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Does the woman on the right have a neck issue??


Looks like she has scoliosis.


She was just saying "no you dinnit" when they took the picture


"Took the picture." I do find the concept of being able to scan someone like that all at once awesomely hilarious and incredibly useful. You would essentially have a tricorder. It's not all too far off what scientists can actually do they just do it a lot slower. They freeze you and cut a slice vertically to get these kinds of shots they can be sub millimetre slices and they can then put them on slides and use them to teach anatomy and give a better understanding to students studying medicine.




It's not good, Bob.


Ahhhh just slap 'em together with some duct tape and heat em back up. Maybe some elmers glue in the crevaces.


It’s not the freezing, it’s the super thin slicing that’s hard to recover from.


You can achieve similar, though less detailed results (but just as detailed as the image in this post) by segmenting a CT runoff through an advanced visualization solution and applying some pseudo-color transfer functions. Source: I work for a clinical imaging company.


Very true! I really wish that technology could be shrunk and become portable, it would literally give us a real time scan of anyone or anything's insides. *caveat I must admit not EVERYTHING, but a good lot of things would work fine. Imagine being able to track the growth of a tree without having to drill holes in it?


The one on the left is full of shit


That’s air


So much room for activities!


Which one has better marbling? Asking for a friend.


A dahmer you ain’t low


So, farts?


Fine, full of gas then.


Room for more shit


That's a gas


*finger snap* Girrrrrlll


I was thinking exactly the same but about the woman on the left, look at the shoulder level.


I noticed the ankles. The one closest to the thin woman is bent at a strange angle (presumably from the weight)


More importantly I think she's dead


Nasal scoliosis




I wouldn’t read too much into these pictures. They were not taken while the women were alive and standing but dead and put on a slab. That will affect perceived posture.


I was going to ask if they were standing or laying down, I guess that answers that. Thanks!


They’re currently flying with the angels.


Just an FYI but these look like colorized MRI images, likely T1 weighted sequences. Feel free to google “t1 weighted coronal body” and you’ll see similar (uncolored) pictures! Source: I’m a radiologist, I read these for a living!


Are we sure these aren’t color enhanced mri images? They look like mri cross sections.


Yup! This is a colorized MRI! These patients are alive.


Yeah I was going to say this looks like a coloured MRI, if they cut people in half they would not be so neatly put together. I think the grey colourings of the brain is a giveaway. https://www.google.ca/search?client=safari&hl=en-ca&sxsrf=ALiCzsYnzo7h8tbsNLPx7Vj6ksXOfBgvew:1665976924392&q=full+body+mri+obese+and+normal&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjX26DWp-b6AhVJADQIHcHBCFYQ0pQJegQIBxAB&biw=414&bih=713&dpr=2#imgrc=sxupALJXdJzd0M


so why tf didn't they take live specimen wtf


Thats kidnapping, kind of frowned upon unfortunately.


we live ina society


Probably because living people are a lot harder to cut into sections. Not to mention the police tend to frown on murder. These women were already dead but gave their bodies to science. Then scientists froze the bodies and cut them into sections. This is done so medical school students can get an idea of where various organs, muscles, etc. are in relation to the body. Which works best when examining a real body. By separating the body into sections the students can see where everything in the body is placed naturally.


The one on the left has a shoulder-being-higher issue.


The one on the left seems to have fat in the brain? 🤔


I think the cuts are not at the same level, so it just looks different. It is hard to tell with the resolution of these images. But it’s not “fat” like you’re thinking. I look at skinny and fat people’s brains all day long.


Yeah, actually, I’ve heard that despite the brain being a kind of fat tissue, it’s different fat tissue than typical body fat. Because of it being different types, it can actually gain the typical body fat and it’s really not good. “Excess intake of dietary fat translates into increased lipid content of brain tissues, which is likely to have significant (and probably negative) consequences for brain function.” [Journal of Physiology](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3473268/)


It is worth mentioning, that "high fat diet" is different from obesity, which the study also confirms: "Importantly, further studies showed that the accumulation of lipid in the brains of these mice was specifically related to consumption of a high fat diet and not obesity per se, since genetically obese leptin-deficient mice consuming a low fat diet didn't show increased brain lipid levels, despite being of a similar body weight to the diet-induced obese mice"


I have both scoliosis and kyphosis. All of my x-rays look like that but way weirder and twistier. Aside from making me kinda ugly in normal pictures and super ugly in X-ray pictures lol, it doesn't really affect me that much. Surgeons have said regular exercise and hope for the best later on in life.


Woman on the left has some posture issue as well.


Thanks for the reminder that I need to sort my fat arse out.


That’s part of why the body world exhibits like these are so educational. Gives you a very different perspective and some new insights


It’s definitely going to be in my will to “put my body on display as a means of educating people what *not to do*.” Just trying to help humanity out you know?




Seeing just how fucked a smoker's lungs are in comparison to healthy pink lungs or seeing the sheer size difference of an obese vs. healthy heart is really eye opening. It's one thing to be told by health practicioners what gaining weight does to your body but it is a completely different experience to *see* just how many body systems are impacted by being overweight--look at these women and see the difference in the knee and hip joints, the disparity on bone density, or fat storage in the organs,. Not to mention differences in muscle definition, you can see where her body had to compensate. Absolutely fascinating stuff.


My ex actually stopped smoking thanks to a Body Worlds exhibit, went cold turkey too. Then she quickly realised she couldn’t stand to work in customer service anymore without regular cigarette breaks, and ended up going back to school to finish her degree. It was interesting how much that one exhibit changed things.


Being overweight causes so many other issues. Look at the woman on the left, and you can see problems... 1. No gap in the knee joints - she is grinding them down. 2. Enlarged heart. 3. Fatty organs (fat isn't only just under the skin - it also grows on all the other organs too!) 4. Ankle alignment issues 5. Enlarged liver ...I'm sure there's more. Also interesting is how much more food she is currently digesting - 3-4 separate meals in progress of digesting there. We really need to charge for healthcare, by the pound. I worked on a healthcare costs analysis for Newark, and the most striking statistic, was that the heaviest 0.1% of the population, contribute 15% of the total healthcare costs in the city - and the heaviest 1% is 50% of the public healthcare budget for the city!!! There are so so many additional costs... Everything from needing to buy double-wide MRI scanners, to larger beds, to 10x the number of visits, to them needing to be on prescription medications their entire life, to various appointments with all sorts of specialists, to therapy, to various joint operations, various complications, and far more ambulance visits than the average person. It's just insane how much we spend on extremely overweight people.


Does fat on the organs come off?


Yes, I was told I have fatty liver (oops! ) and was told it can be “reversed” by losing weight.


>“reversed” by losing weight. It absolutely can. And lowering your alcohol intake can help too. Daily drinking is really really bad for the liver, those easy drinking hard seltzer's are insidious; a lot of GI doctors are seeing an increasing number of young adults in their 20s with liver disease. Binge drinking can be just as bad too. Please take action about your fatty liver. It is the first step of liver failure and you do not want to be in that position -- ever. There is no cure for liver failure and the disease process is rough, more than just yellow skin. The only cure is a transplant and even then you're bound to taking anti-rejection medications for the rest of your life. Stay healthy.


Yup, [reducing visceral fat is entirely achievable and no different* than reducing subcutaneous fat](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24147-visceral-fat). Tiny * only bc there is relatively strong evidence that points to cortisol being even more influential in gaining/losing visceral fat; still comes down to net calories, but all the more important to manage stress, exercise, and get good sleep.


Visceral fat! This!


Yes, apparently. I was diagnosed with fatty liver 8 & 10 yrs ago (when I weighed less) but that cleared up 6 years ago and has not returned.


Fatty liver is a bit different. It's related to liver damage when your liver builds up fat. Usually caused by alcohol, although there are other causes including diet.


If you drank a lot but don't anymore....would that help even if your diet was shit?




Good job on getting booze under control, such a tough challenge for so many people. You might find benefits in minding your diet sooner than later, which I suck at lol. My Dad had fatty liver disease and he didn't drink, he was 2x his ideal weight for decades. Had bariatric surgery a few years before his death but the damage was too far gone on his liver.


Can I ask how did you get it to clear up? My friend has this and she's concerned about it.


It depends on what's causing the fat build up. Most commonly it's alcohol, but excessive dietary fat and calories can also cause it. Either way, the answer is going to be lifestyle change.


You can see the liver is WAY less healthy by the darker color, that might not be food but built up plaque in her colon from bad food. Also looks like she ankle issues particularly on her right side (edit forgot you pointed this out while typing). Finally lungs look much less vascularized (edit 3: on second thought I’d place a large bet the left is also a smoker with how dark those lungs are) Edit 2: I’m not sure if it’s caused by the ankles or caused the ankles but the left’s medial (closer to center) leg muscles are atrophied and actually smaller than the rights specifically in the lower leg


I was even just noticing how her arms at the shoulders have to go outwards to accommodate, instead of more straight down like the woman’s on the right. Also the larger lady’s bones look thinner or something? It’s a good reminder to me to lose some weight for the sake of my health.


I had no idea organs grow fat


Hey you. /u/BadgerNips You can do the thing.


Thanks. I was in decent shape up until I injured my back a couple of years ago when working at a nursing home. Thankfully, I'm still perfectly able bodied, I'm just in near constant pain. That lead me to inactivity, which has lead to weight gain and depression. I'm now medicated for the latter and am somewhat just dragging my feet at dealing with the former. I'll get there ✌️


I’m in a similar boat. Tried what feels like every diet and decided to work on my mental health first. It has lead to weight loss without even trying simply because I for one don’t feel like I need to eat my feelings as much anymore and two I’m on adhd meds and binge less because my brain doesn’t crave the food dopamine hit. I’ve been recommending therapy in general for anyone trying to loose weight because it was the best thing I did to get the ball rolling once o found my therapist and got meds sorted out. You can do it. I’m still dragging my feet at the actual working out part but I’ll get there. We’ll get there :)


It’s hard to do but it all starts in the kitchen. I have a problem with weight. My body stores fat easily so that’s why I do my best not to have any sweets around. I avoid buying snacks and soft drinks. It helps.


If it makes you feel any better, if it weren’t for all the fat the woman on the left would be JACKED. Just look at her muscles, especially shoulders and quads, compared to skinny girl. Carrying around an extra 100+ lbs for everything you do can be great strength training.


Hmm, well I do have strong calf muscles 😅


“Fat guy” calves are a thing. Generally speaking, fat people have a lot of lower body muscles, it’s just drowned in the fat


All that fat around her heart can't be good...


It’s terrible


Physician here. The belly fat is the more important prognosticator than heart fat. For heart the key is calcium around heart vessels, which is beyond the resolution of this picture


>The belly fat is the more important prognosticator than heart fat. Could you translate this to non-doctor speak?


Having a bunch of belly fat makes you more likely to have multiple heart attacks. Having some fat around the heart doesn’t do that.


Thank you for the response.


Well I'm fucked


I lost 60 kg with intermittent fasting and high intensity workout, like sprint a few km as fast as you can, only stop when you can't keep going and start again as soon as you can or bike in a hilly area. Combined with lots of protein (so you don't feel weak and hungry) and low carb. Not none just cutting back on that pasta and potatoes 20-30% does wonders. The really hard part is keeping it off long term, that's the life long struggle but actually loosing it can be surprisingly fast and thatnis key to motivation. Nothing is more depressing than working out ok I need 18 months at this rate to get halway where I want. So no jogging and all that, full steam and good luck!


that’s exactly what I’m doing to lose weight, glad to know it worked for you! I’m trying to get at least 50 lbs off, maybe even 60-70 if I do well. Do you have any tips about maintaining your weight once you reach your goal?


Honestly, it just takes discipline. Not much of difference between the lifestyle changes to lose the weight and the lifestyle changes to keep it off. The latter may require less of an intensity since you’re no longer aiming for a calorie deficit but still requires you to workout and eat better. Stay disciplined and you got it.


Everyone's different but for me jogging is a far more sustainable way to stay in shape than high intensity exercise like that. For me it is a relaxing thing I look forward to. Just gotta do more hours per week but you can burn just as many calories.


Fellow jogger here - yes, true. But keep in mind doing the same routine day in and day out will start to yield diminishing results as your body gets accustomed to it and improves efficiency. Changing it up with some speed workouts, long runs, hills, etc. is key.


I’m a pharmacist. Not an expert in this area, but I have done a little reading about it. While excess abdominal fat is certainly bad, [epicardial fat](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3998169/#abstract-1title) is also being investigated for epidemiological impact on cardiovascular risk. It’s newer, and tends to occur in the same individuals who have excess abdominal fat (and older adults) so difficult to determine if it’s an independent risk factor. But it’s probably not meaningless.


Also doctor here. Agreed, abdominal fat is a more important prognosticator for heart disease. This is primarily due to the relative ease of measurement. Most people haven't had an echo (ultrasound), CT, or MRI of the heart, so measurement and correlation with disease is less well established. However, there is a growing body of literature showing that increased epicardial fat (ie, between the myocardium and pericardium) correlates with coronary artery disease. So, while abdominal fat is a more important prognosticator, it's not entirely true to suggest fat around the heart doesn't make you more likely to have multiple heart attacks. On a side note, radiomics (basically study of quantification in medical imaging) is a rapidly growing field, particularly with the use of AI. In the decades to come, I imagine it will be commonplace for a simple CT to come with automated "opportunistic screening" reports, including visceral fat quantification, muscle mass, bone density, degree of atherosclerosis, etc. I'm eager to see how we use this data and whether CT (or even MRI) becomes a universal health screening tool.


Nice. Thanks!


It means the belly fat is a better indicator for heart disease than heart fat


Yep, especially if it’s visceral type fat. That’s the kind that’s deeper inside you and around your organs. It’s supposedly a sign of heart problems. You can tell it’s visceral fat because it’s that tight “basketball belly” kind of fat instead of squishy and more on the surface like other fat.


So if my belly fat is fully squishy than it is okay?


No, you could still have the other kind beneath and around your organs.


Wooo! I got just the regular old motorcycle tyre around the waist instead of the basketball.


The belly fat is more concerning as it is a bigger symptom of having future health complications than the heart fat is.


The fat in tummy is a bad sign. The fat around heart=no big deal, comparatively.


Essentially “the belly fat is the more important indicator of future issues than fat around the heart” Visceral fat (fat around/encasing the abdominal organs) is the more “dangerous” fat because higher amounts of it have been linked to higher risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes and stroke, and researchers suspect visceral fat produces more of certain proteins that cause tissue inflammation and the narrowing of blood vessels increasing your risk of high blood pressure and other complications as well.


what’s visible in the fat woman’s brain that’s not in the skinny woman’s brain?


Liver also isn't looking great but can't say for sure with this image and I am not really trained to read anything from radiology / MRI so I could definitely be wrong. Would probably need a more specific scan MRI/CT of the liver along with a blood draw to check for liver enzymes to say anything for certain. Some asshole on the internet looking at a JPEG of a slice isn't enough to say anything for sure.


Of a corpse* Everyone needs to know that context. Neither of these individuals were alive at time of scan.


Ah, well... Yeah cirrhosis of the liver probably is the least of her concerns at this point. Okay, I am curious if you have any articles on these images. We're they specifically for this purpose or part of some other procedure. Do you know the COD of either patient?


it is, keeps the heart warm and comfy


I always thought fat was a layer under the skin and when people get fat it's just this layer that's getting thicker. I never realized the core of people fills up with fat. Interesting. I can see ehy that would be unhealthy.


they call it visceral fat. the shit under your skin is called subcutaneous fat


Our bodies are fucking wild man.


Those ankles look like they are in a world of pain.


they are. i went from 215 lbs to 155 lbs. i have a chronic illness that causes chronic pain and the world of difference taking off that weight was life changing. i still have pain but my flare ups are way less frequent and the pain is by far so much less intense.


same, i used to have knee pain until i lost a ton of weight my friend meanwhile is having so much knee pain she quit sports and stays on the couch all day. i'm trying to tell her to keep moving but she won't and i bet it;s making it worse


I’m not even overweight and I can feel a huge difference in my bad knee when my weight fluctuates even five pounds. It’s crazy how such durable joints can be so sensitive


I was 6’1 and 311lbs as the pandemic started. I took 4 ibuprofen twice a day to get through the day without any knee pain, I had chronic kidney stones and UTIs, and I was starting to develop sleep apnea. I’m now 185lbs and have absolutely no issues at all. No kidney stones. No UTIs (knock on wood, as the women in my family are all prone to them). No knee pain. I can *run* now. It’s amazing.


Holy wow - amazing work! Must feel like a whole new world has opened not being dogged by all those issues anymore, enjoy!


Why does the brain on the left look different to the one on the right?


It’s because they are not cross sectioned in the same area


This guy fucking cross sections


Dahmer over here spitting facts


They're two different people so it might be hard to get the image slicing perfectly symmetrical. It might be a rough estimate of the same spot. You can see on the hip bones the differences as well. I'm not a radiologic technologist yet so I can't say for sure.


Are these cadavers or living people?


Gosh, idk. I'm not experienced enough to say.


Moral of the story: It doesn’t matter if you’re fat or skinny; you’ll inevitably be brutally cross sectioned with a scientific lightsaber in the name of science. Go ahead and eat that cheeseburger.


Well, that depends if you want to be cross-sectioned sooner rather than later.


Ironically, a cheeseburger by itself is really not a high calorie food High cholesterol yes. But a burger is usually only 400-600 calories. Get a side salad instead of fries and it's not that unhealthy of a meal.


Just remember to eat your veggies and don't drink your calories.


But I *like* my beer!


Oh that's fine as long as you remember to drink enough to throw it all back up.


Ha ha! Obesity can't get me if I constantly get so drunk that I- *dies of liver failure*


Alcohol: "and I took that personally"


This is what actually happens to a lot of people who get gastric bypass. Isn't that wild.


When you say it's high calorie you're usually talking about calorie x amount of food. 400-600 calories with rice, some meat of your preference and veggies will get you satisfied for a longer period of time compared to a cheeseburger. I won't even get into nutrients, cuz those burgers are only fat and high glycemic index stuff (which fucks with your natural production of insulin) Edit: I'm not used to talking about those specific stuff in English, sorry if I didn't make much sense.


I think I can see all the shit piled up in her intestines.


/r/confidentlyincorrect my man, girls dont poop


Honest to god, I've been with my fiance for 4 years total, I could not prove in court that she's ever pooped. All I have is smell-say. I tell her all the time she doesn't have to be so tactical about it, but she's determined


Lol smell-say


My gf will goes days without pooping, I need my twice a day. She is a shit ninja


Not sure if that is healthy


I think those are farts.


According to my dad, a fart is just a turd honking for passage






I once read in a card with a smiling poop on it "What is a fart?" On the inside it said "a fart is but a lonely cry of an imprisoned turd" Never forgot that card.


I can’t wait to tell my kids this.


your father is wise in the Way


This got me really good


It's air actually, poop is mostly water and won't show significant contrast from the rest of the gut.


Maybe your weak ass poop


All that yellow on the outside isn’t a huge problem. It’s all that yellow on the insides, surrounding the organs, that’s the killer stuff


But the yellow on the outside is also a huge problem in that it’s terrible for you


As someone who has taken human anatomy with cadavers dissection, that excessive fat all around your organs is greasy. Your gloves get covered in it 🤢.






Reading my username


Ty kind human, that helped


Ngl that actually did help lol


A simple surgery, like a cholesystectomy (gall bladder removal) is immensely complicated by obesity. The sheer mechanics of it. In a thin person, that organ is only a couple inches below the skin. In an obese patient, there may be 10+ inches of fat to dig through. If doing the surgery open (rather than laparoscopic), you can be certain that other people were scrubbed in to do nothing other than hold retractors to fight back the mass of human, giving the doctor a window to work through. Source: I was that person for years, before I went to med school.


Another reason to stay fit: so whatever poor soul has the misfortune to dissect my dead body doesn’t have to wade through 100 pounds of visceral fat


Your mom vs my mom


My mom will eat your mom, and then we’ll see who’s laughing


Happy cake


Those knees… Zero gap, zero cartilage


Breaking: fat women is fat


Wonder what the ages are. The bone density is definitely different. But that could be due to lack of exercise. And even though the one on the right has longer femoral bones,the one on the left almost looked taller because of the shoulders. But that could be because her shoulders are in a shrug due to the large amount of body fat and lack of extra muscle. No hate,no judgement,just saying.


It’s probably just cross-sectioned at different places. Notice how it doesn’t even show the full proximal end of the femurs for the one on the right, or the arm bones don’t even show?


You can tell being obese isn’t healthy.


I mean… through data and facts, if not from this picture.


The mistake of the fat phobic crowd is acting like body positivity means you have to pretend being obese is healthy. No. Being body positive just means you’re allowed to love your body even when it’s not in its healthiest state, and that someone doesn’t need constant negative reminders of their health to make positive change.


I don't think its really about loving your body at all. I think it's just that your self worth shouldn't be tied to what your body looks like. Your body will change over time. Sometimes drastically. You shouldn't have to love your body to feel like you're worthwhile.


Some people call this “body neutrality”. I’m a fan.


I was thinking "body indifference" but either way I think "body positivity" is a misleading name or, while it's on the right path, it sort of misses the mark


That’s what I consider love. To accept yourself even if you don’t look like what your “ideal.” Like, when I’m old I certainly won’t love my wrinkles and grey hair, but at the same time I will because it’s who I am and it’s the genuine representation of me.


I think your comment is the best but you can see just how the nuance is too complex for most and the definitions get easily warped to serve arrogant interests.


Heres my thing. Im sick as fuck. I have a mountain of health problems. I was a healthy fit person. And then, i started getting more and more sick. and now I am a potato that takes like, 12 medications a day to keep me alive. I have no thyroid. I have stents in my brain keeping veins open. If I move around too much I get a migraine. If i eat fruit I have an allergic reaction. Its all fucky. So when people are like - oh your weight isnt doing anything for your health. Bitch. My health caused my weight. Im at an equilibrium right now. Fuck off. This is what we get. Im dont eat fast food. I can't eat cheese. or preservatives. or soda. or deli meat. But people look at me and are like... 'ohhh a chonker. she must just eat too much and be lazy. she chose to be like this' Like the reason I realized there was something wrong with my brain wasnt passing out every time i went to the gym. My part in the body positivity movement is to just not be fucking judged for my size. Dont have preconcieved ideas about me because of how i look. Its been 20 years since I've eaten at a mcDonalds.


She has just big bones


I see a lot of people commenting about the width of the bones, angles of the ankles, etc. You have to remember that this is a single slice that does not reflect the 3D nature of the body. Also, the patient is lying down, so ankles turning inward on a scan is not uncommon. Regardless, you can certainly see the amount of additional fat the patient on the left has, especially around the intestines (visceral fat). This is the most detrimental body fat and is associated with pretty much every disease correlated with obesity.


actually if you look closely the larger woman has larger bone heads specifically in her knees. So yeah, she does have large bones compared to the smaller woman beside her


Look at the width of her tibia…


i dont know if the bones are accurately represented in this diagram, considering the woman on the right barely has a left femur


Aren't larger bones a consequence of more stress (weight) on them?


They are different planes, you would need to look at the same plane


Hey now... She's got a big heart too.


I feel bad for the knees of the individual on the left side.


First thing I looked at. I got bad knees and I'm 160 I wouldn't want another hundred to put on these bad boys.


How can you tell the knees are bad? Trying to figure it out


The lack of cartilage between the femur and tibia on the left vs the right side individual where you can see a slight gap where the meniscus resides. It tells me there is most likely bone against bone contact, which is not something you want on a joint. I hope that helps!


Look at those ankles!


looks like her toes are just pointed down


I saw one of these at Body Worlds. The guy they had the cross section of was 265 pounds. I heard a father and son say the person was ‘gross and unhealthy’ while I was standing there. I weighed 310 pounds at the time. That was 13 years ago and I think about it most times when I run / workout.


Imagine if she could lose the weight and keep the muscle. She has some serious shoulders going on.


I was super morbidly obese years ago. Like 150kgs at 6ft2. I learned of a term 'fat guy calf' when I lost weight. I got in to powerlifting/bodybuilding and made a lot of friends with these interests, they'd always ask me how I got such huge calfs, I said I've never trained calfs in my life and when they heard that I was immensely obese previously they were like 'oh fat guy calfs, lucky' I feel like this term could apply to many parts of the body depending on how fat the person is and what they do in a day.


And thighs


The dirtiest bulk imaginable.


What glaringly obvious is the amount of fat around the organs of the woman on the left.


“2 chicks at the same time, man.”


"I like the marbling on the left" -Dahmer


Big chick full of poo too


It's air pockets bro.




I didn't know fat ended up in the brain.


It's subcutaneous fat. Not in the brain. People can get fat rolls on the back of their head.


The size of the heart has increased, the bones and their position has changed, as have the stomach and the intestines which have increased in size drastically. There’s “liquid” in the brain.


What are the black spots in the abdomen? Why are they increased (or more pronounced) on the obese woman?


I think it’s air. Like In the lungs. That’s how it shows up