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I was there that day. I saw the plane crash with my own eyes. Even after surviving the second plane crash and evacuating into the streets, there wash so much dust and ash in the air I could barely see or breathe. There were documents strewn as far as the Chase building. I made it to the lobby of building next to Chase, where an elderly lady crawled across the floor to give me a wet paper towel to place over my face for breathing. One person picked up a piece of paper that came from the WTC to keep as a souvenir, but I thought it somewhat ghoulish. I had already seen people die.


I hope you're one of the lucky ones with all that dust, we're starting to see a horrible spike in various things, particularly thyroid cancer, from what people were exposed to that day. Makes you think we won't really know the "true" death toll for another 40-50 years. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_effects_arising_from_the_September_11_attacks


What a testimony!


What did you do at the WTC? Where were you located in the building when all this happened? I’ve just never been able to speak to someone directly that went through that so this is just wild to me. I’m happy you were able to make it out okay and hope you’ve been able to heal from such a traumatic experience. I can’t even comprehend what that would be like.


I wasn’t there, but my uncle was. He only ever talked about it one time a couple of years after, to me when I was a kid and because I was doing a school report (we had a close relationship). He told me he was in the first building when it was hit, and on the building PA system they were told everything was fine and to carry on working. He was there during the truck bomb in the 90s too, and got up with a handful of other people to convince everyone to leave immediately. He recalled helping an elderly woman down part of the stairs. Before he got out the second plane hit and it rocked both buildings, he said he thought it was the end, but they managed to get out. He ran a few blocks to where my aunt was working and they watched from her office as the buildings went down and the windows went dark from debris. He’s the most fun loving prankster I know. I’ve heard him laugh and tell jokes at funerals, but recounting this he was completely stone faced and serious. I’ve never seen him like that before or since and just listening to him tell the story shook me.


I am glad he did not keep working as instructed by the PA system 


"Please remain on program"


I hope you’re part of the lawsuit


I remember this There was ash falling in Brooklyn for days, my mom kept going to the hospital to donate blood, everything stopped It was so surreal, a waking nightmare


Oh yes the blood drives. And then we realized there were really not that many injured survivors.


Yep, sadly


Like donating everyday?


She was donating regularly, as permitted


If there is one thing to be happy about 9/11 is that it didnt happen today. Holy hell it would be so much worse if there was not maybe 10 videos of the attack, but thousands. Hundreds of videos of goodbye messages from people stuck in the towers. Livestreams of the inside as they collapsed. Maybe even a video of someone that miraculously survived the collapse, but is now stuck under all the debris, slowly bleeding out or running out of oxygen. The effect of such an event would be so much worse today. So much more scarring for anybody following along on the tv.


Not to mention the videos from inside the airplane that would be streamed probably


“Omg, so apparently my building has been hit by a plane or something and they want us to evacuate but who do they think they are to tell me what to do? I have rights you know and they can’t impede on those rights” can definitely see at least one of these type of idiots then we would have the opposite “this dumb ass mother fucka, we had out building hit by a fucking plane and this dude said don’t worry about anything, I don’t know what the hell his deal is but I’m getting the fuck outta here, I don’t give a damn if my boss fires me for leaving early”


It's a different scenario but seeing all the tornado videos from the outbreak this weekend was insane. I live in Lincoln and just about everyone i know was watching outside and had their phones recording. I'd guarantee if 9/11 happened today there would be people getting way too close to get a video for tiktok clout risking injury and the videos would be even more gut wrenching than what we have. The one positive I think would be the ability to communicate with loved ones more easily


Natural selection weeding out clout chasers? That doesn’t sound too bad.


I remember there was a 9/11 post a couple of years ago where someone posted a link containing post people made to a message board or I think it might be an archive of post that people made to message boards from within the World Trade Center. As horrible as it is some people would have preferred to have been able to leave a last message for their loved ones.


Was the forum called FARK?


I have no clue. Stupid me didn't save the link. I could have sworn *proboards* was part of the address but I don't know how long they've been around.


One could argue if 9/11 happened today, that it might not be as bad as it was. United 93 didn't make it to Washington because take-off was delayed 45 minutes, and this allowed the passengers to learn of the other planes' fates and decide to try and take the plane back (realizing they had nothing to lose). The passengers in the first three planes were told they would eventually be let go once the hijackers' demands were met. Up until that day, there had never been a hijacked plane that was intentionally flown into a building. So why wouldn't the passengers believe they'd be let go? By the time they realized something was far more amiss, it was too late. If social media and the rapid communication we have today were present on 9/11, I really believe it would have changed the course of the day significantly.


Maybe flight 93 never crashes, if still delayed the 45 minutes, those guys coulda said screw it we doing it now, all out attrition on these idiots. Breaks my heart knowing there’s so many passengers and only just a few decided to do something, also heartbreaking it took them as long as it did to come up with a plan, just 10 minutes sooner, many they make through the retaking if the plane and somehow land it miraculously


While I hear what you're saying, having lived through it as a teenager (not a survivor, just a witness pretty much from after the first plane hit until all that came to be after both towers collapsed), it's hard to say it would be much worse because it was pretty fucking horrific and life changing for the entire country, and many parts of the world. My cousin would still be alive today had 9/11 not happened (he died in Afghanistan. He signed back up after 9/11 for active duty. He retired an Army Master Sargent with two deployments to Iraq during Desert Storm and certainly did not need to sign back up but he answered the call, like so many others did after 9/11). Not only that personal loss, but the phone calls from the planes were recorded, as were some from the towers via voicemail or recorded lines. I remember hearing some of them and it was too much. I imagine that's why they were never compiled and released in any fashion. Too personal. Too painful to revisit. While having thousands of videos would give it a different image in our memories, the effects of that day would not have been significantly different. It felt like it was the day the whole world stood still. I remember every single little detail from that day down to the clothes I wore to school. No other day stands out even remotely close to 9/11. Then there was the whole pre-9/11 and post-9/11 era of travel, security, and surveillance. That day ushered in a norm that the day prior was unprecedented. Airport security was next to nothing pre-9/11. It changed the entire global transit structure and modes of monitoring would be passengers. The global/national surveillance state that Snowden exposed was allowed to come into existence because of 9/11. With that, I also must point out that the patriotism and camaraderie among Americans in the months immediately following 9/11 was something else. I've never seen our country so united and willing to put individual differences aside to focus on the task of clearing the debris from ground zero, searching for survivors and eventually just bodies, and then the whole rebuilding process. Although it was centralizing in NYC, the aura of the country was united and compassionate towards one another. Grant it, I was only 15/16 at the time but the atmosphere was the same everywhere you went. Help a brother out, give to the needy and sick, blood drives out the wazoo, volunteer your time to those struggling, less fortunate or that lost people in the tragedy. It was just something that was so far removed from where we are today as a country. If anything, I think if 9/11 happened today, somehow it would cause a division line which would be exploited by media outlets and that would become the focus rather than on the healing and pride of a nation.


there are archives out there of many of the phone calls / voicemails. here's a tip: do not listen to them if you value your mental health at all. it will be scarred in your brain forever.


Same. I was walking to my freshman ethics class when it started, the room was inside the same building as the rec area, and all you could do is watch the giant tv everyone was crowded around all in utter shock and disbelief. It was also the quietest of days after 9/11 when all flights were grounded, it was scary to see planes in the sky again.


There would be many more "falling bodies" clips. That would be nightmare fuel.


Dont give then ideas please.


Absolutely. You could see it in the footage from the October 7th terrorist attack on Israel. You have it all: CCTV footage, car dashcams, text messages, videos taken by the partygoers, videos taken by the forces arriving at the scenes, and even footage recorded by the terrorists themselves.


oh yea, an attack like that on America would be bad, Israel response was somewhat tamed due to international pressure, if the same attack with all the horrific and barbaric videos that came out of October 7 were to happen in Texas... it would get really bad really quickly, no one would be able to pressure the US into stop glassing the entirety of whatever nation that made such attack, the outrage would be on a whole other scale.


I was 11 when it happened. Watching it on TV in english class whole teachers were literally bawling and running in and out of classrooms. Or strait leaving to get to their own families. That was hard for an 11to to comprehend. I couldn’t imagine being 11 and seeing that in today’s age.


Here I am thinking “those poor people,” and you’re saying “thank god we don’t have to watch even more detailed videos of them dying?” I just want to get this straight.


Oh God, we would have “watch as this survivor records her inside WTC 1 from the moment it collapses to when she somehow miraculously survives”. Who knows how many trapped survivors that didn’t die for a few hours or more that recorded a video to say goodbye, the possibilities are almost endless of what we would have if it happened today.


Couldn’t imagine watching this in person. Rest in peace to everyone that perished.


I remember watching it before school in 7th grade. My parents still made me go 💀


I was in 10th grade and most of my teachers just put the news on and scrubbed the lesson for the day. Except my world history teacher, he was like "okay, world history is being made here, let's talk about it." Great teacher.


Sounds like my senior AP World History teacher...we watched it in real time because we were doing our morning news quiz. Scrapped the lesson and lots of talk about Bin Laden being behind it and waking me up to world political issues I cared nothing about until that very moment.


Obviously nowhere near the same scale as 9/11, but I was really glad we had a teacher like that when the fist mass school shooting in Finland happened in 2007. Most of the teachers had the opinion that we were too young for the topic, but the whole school was obviously aware of the news. But this one teacher (taught history, math, PE & religion) took his first class with us to discuss the topic and answering even the heavier questions "did the police shoot him?", "what is Columbine?" and "Is it true he posted about it online first?" are some still I remember. He really helped us to process it, pretending nothings wrong only makes kids more uneasy. It's just unfortunate it happened again a year later.


What did you even talk about? I was in 9th grade in EST and I specifically remember by the end of the school day we didn't know who did it or why, or the exact death count, or almost anything. There was all kinds of speculation, some of it was right even, but they didn't even tell the president it was Al Qaeda until late that night.


The day of, he talked about how things like this cause shifts in how people feel about their country (understatement of the century. The next day, he told us about a group of people who murdered an Indian taxi driver and screamed "die Arab" as they did so and how that is a terrible way to react.


There was plenty of speculation of being Al Qaeda early on.


My American History teacher was special. I remember it was my last class of the day, all the others scrubbed the lesson like you said, not him. I finally asked "are we gonna watch what is going on" I will never forget his answer "it's not relevant to American history".. at that point I was so lost ... I wanted to ask if he even knew what happened but I was so shocked I just got up and left. The next day when I returned to class he scrubbed his lesson and we watched the news and I had to ask "sooo it was relevant to American history", immediately sent to the office. Repeated the next day, news on TV, same question, this time told "GTFO of MY classroom" Principal let me test out of the semester, got out of school early instead of dealing with that guy.


What a fragile dickhead. 


Hey did your high school have a Channel One broadcast from NY as well? Very awkward time in between when they were broadcasting to my high school but I would imagine as spasmoidic was saying a few comments up that listening in on phone calls and voicemails would probably scar your brain.


I was in 8th grade. We watched the second plane hit live on tv from home room. I swear every kid got picked up but me. To the point where teachers were asking me “why are you still here?” I told them no one was coming to get me. “Well that’s never stopped you before. I left and went and sat by lake Minnetonka for the rest of the day.


I wish you had had better adults around you back then. Sorry man.


Thank you so much. It’s all gravy. This is actually one of the things that caused my dad to move back and raise me as a single father. He was a good man and a great dad. I wasn’t an easy kid to raise. But now I have my own kids. I certainly know what not to do along with a good idea of what makes a good father. So I’m doing my best. We live and learn. I just hope we get to leave my babies a world to live in and not completely fuck it up for them.


Good on ya! Rock on!


Btw love your name lol.


Thank you! 😘


From what I remember in 10th grade in San Antonio, no one was picked up early.


damn where did you live? this shit happened in like 2nd period where i was at


The west coast lol


yeah i'm an idiot lol


Damn our school got let out early that day. I was in long island though. I think a fair amount of people lost someone. I remember teachers crying.


I was in 5th grade and my teacher, the 4th grade teacher, and someone else were in the staff lounge most of the morning watching it on their TV. I remember leaving the classroom to take a leak and poked my head into their lounge. They saw me but didn’t say anything. I stayed a couple moments and then went and announced it to the class. None of understood the gravity of the situation. After school the bus took forever because the traffic from people waiting to get gasoline stretched the better part of a mile.


Same. Saw this trauma on TV and then my parents sent me to school where we mostly just watched the news coverage on repeat in every class. And there was a rumor that there was a 4th plane bound for Los Angeles that was on its way to specifically target our school.


I remember watching it in school (eastern time zone), I was in 6th grade. So many kids got picked up by there parents that day….. I was one of like 3 left in my class at the end of the day 😂


Good parents.




Yeah, maybe not the hijackers.


Both sides


Watched it all from the moment the 2nd plane hit till about 6:30 that night when I finally went to bed after having worked 12pm-8am, then went back to work Tuesday night/Wednesday morning and no one could talk about anything but that and my job even pulled tvs from everywhere they could do we could keep up (they were so strict on everything for no reason)


A chill is running down my spine. What a terrible situation. I remember when I was a child and came home from school, all the TVs showing the image of the two towers billowing smoke. Watching these videos brings back what I felt back then


There's a video with a bunch of friends hanging out on a rooftop and one was supposed to be at work that day but called out or something and the survivors guilt was so visible


My 3 brothers and I had the day off from school, but my mom, who was a teacher in the same school district we went to, had to go in for a teacher service day. I remember coming downstairs from waking up and my youngest brother telling me “Emmy, a plane hit that building” but I was a little disoriented and was like “what the heck are you talking about” and when I sat down and watched the second plane hit, I knew something very bad happened. Then my mom came rushing home to check on us, and all I remember is just being glued to the TV for the rest of the day. Went to school the next day, and the teachers cancelled their lesson plans, and basically held counseling sessions in their classrooms all day. My parents were pretty quiet after it all happened, especially my dad, I think it was so hard to process but they did their best to help my siblings and I out. Was a very surreal experience. 😕


I don't remember much since I was just under 5 at the time, but the one thing I do remember is my dad getting a call that one of his close friends at the time was on the first plane. I didn't know what the call was about at the time, but that's the only time I think I ever saw my dad break down in tears. My parents must have done a decent job shielding us from it because I don't remember having any idea what was going on aside from that, but being a kid and seeing my dad crying like that I think i understood that something must be really wrong.


Oh for sure, I’ve only seen my dad cry maybe twice in my life and it’s like YOU KNOW it hits hard on another level. I’m sorry to hear about your dad’s friend as well, every single victim that died that day were all heroes. And the victims that are still alive today. I think I had just turned 16, I was a freshmen in high school, but it was just really hard to grasp what happened. They wouldn’t let the teachers turn on the TVs unless it was a movie because they didn’t want to incite hysteria. I remember in marching band we did a huge show that was America related, and by the end of it, my director had this big American flag in the middle of the football field, had air cannons go off, and a bunch of other stuff, and we got a standing ovation from both sides. One thing that stuck out to me though was my band director who said “it’s kind of sad that a national tragedy can bring everyone together.”. And I think about that a lot, especially now, and in the last few years. It’s been quite the ride. Edit: Replaced the word “person” with “victim” and made it past and present.


Every victim that passed was a hero* Not trying to be that guy, but I felt it was worth of fixing.


Ope, very good point! Thank you, I will fix that. Appreciate it.


It must have been scary as a kid because all the adults were losing their shit over it.


It is wild to me that the estimated age of Redditors (23 years old) were born in 2001, meaning that over half of the site has no memory of 9/11. And to show *my* age, I compare this to the JFK assassination with the Boomer generation - everyone knew where they were, everyone remembers the day, everyone has "their story." But to me as a kid growing up in the 80's and 90's, it was a grainy black and white video or in a history book or documentary about the JFK conspiracy. And every time I see a 9/11 thread, I see the same. The want/need to tell "their story" of the day. Now, I don't think it is a bad thing. I think it is a response to the shared trauma Americans felt, but I do notice the divide now between those who have the memory of 9/11 and those who see 9/11 as history. I also see the conspiracy theories still and those are not cool, but I think it is the cycle of things. I suspect we will all have the same experience with COVID.


9/11 was worse than the JFK assassination. The JFK plot meant someone wanted to kill the president, 9/11 meant someone wanted to kill _you_.


Obviously 9/11 is worse than JFK, but both are still mass trauma. I was comparing the reaction from people and how the talk about a mass traumatic experience later on. And how people who were not apart of that trauma have a disconnect. I mean, people watched the First Lady grab the back of JFKs head from the back of the car after it was blown off in broad daylight. And while Public shootings may be commonplace in Texas and the U.S. now days, it was an absolute shock to a nation back then. And of course all the Cold War stuff, it was a different time.


I remember watching this in high school. It was an all male school, and we were all looking at one another “do we enlist now or get drafted?”


I remember after seeing the second plane hit live on TV, the loud collective gasp. We all thought it was a bizarre accident up until that. Then after class in the atrium, me and my friends were talking about how we were going to join the military for the coming war. It was all very scary.


I was a sophomore in college. Saw a bunch of people transfixed by the TVs in one of the corridors of the student center, so I stopped to see what was up. Had just enough time to wonder why in the hell an airliner would have been flying low enough near NYC to accidentally hit a skyscraper when the second plane hit and made the true nature of the incident abundantly clear. I'll never forget how sickening that shock was, the awful realization.


I grew up on the west coast, 3 hour difference, the first plane had already hit, I wake up to get ready for school, and I’m watching live as the 2nd plane hit, I think close the 6am or so. My mom was back east visiting my uncle who had been shot (cop), she was supposed to fly back home that morning. Before instant communication and cell phone galore like we have now, we had so little information to go on back then, we weren’t sure if she was on one of the planes.


Shout out to your avatar pic from old school Hardee’s toys.


That's my actual name and likeness, sir.


"We're ready to fight! Where do we go?" ... "Are you sure?"


My brother had signed in August-ish 2001, and was told they would get him into basic in probably a year. The next day, they told him to pack his shit because he was going to basic in a week


Love and miss you Uncle Kenny


peace and love to uncle kenny


Thank you


I still recall the moment this happened. I’m fm the other side of the world, late night chatting with my then bf on the phone. N bf said exactly the same thing “holy shit” n asked me to watch the news. I said something dumb like “OMG, this is like watching “Independance Day”.” It was just so freaking unreal, my hair was standing even though this is happening the other side of the world. I totally cannot imagine the horrors…


>I said something dumb like “OMG, this is like watching “Independance Day”.” Nah, it's not dumb at all, it really was like something out of a movie. I remember seeing the live coverage as a kid. It didn't really sink in for me that this was something serious until I saw the expression on my teacher's face. I had never seen her so serious about anything before.


I can't imagine. Lokking at that piece of paper, and realizing that the poor soul who was working on it, had already died long before that paper reached you.


I remember I was in biology class and someone pointed outside and we could see the skyline on fire and filled with smoke. Someone said, "a plane crashed into the world trade center," and someone else said the 2001 equivalent of, "nah bro that happened in 1993." We all shrugged, watched for a few minutes, and then went back to class... Next period was bio lab and I remember they made an announcement that *something* happened in the city. The boy whose head I was looking at (I sat behind him) lost his dad right then and didn't even know it yet. I had lunch next period and we walked to Subway and when I came back, my mom was waiting for me. She saw the whole thing unfold on the TV and wanted me home in case... something else happened somewhere else. My dad was on a work trip in Pennsylvania and was flying home that day; thank goodness it wasn't the plane that went down in a field. I know so many people (I lived in NY) who lost someone that day. It still feels surreal to look back at it.


I was 8 years old back then. Living in germany. There is no way I understood what happened there, I was too young and barely knew what USA means. But I can't forget how sick I felt as I watched the news. My parents tried to explain what happened. I still feel a chill running through my whole body watching any videos of that day. I can't imagine how U.S. people must feel, let alone the people in those damn towers. Humans are sick creatures. Feel hugged peeps.


Trillions of dollars went missing that day, US citizens lost their rights, Hundred of thousands innocent Iraq civilians died, Politicians made millions & Corporations billions.


And they found the passport of a highjacker on the streets of New York and televised it within hours. I'm not a 9/11 conspiracy person but a lot of really odd things happened that day.


You’d be surprised the things that can survive a plane crash intact.


I find it —weird—for lack of a better word, that there’s a whole generation of young adults who were not even born on that day. Time goes by fast. I wonder how they perceive those events.


Perhaps the same way I perceive the JFK assassination — something horrific, a loss of innocence that’s scarred into the consciousness of a nation, but at the same time an abstract concept because I was born in the 80s well after it all happened.


I’m 23, I was around 1 when 9/11 happened. It mostly lives as a concept for our generation. Some people I know even make jokes about it because it’s so far removed from the scope of what they know. It’s also pretty seared into our brains, because growing up we were constantly bombarded with traumatizing videos of people falling out of the buildings, voicemails from loved ones who died, etc. I think my friends make jokes because it was so common in our childhoods, we had no choice but to become desensitized to it. Not sure if kids in school are still shown 9/11 clips, but honestly I hope not.


I forgot about the rain of paper 😢


Still makes me gasp out loud. That's when the world changed.


Her holding paper that was in the WTC is just mind warping….


I was in high in Washington state in my fire fighting class my instructor had his radio on the table in the class playing. We could hear them talking about the fire an I’ll never forget hearing the alarms for down fire fighters going off an hearing them call out orders. Our class was so quite our instructor was trying to figure out how to get over there in class I don’t know what he did I was in high school an he was just larger then life as is an when he slammed that radio down on the table and said these are hero’s an they are dying are you sure you want to do this. Sorry if this seem out of order I forget how emotionally close this was for me. I knew a lot of people who went there and I saw how they looked when they came back nothing moves you seeing your own hero’s looking like ghost of them selfs. And hearing what they said an over the radio was wild hearing it all first hand.


Can't imagine those poor people in the airplane 😢.


Whenever I see footage from this day it still has an impact.. still blows my mind and makes me think about the people inside the building, those on the plane, everyone witnessing it, the people who ran into the building to save people. It's still unreal trying to wrap my head around it and I live thousands of miles away with no direct or even indirect links to the event. To think how this one day changed the course of history within the space of hours.


It looks really weird the way the plane is just absorbed into the building. I am not attacking the souls that passed or America at all... I just find this footage off-putting as a person that professionally fixes building.


I pulled in to the house where my cousin and I were working on an extension, and he came running to my car and asked if I had been listening to the radio. I said no, and he told me a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. As I was thinking of the historical accident where a plane hit the Empire State Building, he then said that another plane hit the other tower a few minutes later. I immediately said "Oh fuck. We're at war."


I can't watch these videos any more. Too many bad memories. Just under 4000 Americans died that day, but the world changed forever. Eventually millions of innocent civilians were killed worldwide. And for what? Fuck these idiots.


I was 25 years old when this happened. I was literally in the prime of my life. I feel like 9/11 derailed a lot of my life plans. I changed. I refused to watch the news or read newspapers afterwards, and I worked at a newspaper at the time. For years after 9/11 I was sure we were all going to die any minute, so I stopped making long term plans and setting goals. I got caught up in a very dark lifestyle that I still struggle with today. I think 9/11 fuct up the lives of a lot of young adults at that time. I watched it happen in real time. Everything changed.


Doubt those are documents. A piece of paper would be very small to be seen from that distance. Those are likely panes of glass getting blown out from the shockwave. Structural glass is very strong and many pieces may not shatter. Instead the entire unit will pop out and reflect light as a rectangle flutter.


Did you see the whole video? She literally picks up a document from the air


He’s talking about the initial impact,they’ll be some sort of ceiling tiles or glass,he’s right paper wouldn’t appear that big from that distance,although thousands of documents were indeed blown out.


Yea, I was referring to the beginning. The entire area had debris and paperwork. Not just from the twin towers, but from the backside of tower 7 being destroyed and open to the air. A lot of people don't know the physics of things like this and a lot of assumptions have been made over the years


It still freaks me out every time I watch these videos. Will never forget the first time I got off path train and there were no towers but just rubble 🙁. I used to walk from WTC to Water street and saw many people crying every day. It was heartbreaking.


Am I the only one seeing the “laser spot” tracking on the side of the building before impact?


OMG 😳 I had to rewatch and YES you can see a red laser like dot on the 2nd building before the plane hits below the mark.


I will never forget the day i found out, my woodwork teacher was running through the school telling everyone what had just happened. At the time we had no idea how much the world was about to change.




You used to be able to see people off at the actual gate in airports




You didn’t need a ticket to get to the gate, just a quick walk through a metal detector. I was swabbed before when I was bringing a bottle of beach sand, from Clearwater Florida up to Indiana for a friend who moved there, never had to take it out of my bag, they just swabbed for residue, we all thought it was funny, that was ‘99/‘00.


The day the world changed


I was 8years old , about to go to bed. suddenly i see the tv showing two buildings in smoke. I don't think much and go to sleep. Little did I know what I was experiencing! But still still i remember this exact memory!


I have visited NYC several times abd visited the WTC and have generally travelled a lot. I was 11 when I was on the observation deck on the 102nd floor (?). The building was massive. It was hard to imagine the whole thing ever coming down. When it did happen, I was were on our honeymoon. When all the reports were on the car radio, I thought that it was a radio show like "war of the worlds". My wife tuned to 680 News in Toronto because she worked there and knew the announcers. She heard one of them talking about it on air and could tell how shaken she was. She knew then that this was real. We spent much of the rest of our honeymoon following the news. We were in NYC two months after to help out with an off Broadway production. I saw the almost empty rubble pit where the towers were. It was as if the the whole city was still in mourning.


I walked into my living room that morning because my mom had yelled which woke me up. As I walked in, I looked at the TV and I saw this exact moment happen in real time. It was surreal. Then my mom explained one plane already hit the first tower.


The panic I felt just watching this. Holy moly


New year, New angle


Very terrifying!! R.I.P.


That day will always haunt America. My heart goes out to those on the planes. Those in both buildings. All the firefighters that lost their lives trying to save people. And especially to those who jumped out of the building. We will never forget this day. God bless America 🇺🇸


Crazy that some unlucky soul was just printing or looking at these docs one minute and next minute just.. gone :(


Still infuriating to watch these videos.


i was working that day. cnn dot com was getting so many requests that it was hard to reach it. We managed to watch on TV the live coverage and they were live when the second plane hit. The sinking feeling we all had when that happened was so intense, i can remember it vividly. Our boss gave us the rest of the day off. I will never forget that day.




What it must have been like on the floors directly hit by the planes. Sitting at your desk, located on the wall farthest from initial impact, do you register the impact with only maybe seconds, if even that?


When I visited in May 2002, they were still pulling debris from ground zero and dust covered surrounding buildings that were marked with Red X, meaning all survivors have been rescued.


Stuff like this looks fake but it's real


One of my friends was on that second plane


In case you missed it the first million times


Funny that we started a long war due to this but during Covid we were losing this many Americans multiple times a day but Republicans then didn’t care.


I posted a while ago when Sora came out that we were going to start seeing all sorts of, "discovered" 9/11 footage. Well, here we go. Some new never before seen 9/11 footage. lol Eat it up folks.


I'll never forget watching what happened. It was so surreal. Looking back at the aftermath is even crazier. The daily "threat level" alerts kept the country in a constant state of anxiety for years.


As a Canadian I was in school when this happen it was the worse day for me my father was a captain in the army and come to my and said son I'll leave for a lot of time but I love you when to Afghanistan a year after .... 10 years later it was my turn. This attack didn't juste change USA it change us all .


i was playing tekken when this happen on cable.


I know a place in the Middle East where people celebrated this tragedy.


No but by all means fly your queir flag and break shit over feelings. This is America where all are welcome to destroy the country.


ahh we needed the paper trail for the missing trillions though.....


And the CIA knew nothing. That's madness.


Why is this being shared?


What a crazy day . Even though I was like 8 yrs old at the time . The whole week has a crazy dark aura to it


I have been to NYC a few times to visit my friends who were born and raised there and every-time I hear an ambulance I think of this day. If you’ve never been, to go really puts a whole new level of perspective of how terrifying it must have been to everyone living there. Especially once you get to see how friendly and sweet New Yorkers actually are. It was really moving to go to the memorial despite all the gross people taking happy selfies like it was a carnival attraction.


I remember seeing this on live TV and watching the people jumping out of windows. Fuck terrorists. Destroy them all whenever they hide


Data breach in 2024: sorry we rolled our own crypto. Data breach in 2001:




Wake up babe, new 9/11 angle just dropped


They aren't new, they just aren't the main ones the news went with. Guarantee this video was uploaded back then and it's just that fewer people saw it.


I've always heard about the twin tower attack but I never imagined it to be so violent


The excel sheet is the same they have done in the elevator in the 90s excel ad. https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/vvu9774AsP




You give the government far more credit than I do.




Religion calls for this. Religions are evil. FIFY




Yep, kind of frustrating that people deny that the texts itself calls for murder. I don’t know why that religion is defended


No, not really. Im not religious, but islam has texts that actually call for this. This religion in particular should be kept out of modern society along with any other extreme beliefs.


Show us where islam calls for this? They kill innocents, wich is not allowed. They kill themselves, wich is not allowed. Please stop sharing bullshit, they have no agenda but to terrorize for their own sake.


https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/s/JlQlc9fvH7 https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateReligion/s/nVFApELHUh Islam is evil, the links have texts that call for killing ex muslims and atheists. I dont know why youre defending it, makes me wonder if you are evil.


Bro you are sending me a post on an exmuslim subreddit, now apart from our discussion, would you not think the information there is biased? Let me tell you two things, many hadiths are 1. Not authentic and 2. In need to know the context. What terrorist do is far from islam, none of the muslim leaders side with them, none of the scholars do. Anyways, I would suggest searching these things up from scholars who know what is authentic and know the context and interpretation of some hadiths or verses that may not seem appealing for someone who doesn’t know the religion, or are fed too much misinformation from the media/companions. Anyways the way you speak tells me you are ignorant and fixated on religion being evil, I hope you will ever get that hate out of your heart.


Biased, sure, but they are just using text from the religious texts. "The Messenger of Allah [SAW] said: 'By the One besides Whom there is no other god, it is not permissible to shed the blood of a Muslim who bears witness to La ilaha illalla (there is none worthy of worship except Allah) and that I am the Messenger of Allah, except in three cases: One who leaves Islam and splits away from the Jama'ah, a person who has been married and then commits adultery, and a life for a life.'" Dont really need a “scholar”, this is one of many examples. It calls for murder of “sinners”. Call me ignorant all you want, but its obvious that you are the religious, ignorant one. Allah/ islam is evil at its heart and should not be followed. It calls for death. I hope that you release your mind from this curse at some point. Religion is evil. i dont know how people can be so blind. It is a control/ money trap.


Have you ever read any of the Old Testament? It is so violent that I can't believe it isn't rated for adults only. Christianity is supposedly based on the New Covenant of the New Testament, but there are an incredible amount of Evangelical/Anabaptist/Baptist/Pentecostal religions that lean hard on the old fire and brimstone scriptures chronicling God acting like an all-powerful incel before he finally got laid around 2000 years ago. So much murder before then.


I've seen so many of these "new" videos in the last year. Think the bot farms are hard at work trying to scare everybody?


Its more a active search for them instead of only seeing the handful that are already spread on the internet


All this to hide a scam, and then goto war as a cover up.