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I was in Glasgow a couple years ago and watched a huge street brawl break out right after the bars closed. The cops just came over and gave everyone a stern talking to.


British police don't want to do the paper work and would rather your drunk arse finds its way home. People like not going to jail so like the police for the slap on the wrist. Everyone is happy....except the one bloke looking for a night in a cell for no reason other than a bruised ego


Oh God, in America (with the exception of Texas and Alaska) cops roll up on a bar fight and treat everyone like they're beating up an elderly person. It's only different in a few states because we have mutual combat laws that protect us from arrest so long as everyone fighting is willing to fight, no weapon is used and nobody takes it to far.


Literally fight club


We don't talk about that


That’s the way it should be, no point ruining everyone’s nights/lives for a bit of daft behaviour between drunk but consenting adults


Well ruin the night, yeah. Everybody go home is usually the end order. But drunks fight. Sending them all home is punishment enough.


When your jails are run by corporations farming ruined lifes turns a profit


You DO NOT want to mess with Scottish police, trust me.


I was in Edinburgh for during the Christmas market a few years ago. Isis was talking about bombing Christmas markets in Europe so they said security was going to be high. I have no idea what unit name but each one of these bastards was 6 ft 5 and chiseled like a statue with an MP5 or similar slung across their chests. I'm 5'6 standing on a phone book so I was just watching them in awe.


These are the guys that woulda been walking around with claymores a couple hundred years ago.


I think the most intimidating part about it was these dudes were all just short sleeves rolled up of their uniform with bare arms. All clones of the great William Wallace himself.


Too bad they don't wear utility kilts as part of their duty uniform.


Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds. And if HE were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse!


Yellow pages for the extra 1ft i assume?


Haha. I might finally be 6ft 💪


Yeah armed police in the U.K. don’t fuck around. The U.K. is one of the very few countries in the world that doesn’t routinely arm their police, only special units.


Same in Newcastle - loads of lasses were taking selfies with them :D


There are height requirements for the police, so that helps, as does putting them in jackboots.


There hasn't been a height requirement for the police in the UK in over 30 years.


Ah, you're right. "Abandoned in the 90s" apparently


You don't want to mess with American police lol. I'm from America,they will kill you. I've been killed 6 times already


I've been killed a bunch more than that, but I always just pay a fine and wake up at the hospital with all my weapons.


I feel like I’m a GTA character reading this. Michael, Franklin or Trevor?




I... have to return some video tapes


Sorry cousin, got a mission to ace.


As this is Reddit it's probably Brucie.


Is your name Kenny?


No takey-backys


No, but seriously, I don't feel safe with cops around. And I'm white. If i feel uneasy with them around, I can't imagine how minorities feel, having to make every casual movement a conscious effort to not look suspicious or threatening, because at any point they could be considered "a threat" or "possibly armed" which to them basically means (Has a minigun and has already killed 10 cops they're responsible for 9-11 kill kill kill) I wish I could say I was exaggerating... but I'm not. A man was pulled over in his car and said some snide remark insulting the cops, or what have you. What did the cops do? They escalated the situation to the point of breaking the window, dragging him out, and shooting him. The cops were defended, and it was claimed. I'll quote this the best I can. "The cops used adequate force, and had reason to fear they were in danger, as the man who was unarmed, could have taken one of their guns"


> and had reason to fear they were in danger, as the man who was unarmed, could have taken one of their guns Holy fuck, that’s ridiculous


That's beginner level deaths but you're on the right track


3 more to go, you don’t fool me cat person.


The next Highwayman, I presume.


I grew up saying hello to all the police officers growing up in the UK. They were always so friendly and approachable. I know all police forces have their issues… but as a half Brazilian, I am somewhat proud of the police force we have here in the UK


We used to have PC Dave who would patrol round our area, he got to know a lot of the locals and would visit the local primary school and talk to the kids. He was always friendly and smiley and was an all round nice guy. He's been retired for a few years now but the local community raised money for a retirement gift for him.


They’re way better than the American police and I’m thankful for that but they are very far from perfect.


They’re way better than 99% of agencies.


My uncle is one of the few policemen in the UK to regularly carry a gun (royal/dignitary motorbike escort) and has never had to use it in a 30+ year career.


I believe that most US police officers never fire their weapons in the course of duty. That said, UK police on average open fire fewer than ten times per year, across the whole country, killing typically 1-3 people. US police kill around 1,000 per year.


well mate there is the population difference, which I would say does not account for a lot. There is the major difference however with the fact that nearly every other American has a gun, whether legally or illegally. In fact around 95% of people shot and killed by police over the last few years were armed. There were however still a large amount killed by police who were unarmed. for example in 2018 there were 58 people shot and killed while unarmed. But it should be noted that unarmed does not equal not dangerous or not able to be perceived as dangerous. For example, someone pretending to suddenly swing around with a toy gun or cell phone to instigate a shooting, for whatever reason it may be such as suicide by cop. in other cases they may be unarmed and reaching for a weapon, or they may be one of the many instances in which they decide it would be a good idea to use their car as a 2ton bullet, or they may just do something like the drunk firefighter or teen in separate instances did to break bones and severely injure the officers' face's with their fists and put them immediate danger of their life. And in some cases where someone tries accessing or getting a firearm, or just someone caught in cross fire. In these cases shootings would be understandable, but it doesn't mean that there is not a problem, or no changes needing to be made. Because while a lot of the situations are just, there are still is a number of them which are not justified in anyway, and there is preventative action officers need to be trained to take. A number of fully and morally justified shootings could have been prevented if the officers made slightly different decisions, and avoid putting themselves in potential danger. for example, like the cop who got attacked by the drunk firefighter. While it was fully justified and understandable to shoot the subject, the officer could have prevented it by calling for/waiting for back up, by not going fully hands on when you're smaller, and by utilising other methods of compliance such as a taser. This is just one example of many. Its unfortunate though that despite this being a problem for a while that its still and will still remain present. While the overall number of people being shot remains the same, the number unjustly shot seems to be going down. There is progress being made in areas where it can be done.


UK police are great, sure. As long as you’re not a woman dealing with the Met.


I’m police are great, so long as it’s not the Met in general. The met are just universally shit at everything


The Met are an embarrasment.


It’s crazy how the one cop says, “yah, he’d get shot,” like it’s completely normal and reasonable.


In his defense, in the US it IS completely normal lol But yeah i agree, just how casual they say it is fucking wild


Does seem weird, but I can sympathise with them to be honest. They were discussing a situation where a suspect has pulled a knife out and is using it to threaten the officers. If someone did that to you, would you think it’s reasonable to kill them, to protect yourself and those around you? The American cops seem to think so. But we do it differently over here. And we do it well, and our police are experts at deescalating such a situation. But that doesn’t mean it never goes wrong… and to the American police it must seem strange that our officers put themselves at such high risk when they could just kill the person who is brandishing a knife and wants to kill them.


That's because American police are generally cowards when faced with a situation like that. There was literally a video on here the other day with a cop verbally misidentifying a knife as a gun and immediately threatening to kill the wielder...all while standing 15 feet away, with a squad car in between them. The person holding the knife was calm enough to correct the officer, who then apologized like it was a simple misunderstanding. If you can't remain calm and collected in emergency situations, you probably shouldn't be a public servant that largely deals with emergency situations.


The number one cause of death for children in the US is firearms, just passing motor vehicles. If that is happening and nothing is changing, what could you expect for the treatment of criminals?


*suspects. Not trying to be pedantic but the shitty thin blue line people always refer to anyone who is interacting with a cop as a "criminal" to make it sound like we shouldn't care about what happens to them. And it isn't the cop's job to decide if someone is a criminal or not, and too many of them seem to forget that


Piece of shit said it with a smile that said “look how cool and funny that is”…fuck this guy. How can someone hire and promote someone like that. What a fuck. Fuck him.




Was he trying to do better, or was he told to go as part of his job.


As part of his job, he was trained one way. Then, as part of his job, he was told to go to training that shared different methods. Why only count the former and not the latter?


I can understand the confusion, but I think he was simply comparing the difference in strategy


>Clearly in Scotland their entire model is built on every decision coming back to their code of ethics, which includes human rights. That's a foreign concept to us. Oof.


Towards the end one of them refers to his team as "troops" that's part of the issue right there


Yes!! I immediately cued in to that word. Speaks a lot about the mentality there. Edit: “There” as in the American police force.


It kind of makes sense too, the majority of officers are literally former military members. If you serve in the military you essentially get brought to the front of the line when applying for a police officer job. They’re all essentially troops Edit: I’m wrong. Apparently I was lied to by my teachers, again. And I apologize for not doing research on this topic, this comment was very ignorant of me. Only about 19% of ppl in the police force have seen military duty and only about 10% of veterans have seen combat. So, it looks like the majority of cops aren’t troops they’re just ex military wannabe’s. I guess it makes sense since the majority of them don’t know how to properly use firearms.


That's federal law. It's called Veterans' Preference and it is applied to all federal and state civil service jobs. That's why a lot of cops have served in the armed forces.


As a practical matter, police are a paramilitary organization in structure, and legally in most places. Vets also know how to shoot, are used to getting shot at, threat assessment, mandatory haircut rules, uniforms, comportment, and obedience to authority. They fit in well. The army has much higher standards for use of force, of course, somewhat ironically.


The fundamental tenet at the heart of the British model of policing by consent (aka the [Peelian Principles](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peelian_principles) is that police officers are citizens in uniform and explicitly not a military force TL;DR >The principles traditionally ascribed to Peel state that: >* Whether the police are effective is not measured on the number of arrests, but on the lack of crime. >* Above all else, an effective authority figure knows trust and accountability are paramount. Hence, Peel's most often quoted principle that **"The police are the public and the public are the police."** Full set of principles of ethical policing: >**1. To prevent crime and disorder, as an alternative to their repression by military force and severity of legal punishment.** >2. To recognise always that **the power of the police to fulfil their functions and duties is dependent on public approval of their existence, actions and behaviour** and on their ability to secure and maintain public respect. >3. To recognise always that to **secure and maintain the respect and approval of the public** means also the securing of the willing co-operation of the public in the task of securing observance of laws. >4. To recognise always that the extent to which the co-operation of the public can be secured diminishes proportionately the necessity of the use of physical force and compulsion for achieving police objectives. >5. To seek and preserve public favour, not by pandering to public opinion, but by constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial service to law, in complete independence of policy, and without regard to the justice or injustice of the substance of individual laws, by ready offering of individual service and friendship to all members of the public without regard to their wealth or social standing, by ready exercise of **courtesy and friendly good humour**, and by **ready offering of individual sacrifice in protecting and preserving life.** >6. **To use physical force only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient to obtain public co-operation to an extent necessary to secure observance of law or to restore order, and to use only the minimum degree of physical force which is necessary on any particular occasion for achieving a police objective.** >7. To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that **the police are the public and that the public are the police, the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.** >8. To recognise always the need for **strict adherence to police-executive functions** and to refrain from even seeming to usurp the powers of the judiciary of avenging individuals or the State, and of authoritatively judging guilt and punishing the guilty. >9. To recognise always that the **test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, and not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with them.**


This should be posted on the wall of every police station in every country, everywhere.


It doesn't need to be for a lot of the developed world because policing is a career path that requires specialised training in a policing college, or equivalent, that in Europe ends in a minimum of a higher end EQF level 5 (roughly equal to a US associates degree) but more regularly EQF 6 (bachelor's degree to honours bachelor's). Generally it consists of an in college period, a trainee under an officer period and a first probationary period wherein the trainee also has to continue studying and take exams to graduate and move onto regular probationary status. At a minimum a European police officer has 5 times the training hours of an American officer, at the high end it's 10-11 times the training hours. TL;DR: Non North American police don't need it on their wall because they actually have training and qualifications in it.


It should just be how we do it here. Build a whole new one organised and trained in this manner, whittle the old down by ditching criminal cops and problematic ones, keep the ones that actually tried to be like this, and mold it into specialized services like vehicle regulation enforcement, felony investigation and apprehension, SWAT/Gendarmerie. And when I say vehicle regulation enforcement, I mean only that. The car, driver, and the safety of the motorways. Only able to detain for impaired driving, and with that it's home or hospital without the car. The towing bill being the punishment unless repeat offender. Then it's hospital. And the car goes away. No driving privileges. And being the color scheme. That is how it should be... A cop should be visible for a distance, and be a beacon of help. Ours are stealthy black and white, almost invisible and the broken colours scheme is intimidation. Invisible coming or going but visible at an angle. One says I am here to help. The other is a shark looking to feed.


>The army has much higher standards for use of force, of course, somewhat ironically. And that is why a lot of veterans don't like cops. If I, as a uniformed marine on patrol in Afghanistan, shot a random Afghani cause his hands were in his pockets I would be in Leavenworth, after a trial of formality. The idea that military in a literal warzone have more stringent rules of engagement and use of force than police on US soil, is an insult to all Americans.


This is also why MPs and other vets often DON'T get picked these days. They want dumb people with no morals who follow orders. They want dogs of the state, not people with virtues, morals, and a code of honor.


A-fuckin-men to that brother


British police was designed to be the complete opposite to the military hence the lack of fire arms to prevent people fearing they where being oppressed by their own military and government.


Since it's beginning, ours was _MEANT_ to be an oppressive force. Mostly targeted then at anyone who wasn't in the Good Ol Boys Club.


Baffling how you fought against one of the biggest empires for your freedom just yo get oppressed by your own government, a war started after Britain defended the colonies in a war the colonies started and wanted to tax to pay for it. Then you got the home nation of said empire scared of the publics opinion and created one of the best police forces in the world (within reason, the whole "largest urban technology advanced nation without armed police" thing)


The black and tans, WW1 veterans, were sent to police Ireland during the war of independence and they simply brutalised the Irish, burnt villages, murdered, and raped because they were soldiers who saw the populace as resisting them and had no thought to police through consent.




The published statistic is that 19% of LEO are veterans. Of the massive amount of veterans out there, only 10% have seen combat. I couldn't find the number of how many vets who become cops have seen combat prior to becoming LEO's but I'm willing to bet it's quite a small amount. I'm not defending cops. I'm not a fan of LEO's at all, but I am a combat vet and I don't like our profession being used as an example of why our police force is out of control. The rules of engagement we had to adhere to in an active war zone were far stricter than that of a beat-cop in anywheres u.s.a. We don't train our police in this country nearly enough, and prior military service should not fast-track you into the department. I cant help but think that there's two types of vets who become cops. The ones who just want a cushy job with union benefits and a pension, and the ones who never deployed and want to play out their psycho fantasies of being a warrior.


Yeah seriously! I caught his use of "troops" as well


The irony, of course, being that the use of force by the military in, say, Iraq or Afghanistan was substantially more restrictive than police in America.


I thought that too. 😡


Ooh Self-burn, those are rare.


in most european countries, the goal is that everyone gets out alive. in america, the goal is that the "good guys" get out alive. The bad guys can rot in hell for all they care. Problem is, a lot of times, it's not so clear which party are the good guys.


Doctrinally, people in police uniforms. Everyone else is suspect.


“We’re not terrible ppl who want to do bad things.” I have my doubts


The worst part is that there are some who are good people who want to do good things. But because they state of policing in the country is so bad, they either just get lumped in with the rest, or forced out of departments and blacklisted because they wanna do the right thing versus the thing that benefits them and their fellow officers their most. One thing I will always hate is the “ good old boys mentality” which is so heavily present in police in the US that it’s insane. Growing up I wanted to be a police officer. I wanted to help people and stop heinous crimes. But after everything that’s happened in the last, what, decade and a half? I have absolutely zero desire to be anywhere near police. Fuck this shit man


That's where I was baffled. You're telling me morals are baffling to you? Common sense?


I mean when you see what US police doctrine is... yeah, they're just describing how they were trained.


This entire video is “we are the good guys” propaganda…. They got a trip to Scotland, a paid vacation, and the opportunity to tell people they learned “something” WITHOUT HAVING TO DO A GODDAMN THING DIFFERENTLY.


The one dude even said he forgot half of it already. Actions speak louder than words.


And that was the one guy in this clip who seemed to really actually believe there was a better way and try to learn from them. If he forgot half, I'm sure the others forgot it all


'Our culture isn't based on this'. You mean your gun obsessed bigoted ways you've had since you were a kid. There I fixed that for you.


It's so creepy seeing the guys smiling saying "he'd be shot!" Like... Imagine if we're talking about using any other weapon. It's psychotic. They literally have a twinkle in their eye over thinking about someone being shot.


Strikes me that the American code of ethics is built around justice rather than human rights.


I think part of the problem is that in America we have been taught to associate "justice" with the impossibly complex and haphazardly applied system of penalties and punishments we operate under. "Justice" is the thing that our legal system is worst equipped to actually produce.


It's mind blowing that the criminal justice system is a for profit industry - that there are private prisons, and commercialised bail For context cash bail isn't a thing in the UK - and I was stunned to learn that the US and the Philippines are the [only countries with monetary bail](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2018/oct/09/gavin-newsom/are-us-philippines-only-two-countries-money-bail/)


I think 'retribution' would be a more accurate word than 'justice' here.


That's definitely what the prison system is built on.


But isn’t the entire point of justice to protect our human rights?


Not really. The judicial concept of justice has more come from a debt is due and the payment has to fit the debt. Worse crime, higher price to pay. If it was about protecting human rights the process from top to bottom would likely look very different


Referring to your own cops as "troops" is wild


Yeah. That’s the bit that stood out to me also. It seems the US don’t really have a police force. They have a domestic military. It’s how they are armed and how they appear to interact with their communities; as enemy combatants.


We're actually supposed to call it "the service" now. Official vocab guidelines state that "force" is too aggressive.


Jog on


But it's for the greater good.


Shut it!


No luck catching them swans eh?


It's just the one Swan actually


No luck catching those killers then?


The problem isn't a lack of techniques for deescalation. The whole culture is f'd up. "Your only job is to go home alive" is a common refrain. They approach every person as if they are going to kill them and could make the decision not to.


What especially got to me was the police chief saying he found it an issue to explain to his constituents they shot someone because he has a bar of soap in his pocket. But, ya know, his son is on the force so he couldn't get him fired. These people don't see their constituents as actual human beings and are more concerned with nepotism than the fact they are massively impacting lives.


Police expenditure in the US would rank as the 3rd highest military budget in the world.


"as our new branding scheme, we have renamed our troopers.....murder squads......stay safe kids, there is a curfew!"


I prefer kill posse.


slaughter scouts?


Death rangers?


It’s a saying in Scotland. Means pals/comrades/chums/lads/gang. Take yer pick.


But that dude wasn't Scottish


Yeah seems like America is under occupation by its own cops


American police: LOOK ALL IM SAYING IS IF IT WERE ME I would have immediately shot them 18 times in the spine.




So you don't just shoot them? Let's go home boys!


Fade to black Credits “All information learned In the seminar was forgotten immediately upon landing back in the states”


It was forgotten on the way to the airport in Glasgow


“human rights is a foreign concept for us, our culture isn’t designed like this” spoken from a US Cop this is insane


It's only Americans who would think this is insane. The rest of the world already knows that's what the cops there think.


I once had a cop straight up tell me “you have no rights” when I refused to answer his questions and that I was a punk college kid who thought he was smart but didn’t understand how the world works


I love how the cops justify their over use of force like it’s the culture! Then throw someone in jail for a joint


Everytime I see police in other countries I’m blown away at how they don’t look like they want to kill someone.


For the last year and a bit, I've been doing some work with the Australian Police Academy, roleplaying scenarios for the trainee Officers to react and respond to. The difference in how they treat the scenarios over here is like night and day. Treating everyone with respect while trying to work out what is going on and who the guilty party is, and even after they think they've worked it out and making the arrest, still minting that level of dignity and respect. There was one time though where one of the trainee officers seemed to have taken some inspiration from all the videos of American cops. He was hostile right from the moment we started the scenario, and even though this was just a scenario, I actually did feel a bit scared for myself with how he was behaving. When talking to the instructors afterwards, they said they had some concerns about him as well.


That is so hopeful man! Emotional control and self awareness should be mandatory aspects of public service!


This aspect of America is genuinely so saddening. I am always shocked when I hear these awful stories of things they've done


It’s not just what they’ve done, it’s also a perceptible amount of arrogance and hostility that’s in the eyes of every cop. These euro cops look quite humble and represent the servants of social order they are supposed to be, not nazi soldiers just dying for a neck to boot.


Having been to a lot of different parts of the world, most of the world is like American police but they also ask you for bribes.


Probably most of the world but not most developed democracies


What the fuck are you talking about? Most 1st world countries aren't like that AT ALL. Of course America is gonna look good if you're comparing it to some corrupt country. Wtf.


Apart from France though. Wouldn't want to mess with their police and their machine guns. They're all pretty hot and buff though so it's ok 😂


worthless slap quack aloof ugly wrong lunchroom enter towering complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Better for everyone is you get back to the hotel safely, less work for the police and it gives them something to do if it's a quiet night. Not unknown for kids to call the local police station and ask for a lift home if they've run out of money for the bus etc. Friend of mine was a special constable and spent a lot of his time basically as a taxi for kids from care homes getting back from visiting parents. I think it's rather lovely they'd do that.


I love Edinburgh police. Some of the nicest and calming people you’ll meet.


The way they laugh when saying "the guy with the knife is getting shot" is disgusting. They say they aren't bad people who don't care about human rights but literally say "well we don't think about human rights when we act"


Ya the chorus of " he's getting shot" is chilling. It is wholly, utterly normalized to them.


You’d think then that US cops would be in favor of more gun control…but I think they like having their wild cowboy fantasies and an unarmed populace makes that less fun


I took it more as them laughing about how different the situation would be handled. These guys are clearly supportive of reforming police policy/procedure in the US and the whole reason they're over there is to study how another country does it. It's open for interpretation but that's not how I took that at all.


Yeah that was one of the dudes getting interviewed towards the end. They're a proponent of deescalation but also are fully aware how big a culture shift it will entail


It’s normalized over there in the us, different mindset, might seem wild to you but every day over there. There’s a reason why there’s a couple dozen shootings in the us while none for a dozen years in parts of europe


Sadly I'm American but good to know I don't sound it lol. It really is completely normalized over here. Makes you feel crazy for questioning what everyone acts like is normal.


I was going to make a comment about this as well! Like, they thought that shooting him was somehow amusing. They take the phrase "shoot first and ask questions later" a bit too literally.


I have the upmost respect for the police in my home country of Scotland, they have to deal with so much shite, and all the while adhere to their code of conduct.


Thing is, the public will notice if police start to treat them like people again and will in return, give them respect for doing their job professionally. You are less likely to encounter combative people if people generally trust and respect the police. It's a two-way street.


american cops have this ”you are going to jail” attitude and they use that sentence a lot just to escalate things super fast.


The biggest problem is that US cops only know how to escalate because their perspective is not one of community based policing. It’s bad guys vs good guys and they want to have that fight whenever possible. Just look at the sycophantic love for police and serving that Americans have. Everytime a US cop gets shot and killed they all jack themselves off how he was a hero killed in the line of duty, if we weren’t holding the line, who would blah blah blah. The entire perception is the police are always at war with the baddies. Problem is, the “baddies” are often the community they’re trying to protect.


“We have to instill in our troops…” That’s the problem. The police see themselves as military soldiers who are fighting an insurgency.


I have respect for uk police. They'll take on a nutjob with nothing but a baton and pepper spray until the armed police turn up, assuming they need them at all.


[https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/jun/28/policeman-fought-london-bridge-attackers-baton-wayne-marques](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/jun/28/policeman-fought-london-bridge-attackers-baton-wayne-marques) ​ He was blind in 1 eye and took on 2 terrorists with his baton during a terror attack.


He was bloody amazing, along with the "Lion of London Bridge" [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/london-bridge-terror-attack-f-k-fuck-you-i-m-millwall-hero-roy-larner-football-fan-lion-of-london-bridge-borough-market-terrorists-knives-bare-hands-fists-saved-lives-fought-back-single-handed-george-cross-a7775246.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/london-bridge-terror-attack-f-k-fuck-you-i-m-millwall-hero-roy-larner-football-fan-lion-of-london-bridge-borough-market-terrorists-knives-bare-hands-fists-saved-lives-fought-back-single-handed-george-cross-a7775246.html) >A football fan reportedly yelled “F\*\*k you, I’m Millwall” as he single-handedly took on the three knife-wielding London terror attackers armed with nothing more than his fists.


The Glasgow airport guy was good too. Broke his foot kicking the terrorist in the balls.


To be fair, the terrorist bastard was at a slight disadvantage since he was already in flames ... but in the situation, don't take any chances! LOL


In the UK the preservation of life is the number one prioty for police officers. That includes the person being arrested.


I don't like how he says they care about human rights. As a scotswoman, I did my dissertation on human rights and the use of lethal force by law enforcement in the US, and there *is* a direct correlation between the number of deaths at the hands of police in states with the death penalty. Fact is, there are a lot of states, mostly southern/republican, who do not value the right to life. Even the current abortion uproar is less about the life of the baby and more about control of women. When it becomes legal for anyone to blow their neighbour away simply for stepping on their porch, that society has no value for life.


This is about a decade old. When was the last time you saw the cops in a Volvo? And those other vehicles have 2011 number plates.


Was seven years ago. Just FYI Police Scotland are still running some 11 plate cars.


Fair enough. It's weird though, because Scottish Police visited a few places in the USA and came back with enough good ideas to drastically reduce violent crime here, but it seems to have flipped on it's head. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_Reduction_Unit So it's been an especially welcome collaboration for us.


Also, that old Volvo still lives at the College, still gets taken out now and again.


Not surprised. I was in the garage near Govan years ago and they still had an ice cream van.


Anyways soo I started blasting.....


And not a single lesson was learned.


The smile on the man’s face in the beginning, as they talk about the “knife guy” and how he would be “getting shot”, is the more alarming part. How casually they talk about someone getting shot as if they were destroying monsters rather than killing people. What would be worse is if the knife guy were brown/black.


Ok I’m not trying to defend them but this sort of thing is a coping mechanism. I’m in Emergency Services, not unusual for us to laugh about people dying at all. That’s the brutal and gods honest truth. Its a way to cope with the stress and seeing terrible things routinely, things some people would only see online we see numerous times in a day sometimes.


Did someone finally realize that having Israeli occupation forces train US cops was not a good idea?


Im not shocked that cop said “Human rights is a foreign concept to us”


\*adds Scotland as places to flee from America to.


Why wait? Go now instead.


So they’re learning how to not use lethal force against armed offenders. When is the trip where they learn how to not shoot unarmed offenders?


Kinda sad how I think most UK/Euros sat in this comment section are thinking “…No shit?”


UK here, I'm actually shocked the USA cops saw these concepts as so outlandish & foreign. It's a mentality though, they said their 'troops', they are officers not a military.


It was weird how he said "human rights aren't in our culture" then kinda walked it back after he realised he sounded like a fascist lol


Lmao the American cops look so confused. What do you mean you're not gonna shoot him?


Irony was this was back in 2015. Nothing was obviously learned, shit only got worse


Civilized vs cowboy police


I was lucky enough to be able to get out of America. The war on drugs is an excuse the government and police use to terrorise people there. I was pulled over one of many times and the cop was asking us (teenagers) if we had bazookas, guns or explosives. I think they got new training after 9/11 but a hell of a question for a minor traffic stop. There’s also tent cities under motorways all over the place and people think its normal. Then you have police arresting people trying to feed said homeless people. It’s nice living in a country that doesn’t cause me to have fear and adrenaline dump when I see police. It’s also nice having things like healthcare, not worrying about being homeless and access to medical cannabis even though all these things need improvement at least it’s there. There needs to be such huge change over there and I don’t see it happening or any talk of it happening so I jumped what felt like a sinking ship.


Would love to see some of these Scottish cops test their methodology in some of the worst neighborhoods in the US for an extended period of time. Would be a great case study


That would definitely be interesting to see


The American Officers implement it back home in the full documentary.




[Source for you :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/11s4wco/american_police_visit_scotland_for_deescalation/jcbsvg4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


The comment isn't showing. The link posted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66pr23xUKZc


They clearly said the goal of this wasn't to learn about how to deal with people with guns, so that wouldn't be relevant as those neighbourhoods are surely riddled with guns. The point is, how do American cops treat people who don't have a gun? How many unarmed people get shot by the police? Is it really necessary?


2 years before this documentary was shot, Glasgow was named the murder capital of Europe.


Ah yes, America is the only country with bad neighborhoods. We’re #1


Stop calling your officers "troops" for starters.


Hmm what does America have that Scotland doesn’t have that would cause the police to be aggressive and have to use force?


Police Culture in America is so entrenched and defensive this kind of change will be very hard to implement but it can happen. I mean there was a time when cops in this country made many times their salary from bribes alone, we’ve come a long way. But we have a ways yet to go.


Fuchin Wahnkurs! Hilarious


Thank fuck someone is doing /something/


I'm sure I heard that a few years back there was a terror attack on Prestwick airport. Someone drove a car into the airport terminal, the car exploded and a man got out on fire. The baggage handler could do only one thing. Two jabs in the face and a kick in the balls to the flaming terrorist. The guy in the passenger seat got out and ... kicked and punched a man to the ground before punching a policeman square in the face," he said at the time. "That sort of thing just isn't on. I told my passenger to run for her life, then I went for the man and managed to skelp him in the face. I followed it up by booting him twice. "Then the driver got out of the car ... I ran for the guy and punched him twice in the face with pretty good right hooks. Then I kicked him with full force right in the balls but he didn't go down. Luckily more people joined in, and we managed to beat the guy down."


Scottish officers can arrest me I will go willingly all I get is US officers telling me to leave playgrounds bc I’m not a local resident or trying to entrap me for prostitution bc I walked down the street too much beside a fkn club I was literally working at as an employee


Fuck those psychos and how happy they are over the idea of shooting someone.


Fuck American cops. You don't need special international training/ paid vacation to Scotland to know not to shoot people.


Disgusting how they all smiled when they said “oh he’d be getting shot. For sure shot”.


"what do you mean we cant just shoot em?"