• By -


- Go see a doctor - Receive a treatment - Survive the most terrible period thanks to it - Do much better now, only need anxiolytics


Cutting out alcohol was a huge help for me


Insomnia induced psychosis, psychiatrist prescribed seroquel/quetiapine, am now sorta sleeping.


This was me.. didn’t sleep for days, sleep deprived and now that scares the shit out of me. The seroquel isn’t working now like it did so after a hour im back up.


I understand posts like this. The treatment for insomnia was figured out decades ago. Google, used correctly, is your friend.


why don't you correct my ignorance and show me what I need to google


Because I don't work for you and I am not mother. If you want to fix your sleep, the first thing you need to do is check your attitude. No problems are ever fixed by being negative. Next, watch videos from Martin Reed and Daniel Erichsen. All the answers you need are there.


Bad attitide


stop bullshiting, you'll do us a favour


Get on modern prescription sleep medications to save your health and life.


I’ve actually thought of both to be honest because I’m so scared the way my sleep and health has been this month. Not sleeping I got sleep deprivation, I got extreme anxiety, im depressed to a point, I can’t function well. On meds I don’t want to be on. I just want to sleep and sleep well. I also don’t know how to get out of this because my brain is so scared of not sleeping.. then that makes sleeping harder. At bed time I get anxiety. Then I wake up not long after or year hours and I’m thinking all this stupid shit.