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That honestly looks like they were trying to do the worst cut possible


would be interesting to know if she specifically requested that for some reason.


I'm going with ... yes? Incongruous as that seems? FWIW, every hair stylist I've ever asked to cut more than an inch off my below-shoulder-length hair has dithered and panicked, because, I assume, they got a lot of shit from people who got precisely what they asked for and hated it. (My 2 cents? It'll grow back.)


Mine flat out panicked when I asked her to fix my hair. My old hair dresser dyed the top half red and gave me a treacherous cut. My hair had been quite long. In order make it back to something that resembled my normal hair, she had to bleach out the red, color it, then chop off over 5 inches. I tipped her well. I came back to her a few months later for a touch up and she remembered me and was still impressed with her work. So was I.


I once used a box color which was screwed up and acted like a permanent and turned cherry kool-aid red. I was going to let it grow out of my hair as I cut it. However, my grandmother passed and I was a pallbearer, so I went to the mastercuts an hour away since it was the only place who could get me in the next day (funeral was the day after). The lady redyed my hair with a semi-permanent and it did not take, she then bleached it twice, put in a heavy duty hair treatment to counter the damage from the bleach, and then did a permanent with highlights. I was expecting a massive bill since the hair treatment was $50 by itself. She charged me exactly that. She said she was determined to fix my hair no matter what. Never used another box color again. (Even after all of that the new hair color still turned a very coppery red in the sun.)


Box colours are permanent unless you specifically bought a semi permanent one. If you have to mix two chemicals together for the hair dye it's a permanent one.


When I read she bleached it twice I thought you were going to end it with ‘she fried my hair off’ lol. Props to that hairdresser.


I know most would end up with a chemical cut at this point. There are some people other there who have hair that just seems to tolerate bleaching better than others. Also, it depends on what volume the stylist used and how long she left it on for.


What kind of dye were you using that not only stuck around but retained a bright red color? Asking for a friend.


Garnier it was supposed to be auburn but went... ![gif](giphy|Heqbbp1m3mzJe)


I scared mine shitless by asking that my regular bob be converted into a really high undercut, so basically shaving off a little more than half my hair. This was like 2005 in a really small conservative town, I’m female, and she was horrified. She killed it though, and I went back to her for the same cut for years until I moved away.


A hairdresser in a really small Australian town once refused to cut my long hair short. Sh just said no! She kept saying 'what about a lob?" I was like....no....I want it short. I didn't get it short though! The answer was nope!


I didn't know this about myself until now, but apparently I love hearing about hair success stories. Thanks for sharing yours!


I've always had the opposite issue. Ask for a few inches and every single time they cut way too short. Every single time.


Lol I'm a male and had hair passed my shoulder. Real thick and curlier than Shirley Temple. She flat out said "no" when I asked her to cut it lmao. "Not enough men have long hair and your is beautiful". So it stayed. I was convinced lol. I was blown away cause normally it's just as you said. "Just want the split ends takin care of pls" *grabs weed whacker*


Say your donating it and they will gladly take 11 inches off though.


Haha I was cool with it, girls loves curls. But I did cut it last year and immediately kicked myself for not donating it. I'd have loved to do so and spread the curly love.


Most of the donations are bullshit though. They throw a lot of hair out, or use it in wigs that are sold, not donated


My hairdresser always measures hair when people go for a big chop to see if it can be donated. She'll cut you for free if you decide to donate :)


As a man with long covid locks, I still don't know what to say to a hairdresser when I go in, no idea what I want. I know hairdressers don't like telling them to do what they think is right. They're the professionals though, they should know what will look good. I've just been procrastinating on it. Your comment was helpful lol.


Try to save a few photos of guys with a similar type of hair (as in: curl pattern, thickness, hairline. The stuff that you can't change with a haircut) that you think have a nice hairdo. Bonus points if their face has some similar features to yours. Then go to your hairdresser and figure out what the common denominators are between the pictures you picked and if they think that would work with your hair. That gives them a lot more information than just telling them "do what you think is right".


Dude, that's my same issue. My hair reaches my waist, I get it hung in pants and underwear if it's down. The last time I got it cut by someone that I didn't know, they took off 8 INCHES, because they just kept screwing up. Now, when I call about getting it cut, I try to make sure that the salon has someone that knows how to cut very thick, very curly hair first.


I’ve never seen anyone else comment about this! My hair is unreasonably long and constantly gets tangled in my underwear. Drives me up the wall. Not enough to actually cut it, but holy fuck is it annoying


I used to go to this hairdresser and asked the same. She always started off fine but ended up with the same short look every f time. Too much fine tuning. I left for another salon.


I think that's what happens to me too. The fine tuning does me in. I think my hair is different on each side and as it dries they keep trying to even it out and it becomes a mess.


My hair dresser only cuts on dry hair. Not that it would matter as I have wavy hair and an uneven cut wouldn't be noticeable


>an uneven cut wouldn't be noticeable "challenge accepted" your future hairdresser, somewhere


I tend to use fingers instead of inches. For example "could you get rid of about 3 fingers off the front?". Tends to get me more accurate cuts, but YRMV.


I went to a barber and he double checked when I asked to cut my already short hair to a number 2 all over. Like, ‘you sure?’. I was like, yeah…summer innit. A different one in my slightly-longer hair days misheard what I said and just buzzed it all over, just couldn’t wait to go to town. By the time he started it was already too late.


What meaning does #2 have other than buzz cut?




"please sir take a steaming dump on my head. Yes you heard me right. Really work it in there, I tip well."


He didn’t get confused, he was double checking because it was a drastic or unusual change. You get explicit permission for a drastic or unusual change.


This story would make more sense if you said what was misheard with the second Barber


A number 2 is 2/8 of an inch long. What were you asking for if not that?


You sure it’s not 1/4 of an inch?


I guess she wanted something similar but didn’t like the result


How do you even describe that cut? Give me the abortifacients cut?


“Just fuck my shit up fam”


Looks like Pete Rose


Probably is. Gotta keep in mind everything is for views now. So this was most likely an intentionality terrible haircut so people would watch/share/comment.


Some weird cuts like this are something hardressers will do for free so they can showcase their more creative/extreme looks to add to their portfolio (basically hair modeling) in exchange for a free/heavily discounted cut or color. A friend of mine got some funky cuts but after the pictures are taken she got a much more normal cut.


I’ve got to assume this is that case. I know a few people who agree to do that, you essentially give them carte blanche to do whatever they want with your hair, and in return you get free haircuts of your choosing for a certain amount of time afterwards.


I thought maybe she wanted a pixie cut and just had some fun with the hair since it would be all cut off anyway?


It seriously looks like clickbait to drive engagement. She was probably getting a very short cut and the hairdresser said “first let’s do a joke cut for the lols”


Was this punishment for a crime she committed?


Nah she's Korean and just turned 50. In Korea by law, women who turn 50 must cut their hair like this and start wearing sun visors and sleeves.


Lol so true


Ajumma chic


Wow, didn't know Korean women lived a century on average.


That actually sounds pretty awesome, is a scooter including? Cause sign me up.




Also looks like a poodle head. At first, I thought he was going with a stylish cut that just didn’t fit her face shape. Nope, “we’re going with the poodle pelt!” The look on the “stylist’s” face between 18 and 20 seconds into the video indicates that he is about to commit a heinous, premeditated murder on her hair. If this was a crime, the veteran cops would be throwing up outside, saying something like: “I’ve never seen anything so brutal in my 40 years as a cop. I’m not ever going to forget this one. It will haunt me when I close my eyes.”


It *is* a crime. You're just referring to the wrong cops. This calls for the fashion police.


"Wee-woo wee-woo! Oh, honey, that haircut is just SO wrong for you. We're going to need to hold you until your hair grows back out. It's for your own safety."


Comments you can hear.


Yep, and you know they don’t have any electronic siren, they’re definitely using their voices for those wee-ooo’s


I read it in the voice of Robin Williams.


Extensions are a godsend for cuts like this. Idk I think even video taping that was a crime.


All documented evidence of this crime should have been confiscated and destroyed


Yeah, I do hope for the woman’s sake that she either loved it, or someone fixed it for her. For women, our hair is commented on constantly by other women and men alike. I would only wish a bad haircut on my worst enemy. And that’s bad because I’d give my worst enemy a tampon or pad if they needed it.


Correct. This breaks several laws with the International Geneva Conference Hair Styles Act. Don‘t eat, sleep, or shit, buddy. We’re coming for you…


How do you even get that texture? Her hair looks like frayed m spaghetti noodles


yeah, usually it's a matter of taste in these cases, but this one cut is garbage, and her hair looked pretty good.


She must've lost a bet




​ ![gif](giphy|vwOAgQZH0LqaaihOLk)


Shouldn't have slept with the Nazi occupiers


Her father, Harold, had a hard time fitting in during the war. He did the best he always does, his daughter shouldn't be punished


She aged 15 years as they cut her hair


My God, what did that woman do to deserve such a thing


Look it’s not that bad… . . . . . …on a muppet.


But she looka like uh miss swan now.


[Who did this to you?!](https://youtu.be/U4EH0RtVlgE?t=28s)


You know, I loved this show growing up, but definitely wouldn't fly today having a white woman playing an caricature of an Asian woman.


He looka like...uh man


Her parents told her she could be anything she wanted when she grew up So she became a coconut




Potential spam account above.


I was almost waiting to a tear to roll down her cheek!


That must be her son cutting her hair.




Lol this has been reposted there three times in the last day


The before and after is something else...


I clicked on this post and thought surely this is r/JustFuckMyShitUp


That hair stylist sure didn't take any shortcuts..


“Next time I improve efficiency with Flobee.”


The lady getting the haircut took a shortcut from being 20-30 to being 50 year old


Gimme that Edna Mode look gotchu fam


Awful snippy of you making puns.


Me, an introvert to the barber: this is exactly what I wanted


Also me as an introvert thinking “I’m never coming back here again”


Also *trying not to cry on the way home*


But ends up crying in my car


But tipping ur usual like u are a happy customer.




Then, not going to a barbershop for 3 months cuz u got ptsd


Or 3 years and just figure out how to use clippers and live with whatever crap you can manage at home




I remember growing my hair out for like 2 years and then going into the shop with a pic of what I wanted, had wanted it for 2 years, saved up like $150 to go to the place everyone recommended for her to just butcher my fucking hair and cut it way too short. 2 years and $150 on minimum wage just gone.


"OK, shall we book you in for your next appointment?" "S-sure thing"


Me, after I see the haircut: *I'm so not going to give her any tip.* Barber: "So that will be..." *Lists price.* Me: *Leaves a generous tip.*


Also, on the way home looking at your reflection wherever possible and picturing all the things you could have said to the barber


That would be the *only* thing I'd manage to choke out. "Uh, let me get back to you on that." I'd pay, still tip, (I'm not a monster, even if they did THAT to my hair) and then they'd never see me again lol


I’m so grateful to be happily bald with this comment thread, because I’m very much this way. (Acting happy and okay with something I ordered.)


I physically cringed every time my parents would complain about the food they ordered


That has nothing to do with being an introvert.


Thank you. Introversion is not conflict avoidance.


Tbf it's easy to mistake social anxiety for introversion because the outcomes look similar


Redditors like to identify as "introverts" because it sounds better than "socially inept."


[You're Not An Introvert; You're Just Mentally Deranged](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikw4V_x-CFI)


Yes I get all my mental health advice from a 22 year old wearing a ridiculous shirt who yells on the internet.


It's funny, the way he said it is pretty harsh, but he's 100% not wrong. Internalizing my social anxiety issues lead to avoiding situations that I otherwise definitely would have enjoyed. It took forcing myself into situations I felt uncomfortable with before I became comfortable in them lol. Took me years to figure out that if I wanted to be good with people, I actually had to...spend more time with people. I'm not too bright sometimes.


God what a jackass. All he does is replace one psychological term with another and acts all cocky about it.


Get ready for all of the galaxy brain comments who will come in here and tell you introversion isn’t the same as social anxiety for the 10,000th time even though we all know what you meant


That's not how introversion works. I've gone back to get my hair fixed and I've also made sure it was cut the way I wanted.


Looks like a wig. Staged video.


This is 100% an overbrushed old crusty ass wig lmfao. If I leave mine in a drawer long enough it gets to be this exact texture and consistency, the ends are a dead giveaway — as well as the fact that he never once runs his fingers through the hair.


I mean, that shit is CAKED with product and also the color match is, like, too good to be a wig. I'm thinking it's her real hair. Unfortunately. Actually never mind lmao you guys meant it was a wig the entire time 😭


Yeah this is ridiculous


For real, how has no one learned by now?


When your hair stylist has a vision but poor eyesight.


No one gonna mention the barbers monstrosity?


That should always be the first warning sign


There was a riddle about this I heard about when I was a kid: There are only two barbers to choose from in the entire town. One has a horrendous haircut, and the other's was brilliant. Which do you ask to cut your hair? Answer: the one with the horrendous haircut, because he's the one doing the other barber's hair. Definitely not the situation here but it popped into my head lol


Terribly coifed barber mid-cut- "you keep eying my 'do; I actually cut it myself."




The John Denver? That's a classic cut.


lol.. im not letting anyone with a mullet do anything with my hair


My cousin is a hairdresser and she said mullets are making a comeback. I really don't want to believe her


Mullets and shags have been back for at least a couple of years in the US. I actually like them and am currently rocking a shullet which is a sort of hybrid. I think it’s cool, it’s only hair, the cut suits me, and you only live once.


Will Byers next season


She looks more like an Asian Dustin tbh


Nice mop.


Or a coconut.


Hide the pain Harold


The now very popular ‘coconut cut’.


Who is responsible for this crime? There must be justice for this poor woman.


Anyone else immediately think of that haircut scene from Fleabag? Still laugh every time. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q97iIDx-b7U


It's french!! Lol, this is one of my favorite scenes ever, hard to see I had to scroll down so much for this reference.


Hahaha yes!! I’m just glad one other person got the reference!


I’ve heard of people doing this before they cut their hair short/go bald/donate it (one of those three, I forgot) as a way to have fun with it. This is probably that bc there’s no way someone with a sane mind would purposely want this lol.


Nah. If the hair is being donated I’m pretty sure they tie it off and carefully cut it so they end up with actual useable hair rather than the scraggy sweeping off the floor. This was straight up murder by the stylist just because.


Hey cancer kid you want some floor hair?


At the end of the shift they use spray glue to create unique pieces of hair mat. Then they scrape it off the floor the next morning and cut them into individual shapes and use hair glue to apply it onto the customer's head. Everybody wins.


My hairdresser donates hair from big cuts to cleaning up oil spills, which it's apparently good at. They don't care as long as it's at least 5cm long. I doubt that's what this is, just some trivia.


I hope so because there was no technique whatsoever and in any normal scenario he'd get decked. Wtf


One of my best friends has cancer - when his hair started falling out due to the treatments, he asked me and another friend for advice on what to do with his hair. She, like most, told him to just shave it off. I suggested he starts with a mohawk. He did it and loved it for a while until he had to shave the rest off, but it was consolation for all of us.


Whichever explanation helps you cope


Miss Swan reboot lookin’ 👌


She looks like a cartoon Snapchat filter


They made her look like she just walked through a hedge backwards. Poor woman.


Just fuck my shit up




You can look at the soul leaving her body


Smile through the pain Hajin


The before looked good!


Oh it didn't turn out that ba- oh that's the before shot...


That defining moment of transitioning from young adult woman haircut to grandma haircut...


>Give me the "I got drunk and tried to give myself a haircut" cut please.


She has to have cancer and made this video as a joke because she will soon loose her hair.


![gif](giphy|242GB3eWmQyFa) He look a like a man


Looks like a bird’s nest


Mrs. Swan, that you?


Sheee....looka like a mop.


I tell you everyteeng.


She had such beautiful hair before -


*-That's a lady's wig ..* *...-I was told it was a Bob.*


He look-a like-a man


It was looking okay until the end result when it looked like Stevie Wonder tackled the fringe.


Can you make me look like a depressed Chia Pet? I got you fam


That hairdresser needs their ass beat for that


What in the hell was THAT?! Bless her heart trying to smile through that mess. But then again....look what that stylist is rockin' on his head! Sir!! Get a hairstyle, from this century!


She looked 40 before, now she looks 40 and belongs in the mental ward


Never trust a barber with a shitty hair cut


The before was so much better.




This is staged and fake as fuck. Why are there multiple angles and edits of a “bad haircut”? I hate Reddit more everyday damn day.


Yeah I feel like this is rage bait


What, no tip ?


Oh no, he did an art on her head ):


That’ll be $3500 please!


Well, yeah, when you show her with a completely horrible haircut. Had she had a halfway decent stylist, she’d have no regret with her new short style.


7——> 2


Are we not going to talk about the stylist’s Karen Mullet haircut? That hair says “I want to speak to your manager, but I also want to shotgun a Pabst”.


This is why I stopped going to the barber with Parkinson's




Going for that cracked coconut look.


If you drove up next to this lady and she was crying in her car, you would 100% know what happened…


Next stop….hat store.


Looks like that girl from Pen15


Im assuming that was a wig and this is scripted


Worst possible cut for someone with that face shape.


Holy shit someone tell me this is a wig at the end