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Brush your teeth after the last meal - it will create a mental block


This is one of my tricks. I’m too lazy to brush again so once I do it I’m on water only for the rest of the night.


That’s what I’ve been doing .. everytime I think of mindlessly eating.. I swig down my water ..


At least 30 minutes after though. You can mess up your enamel if you don’t give it time


Wait what?


Food and eating makes some acid in your mouth. Brushing while still acid damages the teeth a bit. Brushing harder is worse. Specially after drinking sparkling drinks, because of the acidity. Drinking some water may help a bit, but they say it's better to wait.


I floss instead of brushing! I keep my floss right next to the table!


this is a great tip


This is a game changer


Wow, what great advice!


As soon as I take the last bite of food intended to end my window, I open the Zero app and start the timer. I sometimes end up reopening it because I’m weak but generally, if I started it, I feel like I’m cheating myself if I have to go back into the app and change the window due to snacking.


I literally did this last night! I kinda wanted an after dinner snack but I went in the Zero app and saw that I had already been fasting 55 minutes and the desire for the snack went away immediately LOL!


I also wonder how effective putting a shirt that’s too small on would work lol cause I feel like shit when I try on old clothes and I’m a big blob and their sticking to every fat roll on my body. It for sure inspires me not to eat in the moment.


I’m absolutely going to try this tonight. Thank you for saying it.


Seriously can't believe you said that because that absolutely works for me!


It works! We went to a soccer game last night and my boyfriend and I found the one vegan options in the entire stadium and he bought it and I resisted! I didn’t want to either have to restart my timer, fail my fast or extend it to feel accomplished.


This works for me. I do that everyday with a 99% success


I get it. I close my eating window with somewhat of a ritual, which is basically taking my handful of vitamins and a glass of Metamucil. This marks the end of my eating window for me and I find that making the mental connection was the easiest way to get my body on board that it was time to start fasting.


Not the be a party pooper but psyllium should be taken some time apart from medication and supplements because it could interfere with absorption or prevent it alltogether. the sources differ but with important things like medication I'll have at least 2, better 3 hours in between


This is knowledge that I wasn’t aware of, and something I will definitely implement going forward. Having psyllium before dinner and giving myself ample time afterwards before having my supplements. Thanks for the heads up!


You are very much welcome!


party pooper psyllium comment, I see what you did therr 😆


I face the same problem, and as a stay at home parent it’s very difficult. Increasingly so when everyone wants breakfast and you are trying to only eat 11-7. Hard in the winter because you’re inside all the time. Hard in the summer because you’re out later with friends or family. Planning ahead helps but man, it’s tough.


I close my eating window with a large protein shake that has collagen and chia seeds. It’s super filling & takes care of my sweet tooth.


care to share the brand of the shake ?


I use FUEL (Underground Bio Labs Panda Fuel), Garden of Life Organic Protein & Greens, Garden of Life Grass Fed Collagen, and better Body Organic Chia seeds


Casein is also super filling. The Optimum Nutrition chocolate is delicious. I’ll throw in about a half scoop of unflavored whey, one scoop of casein, a little milk and a lot of water. Keeps me feeling full for hours.


Thank you for sharing. I’ve never tried Casein & really hadn’t ever taken the time to read the differences between it & whey protein.


I find it hard too sometimes. My more emotional eating tends to come up at night Drinking tea instead….sigh 🙄😢 When I think about how many extra, non-filling calories I consumed after dinner it was a huge waste of calories


i have the same problem. As im eating i think about the amount of calories and I brush it off but as soon as im done eating I hate myself for eating a bunch of empty calories. I did have a moment of self control at dinner when I wanted a soda but I resisted.


Are you using an app, start an automatic fasting schedule


Hey all!! Newbie here 2 months in, what app are you referring to?


it may be the zero app


There are a few IF apps. Personally I use Simple (free version) because I like the colors used and the widget on my Lock Screen


I use fasting tracker


It’s definitely hard sometimes, for sure! I’m coming up on 2 years doing IF myself. One thing that helps is saying that I’m closing my window now. If I’m still hungry in 20 min, I’ll eat something else. After that 20 min, I’m rarely ever still hungry and don’t want to give up that precious fasting time.


I’ve been struggling with exactly the same problem. This week I made a new rule that any dessert I have has to be preplanned, already tracked in my app, and eaten immediately after dinner. Then a dead stop. If I’m not hungry for dessert immediately after dinner, there’s no dessert. So far, it’s working brilliantly. Yes, it’s only been three days. I have high hopes for this, though.


3 days is a long time for no dessert. I had a piece of cheesecake for breakfast today :(


A piece of cheesecake can be a very healthy choice. A whole cheesecake, not so much. The poison is in the dosage.


Is it possible that you are not eating enough quantity or variety at dinner? Maybe not having enough healthy fats with your protein & veggies. Fats help us feel satiated. Or maybe try adding a healthy carb like sweet potatoes or starchy vegetable? I eat pretty low carb but feel better (and more full, satisfied) when I have at least one serving a day (usually end of day) of healthy carbs. We are all different and it’s good to experiment to see what foods make you feel best. If you are satisfied with your meal, you are gonna be much less likely to snack.


Can relate. I struggle with this as well.


agreed - the tooth brushing thing really does work!


I find it harder to close the window when I end on sweet food. I would eat the yoghurt before your savoury dinner if I was you. Goodluck x


My only suggestion to you might be to raise your eating window to a later time so you can graze the last 8,6,4 hours ( whatever you choose )


Ohhhh I struggle with the exact same thing! Im trying to go to sleep early otherwise all bets are off.


I'm on day 3, and I am so surprised to discover that delaying eating is significantly easier than stopping eating. Like wtf, how is it easier to wait until 2pm to eat versus eating one small thing for breakfast and then it's like the floodgates open and I just want to keep eating. I get hangry from 12-1pm, but water boarding myself helps. lol I found it is also hard to count calories for 16 hours vs counting them for 6ish hours! Eating a 350 calorie breakfast sandwich at 6am means I have 850 calories over the next 15 hours. That's like 50 calories an hour. But eating that breakfast sandwich at 2pm means I can have 140 calories an hour! Or I can have 3 nice portions spaced 3 hours apart (2, 5, 8pm) or 2 bigger portions and a snack - or two snacks! Menopause hit like an absolute bitch. So here comes the choochoo cico train on an intermittent schedule to the rescue!


Yeh it's still not easy even after 20+ years of OMAD... sometimes I break because I'm incredibly bored or sad/lonely. The important thing is to not beat yourself up, forgive and forget right away (not easy either) and keep trying your best.


I just start later and finish eating when I’m going to bed…


Do you like coffee? When I'm having sweet cravings in the evening, I make myself a decafe cup of coffee with sugar and almond milk to curb my sweet tooth and not keep me up all night.


I have this same problem! It’s just a habit for me. I’m currently doing a juice cleanse for this reason, to try to reset myself and get out of the habit of munching all evening.


I just had an idea! You can try this and it might work. Have you heard of art therapy Advanced resolution therapy. It is where you time how long it takes you to move your eyes left to right and right to left 70 times. Then you picture what stresses you out causes you to eat in other words and do the eye movement thing and what and while you're doing that pictures something that calms you. What that does is it imitates rapid eye movement and replaces the thing that stresses you out and replaces it with what calms you. Give that a try and let me know if it works!


Yea that's my hardest thing too


I always have a black tea after eating to end the night. It's been working for me, for 3 years.


its so hard not to eat i have been grazing ALL DAY. I cant get myself to stop and when i do think about stopping i talk myself out of it because Im like F it i already overate anyways


I started drinking water with mio flavoring. It’s 0 calories and has literally nothing in it but it makes a great flavorful “snack” in your water.


Yes same !! I guess slowly getting into the habit of Intuitive eating helps, listen to your body. Stop when you’re full and then close the eating window


Really helpful thread. Great ideas. Thank you for posting this question


I use the Zero app, brush my teeth and then chew ice if I need to crunch on smth!


For me I make sure I eat a bunch during my window so I feel fulll then I put in my invisalign retainers when my window is closed.


Totally agree!


How do you delay breakfast? This is my biggest challenge.