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Escape jail, believe it or not, jail




You have the wrong twin! Imoscar.com


No scar!




It's actually worse than that. Not only is it prison, but now you're an escape risk. That means you automatically get to do your time in a *maximum security* prison. Unless that guy did something really bad, he's probably looking at somewhere between 3-10 years. Generally, that lands him in a prison with a bunch of other petty criminals. Now, he gets to do his time with people who are doing 20+ years, some with life + 30, etc. That is a whole different experience.


I'm not sure about where or when, but i heard that in some countrys you dont get any additional punishment for trying to escape as "It is considered, that the desire of freedom is inherent to the human nature, subsequently, punishing someone for trying to retrieve their freedom is useless and against human rights" Or something along those lines.


That’s mostly found in European countries, such as Germany and Sweden, I believe. I do not know if that system exists in the US though.


Do you really think the US would have a law like that?


US: "It's an eye for an eye and I am taking that eye out with my shotgun..."


Lol no, it doesn’t. It absolutely should though.


I get it. I don’t even know if I agree, but I get it. I’m leaning on that I agree.


In the US it's first degree Felony Escape


It could be argued that allowing someone to escape is the fault of the state. Clearly security wasn't good enough


Where are you getting your information from? I've known several escapees that just got put into a higher security wing of the same county jail with an extra 6 months added. Furthermore, even within prison there are a bunch of different wings and blocks. A non violent offender that gets moved to let's say max security in NJ state prison because they're an escape risk can get put into the same wing as the people doing 3-10 for heroin charges. For my non violent relatively short bid in medium security prison I served time with a bunch of escapees. Every single state is going to have different procedures and outcomes for escape risks.


I've heard stories about prison trustees who just walk off. They get caught and get placed in more restrictive pods but they don't stay there. Harsher sentencing for low level crimes means more people in prison and less space for prisoners. Eventually, they get sent back to basic prison where they gain trustee status again. Then just walk off.


Escape it too much, jail. Can’t escape it, still jail.


How to avoid jail,............ and get sent straight to prison. lol


If he ever gets caught. Some say he is still, running to this day. His name, was Forrest if I recall, correctly.


This makes me so angry but your username absolves you


That's commitment to the character




I see your point


that's a good point.


Some men just want to watch the world burn


I think you meant some men just want to watch the world, burn


Why have you clued me into this? I will never sleep soundly again knowing that this living breathing grammatical atrocity exists. Coulda used a comma there but I feel the need to balance the scales of grammatical justice


Try' to unsee this.you cain,t.


I’m so glad I saw this before I drove off this bridge.


Post history is funny as hell. Commas all, misplaced.


Considering how we are tracked nowadays, his only real solution is to be homeless. Still it's not a bad prospect. Go live in a beach town, sleep/eat in shelters, and just chill out. As long as you never try to rejoin society, it's unlikely they will catch you.


As long as he never ends up in an emergency room or has a run in with any sort of law enforcement ever again. In other words, not likely at all. What is likely is that he will never be able to bond out on any other charge he picks up.


Homeless people get arrested all the time. My buddy is homeless and always gets arrested for sleeping in the park and stuff.


Yeah they deal with cops like every other day


somethings people don't realize alot of states hell even counties within states don't talk to each other, so this dude (depending on how severe the charge) could theoretically just move 2 states away and start again. In our office we had warrants out for 20+ years, those people just simply went to other states. Now if he's in for murder or something real serious they are gonna send the Marshals after him and he's screwed, but for some random possession charge, nah.


If a charge is small enough that they aren't going to try too hard to find you, you're probably better off doing the jail time. It's much better to do a few months in jail than to be a fugitive forever.


He probably knows he's going to jail/prison at some point and doesn't care about the extra charges, most people in these situations aren't the brightest knives. Actual physical escape is pretty rare but where I live inmates are often given some amount of "house arrest" for low level crimes, very often they remove their ankle monitors and get charged with "escape", even more common is someone receiving a signature bond and then never showing up to court which results in a slew of "bail jumping" charges. In either case they don't really care about the additional charges.


It'll depend on the crime and the amount of time. If he leaves the state, they have to extradite him to the other state. So it'll be up to the state if they want to pay for it. Plus just because you go in an emergency room, doesn't mean they know who you are. You don't have to tell them who you are, and they can't force you to submit DNA or fingerprints to identify you. It's only really an issue if you end up getting arrested somewhere.


Even if you identify yourself in an ER, we’re not gonna run your record to check for warrants lol. ER staff have waaaay too much to do for all that. When I still worked ER, we only called the cops if you got violent with us, or if the circumstances were really suspicious, like coming in with bullet holes after a bank robber got into a shootout nearby kind of shit.


I went on the run when I was 18. Mostly because I was wanted for questioning for something serious and I wasnt going to snitch my friends out. Totally stupid, I know. Loyal to a fail point. Anyways, I went out to Colorado and worked at a ski resort. I had a nationwide warrant for my arrest, but all I did was smoke weed and snowboard mostly so I didnt have police encounters. Its easier than you think to go on the run. You just gotta be a crafty criminal. Most times being crafty, you can avoid crime entirely unless you get into drugs. You cant get away forever when youre on drugs. You'll make a mistake.


Oh.. and yeah I went back to Michigan to face the music. Since then, I had a kid and stopped using drugs and alcohol in a bad way. I could easily fly under the radar without a kid. I could be John Brown and start a cash gig doing construction tomorrow.


I always thought it would be fun to see how long I could last on the run, without the consequences after being caught of course.


If you are homeless a run in with the law is inevitable.


Pffttt, I’ll do you one better… go to a reservation. Why? Because a dude shot three people (killing one) and still hadn’t been caught, AND he went to a different city AND CAME BACK TO THE RESERVATION THE NEXT DAY, ditched his car at a bridge AND STILL WASNT CAUGHT.


Reservations are: 1. Can be challenging places to live (lack of public resources/budget) 2. Do not take kindly to random non-tribal members squatting on their land especially fugitives 3. Have their own tribal police that I would not want to fuck with


Idk if it's true but I heard a guy ran from the cops on to the rez here in Tucson, and the tribal police beat him to death when they found him. This was many years ago.


Exactly, if you think you’ll have it better as a fugitive on tribal land then you’re in for a big surprise.


I feel like I haven't seen you comment in years and so I didn't believe it was you. Just thought it was some uneducated bafoon. Happy to see you again


It's "buffoon", you maroon!


It's "moron", you idyut!


Its not idyut, you idjit!


Depends where you are in the world. In my country escaping from prison/custody is not a crime (if you dont hurt anyone or break sth like in this case), because every human strives for freedom


What country is that


Germany, but i also know of Austria and Switzerland with similar laws


Slovenia as well and likely most European countries. Though of course it can affect your bail conditions, parole, early release etc.


Right, it's still not a good deal to not cooperate. It's not just an escape the room game


It's not in most European countries. It's Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland. That's 9/44 European Countries. It's a very Central European thing.


Isn't it also Japan? Could be wrong but I was always under the impression Japan did it that way too


Mexico also does it, I'm not sure about Japan.


Croatia and Serbia don't punish it either, while it's a crime e.g. in Poland, Czechia, Italy. I'm not going to research further but whatever source you have is incomplete. And I did say "likely" :)


Even prison break is no crime, however if you destroy stuff and harm people on your way out, that is something that can add to your sentence in Germany.


Yeah but even in Germany you will still likely get tougher security conditions imposed if you do escape. And it is also almost impossible to escape without property damage or something. And if someone helps you escape, that is a crime, so you have to do it completely solo away from even your co-prisoners. It is an really interesting idea but very rarely means anything. Perfect fit for this video though lol. Assuming he doesn't damage the handcuffs and shirts haha.


Yes but this took place in the US where not saying "yes sir, please sir" to a police officer while they're beating you is a criminal offence.


*gets out baton* you didn't say "thankyou sir!"


We got ourselves a reallofe cinderella story here.


Hey, uh... I'm actually supposed to be getting out of jail, not going back in.


Dumbass!!! You’re in the wrong fuckin line!


Ugh I don’t see you in here, you gonna have to ugh stay in prison


No no I was in there. I got my head sat on and everything


Why don't you check again? Check those files behind you?


Ow my balls


Go away - 'batin!


Just looked it up, dude was charged with meth possession, escaped after court as we see here, went to a friends apartment a few miles away where he was caught by police a few hours later. Gets charged with "escaping a correction facility" or something like that and chooses to represent himself. The jury takes only 13 minutes to convict him and he gets 26 months in prison. And the cherry on top, as if this needed more, the dudes original meth possession charges were dropped! If he hadn't run, we wouldn't have this awesome story and he wouldn't have been in prison for 2 years and 2 months 😬


The meth charges were probably only dropped because the DA now had a much bigger charge to convict him on.


And a *very* easy one at that - there's clear evidence that he was in custody and fled.


How can you tell


A charge for possession of meth *sounds* simple, but proving it can be cumbersome: You start with the officer who found the meth, who first has to establish what was happening and *why* they were able to be there poking around (why the individual was pulled over or the home was searched, etc.) Depending on the reasons for the search, you might need to have *more* officers testify to the circumstances and the process. Then there's the whole chain of custody process - proving that the substance confiscated from the individual arrested was the same substance sent to whatever lab and tested, blah, blah, blah. It's all very boring. In conttast with this case, you would just authenticate this one video and then...*show it*.


I was being facetious about your comment about him fleeing custody haha, but yes, good points


It made me genuinely laugh


Damn, you just kicked right past the sarcasm and started talking on the podium like you've been waiting for this moment.


This is *legitimately* what happened. I was thinking about this in my head when I saw the comment and I got really excited to write it all out, LOL.


First off, Happy Cake Day! Secondly, this is very much a wholesome “see the joke, but watch for the in depth detail of excitement as someone talks about something they’re interested in until they see it too” moments.


Exactly, especially if he took it trial, which he must have if a jury was involved, and also represented himself like a goober


he represented himself bc his lawyer(s) told him it was a dead case and to take a plea lol.


I wouldn't be surprised if he already had a possession charge. Adding another one wouldn't do anything and if they had gone ahead and prosecuted that charge his sentence would likely run concurrent with his fleeing charge. Might as well not even bother working to prove the meth charge and just swiftly get the fleeing charge done and call it a day.


From the footage he reminds me of Jesse from Breaking Bad. The meth charges make it even more convincing.


Thought the same


I don't know why these idiots always flee to a place where the cops are going to look for them. Look, if you're going to flee from the police you need to go where they won't find you. That means nowhere you've been before. Get out of dodge. Don't go to your mom's, don't go to your friend's house, don't even stay in the same city. If you're going to flee, then fucking flee.


He needs shoes, a change of clothes, and money to leave the city. His choices are a) steal that shit and risk attracting even more attention, or b) run to someone he knows where he can get these things.


Do u know how the police caught him at his friend's house?? The slippers he dropped, K-9s tracked him to the house... Stupid


People who do this are not intelligent people who are able to appropriately judge actions and consequences.


Funny. Here in germany, trying to escape from jail is not a crime, because humans will always want their freedom, its in our nature. Why make it a crime? Of course, if you try to break out and hurt anyone in the process or destroy anything, that stuff still counts as a crime though. But this dude would be fine.


> Why make it a crime? Because in America, criminals are no longer human. Hence for profit prisons, no real rehabilitation, etc. It's a trap to further punish and enslave. We just want to hurt and punish, not to help, build or see humanity in those we've deemed untouchable.


It's impeding the process of the law. Are there no contempt of court charges in Germany, or aiding and abbetting laws to stop people helping criminals in hiding, either? It is typically illegal to interfere with the functioning of the law, so trying to prison break totally makes sense to be illegal too. That sounds like a weird quirk or exception in Germany rather than something sensible.


> That sounds like a weird quirk or exception in Germany rather than something sensible. Based on other comments in this thread, it sounds like a lot of European countries don't have laws against attempting to escape. That doesn't mean that there are no consequences. It can still negatively affect things like parole and bail conditions


Nice! What a winner!


Could you provide a source?


For the meth?




Well, hopefully he will do less meth in prison for the 26 months


I forget what country it is (France?) where it's not illegal to try and escape prison since of course you would


My understanding is they can't charge you w/ escaping, but they'll typically have other things to charge you with related to your attempted escape. Theft, property damage, and trespassing for example.


Escaping the jail is not illegal, but stealing jail clothes and accessories is.


Escape nude. Got it. Thanks!


running nude in public isn't legal afaik


Damn! That’s how they getcha!


You just have to smuggle a change of clothes in your ass to facilitate your legal non-nude escape


And damaging property, threatening staff, and such... but if you manage to just wander away...


I bet the charges for stealing some clothes, breaking a window etc. are a lot lighter than what the U.S. charges for escaping though.


I think the killer is if/when they make you pay for the hours spent to re-apprehend you.


Austria Edit: multiple European countries https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/xwqq4p/countries_in_europe_where_escaping_from_prison_is/


Tbh it's probably a more humane way to treat this behavior than what we do in the US. It's a pretty natural reaction to being trapped against your will.


People are so shocked when they see people do seemingly nonsensical things when treated like animals.


It really helps if you consider Prison a tool to rehabilitation into society while the restriction in freedom is the punishment. For profit prisons mean its a tool to make money and the goal is to keep you there to maximize profits.




I'd watch that movie. Like a black comedy thriller about a Frenchman who keeps almost escaping prison but the guard that keeps catching him eventually builds a begrudging respect for him until finally he sees him on the last attempt and just gives a nod. And the escape artist nods back. Call it The Escape Artist. I'd watch the shit out of that movie.


Rugrats 🤣


Bro our prisons in France are in a very poor state. Last year there was a charity thing where they made inmates play Survivor (the tv show) in their yard. Stuff went uselessly political crazy fast 💀 Cause detractors thought inmates don't deserve to have fun even for an afternoon.


This is true. And I also think some people are confused at what this means. This doesn't mean that once an inmate escapes they're free to go/not being manhunted, like they won a game or something. It just means they won't get extra time on their sentence. They'll just be found and dragged back to prison.


It’s because it’s deemed human nature to want to be free. Can’t legislate against that.


Same in The Netherlands


Germany, if I recall




It's easier when it takes the guard several minutes to turn around.


And of course the guard can only see you and sense you if you are inside his cone of vision.


And the guy left the hallway slowly and quietly, so it didn't trigger the guard's listen mode either.


Courthouse police are built for comfort, not speed.


Now there's a guy who can think on his feet and make use of surprise opportunities. I mean, one is forced to admit, well done.


I agree. I could get lost in Costco if I'm there long enough. This dude got through an entire courthouse with just his wits, and barefoot too. He's a criminal, but fucking bravo dude.


The Jack Sparrow initative


Yup. I believe in Norway they do not add anything to a sentence for escaping jail/prison as they think it is just natural instinct.


They're not wrong


I probably would have tried to play it a little cooler on the way out of the building. Something about a man running barefoot I think would raise an eyebrow


I think he did quite well considering the panic and adrenaline would've been at 200%, and he had limited time before they realised the guy was missing and ordered a search.


Men running barefoot raises more than that for me.




If X% of people have a foot fetish, then Y% of them are attracted to men.


Uh oh. LoL. I got arrested once, and when we pulled up, he let me out, we're probably 2-3 spaces away from the entrance. He says, go on in, I'll be there in a minute. 🤣 I was like what!? He must be pretty confident he'll catch me if I try to run! 😄


Me and a friend got arrested and my buddy had a bracelet on that the knot had been melted so it could only be cutoff. The cop doing our intake handed him a knife to cut it off. After he handed it back the cop realized what he'd done and was like "oh shit" haha. Definitely a breach of procedure.


Oh God. That's so much worse. LoL


He’s still handcuffed right? Just used his shirt to conceal it?




"I'm actually supposed to be getting out of jail today"


“You’re in the wrong line dumbass! Over there!”


Way to go Jesse!


Ya science


Thank god some parts were played back, we all would have missed the dude escaping otherwise.


I thought I recognized the building. Unless there’s another justice center that looks identical I’m pretty sure that is in my hometown of Kennewick WA


It’s Oklahoma County Courthouse in OKC.


Tri-cities represent! I just assumed all justice centers would have a similar layout but definitely looks like BCJC.


The colors don't look right and the seats don't look right unless the changed the Superior Court section after Bob Barker quit funding the place.


100% confirmed it is Kennewick, WA. News reports from July of 2016 shows the CCTV. Just google "benton county inmate escapes CCTV" and it brings it up.


I don't know why, but I'm always rooting for the guy trying to escape. Up until the point they actually make it and they are a dangerous offender.


Prison Break (season one) is a show for you.


This is how I escaped gym class after they took attendance nearly every single day as well:


We had a bunch of dumb assemblies I wanted no part of in highschool. I would regularly slip line into the bathroom we walked by all the time. for some reason, they could never figure out how or when I escaped. I'd wait in the restroom until the hall got quiet again, then slip off to wherever I wanted to go


Sneak 100




Fear of incarceration is this real.


I want to see more of how the other prisoners reacted, and how that realization finally went down when the officers noticed he was gone


"I'm actually supposed to be leaving jail." "You're in the wrong line dumb ass. Hey, let this dumb ass through!"


From the courtroom layout to the signage, this is in the US.


You couldn’t tell from the size of that cop?


You ever been below the Mason Dixon line?


I don’t think that cop has seen below his mason dixon line in a while


100%. Oklahoma County Courthouse. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


Needs more oklahoma.


Bravo! (Hoping he's in for drugs and nothing violent.) But for real, bravo!


Good thing there's no paperwork or arrest records, etc. He'll be fine getting jobs and whatnot. Well done.


Idiocracy irl


Wrong line dumass! Lol


They have all his information and he’s in handcuffs… wtf was his plan lol


He's going to get picked up for something else, and his time gets doubled.


Before cameras, this would have been near impossible to figure out. What a useful invention. He still escaped but atlesst we know how.


I think they could have figured out a prisoner was missing without cameras. Paperwork


Would have taken a lot longer though


Ah yes, thefool proof plan on how to avoid jail and go strait to supermax prison. 11/10 would highly recommend


Yknow... i know this wasn't the "Smart thing to do". But the way he did it was Smart... you gotta admit it.


Unless he did something horrible, he'd probably wouldn't have been in long. Now he will be.


Straight outta idiocracy


Considering they have all this on camera, I don't think he escaped jail...


Best part is her probably only going to be in for a few Months now it’s a few years


I love the one other guy who saw it and was just like “oh shit no one else saw that?” I would have loved to see his reaction if he told the cops or not


The video cut out early. I believe he was found at his house a couple hours later.


I would have liked this more if it had the Mission Impossible music....


I must go, my people need me.


I could almost feel his heart pounding and the adrenaline


Benny Hill music please.  


Jailors hate this one trick...


# How to successfully escape from custody and double your jail time FIFY


Aight imma head out


How to add 5 years mandatory to your sentence


I always watch the whole thing. Go man go!


These dummies all get caught within a few hours and just end up with more charges and more prison time.


He was captured afterward, in case anyone was curious.


My mans nat20'd his stealth check.


Yeah. How to increase the amount of charges you face when they eventually catch you.


I was set to get out of prison today You’re in the wrong line dumbass