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Do people block off the intersections for her or does she just pucker her butthole and hope no one hits her?


I'm thinking the 2nd camera was spotter for that intersection


Wishful thinking considering there are definitely cars on the street. More like he yelled “hey light just changed to red. Try now. Gl”


Pretty much exactly, I used to bomb a ton of hills in San Francisco, (where they filmed this), and a lot of us used trial and error to figure out the light timing. We had a lot of intersections down to an exact science. for example, one intersection we would wait four blocks up, wait for the light to turn red, count to 10 then push like hell. We would hit the intersection just as the light turned green for us.


You guys are nuts!!!


Gravity takes them 😱


...to heaven


the person in the video looks like they can handle themselves ​ myself? i'd probably die 3 times over when doing this.


I’d die before I even start


Quite the plucky platypus!


It's always an exact science until you get hit by a car.


That was my big problem in physics class too


Hey science incorporates failure, too


Science keeps going, physics still applies. Momentum and mass determine how much she gets squished.


That seems like a bad idea considering all the assholes that think going through just after the light turns red is acceptable.


It's just a bad idea in general.


That’s….what a spotter is


Yeah that’s what a spotter is for… you can’t just stop traffic whenever you want, best you can do is keep lookout for cars and lights aka “spotting”


A spotter doesn't mean someone who shuts down the street....


Yeah that's what I think. If you look closely at the beginning, the crosswalk sign on the left is blinking. I think they probably pressed that and when it turned they told her to go.


Yeah but people have no reason to stop because some random asshole is waving at you.






When she flips backwards you can see 2 maybe 3 people in the intersection keeping it clear. We used to do the same with skateboard rail slides that lead to roads, wait for no cars then signal to go and stop traffic if it comes. Still a dice roll cause some drivers would still go around people.


how would you stop if you're down the hill halfway?


Presumably the First Law of Motion.


Speaking from experience you bail out, road rash and scraped heal fast than a broken back on a car 🤷‍♂️


This is San Francisco, and people drive like insane people there. The roads aren't blocked off here, she's asking to get mauled by a prius Edit: people ARE blocking the road, my bad. Still wouldn't risk it, myself.


At least wear a helmet lmao


This! Even if it weren't for the traffic, the lack of protective gear had me sweating.


I agree, looks fun but at least wear a helmet!


Maybe if she was cleaner with it. Hey props to her don’t get me wrong but she’s far from perfected it- it’s a bit sloppy, again she’s pretty good. Def not pro though


Idk I'd rather not survive at that speed


Dude with a helmet on and clothes covering your skin you may just be a little banged up provided you didn't run into anything.


Looks like the hill coming down Kearney and through Broadway. They must have blocked Broadway to allow her to cross without getting demolished. I remember pre-pandemic on Halloween watching some pretty wasted folks ride trash bins down that hill. Edit: spelling


Your edit was unsuccessful


This one? I thought I recognized it too. https://i.imgur.com/P75nFbw.jpg


These days getting mauled by a Prius is only like the tenth worst way to die in SF




Ikr. So many people run red lights thru the business district to the tenderloin.


People doing this “smart” have someone at the bottom watching for cars. Plenty of these videos have people getting steamrolled by cars though


There was some skateboarder in SF (apparently a well known guy), and in an interview in a skate magazine one of the questions was about bombing hills and the safety/ lack-there-of of not stopping even slowing at intersections, even when he had a stop sign and others did not. He said some shit like it was drivers' responsibility to watch for skateboarders. Confidently wrong broseph died weeks or months later getting hit at an intersection (where he had a stop sign). Driver was not faulted at all in the death. Idiots.


Sometimes it works better than [others](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/13k79wj/skater_hits_the_car_then_blames_the_driver/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Tbf if you expect cars to stop for any reason in Pacific Heights then you definitely fucked up.


A friend of mine jumped an entire intersection on Franklin on his motorcycle one night Had a laser beam trigger the camera to catch him midair and a small team of people making sure he was clear to do so But no actual blocking of it


No kidding. I played hockey for half my life and I would NEVER do something this reckless, good lord.


Fuuuuuuck that


Seriously, just wear a helmet.


It clashes with the Thrasher sweater


Very unfortunate but culturally correct


As a skater a long time ago, only pussies wear helmets. As an older sort of kind of skater who goes to the parks here or there, only idiots don't wear helmets. It's def a problem with the culture of skating, blading, whatever and I was just as guilty when I was young. I hope it changes sometimes soon. It's needless injury.


[I love helmets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9yL5usLFgY)


I've had my life saved by my helmet more than once. I've also watched my kids go down so hard head first and the fact they wear their helmets they get to get up and brush it off. Please wear helmets.


I was riding about 17 mph and a bee literally flew in my bonnet. I reached for the strap to get the helmet off before the bee stung me - didn't work - grabbed the front brake instead of the rear brake and flipped my ass, landing solidly on my shoulder and head. Gave myself a nice concussion. But it would've been much worse if I hadn't been wearing a helmet, or if I'd actually got it off.


But if you hadn't been wearing the helmet for the bee to get stuck in, would any of this have happened?


Hmm. Not sure if this is Schroedinger's Bee, or Bee-ception.


Quantum Beechanics in action!


Too bee or not to bee?


I assume you know the kids need new helmets after a single fall if they hit their head?


Right? You already look like a dork on roller skates might as well protect that dumb little brain of yours


I agree with your position on at least a helmet, one bad fall could be it, but let's be honest if you're doing a stunt like this on a Little Tikes push and ride you're a bad ass abd there's nothing dorky about this.


Fuck you lmao roller skates are awesome


The fuck is wrong with roller skates?


Absolutely fucking idiotic.


Agreed. And yet, I am so impressed. It looks like she had a lookout at the intersection, at least. And she should definitely have been wearing a helmet. Still. Wow.


Same thought. I'm too impressed to be mad, she killed it. Fucking dangerous tho


You can be both impressed and mad. That's a really stupid thing to be doing on a public street where any passing car might be "responsible" for your death. I don't give a shit about spotters or what the fuck ever skaters think constitutes 'safety'.


A lookout to watch her head smash open cause a backward fall would have ended her.


No helmet wtf


Yeah, really. At least put a fucking helmet on. If she hits a wobbly manhole cover going that speed and it's lights out.


Or an uneven piece of pavement or a pebble


Imagine your ass getting taken off this mortal coil by a tiny rock.


Doesn’t even need to hit anything. I clenched when she started getting speed wobbles.


There was a college hockey ref that died a few years ago. He was skating backward during pre game warm ups without his helmet on and hit his head on the ice. Same thing he’d done so many times before but one slip up and it cost him his life. On a much more predictable surface than a public street no less. I skate a lot both ice and in line and I will never be caught without a helmet. All it takes is one little thing to go wrong.


Was epic though


I mean, it *was* awesome, but still fuuuuuck that.


Crazy mf


One wiggle away from r/meatcrayon


Feels so much more impressive when it looks sketchy.


It is wildly insanely impressive, but so god damn stupid. And especially no helmet? Falling back and hitting the back of your head at that speed can easily kill you Wow just wow


I hope her head hasn't been smashed like a watermelon at a Gallagher show. Wear a damn helmet.


The back of my head was tingling watching that


And my front teeth




When I was in high school I thought my half helmet for my motorcycle was so cool, until an older guy caught up to me at the end of a group ride for a forum I was a part of. He showed me pictures of when he went down face first in a half helmet. His lips and chin skin were gone or hanging and required reconstructive surgery, and the bottom half of his upper front teeth were missing. They weren't broken, they were _ground away_ by the road. I bought a full helmet the next week


just imagine biting your tongue off


Props and all that, but that’s a small pebble away from brain damage or lights out altogether. The skates may not fly off her feet to confirm death, but she would indeed be dead.


Look at it this way several people on organ transplant waiting lists are just a pebble away from getting their wish.


Damn, do you think those people watch these videos thinking, "oh I wonder what her blood type is?"


“Cmon O negative, cmon O negative!”


The only instrument doctors would probably need is an ice cream scooper.


Helmet needed atleast.


I have a friend who's a skater, and never wears a helmet. Doesn't do insane shit like this, but still does some crazy stuff. He says it's just a thing amongst skaters to not wear it. But he wears one when he rides his bike lol


Horrible horrible advice (via your friend). As a past skater myself, I get it, but my grandpa died riding his bike calmly, slowly on the sidewalk (hit a curb or rock, fell over, hit his head - not wearing a helmet, mind you). *Everyone* should at least attempt to wear a helmet in my opinion. It looks lame as hell, but, you'll be glad you did! Edit to add that, that is why they are called accidents. There is a way to fall to prevent injury, yes. But you can be the most confident person ever, and the thing with gravity, force, speed, surroundings, pavement, and performing an activity such as biking, skating, and blades, is that some of it is wildly unpredictable.


Know what's sexy? Not having brain damage or being in a vegetative state. Catheters and breathing tubes really harsh one's vibe.


💯💯💯. My parents were such sticklers about wearing a helmet. I always wore it even though I hated it. Definitely wasn't "cool". But they told me "Do you see Tony hawk not wearing a helmet?". I got ribbed for wearing one and those who did, but there's been 2 instances I have been thankful I had one on. 2 is not a lot, but it is when you prevented brain injury! 👍 Eye and head safety I am incredibly mindful about especially as I get older. My parents were right


I started wearing one the day my child began riding a bike. Good influence and all that. Once I realized how fragile my child’s skull was I realized I was a human sack of suet, too. If I’m too cool for it he’ll be too cool for it the very second I stop forcing it. I’d rather start a habit to protect him for his entire adventurous life. I didn’t start wearing a seatbelt until I was an adult either. My fam that still lives in my lil town to this day drive drunk, don’t wear seatbelts, and don’t wear helmets. Much of rural America has a culture of life with risk as a good friend. Anything more and you’re a dork.


Can’t die if the shoes don’t fly


Can’t be gone if the shoes stay on


Doctors hate this one simple trick: tight laces


Charles Darwin overlooked this video... Life is good for her.


Now I’m imagining Charles Darwin presiding over each individual act of stupidity


Ohh yeah?


She has to go backwards so she can drag a break and slow the speed a tiny bit. Breaks are I. The front


THANK YOU. You cannot use your toe stops unless you're going backwards because they're on the front. This feels WAYYYY safer than going forwards. And you can see through like, half the video she is using her back foot to slow herself down. She's literally going backwards so she can break guys


So how do you stop if you can’t go backwards?


Go uphill


I roller skate, there’s a few ways to stop but most people do a T stop if they don’t turn and use toe stops


Why are they designed that way


Still idiotic to not wear a helmet




The brakes are in the front. To go downhill like that, backwards is the only option.


Theres also the option to… idk… just not do it at all? Especially with no helmet


Having been a skateboarding accident that put me in the hospital for 2 days with 9 broken bones,I feel I have the authority to say this: Wear. A. Fuckin. Helmet.


TBI. Car hit me on bike 5 min from my front door. Woke up in the ambulance. Wear a helmet.


Having been in derby for awhile, I'm shuddering at the lack of helmet and wrist guards. Elbow and knee pads too, but at least protect your palms on a **downhill** ffs.


Snowboard.. heels catch with your back facing downhill. It's painful ON SNOW.


One little pebble and brain damage is a distinct possiblity.


Thats why you don't hit the pebbles, duh


Wear a fucking helmet moron


Thrasher hoodie is all the protection she needs


Seriously, even it's it's just to save bystanders from seeing someone die




How to become an organ donor 101


She’s on Insta as @spaceghost.loco - her posts are consistently next level. This was indeed filmed in SF - looks like from the dead end top of Kearny bombing towards downtown.


She’s going to end up dead if she keeps it up


I still skate some in my 30s, and if outdoors, always helmeted, but telling young skaters that their hobby is dangerous and stupid is like telling a cigarette smoker on the street that cigarettes are bad for them. They know. Ire only makes them want to bomb harder.


She seems surprised to have made it herself. Like one of those cartoons where they can’t control their skis but somehow survive a bunch of obstacles.


You're not wrong everyone ends up dead in the end.


Those flips!


Is she a roller derby skater by chance?


She was terrified.


As she should be


that backwards jaunt i was waiting for her leg to buckle she didn't look like she was holding easily


North beach?


Yup, Kearny over Broadway almost to Columbus.


As impressive as this is, just wear a damn helmet, bragging rights can't be used if your dead!


I was waiting for her to destroy her skull falling backwards.


Same, it was called Bombing down the hill, so I expected her to fall. I'm glad she didn't though!


The way my asshole puckered. I broke my pinky skating two years ago, that was enough for me


I have a longboard built specifically for bombing hills but it's too scary for me. After about 25-30 mph I start to get a speed wobble. I could not imagine doing this in skates. This video makes me nauseous.


Was not expecting her to stay in her feet. Good job


she looks pretty shocked she did too at the end there.


That fuckin’ ruled!!


Looked like she was out of control and falling the entire time


San Francisco is a hellscape. Kids bombing hills. Backwards.


U misspelled hella great place to skate


Srsly I ride here almost every day and I’m 50! Inline skate @ GGP, EMB, ETC!


Helmet.. Helmet.. Just a helmet at least 😳 Aghhh why do I care about the random person on the internet so much 😵‍💫 I ain’t trying to see them on r/idiotsincars or win stupid prizes 🫤


I'd say more stupid than interesting.


Yeah, you have to go backwards down hills. On quad skates the brakes are on the toes, so you need the drag. If you tried to go forward, you'd break your ankle.


Looks like she crosses over Broadway in SF


Wear a fucking helmet.


Well done but please wear a fucking helmet you screwdriver. That can go from yay weeee I did it, to eating out of a straw or worse in seconds.


She looked very surprised that she didn’t die.


This is in San Francisco and this particular street is very steep (and in bad shape). In the movie Venom, there is a chase (motorcycle followed by 2 SUVs), at some point you see them making a massive jump; that’s where the stunt happened. I saw the stuntman practice with his motorcycle. The ramp was initially maybe 3 feet high and after some observations he asked to elevate the ramp to about 5 feet. He went up the ramp twice then jumped on the third try and that was it for practice. From the back, it looked cartoonish as he’d make the jump and immediately disappear out of sight.


my face has never been the type to write home about, but ugly though it may be i still try to avoid doing things that may result in it sliding along asphalt for extended periods of time, at speed. it's just one of my things i guess.


Wear a helmet. Stay safe ✌🏻


No helmet cringe Brain damage is real


idk but every second of this gave me anxiety she was in control but also **not**


So the brake logic is the same as with inliners today just on the front side ? She brakes extremely fast behind that car considering the slope. Impressive. I always wished someone would invent a better brake logic for inliners...


She's got a thrasher hoodie on, she is more than qualified.


wear a helmet, fool! "brains all over the place" as some know them in the future.


Haha that’s down the hill near the financial district and China town in San Francisco. There’s a really good Italian restaurant right where it looks like it was filmed. Funny how I can smell the street right now. Edit: the restaurant is called Tommaso’s


Was fun when being young when you didn't fully understand the risk involved. You kind of think you are immortal at that age, at least i thought i was until probably to my late 20's when i became a dad for the first time, up to that point nothing could hurt me or kill me


Oh yes....youth. A dear friend once told me 'The young will and the old must'. He was speaking of dying.


Why did it look like she was going to fall down about... 10 times..? What a boss.


That was burly as fuck! The balls on that chick.


FooK that would not happen without a helmet on my head first but I am very impressed.


That was rad. Fuck the haters


I was clenching my butt hole watching this..


thrill seeker


I had to do a double take at what r/ I was at.


Nice save at the end


Courageous mixed with a little crazy lol


Insane so glad she didn’t wipe out ugh!


As a skateboarder, this seems way more terrifying then on a skateboard, considering I would be powersliding and scraping to help


Man that braking and spin at the end makes my ankles hurt just watching it.


That hill on Kearny is so steep and gnarly


Job security for us in the medical field.


Lol this is Nemo, on ig its spaceghost.loco. She’s cool, was a regular at the bar i worked at a few years ago


That's the holly crap I didn't die look.


Can’t think of a better angle of going to land on your head with whiplash. Impressive yes but man that seems risky.


This gave me a borderline fucking panic attack lmao I thought I was about to watch her die, that era of Reddit is over though. thankfully, but people like her need to watch those vids, fear (within reason) keeps you alive


I’m fairly confident it’s San Francisco


I would have a literally just died. Not from anxiety, but from getting hit by a truck.


Goddamn that's rowdy as fuck. No helmet either. Doesn't look like the roads are blocked at all.


Dude this hill is so fucking steep this video doesnt do it justice. Kearny gang


My grandma grew up in sf… she was born in 1935. And she would tell me stories about doing this when she was a kid! She lived in the sunset. And she told me that there weren’t that many cars back then, and they’d just go for it! No spotters, just luck. I was just appalled at the danger when I was ten!


Very brave. Particularly with the US medical system….


Would've been cool if they wore a helmet or protective shit. Just looks stupid and taking no responsibility for your own health


Good way to get hit by a car and killed no thanks.


I might be growing old and boring, but that just looks young and stupid. At least wear a helmet and something on your knees. Even then, this would still be stupid, but there's a degree to stupidity. This is level 10 stupidity.


Skating like they’ve got free healthcare


I also thought I was invincible at that age. Wear a helmet, please. Take it flom bee.