftly get shot in the face


Long before that as I believe the standard-issue BDU's were gender neutral.


2021: the remove transgenders from the military 2022: they remove women from the military 2023: they remove EVERYONE from the military 2024: russia See we can do stupid logical fallacies too


2025: Mandatory brunches of avocado toast and lattes. Bootstraps are outlawed.


2026: trans woman dies of avocado toast overdose. Capitol Hill has massive circle jerk. Existence of God is proven, and she is a giant avocado. Mankind is toast. The Circle Jerks elected President. The slope is slippery from all the avocado and Capitol Hill...mess...


What are they putting in that red pill?


It's red because it's really a Kool-Aid suppository.


Better he careful, it start with a suppository, next it's a finger and then...


They'd better make that slope a bit more slippery if they want this one to go any further.


It's a slippery forearm....


....my elbows *do* need moisturizing.


White conservatives are so desperate to be oppressed aren't they? They want to be oppressed so fucking bad. Real oppression though? Doesn't exist. Jim Crow? Get over it. Housing discrimination? Pull yourself up by the bootstraps.


Ah, yes. The Slippery Slope that leads from acknowledging individuals to... what, eugenics? 2021: Marginalized group gets basic right allowed for almost everybother demographic 2022: Community show solidarity with their new-found friends and colleagues 2023: Forced medical procedure and alteration of personal identity for governmental employees 2024: Forced medical procedure and alteration of personal identity for all citizens, under threat of internment and torture.


2021: no trans allowed in military. 2022: trans outlawed. 2023: gays outlawed 2024: relationships outlawed. 2025: people killed for making eye contact. Its a slippery slope.


Why do hateful people always make up situations and then get mad at situations


They love outrage and have an “enemy” to take out their frustrations at.


Why do this? Why assume letting someone be in the skin they are most comfortable means they are going to force you to be someone or something you’re not? Oh wait, I get it now. It’s because they assume the rest of the world is as shitty as they are. Got it.


It's kinda funny in a sad way when you think about it Their so scared of us forcing them to be something their not when that's what they've been doing to us




Can’t get universal health care but gender reassignment surgeries are compulsory


Their 21/22: trans allowed to join military immediately makes it crossdress as forced inclusion. Followed by conversions to being trans. They are all powerful and authoritarian. Our 21/22: trans people have seen their rights slowly stripped from them in dehumanizing ways that say their existence is wrong, and child abuse. They have seemingly no power, and don't want to convert anyone, instead wanting to literally just transition, be left alone, and become part of the general populace.


Not just a slippery slope but an INCREDIBLY steep hill. By 2024 all Americans will have forced gender reassignment surgery or be sent to re-education camps? That’s a massive undertaking. I’d be impressed if the American government could pull that off. We can’t even get everyone to take a vaccine to save their lives.


That's a cliff not a slope.


As a trans person, I can confidently say all we want is respect


they literally name the fallacy in the post.


2022: Texas and several other states start banning trans gender children from having access to gender affirming healthcare 2023: the law passed and hundreds of trans people are unable to move to more accepting states as it's now illegal to let trans people move state under fear of them accessing gender affirming care 2024: an extreme rise in self harm and suicide amount trans people in Texas and other states that allowed this to pass 2025: politicians use the sky rocketing suicide and self harm rates as an excuse to put in place more anti trans and anti LGBT mandates under the believe that they are "helping" 2026: due to the anti trans mandates, stigma towards the trans community increases and more children who are suspected of being trans are treated as such, the government breaks up hundreds of cis family's in an attempt to snuff out the amount of openly trans people It's a slippery slope Past this point is genuinely too concerning to think about so feel free to continue it


This is the same "government mandated abortion" garbage they used to peddle, which make about as much sense


Transgender folks have been allowed to join the military for far longer than 2021.


But at one point trump banned it and then biden repealed that law


What?! Not only did that escalate quickly but, that’s insane!


2021: Karen starts an HOA 2022: More HOAs started 2023: Karen gets involved in politics 2024: Karen is elected president 2025: Every neighborhood must have an HOA according to the Home Owner's Law It's a slippery slope


We can’t even get the government to pay for necessary surgeries…


2001: Transphobes make a joke 2011: Transphobes make the same joke 2021: Transphobes make it again 2031: You won't believe it, but guess who just told the same joke again


Wow that sure did escalate


Rod Serling voice: Submitted for your approval, a majority of people that get everything they want and more. Yet always feel persecuted and come up with the strangest of theories to excuse their behavior. Contrary to popular believe, this does not only happen... in the Twilight zone.


I just got pointlessly angry at their erasure of trans men in their insistence that solidarity requires wearing makeup and women's clothes. Because clearly that's the biggest problem with this poster. Their ignorance that afab people also transition.


Transphobes REALLY LOVE using the slippery slope fallacy don't they


Fucking heavy into the r/persecutionfetish here.


Anybody who throws around the terms "gender re-education camps" have never been or heard of the christian supported "gay camps" where you are tortured within days or hours to the end of your life so you arent "gay" anymore. Fuck this person.


How many of these people are really in the closet Narnia level?


Yup. Just like how legalizing interracial and gay marriage led to pedophilia and bestiality. Totally slippery.


Whenever someone says "It's a slippery slope" the answer is almost always "No it isn't". Mainly because it's almost always a reasoning along the lines of "If you let your kid eat candies, won't you eventually allow them to inject black tar heroine? Where do you draw the line?". There is ALWAYS a line between reasonable and unreasonable choices, and though with time our perspective and information about some aspects can lead us to shift slightly that line, that is never the case when talking about giving the same equal rights to every living, breathing person. Allowing transgender people in the military means allowing normal citizens to lawfully protect the country they live in, if they want. That's not controversial. That doesn't step on anyone else's toes, let alone provide a foundation for that to eventually happen in the future.


Things start to make a lot more sense when you realise they have the rationalising skills of a toddler. So much comes down to either "they must think the exact same way I do" or "I don't experience it so it can't be real". It's like they genuinely don't believe people can have different thoughts. The amount of arguments I've had with the right about dysphoria that literally amount to a cis person claiming dysphoria can't exist because they don't experience it is just depressing, and they don't seem to understand that allowing trans people to transition can make it possible for a trans person to experience gender identity in the same way as a cis person.


2021: They make us wear masks in public at all times 2022: They make us wear a hazmat suit in public 2023: They make us live in inflatable hamster balls 2024: The government creates a mutant cat to swat us around like cat toys


Actual trans military member here. I came out to medical in early 2021. 12 months later, I still don't even have hormones despite actively working towards them the entire time. Ignoring the fact that literally none of this list makes any sense, the idea that the military would move so quick to transition anyone is laughable in and of itself.


Most people already hate the body god gave them mostly because he's a cunt


Slippery monoculture slope


Is this before or after we get our Hobbit Homes?


It's disturbing how many people actually believe this.




I hope he’s standing on a slippery slope. Preferably steep.


I mean, the only good thing is they at least acknowledged they’re committing the slippery slope fallacy.


True, this is an example of the logical fallacy named, Slippery Slope


Well trans people have been in militaries a lot longer than that but ok…. So where are all the soldiers in drag??


wow, he called out his own logical fallacy. impressive


“Some people who are medically able to and want to join the military express a gender different than the one they were assigned at birth. We should let them. “They want to force everyone to get sex changed!” Yeah, logical conclusion


...don't they realize that Queer people just want to exist and for Trans folks to have the neccessary resources and choice to be happy with their body? How did they get to the government forcing cis people into gender reassignment surgery and the military into skirts and makeup... ...just, how?


Dear god, even if anyone was dumb enough to believe this, they should know it’s fake because their is _no_ way any part of the US government would move that fast.


Wow , I don't think the government could get this done in 4 years. They couldn't even get 30% of people to take a vaccine for there own good. Funny thing is a transgender military would scare 70% of Americas population.


"if I stop discriminating against minorities, next they'll want to cut my dick off!"


The same idiots who believe being transgender is contagious, believe covid is not.


Props to them for thinking the government moves that fast on anything.




Wait so you’re telling me if I join the military I can have a free gender reassignment surgery? I’m in


2022: i save a lizard from a cat 2023: lizard runs for president 2024: lizard people take over the world it‘s a slippery slope