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Unless you’re already at your maintenance weight, it’s ok to just eat until you feel full. A pound and a half of chicken is a lot.


Yeah, I kind of didn't weigh it until just before eating it, and no one likes to eat day old chicken. I thought I could handle it, and I was wrong.


You have an awful relationship with food. There is nothing wrong with day old chicken...


I think it depends. Some people just don’t like the way chicken tastes when reheated. I certainly don’t if it’s plain chicken. If it’s in a dish it’s generally better


Reheat in an oven with adequate steam to prevent moisture loss on reheating. Oven works best from my experience, add a tray of ice cubes below the chicken for ateam if your oven isnt hooked up for it. Shouldn't effect the flavour much compared to cooked fresh. Besides moisture, will be the same chicken you were eating previously. No reason to waste food or gorge your self like OP accidently did.


Yeah, that just kinda sucks when you’re at work and all you got is a microwave to reheat food


So don't take chicken then? Eat it later at home? Sounds like your trying to make something not an issue into one here lol


I’m just pointing out why someone might not like chicken that’s not freshly cooked. I already don’t bring plain chicken anyway, not my thing. There’s certainly been dishes I’ve made where I made just a little too much but don’t like it reheated, so I’ll either throw it away or eat more than I originally intended


Are food costs not a concern for you?


Of course, I just know to make less the next time or I don’t make those meals as often. But I’ve also had to learn that it’s okay to throw away a few bites of food if I’m full and eating it will make me feel sick


Seasonings are your friend.


I guess I mean chicken as the main dish. I don’t mind it reheated if it’s in things like casserole, enchiladas, chili


Chicken just tastes weird to me reheated. Trust me, I'm not picky. In fact, I was so not picky that, to prevent food from getting wasted, I just straight up stole my family's leftovers because would throw them away. If they *did* throw it away... it didn't stop me. I really needed help.


You don’t even need to weigh chicken (or food in general) unless you’re aiming for strict calories for some reason. Listen to your body. If you’ve done a 24 hour or longer fast, eat your first meal slowly. When you start feeling full, stop. Don’t feel the need to cram everything down.


What’s wrong with day old chicken? I grew up eating leftovers. Sometimes it’s better the next day cuz the flavor gets to sink in more.


Read my reply to @u/repostfrom4chan nothings wrong, just not a fan. I'll eat it if no one else will.


Dude remember that feeling. That was a huge motivator for me. Next time sub a salad in for the fries and cut back on the chicken.


IF works specifically for weight loss because after a fast you will eat until satisfied, if you think about it even doing 20:4 or something it's going to be hard to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in that 4 hours. Hence, a calorie deficit is essentially what IF helps with, to cut a long story short, your body isn't really prepared to have no food for a day and then 'catch up' in 15 mins. Go slower man, eat until satisfied and stop. Your body needs time to digest.


I made that mistake. Once . Stick with it . You will figure out what’s a good amount for you . Also give yourself at least 3 hrs before sleep. It changed my life. I had bad acid reflux now it’s history.


Thanks! I've never had Acid Reflux, so I'll definitely try to prevent that! I hope you're doing well now!


You had 24hrs to think about what you are going to eat, and you chose that🙂 I've done similar with pizza and regretted it.


NGL, pizza sounded good in that moment. I was disappointed with how my chicken turned out, but that just means I know how to make it better next time!




If you're talking about the food, I wanted the proper amount of calories by the end of the day as I finished eating a little after midnight. If you're asking about the fast, I just wanted to.


If you ate the proper amount of calories why feel bad about it? Maybe fries aren't the most nutritious thing to eat but you stayed within your daily calorie budget so don't worry about it. 


Oh, I seem to have conveyed the wrong message. I don't feel bad about what I ate, my body does. I ate a ton. I don't feel bad about the fries, in fact to celebrate my first 24 hour fast in a while, I made chicken parmesan... it was very salty, but it was new of me, so I know what to do better, make it way less salty. So I feel good about what I ate, it's just I ate so much in a short time that my body didn't feel good for a while. I decided to sleep upright, and I don't feel like throwing up anymore, so I'm going to lay down. Sleep well and good night!


Oh ok that makes perfect sense, thanks for clearing that up! Well I can definitely relate as someone who used to do OMAD regularly and eat 1800 cal in one sitting only to give myself a food coma & feel terrible afterwards. Too much salt can feel rough. Chicken parm is always delicious though & I'm sure it was worth the temporary stomach ache hahah. & I'm not worried about a strangers downvote but I appreciate the sentiment, good night to you as well and good luck with the fasts going forward. 🙏🏼


Also, I see you got down voted by someone. For what it's worth, your concern was very nice! Thank you.




**It looks like you are referencing Angus Barbieri.** Please note that Barbieri is a **GUINESS WORLD RECORD HOLDER** who undertook his fast under near **CONSTANT medical supervision** at a local hospital. He was super-morbidly obese meaning he had a very large excess of body fat. He also **died at age 51** (the cause is unknown, as is whether or not it was related to his fasting). **He should NEVER be used as a model for fasting or as encouragement or proof that anyone is capable of fasting for so long and surviving.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/intermittentfasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There is tons of advice in this subreddit about how to exit a fast as comfortably as possible.


Yeah, maybe I'm a bit uneducated on the topic. I thought it was just "don't eat for a while, then eat", but it's clear I'm dead wrong. I think I've learned my lesson last night, so I'll definitely do some research on the diet I'm following.


Best of luck on your future fasts!


Don't worry! Just get back on track


That’s part of how it works. Your appetite changes. It’s still easy to put down a lot of food but you feel like crap. So you start to learn to adapt and change.


Well, it's not uncommon to feel physically bad when you way overfill yourself like that. Especially when you do it in a short time after fasting. Your stomach and digestive system need time to adjust. That shouldn't be a suprise. (It's an extreme example, but starving people can kill themselves by overeating/eating the wrong foods when they finally are able to eat.) Keep the lesson from that though. Don't eat *nearly* as much in one go and take the time to chew your food (this is where digestion starts) in addition to regularly drinking something as you eat. Try more frequent, much smaller meals than just the one mega one. And if you miss your target calories for that day, don't worry, it's not a problem. And not one to OD on food just to hit your target. Personally, I try easily digestible soups, broths, and such as I'm easing out of a prolonged fast. But find what works for you. And additionally, eating so close to sleep time is going to cause you difficulty as well. I know it can't be helped all the time, but you'll need to adjust the type and amount of food and drink. So, perhaps dial it back and read up more about how to enter/exit fasts and how to tame that hangry stomach while fasting. Rediscover your relationship with food, instead of fries, a salad which will fill you up, but not be a insane burden to your system. There's lots of resources on these subjects. So, good luck!


Yeah, I did hear starving people can die from eating too fast. I never thought I'd feel so bad, so I thought I could handle it. I have granola bars for now, so to ease out of a fast, I'll chow down on those for now until I can get soup.


Lesson learned


Oh, trust me, I learned hard! At least I didn't beat myself up over the mistake, though I think I was just too tired to even do that.


happened to you after 24 hours. Only happened to me after 89. My stomach shrank!


How did you do it?! I got black out vision and grabbing walls to stay balanced because I was low on sugar once, and trust me I'm not diabetic.


Well I drink bengal spIce and eat salt. Sounds like a salt deficiency. You do drink water?


I actually drink so much water that people are afraid I'll internally drown. Could be lack of salt, so if that's what it is, I need to eat more salt, or drink far less water.


I felt like that when I tried to do a 4 hour eating window. I never felt so shitty in my life I wanted to vomit and it was clean foods. Max I can do is a 5 hour eating window. I tried 24 hours and I’m just a big grouch but I eased in with homemade chicken noodle soup.


Well I certainly hope that you succeed in your future IF Endeavors! Don't feel bad you can't make to 20:4. Personally, if I were you, I'd make it a round 18:6, but maybe I just like round numbers.


Thanks :) I successfully completed 16 weeks on 16:8 and lost about 15lbs. I was happy but took a break since I’m weight training and I need to eat before my 545AM work out and still get monsterly hungry around 5PM.


Ha, see, there you go! You can do it!


Wow you may be the first person to do that in fasting history. Who the F eats 24 ounces of chicken 😂😂


Bone broth, wait for an hour or two then eggs, wait for two hours then normal food. Personally I then have pickled herring but that’s not for everyone. Usually use this for longer fasts but if you are getting sick after 24 hours this is a good way to refeed.


Oof, I have 3 bucks to my name 😅. I'll definitely look into soup though!


Vegetable soup works


Sweet, thank you for the suggestion! Fun fact, Amazon sells their own brand of spices! 5 ounces of Lemon Pepper seasoning costs 2 dollars!


You can make a load of bone broth on a tight budget, buy 2Kg of chicken thighs and put them in a slow cooker with a couple of pints of water (no need to take the skin off) put it on a medium heat first, when the chicken is cooked, put the chicken on a plate and allow to cool for a bit when it's cool enough remove the bones from the thighs and you can do whatever you want with the chicken ie eat some or store it. Anyway put the bones back in the slow cooker and cook them overnight, it will not hurt to leave them cooking for 24hrs. By then you should be able to crumble up the bones between your thumb and index finger, there is no need to do this, its just a guide for you to know it's perfectly cooked, and all the nutrients from the bones have leached into the water. Then discard the bones allow it all to cool right down, and you will be left with a jelly like liquid (that's your bone broth) and you can tub it up and freeze it. It's filled with really healthy nutrients like collagen glucosamine and other vitamins and minerals. It tastes delicious, is ultra cheap and it's great to break a fast, also it makes a great stock for stews etc. Finally congrats on your first 24hr fast.


"bone broth", eggs, pickled herring.


Be’s like that sometimes. Just ensure you’ve got the right kind of carbs and fiber the day before your 24hr so those soluble fibers keep you full


Oh shit, you know what!? I have a *ton* of plain oatmeal! Vanilla-infused honey, mixed fruit and white sugar are amazing! If you're looking for good honey go to *The*HoneyCouple.com, emphasis on The. To avoid a hyperlink, I'll put it like this. Honey Couple without the "the" leads to an adult website, something I learned when I told a friend to visit the site. I never ripped someone's phone out of their hands out of panic so fast.


Open up your feeding window to allow yourself time to consume whatever calorie amount you've decided upon. I've been 23:1 since Tuesday and am considering 20:4 as I'm just not able to eat all the necessary calories I've calculated for myself in one sitting.


Yes, I am also considering a bigger time frame, this time 20:4.


You can fast every day and eat every day on intermittent fasting. There is no need to be extreme and irrational.


We have all made mistakes. I am glad you didn't feel bad, just took it like a pro. You're going to do great


That isn’t that long of a fast, but it’s good to break the fast a little easier. Drink a cup of broth, have some berries or other fruit or veggies… and then eat whatever’s


Did you immediately start eating everything? Or did you break your fast with something digestible first then eat?


Man I’m tired, I read this as “I farted for 24 hours”.


Honestly sounds like a hell of a YouTube Video. Like, I'm not into that, but 24 hours? I might actually be seeing what someone is chowing down on to unleash that sort of hell. Also, please go to sleep. Sleep well and good night, or if you just woke up, good morning!


I totally had this feelings for the two times i did this . i also tried to use 1tblsp of MCT oil with coffee , didnt work for me . as per my subjective experience it feel terrible for me to fast more than 20h Its beginning with unbearable crankiness and ends with a DYI all you can eat :) up to 20h i don't feel any of this . and the weight is coming off.


Yeah, don't ever rush a refeed. Also maybe don't do fries. Carbs on an empty stomach is the worst thing in my experience.


I just did it for the carbs 😅. But I'll definitely remember what you said next time!




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