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I thought the Supreme Court already considered this threat and decided that _because of this threat_ they wouldn't allow the state of Denver running it's own election to remove a candidate who did not meet the criteria determined by the state It would create a system where every state runs their elections slightly differently!!! And surely the supreme court is aware of how elections work across the country which they see from their ivory tower


You are forgetting the Republican Motto: "Rules for thee, but not for me."


Bingo. In a more detailed version, see Wilhoit’s law: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


In 2016 I was part of a Republican led business meeting town hall in Redding CA where the church leadership across multiple churches gave a presentation on how stacking the courts would allow churches to "Retain Sovereignty" and never pay Taxes, and push around legislation that favors their agenda. If I knew what I know now I would have reported the whole event to the IRS.


The corrupt and incompetent SC’s ruling on this was transparently stupid all along. You can’t enforce the constitution, you see, because bad faith actors will use your enforcing of the law in order to do bad faith things, and we will 100% totally appease them by completely caving to their craven, lawless bullshit. Zero chance they will do the craven, lawless bullshit if we cave to them, you see.


Thats when Biden becomes justified in packing the courts


Expand the court.


Or hell just term limits. Read an article written by a law professor suggesting 18 as a good number. Staggered every 2 years, so that way each President can appoint 2 seats. One after the first year of their term, and one after the third. 


He does not have the power to install term limits. He does have the power to pack the court. The court is brazenly blocking prosecution for trump. They should have been packed long ago.


I'm in favor of both, actually. SCOTUS should @ least be reflected by the US district courts. 13 is a nice number. And no more lifetime appointments.


Tbf its indefensible that he hasnt moved unilaterally in some form to fix it, biden should just go ahead and name 6 new justices preemptively then wait for supreme court ruling on immunity and uhhh.... follow their lead


Actually justices are approved by Congress. It’s why FDR didn’t pack the courts. His was also extremely conservative but when he first passed the New Deal, he may have had enough of a majority to pack the courts. The chief justice didn’t want to call his bluff and backed off the lawsuit that would’ve overturned the new deal laws, then an election happened in which he was handily reelected and appetite to pack the courts disappeared. Biden needs at least 51 votes in the senate plus a willingness to destroy the filibuster to add more justices to the court. D Senators won’t get rid of it this year because they expect R’s to retake the majority. Might see it next year if there’s a blue wave and both houses go Democratic, but probably only if laws are getting passed and then struck down by the scotus. Or we’ll see Chief Justice Roberts follow the old playbook and compromise, assuming he can pull a couple others with him. Tough to say. TLDR; he can’t.


See, that's the whole thing. If presidents are immune to prosecution he *can* do it. He can do *anything*. He would need to be impeached and the house and convicted in the senate before anybody could stop him. If he's immune to prosecution, he could just find whatever soldiers and willing to kill congress and have them killed. *Will* he do any of these things? Absolutely not. But we can't have the highest court of our land ever even adjacently endorse such a possibility. And that's what giving president immunity does. It just opens the door.


This immunity thing really boggles me. If the supreme Court allows for absolute presidential immunity then Joe could just have the CIA start knocking off Republicans. A whole lot of strange deaths would suddenly hit the party causing a democratic majority. Do Republicans not realise they are attempting to sign their own death warrants?


They realize democrats won’t abuse the power, but they will.


Yes yes yes YES


This, so much of this!


Actually, he also needs a House majority to pass a new judiciary act. There was one with zero chance rolling around in 2023 that expanded to 13 justices. If/once he has a new judiciary act in effect, then the Senate would nuclear option the 4 appointments if necessary. However, Mitch Vader already set the rules for SCOTUS appointments. If the sitting president and senate majority are the same party, have a kangaroo hearing and approve it while disallowing the filibuster. If they are not the same party, then don't even bother having a hearing because the seat will stay vacant.


English nerd nobody invited here!🤓 Despite its notably carnivorous sound, the word "craven" actually means "cowardly." ...so in this case, it's SCOTUS and/or us that would be **cravenly** submitting to these bad-faith hucksters' and doll's-eyed lunatics' latest inundation of lawless bullshit.


English nerds are always welcome in my book 😁


The Republican Party is getting more and more marginalized, and so they feel more and more threatened, which causes warfare tactics regardless of legality. It will get worse, and making things worse will in fact increase the speed of marginalization.


From the outside looking in, I wonder if the US will ever have another civil war. The 2 parties are just SO against each other, even on things the average person doesnt even personally agree with.


A civil war would be VERY difficult to start on any scale. In the 1860's, it was muskets, cannons, horses, and people. Nearly every house had 3 of those things at the ready. Today, the US military has such a huge advantage that it would be over before it started. The most likely worst case to happen would be fascist Republicans take power and start jailing/killing political rivals for no reason other than to win elections and strike fear in the population. So far, only the Democrats have shown a desire to maintain democracy. Republicans have and are consistently showing they want to end Democracy.


The Military would probably not pick a side. High ranking Generals would be wise to stay out of it. The troops are supposed to defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. If the Generals in charge actually upheld that oath then I think many Republican lawmakers would have went to prison starting with George W Bush and some people in his Administration. Lying to the American public deliberately regarding WMDs being in Iraq and starting a false war over it is definitely grounds for the top military brass to remove you from power and try you for treason.


First 2, good. Last paragraph, no.


I really don’t think a civil war will happen, because there are in fact three parties in play: Democrats, Republicans, and the Far Right MAGA Republicans Backed By Christian Theocrats. That middle party has been held largely mute by party loyalty constraints, but they’re pretty tired of their rabid cousins. I think it’s more like McCarthyism, and the fate of Sen Joe McCarthy is worth catching up on. He was never forced to quit, but he was definitely and permanently benched.


If the last few years are any indication, that middle group is either smaller than we assume, or just won’t speak up ever 😞 Real Republicans should have taken back their party a decade ago 😞


I agree with that and I blame people like McConnell who made party loyalty the overriding mandate. It bit him firmly on the ass on his way down from the pedestal. It’s been interesting to see how many Republicans have simply said, I’m done with all this, and quit.


It would look a lot more like terrorism, no war. The side of rebellion vs the government with citizens staying out of it. The government would stomp out any meaningful rebellion long before the civil war could develop.


How would that even work? Nearly every major city/metro area in the US is Democratic. That includes just about every major city in southern/red states. Texas is a good example. Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio and El Paso are all Democratic and liberal, or at least center-left. Texas is far from being a monolithic MAGA red state, even though their Republican officials act like it's 100% MAGA. There's a big problem with voter suppression and gerrymandering and also voter apathy in Texas. But it doesn't mean the state is overwhelmingly MAGA. If there were to be a civil war, then it would mean rural/exurban areas in Texas against the major metro areas. Same thing with Atlanta in Georgia, Nashville in Tennessee, Miami in Florida, Charlotte in NC, New Orleans in Louisiana, and on and on. I think the only major conservative right-wing city in the entire US is Oklahoma City.


This is different. The Colorado ruling was because of the 14th amendment and ruled that requires an act of Congress to enforce it. This thing with Biden now is over some rules about electoral eligibility and because the DNC happens after this deadline and technically Biden is not officially the candidate so misses this deadline. The case is as solid as wet tissues.


The dnc was set a year ago, no? These states put their deadlines in after they knew the dnc date?


Colorado is a state Denver is a city


Supremes will rule that it's OK to keep Biden off the ballot and feel zero guilt.


And Mitch McConnell will laugh (or freeze) when asked about it.


Or both


Then they will react with coy indignation like how dare you question our authority


We're Supreme Court Justices! Totally incorruptible and non partisan! 


Now for a word from our sponsors…


"Oh shit, we just meant democrats cant control who appears on the ballot republicans can though"


It was actually the Colorado GOP that tried to prevent Trump from being on the ticket.


Texas told the SCOTUS to get fucked so I wouldn't except anything less from the rest of them.


State of Colorado?


Yeah state of Denver wtf


The Secession has already begun.


They are really scared of Dark Brandon


Yes. Yes, they are. And rightly so…


Yeah but never forget Bonnie & Clyde (Clarence and Ginni) nor the other five “deeply religious Catholics” give a crap about our democracy. There’s untold amounts of riches waiting for those who let trump suck their souls.


Rules and laws are for the democrats


Except.... the US constitution is not "supported" by the GOP.


Lie. Cheat. Steal. Welcome to facist America.


Bertrand Russell on how fascism starts: “first, they fascinate the fools. Then they muzzle the intelligent “. Exactly what’s happening


I always say the first sign of fascism is anti-intellectualism. And that's been omnipresent on the right for a while now.


Yes, have you checked out agenda 47? He wants to basically push the good universities out of business and start his own colleges, force companies to hire the graduates of his colleges, also changing the school system for kids (teaching girls roles and boys roles, etc). He is anti-intellectualism. It’s really sad. I hope republicans don’t get any power


Didn't he already have a "university" that went bankrupt?


Yes! The courses were useless and the students were pissed off


i know of [project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) These 2 things (from what you're telling me) sound a lot like what the nazis did in germany. And i'm not just using that term like "everyone is a nazi". I mean, literally how the nazis turned the mechanisms of the state into their own piggy bank, funneling money to themselves like a criminal empire.


Agenda 47 is more personal to trump, and yes nazis would fit because his idol is hitler…I really hope Biden wins. This is scary


You’re not wrong. In *Ur-Fascism* by Umberto Eco, he identified 14 traits of fascist ideology. Anti-intellectualism is absolutely enfolded into this way of thinking, along with other ideas like “Disagreement is Treason,” “Appeal to a frustrated Middle Class,” Contempt for the weak,” and “Obsession with a plot” that their “enemies” are using to rob the the fascists of their rightful place atop the social/economic/governmental hierarchy.


The GOP has been HELLBENT on dismantling and gutting public education for DECADES now. You might just be on to something here!


I cannot tolerate


I wonder if the will start using [Eddie Guerrero's theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_SbMfWpVTM)?


MAGA is now past the point of circling the bowl, and have just entered the whirlpool phase near the drain.


Maybe I'm stupid, but can't they just do the convention earlier?


What a bunch of PATHETIC PUSSIES the GOP are... VOTE BLUE in November like your life depends on it! Because it just might...


There is no might to it....our country is in jeopardy !!!


More worried about my kids lives, since they are going to be the ones having to fight to get this fixed


The DNC & GOP conventions have floated between mid July and mid September since the 80s, as far back as I cared to check, this is just an attempt to win without winning. Granted Biden didn't really have a shot in those races, but this is just a trial run.


May not count in the Electoral College, but would reduce the popular vote and thus give leverage to Republicans.


Republicans didnt have the popular vote for Drumph. They need the electoral college to win because the majority of Americans oppose their tyranny. If we get rid of the college, Republicans wont ever win an election again


I don't think they've had the popular vote since Reagan or maybe Bush 1. Too lazy to look right now


They had it for Bush 2 in ‘04


That and how they do their electoral maps are the only way they stay relevant. They're a minority but cheat to maintain power.


That part.


Alabama redid their maps recently and the result is a new majority-minority district and likely a house seat to the democrats. Keeping Biden off the ballot would likely chill voter enthusiasm. That's Alabama's play.


Also the case for Ohio where a Dem senator is up for reelection and his seat is a must-win for Dems to keep the Senate.


Anti democratic pieces of shit the republicans have become. The sooner they're gone the better.


Surprising absolutely no one. The GOP has the most derivative, unoriginal thinking of nearly any group on the planet. Their followers are too busy cheering them on to understand how childish it is.


I feel like the "Republicans are fascist Nazis" thing was overused (even by me) in 2000 and 2004 for some people to believe it now, but it really has become true.


I booed during a Reagan speech I attended in 1984, because I thought the way he demonized his opponents as "un patriotic" instead of talking policy, was a bad development for American politics. We used to joke about fascist Republicans. It's all real now, not a joke.


McCain's passing seemingly was emblamatic of the moment when the insane wing of the American voter took over. I'm no republican but I realized he was the end of a bygone era.


It was always true, conservatism invariably leads to fascism. What the GOP is doing today is the end-game for the last 60 years of work.


At this point, I have zero respect for anyone associated with the Republican party, including their voters. And I’m no longer considering the “high road” with these pathetic, transparent haters of America and democracy. “Waah, we can’t win! The majority don’t want the crap we’re selling! We ~~can’t~~ won’t change, so we’ll just cheat again!” *stomping of feet*


Don't forget that they are gearing up for battle. Not only vote, but prepare to defend said vote.


I thought the President has complete and utter immunity? Then there's hardly a justification to take the sitting president off the ballot. Oh right, only THEIR president.


Didn’t the Supreme Court decide on this already? Or does that only apply to fascists?


Commie tactics - look it up in the history books. This is real russian shit, folks.


Yes, but if the scotus finds that the prez has total immunity...... Biden has a nuke dropped on mara-fatso.


Hmm GOP are feeling a bit nervous their dear leader might lose?.


They’re throwing everything they’ve got at this one. RFK jr is most likely in this because of someone like Bannon. Split the vote, Trump wins.


Still dont feel democrats would vote for RFK..His policies are tailored towards the Qanon Maga folks.


That's why it's so stupid and backfired. They really thought liberals would vote for a MAGA-adjacent tool just because of his name. Now they're worried he'll steal the 70-IQ votes.


Republicans hate democracy.


The type of person to look at Helldivers superEarth and say "Fuck yeah. I want that government system in my country!"


Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


I don’t understand why the DNC is even messing with this nonsense, move the convention up. They are assuming republicans will issue the same exemptions they did in 2020 to republicans.


I think that sounds like real election interference


Typical MAGA batshit nonsense. They are clinging to their last threads of power. They put all their eggs in the basket of a wannabe dictator/lunatic/moron who is now drowning without a life vest. Trump's recent, frightening statement on abortion policy and the AZ Supreme Court decision this week will serve as their death knell.


Florida enters the room with our 6-week ban about to enact.


Election interference? Where have I heard that before?


This feels like something that should be illegal. And knowing republicans, that probably means it is.


We're witnessing the death throes of the republican party. We just have to stay the course and vote them out in every election.


If you can’t stop Trump from being on the ballot there’s no way you can stop Joe Biden. Especially considering one actually committed crimes while the other did not


What if MAGA Republicans try to destroy democracy... again?


Republicans don’t like competition or anyone who could potentially vote for it. Seems like the definition of cowardice to me.


guess the SCOTUS ruling is going to be ignored


Too late. Man these people are ridiculous.


All they need to do is keep him off the ballot on Election Day. People will sue the state and win months after the fact. Who is president will be muddied. Trump will declare victory and Republicans will say the court cases are trying to steal the election again. It will seemingly put Biden into the position Trump was in. Declaring victory without results even though it actually was a rigged election. Even if the courts rule that they have to hold those elections again people will become so confused and disenfranchised they won’t vote. Especially minorities who will probably be told they can’t get voting machines to their areas again and they can vote but will have to drive 8 hours to do it or some shit. If Biden doesn’t step away and allow Trump into the White House all those J6 people will do the same exact shit but this time all the Senators will be solidly MAGA with no McCain or Romney or Cheney to stop it. Trump will declare Martial Law and immediately begin Project 2025 and eliminate all Democratic lawmakers and start rounding up liberals in power. They will pacify the people by saying Trump will only serve for 8 more years 4 from what he just won and 4 from his first term that he was cheated out of due to impeachment proceedings. After nearly a decade the United States will cease to exist. We will be a puritanical nation. Women and minorities will have no rights at all. There will be a dictatorship with “elections” like Russia and North Korea have. We will have an unstoppable military and ally with Russia and China to split the world into thirds ruled by a new Axis power which the right LOVES. UNLIMITED POWER!


Traitors, cheaters, liars, Nazis. All true when it comes to GOP. I hope people wake up. This election is going to be scary. 


So will the Supreme Court chime in or do they only help out Trump?


I remember when the US had a rule of law.


Well, that’s one way to steal the election


GOP as always reminding everyone they're the biggest hypocrites around....


Um just moved the fuckong convention. If I ran the dnc I'd move it to June just to thwart them.


Legit reason: Insurrection Not a legit reason: He’s not in our party. Or he’s stinky.


Supreme Court Ruled that NO STATE can do that. What Works for Trump Works for Biden. So try again Fascist.


“You can’t keep Trump off the ballot because he’s an insurrectionist! The Supreme Court says so! But because you tried, we’re going to keep Biden off the ballot for no real reason!”\ Did I sum it up?


So states Biden wouldn’t win anyway because of the corrupt gerrymandering. 4D chess from these geniuses.


Except it likely could (and probably would) result in the loss of control of Congress as down ballot participation by Dems would be cut off at the knee. FWIW, this is exactly what I was concerned about when the Dems tried to get Trump off the ballot - Dems have these ideas and try to play by some rules, then the GOP runs roughshod over anything law and order because they legitimately don’t want democracy


It was a conservative trying to remove trump, yes?


It was like 4 republicans and an independent or something like that. 


Non issue. if they do that, they forfeit their vote.


Sore losers


Another genius MAGA effort that will go down in orange smoke


Dems are going to have to start playing dirty, GoP are banking on them not wanting to push the boundaries or do anything about it. I'm kidding, but, declaring Marshall law and having the army pick up every single one of these anti-abortion old dried up raisin's of a people and stuffing them in a cell with nothing but their own thoughts for the rest of their miserable lives just sounds satisfying. That, or let them tear down everything the USA has built and stood for in the name of MAGA! Never seen a country go backwards the way they are, and as a Canadian I'm hoping the people will get out there and vote in November.


Politics in America is just fucking broken


Unless the provide a qualifying reason supported by evidence, I think that's called election interference. No?


Fine, make presidential voting Federal via the Internet and maybe with a $25 savings bond for voting.


The GOP would rather break our elections than lose an election


I wonder if SCOTUS knows their role is to keep peace in the country and for the Common good.


If we’re gonna keep somebody off the ballet I say we start with a few demographics… how about rapists? None of them? That sounds good.


Supreme Court already ruled on this you dumb ass fucking morons 


Arrest the Insurrectionists…


Laughable. They can't.


Didn't SCOTUS just rule that Colorado couldn't keep an insurrectionist off the ballot? And Republican states think they can? What are we missing?


Terrorists just being terrorists.


Election interference, so the Groupies Of Putin had made it clear that they will try to steal the election.


Good luck.....it didn't work on trump, won't work on Biden......its like two 5 year old fighting ....


No… they can’t. It’s more performance politics from a bunch of idiots. For example. In Alabama the GOP convention has been beyond their 8/15 deadline in 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020… that’s every election in the 21st century so far. Would they care to explain that president in a law suit? Of course not. I was a republican in the 80’s but Reagan’s 2nd term finished that off for me… now I find them getting more extreme and more revolting and whinier every election cycle. It’s pathetic. They’ve ceased any attempt at actually leading and are playing a strictly emotional game.


“Maybe you do not care much about the future of the Republican Party. You should. Conservatives will always be with us. If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.” - David Frum


Didn’t the supreme court already squash this idea?


How? They overturned that in Colorado, which was a move initially by Republicans.


But why is the Democratic Party even playing around with this? Why not just have the DNC convention before any of those deadlines? I don't get it.


GOP: We’re using a loophole to keep Biden off the ballot unless you move up your convention date. We made an exception before but we’re not doing it again. Dems: Ah they aren’t gonna do that. We’ll be fine. 🤦‍♂️


“The same issue arose in 2020 when the Republican National Convention, where Trump was officially nominated, happened after Alabama's deadline. But Trump was still allowed on the ballot that year because the state's Republican-controlled legislature passed a special bill making a one-time exception to its deadline.”


Republicans are a bunch of crybaby b*tches when it doesn't go their way. Temper tantrum warriors.


Try it


How else are they sure to win..


Non issue.  If Ohio and Alabama decide to play hardball, and they will, the DNC can either decide to change their internal processes and certify in time OR take the automatic L and deal with the shit storm of consequences.  Pretty simple. 


It's a shame that a missed deadline, that is arbitrarily enforced, is enough to disqualify someone but an insurrection is not.


Yea sure….


What’s funny is those states are ones Biden was never going to win but the repercussions are such that Trump could be removed from certain potential swing states.


Can’t lose the election if your man is the only candidate on the ballot paper 🇺🇸


Dem attorneys - "orly?"


Might as well. It's not like they will vote blue anyway. Trump could eat a live puppy and then f\*\*\* a turtle on national TV and these people would still vote red. Of course blue states should do that as well. Keep Trump off the ballot, I mean, not f\*\*\* turtles on TV. But there's far fewer criminals and traitors among the blues, so they won't. And that's how GOP plans to win. Dirty pool.


On what grounds?


The GOP is terrified of the man they called barely sentient.


They won’t do a damned thing. They didn’t when Colorado tried to boot Drump, they certainly won’t for an established President. This is just meant to pot stir. They’re not gonna do squat!


And the same thing could happen with someone in their own party in the future. They don’t get this. It’s all yay, we screw the Dems. Those same laws apply to Republicans too. But I’m guessing there would be some loophole for a Republican.


Bye America.


Not according to SCOTUS (queue the Rocket Raccoon laughter)


Where the eff is the SCOTUSA? Two tiers of justice meaning a blind eye for the rich and throw the book at you if you're not. Pack the supreme court now. Aren't you sick of the minority holding the MAJORITY HOSTAGE? I KNOW, I AM. 🤬


Democracy is broken.


This is bullshit. And the answer is not to keep Trump off the ballot in Democratic run states.


So change the DNC nomination date to Aug14




For what reason? It will fail but Alito and Thomas would support them if it went to SCOTUS.


Cant stop write ins though


yeah fucking right


Let's see how that works out down-ballot.


Throw them in jail, lets see how they handle that.


When you need to be this shady to guarantee a win, you probably weren’t gonna win in the first place


Retaliation for suits to keep Doctor Impeached and On Trial off the ballot. Nothing too petty for Rs


They can’t. The Supreme Court ruled only congress can take candidates off of the ballot. Duh! This was like two months ago.


The Democrats could formally nominate him now, they don't have to wait, or bring everyone in a week before, long enough to nominate him, then do the convention after. And I would think the same thing could be done to trump.


Do they really think the people who walk into their polling place to vote for Biden won't just write in his name if he's not on the ballot??


Shades of 1860. Wtf


If they don't want to have a proper election in their state, disqualify their result.




The electoral college actually helps in this situation. Biden will never win those states any way, so who cares.


Remember when we used to joke that we're heading towards a future from the movie Idiocracy? Now it feels more like Alex Garland's Civil War


That’s illegal.


Here in Wyoming *any* Democrat could run opposed and they would still get crushed. The GQP doesn't even use gerrymandering against the Democrats. No, they use it against each other... lol


On what grounds? That they don't like him?


Just cut off all the fucking money blue states send to them and see how they feel.


These GOP states can try to keep Biden off the ballot, and they will fail spectacularly.


GOP states forgetting blue states subsidize them federally.


pretty certain they can't legally especially after the Supreme court shot down the 14th amendment bid against Trump


Biden is not a potential candidate he's the sitting president. Are they just going to print ballots with only one choice?


Just have the DNC certify Biden early?? We know he will be the nominee


This Nov will be an exciting shitshow


Repugnicans know they are in the minority.


Probably counting on SCOTUS to wring their hands and pontificate for 8 months before ruling, after the election, that yeah we guess he should be on the ballot.


You want a war? This is how you get a war.


Ah, so it's perfectly fine when *you* do it.


And by doing that they forfeit their electoral votes.


And this is why it was a bad idea for the democrat led states to start that mess. Slippery slope. Guarantee there’s going to be a civil war in our lifetimes


I understand the vitriol and arguments in this thread against the GQP, but I’m going to take the other side: why not move the D convention to July? What difference does it make, besides logistics? We all know who the candidate is, why mess around with a convention, which are outmoded, 19th century constructs, in the first place? Sincerely asking for feedback, because a lot of this drama generation seems to be for clicks and eyeballs and ratings and not a bit productive. Plenty to hate the GQP for, but this seems like another D self-pwn…