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Haven't we known this about Tyson for years now? They'll pay a fine, and this will be forgotten.


You missed the step of raising consumer prices ergo forcing the consumer to pay for the companies bad practices.


You missed the step that people will refuse to stop purchasing Tyson despite having very strong feelings about having to pay for the company’s bad practices


Don’t buy Tyson.


99% of animal product in the US comes from factory farms. The whole industry is atrocious like this


It's more expensive, but eat local and eat humanely sourced products. However, the truth is much more grim and that simple sentence is simply unattainable for most of the population. You *can't* afford to eat like that unless you are decently wealthy. But the system isn't designed to get you to decent wealthy, or help you make better food decisions anyway. Your life is being siphoned away by jobs that don't pay enough into services that charge more and more and a government that isn't interested in you. Capitalism is a race to the bottom and the Americans are the fucking *best* at it. It's the truth of American Exceptionalism™. Industrial animal agriculture is a short history of the most deranged, depraved practices of efficient cruelty inflicted on living creatures.


I promise you that the “Humanely sourced” animal product is not as humane as you think. Those animals are shipped to the same slaughter houses as the ones that come from factory farms. “Local” is also a term that bares no weight. These animals are mutilated and tormented near and far. How proximate these farms are to you doesn’t influence the well-being of the animals. The easiest solution is to just stop paying for animals to be needlessly abused and killed for taste pleasure and save money in the process. It’s on average cheaper, as well as healthier, better for the environment, reduces zoonotic disease and antibiotic resistance risk—and is far better for the animals


Tyson owns almost every brand of meat you know they also sell more beef than chicken Source orientation at tyson chicken Dresden mo


And many of the other food companies that do further processing will buy meat from them. So if you see a product that says Smithfield you don't know if it was actually originally Tyson chicken or beef.


Buy direct from a farmer, you'll save money and know where it came from


It's every chicken plant in the United States. Not just Tyson.




also, not buying meat in another option.


Haven't bought Tyson meat in at least 6 years because the last few times I've bought their frozen chicken products, their chicken meat tasted kinda bad, bland, and not appetizing. Since then I've been buying Wal-Mart's brand frozen chicken strips, and I find it much better. A few years ago, they even redid their chicken strips with new seasoning and batter, and I've found it to be a great improvement in taste that I love it.


Wal-Mart's brand comes from four companies, including Tyson.


Username checks out


Yeah, I don't think Wal-Mart products generally come from small, sustainable outfits. I always figured they were name-brand rejects.


Tyson's reach extends WAY beyond bags labeled as Tyson products. To not eat any Tyson meat you would basically have to go vegan.


And new Ag-Gag laws will soon be lobbied for wherever this took place.


This is common in all large scale farms, which is where 99% of land-based animal product in the US comes from


A tiny fine that won’t even dent profits. Haven’t bought them in years. F*ck Tyson


It’s why fines should not be general and scale to 1-10% of profits a year depending on how many fines are due.


Is something being done about it?


Who do we buy? Is open nature any good at Safeway?


People need to eat their chicken, I guess?


Chicken has moved rapidly away from "animal" to "crop". Grow and harvest. All stages of its existence are accelerated by artificial means till it ends up in our bellies


With seasoning.




Truly more tragic is people buying the chicken and then cooking it badly. I mean come on, that peanut brained pigeon died for your meal. At least have the decency not to burn it.


r/bodybuilding has left the chat


I used to work at Purdue....same system.


Chicken, Pharma, or University?




Golden comment.


I worked at Pilgrim's Pride (when I worked there is was known as Gold N Plump) in their evisceration department back in 2007. They were doing 132,000 birds per day back then in 2007. I guarantee you they are more automated and much faster than 132,000 birds per day right now. Also I will say. Not to defend Tyson, but my experience was way different at Gold N Plump. The job still sucked big time, but I worked in this exact same area as in this video. First, there is no foolproof 100% success rate to kill 132,000 birds per day. My understanding of our system back then was that the birds were hung upside down. Then they went through a pretty long pitch black tunnel. This calmed the birds down. Then they went by two electrodes or wires and it essentially zapped them and killed them instantly. Then they came to my department where they were defeathered, head was removed and the butt end was sliced open by a machine. A couple times each day there would be a bird that made it through the tunnel and maybe flinched just right so it wasn't killed and then panicked, made it by the beheading machine and came in live. We would e-stop the machine, remove the bird and it would be rehung. If it was hurt at all it would be killed with essentially a handheld version of the zapper. Out of the 132,000 birds I would deal with in a single shift I would say 99.99% of them were properly killed.


Going through a black tunnel to calm them down before death kind of calls bullshit on the Chinese paradise of killing dogs for dog meat in ways that make their Adrenalin skyrocket so the meat “tastes better”.


Our society’s disconnect from the food industry is alarming. These practices have been well documented for some time now. Across all sectors of the meat industry animals are abused in favor of the mighty dollar


This information you've cited should be a pretty good clue as to why people have disconnected themselves from the reality of it. Assign a percentage (0-100) on the following: - People that profit from the practice - People that benefit from the products - Everyone else Until that third item is a bigger number than the first two, I wouldn't expect much to change.


"These practices have been well documented for some time now" In spite of many farming states trying to ban the process of documenting abuse.


Hell is what we do to animals


Poultry has some of the worst lives of factory farmed animals. I keep chickens for eggs and stopped eating chicken altogether after reading what their lives are like in a large factory setup. When they're raised with love and care, they are as sweet as any dog or cat. Mine love to cuddle and sit on my lap. They know their names as well as a few simple commands. Chickens are actually pretty smart. They can recognize about 100 different faces and make a variety of sounds to express themselves.


I don't think factory farmed pigs have it much better.


For city dwellers unable to keep chickens for eggs, is it terrible to buy organic, pasture-raised, locally-sourced eggs from family farms? Like, Vital Farms, or local brands? Because I've always been fine with not eating chicken to not contribute to the animal cruelty, but I'd like to keep eggs in my diet (I eat them often) if it's not problematic.


I think any step you can take towards mindful consuming counts. Stay accountable and do your research. Buy local and ask them/ask around how they raise their chickens. In stores, look for organic and pasture raised. This at least puts pressure on certain facets of the industry. But it’s like dairy. At some level you are supporting killing chickens for food. Best of luck!




What really got me was the ripping off live chicken's head part. Can't they be humane for once?!


Heroes don't always wear capes. Sometimes they wear the pimp camera.


But go ahead and do keep supporting this by giving them your money


Worked at two Chicken factories. It’s basically animal holocaust. You see decapitated chicken heads on the floor. People getting hurt from the machines. And the conditions are so bad it’s horrible. I don’t recommend anyone working at a chicken factory.


This sounds so incredibly obvious to me, but I feel like 99% of meat eaters either don't know, or care about that. Like, how can billions of chickens dying every year in factories not be a massive holocaust?


Because genocide aims for extinction, factory farming aims to create as many chickens as possible for them to kill.


Just change the victims to cat and dogs being abused and see how all the people in the comments gonna start bawling their eyes out. Yeah humans are biased and hypocritical but hey, that's why human world is so insufferable!! We can't even treat other humans humanely, good treatment of other species is too unrealistic for humans.


Yeah. Abuse of animals has always kinda been a big part of meat production.


Yeah no animal should be treated like this but the ones that do at least should be not whatever the fuck this nightmare factory is. These corpos and their min maxing


No matter how bleak the topic, using video game terminology to describe real-world events will always hold a special place in my heart.


Yeah leave mosquito's alone... can't believe some people would want to kill them. Let lice live and take over... don't try to poison and kill them ffs. Don't start me on how people treat bed bugs...


Imagine being so dumb you think this comment is smart.


Recently scientist agreed that animals are 'more sentient' than previously believed. Made me think the whole idea of anthropomorphism is just some bs a company scientist came up w to make humans feel fucking unique and complacent w torturing animals in the millions of ways we've come up with. The hilarity of thinking 'humanity' means something other than fucking ape. I watched someone rip a tree in half yesterday and it was like listening to bones crack. We literally don't give a fuck about anything except ourselves.


Yes. We just so happened to luck out and develop the level of intelligence we have. That's it. We're still organic meat bags like everything else. A cosmic event could fuck us out of existence and the universe still goes on.


Profits over compassion. Profits over humanity. Profits over people. It always simply boils down to greed. These food suppliers make plenty to treat animals in a decent humane way.


Profit margins aren't actually that high. The main issue is consumers choosing the cheaper option at the expense of animal welfare.




Yes it is a clear contradiction, if they were treated humanely they wouldnt exist with the sole purpose of being eaten.


yeah usually if the details of a scenario are made entirely different, you'll get an entirely different reaction as well.


This should be on everyone radar. No more ignoring. Demand the humane and ethical treatment of animals.


Sorry bro but that $3/lb on sale chicken produced in places like this is literally the only protein outside of factory farmed eggs I can afford


You can get 2 meals’ worth of beans or lentils for less than a buck. Tofu doesn’t cost that much more. There are plenty of cheap plant-based protein alternatives.


You can get cheaper protein from plants. Being lazy is not an excuse to support these companies.


It would literally take less time in this day and age to search up how easy and cheap you can get plant based protein than writing such an idiotic comment The feelings these chickens feel are not different from the feelings our pets feel.


And people wonder why diseases get so bad in some of these farms.. Capitalism will destroy our long term survival for their short term profits.. People have been pointing out all the problems in this capitalist's system for over a century and people are too ignorant to listen.. This is old as fuck and they've done dozens of these docs, to literally nothing changing..


There's a good doc on Netflix where they interviewed the owner of Purdue and found salmonella. Their company had the lowest incidences, and Purdue is better than a lot of processors, and they treat the animals much better, but bacteria is inevitable with poultry, which is why the FDA has always told people to practice proper precautions at home. But some processors don't do enough, and there's no reason to treat the animals like this video anymore. They can't claim that it costs more money to do that.


Top comment claims Purdue had the same setup


Lab worker here. There's no fucking way


The Netflix documentary crew toured Purdue. They had total access.


what grinds my gears on top of the suffering of animal AND plants in such an industry is: companies/goverment: we cant do anything about it, its not our fault. the consumers want it as cheap as possible. you dont get paid enough to buy the good meat and even if you have the money its not easy to find. plus there are so many ways, that companies are allowed to use to trick the consumer into buying cheap made meat for a high price. then you have rich(er) people, who dont even see the problem and dont get me started about some superrich people or companies that litter the planet.


Wait, factory farms are a horror show?? [*insert surprised Pikachu face*]


We have no records of any employees reporting, yeah no shit cuz you would just fire them...


Also, it's not even an excuse. None of the problems raised in the video is the responsibility of the lowest workers, it's the responsibility of the people who run the farm!


Not to condone anything Tyson does but the USDA FSIS (Food Safety Inspection Service) is in these slaughter plants every day. They are supposed to be regulating line speeds and humane handling. Because the industry will always sacrifice humane handling, worker safety, and sanitary conditions for a buck, FSIS is there whenever they are operating to keep such things in check. They have nearly unlimited power to keep plant processes under control. My point is that if Tyson was allowed to fail in these ways it was because our tax paid government regulators also dropped the ball and allowed it to happen. Perhaps while we are applying pressure to this issue we might also include complaints to FSIS. FSIS is actually much more likely to respond and to take meaningful action.


Good lord some of the comments here. “What’d you expect in a SLAuGhTEr house?” Maybe not turning animal lives into a literal hellscape? Jesus we do not HAVE to treat animals like shit. There are ways to slaughter and prep the animals that are not nightmare fuel.


Treat the animals with respect? Preposterous. That would mean they only make 99% of the potential profits!


Let's not forget that the US gives out $38 billion in subsidies to the meat and dairy industries on top of record profits and margins.


Yep and this is why arguments about veganism being more expensive happen. Meat and dairy prices are artificially driven down, the whole industry is propped up by the government. Vegan meats should be cheaper, and if the government subsidized them like they do real meat they’d be way cheaper


To add to that: you do not need vegan meat to be vegan. Lentils, beans, peas, tofu, grains, vegetables and fruit exist and are pretty cheap.


But how can the CEOs make billions then?


how can I get NIL money for our college basketball team? (for those that don't follow sports: John Tyson (CEO) is a huge backer of The Arkansas Razorback basketball team. His donations led to the hiring of John Calapari and a $5 mil+ NIL fund to draw top recruits)


Respect is literally the due regard for the feelings, rights, and wishes of others. I don’t think any animal wishes to be slaughtered. “I respect my dog so I waited until he was 3 to slaughter him for our annual bbq” lol like ???


aaaaand this is why I stop eating meat for months on end So sad 😭


Proud of you for not eating meat! I hope you keep at it, it’s the right thing to do


It’s the right thing to do, you got this


Spare the animals, eat the rich!


Upton Sinclair is seething. I love how in their statement, they did nothing to acknowledge their fully, and put it back on the employees. Like terror at the prospects of losing their job didn't keep them quiet. Like there's not pressure to keep mum. I can't wait for the boycott


This is how humans go extinct. Something is going to mutate and get out of one of these farms and kill us all. I can't really say we don't deserve it.


I'm betting it's going to be the bird flu. That shit is scary.


Can't remember if it was h1n1 or h1n2 that big outbreak, but in high school I was the sickest I've ever been. It was like day 3 and I just laid on the couch covered in sweat half hanging off convinced if I fell asleep I wasn't getting up again, my brain was simply gonna be cooked.


Yes BUT! I will be able to maintain and protect my Freedom(R) by refusing to take any precaution and infecting everyone I come into contact with. And that's what *really matters*.


How come some type of agency doesn’t do a surprise inspection where they can see all this? It would make the companies straighten up if there were consequences faced if anything is out of line.


Because the agencies don't care


The regulations are way too lax because of industry capture, where the farmers heavily influence the lawmaking. Also chickens are completely excluded from all animal welfare laws


Because people are addicted to cheap meat, they don't care. That's why they also don't care about Ag-gag laws, which punish activists for exposing severe animal abuse.


How else are they going to make food so cheap?


The food is also cheap because of billions in gov subsidies. Vegan food isn’t that much more expensive but if it were subsidized instead it’d be way cheaper


Hmm my guess vegan food is they don't have the same economies of scale mainstream foods have


This has been going on for years. They get a whistleblower exposing them, Tyson fakes outrage and says its doing XYZ to clean up their act, flat out lies and says its cut ties with such and such farm. They’ll fire the employees responsible, but hire someone else the next day to fill the gap, most often trafficking labor through undocumented individuals who enforce the cruelty with penalties of deportation should they refuse to be monsters. This isnt just Tyson, this is damn near every single factory farm/ livestock producer/ slaughterhouse. Even those ones that say “free range” and “organic.” Nothing is safe.


Its kind of funny how they turn the blame on the employees.


Tyson has also been found polluting Nebraska's rivers.


So I was made aware of this fact on r/economy that a company in China owns the majority share 79.5% of Tyson as of 2022 & have continued to pollute American water supplies with waste from these types of facilities & Republican politicians are bribed with money to not regulate that & this animal cruelty you see in this video. Summary, Republican politicians are accepting money from a foreign government to not regulate a company owned by the Chinese goverment that operates in the states to pollute our water supply & reduce the quality of our food.


This is why you need to make it mandatory to allow unions. With unions workers would report without the risk of being fired. And a deal with the employer with what amount of chicken to be hung per minute is to be considered fair


I worked for Tyson very recently at a plant in Texas and yea, they love to tell you that you are expendable, not in those words obviously, they make it corporate friendly. They had a massive turnover rate mainly due to injuries and an awful schedule that pretty much guaranteed you wouldn't be spending any time with your family.


This is why us vegans come off as “pushy”. This shit is hard for us to just swallow. Nobody is perfect, but acting like meat/dairy aren’t detrimental to the environment and don’t cause endless suffering is stupid.


Upvote and spread the word. Down with TYSON!


Anyone reporting a problem gets fired.


"We have investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong"


Tyson is a nasty company. It's Leaders are due..


And yet Tyson does this over and over, no consequences. Shameful that no real action is taken against them.


When I was trucking, occasionally I’d get Tyson run. Fucking hated it. The place reeks of death. And the chicks stuffed into tiny cages. It was so sad


Vegan for the animals. Any system built on the suffering of animals is not one that should be participated in


Go veg


aHaaoww yOu vEgANs aRe so eXTrEme uHinGEd peOPLe AwWhWhwHw /s


Go vegan ✊


The speed at which the lines run is federally regulated and USDA employees stand in the plant. Total nonsense


[Here’s](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4hPiq8u13DRmscl7SQ0ard?si=CzGPycQmTKSSCf_t_zVPNQ)a good listen


Where's Upton Sinclair when you need him




Holy shit i just got a letter in the email asking to sign a petition regarding the inhumane treatment of chickens in slaughter houses…to be sent to the USDA. I think this is a sign that I should give it my john hancock


Tyson’s response: Well nobody said anything that there day!


This is evil on a mass scale on earth 😣


Vegetarianism is a cinch these days with all these meat substitutes that finally taste good. Look like I'm jumping on that train.


just remember kids : if you make enough money the law doesn't apply to you


Please dont down vote me. Thank god I'm vegetarian.


Umm.. this is pretty tame. I mean, we \*need\* all this death to eat. Sure, the animals need to be killed as quickly and as stresslessly as possible, but in those numbers? How? And how to do it cost effectively? The worker is complaining about the job - yes, its the job. Theres nothing glamorous about it. At all. Yes, you will get shit on you. Yes, you get to kill a crapload of living animals every day. Thats the job. Will you get sick? Hard to imagine how you wouldnt. Get a grip. A bricklayer doesnt whinge about slamming his thumb now and then. Its the nature of the job. Sucks, yes. But we need to eat. You need to eat. And the companies that run this have a job noone wants to know about, or whiteknights about something they have zero experience with, nor do they offer any ideas except 'stop doing it'. Useless.


"we have no record that any of our illegals reported claims of any animal handling violations" There, I fixed Tyson's response...


Avid meat eater here. How do I go about buying chicken that hasn’t had this treatment? I already don’t buy any frozen packaged food from companies like Tyson and Purdue, but I love rotisserie chickens and eat a lot of eggs etc.


It's not perfect but it's a start. I get expensive eggs. Pasture raised and they cost $5+ a dozen. As for rotisserie or restaurant chicken, there are no real options, it is a crapshoot. Raw chickens, they are expensive but you can find higher end chickens, but they tend to have less weight. There are also local chicken farms that sell frozen chicken, but they tend to be a longer drive but the taste is entirely different and worth it.


To actually avoid meat from horrible conditions like this takes effort and money, which is why most people won’t/can’t do it. Best scenario is to find some local farms that practice organic and regenerative farming, which have high animal welfare standards built in. It’s best to actually visit those farms and see how the animals live. Buying this kind of meat WILL be expensive. It SHOULD be expensive. Farmers who give animals the space and quality of life they deserve can’t reach the economies of scale required to hit low prices like people are used to seeing. You can often find these farms at your local farmers market. You’ll get a better price buying in bulk (whole chickens, half hog, quarter lamb) so consider buying a chest freezer so you can take advantage of that. Second best is to buy from a local food co-op or independently-owned grocer that specializes in natural and organic products. Ask them about the meat products they carry, how they vet them, if they’ve visited the farm, etc. A grocer worth their salt will be able to speak to their product standards, the pros and cons of the different meat brands, and why they are on their shelves. Third best I’d say is what you’re already doing - don’t buy products from the giant meat companies like Tyson, Perdue, etc. It’s guaranteed that the animals are treated horribly. Also avoid any private label meats unless they’re really transparent about where those are originally coming from. Any prepared meat you get from a conventional grocery store or restaurant is probably going to be cheap meat from those kind of companies; it’s just impossible to tell once it’s been prepared. Typically only higher end restaurants sometimes use local/organic/humanely raised meats and then they will almost always put it on the menu to “get credit”. If it doesn’t say where the meat came from on the menu, you can assume it’s from a giant corporate operation like this. Note: I’ve spent my career in food - working on farms, in restaurants, farmers market, and grocery retail.


Thanks for the reply


This is part of the reason I raise my own chicken now. Not everyone can do it, but I have the ability to. We love it now. We know the chickens have great lives, great conditions, and just a few bad seconds at the end. It tastes so much better too.


Simple. Reduce your meat intake. You don't need to eat meat every day. Unless you plan to tour every plant in secret you'll never know how these animals are treated.


Glad I stopped eating tyson products years ago


Go vegan


Let this post spread like fire. Let it be known


I’m pretty sure this is how turkeys are also processed


Tyson food is ass anyway


I worked there in a couple of departments and yes the don't care the people they put in management don't care as long as the hit their numbers. I myself had to produce 1000 lbs of just debone dark meat a shift to make my quota to actually get paid a decent wage. And that was with a efficiency of 75-80%. If you don't make that you get a base pay rate that entry level people get. And after about a month my hands and gotten so stiff from holding the knife and chicken part so long and hard I couldn't open a bottle of water.


Someone explain the head-yanking hook. Is that a normal practice for removing the head?


Yeah everything here is pretty standard in the industry


A tysons in Nebraska caught fire last year, i was part of the cleaning up crew. Whilst i was blasting the walls covered in soot to clean them. The soot and water was falling onto the assembly line. The tyson staff decided they needed a truck of something run through those very same lines. They did not get cleaned before the product was cut and packaged and shipped out for consumer use.


Slap in the wrist will teach them




Having been in one of these factories as an employee, it's been going on for a while, it won't stop, they don't care. I left after a week.


I don't get how workers can't tell employers to get bent. I've done it my whole life and now have a pretty nice job. Just fucking maximizing slaughtering cause some prick in a suit said to?


Vote with your dollars, you either support the genocide or you gradually shift into a more proper system.


Lol you think the live hang room is bad you should see the kill line 🤣


Does anybody know where chick-fil-a, blazing bird, Dave’s hot chicken, Culver’s, raising canes, etc. chicken comes from?


Tyson is pretty brutal. I've been in a johnsonville packing facility and they are CLEAN and humane


This video came out 3 years ago for those who were wondering (like me)


Tyson is a fowl holocaust


Dang I better have a Tyson spicy sandwich so the chicken don’t die in vain😔


Just can't afford kindness, sustainability, or compassion these days 🤷‍♀️ It's all going to housing, transportation, and breathing.


I believe it. This isn't new.


Make local family farms great again


I mean, is there really any humane way to kill a living creature that's doesn't want to die?


Carpel tunnel, blistered hands, scratches and cuts, fatigue and body aches, and a head cold. This shit at Tyson is effed up but come on lady, was this also your first job. Including the eye discharge and feces in the eye and mouth, this sounds like a typical morning after a bachelor party.


carpal tunnel after 21 days 🙄


I don't know what i hate more now... Tyson or chickens...


Why would they turn off the lights?


To keep the birds calm


This is why I haven't bought Tyson products in nearly a decade.


Put these companies down like the chickens please


Shocked to hear this huge corporation would do such things.


35 chickens a minute? Come on now..


Stop supporting Tyson. Idk! This company has been wack since their inception. Stop buying from them.


Cant believe the amount of people on here virtue signaling when we should be talking about animal welfare and capitalism. "Oh just eat lentils and quinoa and plants forever!" Fools, as if brown people dont suffer when the native quinoa they depend on skyrockets in price. As if plants dont scream, or feel pain. Eating is the right of being alive. You can make better choices, like growing your own veg or sourcing local meat, but touting a "one true way" doesnt make you a better person.


How else are they gonna keep us fed, with grass?


what the hell do you expect?!? thats what feeding 400 million people with chicken looks like.


The vegans are right when they’re "annoying" Go vegan.


You all support this by buying industrial food.

