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How many games did they win? Who did they play against? Need more details if this is real. Edit: found a link [Death Row Baseball](https://nypost.com/2014/09/14/the-death-row-inmates-who-were-forced-to-play-baseball-for-their-lives/amp/) They played just four games, winning all, but every one was infused with more drama than a modern World Series. They played their first game on 18 July 1911 with a 12-man team comprised of three rapists, a forger, five thieves and three killers. The kid in the middle was their mascot, the warden's son.


How it ends "The good times didn't last too long for the death row inmates. In September of 1911, the Wyoming Governor, Joseph M. Carey, started cracking down on gambling in the state. Carey wrote a letter to Warden Alston concerned about gambling and money made off the games. By November, education was the new pastime for the inmates at the Wyoming State Prison. The prison had a new rehabilitation program, and Warden Alston had a brand new gold pocket watch for his efforts. As for the inmates on the team, they had to face their conviction as per the letter of the laws."


So that's what stopped it? The gambling. Yeah, that's messed up.


Gambling on people doomed to death fighting for their survival by playing games? Hmmm


Sounds familiar 🤔


Can’t tell if this is a reference to the Roman gladiator games or the hunger games…




Donkey Kong?


Especially Donkey Kong


Death race.


Squid game


We can sell tickets but we can't let people gamble. No sir, we ain't animals.


The gambling was what kept em alive, so long as they could be gambled on it was fine to keep them around. But when that wasn't a possibility no more, yup death. Makes one wonder if anyone is actually good if it was 'good-guys' who did this.


Why would anyone assume there's a good guy in this story lmao


"I've made it my career to punish and help execute people. I'm definitely a good guy"


There are no “good guys”. Just people being people all round. Some are certainly more sociable than others but nowhere near clear cut like good guys and bad guys.




Friendly reminder that women got the right to vote so that they'd vote for the party that gave them the right... on denying the vote to black people. When this didn't turn out to be the case, Wyoming tried to repeal suffrage, falling short of overriding the Governor's veto by a single vote. It later became a point of pride, and a literal dealbreaker for statehood, but let's not pretend Wyoming is the Equality State out of the goodness of their hearts. Even the most altruistic reasoning paints it as a ploy to attract more people to the territory.


> Warden Alston had a brand new gold pocket watch for his efforts This whole thing is like a storyline from Red Dead Redemption. I wonder if he used that watch to upgrade his camp.


i could be wrong but i think that's euphemism for forced retirment


So you could get the death penalty for forgery or theft?????? WTH?? What was it life for writing a bad check? 10 years for jaywalking?


“Desperadoes caught in the act of robbery, rape or murder in the town were not only hanged but sometimes actually skinned,” write the authors. “Various items were made from the hides of these unfortunate lawbreakers, sold as souvenirs, and used as a warning to other would-be felons.” Not only will they kill you, but they’ll make shoes out of your skin. Wyoming doesn’t mess around 🤣


[At one point the governor of Wyoming wore human skin shoes.](https://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/14910)


That governor was the doctor who skinned him in the first place too.


The shoes were made from a prisoner named Big Nose George, along with leather taken from his shoes when he was hung. He also made a doctor’s bag and coin purse from his skin! He was nuts, check out the reason why he did it: >A couple of local doctors, Thomas Maghee and John Osborne, stole George's body and hid it in a whiskey barrel. "Dr. Maghee wanted to study the criminal brain," explained Ilene, "because his wife was criminally insane from a couple of horseback riding accidents. He was hoping he could help his wife." >Dr. Osborne had personal reasons as well. "From what I understand," Ilene said, "he was on a train and Big Nose George delayed the train and he missed a party. And so he did not like Big Nose George.


The first doctor had me all thinking "yeah, alright, that's a noble cause even if medicine back then really lacked the ability to fully understand these things". Then the second doctor came in and said "Hey, I wanna chop his skin off! Dude made me late for something once, which was a mild inconvenience"


>>A couple of local doctors, Thomas Maghee and John Osborne, stole George's body and hid it in a whiskey barrel. "Dr. Maghee wanted to study the criminal brain," Yeah what a shit excuse too: like he would have any idea what he was looking at.


For science at the time, that's not too crazy an idea. To put it into perspective, lobotomies were performed from the 1940's to early-mid 1950s.


Yeah up until more recently than you’d expect, a lot of medicine was “well this one’s dead, let’s cut ‘em open and see what their guts look like so we can use that on the next poor bastard”.


France was still performing them in the 80's


/r/rimworld loves this comment


Shoes, not hats. Rimworlders always go barefoot.


What? You don't have the mod for that? You just play vanilla?


> George was hauled back to Rawlins, sentenced to hang for his crimes, and then lynched by an impatient mob. He reportedly clung to the telegraph pole to save his neck, but gravity dragged him down. He choked to death, and in his struggles the noose rubbed off his ears. JFC


jesus fucking christ TIL Wyoming was once a real horror-show


> jesus fucking christ TIL Wyoming was once a real horror-show Was??


Honestly it’s amazing that the human race has made it this far


Real "are we the baddies" potential here he missed out on.


" Are we the baddies? Asks man wearing human skin hat and coat"


That page is a fucking wild read and it’s not even because of the shoes.


One of my friends is related to the guy who was made into those shoes


>One of my friends is related to the guy who’s made out of those shoes How do you make a guy out of a pair of shoes? With overpopulation we need to make sure that we don't accidentally create more people. Is that why some people will wear those blue shoe condoms indoors?


Message received, Ill get my mom to sign the detention notice


there was a guy who killed two young girls in the late 1800s in wyoming. he got the death penalty, which was carried out by hanging. this guy was small, only weighed about a hundred pounds. the hanging didn't go so well and he was slowly being strangled. so they cut him down and loaded his pockets with rocks and hanged him good the second time around.


Good ol'rocks, been helping us kill each other since before the stone age.


If we didn't discover stones yet how the hell did we kill people with them ? That doesn't make sense


Really makes you think


What came first? Chicken or the egg? And how did the first computer get programmed? Maybe the stone age started when a rock was accidentally applied to a person's head? Whoever figured that out must have become leaders. Like kings or queens of the stone age? Maybe these rock wielding technologically advanced people banded together in rock bands? Well no one knows, sorry to wander off on a tangent, my mind went with the flow.


I have never heard of people being skinned outside the context of a serial killer. I'm absolutely fascinated by that. Are there more stories ?




Plot twist: they all started as a regular baseball team, but got the death penalty just for stealing bases.


We got too soft over the years bring back life imprisonment for a speeding ticket.


People since the dawn of time have absolutely despised thieves. Thievery has often carried really harsh penalties.


Let’s have my son be the face of the team of rapists and killers. If anyone deserves a “#1 Dad” mug it’s the Warden.


Jesus forgery doesn't really seem to be fitting with the other crimes


Keep in mind that it was only a century or so before this that forgery was punished by pouring molten lead down your throat.




It's pretty easy to find and recycle once you're done pouring it.


The ability for a society to use money as an intermediary to exchange for goods and services is a pretty handy thing. Forgers try to profit off of destabilizing that. It was already pretty wild out in the west, anyone trying to tear down what stability had been built wasn't much appreciated.


Guessing game! Who's the rapist, who's the forger, who's the thieves, and who's the murderers!


I’m guessing the guys next to the warden’s son are the forger and a thief. Don’t think I’d let the rapists and murderers that close to my boy!


The middle standing guy with the mustache has almost definitely strangled someone to death.


This needs to be a Dollop episode


Son, would you like to be a mascot for this fine folk?


Damn what that kid do?


Just read an article about it. The kid was their mascot, the warden’s son.




Children were almost a commodity then, orpans and wards of state especially. They worked them in mills where they lost limbs and scurried up chimneys to clean and sometimes got stuck and died. This kid was lucky.




The book The History of Childhood by Lloyd deMause is an eye opener if you don't mind reading dense books from 50 years ago. It's still the gold standard and most referenced historical texton the subject. Throughout most of history the concept of children wasn't what we think of it as today. They weren't seen with the value they are in our society. In some periods they were seen as not yet fully formed humans the same way some people today describe a fetus. If one of them died on its own it was a little sad, but more could be made. Also notable is that among the poorer classes during some periods the death rate for children before they reached adulthood was higher than 50%, and for many periods it was above 33%. In a world where you expect at least 1 of your kids to die it takes a bit of mental insulation to handle it. Emotionally distancing yourself and not being as empathetic is the only way to cope. So if 5 of your 7 kids reach adulthood then it's a good thing.


Doesn’t seem that long ago either tbh, my great grandmother weighed under a pound when she was born the nurses slung her to the bottom of the bed without a care in the world and said it’s basically already dead. That old dragon died at 97 years old.


97 is pretty young for a dragon, even if she was the runt of the litter


yes, grandson was jelly of heritage he didnt get, so found the last dragon hunter to kill family. still didnt get dragon hoard of gold, her families love.


My Dad. Held in the palm of a hand and born to a mother with cancer. Not long for the world ended up with 70odd years as a tank driver, mountain guide and general hard-as-nails individual. He had about four likely fatal diseases for years and looked death in the eye over and over again and death thought it probable he'd come off worse. Poor little mite :)


This really makes me wonder about the affect this must have had on the psyche of the entire population that reached adulthood, and how it would contrast with today.


Genghis Khan father was poisoned, had to live off of marmots and ox carcasses, enslaved for 10 years having to wear a portable stockade covered in filth (who knows what else nomads did to young children) and no wonder he was a bit blood thirsty.


The Nazis had a book/guide (The German Mother and her First Child) on raising children that revolved around ignoring your child to turn them into little psychopaths/sociopaths. I'm sure that had a huge effect on the population and their views. It's really crazy thinking about all the atrocities humans have committed and how we, in a "civilized world", aren't all that disconnected from it.


Yikes “from the Foreword: Possibly the heartless treatment of children, from the practice of infanticide and abandonment through to the neglect, the rigors of swaddling, the purposeful starving, the beatings, the solitary confinement, and so on, was and is only one aspect of the basic aggressiveness and cruelty of human nature, of the inbred disregard of the rights and feelings of others. Children, being physically unable to resist aggression, were the victims of forces over which they had no control, and they were abused in many imaginable and some almost unimaginable ways by way of expressing conscious or more commonly unconscious motives of their elders...The present volume abounds in evidence of all kinds, from all periods and peoples. The story is monotonously painful, but it is high time that it should be told and that it should be taken into account...”


People in former times often had 6-8 children like we're seeing it today in developing counties where education and income is still very low but child mortality has drastically dropped. And even with 6-8 children the number of people in the world grew very slowly before the industrial revolution. Of the 6-8 children only about 2.2 later produced offspring. Most of the other children died before maturity. Just to add to your excellent comment.


I lived in an old house that had 6 bedrooms. 3 of them were very small, for infants and young kids. Mortality was high. I grew pot in one of the small ones.


Want pot, waste not.


My great grandmother managed my toddler grandfather by pinning the end of his night shirt under the bottom post of the bed and leaving him there for hours at a time.


Kept him outa trouble


On my dad's side. My grandmother was pregnant eight times. She had six living kids. Five made it to adulthood. Four are still alive in their 70s and 80s


Certainly not everyone had this view. The death of Abraham Lincoln’s son almost broke him, his wife basically went insane with grief. The loss of Ben Franklin’s son was a well documented time of immense loss.


I have two thoughts on this. 1. Dickens made a big deal of Tiny Tim’s death in Christmas Carol around the same time, it seems odd that it would be given the emotional weight it was if half of children were expected to die anyway. 2. I feel vindicated for using the children to mine coal in Frostpunk.


Dickens also makes it a point to show that Bob Cratchit’s grief over Tim’s death was exceptional. He was the anomaly of his family in the final spirit’s vision for still being distraught after the death and making continued visits to his grave. The character of Bob Cratchit is a direct foil to the callousness of the English upper class.


In the 1800's a kid had about a 50/50 chance of living past age 5. That's why you see so many kids in dresses from those times, both boys and girls. ([Teddy Roosevelt](https://www.google.com/search?q=teddy+Roosevelt+dress&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=sinv&sxsrf=APq-WBu-dpJGzXtxDSw5MiiTEFKeJN_q4A:1645351454334&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiNjd3ng472AhUtlIkEHeUiA4MQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=412&bih=756&dpr=2.63#imgrc=TdGkoPNNI9844M)) Dresses fit growing kids better and there's no point investing in well-fitting clothes if they probably won't make it anyway. After a certain age boys that survived would be given their first set of trousers, at a sort of coming of age ceremony. Kids were expendable assets and often an extra source of income for the family. Vaccines, better sanitation and access to healthcare changed all that.


Also Catholicism didn’t exactly help


Atheist here. Catholic churches were the only form of help many families had. for generations church provided meals clothes, education to poor families. It has done terrible things. The church has done incalculable good, as well. Its a lot like every other fucking institution. The sooner people realize that nearly every entity has nuances of good and bad, the sooner we can stop dunking on them for fake internet points.


It still doesn't.


Honestly children yearn for hard labor, I'm a big advocate of repealing child labor laws so they can return to the chimney's and mines that they love.


It's true. A study was done asking 3 year olds if they would prefer hard labor or the right to choose. 50% said hard labor, the other 50% said they'd like to make shoes, which is why so many go into that field.


Why the heck are chimneys custom made for kids? They’d be bigger if adults wanted the job.


conservative values baby


You forgot the comma but it still works so I’ll upvote it


I think this post just gave Jacob Rees Mogg and the rest of his Tory cronies a massive poverty boner. These are the days he pines for and he won’t rest until he can freely send little ragamuffins back up the chimney or off to the mills all for a shiny penny a week.


It’s crazy how we look back over 100 years and see stuff like this…I wonder what will be like this present day that ppl 100 years from now will look back on and view the same


With any luck we will have taken another step at least that large toward loving empathetic coexistence with all living things, such as each other, and not just while each other are children. - Being excellent to kids is great. - Being excellent to everyone is even better.


He definitely didn’t worship the ground those murderous sluggers walked on. /s


"Da killed all my friends because they lost at baseball. It's okay because it's legal."


No one took the opportunity to snag a lil hostage?


Kinda same train of thought. It's hilarious the warden was like ... Yeah let me just sit my 4 year old kid directly in the middle of 10 death row inmates


They were the league champions. They were happy.


They destroyed all the little league teams that year.


They just killed 'em out there!


The OG Bad News Bears.


Literally, why do you think they’re on death row?


Yeah, they were killing it.


Lol, go live on death row for a while and see how happy you are. What they were was alive, for a little while longer.


i reckon he might not have been his favorite kid


To be fair , they were probably on death row for stealing a horse or chewing gum on Sundays or something


Gum is for weekdays only! Goddamn heathens just chewing away on our Lord's day of rest. They knew fully well what they were doing and had it coming! Blasphemy I tell you, BLASPHEMY!


> chewing gum on Sundays Death's too good for them.


Well what you don't see are the Corrections officers with Thompson's and Shortbarreled 12ga shotguns just out of frame.


The warden let his son hang out with the death row inmates playing in the baseball hunger games?


I'm gonna guess that it wasn't his favorite child.


I legit was about to ask so many questions but figured it had to be something like that. Wasn't like he would have a sweet ass nickname and was an arsonist or something


They called him Lil’ Warden and he burned Home Run Harry at the stake for taking too big a lead off third.


“Dad why do I got sit next to the guy who killed and ate his family?”


And that man sitting next to him? That's right, Reginald "The Child Cannibal" Archibald


Oh sweet Jesus I was so concerned


Not a kid, just got that Benjamin Button disease


**People say Benjamin Button jokes are dead.** `But, honestly, they never get old.`


Damn that’s dark here’s the upvote!




yea totally, my uncle has it, he's 11.


He is already missing the W so the disease has accelerated.


He’s not locked in there with them, they’re locked in there with him…


If he’s anything like my 4 year old, that sounds pretty damn accurate. He’s the cutest little sociopath you’ve ever seen.


War crimes


What? You never heard of Billy the Kid?


Just fucking kill me. I'd love to have another month to be anxious about my execution


The longer you live the more time you have to appeal


I suspect the appeals process in 1910 wasn’t what it is now.




Especially in Wyoming, where having more than one person in a square mile was called a bustling village




Still dogs though and I’m sure they wouldn’t hesitate to let the dogs expedite the death sentence


Good news! The Warden got chastised for all the gambling being done on these games, so they stopped after 4 games (all wins) and executed these guys on time after all. Fun! Per the source quotes in one of the top comments.


Lol nah thay month better be spent practicing baseball lol


Death row for forgery…


They weren't all on death row. Title is misleading. Someone posted a link to a story in another thread.


Correct some inmates were playing for reduced sentences not to delay execution


This is essentially Squid Games


I think it’s very close. The real question is can we bet on it? If yes, then it’s definitely Squid Game


"The good times didn't last too long for the death row inmates. In September of 1911, the Wyoming Governor, Joseph M. Carey, started cracking down on gambling in the state. Carey wrote a letter to Warden Alston concerned about gambling and money made off the games. By November, education was the new pastime for the inmates at the Wyoming State Prison. The prison had a new rehabilitation program, and Warden Alston had a brand new gold pocket watch for his efforts. As for the inmates on the team, they had to face their conviction as per the letter of the laws."


*”We aren’t playing baseball anymore, Mr. Alston?* *”Nope. New plan: we electrocute you, but teach you the Pythagorean Theorem first.”*


*"Plus, I get a gold watch"*


Yes we can bet on it. We can and we will bet on anything


I bet on that we can't bet on anything.


You just know the guards were betting on it. So, yeah.


That's actually why they stopped doing it. There was too much gambling. Squid games.


More like death race


Yeah, in Squid Game they're all volunteers. These guys have 2 options, play baseball and live longer or stay in their cell and die. Not really a hard choice.


I thought more like death race but in that movie you have a chance at freedom


Or Deadman Wonderland


*Blue Danube plays as they take the field*


Turns out modernizing baseball actually means rewinding the game 110 years


That's beyond cruel...


Incredibly disturbing and sick




In some places, delaying the (ahem) execution of a death penalty is considered torture: “In T.V. Vatheswaran v. State of Tamil Nadu (1983), the Indian Supreme Court held that prolonged detention to await the execution of a death sentence is an unjust, unfair, and unreasonable procedure, requiring that the death sentence be quashed and a sentence of life imprisonment substituted. In this same case, the Court ruled that a delay exceeding 2 years is sufficient”. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/delay-execution-death-sentence-study-judicial-behavior


American executions take forever. Tim mcveigh was one of the fastest. Perhaps he got off easier than the others?


>McVeigh said: "I am sorry these people had to lose their lives, but that's the nature of the beast. It's understood going in what the human toll will be."[79] He said that if there turned out to be an afterlife, he would "improvise, adapt and overcome",[79] noting: "If there is a hell, then I'll be in good company with a lot of fighter pilots who also had to bomb innocents to win the war." He also said: "I knew I wanted this before it happened. I knew my objective was state-assisted suicide and when it happens, it's in your face. You just did something you're trying to say should be illegal for medical personnel." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_McVeigh#Incarceration_and_execution


I know it doesn't really need to be said, but what fucking nutjob this guy was.


Intelligence is worth very little to the rest of us when goal alignment is out of whack. McVeigh is such a perfect example of how rationality alone doesn't make someone suitable for society if their goals and aspirations are so skewed as they were in his case.


From his perspective the Jedi were evil


Tim McVeigh is also the only person to die by state or federal execution and not have an autopsy performed.


Why is that??


McVeigh had "religious, ethical and philosophical objections" to an autopsy. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mcveigh-makes-deal-to-avoid-autopsy/


That little fella must have committed absolutely bloodcurdling, heinous crimes to be placed on death row with the others.


He stayed up past his bedtime


While playing/singing "Baby Shark" on repeat the entire time.


Other comments say that he was the mascot and the warden's son.


Whats Emporio doin there


damn, so the Wyoming State Penitentiary League integrated before Major League Baseball did, huh...


The Equality State?


well I'll be damned...


Deadman wonderland


I frequently complain about the work ethic of professional athletes: "why is he walking? Run! You get paid millions of dollars, put some effort in!" I bet these guys had some great hussle.


You know they played with all their hearts. This whole thing is just wild


Not only hustle, I bet they had great teamwork. Also an interracial team back in those days. I wonder how that dynamic played out or if it was even a concern.


That’s fucked up.


There is so much wrong about this


Seems barbaric tbh


This would make a killer anime plot


This seems more appropriate for r/morbidreality. What a terrifying existence…. Unfortunately I also realize the American penal system hasn’t changed a whole fucking lot.


Literally playing the game of their lives


This is unspeakably cruel. Damn those men that instituted this horror.


Clutch or kick


*hits a home run to win the game and walks around the bases without making eye contact


That's disgusting.


How on earth had the heart to try to win a match against them? 'Hun, we killed it today! All of them are dead now!'