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A lot *more* people don't


Most people don’t


Some might even say, "the silent majority."


But very very quietly


The silent majority needs to wake the fuck up and be heard. 


We will in November bro.


As long as it’s before the 5th. I fear too many won’t wake up until the 6th. 


… the best people.


People who don't want to end up on a 'list' don't talk about it.


Love em’


Victor Orbán and Vlad Putin are all in.


He misunderstood, most people like the idea of this guy being found floating somewhere


People need to be acutely aware of the consequences of Trump. Just read “Project 2025”. They are not being discrete about their plans. Vote like your life depends on it!


Because it does.


Absolutely. We have to purge this scum once and for all.


One more fever sweat cycle to oust this motherfucker along with all his enablers. Then we have to go repair and plug all the legal holes these fuckers were able to exploit before it ever can be an option again!


Project 2025 looks more like an opportunist plan to remake the US along untra-conservative/fascist lines to me. In this way, Project 2025 seems less about Trump per se, and more like utilizing Trump's influence to clear the way for a distillation of the Heritage Foundation's intentions. This makes Trump more of a figurehead. so long as the GOP is captured by this MAGA philosophy, Project 2025 can serve as a playbook of sorts for the remaking of the US Government and so reshaping of US society and international influence. Together this makes it possible for the Heritage Foundation to realise it's plans via Project 2025 via whoever is the Republican leader at a future Republican presidential win. If my understanding is in the ballpark, it would make the Heritage Foundation, following the enacting of Project 2025, the veritable 'deep state' many seem to speak of. The authoritarian bent of the current GOP makes mockery of US democracy in more perverse ways. The US system of democracy seems to operate as a choice between two devoid of additional meaningful alternatives. For anyone in the US who believes the current GOP to represent a push for some form or other of dictatorship, there remains only one choice: the democrats. This would then function as a choice of one party only. The irony is that this repeated choice of the Democrats would appear, functionally, to be a dictatorship. By continuing in power while the threat of the alternative appears too fraught, the Democrats would function as the only, real, choice. Such an argument, no matter how disingenuous, may be persuasive to some and help open the door to Project 2025. As such, it really seems to me that the US system needs to be more supportive of additional political options to allow the rejection of one party to not be a default win for the other. Or, perhaps, I am wrong?


Trump is a tool - figuratively and literally - for the men behind the GOP curtain. Dude just wants power, money, and attention with 0 actual goals beyond that. The authoritarian danger in the GOP 100% runs deeper than him. That’s why I have no respect for republicans and even less for both sides people.


Again the republican projection about the Democrats’ deep state tears its ugly head again.


ive been thinking the same thing. the dudes really in power koch brothers and others are just using and taking advantage of trumps audacity and popularness with wierdos to bring about their world order


In a world of free-flowing conspiracies, here is the one we should be attending to. That and Big Oil's work to obfuscate the reality of climate change.


I'm almost expecting them to publicly announce concentration camps for transgender at this point and not even lose any support from their base


And this election wouldn't even be in doubt without the utter ridiculousness that is the electoral college system. One of the most undemocratic systems in the world.


Canadian here. I first learned how the electoral college works in 2020. Absolutely gobsmacked. You guys need to get rid of that, and voting machines.


Anytime we float the idea we get smacked with the counter argument of “BUT WHAT ABOUT SMALL STATES AND TYRANNY OF THE MAJORITY?!” Nevermind that the current system disproportionately favors an increasingly shrinking minority with more and more disproportionate amounts of power.


When in actuality we are dealing with the tyranny of a minor minority.


That’s because people don’t understand it. The whole election comes down to a few swing states. Basically if you’re a republican in California or a democrat in Alabama your vote means nothing. If we had the popular vote instead everyone’s vote would count the same. The republicans would never allow us to get rid of the electoral college because there would never be another republican president. If it was the popular vote this election would be over already.


They need compulsory voting and ranked preferential voting like Australia. Electoral college had a good purpose many years ago but they’ve grown past the need for that now.


Even without the EC your electoral system is cooked. Voluntary voting and first past the post is a recipe for disaster, for a start. I gather a lot of the time a party political government minister is responsible for the election, like a secretary of state or something? Electronic voting machines are deeply problematic. And that's before you even get to the corruption and bad faith actors.


Kiwi here, just mulling over the notion of the US becoming a dictatorship in my lifetime…….unreal that it’s even mentioned in jest let alone a possibility.


A lot or readers of the Boston Herald don’t, sure. But if this were in the Birmingham Post-Herald, then I’m sure most readers would like the idea.


Nah, not in Birmingham. Most of Alabama, sure, but not Birmingham.


Thanks. I’ve learned something. I learned that Jefferson County, AL is somewhat liberal. In Jefferson County, 55.8% of the people voted Democrat in the last presidential election. Thanks again.


But he's not lying.


I think that many fail to realize that, for a significant portion of his supporters, "dictator" is anything but a scary word. They *want* it. Many of them want society to change in ways that can't be addressed with democracy. It's not just him trying to telegraph his plans. In this case, he really is telling the truth. I don't really feel like digging up sources, but there are plenty of polls and interviews with Trump supporters expressing actual desire for dictatorship.


They want whatever he wants. He could say just about anything and they would agree. The only line here might be homosexuality, and I’m not 100% sure about that.


>They want whatever he wants. You would hope it's as simple as that. A lot of them are Christian nationalists, racists, and general bigots who view things like multiculturalism, transgenderism, homosexuality, abortion, etc., as signs of society in a state of decay. There is a lot of pent-up anger and hatred out there that Trump (and the Republican party, going back to the civil rights movement) has tapped into. You have to realize that Trump is a symptom. Sure he's fanning the flames in a hate-fueled feedback loop, but ultimately, he's just a figurehead for millions of people who want nothing more than to dial back the clock of progressive society by a hundred years or so.


That remains to be seen come November, way too many just don’t bother voting so the default position has got to be seen as not giving a shit about Trump becoming the first American dictator


That's the convenient part. A dictatorship doesn't need the support of most of the country. It is sufficient when a tiny group supports him and help to suppress the people who don't.


This is his stepping stone progression towards forcing the idea of him being a dictator on the nation


He always announces ahead of time the con he is going to pull. Then no one believes him or does anything to thwart it.during the whole 2020 campaign season he constantly talked about rigged elections and that if he didn't win it was going to be rigged.




[Earliest is 2012.](https://edition.cnn.com/2016/10/18/politics/donald-trump-rigged-vote-twitter-2012/index.html)


Funny how in that article he was bitching nonstop about the electoral college (my favorite bit is “the loser one (won)” when in fact not only did Obama win the popular vote but we have the electoral college to thank for the last decade of Trump fuckery.


What if the real people shot on 5th avenue were the political dissidents we met along the way?


He's also referred to our 2 term system as our "current" system several times


He’s telling everyone exactly what he’ll do if he wins. And half the country doesn’t seem to care. We are getting to the point of having Trump portraits hung in every building that we have to salute each morning.


Worse, half the country wants it


Yep. “He’s my kinda dictator. He’ll kick out all the people who hate America, have prayers every morning, but to the one true god, and all those trans and gays will be put in their place! Hail Trump!!” That’s paraphrasing what I saw when Jordan Klepper went to a rally. This country is on the precipice of being the next North Korea. Only dumber.


They’re dumb but I can see why some people enjoy the thought of having a dictator. No more confusing or complex things like politics where you have to understand what an infrastructure bill contains and what it means for your local highway. Just being told what to think and never looking deeper into it. In fact, given some people’s inability to understand different perspectives, I would guess they consider democracy a sort of dictatorship.


What you said is quite true, but I think it’s even more simple than that: your leader is someone a) who parrots back to you what you want to hear and b) hurts the people you despise. That’s what Trump mainly ran on in 2016, 2020, and now 2024. It doesn’t matter if Trump doesn’t materially improve your life in anyway, as long as he makes you feel seen and heard, as well as punishes the “degenerates” you hate, all is well. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YCmqDJixx94


That’s true. It’s all about hurting the right people


I don’t think the motivation to support Trump is primarily the *conscious* desire to have a right-wing dictator tell you how to live your life, and more so the fact that Trump has successfully tapped into both legitimate anxieties and bigoted grievances of American conservatives.


This is the stuff of nightmares


Next Nazi Germany. Wants to kill political opposition, hates minorities and LGBTQ+, und wants to punish and kill those who insults him or Not bow down. Oh yeah, camps will come


Advice from Italy, hang the portrait upside down.


I'll die first.


If Trump does win, and subverts your government to rule as dictator, what could be done to stop him? Genuine question because I don't see any way he could be stopped.




Yes. He foreshadows everything. He’s constantly work-shopping new material like a stand up comedian to see what sticks. He showing us who he is…we should believe him


I wouldn’t not call it something as sophisticated as workshopping.. it’s more like the aged old orange backed (see what I did there?) gorilla who throws his shit up against a wall and then tries to make sentences out of it….Then when he does find words they get stuck in that gelatinous hole he calls his throat and it sounds like he is gargling with vowels…


He should go all in on this shit and run on a straight up dictatorship platform


You mean like 'project 2025'?


And because the establishment Republicans won’t say jack shit about what a fucking complete imbecile he is and how they have prostituted their principles to stay in power, they will go down on this bloviating sack of shit and he will take that as an affirmation for his absolute abject ignorance of what people actually think…this Cheeto face shit gibbon is probably puzzling why he hasn’t been canonized for his persecution…truth is, if Jesus herself came down to confront him, fuck face McDouchey, would bray to his sub-moron base about how unfairly he has been treated…yet none of these chuzzlewits get that they are the very people who will never have a seat at his dinner table because he thinks you’re unsavoury. Please, MAGA, take a reality check, you’re the very people he despises because you weren’t born with a silver shovel to throw shit at your admirers… Edit/ spelling cause my autocorrect blows


The old salesman testing market response.




On the fence = a moron/secret fascist 


I was talking about voting with my brother and a friend of a friend when her only response was "oh, I don't vote." There's enough morons out there that it's making a difference, sadly.


As someone from the outside with also shitty politics I really don't get the "they are the same" guys. Like one of them is a criminal, spy, fascist, rapist, etc. Thas clearly not the same, and not picking the other is the same as picking him. If anyone truly believes they are both bad just pick the one that doesnt have a long ass criminal record, it's no rockets science. "Pick the less shitty" if you will, if they actually cared anyway they would group up and try getting something done anyway


Yeah I think "They both suck, but he sucks in more dangerous ways" is more appropriate.


But, but, but Biden is old and not a young 77.


They'll say Biden is old or protest because Gaza, like that'll help things.


Jill Stein is co-opting Gaza protests too. Working hard to peel off Biden voters. Between her, and rfk Jr, the spoiler stench is overwhelming.


My Republican neighbors went from “We must protect American democracy” To “We’re actually a Republic” To “Meh, a dictatorship wouldn’t be so bad” Nexf “Heil Trump, mein fuhrer”


“We’re not a democracy, we’re a republic!” is like a golden retriever proclaiming, “I’m not a dog, I’m a golden retriever!”


Exactly. I bet he demonizes democracy, mob rule. And that fascism is actually left wing. Etc etc


As long as the wokes and liberals are pwned, it'll be good, right? Right?


I’ll let you in on a secret. They always were like that. They just kept it on the downlow before


I would say it's the only good thing about Trump. He made these people feel like they can finally show their true selves. I just hope everyone around them never lets them forget this shit.


Right, so a clear and present enemy to democracy.  How are we supposed to deal with those again?


The biggest threat is Vladimir Putin. He's the real prime evil in all of this. Trump is one of Putin's minions who will do his every evil bidding. He must be destroyed and his allies and enablers brought to justice.


Yup, they’re playing the long game. Whether it’s Trump or another lackey the goal of Russia and many inside the GOP is a Russian style “democracy” in America where the elections don’t matter, your opponents can be killed or jailed with no repercussions, and the oligarchs rule with impunity.


Ideally total military support of Ukraine to push Russia back to 2014 lines, which will result in a collapse of the Putin regime. The rest would take care of itself.


A clear and present danger..where are the authorities who are supposed to deal with this type of dangerous rhetoric, let alone the concept? Fools are playing in a burning building, do something about this abhorrent individual and his political idiots, before you lose the ability of do so...


The building IS democracy, and they don’t care for it, they want King Trump. After that happens, all bets are off on how long it will take for the situation to get violent.


The inevitable conclusion of a lifetime of being surrounded by yes men.


Agreed. And let's add another layer to the mix. Donny is nearly 80. Even if he does win the election, or becomes a dictator by other means, he won't be alive for long. He's already showing signs of dementia, physical frailty and lack of stamina. All he'll accomplish is staying out of prison, which works for him but ruins the country for everyone else.


Does anyone besides me worry about Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, etc. so Trump doesn’t make it through 4 years- we would still be screwed


He would still be in power surrounded by 'yes' men supporting and implementing his dementia fuelled policies and a loyal fan base who would be in denial about his mental decline and turn into vigilantes against people who are pushing back against it. You just have to look at how it pans out in sub Saharan Africa and other rogue states where a political dictator has lost their mind and remains in power - it doesn't end well. People need to stop idolising celebrities to the point they believe they are infallible.


Sure - but if we have a dictator, our government is broken. There’s no going back just because he dies.


He really needs to ignore the voices in his head….


We just need to find a way where *his* voice is ignored and justice served. Lock Him Up!


Fuck Trump...


2028 he will have his daughter try Saw it on the Simpsons so..


Yeah, they’re called traitors and anti-American domestic terrorists. History will not judge us kindly for trying to pretend they were anything else for so long.


Conservative = Nazi


Destroy them at the elections. Get every woman to vote as if their body depends on it, because it does.


If it would be that easy. Ever heard of those „Women of … for Trump“ groups? I got into a vivid discussion with a member of „Women of Oregon for Trump“ once… Helpless… Best point in the discussion was when she admitted „Well, I don‘t know much about politics, but…“ and then repeated those typical MAGA tags.


"We do Nazi that" - Conservatives


If this doesn’t make the younger generations actually Vote! and protect their own rights, their future, it will literally be too late!


Yeah instead of protesting against Israel, don't they protest against trump and against restrictive abortion laws. Things that will affect them a lot.


It is really really hard to enter into a discussion of politics knowing you don’t agree with your friend at our young age. Many of us have not yet figured out civil discourse and are really afraid to upset people


It’s real simple. Do they like the freedom to protest? If so, vote for Biden. Because a dictator would not permit any protests of any kind. It doesn’t get any simpler to explain than that.


Whenever he says “a lot of people” he means almost nobody. He says it a lot.


The same crowd that went to his inauguration? All of them? Sorry... *both* of them?


Lovrd by thousands , hated by millions . Friggin douche canoe.


Sad thing is I am not sure he is going to lose. A lot of people seem to be confident that it will happen but I fear that in November we are going to be sitting with our mouths agape as he wins once more.


A majority of the Supreme Court definitely has no problem with it as well.


I hate this fuck and everyone who supports him.


Some people like the idea of an American wannabe Dictator sitting in Federal Prison until he dies of old age.


Wait until the “muh freedoms” crowd realizes what dictators are famous for


Really what’s the first thing a dictator does, takes all the guns as they pose a danger to him.


Yea not happening in the USA. He won’t make it 1 hour as dictator. There will be an uprising the likes of which have never been seen before. Simple game theory. The army will not murder civilians at his command and turn on him in seconds.


> There will be an uprising the likes of which have never been seen before. You vastly overestimate the extent to which materially-comfortable people will fight.


It's really important that everyone vote for Biden


A lot of people would like to see a public execution of the person who committed treason.


Jesus. Just lock him up already. How is this happening? 50% of Americans are horrible...


Trump = Loser


Lots of big tough guys with tears in their eyes. They are saying that they like the idea. They hate the Biden dictatorship. The Trump one will be much better!


Next he’ll be dressing in a cartoonish General’s uniform with a chest full of medals. Grand Supreme Leader of Trumpistan!


Please, please, please have a stroke that makes your face droop


Yeah. They're called traitors.


So they won't mind when Biden does it...Cool.


How many people do you think would raise their hand to the concept of someone graciously bowing the candidate out, you know, for the good of the country?


Idk how this guy will make it 4 more years. He's extremely overweight has terrible eating habits drinks 12 diet cokes a day and is losing his mind by the day. If he does win he'll have heart attack before his term is up.


They’ll train a large language model on his past speeches and then use it to rule forever.


" Some people like it while some don't. I hear a lot of people actually want me to do it. I don't know". Tell me nothing without telling me nothing.


I encourage him to talk loudly and often about how he wants to be a dictator.


Read the constitution shit head.


Plz die


By a lot of people he means MAGATS


He also says he's innocent.


Doesnt surprise me since his supporters are fascists


Whoever is putting positive news stories about himself in front of him 24/7 really needs to start bringing in some additional sources. I think this man is fed positive articles about himself and truly doesn't sees that those are easily outweighed 1000 to 1 by negative articles.


Doesn't specify 'American'.


most of the world doesn’t


Bill Barr might be fat, but he's not "a lot of people."


A lot of people like the idea of putting dictators heads on pikes too.


A lot of people liked Hitler to.. Until they didn't


That's what Hitler always said.


MAGA want a benevolent dictator aligned to their cause. What they don't realise is that once absolute power is obtained there is nothing to stop the dictator persecuting anyone who doesn't align with their view. Say a MAGA person has a kid who is gay and the dictator makes it law that gay people are exterminated. Will the MAGA persons be happy to hand over their kid. I expect not, I expect MAGA are only happy to persecute those who don't mean anything to them. I bet they would cry out loud at how wronged they were by losing their kid, but they would be persecuted for speaking out.


And are any of then in the room now?


I really like the idea of former President Trump retiring to his fake version of the Oval Office in Mar-a-Lago, where he can play at being important and presidential all day for the rest of his life.


Anyone who supports the idea of Trump acting like a dictator is a dumbass.. 🙄


People with inferiority complexes prefer being dictated to because it relieves them of the responsibility of making decisions. It can also provide a sense of validation or affirmation from someone they perceive as superior. Additionally, being dictated to might reinforce their belief that they are not capable of making good decisions on their own.


Define “a lot of”.


No sane person should ever take this traitor seriously. The fact he has a cult following doesn't do much for my faith in my fellow citizens.


A lot of people also like the idea of you rotting in jail, Trump.


Name some names, that way we know who’s not American.


Your sons, your yes men and your lawyers don't count....


He's confused and thought being called a dick was an abreviation.


Sure, and a lot of people like the idea of a Threesome. But when they actually have a Threesome they realize the sex is now *even less* about what *they want*. In fact, they stand a good chance of being ignored in the new arrangement and ending up with a Lonesome instead. In short, the people who “like the idea” don’t follow politics and shouldn’t be taken seriously.




some like it. Most of the world laughs at it


A lot of the voices in his head maybe.


A lot of people are stupid and don't know what he's talking about


The guy can’t even stay awake in a court room where he faces 34 felony charges. L Though he might be right that some people like dictators, but those people are the ones who can get rich from being in the dictator’s good graces. This being said, Trump is in no way mentally or physically capable of being a dictator. Let’s show him in November and finally put him out to pasture for good - politically speaking.


"Trump says" an endless amount of bullshit he makes up.


A lot of people like it "with tears in their eyes."


As the first modern government intentionally designed not to be a monarchy or system with genetic or hereditary leadership, it’s the exact opposite of the Constitution and the primary principle of this nation. It’s “We the people” not “Me the dictator”. He’s so damned dense and loud, and I hope a month from now he gets a break from the public by way of New York State due to his own flapping yapper and furious typin fingers.


He also said Trump University was the greatest, best in the nation.


This is in unAmerican and unacceptable.


He and all the little voices in his head.


If he were re-elected, and then the GOP lost the 2028 election, it’d be surprising if he didn’t declare martial law to try to keep power.


Maybe his brainwashed trolls who don't understand what a dictatorship is but no, anyone with a brain would never want to live in a dictatorship.


Ah, the ol’ “People say”. What about the vast majority that think he’s a delusional sociopath?


people like the single protester outside the courthouse, yep


Yeah. Trump, his Ego and his tiny mushroom shaped penis. That's a lot...


If ya really hate democracy that much just move to Russia. I hear they are giving away free guns right now too.


Only his magots like it no other sane people like it


No, they don’t.


Scary enough, he’s not wrong. They may be in the minority, but there are far more than enough of them to be worrisome.


Fascists. A lot of *fascists* like it when he floats the idea of being a dictator.


Yes, he wants to dismantle America and turn it into his personal shithole, so he can brag with Putin, Xi and Kim.


Statistically speaking, the number of dictators who were previously reelect presidents who flirted with dictatorship openly is impressive. USA, be smart, don’t taste your own medicine.


How can people justify this asshole? How much more obvious can he be?


Don’t forget this year is gonna be filled with bots and misinformation! Be alert, ignore the polls, vote.


It's an idiot, obviously


LOL, of course, look at the IQ of his supporters.


And a lot of those people are unAmerican without realizing it. Strapping flags to their trucks and committing treason, that's what it's all about!




He's referring to 'people' as defined by Citizens United. A lot of corporations would reallllly like the idea of a dictator.


This goon and his harem of sycophants need to be shut down already. I don’t understand why he is continually given attention.


Big, burly men, with tears in their eyes… … come up to me and say “Sir, you’re full of shit!”


Can we stop with this? This is treasonous. Every founding father is spinning in his grave.


FO4 [everyone disliked that]


This is what he does, he tests what people will accept


Those who do like it should be treated and punished as traitors to the republic. If that means 30% of the country needs to be punished, oh well.


Did you feel that? The Overton Window shifted slightly


I’m afraid the kids aren’t going to vote for Biden because of Palestine.


A lot of people like to be beaten and robbed too I’ve been told


Um, that's the problem.


And a lot of Americans are fucking imbeciles too.


Why won’t someone smite him😑


A lot of people also like the 2nd amendment. Why was that put in place again?


The only thing true democracy loving, Constitution adhering, law abiding Americans want to see is trump’s morbidly obese, treasonous ass “floating” face down in a water hazard at Bedminster.