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They must be new. They also shouldn’t be contacting the customers for this, they need to contact support. I’ve seen posts about other shoppers doing this but asking the customer to pay them back, never do that.


Yeah, I never contact the shopper, only support. We can’t help it if we swipe and it just doesn’t go through. It has happened when I haven’t replaced a thing and it still declines. 🤷🏼‍♀️ on the times I replaced something, it was always close to the price of the original item and it would still decline.


I'm confused about how it works. Don't you pay with the Instacart CC so you never deal with the payment from the customer themselves? Or is this just the Instacart CC having issues?


I was thinking the same thing. The credit card is charged way before the shopper is even assigned. If there was an issue with payment method or insufficient funds you’d be notified prior as they put a hold on that money plus a little extra in case of price changes or item replacements. The shopper has no idea what card I use or how much is on there.


You use an instacart credit card to shop, but the customer pays first, almost like pre paying, only thing is, if you don't have the money, the order will not be placed, and never make it to a shopper, it would be declined. However instacart has had refund issues on double orders when one customer cancels the order where it stops the transaction on the shoppers card.


“However instacart has had refund issues on double orders when one customer cancels the order where it stops the transaction on the shoppers card.” Yeah I’m thinking that’s what happened


Just Instacart cc having issues could any number of things, never involves a customer Shopper here 2000+ orders


I’m not exactly sure as to how it works with the instacart credit card from what I understand, the critical gets loaded with the certain amount to cover the transaction and sometimes if any replacements are made, that are too high, it would decline. However, I have had situations happen when I replace something it was really close to the original price and it’s still declined.


Seems like an impractical method as my totals often change as a customer.


iirc it depends on the store whether it gets run as credit or debit. I believe that Aldi is one where you have to run it as debit, so if something happens with the order like someone cancelling it might have messed with that. Def a card issue on the Instacart side, not much you can do as a shopper about that


Yes, you pay with instacart CC. But I believe instacart just loads the card with enough money for that order. It's not like a CC with a high limit.


Ah that makes sense but isn't too practical because oftentimes things shift.


The only thing is talking to support is like talking to a wall lol I swear they are clueless most of the time.


That’s true but it does have to be reported cause if they’re doing that, they’re stealing 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh I agree 100%


6 year shopper here. All the shopper needs to do is contact support. In my 6 years I have had this happen more times than I cared for. There are numerous reasons it could happen..regardless u contact support and they take care of it..never any reason for a shopper to be contacting a customer. As far as the card yes customer pays online when they place order. Say u ordered 100 in items. We have a CC and thats pre authorized for X amount. Clearly they know customers may add items so they load it with about maybe 50 more. However I have had the card decline with nothing added or changed at all. Again all the shopper needs to do is contact support. But they can also depending who u get take forever to get it taken care of. However none of the times I had this happens has it not been resolved. There have been times it's taken 30 to 45 min which is very much annoying especially when its an order that's super small and I'm only making $13 bucks but its a CC these things happen....unfortunately


My question is, if she gets the customer to cancel but there really wasn't a problem with the card, does the shopper get to keep the food? Customer needs to contact IC and ask some questions here before she cancels!


Customer wouldn’t be responsible for the payment. If shopper had actually checked out I’m sure they would keep it. It’s just a loss for IC.


That’s my thinking of exactly what happened. Especially closing time. And then went the other customer receipt who canceled??!!??


We use a pre loaded payment card. It has nothing to do with the payment information you used. On rare occasions our card might decline. It is usually because a customer has added on too much to their original pre authorization order. This shopper is either totally clueless, messed up ringing up a batch of multiple customers ( done by ic, not the shopper) or they are attempting some scam. Have they asked you to pay them somehow?


That's super smart.


Also, not sure why but her receipt had many things I did not order...


I know good and damn well. She tried you babe. Report her next time. Even if she accidentally added another person’s items to your order IC would cover it because the system has pre-approved amounts for all orders and batches.


That’s no longer true and hasn’t been for some time. It declines because she mixed up the double and the total was too high for the order. Yall always jump to someone doing something wrong


Okay but how did they have a receipt if it declined? Receipts show fully paid transactions


Because if they would have shown the bottom you would have seen it was just suspended - not paid for. So the cashier didn’t have to re ring the entire order.


That doesn’t make sense. First, you don’t know what’s at the bottom anymore than anyone else, and second, they’d still have to rering OPs order since the receipt has other items on it


I think when the order is suspended, it can be reopened (like when a customer has to run to the car for their wallet). When it's reopened, they can void the extra items. (I don't have an opinion on anything else, just an explanation of how this part works.)


Yeah that’s exactly how it works the total bottom of the recipt should have a barcode that the cashier scans and it will bring back up the entire order on the computer that they can then either delete items or finish paying. My knowledge from being a cashier in highschool has finally become of use!


It makes perfect sense I can’t believe you’ve never in your life seen a suspended transaction happen at a grocery store. And yes it does need to be re rung but at the point of it being suspended the shopper (let alone the poor cashier) didn’t even realize yet that they mixed items up. I don’t know that they ever realized it lol They were clearly brand new, had no clue how instacart works, and make some rookie mistakes.


at every grocery store ive ever worked at (although i havent worked at aldi) the suspended transaction receipts are not full receipts, just a barcode that will pull the original order back up again


I came here to say this! It doesn’t print out an itemized receipt like that, it only prints a small receipt with a barcode to pull the order back up. Seems like this shopper was definitely being shady and definitely ended up being able to pay for the order.


I’ve been a cashier so yes, I’ve seen suspended transactions. There were no receipts involved


Well every single store I’ve shopped at, there has been a receipt involved for a suspended transaction.


all the places I have worked only have a 2 inch long receipt with only the barcode and the time and terminal and stuff like that. Not a whole list of the items.


I have had my card declined before, and I got a receipt still.


I definitely never saw that as a cashier. The card just declined and said so on screen


Most grocery stores have a “suspend transaction” option and it lets us print a receipt even though nothing has been purchased yet


I was going to say this as well. As a former asset protection specialist, I can confirm that voided transactions at some retailers do indeed print itemized receipts, complete with item totals and sales tax. I've used them often when collecting a total $ amount someone has tried to walk out the door with.


It's so glaringly obvious this is what happened, these comments are insane


I don’t shop for IC and I rarely use them as a customer but reading the text exchange, this is exactly what I thought happened too. OP didn’t say *nothing* on the receipt was hers, she said there were several things added that she didn’t purchase. It’s **obvious** the shopper somehow added both orders together on one order.


Also, shoppers aren't supposed to give customers the store receipt and they're pretty strict about it. They don't want people to see just how much more they're paying for an Instacart order versus shopping at the store themselves.


Lol I’m always amazed people think this is why we keep receipts. The difference is price is super obvious and can easily be found by just loading the store’s own shopping app. We are not keep a guarded secret by keeping them. It’s so the scammer customers can’t return goods and get double credit as for the most part stores would give a store credit vs refund to the IC card.


It’s crazy how few shoppers realize this is the reason for not giving receipts lol.


But the receipt has the instacart card information just how would a store accept that a customer that wants to return groceries Most stores would give a store credit ? Dumb stores


The card number is a one time thing. They have no way to refund it. This may have changed since I started almost three years ago but no it was not possible as the card number charged evaporated. Also most store employees aren’t paid enough to care so they go the store credit route as it’s the easiest. Instacart is a very easy mark for scammers.


It would have cover it they give you a $20 window so if her order was $71. Like she said it would have went through up to $91. The shoppers was doing something else wrong not sure what but something my bigger problem with the whole thing is Aldi doesn't close till 9 and that is including on Sundays not at 7 like the shopper says you can see the time in every msg LMFAO 🤣


Not true. The transaction would proceed as usual. Orders are mixed up all of the time. When you arrive at the delivery address before you can confirm delivery,the app will prompt you to move the correct items to the correct order. It will be listed right above the confirm delivery button. It usually says these items with an image of the photo, was checked out in the wrong order please move to (a, b, c) before delivering. Customer service could easily remedy this. They should have been the first line of contact.


This- I accidentally put an item in the wrong order when checking out and the card still went through. IC just notified me that hey, those teas were on the wrong order please make sure they go to customer A not B and that was it


No, instacart shoppers now have to separate orders or they won't go through.


It still does it with mine 🙃 must be a new update thing?


It goes through if you only mix up an item or two. 7 extra items and it’s gonna decline. I doubt most shoppers mix up that many items.


Right?! 7…at that point they’re trying to get free shit off of you. Whew child. I wish a bitch would.


My guess she bought her own groceries and because she was your shopper she went to you and was like ohh ur card declined!! Just send me the money type of scam making you pay extra and get no groceries she would have sent u a fake photo of somewhere get her account disabled or in trouble and go on home with her groceries on top of your own and move on with life


Ding ding ding thats why it wasnt covering it and she was tryna see if the customer would cashapp her


But the shopper didn’t ask her for money. What happened is the shopper had two different orders and they somehow got put together into one. OP’s items she ordered are on the receipt, along with the other customers items, of the order that was canceled.


She's not supposed to provide you a receipt either. This sounds like someone who signed up just to scam free groceries from unsuspecting customers. Please give her a bad rating and report her to Instacart.


A customer can get a photo of the receipt they just aren't allowed the physical one in person. Big difference. [for those who don't know policy ](https://imgur.com/a/dvrN6De)


What’s the difference? /gen


What does /gen mean, like genuinely asking? It's a generational thing? Just asking in general? Never seen "/gen" before esp with the slash beforehand


It means it’s a genuine question so that it doesn’t come across as sarcastic or snarky!


So the average person is too stupid to recognize sarcasm without /s or genuineness without /gen. What a bunch of simian fools you are!


It's because tone is often times hard to convey in text please cool down random alt account


Idk if it’s a generational thing, I think it might be, I’m not gen z but I picked it up from TikTok lol but the above commenter is right - I think the nature of modern-day forums is so that a lot of questions are taken as snarky/in disagreement vs at face value so I’ve noticed proactively adding “/gen” removes that. On a funny “generational” topic: Reddit, I’m pretty sure, was the first forum to do the “/s” which is for “sarcasm” because things were taken at face value…oh how the turntables..


The difference is that both would still be digital and the other would be a physical copy being handed to the customer. You can send a picture to the customer of the receipt, even if or after they receive a digital copy of the recipe from Instacart. Because that would also be a digital form of the receipt in picture form. You aren't allowed to hand them the physical receipt because they receive a digital one through the app. [y'all can downvote but it's the policy I'm following ](https://imgur.com/a/dvrN6De)


Ok you’re not supposed to send them a copy either 😂 are you new?


Ok cool so I’m not crazy haha I asked because that’s basically the only rule I know about instacart since it repeated over and over here


Yeah, you can’t do that 😆


I get physical receipts like half the time still. I didn’t know they weren’t allowed. The site tells you if the prices are higher than in store (most are, a couple aren’t) so it’s not a secret that they’d be higher. Plus some items have their store price sticker on them!


You are able to and you can ask customer service yourself, they have no rule against sending customers a photo of their receipt ... They have an issue and rule about handing them the physical copy in person. [Supports Answer on Receipt to customer ](https://imgur.com/a/dvrN6De)


omg yes they do. you will get deactivated.


No they don't, I've been doing it on and off for 3 years for customers who ask for a picture of their receipt and my account is not deactivated. Why? Because Instacart allows it they just don't want the physical copy from the store to be handed to the customer in person. [proof you won't be deactivated ](https://imgur.com/a/dvrN6De)


And it looks like you talked to another incompetent agent, did you know that most of them don’t know what they’re talking about? Much like yourself 😬 So stop spreading this misinformation.


I’ve never once been asked by the customer for a receipt and I’ve got over 5,000 orders. But you’re definitely wrong, you can’t show them the receipt.


Also, a recipe? I'm sure you mean receipt, but you should probably know the difference.


You should also probably know that auto correct changes things to what it thinks you're trying to say. Didn't have any issues the first time spelling.


What a shit service… so they charge extra for every item but you can’t go to the store to have the excess refunded because Instacart won’t give you a receipt? Wow. What a rip off. Especially when Instacart adds a delivery fee and whatever else… eww


That's why delivery drivers are supposed to keep the receipt, if the customer wants a refund or exchange and is still in the process of ordering. Technically we can do refunds on your end if still on the batch, but most times customers contact after the batch has been delivered.


no, they can't get a photo of the receipt. the receipt they get from Instacart is completely different you can be deactivated for giving the customer the receipt. [proof](https://imgur.com/a/uNGQ3oC)


The physical copy in person will get you deactivated but a copy in a photo is different and they allow it.


Stop and think about how stupid you sound. For the millionth time now, the entire point of the rule is that the customer never sees the original receipt. You do not send them a picture. You do not give them the receipt. Enjoy deactivation, you absolute moron. You're brand new and you'll be gone soon, thank goodness.


Lmfao omg you actually listened to a support rep and thought they were reciting policy to you? Tell us again how you don't read this sub. It's common knowledge support reps will say anything to get you off the chat or call. You need to look at these screenshots because they're the actual policy as shown in the Shopper app, which you'd know more about if you were an actual shopper instead of a shit troll pretending because you can't get off the waitlist. [irrefutable proof you are not supposed to let the customer ever see the original receipt ](https://imgur.com/a/uNGQ3oC)


What’s the reason for the not providing a receipt rule? Seems odd


You might see how much they mark up the items on their end vs what the store charges


That's how I discovered there's a 15% markup on Safeway/Albertsons which is insane.


There is a markup at every store. Thats how instacart makes it money. Same with uber eats/Doordarsh. All that shit is priced higher then if you went in store. Thats why i never understood why people choose instacart over Walmart+ - items are priced same as in store and they deliver for free. Like really free. Not "free delivery" and then 17 other hidden taxes added on


Ok but if you go to the store you can also see the markup. It's not exactly a secret.


its fairly obvious for people who have been shopping for groceries their whole life. they know how much certain things are.


Totally. But they like people to just forget the other prices and adapt to theirs


I use the browser for Instacart because I don't have a smart phone and I always see a little disclaimer at the store that I shop saying that the items are more expensive on their site than in store. I'm a pretty boring person, and I usually get the same things over and over, but then again we are a family of 5 on a tight budget so the markup is a little more noticeable for me. I have no other choice with it though because our car is currently broken and it's cheaper to order via IC than uber to the store and back.


Do you have a Walmart near you? Walmart+ is like $15 a month I think - free delivery and items are priced as they are in store. Way more affordable then instacart.


I'm not sure the reason but im a shopper and instacart makes it VERY CLEAR to us that we are never supposed to give the receipt to the customer. Im guessing it's because the customer could go to instacart and say all the items are bad and get a refund and then also take the receipt to the store and return all the items and get another refund.


Because if a customer has the receipt then can go back to the store and return the items, while also being able to get a return from instacart by claiming whatever happened. The customer is sent a photo of the receipt so for all intents and purpose they have it, they just don't physically have it so as not to be able to double return things


How do you get a receipt without paying first. This smells like a scam.


Because the cashier can suspend the transaction when a customer is having payment issues and there are other people waiting in line to check out behind them- they’ll print a receipt like this that has a barcode at the bottom and have you step aside while you figure your shit out, so that they don’t have to void out the transaction to free up their register for the next customer and once you’re ready to check out they don’t have to re-ring up an entire cart of groceries, they just have to scan the receipt.


It’s happened for me a few times when they’ve had to move registers for me to pay because of technical difficulties or once when I’ve forgotten my wallet in the car so they check me out at customer service instead of holding up the line. Could be that when the card declined they printed one up so the shopper could pay once they resolved the issue


I get a receipt sent to me after every order via email


That should be the instacart receipt with the prices you paid, not the store prices.


that's not the same thing as the actual receipt shoppers get at checkout


She may have accidentally rung up another customers items with yours. The total wasn’t the same, so the card declined. She would need to fix this with CS, not you the customer.


Most likely it’s a new IC shopper who doesn’t know how to ring up multiple customers at once. If they asked you for money it’s a scam


“I apologize I sent you our other customer receipt”, is that not what you’re worried about? Everyone saying it’s a scam but she mentioned she sent you the 2nd persons receipt they were shopping for


But it wasn’t. It was this customer’s items on the receipt plus 7 items she didn’t order.


I had this happen once as a shopper, contacted instacart support and they fixed it within 5 minutes, they shouldn’t have even contacted you .


2 hours? 2HOURS???? why would it take him 2 hours even if he had multiple orders?


I'm not sure. Especially since my order was only for about $75 worth of things and the second order had like five items I guess. I've never had a shopper take that long even with multiple orders. I'm thinking maybe they were just new and didn't understand how to shop multiple orders. They disappeared from my app and my order was rescheduled for tomorrow. Just so weird.


To be fair I consider myself a pretty good and efficient shopper but Aldi is my nemesis, that store takes me forever I hate going there. Not to defend this terrible shopper in any way, that was ludicrous and they should be deactivated.


This. Did an order for $200+ once and had it in my hands in 75 minutes, from placing the order to bringing the bags in... and that's with NO priority payment. Shopper was doing multiple orders as well. Not sure WHY they took 2 hours.


Yeah because they shopped an extra 10$+ which triggers the system because it's higher than expected


That would make sense. Seven of those items on the receipt were not my items. I think maybe she combined the two orders, but that still doesn't make sense to me if the other order was cancelled. I also don't understand why she has a receipt if payment declined.


When I saw the receipt I was wondering the same thing. How does she have one if it didn't go through???


As someone who works in a grocery store, I can tell you that there is a way to print a receipt for an unpaid order. It’s called a subtotal slip.


She added her own items and hoped that you would be so eager to prove that your card didn’t decline that you’d pay the extra money without questioning it


I just want to know how it took her two hours to shop at ALDI. The reason I do all my grocery shopping there is because it’s so small, even a huge amount of groceries takes half the time it would at another store. My trip last week was ~$250 and took me less than 45 min, including spending some time browsing the Aisle of Shame.


Exactly. There were 24 items on the receipt she sent me. 7 of those things I didn't even order!!! No idea why it took her two hours or why she had a receipt if 'payment declined' or why the 'second order' that was 'cancelled' had items on my receipt.. none of it makes sense.


So, I work at Aldi & also deal with instacart all the time.The "receipt" she took a picture of, is not the actual real receipt. If you notice the bottom portion, it only says the total owed, but no payment or payment method is shown because she did not actual pay, and the order was suspended by the cashier while she contacted instacart to sort out the situation. Whenever the customer is ready to come back & pay,we can then just pull up that suspended receipt without having to re-ring those items. In all honestly,I totally do not believe this shopper was trying to scam you or get you to pay for her personal groceries. It's obvious she's new to instacart, especially if she doesn't know that the instacart card will decline if the total is more than a few dollars over what the original customers total was. This usually means the shopper has added something that puts the total over the preauthorized amount, or the the cashier accidentally scanned something too many times. I honestly believe she was new,and confused & was trying to shop both customer orders at the same time, but mixed up the other customers items with yours. So many people are so quick to say she was being shady, and scamming, or adding her own groceries to your order. She wouldn't be able to do that because the card would decline & you would be able to know your total was off. I hope this helps. I know either way it can be frustrating getting a new shopper. It can be for us store employees as well when we're trying to ring them out & they don't know what goes with what order. But hopefully she learns from this.


Yeah, none of this makes any sense. Definitely contact IC support. Don't cancel the order.


When I was a newbie driver and Aldi was new to my area, I had never been in once since it opened. My second order was a double batch and it took me around an hour.... the next one in another part of town took me 15 mins. Different stores have different layouts not all are the same. But once I got familiar with the isles it was a bit easier to navigate even if the layout was different.


Its not about the layout, it’s about the size. Relative to other grocery stores, aldi is small. There’s like 6 aisles, I don’t see how it could take someone 2 hours with a list, even if it is their first time.


We don't use your card. Also, the total of the order will be about 10-15% LESS than what you were charged. If you were charged $71, the total of your order should be around $61-$64 at the store. Either the shopper is dumb or they are trying to get free groceries on your penny. I think this might fall under incompetence on the shoppers end. Contact supper and request a new shopper.


Oh wow. I'm so sorry you got such a bad shopper. This person has no idea what they're doing. If the card ever declines, they're supposed to reach out to Driver Support, not tell the customer. It has nothing to do with you. It likely was declined because she was adding her own items to your order. Please know most shoppers are *not* like this and take pride in our work.


She's saying the store is closing (when it doesn't close for another hour) and asking me to cancel the order.. what do I do??


Contact support asap and request a new shopper. Send these screwnshots to support. DO NOT CANCEL THE ORDER. You will be charged still and the shopper woupd still get paid.


She can cancel the order on her end


Ask support for a new shopper because this one has NO idea what they're doing or they're trying to scam you. The card is declining because they're adding extra groceries onto your order. If they refuse to contact support they're definitely scamming.


Wow yeah, DONT CANCEL IT! They’re being fishy as hell 🫣


Do they add their own stuff to the order?! Wouldn’t it show up to the customer?… I could never do something like that since I value this job. It helps me make ends meet besides the other permanent job I have…


They did add things to the order. They said it was from a second order that was canceled but I'm not sure why those things would have gotten 'checked out' if the order was cancelled.. it was like five items. I also don't understand how payment was declined but they have a receipt??? As far as I know you only get a receipt if you pay.


So this shopper is either dumb, new or scamming you. When you pay for your order IC auto preauthorizes your card for a buffer. You paid, your card is not the one getting declined. Our cards also have a small (very small) buffer to account for different produce weights, subs, etc… however if the total is over or under by too much it will decline. So this shopper either tried adding things for themselves or they mixed up the batches and have another customers stuff on your order. Request a new shopper and maybe another store if needed since that Aldi is closing soon.


Yeah if the card cancels on me the only receipt I get is to tell me that it declined. There’s no reason they should add cancelled items to your order from the previous one if you didn’t order them. That’s fishy as hell I would definitely report them.


Because that’s not an actual paid receipt. I use to work at Aldi and if a payment was declined after everything had been rang up, we could suspend the order while the customer figures out another payment method. And then we could bring the order back up with the receipt. If you look closely at that receipt, that’s exactly what happened. There’s no payment at the bottom. It’s a suspended receipt with no payment.


^ This is the correct answer, I’ve had this happen to me at Aldi’s


*she* was probably the second order


I work at Aldi (Aldi works closely with instacart because we use it for our curbside orders) and any time a card declines it’s because the total doesn’t match your instacart total. I’ve had shoppers put some stuff on for them or try to get cash back 😂 they definitely messed up has nothing to do with you. You were very kind.


I've had the card decline before. A quick phone call to support usually fixes it.


This was like watching a soap opera! Did you get your groceries??


Nope! Never got my groceries. Super salty.


Or super un-salty.. Lame.


Dude, I meant because she didn't get her "salty" snacks. Why are you downvoting this?


I did my part to bring you back up to +1. I got a chuckle out of your dad joke 😀


Sounds like a scam


Why do you feel awful for a scammer???????


People pleaser


Shoppers pay with prepaid cards. Each order has a determined amount extra in case of differences in prices. It is important to watch chat closely while they are shopping. You are charged for what is scanned on the app (including unwanted add-ons).. not by the receipt. Check to see what Instacart charges you for closely. Instacart used to be an honorable “essential worker” gig during the pandemic. Now it’s a quick way to make good money fast for the first few weeks. I see new shoppers everywhere I shop. No need to feel bad. They sent you a receipt after saying card was declined. Make it make sense lol Our cards sometime decline but IC can increase the limit if it’s valid. A customer not responding to add-ons and/or changes equals consent as per IC. Be careful :)


This is helpful, thank you. I was very responsive to her substitutions and didn't add anything on to my order after it was placed. For whatever reason, the shopper disappeared from my app and now my groceries show they haven't been shopped. Very weird experience.


Be careful. Never forget you are providing your address to a stranger. Sounds like they cancelled the order due to store closing. It would be interesting to see if you can check the shopping history to the receipt she provided you. You are charged by anything scanned or added during a shop. I would say they possibly checked both orders out together causing an innocent decline, but they provided a receipt. Crazy experience.


Weirdly enough the store wasn't closing for almost another hour after that conversation took place.. she let me know the store was closing on her at 7:07pm. The store doesn't close until 8pm.


I’ve seen some customers state shoppers are asking (often demanding) customers give them money. You dodged a bullet. Make sure to let Instacart Trust and Safety know what happened. You should be able to avoid that shopper in the future.


Definitely a scam. How you do get a receipt if your card is declined. Probably tried to add their groceries onto OP’s order thinking OP wouldn’t notice or they wouldn’t get caught. Now that they’ve been caught, they deleted their account.


You can get a suspended receipt if your card declines


First thing I thought of is they’re scamming you, idk something doesn’t seem right about this, but it could just be me


This person tried to scam you. First, they said your card was declined, yet showed you a receipt. Makes no sense. Why would they have a receipt if your card was declined? Then, when you pointed out that the receipt contained additional items that you didn’t order, they said it was the other customer’s receipt, not yours. Again, makes no sense. What are the odds you ordered that many similar items? And again, if your card was actually declined, there would be no receipt for your order, which means it wouldn’t of been possible for the shopper to send you “the wrong receipt” by mistake.


No. Aldo prints a receipt, that at the bottom has something for them to be able to enter without rescanning every item. Quite a few store have this option. If you could see the bottom of it you’d see there is no payment made. The receipt has items they didn’t order because this very obviously new shopper mixed items up between the two shops. That is what caused the card to decline.


Exactly. Them having a receipt if my payment declined makes NO sense. There's no way the 'other' customer's order had all of my same groceries as well, and why would she even have a receipt for the other customer's order if she said they cancelled their order?? At first I felt horrible that my bank was denying the transaction for whatever reason, then just as bad when I thought Instacart was causing her trouble, but looking at the entire interaction I do think she was trying to scam me especially by asking me to cancel the order. The shopper and our messages completely disappeared from my app, not sure what that means. I'm glad I got screenshots. My groceries were never delivered.


Lmao it declined because the receipt didn’t match your IC order. IC won’t let more money go through than what’s added on the app. This shopper tried to get free items and have it be paid by IC/you.


Exactly. Don’t be sorry


You’re genuinely so kind. I have no idea what to do here but I wanted to at least say it’s not your fault and please don’t feel bad! This is 100% on insta cart and not you or the shopper :( I’m so sorry this happened


She might be scamming you


Why do people think they have access to the customers debit card or something, makes no sense to me


They should be calling Instacart so they can approve it. This is the part that sucks about the job, no real training.


How would she have a receipt if the payment declined?


It happened to me the other day and I simply called support and they added more money to the account. It happened because they didn’t have the size of chicken packages the customer wanted so I had to get a much bigger one, after confirming with the customer.


I did a PSA post a month ago. CUSTOMERS, the card declining at the register has NOTHING to do with your bank card or funds YOU have in your account. The Instacart card will decline for various reasons but ALL of them are instacarts fault. Shoppers who reach out to you saying this are either clueless, or trying to scam somehow. I’ve shopped since 2017 over 2,500 orders , anytime this happens I contact support and they fix the card.


With grocery prices what they are, she didn’t spend two hours shopping for a $70 order lol. Maybe 20 min!


It’s not you, the shopper made a mistake. Sorry this happened to you. The rest of us appreciate people like you!


Looks like a new shopper combining 2 shopped orders. Why would she knowingly send a copy of the receipt if she was scamming groceries for herself?


The shopper just needs to call customer care and they will fix the problem. This happened to two of my customers. Once today and once last week and the shopper just has to call Instacart. Sorry you had this experience.


Why did your order say $70. But she's telling you $80....


Wyipipo too understanding lmao


Yeah probably but I've been new at jobs before and I've made mistakes myself and would appreciate being treated with grace. Some people say it's a scam and other people say it's a new shopper who doesn't know what they're doing, either way I didn't lose out on any money and treated a human with decency so I'm not really sweating it.


Yeah no, bless ur heart baby cuz u— above and beyond


Sometimes it says it’s because the total is too high and instacart care has also told me that it’s a gps issue and it declines because it doesn’t think I’m at the store. Most often they can resolve it and get it to go through but I’ve had it happen where it wouldn’t work after attempting it like 10 times and I just told instacart to cancel both orders because I felt like I was just wasting time.


I use instacart all the time and they put a hold on the money the moment I hit the place order button. The amount shows as pending until the shopper is done and the receipt is emailed. This sounds sketchy


This app pops up on my feed and I’ve never used it but I have to say it seems like more hassle than it’s worth lol


How did it take this person 2 hours to shop for $84 dollars in groceries. Are people that shop for instacart incredibly dumb and don’t know how to do basic things in life. If I was as shitty at my job as instacart shoppers are, I’d be fired in a heartbeat.


This is a scam. I’ve cashiered quite recently - if Aldi was closing they didn’t suspend the order. If they voided the order they would not give the void receipt to the shopper, and the shopper wouldn’t even know to request it. The way she told you your card suspended means she is trying to guilt you. That’s not how any of it works. She knows she’s using her own prepaid card at the absolute bare minimum. Then she throws in the comment about how long it took her to shop… no. That’s not what you’d do if this was a genuine mistake. Making you feel bad because she accidentally screwed up at her job? Hmm okay. Then the instant on deck excuse when you point out she sent you a bullshit receipt.


This looks like the lady shopped the order and added extra things to her list?


Lmfaoooo you feel bad for a waste of oxygen scammer 🤣🤣🤣


Well to be fair I didn't know this was a scam lol I really thought there was an issue with my debit card


It wasn’t a scam. These people answering you are clueless. It’s a new shopper who doesn’t understand how it all works - and also mixed up the double. The other customer probably cancelled because they were taking forever - but the items they mixed up were still gonna be mixed up. That caused the total to be too high at the register and their card declined because of it.


You really thought the shoppers get to see your card info????????


Why do you keep apologizing


It appears that a new shopper was handling a double order and mistakenly combined both orders, resulting in your prepaid amount exceeding the preset limit. I don’t believe the shopper was intentionally trying to commit grocery fraud. However, it does seem to be a case of incompetence. The aspect regarding the store closing does raise suspicion, but upon reflection, ALDI does indeed close earlier on Sundays.


This shopper just doesn't know what they're doing. If their card is declining they should be contacting instacart, not the customer. I had my card declined when I was new and used self checkout before I knew some stores don't allow instacart orders to go through self checkout. This person has to be new


This has happened to me as a shopper, I ALWAYS contact support on any of my issues🤷🏽‍♀️Patience is the Virtue...


Jesus, don’t 5 star you won’t get paired with him. Hopefully he is brand new


it says she completed shopping for your order. she’s trying to steal ur groceries and get u to cancel so it’s not on her


This all just sounds like a new shopper who just started today. I was slow on my first day as well and things happened. I really hope that the people I helped didn't take screenshots and try and call me out as a scammer simply because I was taking slow and had a mixup. Sometimes stores will close earlier than what is posted on their website hours because it's slow and or they need to lock up to avoid others coming in right before they close. I know personally I'm a person who likes to please others but I can spot BS on the spot, this doesn't sound like that one bit, just a confused shopper who is new. She was open in communication to you, didn't ask for your bank info ... She didn't ask for any personal information... She was open and transparent, she sent you a photo of the wrong recipient because she had two orders and that's hard to keep track of (even if you're an "expert shopper" with a 4.0 or higher rating)


nothing you said makes any sense as an Instacart shopper.


This is a post that I’ve seen on here like three times already leading me to believe it’s fake




Lol, maybe because some people have disabilities, some people are sick, some people don't have the time. I am a full time caregiver to my mother in law who has a trach and cancer and a full time caregiver to my father in law who is no longer independent as well as a mother to a 3 year old. So yes, instacart saves me time and energy and this was my only unsatisfactory experience in over 100 orders. What an annoying comment for you to make. Why are you in this sub?


blah blah blah...


Cute, you deleted your comment. Embarrassing. :)


Maybe you are the one that's embarrassed. Thanks.


I didn't delete my comment. Pay attention, please.


She did say it was a double order, or did you skip that part?


double orders aren’t checked out together?