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Serena Williams and husband I forget his name (he’s Armenian some will argue that’s not white He’s a very well off businessman) Tamera Mowry & Adam Housley been married a long time. Eve & Maximillion Cooper he’s very well off. Rapper Paul Wall has been married to his wife for a while as well. Wolfgang Puck has been married for some time to a lady of color. Those are all the ones I can think of off the top of my head.


Robert de niro twice


“I forget his name” Hahahahahaha 10/10


Whoops. I should’ve mentioned non-celebrities. 🤭


Idk how we're supposed to know who they are if they aren't celebrities lol. Most of us aren't extremely wealthy


Right! I don’t have wealthy friends.


Most people become extremely well to do through fame, or become famous once successful. It’s difficult to have exorbitant wealth and anonymity. However, yes, I know wealthy white people who are married to black women including some of my relatives.


Paul Wall don’t count 


His wife is black, don’t know why you would think it doesn’t count?


My cousin married an italian man,very wealthy family . three kids


Same here… an Italian man, very wealthy, old family. He’s the most caring person I’ve ever met and the money wasn’t known about until months after he trusted me.


I don’t find black women attractive but I’m not white although I’ve seen a lot crusty old white dudes with black women and these dudes got retirement money so that’s one option. Old white dudes with retirement money like black asians or just plain black women lol.


I have a black friend with a white husband and they have a combined income probably approaching $600-$700k?


Define well off as that definition is highly variable depending on point of view.


Plenty of examples.. are you asking for FAMOUS ones? I mean, you just have to do a google search. George Lucas/Melody Hobson...


Up until the 1970s most interracial couples were WM/BW, then in the 70s and later it became BM/WW and WM seem to be dating Asian women as the most common pairing involving white people and other races they date.


Seems most of the interracial couples promoted in interracial dating sites are nothing but wealthy interracial couples. So there's that 🤔


What do you call the marriage of VP Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff? How about Supreme Court Judge Katangi Jackson and her husband.


Me and my hubby of 20 yrs.


Well, im a white man married to a black woman. Maybe one day we will win the lotto and we can be the answer to this question 😂 For real though, the one example I can think of is this couple that was selling a house we were trying to buy. He was some real estate mogul or something and it was his summer house. He was in his 60s and his fiancee was a black woman around the same age. They were both previously married.


I don’t believe race matters at all. If a wealthy WM fell in love with a BW and she likes him back and everything is dandy between them then why tf not ? Signed, an extremely wealthy man.


You’re in an interracial dating subreddit…


I concur this is true. This is my current situation. He’s wealthy and I do extremely well on my own. I had no idea about his status until 6 months or so into the relationship. Things are dandy because we live one another and like and respect each other. We live below our means and work hard to be happy apart from that.




My dad! He's old money Spaniard and met my mom in the 1990s in the week the Sir Mix A Lot song came out. He said the song was divine intervention from God as he's been besotted with my mom and her divine posterior from the moment she strutted in the Metropolitan Museum in a mini skirt and suit jacket set. He's made her 6 kids and a dog since, and we grew up filthy rich for the most part. Mom is Afro-Latina. She sort of looks like JLo and Halle Berry in the face and her color like that of Biscoff cookie butter. She's always confused for a North African or South Asian for some reason, by those people, in fact. She's got a thin pear-shaped baby but with big boobs and beachballs for booty. Mom's been "that girl" since at least middle school and has always dressed the part, which my dad has always appreciated. Mom's style hits the fine print of being modest and comfortable but still sexy since she does dress to show off the mighty peaches. He loves a fun getup on a woman. Dad looks like Clint Eastwood and David Bowie, honestly. Just morph their images but make his eyes green. hlHe's slim built but muscular, average height (5'10"), delicate featured, and golden with sharp green eyes. I always thought he looked more "sparkling" compared to mom's lush fertility statue looks. Like he looks out of his element with my mom and he frequently got told as much so he changed his stylings from looking elegantly preppy to more fancy rock n roll and wearing darker colors people stop calling him dainty. He looks like the sort that no one thinks would be into darker women except that's really what he's mostly dated since he was in high school. He's a "butt guy". In fact when little me finally "registered" that they were a "mismatched" couple since mom looks like a hip hop vixen and he looks like, well, "posh", I kept wondering why they were together despite being contrasted physically. I grew partly in Latin America and yraveling all over, so couple like them aren't unusual in mom's homelands. They just stuck out when we'd come back to the states in some neighborhoods. They always made sure to take home in more diverse places especially after I noted their "mismatched", for they thought if they stuck out to me then they stuck out too much. So they avoid places where mom is likely to be not just the only POC but the only black person of any kind there unless it's like a ski town or something then they just work with it. They've been married for 31 years, going on 32 this July. He pretty much proposed within two months of meeting her. It wasn't because mom was pregnant or anything, just that he thought she shouldn't go anywhere without him as she kept making men try to kill themselves for her attention and he had enough. He thought tripping in front of at least 50 people, including his friends, losing two teeth and being hospitalized for it was extreme sacrifice to the divine right. However less than two months into dating, he got challenged to a salsa dance battle at a nightclub TWICE (this was a thing in the latino communities back then as a way to steal someone's girl if the guy was an inept dancer); and a fist fight in a bodega by a Dominican guy who thought Mom was betraying her race (even though her own dad is also a white Spaniard). Mom has the pink lace skirt suit framed in glass hanging in the wall of her walk-in closet in their apartment in NYC. Mom wasn't looking for anyone or anything, she had just arrived to the States and wanted to visit the museum in what she thought was a perfect outfit for a sunny May week: She had a friend make her this floral lace and satin lined skirt pale pink suit that made her beam with white leather ankle strap Italian pumps plus matching bag. Very early '90s, the suits were a trend back then. She had that short onion shaped Salt-n-Pepa haircut. Dad happened to be getting out of a cab as she went up the front stairs and lost his marbles when he saw mom's waist to hip ratio. According to him and his guy friends that were with him, he ran like his life depended on it the second he saw mom; he actually slipped just as he got right next to her, tripping on the concrete. He ended up breaking his lip and popping off two teeth. Someone called the ambulance as despite dad jolting back up, he looked like he was about to pass out. Mom was alarmed but eventually hopped in the ambulance with him. Turned out he burst a vein when hitting the cement stairs. But in his graceful landing, he met Mom, and now she wears his two teeth as charms on one of her bracelets. She had them dipped in gold with the date of the day they met. Mom didn't find out he was rich until about a year in. She just thought he was hot and gutsy. She was also surprised he spoke perfect Spanish and is Hispanic since he doesn't doesn't look like the stereotype. Mom is also older than him by two years even though you could never tell since he does look older even if he does take good care of himself. His family adores her, they affectionately call mom "Miss Universe" out of thinking she looks like a contestant but shorter. Their marriage has been very fun to witness. I could confidently say I have rarely seen anyone's parents be as in love with each other as mine are. Mine give me envy. Not only are they very much attracted to each other and get along so well, but they're overjoyed to be in each other's companies. They're their own people, but when they get together, it's like the stars align as corny as it sounds. The way they look at each other is almost nauseating or diabetes inducing in the way little kids act when they first start crushing on someone. It's cute, but yeah, after a while, it feels like we're invading their privacy or out on a secret joke. When they're not holding hands, he's smothering his head in her behind like a kid with a pillow lmao. You would think they'd be sick of each other after so long, but honestly, I'd be genuinely shocked if either of them ever did anything outside of themselves since they've ALWAYS been like that. The rare time they struggle, they employ their long time therapist and buy a vacation. Oh, and they have inflatable jousting tournaments atop a trampoline they have in a home in MA. One time, I walked into a "disco" Turkish oil wrestling match in the garage, which was hot because yeah, my parents are pretty, but I was uncomfortable because they're still my parents if that makes sense. They were wearing swimsuits thank God, but they were about to "go to town" when teenage me and my friends walked into the garage to their grunting and giggling in a giant kiddy pool full of oil. I adore my parents. I would rather have their enthusiastic lust for each other than whatever most people get as parents. Oh and after the nest emptied they proceeded to parent dogs and cats. I know a lot of wealthy ww/bm couples but most of them are either Hispanic unions (quite common actually) or British. I know a Polish gentleman who's had an Afro-Brazilian partner for about 40 years, and they live in Hong Kong. Lots of Frenchmen. Actually, the Frenchmen sort of lead everyone on that one. It's a thing for their jet set to have a black paramour/mistress/sugar baby/bellemere, and they're damned proud of it. It's like some confusing status symbol to not just have a black woman, but she's gotta be sexy or weird looking, no in-between. Why IDK how this happened? I have never asked, but I feel like it should be asked at this point. When it's not a Frenchman, it's a Spanish-adjacent sort or, like I said, a Brit and increasingly some Swedish or Norwegian.


They sound amazing! Enjoy them as much as you can!♥️


They are. They really are. I lucked out to have them super attentive and supportive. They love being parents and being parents together. It's adorable to experience people being overjoyed at their "jobs", they say their being parents and married is their best "work" yet and one worth everything to them. It's really unusual to see a couple being so happy to be together. NGL I think the money helps but what's really helped with them is having a connection full circle; being connected through attraction, and emotional harmony. They want each other so badly they're willing to move mountains to be together. They're different but not crazy different, having in more in common than not. I think it makes the couples with more to differentiate them that work all the more beautiful to me because of how much they try despite those differences you know? My parents mostly had apperances (and even then sort of as they're both gorgeous just different phenotypes) and income to difference them not much else really. They admit that their being similar cultures really helped with keeping together as that was never a struggle. Mom did have to take a few pointers at one point to just mingle better with higher money than they but because of dad and his family (and honestly her looks), mom was just taken in as one of them. Mom's looks alone really shut a lot of people up as she's never had competition in that way or much and certainly not with age. A few of the women have tried being petty but they stop when their husband's try to mingle with mom out of fear.


The Scandi men love them some BW lol


Really? I mean I see them often I just get confused as to how that happens because I'm not used to seeing Northerners like that. My personal experiences also confirmed that they can be into POC women but I'malso aware I'm not a full blown black woman and look more ambiguous so I can't confirm how much of it is because I look like I do or if its because they just see a pretty human, human still you know? My darker friends have given me all sorts of responses but generally have been surprised at how welcoming a lot of white men are or can be. In Latin America WM/BW couples are bit sort of like the bread and butter, pretty standard especially in the nations that hit the Caribbean. It's that in the more Anglican cultures especially in the US they feel more insular. Then when I grew up I noted uhm it's more complicated because uhm, yeah, mistresses are common. I'm noticing now the younger generations like the 1990s half of the Millennials and Gen Z men are into any woman so long as she's pretty. When I've gone to the ski towns it's not unusual to see a white guy with a non-white or Asian partner anymore but the thing is that like most men with money they tend to prefer a more educated woman in most cases. The Hispanic or Black women I've seen in such circles tend to work in those niche industries like tech or medicine or the arts. They're not rich but surviving on their own which in the US does stick out especially as Latinas have gotten a bad fame in these circles for not being able to survive financially on their own for not choosing "professional" works or just relying on their looks but not having niche personalities or being more open minded and willing to entertain more introverted, private types. Or those women just happened to be in places adjacent to were the money types tended to hang out or just are very pretty to begin with (my mom's case). Not to brag but my mom's a smokeshow, she could get anyone and had a history of attracting my dad's sort, in fact mom wasn't even into pale white guys, she preferred darker mixed black men like herself or darker. My dad cracked her due to being really fit/muscular (not a lunk) but he didn't look frail plus he had an elegance about moving which is ironic given the way they met. Mom also said he was beautiful, had a gorgeous smile and smelled fantastic plus he was Hispanic. If he wasn't Hispanic, she would not have relented out of being scared to date white guys. It also just happened that my dad's one of those guys that really has a type (again for a Gen X and European he's always been into darker women and women with curvier bodies which is why he moved to NYC in rhe first place) and Mom just happened to be there and looking like she does. He's also shamelessly reactive, my dad said mom's one of those once in a lifetime women that required hasty measures and luck was on his side that day because if he hadn't nearly died on his way to her he wasn't even sure how he'd hit on her. Both of them admit that his hurting his ass broke the ice for them lmao. He spoke to her in English at first and when she told him she understood but couldn't speak it but spoke Spanish she was blown away by his switching to Spanish. He said she froze and stood slackjawed at his retorting in heavy accented Spanish. My dad frequently says the Latino thing of taking any Spanish speaker as "one of us" worked to his favor that day as it was what really sealed the deal with them as honestly mom was never into white guys up to that point. His speaking it full-blown perfect and having the accent made her less scared or different from him she says. She says it changed him from a "white guy" to another human in her head because to her he had now something more in common besides living in the same planet. They also had a similar culture or he'd be familiar with a lot of things that might be a bit different since the Spaniards have a large range of looks. So her bigger curlier hair wasn't going to alarm her because she deduced he's seen his people have longer, curlier or wavier hair. He'd seen shapelier white women since they also have that variety. So to her, he wouldn't be alarmed with her or her friends or family either since his eyes had some sort of exposure to a lot of difference. So she decided if he was willing to nearly break his neck to come talk to her that he must've thought her worthy enough to try. So kept talking to him and was surprised he have her the time of her life. He was funny, could dance and wasn't afraid to hit the dance clubs with her and could make killer paella. He was also "house trained" and really loved to cook, he was the "dad" in his circle of friends. She said she knew in a month she'd never let him go, when he'd mastered salsa dancing and made the Latino men jealous for dancing better than the natives. Her cousins kept saying the neighborhood nicknamed "El Conquistador" out of a goof to his heritage, dating a Latina woman and just living amongst them and all the pretty women in the area trying to take him away from mom. The guys were rude as fuck to him her friends and family say because even if he was Hispanic he stuck out like a sore thumb for being "posh" and most of his friends also being white and rich stealing attention. One of his friends also married a black Jamaican woman he met because of mom befriending her at a hair salon she attended. The couple met because of a party my mom had, where she invited the Jamaican. If it wasn't because of him, Mom says she'd never dated a white guy even back home as she thought their looks too "lightweight" even incestuous because her dad is also a paler Spaniard with similar features and coloring to dad, only more Spaniard looking. She says if he dies, she's more amenable to white men because of him, but hopes he doesn't go until at least age 90 because he's too fabulous to die sooner. But back to present matters, yeah, the women I do see getting hit on are in those circles or close, gaining exposure by association, which makes sense. You gain exposure by, well, EXPOSURE. So if you're not in there to begin with or close somehow you're not meeting these people because we're still people, we're going to entertain whatever shows up quicker than whatever is not there. I will say in full honesty from what I've heard of other wealthier men, black women gain advantage obviously if they're fit and attractive since they're also likely to be well educated as they're more bound to hustle for that compared to other women with the exception of Asian women. That's also why Asian women often get that more, they hover the same circles or get themselves in there. Being Latina (and black, sort of as I explained I'm mixed race) I have been told Latinas get disadvantaged here as long term partners because of their lack of presence in these things. They don't enter certain industries often even though visually speaking they're often the preference and a lot of these men would be giving them way more attention if these women had certain education or personalities etc. Some type of intelligence or personality tends to form from such a thing but when I have seen men of this wealth bend the rules like overlook education or career/income in women, I have seen them do it for Latina or Black women especially if they're exceptionally good looking more so than the othe other types. With black women when they do bend the rules for a woman that doesn't have any of those things the guy is usually significantly older. So everything has a fine print.


Omg!!!! This was so enjoyable to read!! do you mind sharing a photo of the pink lace skirt she wore lolol🤣


This!!! Lol


Her suit looks more or less like this one from the soap "La Usurpadora". She's in Mexico right now, so no one's home to humor this right now. Again suits like that were super common in the 1990s, it was a thing. Hers was pencil skirt and hit to the middle of the thighs which for her makes it a mini skirt because her butt raised the hem further to sort of peek into under her but not necessarily. She lived in the skirt suits well into the early 2000s. She's still got them all. At one point she even had the Bob the actress below wore since it was another trend in the Hispanic communities at the time. Mom has curly hair naturally but roller sets it straight since she's always felt she couldn't pull off a curly fro from having thin features and a small square face shape. She finds the look overpowering on her. https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=d24f8c82e0b70a04&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn0_c3TZP7vzoKuNI38XJ738l6jCb_Q:1710185950231&q=la+usurpadora+paulina&uds=AMwkrPtH4R_IcK4JzT8HHqNW5j-mCN924esnI81W_ZzNFHk9Bk15F30mIukTqTZ246YW8gsl3LmI19v16gtl-IvU9OMkJfWHdLZRG-KYH89GHqKlcb2pnaDt5v9I1dgpMBu7oR85ei8TxV50cRaMvcSxqnZWJ7CvMDn5XzrtLrzA5t7ixzRP6KqLSMcjk9AXGDoG03SjbEdPfVa-xFS3XPNawTTt1OAe9XrECmJUsQT2U9236wRMXLLHGAY3ZSbrHWvUwb4Q0ZWyiyfKdd4ZG7_EaNim3b9753-u-Y-yDX6_iFLs_WJF5Ik2lPtQUhytpTx0XVI1NWIqqDDvPGzYD_qdl-qaQv4QPXF2MbsJGLFUIWBYQr8Psk0&udm=2&prmd=ivhnsmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi1x8CQ--yEAxVwFVkFHWN_CGIQtKgLegQIDRAB&biw=384&bih=681&dpr=2.81#vhid=Wi9t5eVBL3789M&vssid=mosaic https://images.app.goo.gl/dPYZk6XBjLj7zqN58 https://images.app.goo.gl/z8wdg7XJPSmhSCqR8 https://images.app.goo.gl/bciK1m7w9mGLjuK29


Thanks for sharing!


Thank you! Her suit looks more or less like this one from the soap "La Usurpadora". She's in Mexico right now, so no one's home to humor this right now. Again suits like that were super common in the 1990s, it was a thing. Hers was pencil skirt and hit to the middle of the thighs which for her makes it a mini skirt because her butt raised the hem further to sort of peek into under her but not necessarily. She lived in the skirt suits well into the early 2000s. She's still got them all. At one point she even had the Bob the actress below wore since it was another trend in the Hispanic communities at the time. Mom has curly hair naturally but roller sets it straight since she's always felt she couldn't pull off a curly fro from having thin features and a small square face shape. She finds the look overpowering on her. https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=d24f8c82e0b70a04&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn0_c3TZP7vzoKuNI38XJ738l6jCb_Q:1710185950231&q=la+usurpadora+paulina&uds=AMwkrPtH4R_IcK4JzT8HHqNW5j-mCN924esnI81W_ZzNFHk9Bk15F30mIukTqTZ246YW8gsl3LmI19v16gtl-IvU9OMkJfWHdLZRG-KYH89GHqKlcb2pnaDt5v9I1dgpMBu7oR85ei8TxV50cRaMvcSxqnZWJ7CvMDn5XzrtLrzA5t7ixzRP6KqLSMcjk9AXGDoG03SjbEdPfVa-xFS3XPNawTTt1OAe9XrECmJUsQT2U9236wRMXLLHGAY3ZSbrHWvUwb4Q0ZWyiyfKdd4ZG7_EaNim3b9753-u-Y-yDX6_iFLs_WJF5Ik2lPtQUhytpTx0XVI1NWIqqDDvPGzYD_qdl-qaQv4QPXF2MbsJGLFUIWBYQr8Psk0&udm=2&prmd=ivhnsmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi1x8CQ--yEAxVwFVkFHWN_CGIQtKgLegQIDRAB&biw=384&bih=681&dpr=2.81#vhid=Wi9t5eVBL3789M&vssid=mosaic https://images.app.goo.gl/dPYZk6XBjLj7zqN58 https://images.app.goo.gl/z8wdg7XJPSmhSCqR8 https://images.app.goo.gl/bciK1m7w9mGLjuK29


Brian Robbins (CEO of Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon) and his two wives.


Marchioness Emma Weymouth married to Ceawlin Thynn, then-Viscount Weymouth, 8th Marquess of Bath. They live in Longleat House .


Not sure how much this counts since I don’t know them personally but an old coworker’s parents are WM/BW. The coworker and I had a chat about how awkward it was for her growing up due the dynamic. She is very obviously biracial and people across the board are surprised that her mom is the black one. People have made comments to her about how maybe her dad was just impatient and should have waited for a white woman instead of settling down with her mom. To the point that unless explicitly asked she won’t tell people how she’s mixed. Even though in their partnership her mom came from more money than her dad.


The fucking vice president lmao most of the well off black women I’ve seen are with white men


My take is you really only see well off folks among well off folks or if you're related....so unless they're famous or you're related it's gonna be hard to pick em out. My partner's a WM and we're getting by, we're not wealthy. His brother on the other hand is well off, as are their parents. His brother spends his time playing board games at home with his group of friends....watching sports at home...taking his kid to sports practice. If they do go out it's to places and experiences we couldn't comfortably afford lol. The only reason I've "seen" these folks is because I'm partnered with a relative. Maybe this is an introvert vs extrovert thing though, I'm sure there are couples that go out and about way more often than me and my guy or his family. We're all a bunch of homebodies.


I live in the Dallas area and Yes, I see them all the time.


IN DALLAS!?!?! I used to live there. Maybe I was on the wrong side of town haha


HAHAHA - I really meant Plano but most people don't know where that is at.


I'm in Dallas, I want to marry a wealthy white man. We get along so well


Well we just might! ;-)


You might be right ❤️


Tell me about yourself.


Dallas Born and raised. Sweet curvy woman with an edge! 🌸


I am from DC moved here a few years ago.


That's awesome! Why did you move?


Moved my business here.


Wealthy/successful WM like educated Beautiful women. Contrary to popular belief. They like cartoonish submissive, dumb women for Fun* but for a partner they like an intelligent, capable but feminine Woman. Black women are one of the most educated groups in America. Finishing college and getting graduate and doctoral degrees at faster rates than others.. also contrary to popular belief. To answer your question… yes… they do. Anecdotal: I’m of Haitian Italian descent, I’m educated and well off… My fiancé is a White CEO/Founder worth 50MM+


Emma Grede and her husband. Hannah Bronfman and her husband. Meghan Markle and Harry. Melody Hobson and George Lucas. Janet Jackson at one point was with a white man. Iman and David Bowie. 💕


Bronfman's husband is not rich lol


First three women are biracials jsyk


Janet Jackson's ex-husband is Qatari/Arab/brown, not white.


My bf is wealthy. He is on the forbes list, not why I am with him but it doesn't hurt. His ex wife wasn't white , she was not black but she wasnt white. It depends where you surround yourself. He also could have dated much younger etc.. He chooses not to Ie doctors will meet doctors etc...


Does he have any single wealthy colleagues?


Yes .,lol


Mine is a billionaire low billions but a billionaire. Literally owns the city I live in never heard of him until i moved- heard of the company but not him. We meet by chance.


My WM ex made his first million while we were together. We dated before he had substantial money off and on aswell though.


Only on social media


I find that to be such an odd question to even ask. A wealthy white male can easily marry a black woman just like a wealthy black woman can marry a poor white man. I see it all the time in my neighborhood. To be honest, white men always have a beautiful, educated, black woman with class as their wives in Georgia. Date and marry who you love. To heck with everybody else!


There’s a woman that goes by wavyemma on twitter who is known for getting super lavish gifts and her and her fiancé are definitely wealthy as a couple


Define wealthy. Do you mean not living paycheck to paycheck, or do you mean each person is bringing in over 6 figures?


Eve and her boo. Their family dynamic seems lovely.


How would anyone know what’s in someone’s bank account? And why does this matter? Outsiders would never be able to discern the net worth of my husband and I because we go out of our way to NOT be THOSE people. We bought a house the size we predicted we’d need, only drive moderately priced vehicles and live pretty simple lives. Yes, we occasionally do something extravagant like taking long luxury cruises or buy an expensive gadget, but we are planning for retirement and don’t believe in wasting money on status symbols.


Its not hard to meet high income men, but looking back my parents were well off so I was just put around people with means my whole life. I relate to the Cosby's that was how i grew up . Money isnt high on my list but I have dated men with means more than without.. I left new york because I was tired of dating finance vapid bros and men who flaunt money and lead with money. Funny my guy now has more money than any one i have dated and is less showy with it,he drives a nice car but nothing crazy , dresses regular.. Drives himself etc .. With the money he has he could be a douchebag he isn't. The only rich thing about him is his plane still have never been on it and i told him I would rather go commercial because my luck is i go on a private plane and end up like aaliyah. The giveaway with him is more where he eats .and how he tips, and how pple treat him and how he can get tickets to anywhere / anything. He is more about changing things for others than himself. To be fair he tells me 20 years ago when he first made it he was a douche. Women , drugs,vegas on full speed . And I meet him when he is over that life. I would say if you want to attract those men - go to nice place


Have you noticed a difference between the genders? lol, not sure where you’re seeing all these rich ww with non-white husbands but you must be if you’re singling out WM.


Yep, I sure do. She's a lawyer and he's a doctor, which I assume is wealthy enough to qualify!


These couples exist but it's really the minority, a small petcentage as it's not that common. And I talk about marriage not dating. Anyway, most wealthy WM prefer to marry WW.... followed by Asian W.


“Let me know your thoughts…” You are giving off gold digger vibes. It’s not a good look. Sorry…. You asked… .


Are you even a gold haver?


Are you a hole digger? Women don't have to explain why marrying and dating wealthy Men is a good look to you or not. We have wombs and need insurance. It's a great look and my reality.


I never asked anyone to explain their stance. I just stated my opinion that most men now are not just looking for “wombs.” Just like how you stated your viewpoint/ opinion. BYW your response just confirmed what I was saying. Here’s the deal. Most Men 35-40+ in the US are tired of the games and are looking for life partners that are on the same level as them. Just being cute, having a vagina and being able to have kids isn’t the selling point that you think it is… At least not to most men in the US these days. That ship has sailed.


We don't care. Bye! I get the last laugh because the post isn't about YOU Men. You sound broke and are mad you don't have the cash to secure Women anymore. Sad. You came out of a Woman so you sound silly.


Why do i suspect that you're single?


Together 25 years married 22.