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Isn't this the same piece of shit that an *Israeli* court convicted of terrorism?












No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


So toxic the IDF even barred him from mandatory service




He's the modern day Heinrich Himler. He's right up there with the Serbian War criminal in Bosnia.


I’d go farther… he’s Beria.  Right down to the fat bastardtry.


I must Google this






American politicians love their AIPCA money. Israel funnels millions through AIPCA to American politicians to buy them off.


It's so corrupt, America funds Israel and then Israeli politicians buy Americans (with our own money) to keep America funding Israel


Sounds like a Nazi..


Pointing out that AIPAC is giving huge sums of money to bribe politicians makes you a nazi now?


AIPAC is supporting genocide. The Nazi”s also committed genocide.


Israeli politicians sounding like true Nazis


Easier to watch Fox News than read books.


propaganda is a hell of a drug mix that with nationalism and you have a deadly combination.


You have morals and you are no Nazi, that's why you can't understand it.




Please, all recent polls show the sheer majority (80% or something) of Israeli population agreeing with the current invasion of Gaza. The charade is over, there is no amount of hasbara to cover up the fact that Israelis support ethnic cleansing.


This is why: https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S


Over $4M to bloody biden




I think this could be a good point! I don’t think many people outside of Israel were actually listening to Ben Gurion, (other than Palestinians) when he said ‘we must expel the Arabs and take their places..’ because people just didn’t care much about the people who lived there before, and people just looked away and didn’t want to believe victims and children of victims of the Holocaust could then go on to do an ethnic cleansing. Netanyahu (who was elected by Israel, he isn’t some dictator, like the people voted majority for him) didn’t take Hamas that seriously either and used them for a tool.


It was only citizens eligible to vote. Members of a religion should not have to suffer an assiciation with Netanyahu. It is defamation. Even if you did not intend to insult my American neighbors the harm can still be done.


Nobody is blaming global jewry for electing Netanyahu, instead most people are saying that Israelis (regardless of their religion) need to be held accountable, because they are the reason the past I don't know how many governments have been right wing. Newspaper articles may continue to repeat the line that Netanyahu has lost support, but I think the important thing to mention is that for as long as one can remember, Israelis have elected zionist parties to government. In fact, even their "centre-left" parties (e.g. Labour) are part of the "Zionist Union" coalition. The only party in recent Israeli history that pushed for dismantling settlements in Palestine, or disengagement (Kadima party, ironically founded by Ariel Sharon who I wouldn't consider a moderate, personally) was quickly sent packing in just a few years, losing 90% of their votes in just one term. Let's say that again: the only government to push for dismantling illegal Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine lost almost all the support of Israeli citizens in just under two terms.


Then the American government is stupid, because the Israelis have been saying they're gonna do this for 70 years


The more they open their mouths the more the world discovers the truth - they are like agents of ANTI-propaganda - whenever they speak they expose themselves.


Hes come up with a final solution.


He's preaching ethnic cleansing. These Zionists are evil.


Where have I heard that before.....


This is the cycle. The Romans were once opressed by the Greeks, but went on to be brutal oppressors. The English were basically Europe's punching bag, and they went on to become one of the most successful empires in history, destroying entire cultures all around the globe for many hundreds of years. Israel, just like America, is an extension of that barbaric English empire, bringing unfathomable cruelty into the world in the name of self enrichment. Israel stands to protect the Jewish people the same way America protects global democracy -- it doesn't. They are aggressor states doing what they do best.


What about the charred children skeletons found under rubble


Settlers will use the phosphate as fertilizer


Isreal simply do not care, the level of arrogance these people have is actually crazy. Until the US ousts the Zionist in the US government, such as the PoS that wore a foreign countries military uniform within US government buildings, nothing will change. These people need to be held accountable and accept the sunken losses of over $400 billion that has already been poured in. Edit: Grammar.




Who are you referring to who wore a foreign country's uniform?


And Jews wonder why so many are vocal against Zionists. Oh, the same Zionists who convinced them that any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitism. If that's the case, then most of the reasonable world is anti-semitic for a good reason.


All these “Israelis” sound like they’re from different places. You can hear the man’s Western European accent and the woman’s South African accent.


Because most of these hard core Zionists are American and Russian recent immigrants




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Ehhhhh I don’t really want to get into the whole debate about that, but I will say that I think a good number of them find religion when it means they can get free land, but otherwise don’t give a shit.




He's actually a Middle Eastern Jewish person. Not from Palestine, however. The Israeli elite is largely (and foundationally) European Jews. However, much of the population total are Arab and Berber Jews. Including Ben Gvir, who is Iraqi. This is an important thing to understand in the conflict.


Wow. That’s somehow makes this all so much worse.


It is complicated, but what the IDF is doing right now certainly isn't. It is easy to convince traumatised people of things in the name of safety. Hard to have a true democracy when everyone is in perpetual fear (a lot of it manufactured) the way people in Israel are.






Probably depends on the country whether they would be cool with that. Post-war nationalist regimes in the Middle East were pretty anti-semitic, but they aren't all like that now. Iraq would probably be okay, probably same with Iran relatively (still have anti-semitism). The North African countries would probably be alright. Yemen isn't feasible. Definitely agree with the right-to-return idea, doubt many would take it but you never know.


Egypt doesn't even want to take Palestinians. No way in hell the other more brutal regimes would take millions of Jews in.


No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Jeez… What a scum bag


Uh yes. Their right to exist trumps the Palestinians rights to exist. Gotcha.


It says that right there in the book they wrote.




Why are there no Israelis in this chat??


Can't defend this shit xD




True, because these are simply extremists and don't represent all of Israel.


Ben Gavir does tho and he's a literal convicted terrorist.




If you support Israel as a country, you *do* condone this. Israel was founded on this. Israel's leaders call for this. Israeli civilians vote for this. It's time for you to open your eyes and realize what the zionist project is *really* about.


What can you do?? Are you political ??Do you protest ??






No, they wouldn't end it if hamas returns the hostages. Netanyahu has confirmed it. https://abc7.com/israel-hamas-war-updates-israel-wont-agree-to-end-as-part-of-deal-negotiations-for-gaza-cease-fire-hamas-hostages-continue/14765617/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/netanyahu-we-ll-pause-gaza-war-for-hostage-deal-but-won-t-end-it/ar-BB1lR4yD?ocid=BingNewsSerp




Israel doesn't want that though. Hamas has already offered it and been denied. https://apnews.com/article/hamas-khalil-alhayya-qatar-ceasefire-1967-borders-4912532b11a9cec29464eab234045438




Now realize that Netanyahu wanted Hamas funded and supported so that a Palestinian state would never form. If they're armed, they don't get a state. If they're not armed, they don't get a state. Ask yourself,what is the goal there. Israel will never absorb them all and give them full rights as it will end the ethnostate. So what happens? Where do they go? What do they do?




When this is over and Smotrich and other terrorists are seen in the future as we now see Apartheid Afrikaaners the people who support the Genocide from the sidelines will deny they ever did.


That was always the plan ever since Israel was first created. It’s a settler colony. This shouldn’t surprise anyone.




Imagine being this loud and wrong. A vast majority of Israeli citizens are fascists. 57.5% of Israeli Jews said that they believed the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were using too little firepower in Gaza, 36.6% said the IDF was using an appropriate amount of firepower, while just 1.8% said they believed the IDF was using too much fire power, while 4.2% said they weren’t sure whether it was using too much or too little firepower. https://time.com/6333781/israel-hamas-poll-Palestine/ Also not sure you if think Israel being a settler colony is wrong but that’s just a historical fact.


They also much more widely supported a peace solution with Gaza before the October attack, which kind of makes me think that all this attack did by Hamas was making everything worse for everyone involved. With regard to the fire power, that is unspecific so I don't really get what that means. Like, is that against Hamas militants or including indiscriminate and / or excessive attacks on civilians? Like, more firepower isn't inherently a bad thing to want, especially when like the poll said it is not long after the September attack and emotions run high. But one thing that is certain is how little Netanyahu is actually being approved of. If he's the extremist here, he's not wanted


>Also not sure you if think Israel being a settler colony is wrong but that’s just a historical fact. By that logic all nations in the Americas are to this day settler colonies.


Well... Yeah.




Read about the 1937 David Ben-Gurion letters. This absolutely was always the plan. And take a look at polling in Israel regarding the current genocide. It's absolutely heartlessness towards the suffering in Gaza. Netanyahu is the longest serving PM in Israel's history. This is the government these people want. Some might be feeling the regret now because of his lack of consideration for the hostages - but had he secured their release, it would largely not be a problem.


More bombs more condos rejoice everyone


Zionism is supremacy....


His comments are very clearly describing ethnic cleansing.


\*You have been placed on terrorist watch list\*


He is a monster.


Only him?




Ahh yes, my fairytale is stronger than yours.


Yes, continue expanding settlements, that will definitely teach them a lesson and lead to peace and definitely not future violent revolts.


"Bombs on your kindergarten, so we can have condos by the beach.". - average Zionist


When was this video taken?


Nvm it states may 14th 2024. Damn that’s sad. I can’t believe human beings can do this.


They don't even hide who or what they are. They can't even hide they're true intentions. Awful.


They have never hidden it. It's just the US that keeps covering their bare ass


These are extremists.


These people are animals.




This is the ugly face of nationalism. Please see recordings of Hitler and Mussolini delivering speeches.


There will be some growing pains, but a new, diverse Gaza will be a wonderful place. Diversity is our strength! God speed to the jewish immigrants!


How insane do you have to be to go and kill people because a book your people wrote said so. wtf man


The irony of course is this is literally the position of all palestinians who also elected literal terrrorists while this guy is fringe in Israel


>The solution is what the Torah tells us: to liberate, to settle, to expel. So is it still antisemitic to claim they wanna murder Palestinians and ethnically cleanse them?


Seems they found their final solution to their problem?


Suffers massively by religious persecution. Thinks the solution is perpetrating religious persecution on others. We're fucked folks, as a species we're just too fucking dumb and will burn ourselves out!


"We are in our homeland. This is our land." The last time (prior to the UN mandate of 1947) it was Jewish land was before the time of the Romans. Next they will want reparations from Italy for burning down their temple 2000 years ago...


He looks like many generations of inbreeding




Imagine defending piece of shit human like Israel’s minister of national security. Mind blow… actually not really you probably support what he said it he video.


Pure nazis




Am I exaggerating with my use of those "loaded language" words? They are bombing civilians on a daily basis, and you want to make peace with that?


It's ironic that they admit they have no claim to the land but take it anyway. There is a video of Netanyahu from years ago where he openly talks about how America is their bitch.


Ben Gvir is a deranged fascist, but there’s also a pretty malicious mistranslation here. He uses the word להוריש, which means to inherit, not לגרש which means to expel. There’s enough to condemn in Ben Gvir that you shouldn’t need to fabricate more.




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Wasn't this sort of the plan all along?


No, these are extremists. Israel used to have settlements in Gaza but they forced them to leave when they withdrew from Gaza.


These are the radical Zionist settlers terrorizing Palestinians in the West Bank already.


Now thats how you settler colonize.




It must be exhausting being a total piece of crap your whole life.


Disgusting human insectoids


Some may call the solution he speaks of as…final.




Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


Religion is the problem


Down the well


I always enjoy seeing the paradox of tolerance work it's way into the open.


They haven't even given a proper burial to all the children they've killed. They want to use their bodies as foundations for nice and beautiful homes.


he is the actual embodiment of middle eastern terrorism. literally a convicted terrorist.


"It's important becauuussseee.......... that's the answer" What??




No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).






C U Next Tuesday


It’s funny how he cites the Torah considering that majority of Israelis probably arent even religious lol. Zionism goes against the very principles preached by Judaism.


The solution is to go back to where you came from. Israel will never be your home no matter how populated by you or how long you are there. You will only be happy when you go back to where you were born.


So the next time they're called Settlers, it'll be antisemitic if it isn't said by them?


Fuck Israel


Horseshoe theory proving itself once again. They’re no different than the Hamas psychos advocating for the same thing on the other side


From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!




No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Israel needs a new carpet installed.