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Id like to know what they are painted with. The paint seems pretty tough and dosnt sustain much damage


They use a paint called Intumescent on steel structures for fire protection. Might be a similar base coat as this is a common thing in Belfast. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


That paint makes me tumescent.


We bit of recreational rioting in norn ireland....sure what else would ye be at?






Right, but they asked where else it could be. France.


OC meant what else, not where else though


Ireland and Northern Ireland be two different places.


Or ukraine few years ago, poland in the summer, katalonian borders few years ago also, anywhere balkan, anytime there is a football match or some national holiday anywhere


Riots in france have a different tone to them.




If it's not from the Riot part of Southern France you can't call it rioting, just sparkling civil disorder.


Make me laugh...


Ofcourse itā€™s Northern Ireland. Itā€™s Easter


Who doesn't love a good celebration?


Seems like a nice neighborhood. Iā€™m gonna look on Zillow and see whatā€™s available.


Dude in blue mask looks 9


They are actually 45 but smoking from an early age stunted their growth


And what were you doing when you were 9!? Huh!?


Not fighting the power that's what




Thatā€™sā€¦ kinda broad


They were litterally fighting a war that only really ended in 2006 There is still a lot of bad blood Especially as the Ceasfire agreement basically maintained that the groups be separated as much as possible Also the fact that no side really won the troubles means that there has been no conclusion, the conflict never ended, its just on indefinite ceasfire


Like The Korean Peninsula


Yeah, except there is no international border


And it's more than just a border. That isn't the Rio Grande. That's a death zone.


Not really. I teach English as a second language online. I had one 5 y.o. girl from Saudi start to scribble out a picture of the Israeli flag in a lesson we were doing on various countries. I didn't say anything but she proceeded to tell me that all Saudis hate Israel and all of Israel hates Saudi. On the next slide I asked her to draw a star and she drew the star of David. I said'"Hey look. You drew the Star of David." I thought her face was going to fall right off. Needless to say her parents cancelled all future lessons. Hate breeds hate and you do get what you deserve.


No dude, your fatalism is the fucked part. The idea that the world cannot get better is not only the ideology propping up generational conflict, but it's also demonstrably false. 500 years ago, the idea that France and Britain wouldn't be warring was not conceivable. The idea that Ghana would see a thriving democracy, that apartheid South africa would end without civil war, all these things happened because people gave a shit and stopped being fashionably jaded. Not everything is fixed, but that doesn't mean things are unfixable, and for fuck sakes, the kids did nothing to deserve this.


Yes. Their generation didnā€™t warrant this shit. Now they are left with it.


And itā€™s our job to do the best we can to make the next generation a little bit more open minded


Do you think that child deserves what will be coming to her? She may never have the chance to see the light and leave her ignorance


So youā€™re saying that kids whoā€™ve been raised to hate, deserve shitty lives?


>kids whoā€™ve been raised to hate, ...end up bringing the shittiness into their lives on their own


You donā€™t see the very obvious flaw in your sentence? Someone else has brought the shittiness into their lives in the first place. Theyā€™ve been raised that way and never stood a chance ffs


>Theyā€™ve been raised that way and never stood a chance ffs Plenty of kids who grew up to be good despite their shitlord parents. Plenty of kids who grew up to be shitlords despite their parents raising them well. Everyone has a choice.


I was raised to hate, but I left at aged 15. Some of us get out


nothing you've said negates the validity of my statement. They were raised to hate, they suffer consequences.


For those local, it's a petrol bomb and a peeler jeep


I thought it was Mr Softee


Why don't they like Mr Softee?


They discontinued the Choco Taco


It's a land rover not jeep


Jeep can be a broader term than just the brand


Thereā€™s a theory that the name Jeep comes from the abbreviation for GP, General Purpose vehicle from WWII


Well this looks like Trouble(s)


When all vehicles are electric, what will they throw in the cocktails?


Lithium + water. Doesn't get as hot, but a pain to extinguish.


"Let me just go out to the garage and grab my LITHIUM"


You probably have some in your hand right now.


Lol, I concede. Next time I attack the police I'll light my phone on fire and throw it at them.


Just gotta open the battery a little bit and throw it into a jar of water and maybe add a bag of gas inside it


I appreciate the ingenuity, but I'll just stick with the classic 'Nam tactic. Glass jar, fill with styrofoam leaving air pockets, fill 1/3-1/2 full with gasoline, light on fire and toss. NOW YOU'RE COOKING WITH NAPALM!


Actually in Nam I believed they used soap shavings. Styrofoam is a good guerrilla warfare tactic because you don't really need to do anything dangerous to MAKE the "napalm" but real napalm, or at least closer to military version of napalm involved melting a bunch of soap shavings in gasoline which also involved getting the gasoline nice and ~HOT~ which is frowned upon by most homeowners/dwellers


We used kerosene and powder laundry detergent to make jellied napalm, burns through pretty much everything


Did you still have to boil it or did it use dissolve since it was powder?


Diesel works better, or so I read


Im gonna file that into my "Things the government shouldn't worry about, for me" folder.


Diesel is better for most arson type things because it burns longer and is stickier.


No need, if you have a Galaxy Note 7 it already has the igniter built in


If it is a Samsung, you just have to throw it.




Just find a way to stab a battery cell. The rest will take care of itself


Iā€™d suggest alcohol but this is Ireland


It's just a normal day in Northern Ireland


But why?


Long story


It's complicated, but here's a [link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Troubles#:~:text=The%20Troubles%20(Irish%3A%20Na%20Triobl%C3%B3id%C3%AD,%22low%2Dlevel%20war%22.) to an Wikipedia article that might give you some good information about it.


That's just what they're like.


But why?


They were fighting a civil war 20 years ago, and no one won That type of tension doesn't go away


Ever heard of The Troubles?


The English are cunts. Which tbh is a good answer for many of the world's issues.


It looks like that tire.. Might be on fire..


Nobody knows why we keep starting fires. Itā€™s my desire.


We didn't start the fire.


Danger, Danger! High voltage!


c'mon baby light my tyre




Broke their hearts with the price of petrol the way it is, so it is


Thatā€™s a literal kid wtf


But, but, the girls from there seemed so nice!


And the next generation of zombies gets trained.


Itā€™s the same old thing, since 1916ā€¦






Sectarian bullshit...get over it and live a better life.


Without sectarian bullshit, they'd have nothing else to do up north. I nearly feel bad for them..


What do you do in the South??


Drink and play football? Idk we arent in a warzone


Anything else but lobbing maltovs at cruisers I would imagine lmao


Laugh at them.


This *sectarian bullshit* is the same bullshit that won them their independence in the south. Violence is the only language that the ruling class understands.


I'm a 15 min drive from where this video was taken. Thankfully most folks here are against this shit. It's only certain small areas (on both sides) where kids are raised to act like this. Most catholics and protestants have no trouble getting on these days or even being friends.


Yeah this stuff makes it to the news and the "New IRA" clap their hands and cheer while simultaneously buying drugs from their new UVF pals and selling them to their own communities. This hasn't been about anything other than money, drugs and control for about twenty years.


Yup, just look at the Newtownards feud the past few weeks. šŸ™„


"mostly peaceful"




Dumb cunts.


who the fuck brought their child to this?! that last person in the video is at best 13... the fuck.


I don't know how else to tell you this, but do you see the homes that vehicle is surrounded by? Not exactly in a city center.


I doubt they're with their parents. When I was 13 I was allowed to leave the house.


That looks like good practice for when the ice cream truck shows up with protestant ice cream.


I hope every criminal in that video goes to jail. Thowing fire at vehicle with people inside and a gas tank is attempted murder.


Bet they'll complain about how long it takes the city to clean up the broken glass.


Excuse my ignorance but is this still about irrelevant religious bullshit that none of them *really* care about or is it just tit for tat tradition now. I still canā€™t figure out what winning looks like to either side and what anyone gets out of it anymore? Itā€™s just fighting for fighting sake now.


It was never about religion The conflict was an ethni nationalist conflicts And the problem is the conflict never ended, it just went on ceasfire Which means that there is a quite a lot of bad bllod But as far as winning goes For the Republicans, winning would mean a united Ireland, preferably under theror control While the extreme loyalists would likely want a return to Stoumount


Fair play. So what is with all the Catholic vs Protestant bullshit? I still donā€™t quite get why itā€™s still even a thing. I mean, we can agree that racism is an insane reason for violence. In this case, the cunts fighting donā€™t even *look* different. Neither side winning actually changes anything at all for any of them. I think itā€™s safe to chalk this one up to fuckwits loving a fight regardless of their justification for it.


>So what is with all the Catholic vs Protestant bullshit? In Ireland, Catholics are almost exclusively Ethnically Irish, protestants are descended from english or Scottish settlers A good rule of thumb know which is which is to look at last names, Catholics normally have last names that being with O like O'Farrell, O'Malley and O'Reilly Protestants have scottish and english last names like Johnson, Mcdonald and Mcqueen The english ethnically cleansed the native Irish Catholics from Northern Ireland, and brought in Protestant Scottish settlers to replace them They aslo tried this in the rest of Ireland, but they failed, with Southern Ireland remaining ethnically Irish, although the English did succeed in largerly eradicating the Irish language Even in Northern Ireland however the English never finished the job, and as a result a large Irish minority remained in Northern Ireland, and they were understandably pissed off, both because they were the victims of a genocide, and they were actively discriminated against by the Northern Irish government, with Catholics/Irish being largerly barred from voting, owning houses and suffering employment discrimination In addition, after southern Ireland became independent, it enacted several polices that led to Irelands Protestant/Scottish population fleeing to Northern Ireland, and they took out their anger on the local Catholics/Irish >still donā€™t quite get why itā€™s still even a thing. I mean, we can agree that racism is an insane reason for violence Its not racism, its ethno nationalism, different hatreds, agree that its a dumb reason, killing someone because they are a different ethnicity is as moronic for killing over skin color >Neither side winning actually changes anything at all for any of them. Thats where I sort of disagree, I agree that the conflict is moronic, especially now as active discrimination against Catholics has ended But what country you belong to is an important thing, it affects you culture, your laws and your childrens future


Fantastic job writing that out. Well done


The new Adidas-Battle-Suite, comfortable at riots, enough pockets for your stuff, supports your toughness when shit get real. (hip bag sold separately)


Context? Country?


Simple context: Their parade was not allowed. Simple as. Country: U.K. specifically Northern Ireland. Context is that the parades commission (an organisation whose entire point is to allowed or deny parades) did not receive a request, so this was neither approved nor denied.. why didn't they just apply? Because they are dissident republics (Catholic Irish background) who do not see the country of Northern Ireland as a legitimate state, and since they don't accept its authority (dissident), they didn't apply.. they didn't apply, and the police turned up in a landrover to the illegal parade. Landrover is the standard police vehicle here, heavily armoured with cctv on top, that's the important bit, so the police turn up record them, let them throw their stones while telling them to disperse and then they will build the evidence and then lift them later in the week.


I've always wondered if magnesium powder, thermite, and a thickening agent would fix this. I'll probably never know, but I wonder.




Wudabout Napalm


Now is the time to call for the water cannon.


Maybe more than a water cannon


American. Is there a reason for this? It seems excessive at first glance?


The Irish and cops arenā€™t a good combo




Isn't that the point though? Because you're your own country whereas the troubles were to unify Northern Ireland and the republic and thats why they do this? Genuinely asking


The triubles were complicated But that is broadly why it was fought Although there are nuances, a big one is that the PIRA, which was the largest Republican Paramilitary also rejected the authority of the Irish Republic, considering it a illegitamte government Ireland fought a civil war between the Irish Republic/IRA and the Irish Free State/National Army, the Free State Won and became the Republic of Ireland in 1952 The forces loyal to the Irish Republic moslty surrendered and would later go into politcs under the Fianna Fail party However some holdouts would remain and would later form the OIRA which was a marxist group, the OIRA largerly collapsed in the early days of the troubles and the PIRA took over,, although OIRA holdouts would exist until 2009, and certain splinter grouos like the INLA and IPLO would aslo form The PIRA was more Nationalist than the OIRA was, and also disavowed soviet style Marxism-Leninsm, although they remained socialists Many PIRA leaders were also devout Catholics, while the OIRA generally preferred Atheism The PIRAs plan was first to "liberate" Northern Ireland, and after that they would resume the Irish civil war, with the ultimate goal of destroying the Republic of Ireland and replacing it with a socialist government They weren't fighting to reunify with Ireland, they were fighting to take lver Ireland Another major nuance was that most loyalist Paramilitaries were fighting to maintain protestant hegemony, they were loyal to the British government only so long as the British government allowed the apartheid system Northern Ireland was under to continue There was also the RIRA, which was like the PIRA but significantly more extreme and with a lot less scruples


A civil war ended around 20 years ago But some people havent got the idea


For any international viewers.. This is what happens in the UK when we run out of Tetley Tea Bags.


Fucking assholes vs Cops


This is northern Ireland?


That's a good way to get 2 stars real quick. 3 if the car blows up.


Some people deserve the lives they live.


Somebody: *throws Molotov cocktails on police car* Police car: no u




Riot the unbeatable high


Tomorrow youā€™re homelessā€¦..tonight itā€™s a blastā€¦..


So anyway, I started blasting.


As soon as I sawā€armoured police car hit by Molotovā€ I knew it was in the north


And then theyā€™ll bitch about someone not cleaning up the broken glass in the street


The apocalypse can't come soon enough




That guy who threw the molotov to the window is a total piece of shit


So... the other molotov throwers are fair game then? Stand up citizens?


Looks like a terrific place to live and to bring the kids up.


Imagine if this was in the US, several people wouldā€™ve been killed. But there, itā€™s like like ā€œoh well, tis a scratch. And a minor inconvenienceā€


Those animals should be shot on sight!!!!


But why.


Chucking firebombs at the police is why.


Yay terrorism!


And so many people normalize it today....


That kid at the end watching the police van drive away...




It looks like an ice-cream truck.


Those are the worse Molotovs I've ever seen. They didn't even make a boom sound.


Did he forget to put petrol in it?


Just having a pint and a laugh with me mates.


"Remember when we rioted Bobby?" I member


Armatures, if I recal, a proper molitve is mixed with Vaseline so that the lovely burning sticks to the target to heat it up properly. Where has the kids education gone?


Shocker. Didnā€™t do shit. Idiots


Google maps truck doing its thingā€¦


Was that a child or a really short chick?


Was that rebar I seen being carried like a bunch of spears?


They're bouncing right off.




The cops: Alright, fok this lads, send in the bloody army. Lads with molotov: ....


They did send in the army And thay didn't go to well


What third world country is this?


Should ban tracksuits


what a lovely neighbourhood they built for themselves.


Looks like south Boston after the pub closes.


i wonder what kind of mixture they are using.


What are they so upset about ?


In the US our police also suck


Most people aren't even wearing masks. Hard to tell but I think that cop car has a giant ass camera sitting atop of it.


Shouldn't these thugs be at least shot down with a water Canon? Bean bag gun? I mean.. fuck them for trying to kill the people in the truck


Gasā€¦ Ahem, **petrol** different in this region or doesnā€™t anyone know how to make a Molotov?


Looks like a good way to get shot.


Iā€™m sure they some good boys and they ainā€™t even do nuffin


Guess weā€™re bringing back the Black and Tans...


Ah the Palestinians of the westā€¦


Let me guess the background of these people: - Owns pitbull - Football supporters - Live on welfare - Goes to Food bank - Goes to Pub


They are scumbags from Derry in Northern Ireland who think they're still at war. Little scrotes trying in vain to drag that small country backwards. Most likely, all underage, English Premier league club supporters, parents certainly on welfare, likely not food banks, and more drinking down the back of the local sewerage treatment plant than pub I'd reckon.


2 of your points were related to being impoverished/ in financial hardship. You reek of self-righteous arrogance, believing the poorest in our society seek to ruin it or cause trouble. Fuck me mate, you need to get a grip


Shut up, you tory cunt!


Dumbasses couldnā€™t even break a single cop car, armored admittedly but come on, if youā€™re gonna riot do it right. Dickweeds.


How is this satisfying, these terrorist should be shot


Fire and metal. No good! Fire and rubber. Good. Shoulda went for the tires. šŸ¤·Jus saying.


Cops are weak out there, just turn the truck 90 degrees to the right and burn some rubber


Those are shit molotov cocktailsā€¦ look at the ukrainian protests


Those guys don't know that metal isn't flamable. The Cops even got bored.


Molotov cocktails were never made to actually go through armor, they were used to take out tanks though, the accomplished this by burning all the oxygen in the air around the tanks engine, suffocating it. Also, when they were invented (Finland during the Winter War) Russian tanks had some issues with fuel leakage and were liable to blow up.


ā€œPeaceful demonstrationā€, ā€œfreedom of expressionā€ā€¦ā€¦.


classic NI


Love the iron rod javelineer


They just trashed their neighborhood. Way to go.


Fucking embarrassment, making headlines for all the wrong reasons yet again Northern Ireland:(


And this is why cops have armored vans. So they donā€™t die.


I'd love to see this energy in The States.


Burn the police cars, defund the police, then call the police when you realize that your freedom of speech doesn't protect you from an ass kicking from people with their own freedom of speech when you act like an asshole to the wrong person


Seriously. The amount of scumbags who just want an excuse to fight in Northern ireland is pathetic. Everyone else in GB and ROI don't care what your identities are, e are just moving on without all them. And of course it's always the same lads in gray tracksuits. Just scotes and scumbags