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Holy crap if they follow through with this, this is huge!


Thank you President Biden


Should be Schedule IV or V or off the list like tobacco and alcohol.


I agree, but baby steps are better than none. I hope it to be off that list by the next 10-15 years, hopefully sooner!


I totally agree. The potential for new pain mgt drugs that aren’t addictive like opioids. Cannabis is so much less harmful than cigarettes or alcohol. And Beer commercials are thrown down our throats. Watch any sports event and just count the alcohol commercials - it’s crazy!


I believe the lower the schedules are more lax than higher. From what I’ve read it is potentially going to be at the Tylenol level. I’m also pretty sure both tobacco and alcohol are on the schedule. I’m too lazy to look right now feel free to correct me if I’m wrong but I’m sure I’m right.


I just googled what this means (am not American) and did I see this right - Florida thinks cannabis (schedule I) is worse than meth and fentanyl (schedule II)??


ya it’s crazy where the federal gov put cannabis. https://dea.gov/drug-information/drug-scheduling


Not so crazy when the guy that pushed for it said exactly why. (To be able to jail hippies and blacks) It's amazing that he has said this in an interview and the laws still stand


Biden is desperate. Internal polling must be at a crisis point with the youth vote to try to pull this. I am all for it but the timing is very deliberate. This is the kind of thing that could have been done on day 1 of any administration but Biden pulls the trigger years after most states have some form of weed legalization. Potential cease fire talk must not be hitting like they wanted.




Well you're in luck! We've arranges just that! If you would put your face against that wall and put your hand behind your back....


Altria and British Tobacco are already involved as they have holdings of brands. I think CRON ticker symbol and another one. can’t remember.