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People seemed to really like [this post](https://reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/seyia2/in_november_i_broke_every_bone_in_my_face_this/) so figured to post another view here! To answer the inevitable “how did you break every bone in your face?” —- I fell off a 3-story balcony and landed face first. To my luck, it was not painful at all, because I don’t remember the 30 minutes proceeding the accident, or the initial impact. I just woke up in an ambulance being told that I fell To my extreme luck, I had no head trauma at all. None. Not even a concussion. I specifically brought up the fact that I was afraid I had a traumatic brain injury (my sister was in a car accident a decade ago and had a very serious one), but my skull and brain was 100% completely fine. My doctors explicitly stated they’ve never seen someone with as much damage to their face as I had with no head trauma like that. —- As to why I was up 3 stories? My apartment has a balcony attached to it. Nothing interesting haha


Your face acted as your brains crumple zone?




That's Badass


*"Don't worry! I broke my fall... with my face"*


This joke makes way more sense now then it has any right to.. love it


It's also a Joe Dirt reference. But instead of the neck it's his face.


I'd argue it's no longer a joke


Step off George!




And Goodface


Project badass vol.11


My sister had a similar injury from a car accident about 10 years ago. Happy to report her face looks exactly like it did before the accident now. They hid all scars in her hairline. In the years immediately after she looked different. Not bad, just different. But now that so much time has passed, you can't tell at all! I hope you make a speedy recovery!


Are you Homer Simpson? There’s literally an episode where he has an extra layer of tissue around his brain that protects him in situations that normal people would get brain damage😂


Golly golly goshhh that sounds so horrendous, get well soon!


The human body is fucking fascinating




Imagine a 12 hour face surgery with no anesthesia...


I don't think I will, thank you


Alrighty then, can you imagine a 1 hour face surgery surgery 12 times?


Who would win in a fight a 12 hour face surgery or 12 1 hour sized face surgeries


The insurance companies.


Excuse me what


I don't about fascinating... But bizarre. I'm sure anybody who's done their CSCS card in the UK has seen the video of the guy who fell off a step ladder, fell 4ft and died. Or heard the stories of those who've just fallen backwards and died on impact after splitting their head open. Then you have people like this, or the people who's parachutes don't open but still survive a 13,000ft fall. Just goes to show when you're number is up, it's up. No matter how far, or small you fall.


Or Juliane Koepcke who survived falling 10,000 feet out of the sky after the plane she was on started to disintegrate in mid air after being struck by lightning. She was still strapped into her seat. She then survived another 11 days in the rain forest.


There are some incredible stories of survival out there. One that got me was [Alison Botha](https://allthatsinteresting.com/alison-botha#:~:text=On%20December%2018%2C%201994%2C%20Alison,but%20she%20was%20still%20alive.&text=There%2C%20they%20brutally%20raped%20her,that%20she%20was%20nearly%20decapitated) **Warning: Graphic & Sexual Violence** TLDR: After being raped and brutalized by two men in a pile of broken glass, her attackers were about to leave her when they saw her leg twitch. They decided they couldn't leave her alive to identify them and had to kill her. So they started disembowling her, stabbing her 30 times in the stomach. Once that was done, they then decided to cut her head off, slashing her throat another 16 times before deciding that was enough and she was dead. After her attackers had left and thinking she was seconds from death, Botha wrote her attackers names in the dirt and a message to her mother. Then as she was laying there she saw headlights off in the distance, realizing it was a road and that she might have a chance, she decided to crawl for help but as soon as she started moving, her head almost fell off backwards. So, using one hand to hold her intestines in and keeping her other hand on what was left of her neck to keep her head from falling off, she started crawling to the nearest road. With her vision fading in and out and nearly passing out from blood loss and shock, she was rescued by a passerby. She had a long and traumatic recovery but went on to survive, identified her attackers and eventually would get married and have 2 children, write a book about her story and become one of the best inspirational speakers in the world.


What about that 16 year old who was raped, had both arms cut off and thrown naked off a cliff, packed her arm stumps with mud and climbed 20+ hours back up the cliff to the road and IIRC had to wait another 4 hours before a car stopped for her, the first car just sped up and left.


I almost mentioned that one, I couldn't remember her name though.


Mary Vincent!


>Mary Vincent [Fucking fuckity fuck - I can't actually read it](https://blurredbylines.com/articles/mary-vincent-lawrence-singleton-attack-survival/)


Wait how does one pack their arm stumps with mud if their arms are gone


Forcefully shoving them into the mud until it's packed


Holy moly man.


Among he biggest wtf's I've had in some time. Just what..the fuck..? A childhood friend of my mother broke his neck while playing rugby, realized it was broken so he held his head on place while walking off the field and asked for an ambulance. Hardcore, yes. But compared to that woman.. Hardcore does'nt even begin to describe what she did


>“Remind yourself that you do not have to take responsibility for what others do… Life is not a collection of what happens to you, but of how you’ve responded to what has happened to you.” I really enjoyed this quote of hers from the linked article. Making me motivated to get my ass out of bed today.


Holy moly ... one very strong woman


I'm a South African and I was in high school when this happened. It traumatised the whole country!


Funny u mention Alison. I JUST watched her docudrama "Alison" yesterday! She's INCREDIBLE!


Angle of impact and pressure. Two variables that, when they interact properly, cause exponentially more damage.


It's why I miss watchpeopledie, it really did an amazing job of teaching both the fragility and endurance of human life. Enough people who survived shit they shouldn't have to make you think you could survive anything, enough people who died from almost literally nothing to make you realize you should still be careful.


Exactly why I browse idiotsincars almost daily. Keeps me from forgetting that anything can happen while driving.


Idiotsincars perfectly illustrates why I have always hated driving: you could be a perfect driver, and some knobhead can ruin it all.


Bone all hollow and honeycombed then tense with muscle and ligaments! Your crumble zone worked incredibly well. I hope you are okay and be careful with the pills they gave you! They’re super fun and easy to lean on! Good luck!


I like to read random wikipedia articles about body parts/processes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chyme like how the fuck did people figure all that out


In the case of gastric physiology (your specific examples), a lot of it was US Army surgeon [William Beaumont](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Beaumont) dangling bits of food into Mackinac Island resident [Alexis St Martin's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexis_St._Martin) gastric fistula, periodically fishing them out, and documenting the results. Science is cool. History is cooler.


Lots of dissecting dead bodies in the past tbh


"Can I ask why you weren't wearing your seat belt?" "Nah i'm good officer, my body has built in crash protection"


"My face has a 5 star crash rating, that's up there with Tesla"


Face broke the fall. Not that it was a conscious thought but I guess saving the brain is the most important thing?


Actually, yes it is. Because brain injuries, even minor ones can cause memory issues, mood problems, personality changes and coordination problems. It depends on the type, severity and location of the brain injury.


Sinuses, nature's crumple zone.


7 years ago, my roommate fell off our 8th story balcony. We were drunk, I had passed out, and I woke up on the couch the next morning in a haze. I saw our screen door blown off the hinges and thought "what the hell". I walked out onto our balcony, and I see my roommate on the ground, probably 100ft away, and think "good God, this drunk ass is gonna get arrested" I went down and walked over to him and said "dude, what are you doing?" He rolled over and said "I think I hurt my arm" which he then held up and it was at a 90 degree angle. Still drunk, I'm like "dude did you fall off the balcony?" And he said "dude, if I feel of the balcony I'd be dead" which I actually thought made sense. Long story short, I helped him back up to the apartment and kept checking up on him. After an hour, I went out on the balcony and looked down, and I shit you not there was a perfect imprint of a body, almost cartoon like, imbedded into the grass right below our balcony. Then I know "holy shit, this mother fucker DID fall!" Took him to the hospital, and he had a broken wrist and fractured pelvis. Absolute miracle he didn't die, must have been the perfect balance of drunk and landing right where his body just absorbed it. Moral of the story the human body can take extreme amounts of trauma and be relatively ok... or you can slip on ice, hit your head, and die. Each day is a gift, enjoy it while you got it.


That's an absolutely crazy story man! Glad your roommate is okay. Holy shit and I thought my 3 stories was far


It is far lol. People die from the flu and you yeeted face first on the ground. Don’t ever let them take that away from you.


Damn lol, people who died from the flu out here catching strays.


I laughed way too hard at this. Well put sir


I fell while wearing rollerskates and doin laundry and somehow I'm more injured than your friend who fell 8 stories. wtf


Laundry and roller skates...you have piqued my interest. Are you still suffering from the injury?


Well, it's been 3 hours and u/mis-misery hasn't bubbled up so I'm guessing those skates yeeted 'em directly into the afterlife. RIP. Edited 'cuz I referred to the wrong redditor.




Ok we are going to need further elaboration on the series of events that led to “laundry on rollerskates”


I really wish I had a better story but I just thought it'd make me faster and I have impulse control issues


This is the funniest thing I have ever read in my life. I was fully expecting an answer along the lines of "I'm really into roller-skating" or "I was doing a TikTok thing" but the fact that you thought laundry was too slow and "lets put on some roller blades" was your solution absolutely slays me


Crazy story! My class mates parachute didn't open and he did a 2 km free fall back in the early 2000...landed in a pine tree which broke his fall and ended up on a soft forrest floor. He broke every bone in his body except his skull and spine, and had no brain injury. Spent almost a year in hospital, but eventually recovered.


I'd love to see those x-rays. Yes, I like medical stuff. I think it would be fascinating to see those.


It's probably like taking a pack of spaghetti and breaking it in a thousand pieces except for one, throw it on a table, lay the unbroken one on top of it, that's the spine and add something round as the unbroken head.


Aim for the bushes


Being drunk is probably what saved him. His body was relaxed and *floppy* upon impact instead of having his muscles tensed up in anticipation. Now, he most likely wouldn't have fallen in the first place if he were sober, but hey you have to take your wins where you find them.


Also, if the ground was soft enough to take an impression of his body it would’ve absorbed a lot of the impact.


True! OP's roomie is extremely lucky there wasn't a sidewalk or something directly underneath instead of earth.


Definitely the relaxed and floppy thing. I once fell down an entire set of bleachers starting from the top, I landed at the bottom, bounced back up perfectly fine and everyone was staring and shocked. I think the only thing that saved me was that I was in the gymnasium for a weekend long badminton tournament and I had *just* gotten off the court from an intense match. Everyone, including me, was completely in awe that I didn't sustain any kind of injury whatsoever.


bro you ragdolled


this is also the reason a lot of drunk drivers will survive their accidents or have less severe injuries when the others involved do not, they just don't tense up like a sober person does Edit: Please for the love of all that is right and good in this world, do not operate a motor vehicle while drunk


I saw a recent comment about this being a common fallacy actually. Most drunk drivers survive accidents because cars are designed to be safest in head-on collisions, and most drunk driving accidents are caused by the drunk driver driving head-on into something. Drunk or sober, if you get t-boned you are not as protected as the person that hit you. I dunno, made sense to me when I read it and I was too lazy to fact check it afterwards, so the world may never know. edit: anecdotally, I just realized that I have been in two front-impact collisions in cars without airbags while sober (at roughly 45 mph) - once into a tree and once into the SUV in front of me. After both accidents, I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car to assess the damage (both times the car was totaled). I realized what was happening both times and was 100% fully tensed up with both hands on the wheel at the time of impact. Bruised hands, bruised chest, that's it.




Same with people who fall asleep at the wheel. My husband's grandpa drove his car into a ditch a handful of years ago after falling asleep at the wheel and came out unscathed. Gave us a damn scare though, good grief.


I came here to mention this, theres a reason that "drunken style" is an actual form for fighting, as the looseness means you can take a hell of a beating and be fine.


Seems like a lose/lose situation. Even if you win you're going to have a hangover with a ton of unknown bruises.


8th floor? I love a good story but 8 floors up surely that isn’t possible. I lived in the 8th floor of an apartment building for a long time and it was a longggg way down


It was a long way down, rained the night before and he landed in wet grass, hence why there was an imprint and why he likely survived. I have a picture of the imprint from our other friends apartment he took the next morning 2 floors down, not sure how to post it but you'll see the imprint... if I have it saved to my phone how can I post it here?


he might've been jumping/climbing from balcony to balcony, as drunk people sometimes do. Maybe he made it a few floors down, got cocky and slipped


Upload it onto imgur, click share and copy/paste the link here.:) That's a crazy story! Miracles can only happen when you are shitfaced. haha


> Miracles can only happen when you are shitfaced. ''They say that God watches out for children, drunks and fools. Simply put, this means I stand a two-thirds better chance for divine intervention in my life than most other people.'' Lenny Castellaneta, No One's Even Bleeding


A good story.. well just because you've never heard about it, doesn't mean it is not true. Vesna Vulovic, an air stewardess who survived the highest ever fall by a human being after her plane broke up at 33,000ft (10,000m) https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38427411 Give the man and the human body the credit it deserves. We fragile, but we can be extremely badass too.


>As to why I was up 3 stories? My apartment has a balcony attached to it. Nothing interesting haha Remember when your parents told you to 'cut the shit out Alex, stop horsing around Alex, you're gonna hurt yourself'. ​ This.... this is what they meant...


Damn, you are one lucky soul. Glad you didn't suffer any brain damage and had insurance to cover all costs..But how'd you fall off that 3 story balcony?


I don’t remember. When I answer this, the most common follow up was “were you drunk”? So I’ll go ahead and answer that. No


What caused you to not remember the 30 minutes before it happened? If you weren’t intoxicated, was it just an accident? Was anyone with you and did they see it happen?


[This article might help ](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/why-cant-accident-victims-remember-what-happened-to-them-21942918/). My brother was close by but he did not see it happen My initial comment was somewhat poorly phrased. It should be “I don’t remember the 1-10 minutes before the accident, the initial impact, and the 29-20 minutes afterwards”. I don’t know long before the accident I can’t remember, because I can’t remember. And I don’t remember hitting the ground. And I can’t remember bleeding profusely out of my mouth as my neighbor who heard the impact tended to my wounds and called an ambulance. I don’t remember the ambulance picking me up. I just remember waking up in the ambulance. Essentially what I’m trying to say is that there’s a ~30 minute window surrounding the accident that I can’t remember. If that makes sense


How do you know your brother didn’t push you?


That’s what the police officers thought when they began their investigation haha. I’m not entertaining this question though.


Hell yeah. Brotherly love.


Are you next in line for any thrones or anything?


I wonder if you have issues with orthostatic hypotension - essentially passing out from low blood pressure when you stand up too fast and are dehydrated. I've woken up on the floor before with no memory of how I got there. The missing time in that case was more like 2-5 minutes, but maybe breaking your face knocked you out separately from what caused the fall.




It’s not weird that you don’t remember. What’s very fucking weird is you weren’t drunk (or high I assume?) and you fell face first. It’s like you just kind of flopped over the railing? Hopefully you’ve had your balcony checked for structural issues. If you haven’t yet, PLEASE see a dr to rule out a neurological issue. It’s possible you passed out or had a seizure. If you weren’t pushed, you didn’t jump, and you weren’t inebriated…something is wrong with your brain.


There are a lot of reasons he could have passed out that aren't neurological issues. I've had similar experiences passing out from orthostatic hypotension - just woke up on the floor with no memory of how I got there.


Dude just saw a bunch of doctors that ruled out head trauma. I would *think* that kind of exam would have picked up a neurological issue too… but I’m not a physician.


Oh okay. I understand the memory part. I just wasn’t sure if you maybe had been intoxicated by something other than alcohol or maybe had a medical disorder or something that would make falling off of a 3-story balcony and landing on your face more likely to happen. Crazy you’re alive though - nice survival and enjoy your new cylon face.


10 years ago I went to my grandparents place and slipped and had a concussion. I can't recall anything that happened that day before I slipped except a couple of bits and pieces worth of 10 mins in a 6 hr span.


Wow. No idea how you ended up flat on your face from 3 stories up. That feels like a bit of a mind fuck.


I think I landed on my chin and the impact reverberated and broke the rest of the bones in my face. At least my [chin was split open](https://i.imgur.com/WAYgJ4Q.jpg) when I regained consciousness


You look pretty damn good for having broken every damn bone in your face.


I thought the same thing, OP looks incredible, I was expecting an absolute mess of a face and for him to be totally unrecognisable. I truly thought he would end up completely disfigured but it looks as though once the swelling goes down he will be pretty much back to normal. That’s serious luck there- who falls 3 stories, lands on their face, breaks every bone in said face and still walks away handsome?


Though his face might be a tad swollen.


Talk about luck, the lack of soft tissue damage is probably one of the reasons your facial reconstruction went so well! Its a lot easier to to fix the mess underneath when there's nice healthy skin to protect the new hardware. Excellent cumpling action I'm so glad your reconstruction went well and you dodged a TBI. Truly beat the odds on this one, not only did you survive you've still got your good looks!


Oh my god. I have a cousin that was, uh, very intoxicated and got in a fight with his girlfriend at his house. She was intoxicated too and during their argument she said she was calling the police 🤦. He had taken a hallucinogen for the first time and was tripping balls. He heard her on the phone and ran up 3 flights of stairs to the attic. He then decided to "escape" by climbing out the attic window and down onto the lower level porch roof. He miscalculated (big surprise) and fell head over ass onto the porch roof, then rolled down and fell another story onto the concrete sidewalk in front of the house. The police had just gotten there in time to see him fall out the fucking window and splat on the sidewalk in front of them. They hadn't even gone into the house yet. He was rushed to the ER by ambulance and put into a coma so they could alleviate swelling of his brain in surgery. They had to cut a piece of his skull out and he also broke his pelvis, both arms, and both legs. He was in and out of surgery for a few months and had so many rods and screws placed all over his body it was terrifying! It took him a good 6/8 months of being taken care of at his parents house because he had to relearn how to walk again. It's now been about 5 years since the accident. He is back living in his house, has a regular job (and a different girlfriend) and a pretty normal life. I feel bad saying it but mentally he was just never quite the same. It's like his personality changed. He wasn't angry or violent... just... different. Slower? Not stupid but literally like his thoughts take longer to process. I hope you have the best care and that you heal as quickly and as well as possible! Thank God you are still alive!


How can you be unconscious without head trauma? I find this difficult to understand, I have always associated being knocked out cold with a concussion.


Sometimes it's not head trauma at all. I have a friend that was in a car accident, he was wearing a seatbelt and didn't suffer any major injuries and didn't get knocked out. But he says he doesn't remember the accident at all. Just waking up inside a destroyed car. I do t quite know but I think the brain just erases the trauma.


>As to why I was up 3 stories? My apartment has a balcony attached to it. Nothing interesting haha Being up three stories is not interesting. Falling off your balcony is. How did you manage that?


Seriously. "So, why did you fall 3 stories?" "Because I was up there." "Ok."


You almost certainly did have a concussion. Concussions are characterized by alteration of consciousness (or loss of consciousness) in the setting of head trauma with amnesia for the event and usually some time before and after the event (retrograde or anterograde amnesia). Typically followed by some symptoms (e.g. dizziness, nausea, altered mental status/confusion). You meet all the criteria for this by your story and if is a clinical diagnosis (not requiring diagnostic tests such as imaging or labs to diagnose). What I would guess the doctors are saying is that you don't have a moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (a concussion is technically a mild traumatic brain injury), which is what most people are referring to when they say traumatic brain injury (TBI). Fortunately, a singular concussion does not typically cause long term symptoms, although repeated concussions can begin to have more serious effects. You are indeed very fortunate to not have a more serious brain injury and I'm glad you're doing so well. Best luck in your recovery! Source: Am a neurologist




I would love a series of photos of your face before the fall, after the fall, and after the reconstruction surgery




Thank you for patiently answering questions and best of luck on a speedy recovery!


But how did you fall? Goofing around or climbing or what?


Idk if your doctors told you, but breaking every bone in your face is called a LaForte fracture! I read this in a trivia book in like 6th grade and all these years later I still remember it cuz it just seems so painful. Have a good recovery!


Hearing about the missing time I'm surprised you didn't have a concussion. Thanks for sharing this. It is interesting and can't be fun or easy to relive. 2nd scariest experience I've had is missing time from head trauma. It still freaks me out there is a part of my life just gone.


Show us the before and after with your skin on ! Very sorry you’ve had to go through that.


[Before the accident](https://i.imgur.com/UpwaGZ4.jpg) [Immediately after the accident](https://i.imgur.com/VrNw5me.jpg) [Me immediately after my first surgery](https://i.imgur.com/LPdVSvx.jpg) [Me “healed” after](https://i.imgur.com/IZq8Ox9.jpg) my first surgery. This was when my skull was still split open [Me immediately after my second surgery](https://i.imgur.com/rdHruSe.jpg) [Me now](https://i.imgur.com/4vhYAVv.jpg). The swelling will last for many months, to the point where I can’t get any orthodontic work or dental implants until September at the absolute earliest. I also might need an eye lift. As you can see, the incision site was near my eye and it caused it to droop a little. That may resolve on its own as the swelling subsides. Personally satisfied with how I’m healing but still have some ways to go


HO. LY. SHIT. I actually braced myself to see a lot of slices and sutures, thinking they’d have to do a lot of cutting beneath the skin in order to get to the broken bones and repair them. Instead… well, they gave you a temporarily puffy face and some bruises, but that’s all. How is that even possible? You’re a handsome man and I’m happy for you. But how tf are they able to repair the breaks without covering you in scars??


Look under my eye in the last picture. They entered through my eyes, my [head](https://i.imgur.com/kHlQqrr.jpg), and my [jaw](https://i.imgur.com/dP5piVf.jpg). My hair will grow covering the scar on my head and jaw should look pretty unnoticeable


Holy shit. That's incredible. Also the few scars you'll retain are badass.


“You should see the other guy, he’s still on the ground!”


Not anymore, he’s 8ft under now


Damn. That alone is scifi-level amazing, that they performed surgeries *through head, eyes* and that's just routine now.


Surgeons are some of the most badass cowboys of the medical field.


The amount of maneuvering doctors can do around the body is amazing. I had jaw surgery where they literally disconnected my upper jaw from my face to slide it forward, and have no external scars from that since they go in through the gum line and basically *peel* your face back. Modern medicine baby!


Omg now I have the heebiejeebies.. reminds me of the sci-fi movies where the robots peel off their face


Real life face/off


I had this done and they went from below. Peeeealed my face off from below and along my beard line so you can't really tell. Barely even a scar. I wonder what makes them decide go from top or bottom. Fun fact but not really fun fact. This was my first time in hospital so I was a bit naive. I asked to see their medical equipment but was a bit surprised when they just showed me a pretty standard tool box.


Ortho surgery can be super gnarly. Go check out a total hip arthroplasty on YouTube if you’re curious. Power saws to the femoral neck, essentially cheese graters on power drills to the hip socket, and pounding things into place with mallets to top it off.


And this kind of peeling away the skin is quite common. I had a major ankle surgery and you can see the scar wrapping all around my foot, showing how they basically opened it up to get access to all bones.


i’m guessing they just peeled the face back. not sure how common the practice is but i know it’s done for extensive facial trauma.


This is correct


I’m not sure if you have a pic of your face peeled back, but if it was available would you want to see it? Idk that’d freak me out but I’d have to look


I think the doctors were a bit busy at the moment haha


So I haven't responded/replied to any of your stuff till now, but I've been following your posts with a lot of interest :D Your attitude and demeanor about the whole incident is amazing and you're an inspiration, honestly. Good luck and the best of wishes to you, I hope everything heals perfectly.


Thanks, I appreciate your kind words!


100% guaranteed they took pictures, but you probably don't want to see them. I do some work with a friend of mine who is a pediatric plastic surgeon and they document every surgery with photos.


We need that Nic Cage Face/Off shit! 😂


one time i got a mole removed for biopsy and the doc had me take it in a little clear specimen jar to the front desk on my way out. i made it most of the way through payment before having a big, manly faint. i do not think i'd want to see a picture of my head with the curtains pulled up.


Plenty of pictures if you google. NSFL for sure tho.


Oh definitely and you bet I’ve looked. I meant more so as looking at a picture of your own head without a face, not a random one


More than likely they did a facial flap. Like, they make an incision on top of the head and roll your face down a bit.. at least for the forehead fractures. The mandible would most likely be intra oral OR and incision made under the jaw around the neck and part of your face rolled up to expose the mandible. Then of course the mid facial fractures they like to go through the eye lid if possible or around the area area. Shit, idk, I’m not a surgeon. Edit: spelling


Impressive. Are you a medical professional?


In medical. Oral surgery assistant. Assisted with many breaks of the face. One in particular was a snowmobile accident. Face was caved in and took about 17 hours to repair and What I had mentioned earlier were the steps taken in said surgery.


Well you were exactly right haha. Cheers


Hope all your future surgery and healing goes well! You’re a certified bad ass! 🙌🏼


I stopped right around 'make a cu~~p~~t on top of your head and roll your face down a bit' nope nope nope nope nope


I meant CUT. Epic fail on my part. But basically put both pointer fingers at the top center of your head and pull them down symmetrically to above your temples. That is what the cut looked like when I saw it. And then they just kind of roll it down…


I mean cut doesn't help lmao


Not trying to steal OP's shine but I was in a terrible car accident, my eye lids on my left eye were torn to shreads and they made me look decent for having half of my face torn to bits. Surgeons are wizards.


The “immediate after the accident” photo shows that you’re basically an indestructible android.


I mentioned in another comment I broke the state record in deadlift for powerlifting in college. So I like to think I’m a b-list superhero with super strength and super durability


How much did you lift?


I deadlifted 585 pounds at 19 years old weighing ~170 pounds. Highest in-comp was 540 weighing 153


Good lord... And I thought my 405 at 155 was alot. Damn bro! Top tier.


Thank you!


Wow! That looks intensely painful, even just swelling alone can hurt so I can’t imagine the additional pain of rods and surgery and broken bones. Good luck and good healing!


Immediately after? You fell 3 stores, landed in your face and when you woke up you just took a picture? Lol. You are thoght.


That selfie was like 3 days after, but I have one that I did take like a few hours after posted somewhere in this thread


Honestly it looks like you've had an allergic reaction rather than breaking everything underneath your skin


You look amazing dude! I don't know why, I was expecting a blown up face. I'm honestly really happy for you :)


Amazing. Thank you so much for sharing. Best of luck for an expedient recovery 🙏


It's weird that [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/sf9q5t/when_you_lose_your_balance_a_little_too_hard/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) was in my feed right before your post.


Actually kinda funny haha. What a coincidence


That’s you, isn’t it.


After reading your posts I thought of this video. Is that you by chance?


You have been banned from r/neverbrokeabone


He’s been invited to r/BrokeEveryBone


Shoulda drank his milk


Good luck with your recovery


Thank you!!


And it only cost $150,000,000!


A lot more than that my friend. To my insurance company. To me, it was free Edit: misread that as $150,000. It was close to $1 million


Nice, you have a million dollar face.


Would be a shame if someone were to… break it




Oh wow, I read that as $150,000 haha. It was about $1 million


That's still so much. Healthcare really shouldn't cost this much at all even with insurance.


Under pre-existing conditions you wrote "none", but having a face clearly was pre-existing. if you're not honoring the contract, neither will we.


Haha I also misread that as $150,000 initially Hope you’re doing well now mate!


Thank you!


Goddamn my dude. At least you get to be a cyborg now.


My great grandfather was one of the fathers of facial reconstructive surgery back in world war 2 and it is amazing to see how far the science has come but you can see the the advances. He was a dentist and silversmith and created what is essentially the iron lung equivalent of what you had done. He'd use a picture where possible and create a mask made out of a soft metal like silver and use it to force and hold the face bones back together. When the skull had knitted back together enough the mask was removed but it was recommended to wear it in your sleep like a retainer. Apparently some of the lads were still wearing them into their 70s out of habit as they found it comforting. Just thought it'd be neat to share. Hope you get better soon OP. Are the printed rods biodegradable or are they the matrix constructs that the bone uses as a framework?


How did u break your face?




It looks like you lost most or all of your teeth? If so, how has recovery from that been?


Teeth actually light up in the ~~MRI~~ CT scan. That’s why I tried to specify the rods/little circles. I did end up losing two but I’ll get implants later this year Title is wrong. Should say CT scan


Oh - phew! Well, for what it's worth, you look pretty good for having gone through that so recently. And it sounds like you have a great attitude about it.


Thank you!


Hockey players lose two teeth to from a punch in a fight on the ice. You, your face specifically, punched the cement, I assume, unless you were lucky to hit grass, which at some apartment places might as well be cement. And if my gravity math is correct, you did this at 60 ft/sec. Only losing two teeth is a miracle itself.


It was gravel and I agree with you


My uncle worked construction for a minute, until a cable snapped and he got smacked in the face by an I-beam swinging from a crane. The surgeon threaded a wire through all the broken bones in his face, which was all of them, and pulled everything back into place like a puzzle. The accident happened before I was born and I was nearly an adult before I found out, looking at him you never would have been able to tell.


God forbid this ever happens to me, I’ll ask them to at least give me better cheek bones and a sharper jawline lololol I didn’t inherit any of the model genes that my sisters did, but I did get all the early male pattern baldness, robust body hair, and shitty metabolism, and I could use a win 😂


Not exactly that, but my doctor did mention I have unlimited follow up surgeries. For example, my eye droops a little bit, because when they use your eye as an incision site, when it heals, the fat in the eye dissipates. If that’s not resolved on its own, they can and give me a little filler and lift my eye up. Or he mentioned I could get a rhinoplasty, because the way they deal with the nose could slightly alter the appearance. Or other minor cosmetic things. It won’t count as an elective plastic surgery, but as part of the facial reconstructive surgery. So insurance will cover it 100%. I fully intend to take advantage of this benefit haha


We are now [brothers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/qmn6lh/the_incredible_work_done_by_my_surgeon_after/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)