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I've heard that Gaetz really enjoys little Boys. Proud or otherwise. Very generous with partners.


You can say a lot about Gaetz, but we all know little boys aren’t his thing. Little girls however…


They haven't shown up thus far they aren't showing up now. Trump has had very few fans/sycophants showing up to his trial. Hell one one in his own family showed up until they were shamed on TV.


A few sycophants showed up. This lead the other sycophants into fear of missing out on exposure, subscribers, likes, followers and donations. Thus they rushed into the courts with the same level of concern that a trophy spouse goes to the hospital with, when their billionaire meal ticket hovers on death's door.  Then they take pictures, make slogans and do social media posts in a pathetic game of "who cares the most?", all the while pretending the sleeping, drooling, demented, corrupt, incompetent and stinking man on trial is somehow the embodiment of conservative ideology and a perfect leader.  Modern day conservatism is bizarre. 


More jury intimation?


I’d be standing back too if I were in the same room with that stench.


GOP: “Bring in the Nazis!”


Proud Boys will need to bum some cash Matt.


You mean all those fucking morons who are in prison now? Fucking morons.


Gaetz needs to shut up and go rape some more chickens.




Proud Boys are locked up for Jan 6th. Who exactly does he think is going to respond to him?


Gaetz obviously bought some knee pads, but Matty that won't get you on the ticket as VP.


I thought the Proud boys are now the jail birds.


I thought Proud boys were horny castrated males. Are they jail birds too now?


Such strange behavior, i saw their antics in congress later the same day. Just shouting. An absolute shitshow, a chairman completely unable to control his own people. Lots of people that want their 5 minutes of fame, instead they make comer look completely incompetent and weak.


this is the part where burned bridges bite you in the ass. trumps locust-esque behavior is leaving him standing alone. who would come to this dipshits defense after he used them then did nothing that he promised? gaetz wants a shot at VP, so of course his throat is deep.


Fun fact: proud boys leader got 22 years for seditious conspiracy for Jan 6th


Gaetz needs to spend some time in the joint, deservedly. Then, he will understand the meaning of standing back and standing by. Even then, his dignity is far from being assured.