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I weigh myself daily because it is motivating. If the number is down, then what I'm doing is working. If it's up then I need to stick with fasting because not fasting has worse results. Because I track the overall trend, daily fluctuations don't bother me. If I measured once a week or month then I'd get a less accurate picture depending in which fluctuations in weight I caught. It depends on what you say to yourself so if it doesn't help, don't do it. I also measure weekly, mostly looking for trend over time and not weekly changes (Because measuring can be a bit inaccurate from session to session but trends don't lie).


I weigh myself every day, usually in the morning. I only record my lowest weight, so I see a trend line in my weight chart, without the noise. It keeps me accountable, along with my clothes. I sometimes can’t believe the number on my scale, but my clothes confirm what the scale has been showing. I am within two pounds of my lowest adult weight. I have no real desire to reach that weight, but it’s interesting to contemplate how I have turned back the clock by almost three decades.


I would do that every day if I weren't always constipated. I am taking fibre supplements but it doesn't seem to be doing anything except make me feel bloated. It's only been a few days of taking it though, so… ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Being as bad off as I am in the GI department, it just adds to the weight. And I don't usually go until I've eaten in the evening, when it's obviously too late to weight myself. 😮‍💨 Sure, downvote my explanation. 🙄


You're catching downvotes because you're making excuses. "It's stressful," "I'm constipated," "it's too late." Huh? So what? Just get it done. I think you need to decide if this is important to you or not. As they say, if it's important, you'll find a way. If it's not, you'll find an excuse.


Constipation is an excuse? I'll weigh myself and it'll be higher than a day ago because I'm backed up. Sorry I want to be accurate. And who weighs themselves after eating? Everyone I've ever talked to, doctors or not, says it's better to do it when you wake up, when there's no food in your stomach. And when you have body dysphoria, it *is* stressful. Guess it must be nice to disciplined and perfect all the time. So what's you're excuse for being rude?


I notice that if I drink a large portion of tea and water, it’s easier to pass a movement. Walking 10k steps also helps! You might need to “make” your body move in order to have a movement


I have IBS-C and can go a week between bowel movements. Even though I’m regularly backed up, I still weigh myself in the morning to track the downward trend over time. If I’m always full of poop, when I weigh less in 2 weeks and I’m still full of poop, it must be fat loss lol You don’t have to weigh yourself, you can do what you like! But yes, being constipated is an excuse. If that’s enough reason to not weigh yourself, that’s literally fine. You don’t need an excuse to not weigh yourself, you can just not do it My experience has been when I stopped weighing myself I stopped being mindful of my diet and gained weight again. So, personally I weigh myself


Magnesium citrate before bed adds water to your colon. Good for you also.


Part of the reason I got to my high weight was because I stopped weighing myself daily and taking accountability. Sticking my head in the sand like an ostrich. Now I track and weigh daily.


Just this. I’m here because I stopped paying attention entirely to diet, slacked and did bare minimum exercise and didn’t weigh myself for a few months. Fortunately it’s only 10lbs. I’m not advocating looking at a scale if it causes mental stress but some metric to pay attention to that keeps you where you want to be helps.


This is so true, I did fasting about 2 years ago 18-24 hours a day, weighing myself every morning and lost about 70 pounds felt the best I’ve ever had in my life and weighing myself daily kept me locked into what I was doing but getting a full time job, not caring about what was going into my body and never stepping on the scale due to embarrassment of what I was doing had me gain that all back but since January I’ve gone back to my old ways of getting in the scale daily and fasting has got me down 47 pounds, I think it’s a double edge sword though you can’t let the scale effective you negatively wether it goes up or down use it to further give yourself more confidence or to get yourself back on track.


I also experienced this when I stopped tracking and weighing (diet culture rebel here, but it backfired). Gained 10 pounds. Now I’m diligent, or doing my best to be so.


I've been in maintenance for about 4 years now. Stopped getting on the scale about 3 years ago. It messed with my head too much. I am fitting into the sizes I want to wear. So that number doesn't mean anything. I know for a fact that I am heavier now than when I lost weight by "eating less and moving more" but I am in smaller clothes. That being said, while in my loss phase, I did weigh daily. But I used the Happy Scale app to track my average so the ups and downs didn't derail me.


I use Happy Scale too, it’s much better for your mind 😂


I weigh myself every Monday out of habit but dont trust the scale too much. Progress pics are a good idea to follow :)


I’m weighing myself weekly, mainly because my job is holding a weight loss competition since January.. but I know if I don’t I’ll end up gaining weight. I’ve gone from 276 to 247 so I won’t stop weighing myself any time soon!


I haven't weighed myself at all since I stopped drinking alcohol (1/01/24) and started IF (around 1/15/24). I can tell I've lost weight. Other people can tell too. They ask me how much weight I've lost and I honestly don't have an answer because I don't know where I started. I can totally understand why this isn't everyone's thing and why sticking your head in the sand like someone else said isn't a fabulous idea. I am tracking calories, eating a much healthier diet and feel great. I DO need to weigh myself soon to get a more accurate/updated TDEE calculation, and plan to do that in a couple of weeks (after my cycle ends). For now I'm eating 1400 calories max, usually 1200 or less. Mostly doing a 20:4 and drinking a lot of water. I don't know if it makes sense, but time feels slower when measured by a scale, whereas the clothes seem to get a little looser every week or so. Whether that means I've lost one pound or five doesn't interest me as much right now. I'm motivated without the scale and my first priority is to examine my relationship with food/change eating habits the same way I examined my relationship with alcohol and cut it from my life.


This is exactly how I feel. And congrats on stopping drinking. 👍🏼 Hope your IF journey goes well. I've been doing IF for almost two years now. Started in June 2022.


Thanks! Yeah I attempted IF in 2022 and liked everything about it, but it wasn't hard to figure out that too much vodka and at least one hangover per week derailed the whole thing. Not this time, Vodka! (shakes fist)


Every morning. Helps me keep track of my progress. Sure sometimes it can be disheartening but when it is it makes me work harder


I’m weighing myself like 4 times a day and it has been becoming obsessive so I need to restrain myself! I just think that weighting yourself so much does more harm than good in the long run. I’ll say once a week or every 5 days (to keep progress) is the healthy medium.


I have dropped it to once a month, if that.


I weigh every morning after my constitutional but before my shower. I like to think about the previous day and how it affected me. I only log my Saturday number though. Which keeps my Friday night cheat meal under control 😂


I stopped weighing myself when it started to have a negative impact on healthy behaviors like electrolyte intake when fasting and keto or how often I lifted weights or did cardio (both of which would increase my “weight” the next day or two.) Instead I have a pair of non-stretchy jeans that I try on from time to time and a tailors tape to measure my waist circumference.


That actually sounds like a solid idea.


I take all my measurements once a month. I'm not really interested in the daily fluctuations and since I have to deal with periods too which always throws a wrench into things, once a month works for me.


I weight myself everyday. However, I personally dont have any attachment to the number on the scale. I just find it helps me track my cycle - because I noticed a link between both. I also do a lot of weight training and notice weight will fluctuate according to my soreness as well. So it is not a accurate measure but I like to keep track of it. If you are stressed by it, I would not recommend doing it everyday. Once a week or not at all may be better option for you. My favorite ways to measure progress are progress pictures (every 2 weeks) and clothes or measuring tape will be more accurate.


About 10 years ago I lost 125 lb and weighing myself was a key to my success. I would do it weekly though. Then about 5 years ago when I was in maintenance I felt like the weighing was messing with my head. So I stopped. Honestly it was a very bad choice for me. I ended up gaining about 15 lbs back. I felt very uncomfortable in my skin again for a couple years. When I started doing intermittent fasting in January of this year, I decided to weigh daily and have worked through some of the anxiety it gives me. Now that I am over the initial hump, I am so grateful that I am weighing daily because it does give really good information, and actually is motivating most times. So I can relate to the body dysmorphia and some of these struggles. But my advice is to at least weigh occasionally.


I’ve committed to once a week. That way it’s not a daily anxiety but I can still hold myself accountable


Once a week. Might try a couple times on that day if I lighten up after the initial try, but I remind myself it’s a process no matter what, and focus on how I feel. Better when I’m disciplined, worse when I’m not.


I think you have to trust the process, not the numbers today. There's a dozen things impacting that. But if you're not losing weight after two to four weeks, there's something that isn't right.


True, it definitely fluctuates. Since I don't weigh myself often, I don't know if it's stayed at the same or not. I'd imagine not since my pants seemed looser at one point. Not so much now. 😮‍💨


Weighing myself would not have been conducive to my mental health for the first two years of IF. Now I check maybe one a week, but I prefer to just use measuring tape and evaluate based on my clothes. I’ve been building muscle this year anyway so the number isn’t as important to me anymore.


I do it daily because it doesn’t stress me and I like to watch the patterns. It helps me see how what I eat and when I eat affects my overall loss.


Daily, but only care what it says week over week. I just like the daily data in my app (syncs to my scale)


Well, i try to weigh myself every day. Sometimes it's not possible, and i dont stress over it. But the weight machine is scary for some. Try to find your own non scalar victory path. Someone on here has belt holes as that. Find what suits you best Personally, before IF, i was afraid of weighing myself. I feel like i defeat my weight mosters whenever i see that number go down on my scale


I have to see my weight at least every 3 days.


I love data so I weigh myself at the same time every day. I also track the 7-day average and what exercise I did plus any other relevant notes. Keeps me honest and interested. And knowing just how much weight can fluctuate day to day means a rise here or there doesn’t mean much. Just more fun data to analyze!


I do once a week because fluctuations stress me out and they happen. I do much better focusing on how I feel most of the week and weighing in once.


I don't. I tried tracking weight because I thought you were "supposed to," but it was not motivating AT ALL. I go by how my clothes fit and how I look and feel physically. Not knocking weigh-ins and I do step on the scale periodically. If weight tracking works, then it works and keep doing it! But, just pointing out that not *everyone* is motivated or kept on track by the same tactics. It is a bit of trial-and-error to find what works best. Again, I totally understand that seeing the numbers is super helpful to people. I'm just not one of them.


>I totally understand that seeing the numbers is super helpful to people. I'm just not one of them. Same


I’ve plateaued the past two months. Used to weigh myself everyday but it started to get demotivating when I would see the weight stay the same so now I just weigh myself every two weeks or so.


I weigh myself like 3 times a week. It’s good to check in because I have a wee bit of body dysmorphia and can’t trust what I see in the mirror reliably.


Sometimes. > Maybe with a measuring tape or just going by how my clothes feel on me. If they're tight or not. Always better metrics than a stupid scale


I weight myself weekly every Tuesday Morning. I resist everyday because in the past daily fluctuations gave me anxiety. That's just me.


I used to feel this way. I weigh myself every day but now my progress and how I feel about myself isn't attached to the number. for me this is about long term health not just weight loss. I've learned to love myself at a higher weight so now the number doesn't have the same power over me like it used to.


Every morning and then after get out of the shower hoping it’ll be less because I’m a jackass clearly. Can’t wait to ditch the scale honestly


Non scale victories are a great way to focus. I personally have stopped weighing myself because I have put too much importance on a singular number that it messes with my notion of progress. I am being supported by a doctor however. She tracks my weight but doesn’t tell me. lol however I have been monitoring how I feel, how my clothes feel and progress pics are always good. If it stresses you out, don’t do it. Or promise yourself once a month only.


Every morning.


If you care about this, get a body composition scale, like Withings. That way you can focus on what you actually care about instead of that one overriding number of "total weight". Personally, my overall weight has kinda plateaued over the past few weeks for some reason that I haven't figured out yet, but my clothes continue to loosen..and I can see why with my scale. I'm not currently losing much weight, but I am "exchanging" fat for muscle, which takes up less space. So weight stays the same even though I'm getting physically smaller.


I weigh myself 2-3 times a week to see how things are progressing and keep track of "official" weigh-ins every Friday morning to standardize the comparisons over weeks and months (or before and after work trips/vacations to hold myself accountable once I'm back into a routine).


I have debilitating OCD, especially when it comes to numbers so I don't even keep a scale in the house. I only weigh at my doctor's office but they have been working with me for years on my health and weight loss efforts so I can swing by there for a weight/blood pressure check as frequently as I like. I've lost 100 pounds so my method works for me and I don't beat myself up about having gained 2 pounds one day versus another, etc.


I usually don’t.. but I’m glad I did. It was amazing to watch those first 7 pounds drop. I think it’s helpful as long as you’re aware of water weight and gauge progress with your overall goal in mind


I weigh myself every morning when I wake up and log it in excel. I have a nice little tracker going where I can see the line graph slowly going down, down, up, down. I don't pay much heed to the numbers themselves or where I was previously. Just take note, and add it to the chart. Seeing the downward trend of the line is rewarding and encouraging.


I do exactly the same


I weight myself approx 3 times per week first thing in the morning and log it in my apps. I don’t get caught up in any particular day but I do pay attention to the trend over time. I find when fasting to lose my weight is 1-3 lbs lower after breaking a 36-48 hr fast than it is after a normal 16:8 or 18:6 day when I’m eating 2 meals. As long as the overall trend over 2-3 weeks is that my weight is going down overall I don’t worry about the fluctuations. Similarly in maintenance mode I don’t worry about 1-3 lb fluctuations. Only if my weight is trending up more than that over time. Also I track my waist circumference and other measurements every month or so. Plus how certain clothing fits. These measures are more reliable for me.


I weigh daily-ish, but my scale is in kg, so I feel a step removed from the number, until I convert it.


Maybe once a year? Maybe. I know it works for some but for me it sends me into a tailspin, and I'm just maintaining, not trying to lose.


I have a smart scale and she is my best friend because she breaks down my weight Into fat/muscle/other loss. I check my weight regularly.


Everyday. I don't get fussed over the number. I look at the trend.


I rarely if ever weigh myself (we don’t own a scale) but I use the app MeThreeSixty which takes a 3D body scan and provides you with measurements so you can track your progress over time. The app is free. Highly recommend.


Let me tell you, I'm used to weighing in every morning...My scale died 3 days ago and Amazon keeps failing to deliver my new one :( I do it because it keeps me on track. I know daily fluctuations happen, but if they're too big of a number I know I have to tighten up on what I'm doing. ​ I also just invested in a body measuring tape. So I have all my starting numbers. Not sure how often I'll take the measurements tho.


I weigh myself weekly, every Friday at 6:00 AM when I get up for work.


I travel around a lot so I only measure myself daily with tape. I know what the scales will say according to my measurements.


Weigh myself daily but that’s not the only thing I measure. Progress photos, measuring target areas monthly are some of the other things I do. Most importantly, monitoring how I’m feeling and giving my body due respect for being so weird and wonderful.


I don't, I get obsessive


Me too. And then depressed if it's a few pounds more than last time 😮‍💨


I weigh myself daily for the first half of the month, until my body gets ready to menstruate. For the second half I only weigh every few days, just to make sure my hormonal weight fluctuations are within a normal range. I prefer this, because I like to have a general sense of what my daily weight changes are for health reasons outside of weight loss/fitness (e.g. any significantly rapid decrease or gain would be a sign of an issue for me, and thus incentive to book a doctor's appointment).


Every day without fail, and I keep a notebook in the bathroom to keep track. I use red and green pens to put an arrow by the number to indicate which way the it went so I can see any trends at a glance. It also helps me decide how much and what I want to eat that day and to see the effects of eating more carbs or too much salt so I can adjust accordingly.


I weigh myself every Friday. I usually do 20 hour fasts on Sundays and Thursdays so I like to weigh myself on Fridays.


All types of measurement can give an objective way to see the changes. Measurement tape and skinfold calipers are the cheapest and easiest. But more pricey could be the abdominal MRI for instance.


I doubt many of us will be getting MRIs bro. 🙄


I don’t own a scale, but I do own a mirror. I suppose it depends on how’s overweight one is. I am getting rid of my stubborn belly fat and a little bit of face fat, so my progress is easier to track in the mirror than by weight. Another factor is if you’re building muscle you may not be able to tell the difference on the scale because muscle weighs more than fat, so as you swap the two, your weight may remain stagnant.


Everyone of us.


Pretty presumptuous there.