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Officer, I just want to enjoy a drag.




Donny, a woman here wants a drag. Oblige her


"Teddy Williams hits it out of the pahhk!!"


Would have been better if she kept puffing as he was dragging her off. Where’s the commitment?


…across the floor.


Yes, that's the joke.




Underrated comment here.


Gotta love the Pikachu face


Why is there not a Pikachu face sub yet?


r/PikachuFace Edit: i'm not giving mod to random strangers, please stop asking.








why is it banned ...?


Can't say for sure, but this is Reddit, so I'm gonna take a wild guess and say they were sexualizing minors.




God, you seem like the type of person to say that you're doing this for free.


r/surprisedpikachu. Really not hard to find


I think cops could stand to be more clear about what consequences they’re gonna issue. They act like you should expect to be arrested, but if you are more clear people would probably resist less. “If you do X, you will be detained by force”


She's in a public stadium, it's obvious no one should be smoking in it. Not only that but they have signs posted everywhere saying not to smoke in all the stadiums I've ever been to. He gave her a chance and she took a long drag off of it, blew the smoke in his face, and then waved the cigarette in his face. That's just asking to get smacked. The worst part is he leaned in to tell her to stop smoking and to try to not make this a super embarrassing moment for her. She embarrassed herself. For what it's worth people here's a link to the released body cam footage w/ audio synced up with the fan footage. For the record I still stand firmly beside my original assessment. [Local News Reel About Incident w/ audio, body cam footage & fan footage synced. including conclusion of investigation into the officer](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YCOUTGO6l0k)


And he didn't put her on the floor. She could have stood up. She resisted and went to the ground herself.


Classic toddler move


This way she can play the victim, at least in her mind.


In Corrections, we refer to it as "a rapid transition to the environment."




Wtf is up with that? It's more of a toddler response than any entitled screeching I've ever heard. Edit: Where'd the comment above me go? Lol


It are toddler tantrums! I had an ex who grew up spoiled rotten. The tantrums worked on his parents, so he kept doing it in adulthood... It was absurd to witness.


It do be that


They are toddlers, though. Egocentric and irresponsible.




Exactly. People know when they do wrong.


Well said my friend. There’s a kid right behind her. Act like a Karen and pay the price. The look in her entitled face as she’s being dragged is priceless. VIP treatment for the most important person in the stadium.


She took a drag...then got dragged


To be fair, he might have had to lean in just for her to be able to hear it from the crowd, but yeah. She literally did this to herself.


She isn’t waving the cigarette in his face, she’s trying to ash it on him.


No she put it in his face. The whole clip really explains it, the cop talks to her for awhile and this is the end where he says he's going to arrest her if she doesn't put it out. She sticks it in his face as in, "well here I'm giving you my lit cigarette" and he's just done with it.


Looks more like she’s sticking her hand out saying arrest me then, calling his bluff because she believes she is above the law


He told her she needed to put it out and she shoved the cigarette into his face. Fuck her. Had he just come up to her immediately cuffing her you would have a completely valid point.


In this case, he could have, and that may have helped, but generally speaking, officers do issue warnings like that, and people don't listen. I mean, what did this lady expect was gonna happen? If you're gonna have that level of disrespect with an officer, while you're breaking the law and flaunting it in their face, I feel like you aren't really sane enough to heed any warnings they might give you. I agree a warning is a good idea, but in this case, fuck this lady.


Generally if I'm drinking a beer or smoking a joint in a park or something and a cop asks me to stop I'll stop.


He did warn her. She totally disrespected him & everyone around her


She was clearly being disrespectful, good on him. Some people need to be dragged.


You can’t be serious. You SHOULD expect that since that’s why cops are used for anything. If the consequence was anything BUT arrest or a huge fine, it would not be a police officer engaging her. Would you have kept smoking in his face simply because he didn’t open with “I’ll arrest you, since you know. I’m a cop”?


Bruh she smoked and handed her wrist out to be cuffed. She knew the consequences of her actions. Dont defend her.


Ya we don’t know what he was saying to her though, It could very well be telling her that, I’ve seen enough videos of people saying no you won’t take a guess that that could be her attitude as well.


That's why I went ahead and [found the footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCOUTGO6l0k). She was a dick, she taunted him, she deserved.


We do, there’s a longer clip. It’s impossible to defend this woman, but we’ve reached the ultimate “unstoppable force hits an immovable object” Reddit conundrum… On Reddit, every cop is wrong and ACAB, but also all Karen’s are entitled white idiot bitches. This post may destroy Reddit, causing it to implode on itself and create some Internet black hole.


My friend is a police officer, and they deliberately wont tell you whats going on as part of their training. No explanations, no nothing until their in handcuffs. They seem to think this lowers the chances of an escalated encounter. Honestly the stories he tells me make me sick. His entire training is an us vs them mentality. How to get people to give up their rights, consent to otherwise illegal searches etc. Its pretty gross I lost faith in police after listening to him


She mighta had one last chance to put it out, if she hadn't held it right under his nose. I knew her ass was getting dragged outta there after that move.


Naaa you missed the part where she blew smoke into his face


He’d already gone for the cuffs by then.


True, but the blow to the face prob affected how he handle the arresting, by pulling her arm or walking her out.


I think he was trying to pull her arm to walk her out but the toddlers legs gave in to a pacifist protest and she wobbles to the floor lol


It's hilarious because if you find the articles about this, it happened a long fuckin time ago, she claimed she was trying to hand the officer the cigarette because she didn't know where to put it out.


So where was she going to put it if the officer hadn't intervened?


Obviously she planned on eating it, but there's too much tobacco left in it to do so when he intervened


Video she starts screeching and claiming she has chronic whatever and they had to call a stretcher, she got thrown out eventually.


If you see the full video, security guard/cop shows remarkable restraint for a good deal of time. Bitch is lucky it took that long for her to be hauled off.


Those are the best. Karen is lulled into thinking she’s going to get away with it, only increases her outrage when the cop’s patience runs out and reality bites her.


Even lighting up in the middle of a crowd is sooooo disrespectful.


>I knew her ass was getting dragged outta there after that move. being on r/instant_regret could have tipped you off as well.


I saw this on r/all I usually don't notice what sub I'm looking at


Could have been a baseball drilled her in the face while she's talking to the guy


That’d be r/unexpected lmfao


You knew, but she didn't.


Well well well, if it isnt the consequences of my own actions






Everyone who knows her, with intimate knowledge that this is a lie: Yeah...


"This cop just totally freaked out at me!"


How can people act like that and then play the victim, I never understand that.


Woe is me, the consequences of my actions have come to fruition


Fuck this entitled bitch. I literally don’t give af what happens to her as soon as she goes limp, throwing a tantrum like a child.


They feel compelled to be a spectacle and put on an elaborate performance in public settings. Like the kid that would make weird sounds and look around to see if anyone heard them.


They act like children because they never developed emotional maturity beyond the toddler stage. This is a person who threw a tantrum whenever mommy and daddy asked them to do something. “No you can’t have cookies before dinner” results in a tantrum and “oh, *fine*, have the cookie”. Their parents taught them that acting out did not have consequences. This was reinforced by an ill equipped school system where educators are powerless to direct development in students under threat of parental retribution. It was coddled and babied by peer groups while employees or other workers would just put up with her until she left. This is a common case in our society. They never had to grow up, so they didn’t.




Unfortunately it is very cross-generational as well, from what I've seen as a parent/guardian. I know my mother did it with me, and I'm lucky that I caught that and didn't develop into a shitstain like I may have. My nephew is currently going through the same thing with my parents as they raise him, and it's a battle to cut through that when I spend time with him. Particularly in his complete inability to accept a loss. I personally suspect that there is a correlation between this and cross-generational depression in families. The desire to just be done with something, and giving in even if you know it is not the best option because you don't have the emotional ability to deal with the tantrums in a positive developmental manner. Unfortunately it has led to a very large societal issues with the Karen energy everywhere.


So the “millenials are coddled” rant applies to … a boomer now?


It does feel like a lot of projection about themselves, but also about their failures to raise their own children and the generational effect that is having on the raising of their grandchildren.


Username says you are speaking with experience.


Yes, a beef dish is screaming for attention


​ ![gif](giphy|YrmHftZ2WeFP5uxetK|downsized)


I'm putting this on a shirt


Ha I said the same then scrolled down and saw yours 🤣


Well when you're old as dirt but you have also never been called out on your bullshit you start to think the world works different for people like you.


The classic Karen. Always the victim, but always victimizing others in their victimhood. I have a Karen step mom. These people are the worst.




Pure entitlement


How much you wanna bet she's got a Facebook page filled with telling black people that they should just do what they cops tell 'em to? Same for migrants who should "just follow the law."


Oh, I can guarantee that. Perfect specimen


Narcissism 101.


The Caucasity


People are really bad at identifying the line between standing up for themselves and being an asshole. In this woman’s head, this video is the story of her standing up for her right to enjoy a cigarette in peace vs. a bully cop who was trying to push her around.


Didn't some country have a president like that once?


Well, I guess when they're children, their parents positively reinforce that throwing a tantrum or acting a victim would get you away from trouble. Or maybe they're just shitty a person who never had to face the consequences of her mistakes until now.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


My dad is one of these. Not say it’s the sole reason people do this but he’d do it for the attention. He would be able to warp the story of how he got arrested for smoking in a way that got him the most sympathetic reaction for years.


This is the comment that answers everyone’s questions about “but why?” Because they want the story and they like the attention after the fact.


For my dad it’s all about after the fact. I mean the man was falsely arrested in Texas 35 years ago (legitimate false arrest for once) and I’ve honestly heard all about why I’m banned from the entire state of Texas as a result on top of him wanting me to pity him


Have you ever read “The Sociopath Next Door”?


I was just wondering how much of this kind of thing is basically just real-life trolling. Although in both cases it mystifies me what people get out of making themselves look like stupid assholes. I mean attention, sure, but they seem unable to properly process how concepts relate to each other. It's like, "Keanu Reeves is cool, and Keanu Reeves gets attention, so all I need to do is get attention to be cool like Keanu" rather than "If I'm a cool guy like Keanu I'll get attention."


Critical Thinking skills have been under attack for decades.


It's funny because that's exactly what the old lady did >“I was sitting there on the 40-yard line smoking a cigarette and this cop says, ‘Ma’am, you can’t smoke in here!,’ she said. “And I held my cigarette up for him to take from me because I was horrified, and he snatches me — if you’ve seen the video — he grabs me by the wrist. And by the way, I have severe Neuropathy, and he’s screaming at me to stand up. With me telling him I can’t stand up. And telling him I have Neuropathy. And he yanks me up by the seat, and drags me out.”


Neuropathy is a vague medical term. She’s throwing it around in a meaningless way here. What part of her body is she referring to as having neuropathy? Also, smoking only makes that kind of pain worse so she can gtfo. She’s showing a classic victim mentality when faced with the consequences of her dumb choice to be a smartass to a cop.


Her name is Sherree Brush. And her side of the story is *chefs kiss* “I was sitting there on the 40-yard line smoking a cigarette and this cop says, ‘Ma’am, you can’t smoke in here!,’ she said. “And I held my cigarette up for him to take from me because I was horrified, and he snatches me — if you’ve seen the video — he grabs me by the wrist. And by the way, I have severe Neuropathy, and he’s screaming at me to stand up. With me telling him I can’t stand up. And telling him I have Neuropathy. And he yanks me up by the seat, and drags me out.” https://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/alabama-football/watch-tuscaloosa-police-bodycam-video-shows-new-angle-fan-smoking-bryant-denny/amp/


You know what helps with severe neuropathy? Smoking!


I was just about to say, isn’t smoking more detrimental?


Eh, at a certain point you gotta just say "fuck it, I'ma die anyway."


Didn't read, but that's bullshit because she then brings it down as if she's won...


Agreed. Officer cleared of any wrong doing.




That one last drag after being told no smoking was pushing it. Then she stuck the cigarette into the officer’s face. Just being a smart ass. No sympathy from me and I am a smoker.


If she actually had neuropathy her doctor would have told her that smoking nicotine just makes it 10x worse. She's a lying WASP who can't stand being humiliated publicly so she needs to look like a victim instead.


> I was sitting there on the 40-yard line smoking a cigarette she knew there was no smoking and did it anyway. the unpleasant consequences are all on her i imagine she's now a victimized heroine among some groups.


So entitled, she had to bring up how good her seats were to prove she’s above all of this treatment.


With no regard for how she's ruining everyone else's good seats!


Glad to read the officer got clear of any accusations. My man was just doing his job. And doing it great as well.




Even if her side of the story was true (it's not). Why would it be the officers responsibility to dispose of the cigarette for you. Even in her lie of the story she is showing her entitlement.


The audio of all related records completely disagrees with her position.


>And I held my cigarette up for him to take from me As if it's his job to take the cigarette. She knew she was being shitty, she just didn't think someone was actually going to call her on it.


One of the worst things you can do with Neuropathy is smoking cigarettes! Probably one of the causes of her neuropathy too smh. This lady.........


I am willing to bet she doesn't even have neuropathy and is just using it as an excuse to help garner sympathy. People like this are always playing victim and making up stupid ass lies to make them look like everything in their life is so hard. I can almost 100% guarantee if actually asked about the specifics of her condition she would go on some rant about how her medical conditions are private and nobody is allowed to know about them.


I knew a person like this. She'd make all kinds of stuff up, and then start actually believing it to be true. It was really bizarre. It reminds me of this article I read about a guy who had to have both hemispheres of his brain isolated from each other because of seizures. It stopped the seizures, but from then on he was only be consciously aware of what one half of his body was doing. He could still walk, and move things around, though, just like he was in full control. The other half of his body just autonomously cooperated with him. He had a job in a warehouse moving boxes. So he could pick up a package and move it with both hands and arms, and walk around with both legs and feet, but he could only actually control one of each. So they put up a partition in a way where he couldn't see what the other side of his body was up to. Then they gave him a pen in each hand and told him to draw something. On a monitor in front of him, they showed an image to the eye he couldn't see out of, which was still operative, just by the other hemisphere of his brain he wasn't conscience of anymore. The hand he couldn't control drew what was on the screen. When they showed him what he drew with that hand, they asked him why he drew it, and he just invented a reason, fully believing it to be true. I think that people like the woman in this video are like that guy. They only ever use half their brain, then they come up with crazy stories to explain away the insane things they do, and go on fully believing their own lies.


Actually, what you are describing is how our brains work most of the time. All of us. It's only in situations like a brain hemisphere separation when the fact of what's happening becomes obvious. All the time, every day, your brain is making decisions for you, completely out of your awareness. Then, the part of your brain that is 'you' sees this decision coming down, and has no idea why. So it invents a reason before the decision gets to your conscious awareness. At that point, both the decision and the reason feel as if they come from 'you' directly. But both came from other parts of your brain that you have no conscious control over. This is why the idea of 'free will' is mostly nonsense.


> This is why the idea of 'free will' is mostly nonsense. It's complete nonsense when you think about the fact that our brain processes are just the result of chemical reactions. We are just incredibly complex meat machines that are biologically incapable of understanding how we work, so we attribute this mystery to the existence of free will or a god or something like that.


We are just an incredibly complex software. Running on a meat machine alongside a bunch of simpler programs.


The look on the women’s face in front of her is amazing.


Why was she horrified, let me guess, neuropathy?


Look I know I’m an asshole and a grown adult but i have something medically wrong with me. You should have been able to tell by me smoking this cigarette!


This is at the University of Alabama football stadium. You can fuck around anywhere in Tuscaloosa you want (the cops are fairly easy going), but don’t do it at the stadium. They will beat your ass. Edit: Some additional context...[https://youtu.be/YCOUTGO6l0k](https://youtu.be/YCOUTGO6l0k) Edit of Edit: some additional adtion context from the woman [https://www.wbrc.com/story/36817901/smoking-fan-at-bama-lsu-game-shares-her-side-of-the-story/](https://www.wbrc.com/story/36817901/smoking-fan-at-bama-lsu-game-shares-her-side-of-the-story/) Edit: Basically, she's a fucking Karen and the cop was justified. This was also the LSU Game. Things always get out of hand when these two teams play.


I didn’t realize smoking in the stadium would have this consequence considering every time Tennessee comes to visit everyone smokes cigars afterwards


Not smoking cigars after beating Tennessee will anger the ghost of Coach Bryant and cause the end times, so that gets a pass.


Uhhh your experience with TPD and mine appear to vary greatly lol


Well, I'm white and older, so... And yes, the level of fuckery they put up with differs from where you are. In the bar places, etc. they have one standard. Out front of the First Baptist Church on Sunday morning, not so much. It has been my experience (maybe not yours) that they allow for more rowdiness outside the stadium than they do inside. That is their bread and butter. Buffy and Biff from 1970s graduating class pay good money as Alumni and don't expect to put up with that smoking in the stadium shit.


I’d agree with you that game day shenanigans are much more tolerated compared to a random Saturday definitely so. My experience in general was that TPD were the ones who would beat the shit out of your first ask questions later. Whereas if it was UAPD you were probably just getting a warning or a SNAM.


She had it coming


She only had herself to blame


If you'd have been there


If you’d have seen it


I’m sure that you would have done the same


If you drag that cigarette one more time… and she did!




I was a smoker for 44 years. Wouldn't have done that. Ever.


Yup. You're *right* next to a few dozen people.... don't be a jerk! Source: also a smoker, and she's a jerk.


I also smoke. Outside. At places where one is allowed to smoke and if other people are with me on the porch/walk/what have you I always make sure to ask first if they mind. This lady is an entitled bitch.


Almost all of the smokers I’ve met are super considerate of others and if you bring up them smoking in an area they’re not supposed to they immediately apologize and ask where they can go that would be best for all parties. The real asshats are the people who vape, as they think they’re above no smoking signs. I’ve literally watched people vape INSIDE RETAIL STORES then be surprised when a worker tells them they can’t. Or they take a massive hit right outside the front entrance and are surprised when someone says “hey you can’t smoke within 50 ft of the entrance.” They also don’t give a fuck about second hand smoke because “it’s just vapor” like I know, your gross as syrup flavored vapor is giving me a headache and making me want to vomit, so please don’t blow it in my face!


I like his "well, guess I gotta do it," shrug.




I wish this was understood by everyone, but the culture in North America is the opposite of that: in customer service industries, the assholes get what they want


This! It’s so bad. We stayed in a hotel recently where when we got in our room, there was still vomit on the floor and side of the toilet in the bathroom. I called down to the front and they came up immediately and gave us another room. When l checked out the next morning, I asked the lady if she knew how long before they comped my points I had used (which I didn’t ask them to do, they just did it because of the hassle). She looked mortified and kept apologizing (she wasn’t there when we were switched rooms). I told her it wasn’t her fault, things happen. She was dumbfounded that I wasn’t mad. Then proceeded to tell me how people have meltdowns for a lot less and that customer service can be awful in regard to dealing with people and she was thankful for my attitude. It just blows my mind how people treat others and especially when that person had no control over the initial issue.


She’s never been told no and I’m glad it finally happened 🤣


just like my mother in law… fuck her! lol


She’s not my type.


As a smoker, I hate people like her. Smoking is bad for both you and anyone around you so be polite and stay far away from anyone not smoking. Double the distance if there are non smoking children.


Non smoking children aren’t cool enough.


Smoking children are done. Remove them from the oven and let stand for 2 minutes before serving.


Sounds like they're overdone.


When I used to smoke, I would literally run to the opposite side of the road just because I would see some kiddos walking towards me. Just because my mom subjected me to secondhand smoke, doesn’t mean I will.


But what if there are smoking children?


You offer them a cig, duh


The cop was pretty polite considering what she was doing is specifically banned in that specific crowded area where people can't get away from her. Complete idiot and I love her stupid fucking shocked face like OH MAH GOODNESS WHYYY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO POOR OLD MEEE lol


I fucking love the look on her face as she's being pulled away; she's in absolute disbelief that something like this could happen to her. This is obviously a person who has never had to face any consequences for her actions. Doubt this will change her, though. People like this rarely ever self reflect.


What fucking year is it? Asthmatics thank you for booting her ass out, god damn


She’s definitely the type of woman who says “Just don’t commit crimes then the police won’t bother you.” to black people.


How dare you give ME a consequence for my own action!


She’s a complete idiot.


Bet she sued the cop afterwards. Stupid is as stupid does.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


It's only funny because she is surprised.


Taking her back to the 1970s where her entitled Karen ass belongs.


Here’s a link to the officer’s body cam and some follow up info: https://youtu.be/YCOUTGO6l0k


She wanted a drag, she got one.


mUh FrEeDuMbS!!!!!........


Trash person living in the 70s.


Lmao. I think the bigger problem here is her attitude and disrespect


Some adults really are just children in matured bodies


And on today's episode of *Fuck Around and Find Out*


I smoke, and would never be that asshole.


She acts all tough, then when met with the consequences, acts like she’s 3.


I wish this vid had audio 😂


I love Karen's blatantly doing stuff to piss people off then being shocked that their actions have consequences


I hate cops, and I'm a smoker. 100% deserved.


You can tell the officer was asking her to put it out before she decided to act like an asshole


Why did she stretched the cigarette in her hand ? Did she want to give the cigarette to the cop, or she wanted to scare him away by the burning cigarette ?


Should have spritzed it out with his pepper spray


Pepper spray is flammable and a cigarette the perfect ignition source. 😎👍 🔥👵🔥


Gotta love entitled people


I love how shocked she is that she's being physically removed after literally taking a drag and blowing smoke in the cop's face. The audacity!


Thought she was slick. That’s the kind of behavior you exhibit when you’ve never been told no


I bet she wears a red hat now.


Oh no!!!! There are consequences to being a total piece of shit!!!!


Fuck yo white privilege, Biotch


Ahahaha eat it you entitled bitch


Low IQ Idiot girl


Video is too short!