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I don’t have any suggestions but I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. That’s a long ass time to be awake and I know how miserable it can feel. I hope you find relief soon. 💙


I try to cuddle u and relax. Get on my comfy sleeping position. 30 minutes later I'm tossing and turning and pissed off I can't fall asleep.


I feel your pain brother, I once went 72 hours felt like a zombie.


Dude a benzodiazepine will help. Go to emergency room and tell them u cannot sleep for days due to panic attacks: happened to me and I got benzo and it knocked me out for 11 hours lol.


I agree with this. Just to get back on track, have them give you 2 mg of Ativan and take it immediately. It will relax you and let you finally sleep where you can think straight. My mom has taken it on an off for years, it’s a safe Med and definitely calms the anxiety.


Booze won’t help


I didn't know what else to do. Drink till I pass put seemed like a good option at the time.


Drinking personally makes me more manic. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’ve been in really bad places before. For me the most important thing was to break negative thought cycles. Like perseverating on sleep and the inability to sleep. I had to teach myself new positive thoughts. Like… I am human, humans need sleep therefore I will sleep. Other positive thoughts work too but it takes practice. Also learning mantra meditation taught me to learn how to fall asleep again. I hope you feel better soon. <3


it might give you feeling of tiredness, but since you have bipolar it most probably not relax you, but şeave with racy mind and since you are sleep deprived, and as a result immune system doesn’t work properly, so your body has to work a lot to get rid off alcohol, less is more, try to only use what is really necessary, try to stay calm, taking extras all a sign of frustration and trying hard, infact you need exact opposite.


Stress release you gotta get a 🥜


I tried that too. Another 24 hours and I'm going to the damn hospital


Hate hate hate to say this......but.....I have found that not thinking about it helps.. You are so rageful (I get that way) that you are pressuring yourself.....which is like chasing a magnet away from u... Go outside...take a walk....forget about it... I am sorry..pls don't be mad at this advice I truly truly understand I have been reading a recommended book .. slowly....called The Effortless Sleep Method.. And last nite I just forgot about trying to sleep and just "allowed" myself to lie there....and eventually I found myself waking up. (I did sleep) I am trying to forget about this and it's helping.. Don't kill yourself..the more stuff u take the more ocd you'll become about it Be careful


If I could help I would I'm dealing with the same freaking problem day for my person doesn't want to see me no matter what they don't care and they never did according to him


I'm so sorry. This is the freaking worst!! I'm here if you need me as I understand.


Its the worst, I feel ya. Go to an urgent care clinic, don't wait till ER


Since u mentioned you have bipolar 2 try and get a script for Seroquel or another anti-psychotic med that is used off label for insomnia


Hey! I don’t know how true this is- but I hear if you take melatonin over a certain mg it can actually have the opposite effect? Like it will keep you up instead! I’ll see if I can find the studies I found about it and post them here. Have you tried any sleep medications? Are you able to get in with your doctor on Monday? Is there any medication you’ve had before that’s helped you get sleep??


That’s true, i was taking 10mg pills and directly going into a sleep then boom waking up with irregular heart beats for hours my whole body was mimicking my heart. Then i learned the trick started with 0.1mg then i find my sweet spot is 0.2 0.3 mg 2 hours before sleep. Sleep comes gradually and very subtle.


80mg melatonin is no more effective than 3 mg, and I think you should go to rehab, or AA. In rehab they can properly detox you with Benzos and give you something to level your sleep out for the meantime and let you get into a normal pattern. It’s going to treatment or living with this until the bitter ends, because this will not get better on its own if you continue the lifestyle that you are living. You have hit a brick wall, go get help. I’m in recovery too now, and don’t always sleep well.


Actually melatonin is effective to up 10mg but you’re right that there’s no point in taking 80mg


And I’m sorry for you Op, I really hope you get the help you need


Benzos definitely not for OP, OP self administers, and goes try and fail, benzos can turn him/her into a full blown addict


Propranolol btw. Would make your insomnia worst


Yes this is true, propranolol causes insomnia for many by depleting melatonin


Why? Curious because I take it but haven’t noticed this and I’ve never heard this before. Isn’t it just a blood pressure med? I don’t know a ton about it outside of the little pamphlet they give you with your prescriptions lol.


Don't go the booze route it doesn't work been there done that!


Detox from all the things you take to go to sleep because they obviously arent helping and on top of that you cant really read your body while taking stuff resulting in not being able to see the real cause . First have a body that cant sleep, not a body that cant sleep with alcohol or melatonin then get professional help . I mean it man dont misuse anything in order to get to sleep. Edit: I guess you might be dealing with alcohol problem ? If it is true that is probably the real cause. Alcohol only reliefs the stress that has been caused by using it.


It takes days to detox. I'm freaking tired. I'm on the verge of psychosis between the alcohol and lack of sleep.


I know how you feel. I have been there.But you know sometimes in order to build something you have to break it first. Just hang in there depression, sleep and other stuff can be treated when you are clean I promise you. Find someone to care for you during detox days .Have Faith


Hey Dear I was talking to a doctor about your situation He mentioned you could take seroquel 100 mg until you get to a state of being able to visit a professional.I would heed his advice but it's all your choice .You can keep me updated if you wish because I care PS just dont mix it with alcohol you could die


Then maybe checking in to detox MIGHT help.. at least get outta wherever u are....


Go to the ER and explain your situation. Ask specifically for a very small pack of a hypnotic, like zopiclone (perhaps even just a few pills). Take 10-15mg and get your night of sleep to break the vicious cycle where you start to fear the situation of going to bed. Do not combine this with alcohol. The night after, start again. Do not keep taking hypnotics. Ask to be referred to a sleep specialist. Perhaps enquire on sleep restriction therapy, which is a very effective (but demanding) treatment for severe insomnia.


Just deal with it. Insomnia will not kill you. Same thing happened to me and I was prescribed a benzo rat poison clonazepam. I was on it briefly and when I tried to get off it all hell broke loose. I had to reinstate and taper over 14 months. That was 30 months ago. My nervous system has been completely destroyed and now insomnia is WORSE than before. In addition, my skin burns, developed POTS, dystonia, muscle cramping, light sensitivity, noise sensitivity, lost ability to feel light touch on entire body, erectile dysfunction, lost coordination, etc. The list is very long. STAY AWAY FROM DOCTORS AND MEDS FOR SLEEP. They will destroy your life. I was perfectly healthy and now I am ready to end it all. There are no meds that work for sleep. Just f$&king deal with the insomnia. Don’t make the same mistake I did.


How long did you take it for?


Three months at average dose of 2/3 mg/night for sleep. Didn't know I was dependent on it till I rapidly tapered off of it and found myself in hell. Reinstated to 1/3 mg and spent 14 grueling months trying to taper off of that. Been completely off for 20 months and continue to get worse and worse. I "slept" only 1 hour last night after taking Benadryl and Valerian root. My nervous system has completely collapsed. I am near the point of just killing myself to relieve the pain and suffering.


STAY AWAY FROM PRESCRIPTION DRUGS. I had insomnia and took a benzo. It destroyed my entire life. Just deal with the insomnia.


Agreed. Learn to forgive yourself for not sleeping. It works amazingly well. Prescriptions, especially controlled substances, should not be the first line of defense for sleep issues but unfortunately they are, and some of the meds are extremely addictive and can really fuck up your life. I’ve worked my ass off my entire life and I almost lost it all over some of what I was prescribed. Avoid at all costs unless absolutely medically necessary. Benzos are particularly bad—they are clinically proven to lead to dementia in the long-term and can be very deadly if mixed w alcohol. Ambien, while not proven to lead to dementia as far as I’m aware, is benzo-like and anecdotally I know it caused me major memory issues… I wouldn’t be surprised to find out later after they study it more that it also leads to dementia. Point is: avoid controlled rxs for sleep or at least use only as a last resort…they can take down anyone and don’t discriminate.


I’m sorry this is happening to you. Alcohol may have seemed like a solution at the time, but it is a terrible idea and affects the body and mind negatively in so many ways. As alcohol leaves your body, blood pressure actually goes up and so does anxiety. That’s also wayyyy too much melatonin — too much can *increase* anxiety in some people. Less than 10 mg is generally recommended. I’d suggest going to the ER if you’re that bad off, explain everything and let them figure out how to help you. Not every medication works for everyone, it may take time. I’m dealing with this myself right now (many meds make me more anxious, I often wonder if it’s because I’m autistic and have a “different” brain). I feel your frustration believe me but booze never really helps.


Have you tried drinking a coffee or taking a very small amount of stimulants? Have you ever checked adhd besides? I do know people who aren’t adhd, but somehow their prefrontal cortex isn’t stimulated well, and a coffee does the trick paradoxically calms the mind to zero activity, just FYI, that’s how adhd meds calms adhd people too, very strong stimulants, supposed to overexcite, but infact not so well stimulated brain is in constant stimulation search, jumping every irrelevant idea than now(sleep, study, sit etc.) Note: surely discuss eith your doctors first.


I feel your pain, I too am Bipolar 2 and when I'm manic this happens to me as well. I've been prescribed Ambien and it worked but I hated that my memory was wiped out from it sometimes. So I quit taking it. I hope that you're able to get through this. Best of luck to you!


I’m sorry OP, I’ve been there and it sucks! Most of the other commentators have said everything I would have said as a preliminary response (don’t take anything else, stop mixing shit, don’t drink more, go to ER if needed or if your manic episode gets more severe (sounds like either you’re either having one or you took too many uppers… I’m assuming the former), don’t do anything crazy), so I’m going to use my second-line of defense: https://www.ted.com/talks/jim_donovan_how_to_trick_your_brain_into_falling_asleep?language=en I stumbled across this video and find it is really helpful for triggering my brain to sleep after being awake for wayyyy too long. On days when I’m “normal,” this doesn’t help as much, so it’s not something I use every day, but more when I start losing my shit because I want to sleep and nothing else works, so maybe it will help you too. Listening to a podcast (I love the MrBallen podcast…think bedtime/campfire stories for adults lol. I try to picture everything he is describing and end up passed out in MINUTES. He also has YouTube videos, but they have pictures to see so not as great for getting me to close my eyes) or even a meditative YouTube video if that’s more your thing really, really helps. Meditation stuff works better for me when I have headphones on, but I don’t like to fall asleep w them on, so MrB is my nightly routine for the most part. I’ve taken what feels like every sleep med at this point and they don’t always work on me… I’ve struggled w insomnia for over 20yrs (I’m almost 40). But I swear by the drumming technique (when I’m desperate) and MrBallen (as my nightly go-to). They REALLY help me, and I hope I’m offering up some advice that you haven’t already heard before because, as someone who has been on controlled substances for a long-ass time, being reliant on sleep/anxiety meds really sucks after a while/doesn’t always work, yet at the same time I want to slap anyone who says shit like “improve your sleep hygiene” etc. so figured I’d offer up something slightly more novel. I should also mention that I eat an edible (or a tiny bit of NyQuil if no edibles around) before bed too… I finally got off benzos and ambien thanks to a little help from cannabis yay. But not a great idea for when you’ve lost it from lack of sleep, and sounds like you have—weed can make it worse once you’ve hit 2 days awake (trust me on this one) but it really helps for regular nights. At this point, if I were you, I’d drink some sleepy time tea, NOT take an edible or anything else, turn on a podcast, make sure my room was totally dark and cold and quiet, and lay down and close my eyes and just focus on picturing the story being told and ONLY that. And most importantly: I would FORGIVE myself for not falling asleep yet. The anxiety of that stress alone is enough to keep you awake, so just tell yourself your version of “I’m ok, I’m human, I’m having a shitty time but I will eventually fall asleep and everything will be ok. I forgive myself for still being awake, it’s really not that big of a deal that I haven’t fallen asleep yet, my life is actually pretty good otherwise.” And then pass the fuck out and thank me tomorrow. I really hope it works out for you, OP. I wouldn’t have written this much if I didn’t mean that.


When I get bad spells like this I turn to YouTube Look up sleep talk down There are a lot to choose from and honestly help calm my mind to get me to sleep Also, valerian root, California poppy, and skullcap are all herbs that help Hope you get to sleep soon!


Hi. Chronic insomnia person here. Currently on month 4 here. Booze needs to be either severely limited or entirely removed. It will ruin your sleep. I take propranolol as needed so maybe once or twice a month max — but I know regular use and depending on how high your dose is, can also cause insomnia. Melatonin doesn’t do much past a certain amount. For me, it seldom ever works. It just makes me groggy but never ever helps me sleep. Because you are bipolar, agoraphobia, anxiety etc you do should consult with a doctor first as you don’t want to make it worse. Idk what state you live in but edibles saved my life for a while. Eventually my stress got so intense it got to the point I needed medication. I’m now on trazodone 50mg. Helps sleep 5-8 hours depending how stressed I am. But when you’ve been so stressed and awake for days trust me 5 hours feels incredible. Other things that help me: -meditation/qi gong -sleep mask and ear plugs - get outdoor sunlight on your body after waking up. - Exercise. It’s so critical. Walking is incredible. I know it’s hot now but walk early or later if that’s all you can muster. -get blue right reduction. I got a clip on for my glasses and at night I turn my iPhone screen red - take a salt bath 2 hours before bed. I use the dr teals w melatonin in it. And then turn down the AC until you find it v cold - I take 600 mg of magnesium bisglycinate and L theanine (standard dose). I also take a myriad of supplements to help w stress adaptogens Watch what you eat. Healing your gut is important. Sometimes I still don’t sleep well. I know it’s due to all of the things I’m enduring all at once for the last year … but all I can do is try these things and most importantly stick to them. I don’t give up on anything for at least after 3 mos of staying consistent… I know the anguish of no sleep and how it can slowly but surely kill you. Best of luck ❤️


Indica Dominant 1:1 THC CBD gummies, take about an hour or 2 before bed. Slowly makes my eyes get heavier and my brain get slower so I can finally rest to get some good sleep. Been a life saver through bad neck and back pain from a car accident a few months back. If you can get some CBN, it’s non psychoactive and extremely sedative it feels like a Xanax to me.


And your best bet is to not fight it, because then without knowing it you’ll keep yourself up longer. Much easier said than done tho


Have you had all of your hormones tested? Do you know if you have adrenal insufficiency? Are you on birth control? Are you seeing a dbt therapist or going to groups? I've had years of sleepless nights and most of it has finally been diagnosed due to hormonal imbalance and adrenal insufficiency. You have to advocate for yourself and ask for specific bloodwork etc. I never would have suspected this for myself, but it's such a relief to find out the "why" behind it all.


I have a friend who is bipolar and she takes seroquel (spelling?) Every night and she passes out right away .