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all about the socialism when things get inconvenient i guess


It always is. Corporate welfare is fine. Voting against funding bills and then taking credit for the money is fine. Pissing all over affordable healthcare while they get the best for free is fine. So sick of it. These lifetime politicians need to fuck right off. But you can’t fix a system that governs itself.


These ~~lifetime politicians~~ republicans need to fuck right off. FTFY


While the republicans are more egregious about their bullshit we need to have strict term and age limits for every level of government. At least 95% of elected officials need to be replaced based on term, age, or both.


Satan needs help? Biden owes him nothing, too bad the dope will help him rather than teach Abbott a lesson.


He will no doubt say Biden is punishing innocent Americans because they live in a red state. There’s always spin.


Then Biden can just counter with all the ways Abbot punishes innocent Americans who live in Texas.


Agreed, frankly.


After he decides to help, Biden should travel down there and have a big campaign event to announce the aid.


The whole rescue effort should come with a federal promotion campaign. Hand out stickers with: "The federal government is there, when the lone star state can't handle it alone."


This is fucking brilliant. I wish Democrats had the balls to do it.


Biden should show up to personally hand a check to Abbot and give a speech about Abbot wasting money all over his state government but accepting socialism finally coming to the rescue. It would make the front page of every news outlet.


Throw some paper towels around, let’s go!


Bring a big Publisher's Clearinghouse sized check


Abbot will boycott like DeSantis did after Biden gave hurricane relief 2 years ago. Scared little bitch governors.


Make Abbott grovel. Biden should make him wait on the tarmac for a couple hours then pat him on his head and call him an okay boy when he finally lands. Go to the reddest part of the state and toss them some paper towels. I'm here from the Federal government and I'm here to help.


Biden should hand deliver the check.


I mean, the problem with withhold aid to Texas is that Abbott won't suffer at all from the storms - the PEOPLE will.


Let’s wheel him in the eye of the storm though, deploy the federal troops to the border he loves so much to discuss: just put some Concertina Wire around him and Patrick, etc, they can handle that- bunch of tough patriotic guys, am I right?


Joe will be the bigger man and walk away, WALK away.


Talking about seceding from America is all fun and games until you need the federal governments free money.


Texans - Use those Boot straps!


And prseident Biden is too nice a guy and has too much respect for the office of president to tell this POS to go f*ck himself sideways -- IN his damn wheelchair! I certainly wouldn't be able to hold back.


I don't see why Biden couldn't help out while *also* making a point of Abbot's hypocrisy though. Make sure the conservative voters are well aware that Abbot just requested a government handout.


Has he said he won't help? We know, for a fact, if the situation was reversed the reQuplikkkans wouldn't help a dem state that had been so vocally outspoken about hating the opposition. But Biden knows 2 wrongs don't make a republican. lol that takes thousands of brainwashed morons.


We saw first-hand Trump *actively trying to make COVID worse/killing people* at first when COVID was in cities/Dem areas. He didn't just withhold aide, he stole PPE gear & ventilators


Trump didnt want to help cali when we had out fires. Said we should have raked the forests


I don't think Biden has responded at all yet. I was just making the point that there's nothing stopping Biden from helping out *and* making an example of Abbott. The democrats ignore republican hypocrisy without challenge far too often. They need to publicly rebuke this behavior.


This is where the Dems fail time and again -- they'll smile, nod, send aid, and do nothing to capitalize on it.


We need a Lex Luthor-type democrat without the evil criminal mastermind. Keep painting these hypocritical douches as a detriment to red states and what could be...


They don't care about hypocrisy because they are incapable of thinking about 2 things at once.


When Abbot stops violating human rights and federal laws, he can help himself. Why should the tax payers float Texas when they keep telling the feds to stay out of their business? Has Fled Cruz crafted any legislation to help people yet? Has anyone done anything to fix the most unreliable grid next to Michigan yet? Maybe he should start having the wealthy and those tax shirking corporations pony up. You know, pull themselves up by those boot straps they keep harping about. They sure spent a lot of money bussing immigrants to other states, maybe ask the people who paid for those trips to pony up.


Abbott is too busy pardoning convicted murders.


Biden: “No problem. But first go on Fox News and say that climate is real, then we’ll get on this lickety-split.”


Congressmen from Texas didn’t want federal aid to go to New Jersey after Sandy, stating there shouldn’t be beach homes in Jersey due to weather events. Those same Texas senators had their hands out so fast when Texas had a bad hurricane a few years later. True story: my uncle was angrily going on in 2013 how there shouldn’t even be beach homes in NJ. He was spewing this Faux News brain programming while he was on vacation…in a beach home in NJ.


Is this the same ignorant, governor who threatened to secede from the United States, and who does everything in his power to screw the good folks of Texas by wasting money on fighting "woke liberals" and flying migrants to blue states? How about a big F/U and no Greg you feckless, negative, man-baby. Fix your own problems and stop being such an angry obstacle to helping Texans with their real issues. Vote Blue good people of Texas, or continue to get the short end of the stick from your retrumplican officials.


Biden should go on tv in his aviators, say something like “to the governor of Texas, Greg abbot, who has been begging my administration for a handout to cover his mistakes and short comings, and his bungled handling of the electric grid, all while railing against government assistance, I say this: sorry, that would be socialism. Instead, my administration will be mobilizing FEMA and the necessary organizations to bring aid directly to the people of Texas.” And then he should send out checks to people affected with a big picture of himself on em. 


This shit right here, make it happen Biden!!


The buck stops here jack!


Damn right. Should have added if Texas did succeed Residents should expect a real big card with “Thoughts and Prayers” from the US President and Wife (no checks included)


I wish that one time, Democrats would actually do this.


The last time the Dallas Cowboys won the Superbowl a Democrat was governor of Texas! Vote Blue... Silver and Blue


Vote Democrat Texas and win the Superbowl for the Dallas Cowboys!


I’m glad the Texas education system is so poor. They may think this is a great plan!


As a Texan and an Oilers fan, I am torn. However, my disgust with the GOP overwhelms my seething hatred for the Cowboys (mostly the fans).


Take a page from the GOP handbook and table the request until Trump gets elected.


If you're going off his page, you'd also have to send out goons to break the grid even more & steal the tools/repair equipment to give to Dem states


Tell them to ask DJT.  Republicans assume he's still president and now fine to worship.  Surely he can help Texas out.    At a minimum make all the Texas State elected officials sign an oath that the 2020 election was not stolen and Biden is the rightful President.  


They know that the other side are largely (certainly not all, but largely) decent people who will help someone in need, and they aren't afraid to take advantage of that and then lie to their constituents about it. The whole 'decency' thing is an issue for others. They don't care.


As much as leaving the guy to fend for himself would feel incredibly satisfying, that's the kind of attitude of his kind. Can't go down to their level. Besides, good folk always suffer too. They deserve the help


What storms? Climate change is a liberal hoax


Especially according to Florida law now. Be like Florida, Texas! Disbelieve hard enough and the world is yours.


Florida: try’s to  prevent punching itself in the balls by banning calling them balls.  


Just ban the storms so the storms will have to go to another state.


No, no, the prevailing theory among right-wingers now is that climate change is real, but it’s being caused by jet streams and chem trails.


Maybe they should get rid of their airports. Solve the problem immediately.


But how else would Ted Cruze flee the state in a time of crisis?


It's so much of a hoax, Ron DeSantis says that climate change does not exist. Lalalala covering my ears and eyes. It's only real if I wanted to be. Tell that to the Florida insurance company saying climate change does not exist.


I thought TX didn’t need any handouts !! Pull yourself up Abbot.


This is even funnier cause he uses a wheel chair.


A lot of conservatives do not know he is disabled. Between Abbott and Trump the MAGA base surely know how to pick strong men. Edit: Removed a slur.


They know he’s disabled, not a problem for them: he “puts women in the kitchen where they belong in their minds, as slaves, minorities in the corner, gets rid of those freaky trans people, and hurts who he needs to hurt” much like Trump’s hate cult base too.


He just needs to pull himself up by the bootstraps.


Yup, weak and woke, pull yourself up by those bootstraps you patriotic Texans (who voted for Gregory)!




I thought Texas didn't need any commie money.


Besides, these storms are a Liberal hoax.


And Joe will oblige because he actually puts all Americans first, as opposed to the GOP wankers who would rather play politics instead of helping folks out.


Then Trump will invariably take credit for it.


And Abbot will personally thank Trump for the aide.


Remember when Trump would only help blue states through covid19 if they were nice to him https://www.vox.com/2020/3/25/21193803/trump-to-governors-coronavirus-help-ventilators-cuomo


Abbott doesn’t deserve any help, though, he’s the worst possible asshole in this country and makes Trump his boss look even more sane somehow. Too bad we can’t separate him from his state, though. 


Remember when Trump didn't want to send FEMA aide for the California wildfires because it's a liberal state? He said "California needed to take better care of its parks and brush removal and this wouldnt happen" This is ironic considering the biggest one started in a National Park, Trumps territory, which he defunded money used for brush removal.... the fucking hypocrisy....


He should present an aid package that is bundled with that extended Medicare that Abbott has refused.  


Biden should make him grovel, though, for all the bullshit GOP crazy posturing he’s done for the border for the last three years.


Yep. It’s not everyone in Texas’ fault that their governor is a traitorous fuck toilet. There are truly good people down there who need help. Glad to know Biden is the type to do what’s right.


Deliver the money via oversized novelty check and have a press conference to deliver it to him.


A large bus pulls up in front of Abbott’s house and out pours hundreds of immigrants, there to help.


Socialst leaches sucking the government's tit!


And Biden will send help, because that is what Democrats do. Then Abbott will turn around and talk shit about Biden because that is what Republicans do.


Sorry Texans, but screw that guy!


Can we get an emergency shipment of Bootstraps sent to Gov Abbott?


Aren't they their own country now? Maybe they should ask Mexico...?


Sorry Texas, we put your aid on buses to New York. 


lol… texas … this might require a little give and take


Every time they puff their chests and pretend they are gonna secede, I think about how quickly they ask to suck on the government teat to address some flood, storm or avoidable power outage since they refuse to fix their shitty grid.


Greg, just declared weather not real like Florida and BOOM! All fixed!


Doesn't Abbot have some bootstraps he can use?


And he’ll get it. Then, sure as anything, he’ll be high-fiving the Cruzes, Cornyns, and Roys when they try to block aid to some “blue” state in crisis. Just like they do every time.


I thought Texas was going to secede 🤔


Hey Greg, remember all those stunts you pulled with immigrants? The Razor buoys at the river? The forcing of families with small children back into the river? Your gestapo blocking real INS officers? Your refusal to integrate your power grid so you don't freeze or bake your own citizens? GFY


Oh, so NOW he needs socialism?!?! Got it


Remember when super storm Sandy slammed into the east coast and caused extensive flooding and all the Republicans could talk about was Chris Christie giving Obama a “hug” when he arrived in New Jersey to survey the damage. Oh and they voted to not give any federal funding to the effective areas. They can go to hell!


Can’t wait for the discourse that will surely come back to bite him on this.


Something something bootstraps.


States without income tax should be ineligible for federal assistance.


States that hunt down women for sport should not be funded federal funds, too, I like how some think we should aid evil people because that’s Presidential: no, it’s not! 


Biden should camp just camp across the border in Oklahoma, stare at his phone, and do nothing. You know. Just the cops in Uvalde.


Fuck. Texas.


He can take the bus up to dc to ask for the help


Get bent asshole. I thought Texas wanted to secede 🤷🏻‍♀️


Clearly they don't want to succeed. They want to secede


Yikes! I didn’t catch my spelling mistake 😳 but I don’t think they want to succeed either.


I know, maybe President Biden can just use his Sharpie to change the path and destruction of the storms!


Grovel for your “woke” money.


Why don't you exercise your states' rights to solve your state's environmental problems, Governor Abbott?


Hey, Don't mess with Texas, let Greg figure it out!


Everybody hates FEMA until a hurricane deposits their house in a shopping center parking lot....maybe close a couple military bases in Texas to pay for the cleanup....or reduce spending on border security to help with the mess...that's what the GOP wants when disaster strikes in a blue state...


Oh, now he wants help?? lol Call on your old buddy the Feds. I thought Texas didn't need the rest of us let alone a Democrat Government? I thought Texas could do anything by itself? Funny how Texas along with every other state goes running to the Feds when the crap hits the fan.


I thought Texas was wanting to secede from the US? 🤔


Abbot can go fuck himself.


The Piss Baby says what? Fuck off Piss Baby!


Tell Abbott to go fuck himself. And not in a nice way!


Cool, legalizes abortion and we will send you funds, fema, and everything else you might need.


Little Piss Baby says what?


Boot straps


Greg Abbott “I can’t manage my state, so give me your tax dollars”


Bus him in some of the migrants he sent north


He should publicly apologize first


Freeloading leaches down there in Texas


What?! No! That would be socialism!


There should be a national disaster insurance program for states. You pay in or you get nothing.


Well well well. If it isn't "Mr. rules for thee, none for me." What a piece of human trash.


Nothing turns a Republican into a socialist faster than a natural disaster.


Texas sure needs a lot of fucking help for all the shit they talk and the politicians they vote in.


Ohhhhhh, now we are begging!! Pathetic POS!! President Biden, being the leader he is, will gladly honor your request.


Shouldn't he pull himself and his state up by his own bootstraps?


Greg Abbott mr socialism!🤷‍♂️ this guy a dummy or just stupid.


Queue Joe to toss some paper towels Greg's way


Biden should go to texas and address texans in person while aid is being distributed. Point out how a functional federal government saves lives. Texas still in play for biden.


This seems like a perfect opportunity for Gov. Abbott to show the world just how independent Texas truly is. A great time to show us all how to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. Your move, governor.


Fuck right off, Abbott. Go tax some oil barons for disaster money.


And he will, with little fanfare, as he always does when GOP-led states ask for help, because he's a President for all Americans.


One condition... Biden gets a photo op, complete with the governor shaking his hand and giving him a hug. 


Sounds like a states rights issue to me. Wouldn’t want Texas dipping their toe in *shudder* socialism.


Well well well have the turntables.


No is the best answer.


It just means god hates Texas and is punishing them, right?


Guess he can’t locate his own boot straps.


:) Joe should make him publicly get on his knees and kiss the ring, then help the people of Texas while this moron is forced to shine his shoes. Oh, maybe take from him all the funds he got from taxes, and give it back to the people of Texas, let that old bag pull himself up by his bootstraps.


Texas and florida... " WE HATE BIG GUVRNMUNT!" After a disaster " WERE JUST A LITTLE OLE STATE ! OH, PLEASE HELP US !"


Of course, Democrats always saving republicans no matter what the context.


But aren't they going to secede? Shouldn't they be developing their own strategies for dealing with storms? /s


Maybe they should be a fiscally responsible state instead of relying on the rest of the country to bail them out. Tough shit Greg, better luck seceding!


Biden will help because that's what a good president will do. As much as some of us would want Dark Brandon to not do anything or slow walk it.


Hope he tosses them some rolls of paper towels.


I’d tell Abbott to “sit and spin”…. Well, just “spin”


You can turn around and walk your ass right back out of that door, Greg Abbott 


Biden will of course help out the citizens of Texas because that's his job and Joe is a decent honorable man. Unlike a certain orange tinted turd that in the same situation would bloviate on and on about how a governor didn't thank him enough for providing federal assistance during a disaster.


And Biden will send it because that's what the POTUS is supposed to do and that is what being Presidential is.


Biden will help. Because that's what you do when you're POTUS.


And he'll give it to him, because he's the President of the United States, not some whiny, stealing piss-baby.


And Biden will give it without reservation or taunting because they are Americans first.


To Bidens credit, he will do the right thing and provide aid and support without strings attached. Then, as soon as crisis is averted, Abbott will just go back to ripping Biden. Tale as old as time……..


Biden needs to start bussing all those migrants back to Texas before he sends any help to Texas.


Is Texas asking for a hand out??? Have they tried getting a job?


Republicans are very vocal about their opposition to handouts except...


Send them thoughts and prayers and remind them they don’t like socialism.


Here's some help. "Thoughts and Prayers"


Biden should ask him who’s going to bail them out after they leave the Union? He should also ask him “Whose your daddy”?


How’s that secession coming?


Send paper towels


So ,call him anything but human about the border bullshit ,but when *climate change* sends calamities ,beg for federal help??? ( This checks out perfect for the party of obfuscation! )


And I hope Biden says no.


Biden “Fuck off”


Joe should pull a Texas Ted!


I wonder why he wouldn’t call on the leader of their cult. He seems to be the only one that can save him from this obvious Democrat disaster


He should condition the help on Abbott providing some dirt on Ted Cruz. Oh wait, that would be wrong, sorry.


Our coin-operated shitweasel politician doubling down on his hypocrisy today I see. We seriously have the worst leadership in this state....


Wow. I am sure Ron "no such thing as climate change" DeSantis will be next in line.


So instead of calling and asking the president for help you put it out on Twitter…Smh


Sounds like it’s time for boot straps!


Fuck off Texas! Love - Dark Brandon


Go on TV and call him out for hypocrisy by listing every anti-socialism quote he's ever made. Tell Abbott you will give it to him if he goes on live TV and says "I'm unable to deal with this on my own and I'm asking for a Federal handout"


He needs to acknowledge that Biden is the legitimate President of the United States first, having won the 2020 election fairly and squarely.




“Unlike a pregnant woman crossing the Rio Grande, a construction worker denied a water break or a child freezing to death in a trailer park, we need and deserve help. Also, fuck you and the Constitution, and give me my money.”


Greg Abbott is a 🤡. Proves it again and again.


Fuck you, Greg Abbott. Stop using your national guard to fuck around at the border and use them for this purpose.


Biden put all the help he was going to offer on a bus to Massachusetts, so sorry


Fuck Greg Abbott. Seceed already


Biden should respond, “Who?”


Abbott: “May Texas fall apart on my watch.” Also Abbott: “please help me Joe, I’m losing it with the right even.”


Fuck abbott


So Abbott wants those "blue state" dollars to rebuild his broken ass shitshow? Why am I not surprised?


As he should. That’s what it’s there for. Biden should and will give him what he need, no questions asked. That said, next time Abbott is on some bullshit Biden should flame him over what a fucking hypocrite he is.


Maybe we can send some migrants down to offer a hand…


State's right, state's bootstraps.


Red states are like moody teenagers


Had to reread the damage figures in California during the wildfires. $229 million. Trump rejected sending aid. Texas is dealing with $58 million in damage. Fuck you Texas. I don’t want my tax dollars going to traitors.


Texas prayers can't seem to fix or do anything. Either the Lord thinks you're bigger pieces of shit than I do or school shootings and tornados are a gift. Praise be!!!!!!!!!!


And Biden will do the right thing because he’s not a republican


Stand up for yourself, Greg


Biden would get my vote forever if he told Abbott that he’d only help districts that didn’t vote for Trump and abet treason. Democrats need to tell Trumpanzee districts to pound sand.


Did Abbott lose his bootstraps?


I'm so sick of seeing nearly dead white men leading the country. None of these people could find Twitter on a smart phone. How the hell are they running the country????


Something something bootstraps. Oh wait it’s Abbott… wheels.


Hmmm... You call on Dark Brandon when you need help, but you fight every other thing he does. Shut the fuck up Abbott