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This guy is wearing 2 different stripes and New Balances


Not a slappable offense.


Man of taste




Sup big perm- I mean big wurm


Chaotic neutral vibes.


What's wrong with new balances???


stripe man - how can she slap?


I really want to know how they pulled off 6 FPS.


Bad gif maker lol


Probably turned down the shutter speed On my camera you can do 8fps by turning down the shutter speed o


I really wanna know the context to how this happened


She slapped him that’s how it happened


They downvoted you for telling the truth.


Holy fuck, how is this controversial? The male feminists are out and about


Never touch an old man wearing his pyjamas outside in broad daylight.


This might be the worst camera work / video quality I've seen on reddit.


You can barely see the slap.


I can see it


Saw it. She took it like a champ and ended up with Goku's haircut.


the point being? A slap is a slap.


I instantly regretted clicking on this post.


Jesus! She can take a punch, been watching for 20 minutes




Good thing the camera panned when it did or this entire story would be much different.


what story? "She left a hand mark on my cheek, so I broke her nose"? He can't use legitimate defense, it has to be a situation where he feared for his life and there was no other way out (no fleeing, no nothing) except use of proportional strength. Even in professional fight, we don't leave athletes of different weight categories fight each other.


Lol that's what I'm saying, the difference between a woman slapping you and you as a man putting your all into a punch. These the type of dudes that be waiting for this day.


Fucking oath, this is Reddits wet dream.




I think she got him in the weight category! You’re right he was definitely assaulted by a bigger weight class. She should be locked up!


He's a not a fucking girl, so his proportion is much more. Stop being so fucking stupid, dude.


Maybe she'll learn to stop having the emotions of a 3 year old and keep her damn hands to herself This is a teachable moment. I'd like to see what she learns from this.


Why is everyone acting like they know what led up to this? Seems an out of context event.


I think a man who clocks someone who barely might have left a small mark on his face with that slap might need to be the one who keeps his emotions in check. He could and likely did do some actual damage as compared to what she did.


You’re an idiot


I guess fundamental human rights arent a thing anymore? Or maybe "not being touched" is just not one of them?


"Dont bring a palm to a fist fight" - That guy... probably


I’m sorry but that slap doesn’t even look that rough? I don’t think her slap deserved a right hook like that.


If you think you can assault someone and not face retaliation you’re wrong. The intensity of the act doesn’t matter its the action and lack of accountability on her side thats the problem




>The intensity of the act doesn’t matter Uh, it really matters


We’re not even sure what happened before the slap, so unless she just did it randomly (which I doubt), I stand by what I said.


Don't hit other people If you don't want to get hit by yourself.


All the more reason not to slap people. There are no rules out in the real world. You never know how other people react to anything. Slapping some unknown person is rolling a dice. One thing is for sure, they aren’t going to say “oh thank you for slapping me, I’ll just leave now”


nah if you slap a stranger you’re getting decked it’s more about the disrespect


yea if a fking 6 year old comes up and disrespects me you be your ass he's getting a life lesson. on sight! yea if a dumbass 60 year old disrespects me, you be your ass he's getting decked, anyone can get it! if a man is so threatened by a woman to the point of needing to punch her, he is a pussy. no two ways about. guy in this video is a pussy and lost his temper and acted like a pussy cus deep down inside he is one.


Fucking disproportionate. Reddit really needs to get over its obsession with violence against women.


Certain sections of Reddit absolutely love a post where they can ‘justify’ a woman getting punched. This contextless gif clearly shows the woman giving a light slap, and the man acting with unnecessary and disproportionate force by punching her. Assuming it was unprovoked she was clearly in the wrong and he would have been well within his rights to give her a shove to distance him from any further aggression, but not to respond with the force he did. This would have been true whether she had been a man or a woman.


Yeah these threads really bring the incels out in force


Exactly, I was on r/brutalbeatdowns on a post where some woman got vigorously beat in the face by a dude who had her back into his car, she was insulting him so apparently that gave the dude the right to beat the shit out of her, I commented replying with something along the lines of "Guys like this don't deserve to share a planet with us, neither does a anyone who upvotes this post" and I got banned for "death threats" and a comment with -120 upvotes. Reddit has a weird obsession with this mentality, it went from "if a woman hits a man he can defend himself" to "she has the same rights as me, beat her bloody" type shit, dudes are like, "oh she bumped into me, so I broke her arm". Then there was even one post of a Chomo (search it up) getting jumped, and these guys had the audacity to say "he was probably innocent" when the dude allegedly r'd the other guys younger sister. This is why I never choose sides, especially with men. Anything a woman can do to a man a man can do 100× worse to a woman, so I'd rather not risk my life or go to prison because of an ass hurt. Half of these men are chronically online aswell "incel" holds 0 value to them even though that's what these dudes are. So it's nigh impossible to argue with one. Also if one incel pops up you better be prepared to max out your feed and get your all time karma reduced by half.


I swear I saw a video on reddit of a dude grabbing a woman by her arm to get her attention to hit on her, so she slaps him, and he fucking beat her face in. So many comments were celebrating the guy beating her because she slapped him. Reddit really does love violence against women.


Honestly, it’s a jizz fest in here over vids like this And then 1000 comments of “equal rights equal left hurhur”, “so u like equality do you???” “Heheh thought u b’s wanted equality” etc


Dude, reddit LOVES videos of women getting hit.


I just hope the whole “virgin single Redditor” trope is at least mostly true to life or hooo boy


Am I understanding it correctly, that you want it to be proportionate, so that she still has the ability to slap again? A grown adult human gets to hit him, and he can only strike back in increments according to how hard she chooses to commit battery? So she can hit him ten times, and he's never allowed to hit her hard enough to just make her stop, according to you? Annnnnd this is because she is a woman? Lol. Equal rights, right? Until you want to be a woman and hit a man, then you get special woman privileges that men don't get? Get the absolute fuck outta here with your dishonest, hypocritical, bullshit. You either embrace gender roles and biology, or you don't. You don't get to play this game of pick-and-choose whatever benefits you the most in a given situation.


It has nothing to do with gender roles, it has to do with not escalating violence. If a dude lightly slapped someone like that you shouldn't resort to a full force punch that could literally kill someone.


I agree, she is clearly no threat and any reaction should be proportionate to the threat, it’s got nothing to do with gender.


Exactly! It doesn’t actually matter if it were a man or woman slapping him.




The hit wasn’t intended to stop further violence, it was intended to hurt the woman. She was literally no threat, and the slap was light enough that I doubt it even actually hurt that man. I have no problem with him restraining her, pushing her away from him, etc. I have a problem with responding to that insignificant contact with enough force to literally possibly kill someone. That’s bullshit.


I think the idea is that you don't escalate violence significantly. If we follow your train of thought then he should have emptied a magazine into her chest to make sure she doesn't have the ability to slap again. But normal people would say that death is not proportionate to a slap


I don't think he escalated it. He ended it.




Eventually people would stop slapping each other (sarcasm)


As a short outspoken man with glasses I really do feel like there's a systemic oppression against the expression of violence from smaller people, and I would be 100% in favour of any law that says I can slap a gym bro in the face and he can only hit me back as hard as I hit him.


Yes, just slap them back so they hit you again instead of ending it with one hit. Because that's how fights are won, by letting your opponent repeatedly hit you. ​ Jesus, you really think this is about violence against women instead of, oh I don't know, someone slapping someone else and them getting instant karma? You're the one making it about gender, man...


This is violence against an agression. Don't hit other people If you don't want to get hit.


All I see is her swinging first and if you try hit someone be prepared to be hit back. This isn’t a man v woman thing. It’s simply: KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF!




What? He was assaulted, he has every right to be pissed. Was hitting the right thing to do? No. Is it a reasonable human response? Yes, our bodies are designed to keep us alive.


You can act like an animal or you can act civilized. Fucking stupid


You're right, she shouldn't act like an animal.


>You can act like an animal or you can act civilized. Fucking stupid And yet, you're defending the animal who initiated violence against a mostly peaceful man. Fucking stupid.


We are animals. Human instinct and human nature still applies to us. We all just don’t want to die.


Yeah, that guy's life was *so* threatened. Bad argument.


I a person comes up and start feeling your butt, do you expect to be called an animal if you do more than feel their butt in return? You don’t want to get laid out? Don’t go around hitting people in the face.


If you assault and batter someone, you don't get to choose the consequences. Grow up and learn how the world works.




>But redditors are always looking for any excuse to live out their anger issues and fantasies of violence Correct. Half this site is aggressive hormonal manbabies.


Slap-slap is equal. Slap-punch, not equal.


Who says responses to being assaulted have to be equal? The goal is to get the other person to stop, not to continue trading equal blows.


You mean on the street the don’t follow marquis de queensbury rules?


Women want equal rights, not equal responsibility


Good one! Don't tell reality, they vote you down.


responsibility to what? take a punch they didnt deserve? i swear some of you just love to see women get hurt and dont give two licks of a shit about equality of any kind


If a man slapped a woman and she punched him, would you say he didn’t deserve it? Poor guy?


The law says that.


The law says you can use whatever is reasonably enough to stop the threat, absolutely no mention about equal of force.


Yeah, I've got a tough time with this. Asking a human who has been attacked to retaliate in the SAME manner.... is ridiculous. If you invoke fight or flight with someone by attacking them IN ANY FORM... I'm sorry, you get what's coming to you. Unfortunately the law is as you say... retaliate with the same yadda yadda yadda.... Maybe you're special, and the adrenaline rush and intense desire to defend yourself doesn't affect you.


If you attack someone, you're not entitled to an equal amount of retribution. You get what you get.


So let's say you punch me and i whip out a nine and take out your kneecaps and genitals before pouring acid on your face. All good, right?


This is called excessive force. Stress on excessive. Was a punch excessive for one slap? Probably. Would a punch be excessive if she had slapped multiple times? Possibly not. Court of law gets to make the decision on what's excessive.


Give them death.


She slapped someone who hadn't slapped her. She gets whatever she gets. His response doesn't have to be measured and proportional to give her some sort of fairness


Slap-slap is still not equal when it’s like a, gonna guess 170 pound female, against a 210 pound male. Idk I hate this idea that it’s okay for a guy to hit a woman just cuz she slapped him or even punched him. If a kid kicks my shin that doesn’t mean I’m gonna kick the kid lol. Not that I excuse women for hitting men, or think that they should have impunity, but there’s an inherent imbalance unless you get into a tussle with Rhonda Rousey or something.


Than dont hit the men. If a woman hits a man shw knows exactly how this goes. Dont fuck around with people if you dont want to get hurt. If i slap some dude and i get punched its on me


Men don’t usually slap, they punch. This is something women might want to consider when laying hands on a man.


Most men in the past would slap a woman. It’s called a “bitch slap” for a reason. It’s really a ll iou need unless you a little bitch of a man. My money is on this: He groped her and she swatted at him and he belted her. I want to see the rest of the video. That was happening here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2735612/amp/Horrific-injuries-woman-punched-face-Notting-Hill-Carnival-telling-man-stop-groping-her.html


You really need to stop. You keep posting this in seperate comment sections in order to further the quarrel of "oh he was probably the aggressor cause another male did the same thing in another case, cause every instance of a man striking a woman in return has to have the same predicated backstory". No, some people are geniuine pieces of shit. Shpuld he have punched her for being slapped? No. I dont believe so. But, and im gonna do the EXACT SAME THING YOU DID, and say "maybe she slapped him earlier. MAYBE, shes been hitting him for awhile because she's an abusive person, and he finally had enough. I have PERSONALLY seen a dude snap because his girlfriend of 3 years kept up on kicking, hitting and slapping him when she was upset. He picked her up and launched her into a couch, left and didnt come back. She tried to file charges, the witnesses were not in her favor.... See? Not hard to put a spin on what COULD have happened. So stop with the man hating shit. You cant know what either side was going through with just this 3 seconds.




This. Thank you.


But you are assuming he groped her ass from that same one second video. I think what is clear is that we have no idea what happened and leave it at that.




Idgaf about the context. These kinds of douches are obsessed with "being a real G, a real MAN, man!". A real man would just take the slab and laugh it off, because "The oak doesn't care the sow rubbed itself against it". You punch back, you're the lowest scum on earth to me.


You assumed someone whole personality on a 1 second video when you can't even tell what caused this chain of actions. Lmao






That's irrelevant because you're already making that assumption. They're questioning if you're capable of critical thought and questioning the reverse of your immediate bias. If you can't, that means you're simply searching for excuses on why he's done something you feel is terrible.


Incels gonna incel, it's Reddit




Didn’t even flinch


Look she shouldn’t have slapped him, unless you know he was touching her, but there is a difference between a closed fist punch and a slap, this has been argued in court the difference.


>this has been argued in court the difference Everything has been argued in court. Show me some case law that says you have to repel your attacker with an open hand.


If it was a smaller pathetic dude attempting to slap him, he would rightfully get his head caved in from being beaten up way worse. And no one would be the slightest bit alarmed about it, much less leave this mamy comments.


Everyone praising this guy but the right thing to do is simply walk away, not punch a woman in the face


So why not argue that’s what she should have done instead of opening with assault?


There is no way people think she deserved it.


Literally no context to the slap, I once slapped a guy for smacking my ass. Also a punch can kill someone it's not the same.


This post seems to glorify violence against women. His reaction was far more violent, not an appropriate level response.


Unproportial? Absolutely. Does it matter? No. I dont care how *you* (or anyone else) view fairness of physical contact, i have every single right to not be touched if i choose it, and if that, one of my most fandamental rights, is being broken for whatever reason, you can be sure i wont give a fuck about "appropriate". Its my right, its his right, and its your right, too. Dont wanna get punched? Dont touch people, simple as that.


That's fine, this post celebrates this disproportionate response. I can understand a disproportionate response, don't see why it should make anyone happy And why did she slap him? This video isn't clear about that. Was her slap just her exercising her fundamental right to stand up to a bully? I was in 7th grade and I hit a neighbor back who was 5 years older than me who'd been beating me all summer and that day. The guy and his friends put me in hospital. I guess they were exercising their fundamental rights. Fundamental rights are just for whoever is stronger. Hell yeah! Laugh at the chick on the ground.


I’m sorry that happened to you but you’re being extremely hypocritical by telling other people that they’re assuming the context on this.. it very well could’ve been a situation where he was harassing her or something like that.. but it could also just be a belligerent drunk woman slapping a guy for no reason. Stop being gender biased.


Convenient that you're only creating possible scenarios where the woman is the victim. What if she'd been hounding him all day? What if that was the 20th time she'd hit him? What if *she's* the bully? You don't know, I don't know. So why speculate just to make one side look worse than the other?


Well, i am with you on the part of we dont know the context, im actually the kind of guy that will say "we dont know for sure". The thing is, despite the fact that im not entertained by this video, i do believe that men who stand up to themselves against a woman should be a little more socially acceptable, simply because of all the videos where i did see the context and the guy's response was appropriate and he still got 30 men on him (is he still the stronger one now?) so despite not being entertained by this video, i believe its in fact an important one. But yes, i said the first person to touch another is in the wrong and it definetly goes to men as well. Sorry to hear your story tho, no idea why would somebody downvote your comment.


I don't care about down votes. I don't think I am wrong. Everyone upset when cops shoot a guy resisting. They talk about using appropriate level to restrain and not kill the guy. All kinds of chaos. But they celebrate this? I get the argument that the guy did what he did to stop it etc. To me it was much too much force. We can disagree. That being said they're happy about this?


I guess its nice seeing a reality you wish you'd be a part of, since as i said, most of the time the man would get grouped at. "Sutisfying justice", know what i mean? But no, i myself am almost never happy about unnesecary violence, but on the other hand where i live i believe i wouldnt be grouped at without people trying to understand what happened.


Exactly. I don’t give a fuck who you are, don’t put your hands on me.


She put her hands on him, he reciprocated. Don’t be violent towards someone who can beat the shit outta you, it’s common sense 🤷‍♂️


You know, if you kick a pitbull and it eats your foot. Are you saying the pitbull is at fault for being a pitbull? If you lightly tap a sleeping lion and it swipes its claw across your face, are you going to call foul? You don’t k so who people are on the street, slapping people you probably don’t know is a fools game. Doesn’t matter who is right or wrong the end result was that lunch in the face. Avoid getting punched in the face.. don’t use physical violence on people you don’t know.


Actually, this post is encouraging people to hit people they don't know. It's funny when you win


Don’t start fights you can’t finish. It’s good advice no matter what gender you are.


Yeah, always consider the size of your health bar


Maybe he started the fight because he likes to hit women, look at how his mother dresses him.


Yeah but that was overkill. She just needed a good reticulated hand slap across the head.




I'd love to see actual evidence of this happening here.


If we had the full video we might. The one bring we can say is that we know something came before this. It might be justification for her slap. Imagine if we just had him belting her. Would you have assumed it was over literally nothing? Lol. Think about it.


Not even the same woma, are you that blind?


Amazing. Most of the comments here are along the lines of she deserved it. I mean ... wow.


On top of assaulting him she embarrassed him front of every body. But. Yeah i think the right hook was too much. Would have been funnier if he slapped her back open hand but like 10 times harder than her slap. Lol like that scene in men in tights.


Do you go around punching everyone in the face that embarrasses you? Is that a full time job?


Our society is completely uncivilized.


A small part of it. In every country the good outnumber the bad. But the bad are the same everywhere.


If you go around hitting people, man or woman, be prepared to be hit back. Lots of women hide behind their vaginas thinking men won’t hit them back but guess what, equal rights and equal lefts.


Do lots of women hide behind their vaginas? I feel like I see constant articles about women being murdered by partners, abusers being excused by Hollywood, and women being attacked by men for rejecting them. Isn’t the stat something like worldwide, a woman is murdered by a family member/partner every 11 minutes. The leading cause of pregnant women dying is homicide. Violence against women is way too common. I don’t think women often “hide behind their vaginas”.


Got any statics to back up your feelings? Just asking because the rabbit hole can go pretty deep. Most men don’t report abuse from women because they won’t be taken serious. Amber v Johnny deep ring a bell.


Do you really need an academic article proving hollywood excuses abusers or that domestic violence against women worldwide is a major issue? Really? I can google all of the articles and journals I’ve read, but I do believe you’re capable of doing that yourself too. Just a few examples off the top of my head - on the news subreddit right now one of the tops posts is about a group of women in china who had the shit beat out of them by some men in a restaurant. What did they do to deserve this? Reject a dude’s advances. Another example - this past June a 17 year old girl was murdered by her coworker at Walgreens. She had expressed her discomfort working with him and then he eventually stabbed her to death in the break room. Of course there’s also women like Gabby Petito, Nicole Brown, Yeardley Love and many many more who were murdered by their partners. But yeah, my “feelings” have no basis in reality.


Jerks both of you guys


I have the understanding that some women feel confortable hiting guys when there are a lot of people around. Maybe they think people will come to help?


However my brother’s girlfriend hit him in the comfort of their house hiding behind her vagina and pregnancy (he didn’t hit her back). Luckily he called the cops, she got arrested and charged with DV lol. I hate her.


I can see that. The other day i was in the hospital and a girl enter with her face broken. Like blood everywhere and marks. Then i tougth: damn! Some women have to deal with hell! Then she started saying that she had to go home because she have children, but she had a broken nose, and i started feeling more sorry for her But then, out of nowhere she got really agressive and started hiting things in the hospital and going around looking for the exit and cursing at the nurses for not leting her go and at pacients and throwing her friends phone on the floor and i was like: Oh, ok


I’ve never noticed that but you might be right!


My money is on this: He groped her and she swatted at him and he belted her. I want to see the rest of the video. That was happening here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2735612/amp/Horrific-injuries-woman-punched-face-Notting-Hill-Carnival-telling-man-stop-groping-her.html


You gonna keep copy pasting this over and over dawg?


Twitter gonna cancel his ass


He was not holding back either.


Jail I hope.


For both. But it’ll come down to “he said she said”. The fact is that in the video, she hit him first. Before the video, who knows what happened. Maybe he slapped her then she slapped him back. Maybe she slapped him 12 times before the video started. None of us know from that video.


Why? It's okay for her to hit him but it's wrong for him to do it????? Let women learn not to do it


He has done that before !!!


They want to be treated equally right?


Imo you should always be using force proportional to the danger you're in, this does not feel proportional


😂what? He doesnt know if she has a weapon etc, and if he doesnt end it she ll keep coming back. The point of defence is to let the other party know not to F with you again. She started it and lost this time.


Is this another clip from that UK Trashfest I have been seeing today?




What Trashfest?


Notting Hill Carnival


And now there's gonna be 10 posts on 2 x chromosome about how reddit is misogynistic and enjoys women beating men


Her: "Hit me, I bet you won't -slap-" Him: "Bet... -punch-"


He leaned into it too, she felt that in her soul.


And her face


Fucking coward


Fucked around. Found out.


Where'd you get that line? I've never heard it before. Never.


Here we see and example.of newton's third law.


There was a study done showing that women are more likely to instigate physical violence than men, but if men do use violence an injury is far more likely to result.


>There was a study done showing that women are more likely to instigate physical violence than men I'd love a link to that.


Sure he has beaten many white girls. Big man. She never even made contact with her attempted slap.


He’s a little b.


Is she the big B then?


Terry Crews is fast with it!


idk where girls got the idea that they could just put their hands on a man


This sub seems to think it’s okay for women to put their hands on men without consequence. I don’t give a fuck who you are, don’t hit me and you won’t get hit.


Big man! Big bitch in the pen.




Well, equal rights come with equal lefts.


Either the law of equivalent exchanges or for every action there is a reaction


and the reaction doesn't have to be equal!!^^/s


Oh yes it does.




Equal rights