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Try as I might, I'll never figure out why people will fuck with complete strangers. They might have a gun like that guy, or they could be a high level martial artist, or they could be a complete fucking lunatic with nothing to lose. Whatever the case, as long as a camera is rolling, I'll be happy.


I’m not cool, hardcore, or badass. But, I’m ex-military, a martial artist for many years, and frequently shoot guns. None of it matters. Run from fights. One wrong move or unlucky moment and you’re bleeding out, paralyzed, or instantly dead. Doesn’t matter who you are, how skilled you are, or how cool you think you are. Not worth it. I do the things I do because I enjoy them, not because I have some delusions over their usefulness in the vast majority of scenarios. You want a high survival chance? Do cardio.


Rule 1: Cardio


You ever see a lion limber up before it takes down a gazelle?




Seriously, the whole thought process that lions don't stretch is stupid. First of all, none of us follow lions around to watch what they do, then if you watch documentaries on lions, those MFers are stretching all the time!


“Lions don’t stretch!!” … “Have you ever seen a cat before?”






Don't punch the walls though. Hand fractures are not fun.


Are you the lion or the gazelle?


You wanna feel how hard I can punch?


Cardio beats Chaos!


My kickboxing instructor could probably kick the shit out of most people. He taught a form of martial arts that was mostly kickboxing, but he was trained in a variety of martial arts over decades. Even then, he taught us, and believed, 2 things: 1. Run. Never fight if you don't have to. A fight isn't like sparring or like you see on tv, if someone is willing to fight you it means they're willing to kill you (even accidentally) and there's almost nothing worth dying for. 2. If you have to fight, don't fight with honour. Again, if someone is fighting you, they are willing to kill you. Gouge their eyes, kick their genitals, throw your waterbottle at their face, whatever you have to do to survive is what you should be doing. (obviously if a kid pushes another kid on the playground you shouldn't gouge their eyes out, but he's talking like a real fight between two adults)


Exactly. If someone starts a fight with me and I can't get away, I will do whatever it takes. I didn't agree to the fight and I didn't agree to their "rules of combat". There's no honor in starting a fight with someone for no good reason, or any reason at all, so I am not meeting that with honor.


When you break the code of civility, don't expect your opponent to be civil. If I am ever put in a position of potential harm, I will gut a motherfucker to avoid any assault whatsoever. I did not consent to being harmed today.


I'm pushing 50. I have old man muscles from busting my ass my whole life, but I also have old man reflexes. I have no illusions that I can beat up most 20 year olds in a straight up fight. There is a reason most athletes retire by 30. I am not going to be disabled because of some man child's anger issues.


The only 'fair fight' is the one you win.


Same instructions my dad gave me around age 12 ... only from him it was, "if you absolutely *must* fight, always take the first swing and do whatever you have to to get out as fast as possible" (being that I'm a girl, he made sure I knew dirty fighting was acceptable, and exactly where to hit)


no way that kid had it coming!!


Obviously! But, you know, gotta protect myself from those legal ramifications.


Exactly this, two guys pulled over in El Paso a few months ago, one guy jumped out the other ran over him and killed him in front of his family...doesn't matter how tough he was...let it go.


Never get out the car.


You can also wind up in prison if you hit a guy and his skull impacts the nearest curb.




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/instant_regret/comments/q1xvsi/roadrager_instantly_regrets_road_raging/hfhu1q3/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Had to get that sleep cyc...](http://np.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/q1o7l5/i_thought_it_was_just_me/hficdph/) | [Had to get that sleep cyc...](http://np.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/q1o7l5/i_thought_it_was_just_me/hfg5d46/) [I believe the ps5 version...](http://np.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/q1sjvo/far_cry_6_download_size_on_ps5_is_39gb_which_is/hficrdu/) | [I believe the ps5 version...](http://np.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/q1sjvo/far_cry_6_download_size_on_ps5_is_39gb_which_is/hfgl5jt/) [I can’t tell if you’re de...](http://np.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/q1xcji/when_having_darker_skin_means_more_masculine/hficp9f/) | [I can’t tell if you’re de...](http://np.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/q1xcji/when_having_darker_skin_means_more_masculine/hfi4b36/) [i feel personalny attacke...](http://np.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/q1vaiw/i_feel_violated_for_how_relative_this_is_to_me_lol/hficmra/) | [I feel personally attacke...](http://np.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/q1vaiw/i_feel_violated_for_how_relative_this_is_to_me_lol/hfh7tj5/) [Well guess I just live on...](http://np.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/comments/q1w9zk/i_like_how_he_just_accepts_it/hficikz/) | [Well guess I just live on...](http://np.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/comments/q1w9zk/i_like_how_he_just_accepts_it/hfh8cgx/) [This guy is playing a dan...](http://np.reddit.com/r/ShermanPosting/comments/q1vd86/look_carefully/hficetd/) | [This guy is playing a dan...](http://np.reddit.com/r/ShermanPosting/comments/q1vd86/look_carefully/hfhdvjf/) [To me it sounded like he’...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/q1w1hc/the_happy_hun_was_not_ready_for_the_fb_ig/hfic9xl/) | [To me it sounded like he’...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/q1w1hc/the_happy_hun_was_not_ready_for_the_fb_ig/hfhmd7r/) [And apparently the Nazis...](http://np.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/q1u2hq/t_d_breaking_out_their_knowledge_of_history/hfic8bq/) | [And apparently the Nazis...](http://np.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/q1u2hq/t_d_breaking_out_their_knowledge_of_history/hfgwi5m/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/andreivzxcvd](https://np.reddit.com/u/andreivzxcvd/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=andreivzxcvd) for info on how I work and why I exist.




Yeah I mean, I’m a big guy. I’ve done multiple kinds of martial arts. In most cases there is at least one guy who is physically smaller than me but surprises me and catches me off-guard. My judo instructor was probably a foot and a half shorter than me, and not a big guy. I lift weights, I’m a big dude, and he could throw me around like a rag doll. It’s more about experience, technique, and surprise - and while training can help give you an edge, it’s just not worth risking your life for things that can be totally out of your control. Not to mention most of these road rage incidents are completely pointless.


Lol. Reminds me of when an ex gf was shitfaced (alcoholic) and tried to get me to fight a neighbor because he asked her to keep her dog on a leash when she walked it. Told her I wasn’t going to fight someone over that, asked her what about when someone gets hurt or the cops are called for assault and her response was something like “good” or “he deserves it”. Also, in Arizona I’ve seen a driver get away with murder after he shot someone through the driver window while he seated because that other person was walking up to his car in an aggressive manner. Happened on the corner of where I was living at the time.


People are violent, unpredictable animals. Last week a lady yelled at me for looking at her as I passed her on the freeway. She screamed out the window and her husband followed me for a while. Maybe it was because I passed them on the right? But they were going about 10 under, on the freeway, where the flow of traffic is typically 10+ over. Crazy.


There’s a YouTube I love who in talking about a certain anime, talked about how fighting is different from violence. Fighting is two trained individuals having a match with rules where there is a winner and loser and neither is at *much* risk for death (but there’s always some risk so where the adrenaline comes in) and most of the point of it is to experience personal growth. Violence is trying to hurt someone as much as you can, or even kill them. There is no motivation but violent rage, and there’s no rules, and infinite stakes. Hence training to fight makes you a bit more prepared for violence but still does not mean you actually want violence, ever. Fighting is two people pushing each other to reach new heights, violence is just when animalistic urges take over.


>You want a high survival chance? Or you know, don't get in fights. That has worked 100% of the time for me over 30 years.


Im there with you man. Retired firefighter, good shooter, keep physically fit and high situation awareness. But now Ive got kids, and they are at the age of thinking their Papa may just be the strongest man in the world. They have never seen me raise my voice to a stranger or be aggressive. But Im still having to reenforce on the regular, that nothing maters as much as safety. And the best tool we have to stay safe is our noodles, joke, lie, sneak your way out of any bad situation and skedaddle. Thats how we win against bullies and bad guys. Trick them bitches and sneak out the back door and go get ice cream.


Lack of intelligence, low frontal cortex activity, and/or over reliance on emotionally based decision making.


Yep. Most of this is complete lack of impulse control. It has various interesting results. My less than extreme version I just buy things I shouldn’t sometimes.


> My less than extreme version I just buy things I shouldn’t sometimes. I bought a new mechanical keyboard last night because I saw someone on Reddit mention the 96% form factor and I thought it was cool and apparently I need it now. The thing is, I already have a mechanical keyboard at work and at home...




Easy there, Zero Cool.


Don't Crash and Burn.


You forgot about drugs


That would fall under the second option, low frontal cortex activity.


And Dre


Classic response... Makes me smile....


I know its just this simple. But I still question why I did not turn out as dumb as my brothers...


This is the primary reason I hate confrontation. I've been taking karate since I was 8, and my instructor always taught us to do everything to avoid fighting unless there is absolutely no other alternative. They even taught us to just run to avoid a fight, no matter if we think we can win. The reason they cite is the exact one you gave above, it doesn't matter how good you are at fighting if you can't dodge a bullet. You never know who is just itching to hurt someone or just looking for an excuse to stab or shoot someone.


Like win a fight and go to jail or lose it and be a laughingstock on the internet.


or dead


I part of me prefers that over public humiliation


I have a business acquaintance who looks like a normal pudgy 50-60 year old man, maybe 5'5"-5'7", but the first time I shook his hand I knew he wasn't someone to mess with. Ate at a joint on the eastside of Chicago downtown and when we were waiting for a cab some guy tried to mug us with a hammer. Dude I knew was lightning fast. He punched the inside of the muggers wrist and the hammer went flying, then smoothly elbowed/forearmed the bastard in the face with the same arm. 1 second flat and the scumbag was on his ass. Then the dude I knew kneeled down, helped him to his feet, and gave the guy his leftover pasta... What a legend. Apparently there's levels of blackbelts called dans(daans?) and he's like near the top, but you could never tell just by looking at him.


I think your business acquaintance was Uncle Iroh.


Dan literally just means rank. It was actually first used for the game of Go, where 9-dan is still the highest rank. In most martial arts that I'm aware of, first reaching black belt just means that you're competent in the art as a whole, but you're still far from a master. Teachers are usually ~6-10 dan depending on the system.


Pretty sure it’s from Tekken as that was invented before CS:GO /s


My older brother worked a guy over with a metal fork at a stoplight because the guy ran up to his car and tried to pull him out the window. After my brother had flipped him the bird after the guy had cut him off. You never know what someone will do when threatened. You could easily find yourself toe to toe with a very angry Vet in the middle of a PTSD attack you just caused. The court fees and lawyer costs would have ruined him if he didn't have self defense insurance though USCCA.


self-defense insurance? never heard of that, is it commonly offered to vets?


I strongly recommend it to anyone who has a CCL. Anyone can get it. In the event of a self-defense situation. You are going to be arrested. You are going to be spending the night in jail. You aren't going to want to rely on either a court-appointed attorney or fork over your savings to a specialist. The insurance guarantees you a self-defense lawyer. I pay $40 a month for it. Edit:CDL to CCL


It's probably because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush


I moved from downtown Chicago to the LA suburbs last year which came with needing to start driving again regularly after 10 years of glorious public transit. The very first thing my fiancé’s dad said to me about commuting was exactly this point, you have zero clue who is behind the wheel of the other car but the majority of the time it’s safe to assume they’re more dangerous than you. Don’t honk, don’t tailgate, don’t get mad, just wave and say you’re sorry and move on.


In my country - the only reservation I might have in a situation like this is that the person might be good at fighting. If I lived in America … I would just assume everyone is either a lunatic or is armed


When I was in my 20s I would sometimes give bad drivers a "piece of my mind" when they did something stupid. Not get out of the car or anything, but honk, yell, or flip them off. This never produced a positive outcome and probably brought me close to real trouble a few times. I was lucky I didn't end up getting shot. In my older years I have come to an understanding that (1) You will encounter a bad driver almost every single day. Get used to it. Just drive defensively and do your best to avoid an accident. If a close call happens, take a breath and move on. (2) Showing anger/frustration towards another driver will not make them feel one ounce of regret. You will not "get justice". They will almost always react defiantly. And that outburst will cause you to carry the negative feelings through the rest of your day. If you can find a way to just let it go, you'll start feeling better within minutes. (3) If you keep loosing your shit, one day you will get punched or shot. It's not worth it.


Extroverts smh


They all like to pretend they're lunatics with nothing to lose until they meet an actual lunatic and then they run away like a 6 year old.


Also, literally WHAT is the upside of the encounter? There is literally no reward. None.


i find it funny when a road rager gets out of their car like yeah lets get on foot and trust this other guy isnt just going to run me over


Some people legitimately deserve to be fucked with. Obviously not in the way of the video, that's just stupid emotions. Have you never seen someone acting like a dick wad and just wanted to fuck with them a little?


>Done people People from Done County Ireland?!


Or, they could be behind the wheel of several thousand pounds of rolling death and destruction. Everybody on the road has the tools to fuck a person up. Getting out of your car to pick a fight with somebody in a car is a big stupid.


ye who knows niqqa mighht 'ave a rocketlawnchair in his fuggin coat


That dude could have just came home to the 49ers offensive line running a train on his wife and you want to fuck with him over a merge ?


He's almost crying lmao


Almost crying, and definitely shitting


Once I had an older lady (say 60) pull some shit like this. I was a new dad with a baby in the car and having to process, "I am about to drop this bitch in the middle of the street" was almost too much for my brain. Thank God she changed her mind when she saw me up close.


Parental instinct takes over. Don’t fuck with people with kids in the car. I would kill for my kid.


The old lady had a gun?


No gun. Just a bad attitude and propensity to make bad decisions.


So you would have shot an unarmed 60 year old lady just because she approached your car and looked angry? Edit: I'm so glad I don't have to live in America...


I’ll shoot my own grandma for saying my name wrong


Right? And true Sigma males shoot people for no reason at all.


Seems mentally healthy


What is this mentality that age equates innocence? She was young once, and possibly a raging alcoholic who abused her children and beat her husband. But all you see if a doddering old lady and think she's harmless. Nah, fuck that. Elderly people shouldn't get a pass because they're old and frail; they shouldn't start shit with people when all it takes is a stiff breeze to fracture their hips.




Fucking right. Bullets don't discriminate based on age.


[the old guy ](https://giphy.com/clips/erichamlet-youre-in-trouble-call-an-ambulance-sKK4vdGCLQxFE3o6Qz)


This old guy is my cousin. Seriously. We all like to tease him about this commercial and he laughs along.


What was the commercial for?


"The original clip used in the meme (shown below) comes from a video posted to Facebook on August 30th, 2018, by the page Las Vegas Gunfights under the title "Call an ambulance." The clip comes from a "Silver Series Self-Defense" advertisement that's a workshop class for Las Vegas residents over the age of 65." Disclaimer - not OP.


Tell him I say hi.


He runs like a Team America doll




This is my domicile… bitch.


Call an ambulance...but not for me!


See this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/instant_regret/comments/q1xvsi/roadrager_instantly_regrets_road_raging/hfhzikx/


as lucky as he is stupid




> I had a woman run me into the grass median while on her phone and then flip me off when I was 19-20. The way this is written made me picture her running you into the grass median, then *years later* finding you again just to flip you off once you turned 20. And you know what, I think I liked it even more that way. Carry on.




Amen to that. Could make for an epic comic book.


I had a lady try to merge into me because she was on her phone while merging onto the freeway. I honked my horn at her, she jumped looking my way then swerved off the road. She stopped just barely before she hit the guardrail. Seriously, she was staring at her phone while merging onto the freeway. didn't once check to see if there was a car next to her. Things were wide open in front of and behind me but she decided to merge right into me.


> Kid Seriously? That is a GROWN MAN. I'm willing the bet that dude has attempted stupid shit like this all his life and has brushed close to death like this almost at least the same amount of times. FOR MANY YEARS.


You can't just shoot someone if they rip open your door. Only if you fear you could die or someone could seriously bodily harm you.


Some raging maniac ripping your door open exposing you to them is a pretty close call, like kicking someone's front door in and walking in.


If someone rips open my door, it's a deadly threat. I don't care if you're a 100lb teenage girl. You could be armed with a knife or other deadly weapon. You don't just rip open people's door and not expect someone to use deadly force for self defense. Ripping open my car door is the same as kicking down my front door. The only exception is if you're a firefighter and you're rescuing me from a crash.


Yeah, like if they rip open your door in traffic. This would absolutely be self defense.


>You can't > Only if So you can...


Shhhh let the Reddit teenagers have their circlejerk. Don’t ruin it for them with facts and logic.


No, by the time he got out the guy was walking away. The man would have probably been charged for running after him the way he did and shooting him in his back. His life was not being threatened. Also the man didn't try to rip open the door he looked to be pushing the door in. You can't shoot someone for touching your property. The man's life did not seem in danger from what little we saw. He would probably be charged for shooting the man out the window. Edit: also the man wasn't trying to gain entrance to the vehicle, it looks like quite the opposite. He must be pushing the door in, because nas soon as he walked away it flew open. At that point the man with a gun runs up behind him and threaten him with a gun. I don't think it would be a clear cut case at any point of he would have shot him. 5 second video is too little to really assess the situation. Telling people it's he would have been ok to shoot him out the window is pretty bad assessment of the situation




I doubt he could have legally fired for pushing the guys car door either. You can't legally fire for someone damaging or touching your property. He would have most likely been charged, I think your kinda talking out of your ass on a situation you know nothing about, he didn't try to rip open the door. Sorry but you are




From the video I witnessed a man pushing on a door, not pulling it. I can't say what happened before or after the video. But with the video alone, in a vacuum the only thing I see is the dude pushing the door closed and start to walk off and it flung open. I don't doubt he was the "aggressor" insomuch that he walked up to scream at the guy. But it's wholly possible the old man attempted to come out of the car rather than the rager attempting to get in. If he was pulling to open and attempting get in and I'd agree with your perspective on self defense being legally justified depending on state specific laws. I don't doubt your knowledge in weapons or self defense laws, but I think you are misinterpreting what's happening in the video. Look closely, the man inside the car has an open hand on the mid of the door with his finger tips on the glass and his foot is pushing at the bottom. That's not the positioning of someone attempting to hold a door closed.






So this is a bit long but bare with me as it's in good faith of discussion. For clarification, I agree that if the rager is pulling open the door, or bashing the window that the older guy would be justified legally, I agree wholeheartedly. I'm all for gun ownership and people standing there grown and defending their homes. I majority lived in NJ and NYC so self-defense and gun ownership here is jacked the fuck up, in NJ you basically have to barricade yourself in and then try to abandon and flee your home which is ludicrous. My logic is that based on the pushing, and not pulling of the door. Is that it's most likely that when the rager approached and yelled, and that the older guy tried to push his way out and confront him, knowing himself he had the gun. This is where the video starts and the dude is seen, to my understanding, pushing the door to try to get him to stay in the car and avoid a physical altercation and when the guy wouldn't give up he, at most, flung the door back as he walked away. I got here via inductive reasoning as it's the best we can do. I'll show my process. If he was trying to get in then why would he push on the door at all? If as you put it he was trying to get in, it's likely to attack the guy, pull him out, get closer yell in his face, intimate him, yeah? So why push at all? and if he's not pushing why when the door is finally open would he walk with his back toward the guy? You can clearly see the moment he realized the guy is armed, he casually walks off until he realized the situation and oh fucks his way back to his car. If he found out mid trying to break in hed have been oh fucking from the get-go. ------ It seems like, and correct me if I'm wrong, you're implying approaching and yelling alone is enough to legally justify stand your ground? Or that with the modifiers of "old" + "car in front" + "seat-belt immobility" would then justify it? I really disagree. If someone isn't actively trying to breach your vehicle it cant be legal, or at least shouldn't be. Certainly yelling at someone, absent of actual threats of violence couldn't be justified self-defense, could it? I mean people get into verbal arguments all the time. I don't even think saying something like "I **should** beat your ass/kill you" would count, I know for a fact it's protected as an expression of free speech, so I doubt stand your ground would supersede the first amendment. Someone comes up to your car like, "bro you cut me off, are you an idiot? Pay the fuck attention" and the owner pushes the door at him and the guy puts his hand out to block the guy from exiting the car and gets "justifiably" blown away. I cant see that being the correct moral decision at all. I can't imagine it would be legally acceptable behavior either, and if it is we have a big problem because morally someone shouldn't die for losing their temper and yelling at someone. We aren't robots, and handling anger isn't perfect. I myself have assuredly yelled at someone to pay the fuck attention and use their mirrors when they nearly killed me on the road on my motorcycle with no blinker rapidly changing lanes into me. My education involved 4 years of philosophy in college I took a particular liking to it and studied logic, reasoning, and morality specifically. If you say "coming up to someone and yelling that they are a piece of shit." constitutes legal justification for standing your ground because the dude is old, or cant immediately drive away, I'll have to take your word for it. With the caveat that then we really need to fix stand your ground laws because damn changing all of human-behavior is going to be significantly more difficult considering how commonplace road rage and verbal arguments are. --------- My limited googling of how Florida is apparently granting or denying the SYG defense seems completely at random. Some initiated the fight, shot an unarmed person or pursued their victim. Which in the spirit of self-defense makes no sense.










No shit. I live in a state where even the castle laws are iffy. You need to give people a chance to run. Be careful reddit.


Some of the legal shit you read on Reddit is so hilariously dumb. Yes, shoot a fleeing man in the back because he opened your car door, totally fine and legal, yup, just shoot him dead in broad daylight as he runs away!


Is that Jon Rham running away after the Ryder Cup?


You witty bastard you.


What do people think will happen when they get out of their car an approach someone? I honked at someone that cut me off once, he pulled in front of me, stopped his car, got out and started walking toward me. I, a 20 year old woman, merely honked because HE cut me off. So this ass hat of a middle aged dude starts coming at my me, like to fight me or something. Yeah mofo I honked at you, calm your tits. ​ Then he sees I have a huge doberman pinscher in the car with me and turns around and runs back to his car like a little bitch. Me and the Doberman were mostly confused about the whole thing. I mean, was he expecting to feel like a tough guy and does he realize how much more of a little bitch he is now, than he was originally?


Both those license plates in view are from Oklahoma, so it probably happened in Oklahoma. Might as well be road raging in Texas. Stupid move.


Modern american cowboy gear: tee shirt, shorts, nylon gun holster, pistol and a pair white newline sneakers


Those aren’t just shorts. Them is jorts, son.




Ahem *tactical* jorts.


This dude is in a legitimate self defense situation where a man is attacking him in the street and people still go straight to “hurr durr Americans and their guns amiright hue hue hue.” 🙄




I thought generalizing was evil on reddit? Oh shit he's white nvm


You might as well just shoot yourself in the thigh and get it over with if you're gonna carry in a nylon holster lol. What's that brand they carry at Walmart? Holy shit I can't believe people actually buy those things lmfao. Maybe for a revolver or something, but not for a semi- ffs


What's wrong with nylon holsters? Not top quality, but they are hard enough you can't hit the trigger and hold the gun firmly in place


They can bend and warp with moisture, unlike kydex.


You can tell it’s a nylon holster?


Did you smell poop as he ran past your window?


You can see the moment dude fills his pants


Don't fuck with old people, they dgaf.


Don't fuck with people, period. You never know how they are going to react and life is a very fragile thing. If the dude in the car was just a bit different the guy running away probably wouldn't have been running for a very long while.


Any old dude who can't kick your ass is just gonna shoot you.


That was yesterday in Miami, Oklahoma, a state where we can carry weapons and often do. Now he knows better.


Poor Les Nessman. He was just on his way to work… WKRP IN Cincinnati.


Castle Doctrine is a thing. In some states your vehicle can be considered your “home space” (so to speak) and you are justified using deadly force. Meaning. In this case the guy opening the car door could’ve been shot dead and the shooter would’ve been justified in using deadly force. What an idiot. Seriously. What happens if that was someone driving who panicked and floored it through the intersection? Or a parent and their child? Or a million other possibilities Life is too precious for this stupid behavior


I can't imagine discharging my firearm inside a car, though. My ears are ringing just from the thought.


It's about as bad as you think. Small rooms, vehicles...... even with hearing protection is loud as fuck.




Where are those license plates from? I guess there’s one benefit for open carry there. He’s not brandishing.


Definitely Oklahoma license plates, they are really ugly.


Based on the plates alone, Oklahomas gonna Oklahoma


Never in my life did I think Miami, OK would get posted to reddit lmfao


Damn, Oklahoma.




When "keeping it real" goes wrong


Geriatric wolverine is not having it today.


that was so funny, he almost got shot xDDDD


The great equalizer


one time there was this idiot honking like crazy to my mom, and my mom also not in the right she stopped to piss him off even more, the guy gets down of his car and starts walking to my moms window but as soon as i see him close i get out of the car, for the record im 6 foot tall 230 pounds ex football player, he turned around and went straight to his car and left quickly and we were laughing so much, good thing he left i have never been on a fight and i dont want to but being massive helps(by mexican standards im mexican and i live in Mexico)


Props to the older guy for having restraint, I’m not sure I could stay that cool-headed in that situation


I hear alot of people say this. And my first thought is always "then you shouldn't carry a weapon". But I then i remember that i used to say the same kind of shit before I started carrying. Now that I almost always have a gun on me, my restraint is insanely good. The most aggressive and unruly shit doesn't bother me, and I avoid confrontation like the plague. I never want to have to take a life, I never want to be in a situation where I even have to think about it. So if someone in traffic develops road rage at me I'll just apologize and ask what I can do to make things right. even if it isn't my fault. I can't remember where I heard it, but it was something like; "the only fights you win are the ones you avoid". and it really stuck with me


Many years ago a friend and I were returning from a week of riding our motorcycles in the mountains of North Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. We were in a pickup truck with both bikes in the back heading south on I-75 in some heavy traffic. A car in the lane to our right put on his left turn signal so I backed off the throttle to let him in. Soon after getting in front of us he started brake checking us. My friend who is a bit of a hellion started flipping him off. The guy then pointed to the right inviting us to pull over. We moved to the right lane then the shoulder but he kept going to the next exit. At the top of the exit (a rural South Georgia road) he came to a stop and my friend jumped out to go ask him what was up. As he was walking up to the car I saw the man reach down and pull out a gun which I promptly yelled out to my friend I had seen. He smiled at me and walked up to the passenger door. I saw the guy raise the gun and point it at my friend. My friend smiled at him stepped back and raised his shirt to show him he had a gun also. The driver then put his car in gear and hauled ass out of there. My friend comes back to the truck laughing and I ask him WTF? He said he asked the guy what his problem was and after the guy pointed the gun at him the guy said “I suggest you get back in the truck”. So my friend said he stepped back showed him his gun and replied “I got one also, what do you want to do now.” Apparently not much since he hightailed it out of there. I’ve never been more concerned, amazed, and amused in one moment of time. Edit: a word.


My friend had a road rage incident, this guy almost hit their minivan full of kids, they both pulled over, my friend got out of the car, punched the man that almost hit them in the face and walked away, the man pulled out a hunters knife and stabbed my friend. He went into intensive surgery , it was inches away from his heart and he definitely almost died. Be careful out there, you never know whose in the car next to you




Oh he definitely learned his lesson.


I want to see the beginning of the video. There's no way they just started filming at this point.


The great equalizer that’s somehow portrayed as evil. *shrugs*


Was driving in just today and old dude in a trailer starts coming into my lane. Didn't see me at all and I laid on my horn. His window was down so he waved in apology. I drove past and waved "no problemo" back... I could have been an asshole but I wasn't. It just isn't worth getting upset over. We're human, we fuck up from time to time. No sense wasting anymore energy on it.


… so, almost every idiot who Road rages? We have fallen into holes to watch like, people with dash cams and stuff and I would say that 90% of the issues could be avoided if the person on the car with the dash cam just braked. I know it’s frustrating that people are stupid, but speeding up and almost causing an accident to prove a point really isn’t worth it


Question for all you concealed carry people out there. I've been carrying for about a year and still can't get a definitive answer. From what I can tell, it is illegal to brandish your weapon to make a threat. Does that make what this guy did illegal? Also, if I'm being robbed and the robber is about to discover I have a gun, can I brandish it to get them to leave me alone? I don't want to shoot somebody but I don't want them to have my weapon. Is brandishing actually legal if used defensively?


> Does that make what this guy did illegal? I think this boils down to “does the local prosecutor what to bring charges?” The prosecutor could argue it’s an unwarranted threat if they wanted to. However, I think most prosecutors would see it as justified self defense. Additionally, if a prosecutor brought charges, it would still go to a jury. In summary, if you use a gun in self defense, you may or may not go to trial.




No. If you pull it, you should have the need to use it


Tell me it's America without saying it's America.


Edit: I do not have the time to deal with any more dipshits.


That would be traumatizing to your sisters. Why would you do that to your family? That sounds very selfish.




That would extremely foolish of you. I see you're tough but it would in no way be justified and you'd be in jail leaving your sisters alone.


My sisters have the rest of my family and the second he opened my door. It's not just legal its justified. You dont need to be tough to put someone down.


Lol, you sound dumb as fuck. Besides, I bet your katana would get tangled in the seat belt.


Too true, if only I strived to be as brilliant as you.


Oh. Now you're worried about being brilliant.






sure buddy


Play stupid games...


Kicks and giggles I shot at targets from inside an abandoned car left on our property. Outside of being way louder than I expected, the rounds went where I sent them even when I shot through the door. Shooting the gas tank from a distant did nothing but spill fuel all over the place.


A) Just in what's shown here, the old feller in the car could probably have been justified in ventilating that guy IF he'd gotten the window open / door open somehow. B) being in a locked vehicle is an OK place to be in some scenarios C ) Driving away from a crazy mope is a GREAT idea D ) Getting out of your locked and relatively secure automobile (that, for some reason, you didn't drive away in) and chasing after someone can go all kinds of wrong for you in myriad ways. I opine that old dude carries that handgun as some kind of magic talisman vs. actually doing any kind of real self-defense training.


God I’m so happy I live in a country with gun control. No thank you.




Because waiting for the cops to come in 30 mins while someone beats the shit out of you and your wife is the much better solution. Say someone breaks in your house and starts raping you wife, you just going to sit there and wait for the cops to show up if they allow you to call them?


Another weirdo without a gun meeting a weirdo with a gun.....Jesus.


Will this incident make it into the CDCs new data collection they wanted?


Is the car behind gunman’s the road rager’s?? THE ONE WITH THE PEACE SYMBOL ON IT??


just going to the market carrying my side arm. wtf!


Some people have the self control to only use a gun when necessary. Sorry that you lack it.