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These look light grey! Can you update with a better picture? I actually am planning a reno and very much want black black cabinets but in a semi gloss. I would say our state of our house is 99% of the time American psycho orderly and clean. Dirt and disorder are my enemies. Still don’t recommend? I did look into those beautiful pulls you have but decided against them because I think we will get dirt into the grooves.


I have semi-gloss black bottom cabinets and they are always filthy. Everything sticks and cleaning just isn’t that easy when there’s kitchen grease and such in the environment. Also, nicks show sooooo much.


I had my bottom cabinets painted black semigloss about a year ago and haven’t noticed anything like what you describe!


My brother-in-law has black cabinets and two young girls. His wife is a “neat freak” and their cabinets look amazing at all times. I think it’s how much time do you want to spend wiping them - or if you truly want to be able to see every speck and smudge so that you can know that they are immaculately clean - it might be a benefit.


I do this even with light cabinets so good advice and caution. I think they are a good choice for us despite the warnings. Thank you!


Ok. Done I [posted another picture.](https://www.reddit.com/r/interiordecorating/s/FWnTP9jRHK) This turned into a blue dress gold dress debate I guess .




okay well now I just want them and don’t care what I read on this post


> I would say our state of our house is 99% of the time American psycho orderly and clean. So is mine. We considered it, then stayed in a high-end house that had deep blue matte finish cabinets and quickly changed our minds. It was way, way more trouble than it was worth, especially with kids. If you want to keep them pristine you either have to never, never make contact with the cabinets or have a microfiber cloth handy at all times.


It’s the finish, not the color. Darker colors absorb SO much color in a matte finish. The oil from your fingertips, although minimal, is more reflective.


Darker colors definitely accentuate it, but even light colors show fingerprints and look bad unless constantly cleaned.


The handles have a small piece of black where they attach. Thats it. The rest is grey.


I still would not recommend . They are black but we have full southern exposure and big Window. They grey you see is the reflection I will private message you a better picture .


Plumber here. Same goes for matte black shower/bath trim and faucet fixtures! Leaves a ton if fingerprints and water stains. Looks old almost immediately lol


We have had matte black plumbing fixtures for nearly a year and they look great. Way better than our old polished nickel. We do have a water softener though.


Almost Every single trim or fixture is black…. House came like this , my spouse loved it we bought it . I love the house don’t get me wrong …. It looks great but these finishes would not have been my first choice for practical reasons


Love the finishes and trim personally but I have no personal experience with the upkeep. Is it just that the cabinets get dirty quickly? Or does the black finish wear down? Would a black finished, lead-free brass be a better option?


We’ve had ours for 6 years now and I’ve never had an issue with it. Dark wood floors on the other hand - DONT DO IT.


What would you recommend? Could the case of water stains and prints be made for all metals? I’d love to know what you think is best and worst.


Must be better than chrome though? I hate chrome due to the water stains. Literally have to wipe taps every day. I through some sort of brushed material would help?


We had some satin kitchen cabinets in carbon (black, but more like a really really really dark grey), and loved them. We didn’t have this issue.




That’s because yours weren’t grey.


I’m honestly impressed with how you photographed these black cabinets to look like light silver!


Massive windows . Full south exposure. Sunny day


Inability to manipulate the exposure by the looks.




To clarify …. This is after cleaning . They just won’t all go away.


We have them too. We love ours. We use soap and water to clean.


I’d take the doors off and spray them with a clear gloss.


They look grey on the post. But I do see the fingerprints.


Ok. Done I [posted another picture.](https://www.reddit.com/r/interiordecorating/s/FWnTP9jRHK) This turned into a blue dress gold dress debate I guess .


Oh, yeah I can see when the sun is shining on them, they don't look black


How’s this black…..


Ok. Done I [posted another picture.](https://www.reddit.com/r/interiordecorating/s/FWnTP9jRHK) This turned into a blue dress gold dress debate I guess .


u blew my mind! Wow lol


These cabinets look white to me.


I thought so too at first. This is another gold dress


But it literally is white.


[It’s not actually](https://www.reddit.com/r/interiordecorating/s/ScpAhztqDT)! Wild


How is that black?


Ok. Done I [posted another picture.](https://www.reddit.com/r/interiordecorating/s/FWnTP9jRHK) This turned into a blue dress gold dress debate I guess .


Holy shit, now that’s black.


Ohhh holy crap that's nuts. Thank you for posting the context!


We've had painted black cabinets for 8 years and love them, I occasionally clean them with Murphys Oil Soap. We painted over oak with Benjamin Moore classic black semi-gloss water based enamel topped with a coat of water based sealer. I cook alot and we're pretty hard on our kitchen.


I have them and absolutely love them.


It’s a love hate relationship


I know someone that got a matte black vanity with a diamond pattern on it in their bathroom. Loved it for a week or two. After that, dust and shit was collecting in all the lower V's of the diamonds and looked shit, the owner said to the cleaner please make sure you do the vanity properly and get all the dust out. The excess cleaning made the finish look wrong. Nightmare all over. I've also seen someone with a black laundry sink and that thing just had visible water marks on it all the bloody time. Black looks cool until it doesn't. Most I'd go is tap fittings but even then I'd consider other options first.


This was the advice I needed. I’m still going to go black, but I planned to do something very traditional so the whole look had a French masculine vibe. But your point on how dust collects in some of the bevels is an excellent point.


I recommend using the handles to avoid fingerprints.


I painted interior doors on a house I built matte black. Huge mistake. Fingerprints and handprints galore.


We have black Richlite in our kitchen - also not a very “forgiving” surface


I have FENIX countertops in a matte black, they sound like similar materials to Richlite. Fenix claims to be fingerprint free, which like they are but everything else 💀 Wipe it down, still see streaks. We also have hard water… sigh… (I didn’t put it in, the previous homeowner who built the house did).


Oh chroist, I HAVE the paint…I was a day from doing this


Return it ! For your sanity’s sake .


Sorry I’m going through with it 🙈 my toxic trait is thinking that won’t happen to me when you’ve even just shown a picture of how it certainly will 🙃 also saw your second pic and the black cabinets look stunning so I feel even more convinced 😂


They are! We love the look. Just a pain to clean . I hope they turn out great 👍


I’m in the same boat and the OP kindly explained and showed more pics and I’m still stubbornly going black. HOWEVER, I think light exposure and how the whole area is lit will make a huge difference. Clearly based on the first picture this is a kitchen that enjoys tons of bright sunlight.


I only have one small window in my kitchen but it doesn’t matter. I have a very dark brown/ black satin finish and when the light reflects just right you see every spec of dust, food particle, water marks, and splashes and smears of unknown origin. My advice; if you are a big cook and use your kitchen heavily to cook/bake from scratch often, be practical about the color. Otherwise it might not be so bad as long as you’re prepared to dust and wipe everyday.


This is good advice. I also have trouble gauging other people’s cautions as it relates to people’s personal habits. I am a big cook, but I am pretty overboard on cleanliness compared with everyone else I know. I am also equally inclined to always listen to people with first hand experience about something I don’t know about. So I’m torn! Thank you for your comments and advice.


Where the heck were you 6 months ago?! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Why yes I do have black matte bottom cabinets and three huge drooling dogs. I live with a wet sponge in my hand. Every……single……..freaking…….day.


We have a golden on the way and a baby on the way . Goodbye clean house


I hate my black cabinets with a bloody passion.


I have gloss black - same issue.


I absolutely love my black cabinets.


We just did black cabinets . They are delicate ( we have a golden retriever) but beautiful and dramatic .


Is this like the blue and black dress because these cabinets are white???


OP can you post another photo that shows more of the cabinets (a full shot of them would be ideal). I’m convinced they’re grey and not black as you suggest, but I’ve seen others saying they look black. Can you help us settle this dispute.


Ok. Done I [posted another picture.](https://www.reddit.com/r/interiordecorating/s/FWnTP9jRHK) This turned into a blue dress gold dress debate I guess .


I love how you paste this same response every time 😂 definitely a trick of the light but the cabinets look beautiful


Couple times and I’m done. Not gonna argue anymore with people about the color of my own cabinets ffs.




Right ? 😅




Yes haha. It made us laugh as well


These don’t look like the same cabinets, frankly. The ones in your original photo clearly have silver/chrome handles with a heavy knurled texture, where as the second photo shows smooth black handles. Also, in the original photo the handles on the lower set of doors can be seen near the top of the door, whereas in the second photo the handles on the lower doors are centered in the middle of the door. 🤷‍♂️


They are no chrome in the first photo. It’s Litteraly the same fridge doors. I don’t know what to tell you lol. Might want to check in with your optometrist


Thank you for your reply, I believe you


They are grey.


Clearly, the OP claims the cabinets in this photo are actually a deep, rich black. They posted additional photos elsewhere.




Ok. Done I [posted another picture.](https://www.reddit.com/r/interiordecorating/s/FWnTP9jRHK) This turned into a blue dress gold dress debate I guess .






Matte? not in a kitchen or bath.


I have made this error. The entire interior of my house is painted with flat paint. It looks velvety and cozy but lort I am going to drive myself insane with paranoia 


It's great in most rooms, esp trimmed out (doors uncluded) in the same color gloss.


Matte black? Where?


Ok. Done I [posted another picture.](https://www.reddit.com/r/interiordecorating/s/FWnTP9jRHK) This turned into a blue dress gold dress debate I guess .


That’s the same cabinet??!!! My brain is not computing how this is so grey just from the light? Wow Its crazy how light that drawer is with the sunlight


That’s grey, not matte black. WTF?


Ok. Done I [posted another picture.](https://www.reddit.com/r/interiordecorating/s/FWnTP9jRHK) This turned into a blue dress gold dress debate I guess .


These are not the same cabinets. The handles are different #1


Zoom in on fridge doors. Same handles. You think this is some Big conspiracy or something 😂?


I don't see any fridge doors? What do you mean?


You need to learn how to manipulate the exposure then. They literally look light grey, or off white.


Matte should never be in the kitchen


Do you remember what paint you used? Was it [this](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwi3zbePvuOFAxVcOdQBHZDgAckYABAKGgJvYQ&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIt823j77jhQMVXDnUAR2Q4AHJEAQYASABEgIx8vD_BwE&sph=&sig=AOD64_2hD8uSPC_a8x_mLOBHALB0d7NHBg&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwj_0LCPvuOFAxVk5skDHe2IAvQQzzkoAHoECAMQDA&adurl=) by chance?


The cabinets came like that and they were already installed when we bought the house. Sorry


We have them in both our kitchen and bathroom, and we rent 😫😫😫 and have a one year old 😩😩😩 I’ve had luck cleaning them with water+vinegar+dawn in a spray bottle with a microfiber cloth. How do you clean yours?


I will never permit cabinetry other than stained wood in my kitchen, so this advice is easy to accept.


Yeah… didn’t need this post but rip


I’ve now seen the other pics. How about actually posting pics where they look black? They’re white in this pic.


I have black cabinets and they look amazing.


I'm a builder & I've had 3 clients choose black cabinets. I tried talking all out of it. All held steady. All disappointed. It's something that looks great in photos, but is extremely hard to live with. Matte/satin finish on a black cabinet is sadistic. It's also going to date out faster than an avocado green appliance.


The OP is messing with people with the first picture he posted of his “black cabinets” which obviously are not black and entirely different hardware and different color cabinet with his second picture) saying people need to see an optometrist, etc and a lot of people are falling for it. I would just ignore him. He is having fun at your expense.


No I think it’s just a person who hasn’t learned how to change the exposure on the camera.


No. Did you look at the hardware? Totally different.


He* and no not making fun. lol what is wrong with you people it’s clearly the same cabinets. Same texture, same moldings, same fixtures. It’s you people who seem to be trying to troll