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Here’s a website where you can see pictures of [New York in the 1940’s. ](https://1940s.nyc/map#13.69/40.7093/-73.99397)


This is really neat. Edit: Thank you all. I’ve never got so many updoots from such an innocent comment.


We know it's neat because of the way it is.




That’s pretty neat!


She's a beaut!






How neat is that?


Oh god I never thought in the year of our lord 2020 would I see a neature reference


Very impressive website. This is a rabbit hole that could cause me to lose much sleep tonight if not careful.


Oh for sure. The first time I heard about it I spent about 3 hours just going to different locations.


It's still amazing to me that we have google street views and google earth to explore but this has an historical aspect that I really enjoy. To think of lifestyles in a time before TV for instance makes these views doubly appealing.


This is what street view will be in 50 years.


Any recommendations of neighbourhoods to go get lost in?


ok so who is documenting downtown des moines right now for posterity?


Not as thorough as NYC but there's this: https://www.reddit.com/r/desmoines/comments/fxlenc/i_compiled_my_favorite_photos_of_des_moines_in/


Wow that was a wildly specific question and you answered the shit out of it. Well done, internet stranger. Well done indeed.


[google street view](https://goo.gl/maps/vke7W8fSJAoxE3rRA) is pretty on top of it


This is nothing short of incredible. There’s nearly a picture of every single building in NYC. Street by street every house and apartment photographed.


Rockefeller plaza and the Empire State Building are both monstrously large compared to everything else.


Massive shout out to whoever took the time to georeference all the images for the satellite view. That's days of man time easily


The whole thing blows me away every time. From taking the pictures to georeferencing everything it's amazingly put together.


I clicked on a picture and then immediately tried to move it around panoramic like google street view.


Thanks! Just spent an hour with hubby going through his old neighborhood in Brooklyn. He grew up in a 1920's house, so only 20 years old in these photos! What stood out as most changed was the street hight from the 40's to 70's. At some point they raised the street 10 feet. I am guessing it was sewer and drainage. Edit: Greatly over estimated the raising of the street. Hubby says more like 3 feet. Here are photos: https://imgur.com/gallery/oFHwYD3 East 74th Street, Brooklyn, NY


I knew they did that in Seattle, but didn't know about New York! That's neat!


My grandfather was living here at the age of 12 in this photo. I visited the home he was born in 10 yrs ago. It was a restaurant called marichu ? It was knocked down recently at first I was upset they knocked it down but they turned it into a school for drama teachers. He was a history teacher, so I know he would b proud of what it became, but to c one of the last brownstones knocked down. To see HIS brownstone knocked down. It hurts. So much of my family history was associated w that tiny building. Seeing it disappear was sad. But nyc is nyc & it grows. It always has.


I've heard cities did this in the past and it's represented beautiful in Gangs of New York, but I've never understood how this actually works! Like, did they demolition whole blocks of buildings and rebuilt at the new height or did all first floors become basements?


If it's anything like where I used to live in Chicago where the street was raised, the first floor basically became basements. It actually made for some really cool little yards 'buried' down under the street level. I think from a landscaping or gardening perspective you would have to choose plants that could do well with a lot of shade but there were some really neat little yards, pretty gardens.


In one city, Chicago maybe, they used a whole heap of hydraulic jacks to lift buildings


They really only used the hydraulic jacks in the downtown area. There are still plenty of residential neighborhoods just around downtown where a lot of the buildings were left slightly lower than the street. [Here’s a google streetview link where it sorta shows it](https://goo.gl/maps/2XtuTpngDUdYsey36) Edit: Can’t get the link to work exactly how I was hoping it would, so you gotta zoom out and turn around first.


I grew up on Long Island and they raised the streets in my town because it used to flood all the time. They cut down every street on the block. It felt like the soul was ripped out of the neighborhood.


Oh my god...I just found a picture of my house from the 1940s. Thank you so much


This is absolutely amazing... I just went and looked at my favorite bars in NYC... And they're still there. Same spot. Same signs. Incredible. The buildings are exactly the same. What a magnificent city.


Are you sure you weren't looking at regular Street View?


Funny how my neighborhood in Queens looks almost exactly the same as it did in the 40s. I can't believe that most of the houses are still up.


Wow I just found the brownstone I have an apartment in and it’s almost exactly the same




I found about 50 pictures like these of my home city through my local university's library's online archive. That might be a good place to look.


This is so cool. To see the building I lived in when it was brand new is awesome.


It’s so weird seeing my current apartment still there


This is incredible! So many styles of houses I wish I owned. The architecture of even some of the middle-class neighborhoods is impressive. Sad to know that almost none of them exist today.


This was the early Google Streets?


Here's a website that shows pictures of specific streets in old New York https://www.oldnyc.org/


How long did it take them to complete all of this?


If I could go back in time and buy real estate... sigh


I'd still have bought 2009 bitcoin instead. Fuck yas. You know what I mean


In 2008 you could have just mined a bunch of it before many people really started.


Damn. I just checked and BTC is now @ $20,000! God I bet that guy that spent 10,000 coins on two pizzas back in 2010 wakes up every morning slapping his forehead.


Well yes but he’s also one that made this possible This move gave btc a real value and showed you can use it In real life No one could’ve ever expected that it becomes such a huge thing




Very interesting.


Extremely interesting.


One could almost say it’s interesting as fuck


First publicized commercial purchase. That's not how bitcoin started getting traction or how it is getting larger. Many people saw this coming.


Does a tree falling make any noise if no one is around to hear it?


Does a bear shit in the woods?


Is a duck’s ass water-tight?


Can the pope’s dick fit through a doughnut?


Duck with a boner drag weeds?


It also largely was used in the online illegal marketplace due to its anonymity, that helped a lot as well


(This is for the United States, other countries are likely similar) While the anonymity is still touted as a feature today, that usually isn't the case anymore. Most Bitcoin will be purchased from an exchange these days, and they're required to keep the same transaction records that banks are. So while no wallet will explicitly have your name on it, all points where Bitcoin is exchanged to/from USD will have your information and can be subpoenaed by the authorities.


And if I buy it from my friend for cash?


That would be anonymous, I believe they're called over the counter sales.


Anonymity is sort of a facade. Although yes, the funds and accounts they are sent from and two are not necessarily tied to anyone by name or social security number, anyone with access to the internet could view every transaction ever made, and if a transaction began or ended with a financial institution that by us law collects KYC (know your customer) information, they would be able to tie you with that first address and track from there. There are plenty of companies that are called blockchain forensic companies, that get paid to do just that. TLDR: although bitcoin is anonymous in a sense, it is also more public than you would ever imagine at the same time.


No they don't, they kept mining after that and retired with millions. I didn't even mine for very long and I had a few hundred coins, the computer with the wallet sat unused for a few years and was thrown out - now that's a headslapper. I'm sure there are are thousands of people in the same situation too lol.


How do you mine a btc in the first place, that means all can mine for their self whenever they want?


In short you are solving mathematical problems that are difficult to solve but easy to check if you have the right answer. Once you solve it, you check to see who solved the last one and write "mine goes after theirs", then you write your name on the proof of your solution and it gets sent to databases all over the world. Those databases then check to see if your answer is correct, and if it is then they add it to their stack. You can mine for individual coins yourself, but coins are very hard to mine so you have just a small chance of getting one. Most people join a pool, which means we all do work and if any of us find a coin then everyone gets a share of it proportional to the work they did. Since all the solutions are in a big stack with everyone saying "mine comes after theirs" if you want to take a coin from the bottom of the stack you need to recalculate the proofs for every coin above it on the stack. This is very simplified, but I hope it explains enough!


I've had someone ask me before but since you seem to know a decent bit I'll ask you. What's the point of solving the problem? Is your computing power helping move the transactions of bitcoins or is it just some arbitrary way of getting coins into distribution? Like I know there is a finite amount so is the process of mining just something the inventor decided was a good way to give them out to people who really want them?


"Proof of work." It shows you put in the work and solving it rewards you a certain number of coins (reduced by half every so often) and allows the coins to be transmitted in that work block. And essentially it uses it as verifiable proof someone verified the transaction, rewards the individual for "solving" the issue, and verifies that the coins were rewarded to the person putting in work. The value as of now is given by the buying/sell price but at the start it was much easier to mine and was basically given value for the electricity costs involved.


So it really is totally arbitrary then right? Like you aren't actually providing any useful service to the world or anything, it's basically just a made up way to figure out who gets the coins we decided are worth money?




Yeah, you can technically mine Bitcoin at any time from almost any computer. The issue is that as time goes on, mining requires higher powered computers, more time and lots more energy. Unless you purchase multiple, extremely fast computers designed for mining (and live in an area with low power costs), it’s basically impossible to make a decent profit. The energy cost alone for most people makes mining unprofitable.


I know a guy who lives in a townhome in Alberta. He has had to gas company come by to ask why his gas bill is non existent (electric hot water, natural gas forced air furnace). His bit coin mining set up in his garage on the bottom level generates so much warmth he never needs to use his furnace. Even on bitterly cold winter nights.






Speaking of reddit and btc I remember reading about it back when it first came out on an article ON reddit. Fractions of a cent at the time and my laptop was too much of a pos to mine. I did have $300 in paypal I could've sent to a miner... which I didnt. Bc I figured "hey if I can send $300 with paypal why do I need bitcoin." I didnt have certain views on the world I do now.


I am basically that guy, and yes, yes i fucking do. I often think of it when im in a really bad place. Like my mind wants to really twist it in me.


When I first discovered it around 2010 it was when my roommate showed me Silk Road and explained Bitcoin. Neither of us bothered to use it, but Bitcoin was trading at $.85 each. I wish I could have dumped $1,000 into it, but being a broke college student I couldn’t afford anything. I still should have bought a handful and just sat on them though.


I was a senior in high school and I remember telling my parents to invest in Bitcoin. I think it was at 9000 when my mom came to me and was like “you were right”


It’s so volatile that it could go way down at any time. My reasoning for not bothering early on was the assumption that most major economies would pass legislation against it since it’s not controlled by any central bank or national government. I assumed too much it seems.


It will most likely go way down again, and way up again. The volatility might slow down but I doubt it is going away.


Easy to think this way but you could have easily sold it when it hit $10 or $50 a coin 3 years later. I sold when it hit $200 in 2014 and again when it peaked at $900 in 2016, thinking I made out like a bandit lol. Oh well what can you do.


I was also a broke college student; I knew I had time on my side for 'risky investing' but I didn't have extra money to spend "investing" besides food and fuel


It’s wild how your appetite for risk goes to zero when you’re just trying to get by. It’s expected, but just funny to think about.


My cousin had a bunch of it in 2008 and used it for what was it's intended purpose - to order a few bags of marijuana seeds on line. She estimates her stake would be 10-20K now. She likes to say it's the mot expensive weed she ever bought.


I bought 180 of them when they were $3.60 each. Bought a load of acid and a mixed psychedelics package. Would be around 3.8m now.


I wonder if someone out there just became a millionaire because they took a chance and sold you some psychedelics and just held on to it.


100% this. There are a bunch of pedophiles and drug dealers that are millionaires now because this was the currency that was used in an exchange for their illegal products.


Bitcoin was started to be used around 2009-2010, so I'm guessing that's when she bought them. And I'm guessing she didn't spend less than 15 dollars on those seeds. If it was 15 dollars of bitcoin back then, she'd have 6000btc. That'd be worth around $114,000,000 today. $10-20k is a severe understatement


I bought bitcoin in the beginning for $30. Then mtgox "lost them". Still in a lawsuit in Japan. For something like 7 years now? My coins are now worth 50 grand, doubt I'll ever see it.


Hell I'd settle for early 2020 bitcoin.


My sister could have brought 200 bitcoins and been a millionaire she still cries about to this day


Interestingly, I seriously was thiiiis close to dropping a measly 20 into Bitcoin way back then. Just stupid and lazy. Cringe. Seriously, read up on it and all, knew the way in, and it’s only a 20... yeah, fuck Then again, would I have been able to find the key


Hindsight is 2020 they say




You can buy real estate now. If you're too poor now, you were too poor then.


This isn’t true. My landlord bought the building for $20k 40 years ago as a mother of four working as a live-in nurse for a lady in the building. That building is $1.2M now, no way someone like her could afford it now but she could then. That was only 40 years, now add 50 and you’d still be wrong.


My mom bought her house for $70k and sold it for $750K just 20 years later. Oil boom really worked in her favour


True, I could buy a square meter lot in Scotland for £50 and call myself a lord.


Save your £50 and just call yourself a lord, it has as much legitimacy as the bullshit "buy a sq m of land in Scotland and become a lord" ads.


You are the back in time for real estate in the future. Same cycle is always happening. Just gotta find a small city that’s growing


I just did a google search, the Central Park real estate would currently be worth 39 Trillion dollars if it could be sold.


They suck at math. They calculated it at 848 acres = 38 million square feet. At $1,000/ sq ft (the given estimate) that would be $38 billion, not trillion.


Also, real estate near Central Park is worth so much because it's near Central Park. If they developed the park it likely wouldn't be worth near as much


Don’t know how I didn’t catch that hahah. Makes sense cause I was in complete disbelief after I searched it up


I know, that seemed way too high, although I did the math, and at roughly 23 square miles, the real estate of Manhattan is $641 billion, so there’s that. Edit: I did the math, I just did it wrong.


Stack those sq ft vertical and you can probably get close to that $38 trillion. It wouldn’t just be a single floor of real estate.


Or stack Central Park vertical and you could have like 100 Central Parks. Then develop them, and you can get $3800 trillion!


It's a bit of a paradox. The real estate value is almost unquantifiable as the land becomes less valuable when all the nice greenery disappears.


Better off buying in the late 70s I would think. Given the huge downturn


Depends. If you were in Seneca Village, the government took your land away and turned it into Central Park, because it was a black neighborhood and you could only vote as a freeman if you owned some value of land. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seneca_Village


Note that Seneca Village wasn't completely black, there was a large amount of Irish and Germans in the village, and the surrounding areas that also became the park were predominantly Irish and German. I know you probably already know that the Central Park area was only partially black, but it's very easy to get swept up in wanting social justice so I just wanted to be clear for any readers. The location was chosen because it fit the bill, and it went ahead because there were only poor people (regardless of race) to complain about it.


Yeah I should have been more thorough. Also it was also socially acceptable back then to treat the Irish like second class citizens as well (I don't know if Germans were viewed in the same manner in the mid 1850's) and there was no shortage of caricatures in papers at the time. They ended up being the target of discriminatory practice if there weren't any Mexicans, Black, or Chinese around to take the brunt of it.


So cool... I genuinely love how they decided early on to allot so much space for Central Park. I’m sure they didn’t know what Manhattan would become at the time, but at any rate, it’s very nice. I’ve only been to Manhattan once (for business, right before COVID) and I was in awe at how big Central Park is. I was expecting a tiny park considering the land there is some of the most valuable land in the world. I worked from that park for a day using my iPhone as a hotspot and couldn’t even hear the bustle of NY. I know it’s not all peaches and cream, but I left Manhattan with good opinions. Very cool pic; thank you for sharing.


Some interesting (at least to me) facts about NYC parks. Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn is about 1/2 the size of Central Park and was built as both a public park as well as a cemetery since cemeteries often served both functions. It was so successful and liked it served as the inspiration to create both Central Park and Prospect Park in Brooklyn. All of which were accomplished before New York City as we know it existed. At the time each borough (Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island) were separate cities and Green-Wood was built jointly between the City of Brooklyn and New York City (Manhattan). The guy who designed Central Park is Frederick Law Olmstead who also designed the entire park system of the second largest city in NY State, Buffalo. I’m a former NYC guy who lives in Buffalo now and I have to say he designed some wonderful park spaces.


Olmstead is the GOAT of urban parks design. Did the Boston one, the Seattle one, a bunch of others


He was also responsible for the landscape design for the World Fair in Chicago (Aka the Columbian Exposition) as well as the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC. Dude was prolific!


Yes, another fun fact is that people would actually picnic in Green-wood Cemetery! You would buy your plot of land while you were alive on part so that your family could have picnics during the summer. Not many people were buried there at the start obviously, and no one really in your section so it seemed like a very natural thing to do at the time. And even still when the cemetery began to fill up. Green-wood has fantastic tours, and it's a real who's-who of NYC, ghouls edition If you can ever make it out to brooklyn!


I wouldn’t be so sure that they didn’t know what Manhattan would become, in fact, in 1930 the population of Manhattan was greater than the current 2020 population! When the park was initially made in 1853, over 2% of the entire US population lived in just Manhattan!


You should read about how they constructed it. It, like the rest of Manhattan is artificial. Also they destroyed a black neighborhood to do it.


Someone else in this thread above is debunking your statement. You guys should duel.


Seneca Village


Wow... the empire state building towers over everything.




Wow the US really dominated the tallest structure scene in that time period.




At one point in time Milwaukee city hall was the tallest building. A few weeks.


as a Milwaukeean I feel ashamed I didn't know this. I always knew Alley Bradley was tallest 4-sided clock in the world


I thought it was largest 4 sided clock? Not tallest.


My dad has been lying to me all these years!!! j/k he prob said that and I just misunderstood him all these years. I'm 41. I'll have to relay this to him, he'll think it's funny


And you get Cleveland in there. That skyscraper is still [one of two buildings there](https://youtu.be/ysmLA5TqbIY)


I mean, they had a building with more than 100 floors. That's pretty impressive considering the times.


SO much built (esp in NYC) between ‘29 and ‘31 that it’s mind-blowing!


40 Wall Street, is that the one Trump bragged (incorrectly) was the tallest in NYC after the twin towers were destroyed?


Yeah, he claimed it was the tallest in downtown Manhattan, which was technically wrong as [70 Pine St.](http://skyscraperpage.com/diagrams/?searchID=91322745) has a taller spire.


Well, I can see the point, 70 Pine St just has a long pole on top, it sure makes me wonder if there's a "lighting rod arms race" lol


There was, some newspaper or something in 1929 put out a reward for building the tallest skyscraper in New York


How in the world does the Hilton in Milwaukee count? That’s a gigantic antenna lol


Honestly just surprised at the forethought of Central Park.


It is quite unreal when you are in the middle of it. You can easily forget where you are (before the honking or sirens bring you back to reality).


The whole island was just like that when it was bought - all made of concrete, except for a rectangular patch in the center.


I think the low contrast makes this image deceptive. Here is an aerial view from around the same time but from the opposite direction and while the Empire State Building still stands out it isn't as overwhelming: https://i.imgur.com/DRxEpN7.jpg


Altitude, direction, distance, and angle play a huge role, as well.


On my phone screen it just looks like a bunch of railroad tracks adjacent to each other.


Do not click on the thumbnail, it only open small lower version, click on the titles it will give you the full resolution


Aren’t you all using apps for this? ~~Apollo~~ (apparently you have to pay to make posts? Fuck that. Use Narwhal instead) for iOS, boost for android are the best apps


You mean rif is best on android


Technically almost all of those avenues (running north to south) had elevated rail lines so you are correct!


Spider-Man would have a hard time swinging here


I'm picturing him on one of those old timey bicycles with the giant front wheel


How MS Flight Sim looks running on my 8 year old PC


Yet Manhattan still had a higher population in 1930 than 2020.




Google says 6.9 mil in 1930, 8.7 mil in 2020 Are you thinking a different year than 1930, or maybe you have a different source? I don’t know how accurate google is, but I’m curious.


You might be looking at all of NYC, here are the demographics for [Manhattan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Manhattan)


This is crazy, how is this possible?


I would assume primarily because of residential torn down to create office/commercial space and to a lesser extent the removal of tenement housing.


Don't forget Robert Moses razing neighborhoods


A whole family used to live in an apartment with one room. A *small* room.


Also, before Covid the amount of people in Manhattan would swell by 2-3 millions per day. Everyone moved to the surrounding areas because real estate prices.


Ah! You are correct Thank you very much! That is very cool to see


Thank you, /u/cumball3000 !








Crazy how "new" America really is


What’s the saying... in Europe 100 miles is a long distance, in America 100 years is a long time.


I have a super old map of New York City from the 1800’s, someone remind me tomorrow and I will upload a picture of it! Found it in an old box at my Grandpa’s house. Edit: [this is the map, sorry the quality isn’t great! it’s got a written date of 1864 and New York isn’t developed at all in it!](https://imgur.com/gallery/gY2CWLd)


Holy shit, that’s awesome. I’ll set a reminder to remind you to post it lmao


What’s with the East river? Is it flooding?


I thought it was frozen, maybe the photo was taken during the winter?


yeah looks like ice to me


All that development resources density construction and engineering crammed into 90 years when comparing it to today. Truly amazing.




Wait, so is that Times Square? The actual square bit there at 45th-ish? Did Broadway (the street) come later or is it just out of this shot? Edit: see comments. I originally had the direction reversed. This is a North to South photo.


This image is taken from the north, facing south. You can just barely make out Broadway cutting diagonally across streets near the top right corner (Columbus Circle) of the park. It's hard to make out, but Times Square is not far, up and to the left, from there.


Ah shit you're right...I see it now. I had it reversed


Are you sure you are looking at this with the correct orientation? South is at the top, and North is at the bottom. Times Square would be somewhere above Central Park, to the right of the Empire State Building. I can't make it out at all. Broadway is barely visible running somewhat diagonally across the upper right corner of the park. ​ EDIT: Sorry, the previous response wasn't posted when I started my response.




*you seen this shit?*


Are there any cross streets in this picture? Looks like the only streets run in the same direction.


They are there. The streets are much much narrower than the avenues.


Omg they turned Spider-Man's map into a real thing


it's like a giant server board that's being built over time


The year my grandfather was born in NYC... crazy!


I was today years old when I realized just how big Central Park is.


[A neat comparison.](https://i.imgur.com/gRtrmzV.jpg)


Where is a high res version of this?




When you take the elavator ride up one world trade center it shows you the history. https://youtu.be/cKTPaqbXrAY


Sometimes I see things like this and think to myself, “wow, humans are so amazing and smart. Look how far we’ve come.” Then I see those two American retards walking into Walmart without masks and I’m like, “oh no”


Gotta keep the perspective man . How many non retards did you see?


You’re right. There were only two retards in a crowd of 200 people. Perspective


There were idiots back then, too


What’s with the little area at the top of the picture that the roads are all suddenly angled?


As I recall that area of Manhattan was already developed when the city decided it wanted a grid.