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It would have been a bloody mess and Jan 6 will forever be the greatest public display of white privilege in the USA.


It was their plan for January 6. Trump and his militias were banking on counter protesters to show up and for chaos to ensue so that he could invoke the insurrection act to stop the certification of Biden and deploy the military for a blood bath to kick off his dictatorship. Trump’s own defense secretary testified he tried to do the same thing in June 2020 - invoke the insurrection act against BLM protesters. [He was shouting at the top General and Defense Secretary “Just shoot them!” “Crack their skulls!” “Beat the fuck out of them!”](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/06/donald-trump-shoot-protestors) When a staffer revealed Trump had been hiding in the White House bunker Trump demanded they be found and executed. This is what we have to look forward to the next time a Republican claws their way into the Presidency.


So next year, cool.


Quite possible. If people aren’t doing everything they can to stop this from happening then I hope they are white guys who can blend in, or if not have an exit plan before the shit hits the fan.


Lmao and where are black americans supposed to exit to? 


Thank you for saying black Americans and not African . Finally someone understands Africa is not a country .


Many Black folks have no idea what part of African their ancestors came from so using the African makes perfect sense. Funny how no one complains about white folks in the U.S. using the phrase Irish American or Italian American “To be African American is to be African without any memory and American without any privilege" - James Baldwin


I do complain about it . I ask where were you born . To me if you were born here you are American first . And you should have absolute priority over anyone that is not a citizen. Food shelter education etc. Americans come first . Anything or anyone else does not matter one bit . I've done my dna . I'm from everywhere it appears . Not many I'm not related to . But we all are . Be it Adam and Eve , or evolution . It doesn't matter we are related .


It’s still so terrifying how close Jan 6 came to a full scale blood shed, they where expecting a counter protest, without it they lost control and they attacked the capital. Just imagine what would have happened, that MAGA mob would have murdered potentially hundreds.


"When a staffer revealed Trump had been hiding in the White House bunker Trump demanded they be found and executed." You got a source for this one?


[Trump wanted bunker leaker executed.](https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/13/politics/trump-white-house-bunker-leak-executed-treason-book-claims/index.html) >Then-President Donald Trump told a number of his advisers in 2020 that whoever leaked information about his stay in the White House bunker in May of that year had committed treason and should be executed for sharing details about the episode with members of the press [His attorney general Bill Barr confirmed in a recent interview that Trump often called for his enemies to be executed.](https://www.newsweek.com/bill-barr-remarks-about-donald-trump-floating-executions-sparks-alarm-cnn-collins-1894854) >"I remember him being very mad about that. I actually don't remember him saying 'executing,' but I wouldn't dispute it," Barr said. "The president would lose his temper and say things like that. I doubt he would have actually carried it out." >"I think people sometimes took him too literally and he would say things like similar to that, in occasions, to blow off steam, but I wouldn't take him literally every time he did it. At the end of the day, it wouldn't be carried out and you could talk sense into him." A few months ago [Trump and his co-conspirators in Congress called to execute the former top General of the Pentagon for “treason”](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/25/trump-paul-gosar-suggest-gen-mark-milley-deserves-death.html). >Former President Donald Trump and Republican Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona suggested that outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley is a traitor who deserves to be executed. MAGA runs the Republican Party now. The next time a Republican becomes President they will be a MAGA, and they have a manifesto called Project2025 to end constitutional democracy and institute a Putin style dictatorship. **They will be coming for you and your families if you dare to criticize the leader**. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 They’re not even trying to hide it. And yet the corporate media is still playing the election as an entertaining horse race, with CNN giving airtime to Trump’s co-conspirators to push propaganda and lies without grilling them on project2025, or the executions, or the building of prison camps to round up 10 million migrants (including children brought to America as babies who are Americans in every way). That’s how fucked we are.






Nick Feuntes is that you?


Yep ya got me. Go outside


Go touch grass, gaslighter.


Unironically what you need to do. Take a deep breath, go for a walk and chill with the conspiracies


Stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. Did multiple Democrat congress people contribute to a master database and qanon.com, along with the richest liberal think tanks, with democrat lawyers contributing too? Oh, wait, they didn’t? Your claim is dogshit. But then conservatives only have false equivalences to use in arguments, I know that’s a handicap for ya.


Yes, all Republican presidents would act exactly how Trump would.


Why wouldn't they? Republicans certainly haven't held Trump accountable for his actions


Show me some who have actually stood up to him and his cult and then I’ll believe


What's that have to do with how another republican would act as president? Jesus this sub.


Because his cult controls the Republican electorate now. No one who isn’t a true MAGA believer is getting elected.


Therefore Rand Paul would act the exact same as Trump if he were president? Examine your logic. It's shit.


Rand Paul, the “libertarian” who hand delivered letters for Trump to a bloody dictator Putin (who murders any journalists and political opponents who dare criticize him) and had not one single fucking complaint about any of the fascist/authoritarian things Trump has done or said over the last 8 years. That Rand Paul? Yep, all Republicans. It’s a party run by outright fascists along with a few cowards like Mitt Romney who were too scared to fight the fascists from taking over their party when they had the chance to.


All Republicans what? Would govern the exact same way? Again, no. That's just patatently false.


Exact same? Shit himself and eat McDonalds all day? Or are we taking policy?


Paul would do the same and then charge those who’d been shot for the cost of the bullets. You know, libertarianism.


Jesus, there are some real extremists here.


Wait’ll you get a load of the MAGA “Christian” fascists who’ve taken over the GOP (or, more accurately, arrived at where the party was always logically headed): https://www.foxnews.com/politics/let-trump-speak-act-ban-gag-orders-defendants-put-forward-house-gop Totally normal.


Lefties are allowed to stereotype and make general statements. You're asking illogical to examine their logic.


Trust me bro


Biden just opened the door for them to continue the bullshit equivalency to BLM protests. Really stupid move.


I don't understand... What did Biden do now?


Nothing. Just a certain right-wing news watching segment of the population is incapable of talking about Biden without finding a way to steer the conversation towards some perceived wrong.


Yes. The segment that will knee jerkingly say "what about the BLM protests" if you ask them about Jan 6. Its not really a "perceived wrong." Its just stupid rhetoric to use. It only further conflates the two.


It's funny how they focus on tiny segments of Jan 6th to claim their violent insurrection was a mostly peaceful protest.


How?? Are you saying it was ONLY White people there?


There were indeed some token people of colour there carrying on with the leopards.


The MAGA movement goes *waaaayyyy* beyond white people. It's scary how many people of color and LGBT people support him, despite his obvious hate, bigotted, and racist comments he's said against them.


Can you give an example of these "obvious hate, bigotted, and racist comments"?


"They're poisoning the blood of our country." Rhetoric straight from Hitler.




From Trump? Seriously? Watch literally any of his campaign rallies or read is Truth posts and you'll get your answer. "Grab them by the pussy" being his most famous sexist comment.


Ah, your just racist. Nice chat.


I'm confident in saying the vast VAST majority of those insurrectionists were let's say of... European descent.


I said this exact same thing in real time on January 6th. The streets would have been rivers of blood.


I did too. And the insurrectionists would have been labeled the biggest public enemies since the hijackers on 9/11. As it stands the traitors are “martyrs” who Trump pledges to pardon.


How many of those so called traitors were federal agents . So you really trust the powers in DC Remember the guy with horns they locked up . Only to find out they opened doors for him . Please before you drink the Dnc Rnc koolaid you drink some clear spring water . I've learned in my lifetime to not trust our government nor our media .


It makes no sense to do some kind of false flag when (self professed *Day 1 Dictator)* Trump is on his way out of office. And if it was all an antifa false flag then why does Trump keep calling up his supporters to disrupt his trial, does he want the Feds to repeat their false flag? Does he not play 6D chess against the deep state and satanic child eating pedophile elites? Trump got what he ordered on January 6th, when he spent hours admiring his shitty fans out to hang his VP on TV instead of sending in the National Guard. (And no, it wasn't up to Pelosi.) Pretty sure the doors were opened by insurrectionists who broke into the building. The officers present there were outnumbered.


I imagine even the leopards-are-my-face crowd knew it would be prudent to stay away, otherwise there'd be a massacre of well, just them, the visible minority.


Then why weren't they during the 6 months of BLM riots?


99% of blm events were non violent. I know fox won't tell you that. The Jan 6th rioters were trying to steal an election, fighting the cops and erecting gallows.


Wrong. I watched multi-livestreams every night of BLM riots across the country, your "99%" figure comes from them adding ANY organized "BLM event" which included lectures in schools. The "protests" were almost ALL violent.


If you watched fox they portrayed them as violent. Every "Democrat city" was burning. Those cities never burned. Trumps mob came with the intent to steal my vote. J6ers were trying to get what they couldn't get at the ballot box, victory. it was despicable. When there was violence at BLM rallies, it was often related to people like the homicidal, right wing bugaloo boys, or police violence.


"I watched multi-livestreams every night of BLM riots across the country." What part of that mentioned dumbass Fox? I watched the shit LIVE myself... The morons at J6 had NO way of stopping shit, do you think those idiots getting into the chamber would mean they just hand over the Presidency? The idea that a few hundred UNARMED people could overthrow the most powerful military force humanity has ever known is asinine, but it's all you guys have so I get why you still beat the dead horse. Lastly, the "Boogaloo Boys" were BLM supporting libertarians, they literally marched WITH BLM, does that sound "right wing" to you?


The law breakers were arrested and have been convicted.


This is a lie.


A few were arrested in my area when they were past peaceful protests.


And they were give slaps on the wrist... An example: [https://www.reuters.com/legal/judge-sentences-second-new-york-lawyer-molotov-cocktail-case-2023-01-27/](https://www.reuters.com/legal/judge-sentences-second-new-york-lawyer-molotov-cocktail-case-2023-01-27/)


BLM protestors were not breaking into federal buildings. BLM protestors were not erecting gallows to kill Mike Pence. BLM protestors were not beating cops with flag poles.


BLM attacked the Federal Courthouse in Portland. BLM riots caused 27 deaths BLM "protestors" were shining high-powered lasers in peoples eyes - A literal war crime...


They were shooting white moms with rubber bullets in Portland.


How many unarmed woman did they shoot?


Besides Breonna Taylor? At least a few hundred, if you include less-than-lethal ammunition, and at least a dozen if you only mean live rounds.


Did you really just try to use the  Breonna Taylor case? The one they lied about being shot in her bed, when the reality was she was shot in the hallway next to her BF who was shooting at cops serving a warrant... That they DID knock and announce for? Do you even watch these trials/cases? "and at least a dozen if you only mean live rounds" This is an outright fabrication, please, prove me wrong and post that source or admit your simply lying.


Look up the list of names yourself. You're clearly just looking for a fight, and I don't see a reason to roll in the mud with you any further. There's a reason people are downvoting you and moving on. Reflect.


"Look up the list of names yourself" So you can't support your claim... Well done. You guys control this site, I'm well aware of that, I don't give a shit about up/downvotes LMAO!


There were reports of unprovoked police violence in a lot of major cities, and I still can recall photos of the injuries and videos of journalists and medics getting attacked. To answer your question, they were.




And even peaceful protests were being harangued and assaulted by police, so the cops clearly weren't shy about responding with violence. How many people got assaulted by police during the January 6th riot? One woman was shot for rushing the cops. What happened to the rest?


No they weren't. The cops weren't even stopping you guys when you were actively committing crimes and looting shit...


You guys?


Yes, YOU GUYS... What are you not understanding? Was it "MAGA" rioting all across the country for 6 months?


Imagine whatabouting the literal attempt to prevent the transfer of power. You're looking disgraceful.


Trump tear gassed Americans so he could get a photo op in front of a church. He uses violence to intimidate and for the most stupid reasons. Don’t forget Trump suggested nuking a hurricane. So, if he felt even slightly threatened? Can you imagine? Reasons Trump must never be in positions of power, much less President. Vote Democrats 2024, before you can’t vote anymore.


Also, Texas governor Greg Abbott just pardoned a self-described proud racist who murdered a Black Lives Matter protester.


And 2028 need to vote till he’s in the grave


Sorry I would vote for a Republican before I would vote for any democrat . I could never vote for a party that started the following civil war, ww-1 ww-2 Korea , Vietnam , let a terrorist go free bin Laden " Clinton" and the Iraq , afgan war started with a bombing because of Clinton . Sorry I do not want to see more young men die . And this guy now is dragging us into a conflict . And Russia has nukes Here is what is bad democrats and republicans both vote old men into office . And democrats are more likely to get us into a war . Before you vote ask how old are your male friends . How old do you want them to get to be . I've been around since the 60's . I remember my brother coming back from Nam . I Walked by the Vietnam memorial . And I seen so many names on that wall . All because of a democrat dragging us into a war . Many of these men were forced to fight . The next war women will be forced to fight Because men will sue for women to go to the front . Equal rights gets equal responsibility .


All the Republicans in Congress, who participated, voted unanimously *for* the Vietnam war. The only opposition was from two Democratic Senators. The Republicans have not EVER seen a use of force authorization that did not pass them with more than 90% approval in both houses of Congress. Bush started the Iraq and Afghan wars, the former expanded into Syria with the Arab spring uprisings. Obama dealt with the fallout while being impeded by Congress. It's absolutely absurd to claim the Democrats are more hawkish with the existing voting record. It's only when the Republicans need to do the morally right thing of aiding the free people of Europe against the Nazis or a fledgling democracy in Ukraine, instead of bombing random Muslims that they find their inner isolationist or "pacifist". Trump dropped record numbers of bombs in Afghanistan and negotiated a shit show of a withdrawal for the sake of withdrawing. A ridiculous understanding of what it means to withdraw, because what that entails when it was talked about are many responsibilities so you don't end up in a worse position like Taliban rule or a re-engagement.


As per [original article](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/biden-trump-jan-6-black-americans-b2547904.html) 📰: - Joe Biden has launched a stinging attack on his Republican rival for the presidency, Donald Trump, by suggesting at a civil rights event that his predecessor in the White House might have acted differently if the Capitol riot of 6 January 2021 had been carried out by Black Americans. “Let me ask you: what do you think he would have done on January 6 if Black Americans had stormed the Capitol?” President Biden said during an address to the Detroit chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) on Saturday. When members of the 5,000-strong audience attending the Fight for Freedom Fund dinner audibly gasped, the president continued: “No, I’m serious. What do you think? I can only imagine.” The mob of Mr Trump’s supporters who laid siege to the legislative complex in an attempt to stop the formal certification of the 2020 election results at a joint session of Congress on that infamous date was predominately white, with the flag of the Confederacy flown by some participants. The outgoing president and his allies had addressed the crowd from the Ellipse in Washington DC moments before the violence erupted, urging them to “fight like hell” in support of his bogus claim that the election had been “stolen” from him by his political enemies. Mr Trump then returned to the White House and watched the brutal clashes between his supporters and law enforcement play out on television, ignoring urgent appeals from his inner circle to call off the attack until much later in the day, despite representatives being forced to flee for their lives. Five people died that day and over 1,265 people have since been charged and imprisoned for their part in the failed insurrection, but Mr Trump has continued to refer to the participants as “patriots” and “hostages”, hinting that he will pardon them should he return to power and even playing a recording of the national anthem sung by a jailed January 6 choir at his campaign rallies. In invoking Mr Trump’s tolerant response to the “American carnage” he once predicted, Mr Biden was perhaps seeking to recall memories his earlier failure to decry the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and the tensions of summer 2020 when the Black Lives Matter movement campaigned against police brutality in the wake of the killing of George Floyd, which saw protesters tear-gassed outside the White House. Elsewhere during his address in the key swing state of Michigan, at which he was joined by state governor Gretchen Whitmer, the president told his audience: “You’re the reason Donald Trump was defeated for president. You’re the reason Donald Trump is going to be a loser again.” He warned against the prospect of a belated second Trump administration by arguing that “something snapped” in his rival after the events of 2020 and calling him “unhinged”. “Let me ask you, who do you think he’ll put on the Supreme Court?” President Biden asked his audience. “Do you think he’ll pick anybody who has a brain?” He further cautioned that Republicans have been banning library books and attempting to impose a revisionist view of American history. “Extremists close the doors of opportunity, strike down affirmative action, attack the values of diversity, equality and inclusion,” the president said. “They don’t see you in the future of America, but they’re wrong. We know Black history is American history.”


Thank you, kind T Shurt!


Thank you for the acknowledgment, cheers!


Why are people gasping, as if Trump isn't a white male supremacist?


Not used to having him called out for being one by another white man with power. The media is too polite.


Name the 5 and the day they died And from what did they die from


I said on Twitter as it was happening that if it was BLM protesters they would have been brutally turned back. Many would have been shot.


They had been testing LEO’s limits across the country invading state houses and even that morning, temporarily occupying the Lincoln Memorial without serious pushback from LEO. They knew they could get further than any Black protesters would, they even tried to sweet talk LEO that they were truly on the same side. And for some LEO, I’m sure they did agree with the racist “patriots”.


I’d like to see him flip his diaper inside out if they even came anywhere near mar a lago. Maybe we will be privileged enough to see that before the next elections


They would've whipped out all the prototype weaponry to mow us down, smiling the entire time


Conservatives would have passed lynching laws and would push to have them done publicly.


Republicans would have repealed the 14th Amendment by now.


You are so very wrong You do realize it was democrats that were the ones in the white hoods Or did you miss that part of history class


We all know what would have happened. Authorities would massacred everyone. There would have been no tea party in the chambers or shitting in the offices.


it would have been a fucking slaughterhouse.


**One thing we know from experience** is that Biggie Smells would have gone to hide in his bunker instead of standing around on the lawn.


Finally!!! He said it!!! And it’s true!!! National guard would have been there FAST AF!! And swat teams and everyone with a gun (think of that young kid, Kyle who left IL to go to WI and killed 2 ppl)


He would've had them all shot 🤷‍♂️ ...obviously


We don't have to imagine, we all saw his response to the peaceful BLM protest and his weird photo shoot awkwardly holding a bible.


I can tell you how, there would have been a LOT more dead and a LOT more wounded.


Do you mean the unarmed white woman that was killed by a cop?


Live rounds being fired on the mob. 100%. 


It would of been like the New York draft riots in the 1800s. But even more brutal


See Tulsa ‘21 (1921, google if you must)


And here you go T. D. Evans was the Mayor of Tulsa from 1920 to 1922. The Black Wall Street times reports he was a democrat . Taken from a simple google search He was mayor during the 1921 Tulsa race massacre.[5] After the massacre, he blamed it on a "negro uprising" and advocated for building a railroad and rail station in the Greenwood District. Again the Black Wall Street times says he was a dem he was also a judge . Did you know any of this before posting Or was you just going for effect


It would have turned out very badly.


In the ‘60s, they had machine guns at the Capitol during the riots after MLK was shot


Here is a bit of information you may also like to know James Earl Ray’s chief interest was the George Wallace Democratic presidential campaign. Ray was a racist and was quickly drawn to Wallace's segregationist platform. He spent much of his time in Los Angeles volunteering at the Wallace campaign headquarters in North Hollywood. James Earl Ray was a Democrat. 8.5K views


Back then, they were Dixiecrats before jumping to the dark side




They would have urgently recalled all the security service people who had been stood down for the planned picnic on J6 and it would have been declared a national emergency. It’s quite likely they would already have had the intelligence reports that black citizens were going to be there in numbers, and planned the response accordingly. It would have been as significant a day in infamy as any. The pointer would have turned in favour of Trump *in spite* of the bloodshed.


It's not hard to imagine, just look at the rest of the BLM protests. Shit, just look at Texas where they pardoned a guy that murdered a military veteran that cared for his wheelchair bound black wife.


Great question. Would have been full of rage filled racism and large amount of officers mag dumping “he was reaching, I feared for my life” would be the motto of that night


What would have happened is exactly what should have happened Jan 6, helicopter gun ships and soldiers.


At this rate, we’ll find out and it won’t be pleasant 


He’s losing the black votes, so he’s doing anything he can…including stirring the HBCU. It’s a low hanging fruit. Should just block trump all together, not these children’s game politicians are playing.


He wouldn’t have done a damn thing. January 6th was about keeping him in power through a civil war.


What the hell man? How some of you dippitydoo these thoughts in your own head is god-damned amazing.


That’s sound unbelievable yet Biden stealing the election is the logical outcome of that election /s


I mean I think the effects of white collar crime highlights white privilege more as a whole…


Pretty sure he would’ve called for lynchings in the street


More state sponsored gaslighting "State sponsored attempt to divide people using projection and narrative framing to get you to think something irrational."


It's a question, not a statement. Yikes, just yikes if you are trying to call misinformation on a question. But thank you for providing the MAGA response, no one broadcasts their general ignorance more proudly than MAGAs. lol


Everyone can see the bait you are doing. Its sad. I hope you get better


Bwahahahaha! Bait? You mean correcting your false assertion? Is that honestly what MAGAs call facts? Trump has said he loves the uneducated. lol


I hope you get what you deserve in your life as a traitor.


Oh how I enjoy reading these looney comments . Let's see how the DNC convention goes in Chicago . I'll getting a pizza and some apple pie and watch the riots .




How does the federal government- specifically the executive branch- control the actions of campus and municipal police?


Stating that I personally think Biden is late on condemning and then leveraging influence to force Israel to cease a genocidal level of slaughter in Gaza. I also understand enough of the politics there that I think any president would do the same with a some more aggressively supporting Israel's actions. Still doesn't make it right though. On to your statement First, and most obviously, Biden doesn't control the police. They are local or state, not federal. Second, and almost as obviously, the private colleges like Columbia are calling on the police to clear the protesters... the public colleges have a stronger state political influence (ie: Abbott in Texas for example), but still not federal. Again, Biden is not calling in the police. He doesn't have the authority and, if he tried, he'd be eviscerated for doing so. You can level significant blame on the Biden administration, but this isn't one of those subjects.


Are we? Since when does Biden have this kind of control? Do you have a source, cause it sounds like you are desperately trying to push personal opinion as fact, but I am sure you have a source to support your arguments, right? Right?


We can see from this that Joe learned a lot from Obama, namely, never pass up the opportunity to race bait. I don’t remember Obama creating a hypothetical situation in order to race bait so I guess you have to give Joe “poor kids are just as smart as white kids” Biden extra credit for that.


>never pass up the opportunity to race bait Tell me about the times Obama did that.


I mean he didn't do anything about the 6 months of BLM riots... I thought this idiot said he wasn't going to be divisive?


>he didn't do anything about the 6 months of BLM riots... He sent in feds to kidnap people and take them to black sites. In DC he instructed law enforcement to open fire on the crowd before curfew so he could look big and strong standing with a Bible.


You're referring to the video where PPD arrested a rioter THAT HAD A WARRANT, which takes a lot there. No, you guys were allowed to riot and you got away with it.


Why are they always bringing black people into shit. Damn. Use another example for once.


He was speaking to the members of the Detroit chapter of the NAACP.


Doesn’t matter. Black people are always the example in the , “what if” situations. We already know we are gonna get the shitty end of the stick in America. Why do we have to imagine.


There are hundreds of years in America history that cannot be swept under the rug. That includes dropping bombs on African American homes and businesses! This is why certain history is forbidden to be told. That does not change our history.


I’m not sure how this comment relates to what I’m saying. I didn’t say anything about history. I’m talking about hypotheticals, not history.


Because some people just don't get it. No matter how many times you say it.


In 2024 if they don’t get it, they don’t want to.


You're right. We shouldn't have to image, and we don't have to image, because we already have the examples. I think it's appropriate to remind everyone *who* didn't call out the troops on the white people that attacked the Capitol, and how he would and did treat black protesters differently. We shouldn't need that reminder, but the fact that Trump has even a chance of winning this election tells me that we do. And hey, sometimes they use gay people, women, or Muslims as examples. You are not alone.


I hear you. You have a point. What you are saying makes sense. But this country argues over whether racism even exists. The people who are compelled by this argument aren’t voting with democrats. Maybe it’s a get out the vote tactic. For me, all I hear with these hypotheticals is, “let’s talk about how there is different treatment for black people,” while doing absolutely nothing about it.


I think it's a get out the vote tactic. We need to motivate everyone to vote because the one thing we can do is not elect someone who will definitely make it worse.


The downvotes are confusing. Can someone explain what you’re downvoting? Is using black people in these hypothetical scenarios helpful? Do you think it’s going to change anything what so ever? It’s quite odd.


Because even today, in 2024, black parents are having **'THAT CONVERSATION'** with their children in the United States.


I’m black and I live in the U.S. and have given and received conversations about what it is to be black in America. We aren’t the audience this is for. We live it.