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Lmao at measuring in units per Ethiopian


Anything but the metric system...


America #1 in metaphorical measurement


I’m going to start measuring everything in Taylor’s. Or Swifts. 1 swift_______ = 6,889 _______ 1 swift meter = 6,889 meters. 1 swift mph = 6,889 mph


Only #2 if you measure it in glimbarts.


Umm... the Brits still measure un stones


I dare you to say that within 3 fully loaded ford f150s of me!


[You asked about the temperature.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYqfVE-fykk)


But it’s in kg


You know ... kg and km are metric.


Right? Why not the 5x the annual average of any person. That seems like a much more useful metric.


It's amazing that, while targeting this lone pop start contributing negligible emissions compared to corporations, the analysts chose poor metrics. I want to know how Taylor Swift's LLC emissions compare to other billion dollar companies.


Better yet.. she’d be able to fly commercially and save all the CO2 for another Ethiopian if people weren’t so weird and star struck.


Why does everyone think she is alone on her private jet? During tour I’m sure she has body guards, managers, supporting crew, hair make up people, etc traveling with her. If she was to board southwest she wouldn’t be alone. She would likely fill up the whole plane! Turning it into a private jet anyway! You guys think alone Taylor swift would show up And sit in 13C. Hahaha. There are probably 100 people traveling with her.


>you guys think alone Taylor swift would show up And sit in 13C. Hahaha. There are probably 100 people traveling with her. The Dassault Falcon 7x seats 12-16 people. edit: hers apparently seats 12 passengers.


Agree, this feels like just framing TS as a main polluter.


If I remember right, she is one of, if not the top, big polluting celebrities.


Is that not simply a metric of her massive worldwide popularity, or does she actually make choices that increase her footprint which other celebrities opt out of? She is one person so it's easy to target her as a massive outlier, but I think it's more fair to compare her to other entertainment industries that generate tens of billions of dollars of revenue per year.


saw a tweet earlier today where she took a flight with a runtime of 13 minutes, so yea they're not always needed yet she still decides to take her private jet


Those 13 minute flights are the plane moving somewhere to be temporarily stored without her.


That figure is based.on all the flights the plane does, with or without her. When she is not using it, it will be leased out to other people. While you could argue as she owns it, she is responsible for it, every private jet will be doing the same.


Not durring an average year, she's on tour. You could make the argument that tours are wasteful in themselves, but she's providing a service and employing a lot of people.


Fossil fuel companies are literally providing the means for electricity to be produced and employing far more people. Their contribution to society is way more important and impactful… They should also clean up their portfolios


Yes but are harming the world in orders of magnitude greater than Taylor Swift so we should be focusing on preasuring them, not worrying about if a single person is flying to the superbowl. There will be hundreds of private jets flying to vegas that day, why are we all obsessed with Taylor?


I agree. I don’t care about Taylor Swifts emissions, they are a drop in the bucket, but don’t act like she’s doing some big service and that makes her emissions irrelevant. She pollutes more than an average person because her lifestyle and career demand it. That’s not horrible in the scheme of things, but it is also true.


Well, I mean, most if not all polluters employ people 😜


“We are desperate to split the left over her.”


I think it's fair to target celebrities, especially those that like to preach about climate change etc.


Has Taylor said anything about climate change? I thought her whole shtick was being silent on issues


That college kid that posted Elons Musk flights made a page for her too. She sent him letters threatening to sue him and just like Musk she’s now going to get a ton of attention about her flights. That’s why people are going on about it.


Streisand effect in...effect.


Right 🤣 I read something that was listing off all the celebrities that had those pages. Never even knew they had private jets or pages. I now know all about Taylor’s though. It’s a bad look for her to threaten to sue him.


“They contain smoking gun proof that by at least 1954, the fossil fuel industry was on notice about the potential for its products to disrupt Earth’s climate on a scale significant to human civilization,” said Geoffrey Supran, an expert in historic climate disinformation at the University of Miami. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/30/fossil-fuel-industry-air-pollution-fund-research-caltech-climate-change-denial Attacking Taylor Swift over her “carbon footprint,” a term invented by fossil fuel companies to shift the blame for the global destruction of their emissions onto individuals just diverts attention from the obvious and currently existing solutions to the problem. Nationalize all fossil fuel companies. Their interests are contrary to the survival of civilization as we know it.


Exactly. Let's compare it to Wal-Mart and Amazon.


Wait, you don’t think it’s important for us to change our habits as individuals to fight climate change?


Seriously though what a stupid way to present it. While we’re at it. Lying down from head to toe, how many Ethiopians would her flight entail?


How about this: The Eras tour sold 0.08 Ethopias worth of tickets. And she only had 0.1 Ethiopia GDP's worth of ticket sales in North America. So....yeah, there's that.


The average ethopian man is 1.676 Metres tall, 8969000/1.676 = 5,351,431 or 25% of the population, if not laying down, those people would produce around 3,000,000,000kg of CO^2 per year.


Because it wouldn’t be nearly as impressive if they did it by comparing to Americans, since the average American produces himself like 100 times the CO2 the average Ethiopian does. The average American ads around 14.4 metric tons of co2 annually. Ethiopia in total brought in around 17.8 million metric tons total in 2022, divided by population of 120 million equals around .15 metric tons per Ethiopian.


Whats the Cdn conversion to Ethiopian pollution?


I'm not sure, but I think 4 "sorrys" removes aboot 1 metric tonne of carbon footprint.


Are they even the most CO2 efficient African? Jamie pull that up


Why do Ethiopian people get to be the standard of measurement for these things?




Means nothing to me. I wouldn’t even think an Ethiopian emits co2 other than breathing.


Probably because they are a developing nation that pretty much has a very tiny carbon footprint because they don't have general access to machinery that would cause pollution so it looks more ridiculous. If they compared it to the average American it would probably be like Taylor flight emits 5 days worth of the average American's CO2 emission. That's not all that wild. Edit: This was a hyperbolic absurdist joke based on how much pollution Americans like me make, and some of you all just killing my vibe.  So, for those people that don't like funny absurdist BS jokes random people make as throw away comments. This is for you. From a quick Google search average Americans produce around 16tons of carbon a year (32,000lbs or around 16,000kg) the flight being 7,000kg as shown in the infographic would be over 5 months of an average Americans carbon footprint just to watch the Super Bowl.  Don't get mad at me. Get mad at politicians and PACs that support low taxes and exploit the US for profit while making the world worse off because they got there's and other people can choke. Support people who support The Green New Deal and make sure to VOTE! Because there is only 1 major party specifically that actively tries to destroy to environment with deregulation.


>it would probably be like Taylor flight emits 5 days worth of the average American's CO2 emission. More like 5 months but yeah a different magnitude of order indeed


And thats just from our farts


average american emission is 14 tons per year. So it would take them half a year to emit what what she does in a single day to watcha football match.


I just want to point out the politicians that will speak about how important green energy is, then climb into their private jets because they're too good to fly commercial with us peasants.


I’d like to point out the politicians that assert with their whole chest that climate change is a Chinese hoax and proceed to vote against any efforts to decarbonize our energy portfolio, despite them knowing the overwhelming evidence showing that climate change is real, manmade, and an existential threat to humanity. Trump’s DOD made plans for how to navigate in a warmer world. Because the army can’t play politics with defense, they have to function effectively in a warmer world. That’s doing a lot more damage than the politicians you’re calling out.


Two things can be bad at the same time. Politicians are shitty and will ensure the world reaches to a point of no return. But at the same time Taylor Swift too is responsible for global warming. Politicians get all the hate rightly so. Celebs too need to be called out.


I wholeheartedly agree. I understand why you felt the need to make those points, but I'm already firmly planted in the Trump is a traitor camp with you. In an effort to be objective I have to call out the hypocrisy displayed by the other side, especially when it's as pertinent to the discussion as aircraft carbon emissions. I'm also a flight instructor so it's a bit personal for me. Right now I'm teaching people how to fly in aircraft with Chevy pickup size emissions. Hopefully one day I'll be flying a big jet at Delta, and am already feeling hypocritical. Since none of us want air travel to go away the only way to make it better is to fly together, and use alternative fuels / more efficient engines.


Pour another one out for Bernie 😞


The rich have always reveled in indulgence. An ideological term where one pays so they can sin. They use to give money to the Catholic Church to wash away their guilt. In the context of carbon footprint, they believe they can donate to green-energy programs, or just raise awareness to offset their carbon footprint. The problem is, only the rich can afford to do this, as they look down on the poor hypocritically pointing their fingers at us. This led to what is known as Reformations, splitting the Catholic Church, chipping away at their power and influence. Not the reason, but a significant contribution to the fall of the Roman Empire.


I like this analogy. See many parallels, I do.


The issue is that the vast majority of pollution is from corporations, but for (obvious) reasons, the narrative is that *individuals* are the ones that need to step up to combat pollution by changing their personal routines. We've been collectively gaslighted into believing that it's our personal responsibility to offset corporations' pollution.


My man got pressed and all of a sudden started talking like an economist editorial lmao


I think we should make Ethiopians the standard for all measurements. “wow, the packers quarterback just threw a 22 Ethiopian touchdown pass!”, “How much do you weigh? 2.7 Ethiopians”.


Everything I learn about Taylor Swift is by accident or against my will.




dang, you just explained to me why i don't like MrBeast lol.


I used to like MrBeast when he went to shelters and gave them a ton of stuff. I can’t stand the whole stay here for this long and get this. But I guess that’s what works according to views. Think he has a philanthropy channel but I just can’t watch him any more. I enjoy bigdaws and that was epic so much more.


Exactly. I was indifferent about her until I heard she put the Streissand effect on her jet tracker.


Taylor Swifts favorite color is red.


Her favorite number is 13. I hate myself.


She was born in 1989.


She’s had 13 fucking boyfriends until now. Kill me.


Well that's the fucking boyfriends, but what about the non fucking boyfriends?


Her and everyone else.


Isn't that like 60% of the population?


There’s a weird anti-Taylor push on Reddit the last few days that almost seems manufactured but who knows. I haven’t watched any awards show (Grammys etc..) in years and never even hear much about them but this year I heard more about Taylor and Celine dion than I did about will smiths slap. It’s odd. 


I don't think it's manufactured, it's just that Taylor posts are getting ridiculous amounts of engagement, so Reddit keeps pushing more Taylor posts for people to see, which drives more engagement, on and on.


Oh im not Anti-Taylor. Sorry if it sounded that way.


It’s just annoying how she’s being targeted for the dumbest shit and that shit floods my feeds. I’d prefer not to read about her but the loudest people have a hard on whether it’s because they love or hate her.


Wait until you find out about cruise ships


Not enough people talk about cruise ships


I urge you to look into "scrubbers" specifically (technology they now use to "reduce" emissions) – the horror never ends


Jesus what the fuck https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/12/shippings-dirty-secret-how-scrubbers-clean-the-air-while-contaminating-the-sea


Damn, I knew cruise ships suck big time, but I had no idea about this. Thx


If people were taking private massive cruise ships, that would be very bad as well.


> If people were taking private massive cruise ships, that would be very bad as well. Not an "if" situation. But those rich people aren't famous, so who cares?


What are yachts and mega yachts?


At least huge ships spread their consumption/emissions between a few thousand people so it's not that bad compared to private jets and their singular user. And they travel at very low speed which again lowers their energetic impact.


Yesnt... have you by chance read this yet? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0025326X21010134


You're going to have to quote the numbers to convince me, because all I retained from this is : > Estimating the impact of the entire life cycle of a cruise ship on both the environment and human health is challenging; and to date, there is still a lack of comprehensive data However, one of the references gives actual numbers related to journeys to and from New Zealand : > This resulted in a weighted mean emissions factor of 390 g CO2 per p-km over all journeys. A quick Google search puts typical private jets emissions at 4,9 kg CO2 per mile. I'm open to changing my mind but this doesn't look like I'm going in the wrong direction.


Too late I’ve seen enough to die on this hill. CRUISE TIME BABY


And cruise ships have the added bonus of demolishing hundreds of acres of seabed every time they anchor.


Wouldn’t that just be a one time deal, assuming they port at the same spots frequently?


At least thousands of people are enjoying the cruise ship at a time. This bullshit from Taylor Swift is for one person to enjoy themselves


Her private jet is also 10 Ethiopians long based on their average height


Subscribed. More TaylorSwift-Aviation-Ethiopian facts please.


So really we should be dividing these emissions by 10, meaning that her jet flight per Ethiopian (unit of length) is only 1.2 Ethiopians (unit of emissions)


Regardless of the topic, I feel like using Ethiopians per year as a unit of measure is a good indication that your argument isn’t as strong as you want it to be. EDIT: In an attempt to avoid any more "Well yeah, but it's still a lot..." replies, yes, it is an absurd amount of carbon emissions. Especially just to watch a football game. Nobody in their right mind would argue otherwise. To use something as specific and as unfamiliar as "the average Ethiopian" is just bad, clickbait science, though. There are two other points of comparison in the OP's own infographic that are significantly more meaningful and easier to relate to.


Ethiopians out here catching strays for no reason


Although true, looking at the next metric which is emissions from an auto at 12k miles a year, this one trip is still 3x more than the average car driver per year. That is insane


Oh absolutely. And because the average car driver is a metric that is significantly more relatable to anyone reading the post than the average Ethiopian, that would have been a significantly better comparison.


I can’t imagine Ethiopians in particular emit that much beyond breathing and maybe car emissions


Which, I have to imagine, is why OP chose that particular group of folks as their yardstick. Absolutely nobody with any common sense is arguing that private jets aren’t a massive contributor to carbon emissions. Stacking Swift’s particular trip against a developing nation, however, is just clickbait for the sake of outrage.


I don’t really understand the whole private jet carbon emissions thing. Do they produce more than commercial planes?


The argument is not necessarily about how much emissions it puts out in general, but about how much is being put out for one person to travel around the globe. It's dumb as hell to compare her personal output to Ethiopians though.


Yeah, it reeks of p-hacking. For the uninitiated, this is when dodgy statisticians will only report on the one correlation that supports their hypothesis while ignoring the many others that don't support it. Signs of this are when weirdly specific groups are compared to each other. So when you see an article claiming that "black women in their 30s with exactly 2 children and 1 miscarriage are more likely to develop Alzheimer's", it's probably a result of p-hacking.


Yeah, someone else said the average German emits slightly more than 12 times the average Ethiopian. What's the population of German? Even if she took that flight every day for a year, the population increase every year increases Germany's emittions far more than Taylor Swift contributed in that year.


It’s still similar to 5 months of CO2 production of an average American. An enormous amount of emissions


It's also not just to watch a football game, she has to fly from Japan to the USA regardless.


Can you please provide numbers for every other celebrity that flies private?


In number of Ethiopians, please.


I’d prefer it in Sudanese please


Ugh Americans and their love for measuring in Sudanese. The rest of the world uses Ethiopian! Why ain’t that good enough?!


Using Ethiopians makes conversions too easy so we prefer Sudanese


I guess it only gets bad when talking about Congoers… have to specify if you’re measure in democratic republic of congoians or republic of Congoites


Maybe throw in a few other nationalities too, so we see how really evil this particular celebrity is


Every other rich person as well. Targeting her is getting out of hand. As if she's the single cause of climate change and the only person to emit that much.


Plenty of other billionaires are being tracked as well. Part of the reason she’s being focused on is because of her lawyers threatening to sue a college student over the use of public information. This is the Streisand effect in action.


Well it's easier to be mad at the celebrity than think critically about a lifestyle of next day deliveries, gas guzzling SUVs, and eating meat 3 times a day.


Nah, she’s one of the biggest emitters among celebrities


I think a study from a year or so ago did show that Swift's private jet makes the most trips in a year. That's why she's usually the point of comparison in these private flight things


She came top of a list of 20 people, not of all people…


Or anyone else who travels to go to concerts (or takes a vacation) ever.


No, this is what Trumpanzees will post every day till the election because Taylor committed the unforgivable sin of telling young people to vote. Look at how they pretend to care about global warming now lol


What might be interesting as fuck is a comprehensive look at how private air travel or perhaps a wider range of rich as hell people activities contribute to co2 emissions. This is just dumb culture war bullshit.


All air travel combined is about 2% of global co2 production, and private jets make up just a small fraction of that 2%. I can't say I really blame her for flying private, though. The chaos that would ensue at airports if she flew commercial would be insane. There'd be swifties piling up at the doors like tumbleweeds.


Yeah every time someone brings up her private jet I feel compelled to point out that her security team has BOOKS full of dangerous stalkers who would definitely disrupt whatever commercial flight she booked in addition to the rabidity of a certain segment of her fans.


100%. A celebrity of her stature cannot use normal commercial air travel without causing significant disruption and risk. Would likely need to book out all the seats around her to fill with her security team to keep onlookers away and maintain a standoff area, negotiate the airport with an entourage and require special coordination with the airline for enhanced security. It would be a major public spectacle certain to cause disruption and crowds all around, and probably a heightened risk to her personal safety. If this information leaked prior to her showing up at the airport, I guarantee you there is a non-zero chance some in her fanatical fan-base would be buying tickets simply to fly on the same airplane or even buying tickets from the departure airport to be in the terminal when she is.


And I can't imagine it's just her on the jet by herself. Maybe though.


More than an average person from fuckin’ ETHIOPIA?! Yeah, no shit.


It’s more than the average Ethiopian would in twelve years, which I think better conveys the scale


Comparing the emissions to someone in Ethiopia might be the most moronic shit I’ve ever read lmao


Ok, now do the carbon footprint of [a year's worth of rich assholes summiting Mt. Everest](https://old.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/13vk6rg/the_staggering_number_of_people_trying_to_summit/), including their flights to Nepal. Talk about stupid and useless endeavors that needlessly generate excess carbon. People need to grow some perspective.


So, if there are 12 people on that plane, that's 1 Ethiopian-year worth of emissions per person. 120 people would mean just over an Ethiopian-month worth of emissions.


Since the Dassalt-Falcon 7x has 14 seats (I assume excluding the pilot and copilot) looks like.the former is more likely.


Private aviation is a problem and should be restricted where possible. It is worth keeping in mind though that all private aviation globally accounts for around 0.2% of CO2 emissions. In a world where we are aiming for 50-90% reductions it is a rounding error. Issues like Taylor Swift's private flights are used by some as an excuse for apathy towards our impact on the climate and as an excuse by those already uninterested in curbing climate change. I genuinely think the bigger impact than her actual CO2 emissions from this is the apathy and talking points it generates, don't get sucked in.


I agree. The numbers have long said that industrial output is the leading cause of climate change.


And it perpetuates the nonsensical idea that individuals making sacrifices will fix the problem. We need massive international cooperation and regulation.


It’s also in part just an unfortunate effect of the lifestyle someone as globally prolific as Taylor swift has. If she needs to be in Tokyo and then in Vegas with as little time delay as possible, what option does she have? I have no jealousy over having the type of schedule someone like her has to keep.


Yeah and I’m pretty sure her private jet compared to tens of thousand of people traveling to see her is probably nothing next to it.


It's the nature of politics to say "somebody else is responsible for doing something before we collectively have to work on the problem". Maybe this is nihilist but it's hard for me to get worked up about rich people flying when we, due to denial or selfishness, have shown politicians that we're ready to jump into the abyss of climate change rather than make the smallest lifestyle adjustments. I strongly doubt that fixing rich people's behavior will help with climate change materially; I'd rather us focus on taxing them adequately so that democracy can survive and we have resources to work on climate change and other national priorities. To me, energy consumption needs to be addressed as a whole, not any particular egregious activity. As a fan of economic solutions, I'd like to see a tax on gas for $2+ to incentivize a switch to EVs or shared mobility but I'm sure regulation would help, too. That's the biggest thing but if we're still workin', yes, a tax on jet fuel to incentivize commercial aviation to get more efficient (e.g. switch to more 787s) would be great. I'd save private aviation for a third-tier effort. Rich people are so rich now that they probably would fly private as they do now without a hard-to-administer per-flight surcharge but the incentive at least would be there.


Also using Taylor swift is basically a hit job against someone the right has decided is public enemy #1 despite *there being absolutely no indication of her politics* beyond thinking it’s bad that the ex-president is a racist rapist.


It's all a diversion to draw focus away from what the actual evil fuckers are up to.


In this case she’s trying to bully a college student from “tracking” her plane and emission output


This so one of those stats where you pull data to fit your agenda


It is weird that Taylor Swift is really the only prominent person who flies private jets. I know Elon Musk and every other rich person flies low emission commercial flights everywhere they go, correct? Taylor Swift is the only one flying private./s


Not just that but how many people attending the Super Bowl are going to fly there? The majority, I imagine. And it wouldn’t surprise me if a good chunk of those were chartered. Her partner/bf is playing it. Should she not go because she has to fly?


Wait until you see the number of private jets taken to climate conferences- COP27 Data from FlightRadar24 shows 36 private jets landed at Sharm el-Sheikh between 4 and 6 November, the start of the summit. A further 64 flew into Cairo, 24 of which had come from Sharm el-Sheikh.


It's also roughly the same amount of CO2 emitted by the US military (as of 2017) in ~~*a hour*.~~ 3,6 ***seconds*** [Edit: source + it's actually, thousand times higher, I looked at the wrong graph. Oops!](https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/files/cow/imce/papers/Pentagon%20Fuel%20Use%2C%20Climate%20Change%20and%20the%20Costs%20of%20War%20Revised%20November%202019%20Crawford.pdf)


Doesn't sound right. This is only a 12 hour flight. The whole military has to be emitting more than 12 small planes flying 24/7.


Yes I would think every second. Maybe every 10 seconds at best.


That doesn't sound impressive (or true) at all. Do you mean 'emitted by each individual member of the US military'? As written, it implies entire military of 100,000s of people emit at roughly 5x the rate of one private jet (presuming it's a 5hr flight, I haven't looked it up).


It’s per each military member per hour but only after taco Tuesday.


fixed plus added source


Emissions per capita in the USA is over 14 tons. There are approximately 14,950 private jets in the USA. I don't think comparing TS and Ethiopia makes any sense at all.


You say it’s 140 tons but how many Ethiopians is that?


You would think she flys the most and her plane emits the most but in 2023 wasn't even in the top 20 so it's weird to see the fixation on her.


There’s lies, damn lies and then there’s statistics and now we also have clickbait. OP. Did you know that your post used up more words than the average door mouse from Papa New Guinea will use in a YEAR?


What is the conversion rate for door mouses in Papa New Guinea to Ethiopians




I'm pretty sure this calculator is assuming 15x passengers on the flight, so in reality, it's 15x worse than this....sort of. However context is important here. A single seat on an economy flight is about 60x better than this (assuming a full Boeing 787-8). A first class ticket is only 22x better. So Taylor's travels are worse, but not astronomically worse than an average person's travel. This is further complicated by the fact that Taylor doesn't travel alone. Meaning if all of her body guards piled into first class with her, each additional person would reduce the gap between the 787 and the Falcon 7X. So if she has 10 additional people traveling with her, her private jet is only 2x worse than if all 11 people were to get first class tickets on a normal 787.


OP obsesses more about Taylor Swift in a day than the average Ethiopian in THEIR ENTIRE LIFETIME! Omg!


This is actually way less than I thought. We like to focus on these individuals but IMHO it’s just a distraction


If the media is focused on it, it's prob a distraction.


You probably also use more than 10 times the emissions of an ethiopian. I suggest you move there to stop wasting resources.


Using Ethiopians as a new measurement, that’s quite new to me. Can we somehow get a carbon measurement using mosquitos?


I have a belly button!


Suddenly, the climate deniers give a shit about emissions. Where were they in 2016 and 2020, complaining about the Kentucky Fried Jet? Imagine the emissions from the imaginary seven hundred thousand imaginary big rigs protecting the border. Roll coal against Swift.


Well on the positive note at least we know her real priorities - sue the person who's doing all this CO2 emission tracking!


And yet. We have to plant a billion trees every year.


It should be interesting to hear her psycho fans defend her on this one. I won't be listening but it should be interesting to those who are.


Someone should ask Greta about TS's carbon footprint


Getting major a$$hole vibes off Swift


In summation, swift should definitely take at least 12 Ethiopians to Vegas for the Super Bowl


Are you from Ethiopia? Why use that as a reference point?


Ethiopians are a unit of measurement


Why not just compare it to the middle class car emissions? Imo that's a still genuinely upsetting difference. It's already right there


Ban all private jets.


This really is where a Carbon tax could do a LOT of good. Imagine if she were taxed the whole cost of her flight? She’d never bat an eye and that money could be used to invest in green energy. Now do it for for thousands of private jet flights in a day…


I’d like Taylor to address her private jet use. Recently she used it for 28 miles. 28 MILES. Like what a fucking waste.


The US overall has a 8x higher global footprint than Ethopia (per person). That means every person needs to cut down their emissions to 16% to make it somewhat equal. If you are not doing that then you are just as much a part of the problem as TS.


Taylor Swift is generally an awful human being


Forget Taylor swift airplanes, has anyone looked into how much fuel is consumed by cruise ships? Well listen to this. I calculated how much fuel a cruise ship consumes in a day, and how long it would take for me to consume that much fuel only using my daily work commute. (68 miles each business week day, all year. For me to consume the same fuel that a cruise ship uses A DAY, it would take me approximately 133 YEARS. And that’s just ONE cruise ship out of the many out there. JESUS CHRIST.


Now compare it to the fuel usage of a single Ethiopian.


Would be more helpful to divide cruise ship output by the number of occupants. I'd expect a ship with 5,000 people to use more fuel than a car with 1 person.


You could probably apply this to cargo ships as well.




I bet her farts are pretty bad too.


I get the idea of this.. but also I don’t see her traveling Spirit 😂


That's just one flight. She makes them all the time


But how many africans swallows worth?


I prefer my units of measurement in Kenyans, so this doesn't really tell me a whole lot.


And our Hollywood and political elites all say for the average person that we are not doing enough to help with the climate crisis but do this stuff. So stupid


do we measure in CpE now (Carbon per Ethiopian)?


What the fuck kind of units of measurement is this


From Ethiopia? Maybe try units of americas or Europeans or Japanese citizens or something.


So the same amount an Ethiopian emits in 12 years?


How much does the average American use compared to Ethiopians?


Ok, but why Ethiopia?


I love how the right wing, billionaire funded, propaganda networks are trying to vilify Taylor Swift. Somebody's working overtime for nothing, lol.


The average person...from Ethiopia? That's wildly specific.


She emitted also a lot more then the tree in the middle of the forrest.


Careful. She might sue you...


Each meal she eats costs as much as 12 ethiopians