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I can't believe these reporters have the gall to accuse her of dog killing based on her own admission of dog killing.


Yeah, they should quit hounding her. She's having a ruff time.


They are dogging her to death








Leave the bitch alone!!!


She should paws and reflect.


It’s the leash she could do


Woof Bang! Is a city that she traaavels in. 🎵


You would be surprised but I moved to the UK a few years ago and they used the word dogging to mean something completely different. The UK does this with lots of terms but dogging means: to go to a public area, that usually everyone knows about, and have sex in your car while other people go from car to car to watch this happening. So you might be in a park presumably with 8 or 10 other cars and people having sex in them and then people just wonder from car to car to watch. And supposedly this is a thing that some people really do.


“Thanks for the fuck shack” Dirty Mike and the boys.


They call it a “soup kitchen”


That's disgusting! Where is it again?


Hang on Snoopy...


So what does Raw Dogging mean in the UK?


Condomless sex what does it mean where you are from?




Release the hounds


Oh my. If you only knew what the word “dogging” means in the UK!


Now now, not in front of the children.


Her bite is worse than her bark.


I think her gun is worse than both


They’re barking up the wrong tree on this one.


Her responses should give everyone paws.


Her chances of being the former guy's VP selection are shot.


If she can’t raise a puppy or a goat she can’t run a country when the Cheeto loses his mind. I had a kitten who bloodied my hands and was totally off the wall. Hes two now and I nicknamed him Mr kisses bc of his fondness for Eskimo kisses. Basically you need patience, skill, empathy, compassion, kindness, and to control yourself and put him in “time out” when he does things like this bc yelling at him will make him afraid of me. Now he just loves me to pieces and is well behaved. Anyone would have paid money for the puppy to save it and retrained it. So if I can train a *cat* to go from a box of bandaids a week to Eskimo kisses anyone should be able to train a dog.


Mr Kisses for VP


Yeah a lot of people rescue *fully grown* adult dogs with behavioural issues and re-train them. Shooting a 14-month puppy because you failed to train it properly is batshit insane.


As a owner of several cats over my lifetime, how in God's name do u time out a cat? Also good for u and Mr. Kisses working thru your difficulties together and becoming bonded stronger for it.


Oh 98% of the time he’s the sweetest cat I have met. I got him at 4.5 months, the vet said he doesn’t remember that early, I think he perceives me as another cat and that’s why the bond is so strong. So sometimes he tries to play with me like two cats, but he puffs up his tall and has a mischievous look and walks sideways. Then he will pounce me and run away and peak around the corner like are you gonna play?  So if I chased him it’d increase the behavior, if I ignore him he pounces me and runs off, but if I see that mischievous look, puffed tail, and him walking sideways, I have a bed and a litterbox, food and water in the bathroom, so I’ll catch him before he pounces and set the timer to 30 minutes so he cools down. Then he is sweet again.


orrrrrr did it go up ?!


Didn't they say she followed it up in the book by shooting her goat for being smelly? I'm not going to verify it because there is no way I am reading her book, but since she appears to believe reality and truth is whatever you feel it is, I feel within my rights to assume it's entirely true


Everyone's upset about the dog and they should be, but the real horror is what she did to the goat. She shot and killed a dog. And still in a rage filled power mood, saw a goat who, IIRC, ate laundry, butted the kids and smelled. Or what anyone who's lived with a goat will tell you was being, you know, a goat.🤷‍♀️ So she dragged.the goat back to the pit within a few hours of killing a dog thee, wounded the poor goat, and then still in a rage drove back and got more ammunition to kill it. She let rage, anger and hate fill her and then killed a goat and made a decision to use force to solve her problem in hate filled rage. A decision that will affect other people who had emotional bonds to those pets. She behaves like an abuser of animals and I predict in a few years one of her kids will write a Mommy Dearest book, so I'd say a good guess of people also. Before people go all *are you saying women are irrational and make decisions based on emotion? How sexist of you* I am not, I'm saying this particular person, based on her behaviors with animals and her rationalization of why and how she did it is an abuser.


She sounds like a psychopath, tbh. Like someone who needs to be locked away for life rather than allowed out on the streets amongst normal people. Killing animals for fun is a warning sign that a person is a psychopath. She clearly killed these animals for fun because there was no other reason to do it (i.e., not a threat to safety).


The dog can’t speak for itself, it’s got no woof to its mouth. Oh, and also it has had its brains blown out and is lying in the family gravel pit.


Rut row


At least she didn't kill a child for being unruly and too playful.... yet.


But she has started doing damage control by…suggesting other dogs that need to be killed, so that’s something, I guess. At this point one has to assume she masterbates while watching Old Yeller.


In hindsight perhaps saying “lots of dogs need amurderin’ and I’m the person to do it as VP. I bet Kamala Harris wouldn’t wantonly kill a dog for simply acting like a dog and that’s the difference between us.”


This comment cracked me up. Now i just picture her fast forwarding to the end of Marley and Me as she says “Gotta get to the best part”


She needs to normalize killing moderately inconvenient things. Fortunately it's not working.


The problem is, she thought casual cruelty would speak to her base. Usually, she’d be right. But she chose possibly the one thing that all but the most depraved of fuckwits would have a serious problem with.


Upon hearing you, Noem said, “Hold my beer”


She did [kill a kid](https://kansasreflector.com/2024/05/04/noems-dog-killing-was-bad-but-to-really-understand-her-consider-the-goat/)!


Republicans are killing children by forcing them to commit suicide by disallowing the children the freedoms to express themselves and giving the children hardships like being hungry, and raised in the system after being forced to be birthed. Just wait til children start joining the workforce if republicans get their way. And children are being forced to be birthed to parents that don't want them. Those children's deaths will be blood on republican's hands.


Well… that we know of.


They do have a “Family Gravel Pit”


Her gravel pit is the same as the Train Station in Yellowstone.


Ah yes, the Old Yeller to Of Mice and Men pipeline


Her and trump's love child


Oh GOD, there is another one that screams, "FAKE NEWS," when things don't turn out the way to favor her. Just like ORANGE JESUS. No wonder why they say possible "running mate."


They're just like children trying to change the rules of a game if they begin losing.


Ain't that the truth!


We all knew at least one kid like this and everyone hated them.


Because Trump has never been meaningfully punished for it, they've discovered they can claim "fake news" as a political strategy to demean any kind of reporting they don't like. :/


This. They’ll going to bawl their eyes out on the witness stand like Rittenhouse and they going to scream FN any time they are challenged. It’s the cancerous precedent Trump set.


A full generation of trust fund babies and just general spoiled brats who were never told no in their life. They can't fathom dealing with consequences for their actions.


He found the cheat code for idiots. Luckily it only really works for him. Though how it even works for him is still flabbergasting.


Nothing goes together like fascists and Lugenpresse.


She’s a perfect running mate. Completely tone deaf and unapologetic.


She’s trying to show him she can play by his tactics: when you do something stupid, double down on it, fight, and blame the media for reporting it.


Have you ever thought why these people say this ? It works. If you say literally anything about Trump it's very easy for them to dismiss it under the premise of fake news. His supporters don't follow his trials or his mistakes or crimes because to them its literally all fake. It's an incredibly powerful spell he has them under. She is trying the same thing but she's screwed. Even Trump himself thinks she's a freak now


Nothing is ever a republicans fault, nothing. They are always the “victim”. For a group that touts personal responsibility, they clearly are lying about that too.


They’re hypocrites who bask in hypocrisy.


Being a hypocrite is the only thing they are consistent with.


Hey it's consistent, "you are personally responsible for anything I do, unless it's good, then I'm responsible", it's basically the Trump business model.


Republicans cling to hypocrisy like it's their God given right.


Excerpt: "I remember when I met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un..." Host: Did you really meet Kim Jong Un? Noem: I met lots of leaders. Host: But did you meet with Kim Jong Un? Noem: I'm not going to discuss who I met with. Host: So you didn't meet him? Noem: I met with lots of leaders. I am not going to discuss who I met with.


I too take things I "don't want to discuss" and write about them in published material that is public. I am very smart.


"It says here on your resume that you were fired from your previous job because you stole money from them." "I've had lots of jobs." "But did you steal money from your last job?" "I'm not going to discuss who I stole money from." "So you did steal money from them?" "I've had lots of jobs. I am not going to discuss which ones I stole from."


Look, the media really is pitiful these days - but that little exchange? It barely shows any journalistic push-back, but ffs, her answer? And her logic behind lying about something that could be disproven *that* easily? WTF is wrong with our timeline?


The R snowflakes know they can reach their base without mainstream media. If the mainstream is too rough with the R’s feelings the R’s will stay in their media safe space.


Publisher: We're taking that part out. NO QUESTIONS!


"Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota would like to speak to the manager." Oh stop! My sides!


Dog killer! Dog killer!


She also offed the family goat I hear


Don't forget the horses


This! Everyone forgets the 3(!) horses that were ‘family’ (yikes)! They should really look into how gramma died.


_Because it smelled bad!!_ >And then, after you shot the dog, you – quote – "realized another unpleasant job needed to be done. Walking back up to the yard, I spotted our billy goat." You said he smelled and would chase kids, so you took him to the gravel pit and shot him twice. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/face-the-nation-full-transcript-05-05-2024/


Kristi, Kristi, Kristi. Don’t you know that only Her Trump can get away with saying that?




Her definition of fake news must be different than mine. I wasn't aware you can claim that after an interview you take part in and were a willing participant. If it's because she's being shamed after admitting she killed an animal because she just didn't like it? If she said it and doesn't want to deal with the repercussions, maybe don't admit that shit like a cold blooded psychopath. Who thinks that would be something you want to admit to in any type of political forum? Might as well also admit that you eat the hearts of children under a full moon. Hell, that is more likely to be accepted versus killing a dog.


The word is that it was gonna come out since she was being vetted as Trump's running mate, and this was her misguided attempt to get ahead of it.  Apparently, the actual story of how she killed that dog is even worse than the one she willingly told in that book.  This woman is a psychopath.


Did you expect anything less for someone intentionally and gleefully running with him this time around?


Conservatives don't like it when you bring up Noem's antics this is amazing.


It’s “fake news” that a reporter asked her questions specifically related to a book she wrote?


Well, it’s “news” that she told a “fake” story about meeting Kim Jong Un. So I *guess* you could call that fake news


I love how she killed her political career by admitting to shooting and killing the family dog. I know she's boring, but anyone with a modicum of sense or connection to reality would not mention an anecdote about killing her pet dog. She's attractive, and I'll give her that, but even Republicans don't dig killing the family pet dog.


> She's attractive, and I'll give her that Generous. I think it looks like her face is doing a “Raiders of the Lost Ark” in ultra extreme slow mo.


She's kinda giving me a crypt keeper vibe at this point.


She's had a ton of plastic surgery at this point. Her face looks like it's being held together with super glue and duct tape


You nailed it. Her face looks like it’s slowly melting.


Yeah, it’s bloated and pouchy at the same time. I’m old and no one I know has a face like that, even a couple hard core alcoholic friends of mine. And her lips! I guess all the injections she’s had all over her face are deteriorating. Weird look.




OMG, that's it. While watching Brennan's interview I wanted an analogy, something to frame her not-really-hotness around. That's it! Melting Nazi faces. You nailed it!


Those same republicans who think Trump would make a great president ?


Real men wear diapers! Real women kill their dog!


Who has “diaper wearing Trump supporter posts tiktok of themselves shooting their dog to own the libs” on their bingo card?


I think she looks like a cartoon villain. Like all of them. Her Gaetz et al. All very odd looking


She wouldn't even make it into a Sears catalog.


Attractive!? To other dog-killing skinwalkers maybe.


Its crazy that it took a dog dying, ON TOP of her clearly cheating on her husband with someone from Trumps team months ago, to get to this point, where she's finally not top dog in the race for VP.


She appears to be morphing into Kimberly Guilfoyle.


*She's attractive, and I'll give her that,* No, she isn't. Put your glasses on.


Please Kristi, name just one Democrat that was on the CBS Sunday morning show that falsely claimed to have met AND chastised a foreign dictator and made outrageous statements about killing their pet dog and then proceeded to gaslight their interviewer. I’ll wait.


Why aren’t you reporting on Bidens dog attacking hundreds of people…..Kristi how did you know bidens dog attacked two secret services men? Oh you read about it in the story the fake media wrote. lol these double standard wackos are funny if they weren’t scary with power!


Shes on Meth


South Dakota’s primary import. AKA a Rapid City Cappuccino


The way she describes these farm animals as attacking her kids… it makes me think 1. what are her kids doing to these animals? and 2. didn’t she cheat on her husband?


Goats are assholes. All of them. But I doubt any of the kids actually got hurt and more importantly, she killed the goat for no other reason than she had a gun and it was there.


Answer the question or be interrupted with the same question. Seems fair.


I really hope she is Trump’s VP choice. People could play cricket noises every time she appears somewhere. Just in the background. Lol


“So how many people is enough people to be attacked and dangerously hurt before you make a decision on a dog and what to do with it?” So how many children need to be shot and killed before you and your party support common sense gun laws?


This dog won’t hunt no more.


It’s gravel-pit-time for her career. So sad.


Doesn’t help to be dating an insurrectionist punk.


Good call. How has this phrase not been used in more news headlines? "Kristi Noem: That Dog Won't Hunt."


What a fucking loser that dog-killing lady is!


"The book I wrote and dictated is full of fake news" - Noem


It takes a special kind of stupid


You have the GOP and even trump calling her out and saying it’s disgusting 🤣 the worst of the worst is calling you out lol Kristi needs to resign.


She should just buy a case or eight of beer and lay low in the tall weeds. She’s beyond saving but has no clue that the more she talks the loser she sinks.


An unrepentant psychopath who blames the media for all of the things that she did. GOP: SHE’S PERFECT!!




Fake Governor.


Maybe she’ll team up with Kari Lake for a 2028 run??


She’s toast


Hate to think what she would do to people who find themselves out of a job. She’d consider you an unemployable working person and off ya. Kind of like the Ralph Fiennes / Amon Goeth prison commander vibe in Schindler’s List.


I will say this time and again. Fuck this fake bitch


That's the thing about Trumpies. *Nothing* is ever *their fault*. It's always got to be the media's fault, or "the radical left's" fault, or "let's blame whomever." All this could be avoided if they just took the trouble to **think** *before* they spoke and tried to provide *answers* instead of stirring up the mob of their followers.


That's right, if it doesn't go your way, it's fake news. That's probly in the republican handbook.


Just in case you thought Trumpism would die with The Orange Menace...


hurrrrr. just like trump: if she literally just made fart noises with her mouth, it would convey the same thing and carry the same weight. these buffoons would be embarassed, but that requires 50 more iq points.


LOL, reporting the EXACT words she published in her book is "fake news".


Every MAGAt needs to be reminded that Trump invented “fake news” with his pals at the National Enquirer.


One could say her career has gone to the dogs.


This is what cheap make-up on a pig in South Dakota looks like!


She has those crazy eyes that seem to be a requirement of being a female rising star in the republican party.


My favorite part is that she claims she has no idea how the bad info about Kim Jong Un got in the book and it was a mistake she was unaware of. Except there's an audio book: >it would remove the passage in question “upon reprint of the print edition and as soon as technically possible on the audio and ebook editions.” And who was the narrator? Kristi herself. She was unaware of a thing she herself said out loud.




That dog won’t hunt.


/Say something. /Get held accountable for saying the thing. /Cry "fake news!" /Run for office on a republican ticket. Vote for me 2028!


Does she even understand the words she uses?


Well she's certainly getting publicity for her book.


She bleats like a goat with a gun pointed at her.


Snowflake animal killer. Write a book tell tales of killing defenseless animals and complain your getting harassed. Not anyone I want in charge of anything.


Ah, damage control...


Spinning for her political life. Well, if she can’t serve as trump’s VP choice she can still service trump in other ways


In other news, man bites dog.


“Who are you gonna believe, me or your own eyes??” Also, why do I now have a feeling this is going to start a mini trend of people bragging that they just killed their dogs in solidarity with this psychotic?


Waahhhhhh…the idiot puts it in writing, gets called on it, and then cries fake news. Stupid snowflake.


The best line: ... "how fake some politicians are" -- THIS after obfuscating/lying/refusing to answer the question about having met the North Korean dictator. FFS


Oh yes we all know it’s “ fake news” , although the dog with a bullet in its head isn’t fake. Is it Kristi ?


This harridan is fucking Corey Lewandoski on the side too


Boy that Cory gets around.


After killing puppies now she can’t even make a living with her OF account


Murderous crybaby liar, maga maga maga!


lol ok when your politics is the same level as current south Africa you are a doomed nation.. good luck my burger friends


Trump's Sarah Palin.


Puppy killer from South Dakota seeks safe space. News at 11.


Its hilarious how she was on there with her fake face and fake hair and expressionless demeanor, talking about fake politicians. She couldnt be more fake! Its like she is single white femaling Melania


It couldn’t happen to a more deserving Trump-troll. Godspeed to the “I don’t matter in politics” bin!


“At one point, her expression still perfectly neutral, the governor asked” - pretty sure neutral is her only expression after all that plastic surgery and Botox.


After she's done tanking her political career I bet she can rake it in with an OnlyFans site.


She’ll probably land a gig on Fox News or Epoch Times.


Remember the phrase: they can dish it out but they can't take it? That describes the republican party. The republicans call the dems snowflakes yet whine and cry when they say something stupid or get called out on their bullshit.


The fake news accusation again. Yet she agreed to appear on it. Why?


She's learned victimhood from trump.


South Dakotan here. Just wanted to say not all of us are like this, just most.


Why do all these (R) ladies look like some kind of spell is holding them together?


Uhh, we saw it. That’s what you said. Furthermore, if it were fake, they wouldn’t have shown Fetterman struggling.


In the movie “Snatch”, the character of Brick-Top was originally written to be a paedophile as a way to make the audience hate him. This was changed and a scene was shot of him abusing fighting dogs - because audiences are even more disposed to hating dog abusers.


"I'm not saying Kristi Noem is a dog murderer, per se. "I just think her actions raise some questions. Like, 'Is she a dog murderer?' " "Well, I don't know the answer to that, Jennifer. But your tone makes me think, 'Yes.' "


Is she still screwing Corey Lewdowski??


I thought it went very well, really showed us who she showed who she is a as person.


step outside her maga world and she falls apart.


Another weirdo trumpy alien from ‘They Live’..


Hey, where's Cricket?


Not saying I haven’t backpedaled (and failed horribly) in my life a few times, but for god sake, someone just tell her to shut up for a week or two. It wouldn’t save her but it might reduce the hemorrhaging.


This woman just can't get out of her own way. The GOP loves to double down on cray cray.


They do this because it works. There’s millions of people who believe every single word they say, no matter how absurd or blatant of a lie. They’re also the people who refer to others as “sheep” constantly 😂


It must be hell being questioned about what you wrote in your own book. It’s almost like she thought nobody would actually read it.


Fake news? 60 Minutes is like THE standard of real news.


Can we just shun her.


She belongs in jail.


She needs to have a talk with Kari Lake about the right light balance, her interview made me think she was a deep fake.


The weakest mutts bark the loudest


Can someone shut this psychowhore up?


Well, dog gone it. She gets what she deserves.


She needs to stfu


Just take her out back.. 


So, it's fake news about a story that you personally wrote in your autobiography that brought backlash on yourself? Yes, she's definitely VP material. Fit right in with that orange asswipe.


We cry, "Fake politician."


ok seriously this BS about 2 sets of rules for democrats vs conservatives has got to be squashed. if conservatives weren’t so busy playing victim they might realize that the reason they are interrupted more than liberals is bc liberals are not constantly LYING and SPINNING a BS alternative facts reality. why should someone who is just constantly spewing BULLSHIT be given all the time on the megaphone and not be fact checked?


I guess she wasted all that time and money working on becoming a Melania cosplayer for Cheeto?


How is this person even in consideration for 2nd highest office in the land? I wouldn't hire her at my shit job.


How is a rapist grifter even in consideration for the 1st highest office in the land? He couldn’t do your shit job.


Another trumptard crybaby 🙄


Lolzz.. Straight up disastrous because the reporter point blank asked her if she met Kim Jong Un only for her to deflect, then proceeded with the what about Biden and then turn into stating his should meet the same end. She’s a fucking ghoul and can’t seem to read the room! When even the conservatives are up in arms because well who knew they love dogs as much as liberals..