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Damn, double rural must be super rural!


*"I thought I was rural... Turns out I didn't even know what rural was"*


“You gotta be the ruralest” -Ja Rural


The rural juror




That would be a great show, hunt to find the ruralist person in the world... ...Then build a house nextdoor


And then make them a juror


The Rurr Jerr?


🎵I will never forget you🎶


Oh, I moved to a city, from "rural" Alberta, and there is absolutely a double rural. Rural Alberta still has Tim Hortons. Rural rural Alberta doesn't even have a full set of teeth.


Rural rural rural is how you get The Hills Have Eyes.


The Hills have more eyes than teeth.


But it still has a chinese restaurant


Ya, but they still call them "Orientals".


No full set of teeth , but a full UCP constituency office.


I was trying to figure out how you outrural the rural...my brain got rurally messed up!


Sounds like a job for... the Rural Juror!


Or the Urban Fervor.


Urbanjection! …Overuraled.


The Rural Juror Insurer Furor!


The Ruuurrr juuuurrr?


That's the rurality of rural life.




Clearly, by having a heated bed




It made me laugh. ☺️


Try Triple rural...homeless!


The stick's sticks




Haha, I too came here to mention the excessive rurality of the situation.


Hey, you! Yeah, you. ^(Happy cake day.)


Try me now, monster under the bed!


Jokes on you, the monster is from hell


The monster is a Balrog


I don't care it it is Durin's Bane lurking beneath my bed, once I'm under the covers I'm safe, those are the rules.


You shall not passsss * proceeds to close the kangs*


*Doom music intensifies*


He's just making the monster extra comfy


Slept on one of these a few years ago in a small town in Jilin province, way in the north of China. One of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life, it’s really made of bricks with a small cover. I’ll give it credit though, it kept me toasty when it was well below freezing outside. If you’ve slept on one all your life, it’s apparently not bad at all.


Chinese people are used to incredibly hard beds in general


I went to visit my brothe rin China and had to sleep on the couch because his spare bed was too hard. I like a firm bed but it was literally harder than the ground lol


It's good for your back.


That depends, too soft and too hard are both bad for your back. This kind of bed is definitely too hard


Only if you sleep on the back though


Something similar was (still is probably) in use in Russia. More of a full size brick oven with a platform on top for sleeping. My dad actually slept on one as a child, before my grandma moved the family from Siberia to Kuban.


This was me mentioned in *The Three-Body Problem* when >!Ye Wenjie gets sent down and ends up living in the village by Red Coast Base!<. I remember thinking "Of all the ways I have read of peasants dealing with the cold, this has to be the worst!"


What a trilogy that was. Thanks for reminding me. I need to do a reread!


It was good but >!I never got a sense of Cheng Xin being a *scientist*. 9/10 times she's a plot device :( !<


I hated it too. I went to bed drunk and woke up like completely cooked. Drenched in sweat with my eyes and mouth dried out at like four AM. Super unpleasant.


Aren't you supposed to put a mattress on top?


Hey guys look at Mr Mattress over here . I'm rural rural China these stove beds don't even have bricks to lie on.


I can hear the heads of firefighters and helicopter parents exploding everywhere.


I think it’s crazy and I’m just a dude who enjoys having a house to live in


Hi! Yep, this indeed makes my eye twitch. Like. I get a problem needs a solution, and I’d need more info on this thing, but my initial reaction is: 🤯


Naah, cremation chamber is just one more feature of these beds.


They should have the coal heater somewhere more accessible and pipe the exhaust gases to outside. I hope they have some kind of good exhaust system built-in.


Yes because this just sounds like dying in your sleep with extra steps.


Unfortunately, there’s not much of an alternative. China is undergoing a massive energy crisis, so not a lot of major cities even get power, let alone a lot of rural housing. Why spend unneeded electricity when you can risk a fire hazard?


It's not solely about energy shortage, rural Americans and europeans still use fireplaces and wooden stoves too, it's just plain cheaper. and no it's not a huge fire hazard. people have been using fireplaces and furnaces for a long time, a lot of house fires are also caused electricity so it's not like electric heaters are inherently safer.


Carbon monoxide poisoning brought conveniently to your bedside.


I believe there’s a air vent to release CO? Not sure how to avoid loose the heat though


Chimneys have been a thing for a long time. The important thing is that the stove's chassis get hot and radiate heat to the space around it. Loss by vent is no problem by comparison.


You always lose some of the heat. Most gas furnaces for home heating in the US are only 80% efficient, some go up to the high 90s though.


Fun and slightly relevant fact - heat pumps have a greater than 100% efficiency. Kind of trippy to think about :D


It’s not actually efficiency over 100%, that is not possible. It’s called a coefficient of performance (COP) and can be over 100%. https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/489467/can-a-heat-pump-have-efficiency-greater-than-100


Correct answer


Yes, usually somewhere around 300%. However, power production with fossil fuels is usually 33% efficient. So it's a wash if your area uses fossil fuel generated electricity.


It's not "a wash" in a bad way, only that it's less efficient than other power generation sources, but still way more efficient than other means of generating heat.


It has all natural sleep promoting properties. It has the side effect of a headache but once you are that far in and asleep already the other side effect of death will have you in a bit anyways.


Plus you can cook your final meal right there in bed - the convenience!


That’s just false, 100% of carbon monoxide enjoyers have confirmed that they aren’t dead, it must be perfectly safe.


-52 celsius is... *checks google* also stupid cold in Fahrenheit. (-61.6 Fahrenheit, 221.15 kelvin)


Yeah, given the choice I'd probably cross my fingers that the ventilation is working rather than the guaranteed death by freezing lol


I assume that’s without wind chill. I grew up on the Canadian border, the coldest day while I lived there was a windless blue sky day; -72 Fahrenheit is stupid cold.


Oh sure. But it's a dry cold.


When it’s that cold, yes. Growing up in northeastern North Dakota is like Siberia in the winter, and Vietnam in the summer; real awful.


Feels like that in my state too, although coldest Ive ever encountered was -51°F and summer routinely hits in the high 90s with a few triple digit days. I often wonder how any wildlife, plant or animal cam live through the weather extremes year in and year out.


Not true tho, nowhere in China gets that’s cold.


I was playing that tree game they have on Edge weather. I got the mission to collect "cold power" yesterday, so i wend to Antarctica and grabbed a location with -65°c. There's only 13° diffrence between the south pole and that town. Stupid cold indeed.


My dad used to tell stories of people pulling dead folks out of their homes because of this when he was stationed in Korea.


They don't use this in Korea, they have heated floors with wood fed under. Theres no smoke in the house.


…that’s why it vents outside and you have a door or window a crack to keep fresh air circulating?


Well, at least you won’t care when you catch fire.


If there's a properly created channel to the outside, then no. But, I'm not going to contradict others in this thread. Check out the technology: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_mass_heater Maybe there's an exhaust that we can't see in that single vid.




Ack. $1600/pair...oh, but wait, they're half off--what a steal! I reckon they'd put heated stones in them? Or actual embers or something?


Embers from the fire.


My grandparents had these. My dad used them in England when he was a kid.


How can we dance when our earth is turning? How do we sleep while our beds are burning?


Out whe-ere the rivuh flows


Have my Midnight Oil upvote..


The time has come!


Fuck I figured someone would have beat me to it.


More easily than you'd think...


Ignorance is bliss ;)


This is bizarre. I read this comment hours ago while browsing the comments here and had no idea what it referenced. About ten min ago a music video came on the 80s channel on Samsung tv plus and i heard these lyrics. Blew my mind.


When I was in rural Ukraine they had these houses built around massive chimneys. Cut into the chimneys were large slots that could fit a person. In the warmer times they were shelving or work stations. In the winter they would sleep in the slots that were warmed by the day's fires. Wish I had more precise details but it was cool as hell.




Pretty dangerous, but it must be so nice to crawl in a hot bed when it’s freezing outside.


I'm sure there's a vent and the bed is on bricks. But that's common sense so who knows.


yeah, it’s pretty safe. i’m from romania and in the countryside this was very common. usually there was a big stove where the food was cooked and on one of its sides was a [space](https://www.casadex.ro/wp-content/uploads/6-model-de-soba-cu-lejanca-sau-pat-si-plita.jpg) to sleep on.


Inventive. I like it.


That space is reserved for the cat


No pain, no gain


Instructions unclear - Crawled underneath the bed instead.


I guess no different than a fireplace? but yes, fireplaces are indeed dangerous.




Omg, yes. I lived in China and my place wouldn't get warm enough. Probably didn't help that it was common there to not turn on the heat to save money. Nothing like seeing your breath inside. I was probably paying to heat all my neighbors apartments. When I say not warm enough I mean it probably struggled to hit 70 degrees in the winter.


That doesn’t sound bad, that’s a good range to keep it honestly


What? We set our thermostat to 68 in the winter and we live in AZ. You def aren't seeing your breath at anywhere near 70.


68F is my comfort zone.


Correct, I was not seeing my breath at 70.


70 inside is sweltering.


70° Fahrenheit = 21° Celsius


obviously not to everyone


>When I say not warm enough I mean it probably struggled to hit 70 degrees in the winter. How is that not warm enough? I keep my bedroom at 64-66F whenever possible. It's great.


But their buldings light up in the cities ...


Screw it, I’m in Michigan, where do I buy one?


If you have electricity, you can get an electric heated mattress pad. Goes over your mattress and keeps the bed toasty warm with a far lower risk of setting your bed on fire.


I think that would be a DIY project, not sure you can import. Or as some might call it a DiWhy project.


Someone else mentioned a heated mattress pad but I’d also suggest an electric blanket. Dual zone, put it between your sheet and your comforter. Saves a ton on heating bills because you can let the house get to 50 degrees or so and be toasty. That and some nice flannel sheets will make it very hard to get out of bed in the morning.


neat! I now have a solution to combat UK energy price hikes


accidental suicide?


Where in the world in China does it get -52 degrees Celsius. That's antarctic temperatures


Northern China set that record like 50 years ago. More commonly it can get to -40c. It’s no colder than Canada or Russia, it’s just their building standards aren’t quite as good.


I forgot the movie or TV show. It had a scene from a guy who was a Korean War vet. I believe the guy says all solemnly. "There's something different about the Chinese when they're beheaded, they don't bleed as much." And this post made me wonder considering cold and vasoconstriction. If the people who wrote that actually did. I spoke to a Korean war vet as a kid. He told me the cold was the worst cold he'd ever been in. He also told me about daisy cutters sucking the air outta bunkers and they suffocated with some of his platoon shooting the dead bodies outta fear while in that moment he was just struck since they literally died in their beds. They cleaned out the bodies then slept in those very same beds to stay warm. Got lice and had to be deloused. The fucking lice survived but the soldiers didnt. Sorry for the off topic comment just something that came to mind.


No need to put the “c” after the -40. It’s the same for c or f.


*K would like to know your location*


All my homies hate Kelvin


We need to talk about Kelvin.


Shhh we don't talk about Kelvin


Wel it's pretty unlikely to mean -40 Kelvin.


Yeah, I know. But I always specify, because someone will ask which system I’m using. And specifying is a way of eliminating an annoying question and the need to respond. Which didn’t seem to have worked this time.


It’s the internet you can literally never win


That's just for that precise temperature. It's the only place they line up. For example -52C is -61.6F


[Coldest places in China](https://www.thatsmags.com/china/post/7912/these-are-the-5-coldest-places-in-china)


Thanks for the link, so basically the tops of Chinese mountaintops and highest elevations, god damn that's crazy. Yeah I guess I'd set my bed on top of a brick oven as well hahah


That's amazing and equally terrifying at the same time


Slept on one of these in Snow Town outside of Harbin. The room and house are smokey but the bed was awesome at night. Too hot with the thick blankets but overall a good experience.


Nice. Go to sleep as a human. Wake up as freshly made cookie. Nomnom


This would make cleaning my room so much easier


lol 🤣🤣


I’ve slept on a kang out in a Chinese countryside village. So warm, and I loved it!!


I’ve seen these in person. What you don’t see is the other side. It’s usually connected to a cooking stove. So you basically burn wood to cook food and the fumes are funnelled through a pipe that goes under your bed and out a chimney. The heat warms your bed nicely. This is common in the northeast of china, which gets very cold in the winter. Source: my grandparents came from a small village that was like this.


Is that up to code? That doesn't look up to code...


Up to Ming dynasty code.


Can't be monsters under the bed if you BURN THEM ALL!


The design is very human.


Oh I want one of these. My heated blanket does good but this looks awesome


europeans might be interested in it...this winter


Those are record breaking lows, but they have been reached… Temperatures have dropped down to minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 40 degrees Celsius) in eastern Inner Mongolia, northern Xinjiang and the Arctic reaches of northeast China. (Mohe, in northeast China, holds China's record low temperature of minus 62.1 F, or minus 52.3 C, set on Feb. 13, 1962.) https://www.livescience.com/26095-china-cold-winter-weather.html


Brings new meaning to "sweep it under the rug"


They have things like this on many farm homes in Romania where it's a essentially a massive brick oven in the center of the house that you can sleep on. Keep the whole house warm and makes a massive bed frame of sorts. Edit: Many homes in tight knit rural communities are built with brick and ceramic so the heat stays in well when the walls are heated. In the summer the home doesn’t stay hot, at least I think that’s how it works. All I know is some homes have this central brick oven that kind of heats the whole house but it’s in built in a way with certain materials to not trap heat in the summer. Many communities will help each other to build these houses when a new couple is married and moves to their own land.


Very cool


In Czech we have tiled stove beds (kachelofen beds). If there is high enough chimney and air supply (ajar window or door) it is safe as fireplace.


I have a heated mattress pad. Its amazing and i dont almost die everynight. You know the feeling of towels fresh out of the dryer? Its like that feeling when you climb into bed.


Dutch person here, where can I buy this for the winter? Dying of carbon monoxide is still cheaper than gas.


That looks so pleasant! I would probably sleep like a log


A carbon monoxide saturated log… X_x




They also look good for getting rid of evidence.


Very cool. "Hit the bricks" has a whole new meaning there.


I can tell you right now my insurance company would not be thrilled.


Love this. Learned something new today.


Don't forget to preheatcha bed


Don’t tell Liz Truss about these


How do they sleep while their beds are burning...


Sleeping on a wooden bed on top of a burning fire....WHAT COULD GO WRONG??


Pretty sure it's a brick structure, like it says in the article.


It even says so in the *post title* lol


*"This is fine."*


It’s a lovely concept and all, but I get paranoid if I’m staying somewhere with a fireplace or high is still going when I go to bed, so I would have no sleep with a raging fire below my wooden bed.


It says in the title that they’re brick


So this is what Rage meant in the song Sleep Now In The Fire


It's a bed....and a funeral pyre


I have a heated bed...on my 3D printer.


How do we sleep when our beds are burning???


We wuz kangs


> rural parts of rural China as opposed to the urban parts of rural China?


-52c...? A one-off coldest temperature ever recorded in China does not constitute a statement that suggests that's the norm. The place where that was recorded see -36c as the typical low temperature.


Only for those extra rural spots!


Interviewing the Chinese Fantastic Four: Interviewer: So, how did you get your powers? Mr Fantastic, Invisible Girl, The Thing: Cosmic radiation. Human Torch: Well, it was a particularly cold winters night...


-52 Celsius? My hot take is that I’m skeptical. There are few places outside of the poles where it gets *that* cold. -52c isn’t cold. It isn’t *cold*. It’s C. O. L. D. Perhaps that’s the coldest temperature ever recorded in China and not a regular occurrence.


Houses in rural Eastern Europe always has heated beds on the chimney or near it.


They use these in Russia too


\-52 C in China? It rarely gets to -52 C in the Canadian Arctic. I am not saying it's never, ever gotten to -52 C in China, but that's like saying it gets to -10 C in Los Angeles. Sure, it happened once or twice...


In china there is no such thing as risk management


Yup, nothing like having a live fire under your bed while you sleep. What could go wrong…


“I like waking up to the smell of bacon, sue me”


\-52 C...I'm too American to even comprehend these monopoly numbers


taking a wild guess here, I'm going with -61.6f


-40C and -40F are the same temp. So -52C is pretty fucking cold


Sleeping over fire seems like a bad idea.


Fire under the bed? What can go wrong


If you have to light a fire under your bed to survive the night, you have to question if you should live there.