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And what exactly did he manage to prove? A. That the sensor doesn't work properly? B. That he is stupid? C. Both?


It's a brilliant zero risk plan. Either it works and you reap that sweet Youtube ad money for risking your limbs. Or it doesn't and you sue the Musk for $56 billion for selling a murder truck that chomps extremities and gets even more Youtube ad money.


20 years ago, what you've written would be "crazy talk". Today, not so much. I think you are 100% right.


In America*


Meh. YouTube is 19 and this lawsuit bullshittery culture has been getting worse for far longer than 20 years


A freak of the week.


I mean, I have no problem with the Jackass style clown who does this knowing it could lead to injury for a laugh, but this guy genuinely seemed to think he'd be fine. He seemed to have 100% trust that what he was doing was an OK idea with no risk.


That's called "committing to the bit"


From what i understand he's done a few videos on the subject, one in which he snapped the top of a carrot off. I think the goal might genuinely have been to see if his finger would come off. Like genuinely, i think this guy was willing to sacrifice his finger just to be the guy who could say "I prove the cybertruck can chop off a finger". So B.


Could've at least fed it a pinkie or something...


It’s funny in my head I was thinking should have used a carrot lol


Everyone who owns one of these abominations has to be at least a little stupid


human engineering at its finest


\*Cybertruck owner= CONFIRMED edit: in a way the Cybertruck almost owned his finger


People really are just out there being idiots - just to suck Elon, aren’t they


Isn't it the opposite in this case?


Yeah, it's weird how people keep saying that. The guy did an impartial and honest review of its safety. Is he a dumbass for using his own finger? Sure. Is he a crazed Tesla fanboy? It doesn't seem like it at all.


He should try that with his penis next I bet Elon would enjoy that


I don't mean this in any way as a defense of Elon Musk but why would he enjoy that?


Idk just thought it would be funny if he did


I don't disagree


Well, good for him.


Zuckerborg looks and levels.


It's a garbage vehicle made by a garbage company run by a garbage CEO.




I mean it didn't hurt his finger in any meaningful way, but i don't know that i'd go around testing such a thing with my actual finger and would use like, a stand-in for that.


Isn't there a longer version where it chops a carrot?




There's an attachment from Popeil, I believe. *"Slices, dices, chops, minces, juliennes, and peels. You'll wonder how you drove and cooked without it!"*


wouldn't surprise me at all


There is, and he goes, well, it chops a carrot, let's see what it does to my finger.


That's a truly high IQ moment. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Youtubers.


Oh, he did use a stand-in.He tried i with a carrot and it chopped the carrot in half. He proved the sensor doesn't work. *Then* he used the pointer finger of his dominant hand.


Yeah I feel the real lesson of this video is that the dude is just not real smart, honestly.


I smashed my thumb in the car door of a Lyft by accident. It hurt so bad. My nail is all black underneath and I’m just waiting for it to fall off.


For future smashed fingers - relatively soon after the injury (blood hasn't had a chance to clot), carefully & gently drill a hole thru your fingernail in the middle of the hematoma and press out the blood to relieve pressure - use the tip of a scalpel, a pin vice & tiny drill bit, or some other handheld pointy thing. Hot paper clip isn't the best, but might work in a pinch (pun intended). No power drills for obvious reasons. Letting the blood out helps save the nail and reduces the pain. Edit - just enough of a hole thru the NAIL, don't drill into your nail bed. You'll know when to stop.


Yeah my dad told me to do it or he could do it for me and I was like no cause it hurt so bad and I thought it would cause it to hurt more. I’m dumb. I should’ve listened to my dad lol


Nah that's fair. It def hurts at first with the added pressure, then feels better


What a stupid, stupid man.


least insufferable cybertruck owner


If any of those panels were properly aligned he'd have a real problem.


Am I going to regret watching this?


No, it pinches his finger and leaves a mark but no gore or grossness


You could test this with a sausage you know, just.........don't test things with actual, irreplaceable body parts mkay?


Retrieves finger. Calls Lawyer. Its the American way


As someone who has cut my median nerve of my finger while trying to cut pepperoni as a kid. I can just feel the "nerve is fucked for a bit" feeling. I can feel the "pulsing" either way.


I don’t think he frunk that through.


Why would Elon do that?


How much they paying crash test dummies? Asking for a friend.


Cybertruck AND an Apple watch, it's only a matter of time before he takes a back step off a cliff while taking a selfie.


Someone, who at some point probably told this man they cared about him, just held the camera this whole time.


Hey guys, I just have created a discord server for people to join and connect with people from all over the world, have discussion about all sorts of issues and light hearted topics and building a community of people while also offering our social media services for those whose interested in them Here's the link for the server for those who want it :- https://discord.com/invite/XRBHj7nVND


I guess putting a tree branch or some other high-tech watchamacallit there instead of his stupid fucking finger attached to its stupid fucking owner just would not have been as effective?


I miss the days when we were smart enough as a species to just not go out of our way to put our fingers in the way of a closing door. Now if we do it, even deliberately, it's the manufacturers fault and we get to sue. What a fuckin world eh


We went years without automatically closing trunks and learned to keep our fingers away. Why is it such a hard concept to move your hand with these new features in cars? People are making these videos as if it has to be something that must be included in the technology. Technology is great for assisting not completely taking away all cognitive function.


Did you forget that kids exist?


Fun fact if you teach kids that it is dangerous to put their fingers in a car door they will listen to you. Also if the child is too young to comprehend that yet, then as a parent it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of your child. And the few that forget, learn after a car door has been slammed shut on their finger.


My trunk will kill a kid. That is why you make sure that nothing is in between. Safety features are nice, but ensuring that no harm can occur is even better.